Is arbitrary a word

It’s common to come across an exciting word when reading some texts, and the first thing that comes to your mind is to look up the word’s meaning. This is what happens when you come across the word «arbitrary.» The best way to learn about «arbitrary» when you first come across it is to look for detailed arbitrary definition, meaning, and use in sentences.

Simply put, «arbitrary» means «not planned or chosen for a particular reason.» The word gets wide application when you are basing something on chance. It also means «when not planned or based on no reason.» That moment when something or a decision comes up without any reasoning.

Each time you come across such a word, take the time to read and understand it. Find out about the spelling and pronunciation, and for a better understanding, also learn its etymology and practice using it in sentences. By doing this, the chances of forgetting or making a mistake when using the word are less. Let’s learn all that here.

arbitrary definition in dictionary

What Is the Definition of Arbitrary?

The word «arbitrary» is defined as «done without the concern of what is fair or right.» Use the word when someone does things that are unreasonable or unfair. 

It also shows «something restrained or limited to excess power.» It can also mean ruling with absolute authority. «Arbitrary» also means «marked by or resulting from the unrestrained and often tyrannical exercise of power.» In such a case, the word arbitrary gets wide application when someone exercises power cruelly and arbitrarily. You will notice the word where there is tyranny, oppression, or control.

Example sentences:

  • The chief of staff is accused of being arbitrary, but his ideas are great, and they have helped grow the business.
  • The song the band sang was against arbitrary or repressive power.
  • Everyone walked out of the meeting dues to the arbitrary rules that the committee was making.

In the examples above, you can use «arbitrary» when someone abuses their power or uses their power in a way that oppresses others. The people who are «arbitrary» are in power and acting unfairly. At the same time, arbitrary can positively indicate those showcasing aggressiveness. For instance, in the first example, the chief of staff must be happy because the business is booming, but happiness is not reflected on the workers.

What Is The Meaning Of Arbitrary?

The meaning of «arbitrary» is «decided by a judge or arbiter instead of the law or statute.» That’s why people use the word when a judge or arbiter decides the outcome or ruling without using the law or the statute. 

The government sets the law and legislation to ensure that its citizens are protected. If someone breaks the law, there is a procedure and a set punishment. But there are random situations when a judge does not follow the law, though this doesn’t apply worldwide. In such instances, they listen to the case and decide the lawbreaker’s punishment. This is known as an «arbitrary» decision.

Most often, it doesn’t have to be a judge, but anybody presiding a case and in charge of making a decision. It can either be a parent, a teacher, company senior management, and so on. You’ll notice that in our example sentences.

Example sentences:

  • The judge made an arbitrary decision to have the man stoned to death.
  • Though the rule made by the school was arbitrary, students still got punished for breaking it.
  • The governor reprimanded the judge when he started to make arbitrary rulings.

How Is Arbitrary Used In Mathematics?

Did you know that «arbitrary» appears in mathematics? In the math context, the word means «undetermined» or «not assigned to a specific value.» The word «arbitrary» is also used in proofs since it represents any number, but it does not have an actual value, and this can apply in more than one situation.


  • The statement x+x =2 is not valid for the arbitrary value of x

Is Arbitrary A Negative Word?

The word «arbitrary» can be a negative word depending on how you use it in a statement. First, note that calling someone, especially a decision-maker, «arbitrary» is, in most cases, a negative thing, suggesting that the decision-maker uses whim instead of justice to make decisions.

The word «arbitrary» can also have a negative meaning if used to mean division. «Arbitrary division» The phrase means «absolute» «not limited by law.» The phrase is used when two groups of people divide due to different standards or having different statuses in life.

Arbitrary Family Words

  • Arbitrarily (adverb): The word «arbitrarily» means «based on random choice» or «not relying on the system.»

Example sentences:

  • Each citizen has the right not to be arbitrarily arrested.
  • Arbitrariness (noun): The word «arbitrariness» means the quality of being based on random choices.» Or «relying on personal whim.»

Example sentences:

  • The nurses complained about the arbitrariness of the government in closing down the mobile clinics.
  • Arbitrator (noun): The word «arbitrator» means an independent person appointed to settle disputes.»

Example sentences:

  • The family dispute had gone on for too long, and everyone wondered why they hired an arbitrator.

How to Use Arbitrary In a Sentence

Are you wondering how to use the word «arbitrary» in a sentence? The best way to learn how to use a new word in a sentence is by learning the word meaning, synonyms, and example sentences.

Now that you’ve known the arbitrary definition and meaning, let’s have a look at the synonyms. Synonyms are words that have the same meaning. In some cases, you can even interchange them in a sentence. Learning the synonyms of the word «arbitrary» will help you better understand using the word in sentences. Here is a list of synonyms of «arbitrary.»

  • Whimsical
  • Erratic
  • Unpredictable
  • Casual
  • Inconsistent
  • Dictatorial
  • Capricious
  • Haphazardly
  • Oppressive
  • Authoritarian

10 Examples of Arbitrary In a Sentence

Reading various sentences with «arbitrary» is one of the best ways to learn the word’s usage efficiently. Read on our list of ten example sentences with the word arbitrary to know when to use this vocabulary when reading and writing.

  1. Fortunately, the marking scheme is not arbitrary.
  2. Since he was stalking her even after the divorce, the police made several arbitrary arrests.
  3. Simon made an arbitrary decision to sail across the ocean.
  4. Everyone in the office was hungry, so Leon made an arbitrary decision to order Chinese food.
  5. They made an arbitrary decision to elope.
  6. The math assignment was difficult since no one knew that the answer was arbitrary.
  7. The driver’s assumption was arbitrary since it was not evidence-based.
  8. Teaching children is not easy since their attention can be arbitrary, especially if they do not find the lesson enjoyable.
  9. Did you know that the numbering of years is an arbitrary culture?
  10. The business relationship that they had was arbitrary.

How Do You Spell Arbitrary?

The spelling of the word is «a-r-b-i-t-r-a-r-y.»

A common mistake people make when spelling the word «arbitrary» is that they always miss out on the letter «r.» Be careful when spelling out this word so that you do not make such a mistake.

People have difficulty spelling words that seem to have many specific letters. For instance, in the word «arbitrary,» there are three-letter «r» s. Thus, it can be confusing for someone not familiar with this word.

How Do You Pronounce Arbitrary?

The word «arbitrary» best pronunciation is «aa·buh·truh·ree.»

However, when pronouncing or speaking out the word, ensure that your diction is sharp so that people can understand what you are saying. Most people who pronounce the word don’t sound the second «r» fully.

random results of dices

How Many Syllables Are Arbitrary?

The word «arbitrary» has four syllables, divided as «ar-bi-trar-y.» 

Synonyms Of The Word «Arbitrary»

  • Informally
  • Accidentally
  • Carelessly
  • Casually

Antonyms Of The Word «Arbitrary»

  • Meticulously
  • Formally
  • Methodically
  • Orderly

History and Etymology of Arbitrary?

The historical source of the word «arbitrary» is «arbiter,» which means «someone with the power to settle disputes» or «judge.»

Understanding the history and etymology of a word is essential as it will help you better understand the word and ways to use it. For example, some English words that start with the prefix «arbitr» like «arbitrary,» «arbitration,» or «arbitrage» have the same root, which is Latin.

Before the word’s introduction to the English vocabulary, the Anglo-French first used it to mean «the one who judges.» Then it was introduced to the English language, and it took numerous forms.

When Was Arbitrary First Used?

The word «arbitrary» first usage dates back to the 15th century. 


Make learning a new word fun and easy by trying out words like «arbitrary» and practicing it as much as possible. That way, you will know how best to use the word. Whether you are looking for words to improve your vocabulary, learn a new language, or improve your writing and speaking skills, learning arbitrary definitions has numerous benefits.

English is a beautiful language that is fun to speak and easy to learn. All it requires is discipline and dedication, and within no time, you will be an expert in the language. Happy learning!

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Asked by: Dr. Lavon Greenholt

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(64 votes)

The adverb arbitrarily describes something that’s done haphazardly, based on random chance or on your own whim of the moment. … When there’s not much reason behind your actions, they’re done arbitrarily.

What type of word is arbitrary?

undetermined; not assigned a specific value: an arbitrary constant. noun, plural ar·bi·trar·ies.

What is the adverb form of arbitrary?

arbitrarily. In an arbitrary manner. To an arbitrary degree.

What is an arbitrary word?

Arbitrary is defined as something that is determined by judgment or whim and not for any specific reason or rule. An example of an arbitrary decision would be a decision to go to the beach, just because you feel like it. … Not fixed by rules, but left to one’s judgment or choice; discretionary.

Is arbitrary bad word?

arbitrary Add to list Share. … Even though arbitrary comes from a word meaning «judge» (arbiter), that doesn’t mean judges are always fair. Calling a decision-maker arbitrary is usually a negative thing, suggesting the person is making rules based on whim rather than justice.

25 related questions found

Why is language arbitrary?

Language is arbitrary because of the lack of a natural relationship between the signifier (language form) and the signified (referent). Words and other forms have meaning only as parts of a system, with each form deriving meaning solely from its difference from the other forms in the system.

What is the noun for arbitrary?

arbitration. The act or process of arbitrating. A process through which two or more parties use an arbitrator or arbiter in order to resolve a dispute. In general, a form of justice where both parties designate a person whose ruling they will accept formally.

Is Arbitrarity a word?

The quality or state of being arbitrary.

How do you use the word arbitrary?

Arbitrary in a Sentence ?

  1. In spite of the cold weather, we made an arbitrary trip to the beach.
  2. He made an arbitrary decision to take the car.
  3. Because the group could not come to a decision on lunch, Katherine made an arbitrary choice and ordered pizza.

What is an arbitrary element?

In the context of your question, «arbitrary element» simply means an element not chosen by you. From the program’s perspective, the element was chosen randomly and unpredictably.

Does arbitrary mean random?

To summarize, for those who need to explain this to others: Arbitrary describes a decision-making process in which the choice simply doesn’t matter or is made on a whim. Random, on the other hand, describes a decision-making process as well, but one in which every possible option is given equal weight.

What is arbitrary government?

Arbitrary Government is where a people have men set over them, without their choice or allowance; who have power to govern them, and judge their causes without a rule.

What is the use of arbitrary?

In English arbitrary first meant «depending upon choice or discretion» and was specifically used to indicate the sort of decision (as for punishment) left up to the expert determination of a judge rather than defined by law. Today, it can also be used for anything determined by or as if by a personal choice or whim.

How do you use assail in a sentence?

Assail in a Sentence ?

  1. If anyone ever talks negatively about Alex’s father, his response is to assail the person with insults.
  2. Because fits of sneezing assail me almost year-round, I never go outside without taking an antihistamine.
  3. When difficult circumstances assail my tranquility, I turn to meditation.

What’s another word for arbitrarily?

In this page you can discover 106 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for arbitrary, like: unpredictable, absolute, inconsistent, reasonable, unscientific, consistent, irresponsible, supercilious, whimsical, wayward and offhand.

What does not arbitrary mean?

Definitions of nonarbitrary. adjective. not subject to individual determination. synonyms: unarbitrary prescribed. set down as a rule or guide.

Is arbitrariness a noun?

arbitrariness noun [U] (CHANCE)

the quality of being based on chance rather than being planned or based on reason: … There is nothing we can do about the arbitrariness of illness.

Is a Year arbitrary?

Time is a human invention. Back on Earth, humans have divided our time into days, weeks, months and years. … There were other calendars, but the world has agreed to use the Julian calendar proposed by the Roman Caesar in 45 BC.

Are Symbols arbitrary?

Symbols are arbitrary representations of thoughts, ideas, emotions, objects, or actions used to encode and decode meaning (Nelson & Shaw, 2002). Symbols stand for or represent, something else.

What is the meaning of arbitrary in physics?

Arbitrary mean the unknown path that cannot be calculated or exactly known.

What is an example of arbitrary language?

Examples: cuckoo (English), cuco (Spanish), kakukk (Hungarian), kuckuck (German), etc. There is only a small group of onomatopoeic words in the vocabulary of any language. The majority of words in all languages is arbitrary.

What is an abstract language?

Abstract language:

Includes general language and intangible qualities, ideas, or concepts. It is often vague and open to interpretation. A reader may find it hard to pin down the exact meaning.

What is arbitrary of human language?

Arbitrariness in human language refers to the fact that the meaning of linguistic signs is not predictable from its word form, nor is the word form dictated by its meaning/function. … The meaning of words changes over time, hence the same word form may be associated with a different meaning.

How do you use incessantly in a sentence?

Incessantly Sentence Examples

  1. He changed his ministers incessantly, and on mere caprice.
  2. The lightning was flickering incessantly, but she heard no thunder.
  3. His highly nervous organization made his feelings acute, and his brain incessantly active..

What is arbitrary and capricious?

Black’s Law Dictionary defines “arbitrary and capricious” as “[a] willful and unreasonable action without consideration or in disregard of facts or law.” Admittedly, this is a tough burden for the challenger.

Table of Contents

  1. Why is language considered arbitrary?
  2. What is language arbitrariness?
  3. Is English an arbitrary language?
  4. What is a sentence for arbitrary?
  5. What’s the opposite of arbitrary?
  6. What does the word arbitrary mean?
  7. Which words mean the opposite of arbitrary?
  8. What part of speech is arbitrary?
  9. What is an arbitrary question?
  10. What is a antonym for randomly?
  11. What is the difference between language and vocabulary?
  12. How do you show vocabulary in classroom?
  13. How can I pass my grammar test?

What is another word for arbitrary?

Why is language considered arbitrary?

Language is arbitrary because a language form does not have an innate or natural relationship with its meaning. Words and other forms have meaning only as parts of a system, with each form deriving meaning solely from its difference from the other forms in the system. Language forms are arbitrary rather than iconic.

What is language arbitrariness?

In linguistics, arbitrariness is the absence of any natural or necessary connection between a word’s meaning and its sound or form. “the overwhelming presence of arbitrariness in language is the chief reason it takes so long to learn the ​vocabulary of a foreign language.”

Is English an arbitrary language?

It is a long established convention that the relationship between sounds and meanings of words is essentially arbitrary—typically the sound of a word gives no hint of its meaning. In a large-scale corpus analysis of English, we show that sound–meaning mappings are more systematic than would be expected by chance.

What is a sentence for arbitrary?

Arbitrary sentence example. The committee had arbitrary rules. The assumption was arbitrary , based on no valid evidence. The situation was exploited by attackers to access sensitive information and to run arbitrary code on an affected machine.

random haphazard
accidental fluky
undirected unthinking
unexpected unplanned
thoughtless orderless

What’s the opposite of arbitrary?

Opposite of unsupported by sound logic or judgment. rational. reasoned. judicious. objective.

What does the word arbitrary mean?

1a : existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will an arbitrary choice When a task is not seen in a meaningful context it is experienced as being arbitrary.—

Which words mean the opposite of arbitrary?

antonyms of arbitrary

  • consistent.
  • definite.
  • dependable.
  • logical.
  • reasonable.
  • regular.
  • reliable.
  • sensible.

What part of speech is arbitrary?


part of speech: adjective
definition: resulting from personal opinions, wishes, or feelings instead of from a rule or reason. The jury’s decision seemed unfair and arbitrary. synonyms: unreasonable antonyms: rational similar words: irrational
related words: absolute, haphazard, random

What is an arbitrary question?

If you describe an action, rule, or decision as arbitrary, you think that it is not based on any principle, plan, or system. It often seems unfair because of this. adj.

What is a antonym for randomly?

random. Antonyms: steady, aimed, intended, regular, controlled, purposed, intentional, deliberate, designed, normal, systematic. Synonyms: haphazard, stray, chance, wild, aimless, purposeless, unpremeditated, casual, vague, accidental.

What is the difference between language and vocabulary?

Because “a whole is sometimes more than the sum of its parts”, a language is more than a vocabulary. Approximately speaking, Language — vocabulary = grammar. With a certain definition, grammar contains not only syntax but also semantics etc.

How do you show vocabulary in classroom?

In an explicit approach to vocabulary instruction, teachers should model the skills and understanding required to develop a rich vocabulary knowledge.

  1. Say the word carefully.
  2. Write the word.
  3. Show students how to recognise new words.
  4. Reinforce their remember new words.
  5. Have them use their new words.
  6. Graphics organisers.

How can I pass my grammar test?

6 Bright Tips to Practice Grammar Effectively for the TOEFL Exam

  1. Begin by Learning the Rules.
  2. Practice Each Rule One at a Time.
  3. When in Doubt, Always Return to the Rules.
  4. Learn from Your Favorite Mistakes.
  5. Give Yourself Time.
  6. Make Grammar Practice Fun.

What does the word arbitrary mean?

According to Collins English Dictionary and the American Heritage Unabridged Dictionary  of the English Language, the word arbitrary is an adjective that means done without preference or on impulse and not out of necessity. Someone might make an arbitrary judgment, arbitrary rulings or an arbitrary decision at individual discretion or individual judgment for no reason. This word often has a negative connotation, and references those who create a stature based on their individual judgment or unlimited power. In maths, this arithmetical value is known as an arbitrary constant. Many things seem arbitrary, like the legal age of adulthood, the trust of a witness or overseer, the daily menus of restaurants, a fee for different charges, and other national standard limits and regulations. Sometimes people perform the relative application of something arbitrary to show superiority or that they are part of the dominant classes, such as an arbiter’s decision to repossess an airstream trailer with no real reason or reasonable alternatives. Even Benjamin Franklin’s designation of “positive” and “negative” to the electron’s different charges was arbitrary. As a matter of fact, electrons flow in the opposite direction to what we know as conventional current.

You can add the suffixes er, ness, tion and ilyin addition to ary to form the related words arbiter (n.) such as an independent arbiter, arbitrariness (n.) arbitration (n.) and arbitrarily (adv., ə-lē) Arbitrary is four syllables – ar-bi-trar-y, and the pronunciation of arbitrary is ˈɑːbɪtrərɪ.

Many different languages also contain words that mean arbitrary. Check out this list of translations of arbitrary from Word Sense.

  •  Bulgarian: произволен‎, своеволен‎
  •  Polish: arbitralny‎ (masc.)
  •  Greek: αυθαίρετος‎
  •  Portuguese: arbitrário‎ (masc.), arbitrária‎ (fem.)
  •  Nynorsk: vilkårleg‎
  •  Ido: arbitriala‎
  •  Romanian: arbitrar‎
  •  Georgian: დაუსაბუთებელი‎
  •  Russian: произво́льный‎
  •  French: arbitraire‎
  •  Bokmål: vilkårlig‎
  •  Belarusian: адво́льны‎ (masc.)
  •  Swedish: godtycklig‎
  •  Danish: arbitrær‎
  •  Latin: arbitrarius‎
  •  Irish: ar togradh‎, aondeonach‎
  •  Japanese: 恣意‎
  •  Dutch: willekeurig‎
  •  Galician: arbitrario‎
  •  Spanish: arbitrario‎
  •  Catalan: arbitrari‎
  •  Asturian: arbitrariu‎
  •  Czech: libovolný‎ (masc.)
  •  Turkish: keyfî‎, isteğe bağlı‎, ihtiyarî‎
  •  Italian: arbitrario‎ (masc.), arbitraria‎ (fem.)
  •  German: willkürlich‎, nach Ermessen‎, in freiem Ermessen‎, frei‎, Ermessens-‎
  •  Tagalog: alitakdain‎

What are synonyms and antonyms of the word arbitrary?

There are numerous different words in the English language that have the same meaning as the word arbitrary. These are called synonyms. Synonyms can be used in place of a certain word, and are useful to know because they can help expand your vocabulary and help you avoid repeating yourself. This list of synonyms of arbitrary is provided by Power Thesaurus.

  •  unreasoned
  •  subjective
  •  peremptory
  •  erratic
  •  undemocratic
  •  chance
  •  highhanded
  •  hit-or-miss
  •  fanciful
  •  imperious
  •  discretional
  •  arbitrarily
  •  magistral
  •  irrational
  •  unrestrained
  •  dogmatic
  •  totalitarian
  •  humorsome
  •  wild
  •  wayward
  •  despotic
  •  tyrannical
  •  discretionary
  •  oppressive
  •  authoritarian
  •  absolute
  •  absolutist
  •  overbearing
  •  casual
  •  elective
  •  autocratic
  •  autarchic
  •  freakish
  •  high-handed
  •  caprice
  •  wanton
  •  optional
  •  domineering
  •  unlimited
  •  arrogant
  •  tyrannous
  •  motiveless
  •  magisterial
  •  bossy
  •  unpredictable
  •  haphazard
  •  dictatorial
  •  whimsical
  •  indiscriminate
  •  capricious
  •  random

There are also many different words that mean the opposite of the word arbitrary. These are called antonyms, which are another great way to expand your vocabulary. This list of antonyms of arbitrary is also provided by Power Thesaurus.

  •  equitable
  •  just
  •  correct
  •  decent
  •  allowed
  •  allowable
  •  anti-corruption
  •  accurate
  •  circumspect
  •  dependable
  •  certain
  •  justified
  •  evenhanded
  •  carefully selected
  •  deliberate
  •  defensible
  •  all right
  •  admirable
  •  conditional
  •  democratic
  •  good
  •  conscionable
  •  above board
  •  deserved
  •  genuine
  •  electable
  •  reasonable
  •  blameless
  •  rational
  •  competent
  •  objective
  •  true
  •  appropriate
  •  valid
  •  sound
  •  accountable
  •  convincing
  •  reliable
  •  fair
  •  chronological
  •  nonarbitrary
  •  acceptable
  •  right
  •  creditable
  •  logical
  •  condign
  •  conscientious
  •  clean
  •  impartial
  •  proper

What is the origin of the word arbitrary?

According to Etymonline, the word arbitrary has been used since the 1400 Middle English arbitrarie. This comes from the  Latin arbitrārius and French arbitraire.

How can the word arbitrary be used in a sentence?

According to Your Dictionary, author Max Born has a famous quote that uses the word arbitrary to refer to the arbitrary rule of a dictator in Letters to Einstein. He states the following: 

“The Russian trials were Stalin’s purges, with which he attempted to consolidate his power. Like most people in the West, I believed these show trials to be the arbitrary acts of a cruel dictator.”

There are also other numerous ways you can use arbitrary in a sentence. Try using the word of the day in a sentence! It is used in American English and British English. 

The court’s discretion gave an arbitrary penalty to the company. They said the restriction was being imposed for food safety for the final buyer, but the company met the national standard set by the FDA, which was a federal agency decision out of their control.

The unlimited power and arbitrary rule of a dictator cast a negative light on the country. The arbitrary government statute that was imposed caused the word to regard them as in danger.

The arbitrary arrest showed that when cops have individual will, prejudice will create an objective distinction between how certain groups of people are treated. While some believe that these cases need judicial review and due process, others believe that the circumstances are an injustice for the people to fight.

The administrative agencies impose regulations on a specific value of overall calorie limits, but these are an arbitrary number and arbitrary size restriction.

The arbitrary division of the group based on fixed rules led to one team having an advantage.

The skeptical person led the citizens to investigate the specific criterion necessary to get into the Princeton University linguistics program in November. They believe the corporate bodies made an arbitrary demand requiring a necessary connection to the school, which they regard as a restraint on the application and cause for detention.

Overall, the word arbitrary means done without reason or for no purpose. This word is of French and Latin origin.


  1. ARBITRARY in Thesaurus: 1000+ Synonyms & Antonyms for ARBITRARY | Power Thesaurus 
  2.  arbitrary | Origin and meaning of arbitrary | Online Etymology Dictionary 
  3. Arbitrary antonyms – 267 Opposites of Arbitrary | Power Thesaurus 
  4. Arbitrary definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
  5. arbitrary: meaning, origin, translation | Word Sense  
  6. YourDictionary: Dictionary definitions you can understand | Your Dictionary 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

In linguistics, arbitrariness is the absence of any natural or necessary connection between a word’s meaning and its sound or form. An antithesis to sound symbolism, which does exhibit an apparent connection between sound and sense, arbitrariness is one of the characteristics shared between all languages.

As R.L. Trask points out in «​Language: The Basics:

«the overwhelming presence of arbitrariness in language is the chief reason it takes so long to learn the ​vocabulary of a foreign language.»

This is largely due to confusion over similar-sounding words in a secondary language.​

Trask goes on to use the example of trying to guess the names of creatures in a foreign language based on the sound and form alone, providing a list of Basque words — «zaldi, igel, txori, oilo, behi, sagu,» which mean «horse, frog, bird, hen, cow, and mouse respectively» — then observing that arbitrariness is not unique to humans but instead exists within all forms of communication. 

Language Is Arbitrary 

Therefore, all language can be assumed to be arbitrary, at least in this linguistic definition of the word, despite occasional iconic characteristics. Instead of universal rules and uniformity, then, language relies on associations of word meanings deriving from cultural conventions.

To break this concept down further, linguist Edward Finegan wrote in Language: Its Structure and Use about the difference between nonarbitrary and arbitrary semiotic signs through an observation of a mother and son burning rice. «Imagine a parent trying to catch a few minutes of the televised evening news while preparing dinner,» he writes. «Suddenly a strong aroma of burning rice wafts into the TV room. This nonarbitrary sign will send the parent scurrying to salvage dinner.»

The little boy, he posits, might also signal to his mother that the rice is burning by saying something like «The rice is burning!» However, Finegan argues that while the utterance is likely to elicit the same result of the mother checking on her cooking, the words themselves are arbitrary — it is «a set of facts about English (not about burning rice) that enables the utterance to alert the parent,» which makes the utterance an arbitrary sign.

Different Languages, Different Conventions

As a result of languages’ reliance on cultural conventions, different languages naturally have different conventions, that can and do change — which is part of the reason that there are different languages in the first place!

Second language learners must, therefore, learn each new word individually as it’s generally impossible to guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word — even when given clues to the word’s meaning. 

Even linguistic rules are considered to be slightly arbitrary. However, Timothy Endicott writes in ​The Value of Vagueness that:

«with all norms of language, there is a good reason to have such norms for the use of words in such ways. That good reason is that it is actually necessary to do so to achieve the coordination that enables communication, self-expression and all the other priceless benefits of having a language.»

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  • Is apprehensive a word
  • Is apparently a word
  • Is acceptance a word
  • Is anyway one word
  • Is absent minded one word or two