Is anyone one word or two

Is anyone one word or two?

Anyone as a pronoun meaning “anybody” or “any person at all” is written as one word: Does anyone have the correct time? The two-word phrase any one means “any single member of a group of persons or things” and is often followed by of: Can any one of the members type? Any one of these books is exciting reading.

What’s the spelling of anyone?

When it means “anybody,” “anyone” is spelled as a single word: “anyone can enter the drawing.” But when it means “any single one,” “any one” is spelled as two words: “any one of the tickets may win.”

Is anyone a word?

The indefinite pronoun “anyone”—used as a single word—refers to any person at all, but not to any particular individual. “Any one”—used as two words—is an adjective phrase that refers to any single member of a group of either people or things.

Would you or could you?

If we assume that the speaker has no reason to doubt the other person’s ability to write their name, then “would” is the better word choice. The most proper way to use these words is to use “could” if you’re not sure if the person is able to do something. For example, “Could you take care of my cat next weekend?”.

What is the question tag for open the door?

question tag. By adding the tag to the imperative, open the door, you are softening the instruction and turning it into a request. Without it, it would sound very much like a command, so the tag has a similar effect to the addition of please. …will you/won’t you?

Could you please close the door what type of sentence?

Imperative sentence

Can you open the door meaning?

: to make (something) easier or more likely to happen —often + for or to Her success opened the door for thousands of young women who wanted to play sports. His experiences in the army opened the door to a career in politics.

What is the voice change of open the door?

When you have to change an imperative sentence to a passive voice then make sure to use the letter ‘let’. Hence, Let the door be opened. It is the correct form of the sentence.

Is open the door to?

provide somebody with the chance or opportunity to do something new, interesting, etc: Going to university opened the door to a whole new world for her. See also: open the door to (someone or something)

Have been opened meaning?

In the phrase ‘has been opened’, the word ‘opened’ is the past participle of the verb ‘to open’. Obviously, the action of opening only takes a few moments – it cannot describe a continuing state, so it cannot be used with the time phrase ‘for about ten minutes’.

Is open doors a metaphor?

On a metaphorical level, a door can become an entrance to nearly anything, but it is most commonly used to symbolize the entrance to another world. Beginnings: An open door has been a long-time symbol of a new beginning. An open door shows that there’s a way out and can also provide a view of what lies ahead.

What is the passive of open the door?

Originally Answered: What is the passive form of the sentence “Open the door”? Let the door be opened. The given sentence is imperative. The passive structure is : Let+ subject+ be+ past participle form of the given verb.

Who opens door to passive?

So passive voice will be like :The door was opened by whom. Now, make it interrogative : By whom the door was opened?

Does working Change your voice?

“Do this work at once” — Change this into passive voice. Passive Voice : ​Let it be done at once. Let this work be done at once.

What foods can make your voice deeper?

Increasing your testosterone hormones signals your whole body towards masculinity. It will also send signals to your throat for a more profound voice. Spinach, Oysters, Macadamise Nuts, Barley, Eggs, Broccoli, Raisins and Extra Virgin Olive Oil are some foods that increase your T-Level.

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The indefinite pronoun ‘anyone’ is oneword.

The indefinite pronoun ‘anyone’ takes the place of an unknown or unnamed person, one person.

Example: Anyone for tennis?

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Is the word doorknob 1 or 2 words?

It’s 2 words.

Is countryside 1 or 2 words?

Countryside is 1 word.

Is banknote 1 or 2 words?

The word banknote is one word.

Is the word high school 2 words or 1 word?

The correct spelling is «high school». Two words.

Is spaceship 1 word or 2 words?

Spaceship can be i word or two words. The correct term though,
is Spacecraft.

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Part two in my two part series where we’ll look at some words that can either be one word, or sometimes two! If you missed part one, check it out here. Although it seems like there are a few to get through here, most follow the same sort of format.


  • Anybody vs Any body
  • Anyone vs Any one
  • Somebody vs Some body
  • Someone vs Some one
  • Nobody vs No body
  • Everybody vs Every body
  • Everyone vs Every one
  • Anyway vs Any way
  • Anymore vs Any more

Anybody vs Any body

The word you probably want here is anybody. Think of a horror movie—any horror movie—and someone hears something in the distance. They say “Is anybody there?”
Or maybe you need volunteers to join mathletes so you make a sign saying “Mathletes registration. Anybody welcome to join.”
You get the gist.

Back to the Future

There are only two use cases I can think of where you might use any body. One is if you’re dealing with bodies, e.g. a funeral director, someone who works at a mortuary, a hospital worker even.
“Which body are you looking for?”
“Any body.”
The other is if you’re talking about a body of water. Any body of water.

Those two seem like unlikely scenarios so you most likely mean anybody.

Anyone vs Any one

Anyone means the same thing as anybody. That trick when a telemarketer calls you and you answer the phone and just don’t say anything? You’ll probably hear “Hello? Is anyone there?”

Any one is used when you’re giving a choice between a range of variables but you can choose only one:

  • If any one person objects to this wedding, may they speak now or forever hold their peace
  • If you want to have a chat about the new policy, please come and see any one of us in HR
  • Choose any one of these pizzas as your free one
  • Any one of you will do to fill in for mathletes.

If you replace any of those above with anyone, your sentence won’t make much sense:

  • Choose anyone of these pizzas as your free one.
    Yeah nah, no good.
  • Come and see anyone of us in HR.
    Nope. Not quite right. However, if you wrote ‘anyone in HR’, this would make sense!

Life hack: Most of the time you can replace any one with any:

  • Any of you will do to fill in
  • If any person objects to this wedding…

Somebody vs Some body

Somebody can sometimes mean the same thing as anybody:

  • Is somebody there?
  • Is there somebody at the door?

But generally it gives a touch more specification than just anybody:

  • Somebody at work played a prank on me and changed my desktop background. I guess it serves me right for not locking my computer when I went to the bathroom.
  • I waved to somebody on my walk as they waved at me first.
  • Somebody had to tell her the truth!

Try and replace the somebody with anybody. It won’t quite work. You’re providing a little more clarification than just anybody without actually specifying the person.

Some body would work in the same way as above with Any body and you’d only use this if you’re referring to bodies. I honestly cannot think of a sentence though. Maybe if someone has a body to pick up from the coroner but doesn’t quite know who they’re meant to be picking up:
“Yeah, I’m here to pick up some body.”

If this is not the scenario you find yourself in, it’s quite probable that you mean somebody.

People may well have looked at Freddie Mercury very differently had he called his song Some body to love.

Somebody to Love

Someone vs Some one

Someone means the same thing as somebody:

  • Someone stole my lunch from the office fridge
  • I thought I saw someone hiding in the bushes

Some one is not really used these days. Literally the only example I could find from google is “Some one thousand people attended the concert.”

So I guess unless your sentence resembles this, it’s highly likely you mean someone.

Nobody vs No body

Nobody means the same thing as no one:

  • Nobody came to the party
  • You’re just a nobody!
  • I made an outgoing call at work but there was nobody on the other end.

Now, why is nobody one word and no one two? That seems contradicting doesn’t it? It definitely is not noone! Oh well. Take it up with whoever invented the English language.

With no body, we have the same scenario with dealing with bodies:

  • We went to the suspect’s apartment but we found no body there.

This sentence varies considerably compared to:

  • We went to the suspect’s apartment but we found nobody there.

Everybody vs Every body

Everybody means every person:

  • Everybody knows what everybody means
  • Everybody agreed with the CEO’s plans
  • You know the words, everybody sing along!
You’re not a 90’s kid if you don’t know this song…

Once again we have the same body scenario with every body, however, this one is a little more common. Gyms and fitness centres will often use little slogans and taglines like “Fitness for every body”. It’s clearly a play on words but it works, cause it’s referring to your body. So I guess watch out for this one because this one you might see more often that the other bodies I spoke of before. If you want to use the example of the person in the previous paragraph who’s on his first week of picking up bodies, he might say “I’m here to pick up every body”.

On song titles again, R.E.M.‘s song Everybody Hurts wouldn’t quite have had the same meaning had it been called Every Body Hurts. That might be a good name for a Health Fund campaign or something though….

One last incorrect example:

Please can every body confirm they’ve read the email.

No. Unless you’re employing dead bodies to work for you and respond to emails, you mean everybody.

Everyone vs Every one

Everyone means exactly the same thing as everybody:

  • Everyone laughed at my accent on the first day of school
  • This policy change will affect everyone who works here.

Every one is similar to Any one we saw above, but this time, you’re referring to each individual item, as opposed to choosing only one. Let’s use some similar examples as above:

  • Come and have a chat to every one of us in HR.
    This means that you need to chat to each person who works in HR. Ooh, sounds serious.
  • Every one of these pizzas is gluten free.
    This means that every pizza is gluten free.
  • Every one of you who applied have made it to mathletes.
    I guess you could say that everyone who applied made it.

Let’s look at an incorrect example:

The judges will taste each and everyone of your dishes.

That doesn’t make much sense. It clearly should be every one as we’re talking about each individual dish. Now, if it said:

The judges will taste everyone

that makes sense, but is wrong for so many other reasons…

Life hack: If you get confused, try replacing your everyone/every one with each. If you can, then it must be every one:

  • Each of you who applied
  • Each of our pizzas.

In case you missed it above, the opposite of everyone is no one. Not noone, not no-one, but no one. As you can see, this contradicts with this whole one word/two words post. So whether you use it like this:

I went to my lecture but no one was there

or like this:

No one person can ever make you feel that way

It’s still two words. So I guess this word is an exception to the rule.

Anyway vs Any way

Anyway means regardless, or nonetheless:

  • Mum told me not to eat all the sweets but I did it anyway
  • So I kissed him on the first date. What’s the big deal anyway?

Anyway is used a lot in casual conversation, especially at the beginning of a sentence. Used in this way, it’s used to continue an interrupted story, or to sometimes change the topic… You’ll often use it when things get awkward…. Check out the hilarious skit from Key and Peele, below.

  • Anyway, enough about me, how are you? How’s your new job?
  • Anyway, what were we discussing? Ah yes, that meeting we have to attend…

Any way means by any manner or any means:

  • I don’t know of any way that can be done
  • I need to get my son to read and I’m bribing him any way I can
  • Is there any way we can move past this?
  • Let me know if I can help in any way.

If Oliver Twist was written in today’s language, Oliver may well have asked the master this sentence instead:
“Is there any way I could have some more soup?”

Oliver Twist
anyway vs any way

Anymore vs Any more

This one is very similar to Anyway/Any way which we just looked at.

Anymore refers to time. How many times did you get in a stupid squabble with your friend in primary school and you said “I’m not friends with (name) anymore”? It basically means something that is no longer the case. That’s not to say you didn’t go running back to your best friend the very next day. But of course now we’re older and wiser, we don’t have these silly little squabbles anymore. See what I did there? Think of anymore to mean any longer. I don’t have feelings for my teacher anymore = I don’t have feelings for my teacher any longer.

Any more refers to more in quantity:

  • Mum, do we have any more biscuits?
  • I don’t want to cause any more trouble
  • Does anyone need any more information?
  • I don’t like this decision any more than you
  • Taking the shortcut wouldn’t save me any more time than taking the normal route.

Let’s use an example of each:

Would you like any more bread? No; I don’t like bread anymore.

But be careful of scenarios like this:

  • I don’t want any more to do with you
  • I don’t want to see you anymore

If you get stuck, just use my any longer case, above:

  • I don’t want any longer to do with you.
    No, that doesn’t quite work, so it can’t be anymore and must be any more.
  • I don’t want to see you any longer.
    Yes, that makes sense, therefore anymore is correct here.

Now I bet you’re thinking “What was with the header image? Has he forgotten to mention that?” No; no I haven’t. Everyone knows spreadsheets is one word. Spread sheets would probably refer to you laying out your bed sheets. Maybe? Even if I google it, it corrects me to spreadsheets. Let’s face it, it’s highly likely that this mug is designed for some IT nerd and/or office worker who likes to use Microsoft Excel. And who doesn’t?? Therefore, spreadsheets it is!

Related topic: Alot vs A lot

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between anyone and any one?

Consider the sentences below;

If any one of your friends knows, please tell them to keep quiet.

Has anyone seen my wallet?

Both of these sentences have used the words anyone and any one correctly, question is can you use them correctly? If you can’t figure out when to use which of these, keep reading as this article will tell you everything about the two words.

Anyone as pronoun:

Anyone is a pronoun and is used to call upon a noun. It means any person at all; anybody:

Did anyone see the accident?

Anyone as a pronoun meaning “anybody” or “any person at all” is written as one word. It is used when there are no qualifications to the grouping. Something could belong to anyone if there are no distinguishing marks or unique factors.

Does anyone have the correct time?

Any one as adjective phrase:

Anyone vs. Any one

Any one is a combination of two words which is generally not listed in dictionaries except perhaps to distinguish the differences with anyone. Any one is a term that means any single object or person.

Any one of your buddies, if he’s careless enough, could turn out to be your enemy.

Adjective phrase that refers to any single member of a group (of either people or things). Any one is commonly followed by the preposition of.

She never admitted that any one of her pupils, even the ones who were unmistakably tone deaf, were deficient in musical talent.


Anyone willing to part with between £20,000 and £200,000 for a week’s holiday can live in the homes of the rich and famous while they are away, order their staff around, and make use of their cars, tennis courts and swimming pools. [The Guardian]

Impressively, everything is available to tweak and tune if you so desire from the very start but the stock settings on each car are good enough to get you around any one of the current 110 track variations. [Scottish Daily Record]

In the United States, spiritual mobilization has long been anyone’s game. [The New York Times]

Anyone or any one:

Anyone or any one, both are grammatically singular, regardless of meaning. But there is a difference in meaning between the one- and two-word versions: when you type anyone, you’re referring to people; when you type any one you may be referring to people, but not necessarily—it depends on what follows or what is understood. For example, perhaps you mean ‘any one of the customers’ (in which case you are referring to people); or maybe you mean ‘any one of the petunias’ or (in which case you are not referring to people). In sum, any one means one of a group (of people or things), rather than one person (anyone) or a bunch of people (everyone).

As phrases become more and more common, they might become truncated into compound words. Today, rail road is railroad, and any one is anyone.

What do we do with the older versions of the phrases, though? Is there ever a reason to continue using them?

What is the Difference Between Anyone and Any one?

In this post, I will compare anyone vs. any one. I will discuss the differences between these spellings before providing example sentences for each.

I will also show you a memory tool that will give you an easy way to remember whether to use any one or anyone.

When to Use Anyone

define any one define anyone What does anyone mean? Anyone is an indefinite pronoun that refers to an unspecified person. If you need a person to do something, but it doesn’t really matter which person it is, anyone is the word to use.

Anyone is a synonym of its fellow pronoun anybody. Here are a few examples of its use in real sentences:

  • “Has anyone seen a black car with tinted windows and a vanity plate?” asked the detective.
  • Anyone can kill a monarch, but it takes a true leader to control a nation afterward.
  • But anyone who inspires Sen. Elizabeth Warren to demand her demotion is doing something right. –The Wall Street Journal

When to Use Any One

What does any one mean? Any one is not the same as anyone, and the two spellings cannot be used interchangeably. Any one means any single person or thing. Any one emphasizes singularity.

For example,

  • I cannot think of any one bad idea that you have presented today.
  • The basketball star quickly proved that he could overpower any one defender, so opponents began double-teaming him.
  • My grandfather held out several pieces of candy and told me I could have any one I wanted.

Any one occasionally appears as a pronoun, but this is relatively uncommon and should be avoided. These two spellings have developed their own usage cases.

As you can see from the chart below, which graphs any one vs. anyone over time, the two-word any one used to be more popular than anyone, but about halfway through the 20th century, writers began to prefer the new compound.

definition of any one definition of anyone definition

I have isolated the use of these variants as pronouns by graphing anyone can see and any one can see. The chart is still not scientific, as it only looks at books published in English since 1800. Still, it allows us to view a clear, long-term trend in favor of anyone.

Trick to Remember the Difference

anyone versus any oneThese words contain all the same letter, but they are not interchangeable.

  • If you are using the word as a pronoun to refer to people, use anyone.
  • Any one is written as two words and emphasized singularity. It is not used as a pronoun.

Since anyone rhymes with Tennyson, the last name of famous poet, and both are three-syllable single words, remember to use anyone when referring to people.

Also, the difference between these two words is similar to the difference between everyday and every day, everyone and every one, etc.


Is it anyone or any one? These two spellings are never interchangeable.

  • Anyone is a pronoun referring to an unspecified person.
  • Any one is a noun phrase that was once used as a pronoun.

Today, most writers reserve anyone exclusively for the pronoun sense.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Anyone and Any one?
  • 2 When to Use Anyone
  • 3 When to Use Any One
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

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