Is apparently a word

- явно, очевидно, несомненно

he apparently likes this work — ему явно нравится эта работа

- по видимости, по внешнему виду

he is apparently friendly — он производит впечатление дружелюбного /дружелюбно настроенного/ человека

- видимо, по-видимому, вероятно

he is apparently a good teacher — по-видимому, он хороший преподаватель

an apparently arbitrary and reasonless change — явно необоснованное и бессмысленное изменение  
apparently connected — кажущийся связным  
apparently healthy — практически здоровый  
apparently his holidays begin tomorrow — завтра, кажется, начинаются его каникулы  
be apparently likes this work — ему явно нравится эта работа  
quite apparently — совершенно совершенно ясно; совершенно очевидно  

Apparently it’s cheaper to fly than to go by train.

Очевидно, дешевле лететь, чем ехать на поезде.

Apparently the company is losing a lot of money.

Видимо, компания несёт огромные убытки.

I wasn’t there, but apparently it went well.

Я там не был, но, по-видимому, всё прошло хорошо.

She was apparently a very nervous woman, and that affected her career.

Очевидно, она была очень нервной женщиной, и это повлияло на её карьеру.

Apparently, that building has no rear fire egress.

По всей видимости, в том здании нет запасного выхода.

The leaf was flaccid and apparently dead.

Лист был поникшим и, по-видимому, мёртвым.

Looking at me with such apparently earnest, wide-open eyes.

Глядя на меня такими честными, широко раскрытыми глазами.

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

The murder had apparently taken place before our very eyes.

Certain fragrances apparently heighten sensual experiences.

…the jockey tried to pull up the apparently injured horse…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Asked by: Donna Cummerata

Score: 4.8/5
(15 votes)

Apparently is the adverb form of the adjective apparent, which can mean readily seen, clear, obvious, or according to appearances.

What is the verb form of apparently?

apparently is an adverb. It’s verb form is appear.

What is this word apparently?

Apparently is an adverb meaning «evidently» or «obviously.» After his sixth hot dog, you might say to your friend, «Well! Apparently somebody was hungry!» While apparently can mean «plainly» — like, duh — it can also mean «seemingly,» which is almost «evidently» or «obviously,» but not quite.

Is apparently a conjunction?

Apparently is completely different than because in this respect. Because is a subordinating conjunction, which connects a dependent clause to its independent clause. Apparently is simply an adverb, or arguably even an interjection, but it does not under any circumstances connect two clauses.

Is miraculously an adverb?

miraculously adverb — Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

44 related questions found

What is Miracle as an adjective?

/mɪˈrækjələs/ ​like a miracle; completely unexpected and very lucky synonym extraordinary, phenomenal. miraculous powers of healing. She’s made a miraculous recovery.

What does conjure mean today?

to affect or influence by or as if by invocation or spell. to effect, produce, bring, etc., by or as by magic: to conjure a miracle. … to call or bring into existence by or as if by magic (usually followed by up): She seemed to have conjured up the person she was talking about.

Where is word apparently used?

You use apparently to indicate that the information you are giving is something that you have heard, but you are not certain that it is true. Oil prices fell this week, apparently because of over-production. You use apparently to refer to something that seems to be true, although you are not sure whether it is or not.

Where do you put apparently in a sentence?

1) She was taken to hospital, apparently amnesiac and shocked. 2) Psychological problems very often underlie apparently physical disorders. 3) He was apparently quite converted from his anarchist views. 4) The plane apparently overshot the runway after landing.

What is conjunctive adverb in a sentence?

A conjunctive adverb, adverbial conjunction, or subordinating adverb is an adverb that connects two clauses by converting the clause it introduces into an adverbial modifier of the verb in the main clause. For example, in «I told him; thus, he knows» and «I told him. Thus, he knows», thus is a conjunctive adverb.

Why is apparently an adverb?

Apparently means seemingly so based on the appearance of things. It’s a way of saying “it seems that” something is the case or is true. Apparently is the adverb form of the adjective apparent, which can mean readily seen, clear, obvious, or according to appearances.

Is apparently rude?

Example: “Apparently, the presentation is too long, and we should be more concise.” Why it doesn’t work: Unless you work in law enforcement, words such as “apparently,” “allegedly” and “evidently” can sound like you are contradicting or questioning someone’s judgment or portrayal of events.

What does apparently not mean?

“Apparently not” means that you originally thought something was right but it’s actually wrong.

What is the verb form of life?

live is the verb form of life.

What is the noun of apparently?

appearance. The act of appearing or coming into sight; the act of becoming visible to the eye. A thing seen; a phenomenon; an apparition.

How do you write apparently?

Apparently sentence example

  1. Apparently he did a lot of walking. …
  2. Apparently something had been discussed in her absence. …
  3. Apparently she was wrong. …
  4. I did, but apparently that status changed. …
  5. Apparently the horse knew the rider meant business, because it didn’t act up again.

Do you use comma after apparently?

So when «apparently» modifies the whole sentence or clause that follows it then it should be followed by a comma. Correct: Apparently, he doesn’t have a clue.

Do we use comma after adverb?

Adverbs are words that modify verbs or even whole sentences. They often end in «-ly». Examples include quickly, frequently, slowly. … When an adverb modifies an entire sentence (or independent clause that follows it), then you should use a comma after it.

How do you use apparently in English?

You use apparently to indicate that the information you are giving is something that you have heard, but you are not certain that it is true. Oil prices fell this week, apparently because of over-production. You use apparently to refer to something that seems to be true, although you are not sure whether it is or not.

What type of adverb is there?

There are five basic types of adverbs in the English language, namely that of Manner, Time, Place, Frequency, and Degree. Here is a brief explanation of the meaning each has, along with example sentences using each type of adverb.

What’s the difference between obviously and apparently?

As adverbs the difference between obviously and apparently

is that obviously is in a obvious manner; clearly apparent while apparently is plainly; clearly; manifestly; evidently.

What is an example of conjure?

To conjure is defined as to call a spirit or to practice magic. An example of to conjure is a group around a table trying to call a spirit from another world.

How do you use the word conjure?

Conjure in a Sentence ?

  1. The magician was able to conjure a rabbit out of his empty top hat.
  2. Even though the cupboards were bare, my mother was able to conjure up some dinner for us.
  3. We watched a movie about a witch who would create spells to conjure up whatever she wanted.

What does conjure mean vocabulary?

Definitions of conjure. verb. summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic. “he conjured wild birds in the air” synonyms: arouse, bring up, call down, call forth, conjure up, evoke, invoke, put forward, raise, stir call forth, evoke, kick up, provoke.

Something immoral, apparently, but what?
Очевидно, что-то аморальное, но что?

And the occasional BE, apparently?
И, по-видимому, иногда вламываться?

Apparently, this decathlon is big.
Судя по всему, этот декатлон очень важен.

That’s apparently not forthcoming.
Но именно этого, вероятно, и не следует ожидать.

That right is recognized in most countries, but not, apparently, in Italy.
Это право признается в большинстве стран мира, но, как видно, не в Италии.

Cotton, from book cloth apparently.
Хлопок, очевидно из книжного переплёта.

Apparently there was no Plan B.
А вот плана Б, по-видимому, не было.

Trump apparently felt the same way.
У Трампа, судя по всему, остались такие же впечатления.

Apparently baldy likes a slimmer guy.
Вероятно лысым нравятся более стройные парни.

Yet apparently, only about 20-30 % of the cargo insurance claims is recovered from the carrier insurance.
Однако, как видно, примерно лишь 20-30 % претензий по страхованию груза удовлетворяются за счет страхования перевозчика.

That tactic has apparently failed.
Очевидно, что такая тактика потерпела неудачу.

Well, apparently, we owe you a favor.
Ну, по-видимому, мы должны вам услугу.

Apparently, your husband was a repeat customer.
Судя по всему, ваш муж был постоянным клиентом.

Apparently, they’re a bachelorette party staple.
Вероятно, они буду изюминкой девичника.

Yet despite those clear directives, UNITAR had apparently failed to generate sufficient funds to cover its expenses, and the United States suggested that it should cover the shortfall by charging fees for the courses it offered or by adjusting other financial arrangements that contributed to its indebtedness.
Однако, несмотря на эти четкие директивные установки, ЮНИТАР, как видно, не в состоянии генерировать достаточный объем средств для покрытия своих расходов, и Соединенные Штаты предлагают ему покрывать недостающие средства за счет взимания платы за предоставляемые курсы или за счет корректировки других финансовых положений, способствующих накоплению задолженности.

Apparently, Willoughby was a bigamist.
Очевидно, Виллоуби был двоеженцем.

Apparently, at Elysium, they practice free Iove.
По-видимому здесь, в Элизиуме, они практикуют свободную любовь.

Apparently, the killer snatched her off her porch.
Судя по всему, убийца схватил её прямо на пороге.

Apparently you helped him solve the case.
Вероятно, вы помогли ему раскрыть дело.

Not so much in Syria, apparently.
Очевидно, к химическому оружию в Сирии она его не испытывает.


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apparent +‎ -ly


  • (UK) IPA(key): /əˈpæɹ.ə
  • (US) IPA(key): /əˈpæɹ.ə, enPR: ə-părʹənt-lē
  • (Marymarrymerry merger)


apparently (comparative more apparently, superlative most apparently)

  1. (archaic) Plainly; clearly; manifestly; evidently.
    Synonyms: obviously, plainly, clearly, evidently, visibly; see also Thesaurus:obviously
    • 1633, Iohn Ford [i.e., John Ford], Loues Sacrifice. A Tragedie [], London: [] I[ohn] B[eale] for Hugh Beeston, [], →OCLC, (please specify the page):

      One, my lord, that doth so palpably, so apparently make her adulteries a trophy, whiles the poting-stick to her unsatiate goatish abomination jeers at, and flouts your sleepish, and more than sleepish, security.

  2. Seemingly; in appearance.
    Synonyms: ostensibly, seemingly; see also Thesaurus:ostensibly

    A man may be apparently friendly, yet malicious in heart.

    • 2006, Donald Ringe, From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[1], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 197:

      The r-stems had apparently been reduced to the five nuclear kinship terms that still survive in Modern English.

  3. According to what the speaker has read or heard.
    Synonyms: allegedly, reportedly

    Apparently you are quite a good dancer.

    • 2006, Lewandowski, Lois, The Fatal Heir: A Gillian Jones Mystery, iUniverse, →ISBN, page 169:

      « [] Apparently they are going to contact the adoption agency and see if they can locate that child. [] «


(archaic) plainly

  • Arabic: ظَاهِرًا(ẓāhiran), عَلَى مَا يَبْدُو(ʕalā mā yabdū)
    Hijazi Arabic: الظّاهر(aẓ-ẓāhir).
  • Basque: bide (eu)
  • Bengali: সাধারণভাবে (śadharonbhabe)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 明明 (zh) (míngmíng), 顯然显然 (zh) (xiǎnrán), 明顯明显 (zh) (míngxiǎn)
  • Czech: zjevně (cs)
  • Danish: åbenbart
  • Dutch: blijkbaar (nl), duidelijk (nl)
  • Finnish: ilmeisesti (fi)
  • French: apparemment (fr), évidemment (fr)
  • Galician: evidentemente
  • German: offensichtlich (de), offenbar (de)
  • Hebrew: בבירור(beverúr)
  • Hungarian: nyilvánvalóan (hu), láthatóan, szemlátomást (hu)
  • Italian: chiaramente (it), evidentemente (it)
  • Japanese: 明らかに (ja) (あきらかに, akiraka ni), 一見 (ja) (いっけん, ikken), 明白に (めいはくに, meihaku ni), 思しい (おぼしい, oboshii)
  • Latvian: acīm redzami, acīmredzot
  • Polish: najwyraźniej
  • Portuguese: claramente (pt), evidentemente (pt)
  • Russian: очеви́дно (ru) (očevídno)
  • Scottish Gaelic: a rèir coltais
  • Slovak: zjavne, očividne, evidentne
  • Spanish: evidentemente (es), obviamente (es), por lo visto
  • Swedish: uppenbarligen (sv)
  • Turkish: anlaşılan (tr)
  • Ukrainian: очеви́дно (očevýdno)


  • Arabic: ظَاهِرًا(ẓāhiran)
  • Belarusian: відаво́чна (vidavóčna), віда́ць (vidácʹ), пэ́ўна (péŭna)
  • Catalan: aparentment (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 看來看来 (zh) (kànlai), 表面上看來表面上看来 (biǎomiàn shang kànlai), 似乎 (zh) (sìhū), 貌似 (zh) (màosì)
  • Czech: patrně (cs), zřejmě (cs)
  • Danish: tilsyneladende, åbenbart, øjensynlig
  • Dutch: schijnbaar (nl), ogenschijnlijk (nl)
  • Esperanto: ŝajne (eo), verŝajne (eo)
  • Finnish: näennäisesti (fi), näennäisen (fi)
  • French: apparemment (fr), en apparence (fr)
  • Galician: aparentemente
  • German: scheinbar (de), anscheinend (de), augenscheinlich (de), dem Anschein nach
  • Hebrew: כנראה(ka’nir’e)
  • Hungarian: látszólag (hu)
  • Italian: apparentemente (it)
  • Japanese: (based on hearsay) (どうやら)…らしい ((dōyara) … rashii))
  • Kazakh: тәрізді (tärızdı)
  • Latvian: redzams, redzami
  • Macedonian: навидум (navidum)
  • Navajo: hanii
  • Norwegian: tilsynelatende
  • Polish: widocznie (pl), widać (pl), pozornie (pl), pewnie (pl), zapewne (pl)
  • Portuguese: aparentemente (pt)
  • Russian: по-ви́димому (ru) (po-vídimomu), каза́лось бы (kazálosʹ by), вида́ть (ru) (vidátʹ)
  • Scottish Gaelic: a rèir coltais
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: изгледа да, привидно
    Roman: izgleda da, prividno (sh)
  • Slovak: zrejme, zdanlivo
  • Spanish: aparentemente (es), al parecer
  • Swedish: tydligen (sv)
  • Tok Pisin: ating (tpi)
  • Turkish: görünüşe göre, besbelli (tr)
  • Ukrainian: мабу́ть (mabútʹ), пе́вно (pévno), либо́нь (uk) (lybónʹ), вида́ти (vydáty)

according to what the speaker has read or been told

  • Belarusian: па чутках (pa čutkax), кажуць (kažucʹ)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 據說据说 (zh) (jùshuō)
  • Danish: efter sigende
  • Dutch: blijkbaar (nl), kennelijk (nl), naar het schijnt
  • Finnish: ilmeisesti (fi), näköjään
  • French: apparemment (fr)
  • Galician: seica, disque (gl)
  • Georgian: თურმე (turme)
  • German: angeblich (de), vorgeblich (de), anscheinend (de)
  • Hungarian: állítólag (hu)
  • Irish: is cosúil go
  • Italian: sembra che
  • Japanese: らしい (ja) (rashii), そう (ja) ()
  • Latvian: šķietami
  • Polish: podobno (pl), ponoć (pl), rzekomo (pl)
  • Portuguese: supostamente (pt)
  • Russian: по слухам (ru) (po sluxam), говорят (ru) (govorjat)
  • Scottish Gaelic: a rèir coltais
  • Slovak: údajne
  • Spanish: al parecer, según parece, aparentemente (es), por lo visto, presuntamente, supuestamente (es), dizque (es)
  • Tagalog: mandin
  • Ukrainian: мабуть (mabutʹ)


  • apparently in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
  • apparently at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • 1

    apparently [əˊpærəntlɪ]


    1) я́вно, очеви́дно

    2) по-ви́димому, ви́димо, вероя́тно

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > apparently

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > apparently

  • 3

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > apparently

  • 4



    видимо, по-видимому, вероятно, предположительно, очевидно, несомненно, явно

    He apparently likes this work. — Ему явно нравится эта работа.

    They were apparently not interested in the matter. — Они, по-видимому, этим делом не интересовались.

    Apparently no one knows when the plane leaves. — Видимо, никто не знает, когда вылетает самолет.

    He is apparently a good teacher. — По-видимому, он хороший преподаватель

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > apparently

  • 5

    1. adv явно, очевидно, несомненно

    2. adv по видимости, по внешнему виду

    3. adv видимо, по-видимому, вероятно

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. clearly (other) at first sight; clearly; conspicuously; distinctly; indubitably; manifestly; obviously; palpably; patently; plainly

    2. on the face of it (other) evidently; officially; on the face of it; ostensibly; outwardly; professedly; seemingly; to the eye; visibly

    English-Russian base dictionary > apparently

  • 6


    1. явно, очевидно, несомненно

    2. по видимости, по внешнему виду

    he is apparently friendly — он производит впечатление дружелюбного /дружелюбно настроенного/ человека

    3. видимо, по-видимому, вероятно

    he is apparently a good teacher — по-видимому, он хороший преподаватель

    НБАРС > apparently

  • 7


    apparently по-видимому, видимо, вероятно apparently явно, очевидно

    English-Russian short dictionary > apparently

  • 8

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > apparently

  • 9


    1) Общая лексика: вероятно, видимо, видно, должно быть, кажется, несомненно, очевидно, явно, вроде бы, по-видимому, по всей видимости, судя по всему, очевидным образом

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > apparently

  • 10


    очевидно, несомненно

    вероятно, видимо, по-видимому, предположительно

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > apparently

  • 11


    1) явно, очевидно

    2) по-видимому, видимо, вероятно

    * * *

    (d) очевидно; по-видимому

    * * *

    очевидно, по-видимому

    * * *

    [ap’par·ent·ly || -lɪ]
    явно; очевидно, видимо, вероятно, по-видимому

    * * *











    * * *

    1) очевидно
    2) вероятно

    Новый англо-русский словарь > apparently

  • 12

    очевидно; видимо; вероятно

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > apparently

  • 13

    скорее всего

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > apparently

  • 14



    1) очевидно, несомненно


    2) вероятно, видимо, предположительно, по всей видимости


    Англо-русский современный словарь > apparently

  • 15

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > apparently

  • 16











    English-Russian smart dictionary > apparently

  • 17

    явно, очевидно; по-видимому, видимо, вероятно

    English-Russian mining dictionary > apparently

  • 18

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > apparently

  • 19
    apparently, …

    English-Russian dictionary of phrases and cliches for a specialist researcher > apparently, …

  • 20
    apparently connected

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > apparently connected


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Apparently — Ap*par ent*ly, adv. 1. Visibly. [Obs.] Hobbes. [1913 Webster] 2. Plainly; clearly; manifestly; evidently. [1913 Webster] If he should scorn me so apparently. Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. Seemingly; in appearance; as, a man may be apparently friendly,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • apparently — [adv1] seemingly allegedly, as if, as though, at a glance, at first sight, in all likelihood, intuitively, it appears that, it seems that, most likely, on the face of it, ostensibly, outwardly, plausibly, possibly, probably, professedly,… …   New thesaurus

  • apparently — index prima facie (self evident), quasi Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • apparently — (adv.) late 14c., visibly, openly, from APPARENT (Cf. apparent) + LY (Cf. ly) (2). Meaning evidently is from 1550s; that of to all appearances (but not necessarily really ) is from 1560s; meaning so far as can be judged, seemingly, is from 1846.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • apparently — 01. [Apparently] he is a good swimmer, but I ve never seen him swim. 02. I wasn t there, but [apparently] it was a great party. 03. [Apparently] it will rain this afternoon, so you d better bring your umbrella. 04. I was supposed to lock the door …   Grammatical examples in English

  • apparently — [[t]əpæ̱rəntli[/t]] ♦♦ 1) ADV: ADV with cl/group, ADV before v (vagueness) You use apparently to indicate that the information you are giving is something that you have heard, but you are not certain that it is true. Apparently the girls are not… …   English dictionary

  • apparently — ap|par|ent|ly W2S1 [əˈpærəntli] adv 1.) [sentence adverb] used to say that you have heard that something is true, although you are not completely sure about it ▪ Apparently the company is losing a lot of money. ▪ I wasn t there, but apparently it …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • apparently — adverb 1 (sentence adverb) based on what you have heard is true, although you are not completely sure about it: Apparently they ve run out of tickets for the concert. | I wasn t there, but apparently it was a good party. 2 according to the way… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • apparently — adverb 1. from appearances alone (Freq. 52) irrigation often produces bumper crops from apparently desert land the child is seemingly healthy but the doctor is concerned had been ostensibly frank as to his purpose while really concealing it… …   Useful english dictionary

  • apparently — adverb Date: 1566 it seems apparent < the window had apparently been forced open > < apparently, we re supposed to wait here > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • apparently — adverb /əˈpaɹəntli,əˈpæɹ.ɨ a) Plainly; clearly; manifestly; evidently. If he should scorn me so apparently. b) Seemingly; in appearance only. A man may be apparently friendly, yet malicious in heart. Syn …   Wiktionary

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