Is anguishing a word



He let out a howl of anguish.

Он взвыл от боли.

She cast an anguished look at Guy.

Она бросила на Гая взгляд, полный страдания.

The anguish of the last chapters is too long drawn.

Описание страданий в последних главах слишком затянуто.

They watched in anguish as fire spread through the house.

Они с тоской смотрели, как пожар распространяется по дому.

She spoke with evident anguish about the death of her son.

Она говорила о смерти сына с явной тоской.

I anguished over the loss of my father for years afterwards.

Потеря отца мучила меня ещё много лет спустя.

To realise this was to endure very poignant spiritual anguish.

Представить себе это — значило пережить сильнейшее душевное волнение. (Дж. Голсуорси, «Сага о Форсайтах»)»

He experienced the anguish of divorce after 10 years of marriage.

После десяти лет брака он пережил мучительный развод.

She was anguished by the fear that her sons would die in the war.

Её мучил страх того, что сыновья погибнут на войне.

The military’s explanation of the accident did nothing to console the anguished widow.

Объяснение данной аварии, предоставленное военными, нисколько не утешило страдания вдовы погибшего.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It’s remembered with anguish!  

«What suffering!» A wail of anguish broke from Sonia.  

He spoke, however, with resignation, even complacency, rather than anguish.  

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Другие формы слова:

-  anguish  anguished

Asked by: Turner Schmitt

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: extreme pain, distress, or anxiety cries of anguish mental anguish. anguish. verb. anguished; anguishing; anguishes.

What is an example of anguish?

Anguish is defined as causing or feeling extreme pain or worry. A teenager not calling their parents and staying out all night is an example of to anguish. … The definition of anguish is a feeling of physical or mental pain. Being very worried about something is an example of anguish.

What does the word anguish mean in a sentence?

excruciating or acute distress, suffering, or pain: the anguish of grief. … to suffer, feel, or exhibit anguish: to anguish over the loss of a loved one.

What does anguish mean in vocabulary?

The noun anguish refers to severe physical or emotional pain or distress. … In modern times anguish has been in the English with the parallel and related meanings of «physical torment» and «emotional suffering.» Both kinds might be experienced at the hands of a dentist who likes to make his patients squirm in agony.

Does anguish mean sadness?

Anguish is one of the most painful emotions felt by humans; the word means extreme pain or distress. … Anguish is often referred to as emotional distress, and can encompass a number of different emotions, such as trauma, grief, sorrow, fear, and anxiety.

22 related questions found

Is anguish a disorder?

This often uncritically accepted perspective has paved the way for the idea that the emotional despair being felt by many over the past year indicates we are also experiencing a mental health pandemic. But anguish isn’t a disorder.

Which is similar meaning to anguish?

Some common synonyms of anguish are grief, regret, sorrow, and woe. While all these words mean «distress of mind,» anguish suggests torturing grief or dread.

What are two synonyms for anguish?

synonyms for anguish

  • agony.
  • grief.
  • heartache.
  • heartbreak.
  • misery.
  • sorrow.
  • suffering.
  • torment.

How do you express anguish?

Anguish sentence example

  1. A look of anguish crossed Jonny’s face. …
  2. I try not to anguish over the little things. …
  3. Terrible anguish struck her heart, she felt a dreadful ache as if something was being torn inside her and she were dying. …
  4. A look of anguish crossed the basketball player’s face when he hurt his ankle.

What is the word for extreme pain?

excruciating. / (ɪkˈskruːʃɪˌeɪtɪŋ) / adjective. unbearably painful; agonizing. intense; extremehe took excruciating pains to do it well.

What does anguish mean in the Bible?

anguish: deep and enduring physical, mental or spiritual distress, not readily eased. … Spiritual: One struggling with the question of God’s existence; one struggling with the guilt of causing someone pain.

What is considered mental anguish?

In reference to law, mental anguish means a relatively high degree of mental pain and suffering one party inflicts upon another. … In common law, there are generally two types of emotional distress cause of actions. The first type is intentional infliction of emotional distress.

What causes anguish?

Anguish is made up of fear, distress, anxiety and panic. These stressors cause an enormous amount of dissonance, which could then lead to issues of mental health. While taken literally anguish may be defined as a physical event, but it may be extrapolated to an event of one’s psyche.

What is the meaning of sick with grief and anguish?

Answer: Ram feels sick, grief and anguish in the heart because his lover passed away. Explanation. Sick is a word that gives the meaning of physical or mental illness, grief is the meaning of sadness or sorrow and anguish gives the meaning of pain and suffering.

What is abysmally mean?

1a : immeasurably low or wretched : extremely poor or bad abysmal ignorance/poverty abysmal living conditions an abysmal performance. b : having immense or fathomless extension downward, backward, or inward an abysmal cliff.

Is angst the same as anguish?

Angst means fear or anxiety (anguish is its Latinate equivalent, and the words anxious and anxiety are of similar origin). The dictionary definition for angst is a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity.

How do you overcome mental anguish?

7 Ways to Deal with Emotional Distress

  1. Accept that all thoughts (good and bad) come into your mind. …
  2. Take a step back. …
  3. Pause and self-soothe. …
  4. Be open. …
  5. Think clearly. …
  6. Move away from negativity. …
  7. Live in the present.

What is the difference between distress and anguish?

Mental anguish is a legal term used to describe a high level of mental distress and pain. More than just feelings of anger or sadness, mental anguish is akin to feelings of anxiety, grief, PTSD, and depression, which are often accompanied by a loss of appetite, mood swings, lack of energy, and sleep disturbances.

What is the synonym and antonym of anguish?

anguish. Antonyms: ease, pleasure, enjoyment, ecstasy, rapture, relief, solace, comfort, assuagement. Synonyms: pain, pang, wound, sorrow, distress, grief, discomfort, torture, excruciation, agony, torment.

What is secret animosity?

: a strong feeling of dislike or hatred : ill will or resentment tending toward active hostility : an antagonistic attitude.

What is the meaning of frustration and anguish?

As nouns the difference between frustration and anguish

is that frustration is the act of frustrating, or the state, or an instance of being frustrated while anguish is extreme pain, either of body or mind; excruciating distress.

What does emotional distress feel like?

Some symptoms of emotional distress include: feeling overwhelmed, helpless, or hopeless. feeling guilty without a clear cause. spending a lot of time worrying.

What are different disorders?


  • Anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias.
  • Depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Personality disorders.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Philosophy: My staff teases me sometimes about anguishing over moral questions.

Философия: «Мои сотрудники иногда подразнивают меня за то, что я придаю так много значения вопросам морали.

Seventeen anguishing days later, we were able to reach the trapped miners.

Семнадцать томительных дней спустя нам удалось связаться с заточенными шахтерами.

The thought became very anguishing and created an avalanche of rational fears.

Эта мысль стала очень мучительной и вызвала поток рациональных страхов.

It was the terribly anguishing sensation of falling, not painful, but rather unpleasant and consuming.

Это было ужасно мучительное ощущение падения, не болезненного, но, скорее, неприятного и поглощающего.

What is more, this will cause anguishing and horrendous torment.

What is more, this will cause anguishing and horrendous torment.

Это наказание будет заключаться в гневе Аллаха и мучительном наказании.

In the end the real value of these two films is the anguishing new light they cast on the darkest reaches of human evil.

В конце концов, реальной ценностью этих двух фильмов является мучительное излучение нового света на самые темные уголки человеческого зла».

Not even the greatest values of the past can be simply inherited; they must be claimed by us and renewed through an often anguishing personal option.

Даже величайшие ценности прошлого невозможно просто унаследовать: их следует усвоить и вновь осознать посредством личного, часто выстраданного, решения.

This is the anguishing and dizzying race against time that Uxbal faces.

С этой мучительной и головокружительной гонкой против времени лицом к лицу сталкивается Уксбаль.

The anguishing dilemmas of security that tormented European nations did not touch America for nearly 150 years.

Мучительная необходимость выбора в деле безопасности, которая преследовала европейские страны, не касалась Америки на протяжении почти 150 лет.

According to him, he took the path of religion because he felt that he could not live normally and have a family while anguishing over these questions.

По его словам, он вступил на религиозный путь, поскольку чувствовал, что не может жить обычной жизнью и создать семью, не разрешив эти вопросы.

It is, therefore, regrettable to see the heaviest and most anguishing price for instability and non-safety paid by the children circle more than any other age segment in a given society.

Поэтому прискорбно видеть, что дети, живущие в условиях нестабильности и небезопасности, платят за самую тяжелую и мучительную цену больше, чем любой другой возрастной сегмент в данном обществе.

And the most anguishing problem one could face was what happens if the strategic plans of both sides had to be implemented, or were implemented by accident or whatever.

«Самая мучительная проблема, с которой мы можем столкнуться, состоит в том, что произойдет, если придется исполнять стратегические планы обеих сторон из-за случайности или чего-то еще.

Roger chooses the latter, anguishing David.

I am referring to the question of the Middle East — a tragic, anguishing and unsustainable situation which, through the accusations of double standards, fuels misunderstanding and the understandable frustration of the population of that area.

Я имею в виду ближневосточный вопрос — трагическую, тревожную и нестабильную ситуацию, которая, из-за обвинений в использовании двойных стандартов, лишь усиливает недоразумения и вызывает вполне понятное раздражение у населения этого региона.

Moses and Aaron must be anguishing over their loss.

Напротив, Моисея и Аарона обвинили в их гибели.

The most holistic «vision» comes down to a fairy-tale about Kremlin anguishing because of the sanctions and returning the peninsula to Ukraine on its own initiative.

Наиболее целостное «видение» сводится к сказке о том, что в Кремле ужаснутся санкциям и сами вернут полуостров Украине.

People living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) face a frustrating and even anguishing challenge: Their mental faculties are often untouched by the disease even as they lose their physical ability to express themselves.

Люди с БАС сталкиваются с разочарованием и даже мучительной проблемой: их умственные способности часто остаются незатронутыми заболеванием, несмотря на то, что они потеряли физическую способность самовыражения.

Anguishing moments followed, in which I tried desperately but uselessly to get up.

Последовали жуткие минуты, когда я отчаянно, но бесполезно пытался встать.

Anguishing for years afterward, they blamed the loss in Vietnam on everyone ranging from Pentagon war planners to peace protesters.

Испытывая мучения в течение многих лет после этого, они обвиняли в потерях во Вьетнаме всех — от военных планировщиков Пентагона до сторонников мира.

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Definitions For Anguishing


ANGUISHING. (countable and uncountable, plural ANGUISHINGs)
A feeling or expression of anguish.


{{present participle of, en, anguish, nocat=1}}

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Anguishing is worth 15 points in Scrabble and 19 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Anguishing in a Sentence

  • He experienced the anguish of divorce after 10 years of marriage.
  • They watched in anguish as fire spread through the house.
  • She was anguished by the fear that her sons would die in the war
  • I anguished over the loss of my father for years afterwards.

Antonyms for Anguishing


He experienced the anguish of divorce after 10 years of marriage.

They watched in anguish as fire spread through the house.


she was anguished by the fear that her sons would die in the war

I anguished over the loss of my father for years afterwards.

Recent Examples on the Web

As her emotional anguish grows, so too does her connection to the spirit world, offering the show’s creator fertile ground to explore in this Nigerian supernatural horror series.

Christopher Vourlias, Variety, 20 Mar. 2023

But a new law signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis prohibits instruction that would compel students to feel responsibility, guilt or anguish for what other members of their race did in the past, among other limits.

Ruth Serven Smith |, al, 16 Mar. 2023

Act, which prohibits instruction that would compel students to feel responsibility, guilt or anguish for what other members of their race did in the past, among other limits.

Sarah Mervosh, New York Times, 16 Mar. 2023

Nearly 10 months after 19 Robb Elementary School students and two teachers were killed in one of the worst mass shootings in the country’s history, mothers of those victims told ABC News their anguish hasn’t gone away.

Patricia Guerra, ABC News, 15 Mar. 2023

His anguish was such that suicide seemed the only way out.

Town & Country, 5 Mar. 2023

Rivera Garza shifts between timelines, her middle-aged anguish a countervailing weight against the light of Liliana’s brief life.

Hamilton Cain,, 2 Mar. 2023

Jasmine Lee-Jones’s play, now at Woolly Mammoth Theatre, is a sort of irreverent manifesto, a river of youthful anguish as channeled through the chaotic platforms of social media.

Peter Marks, Washington Post, 13 Feb. 2023

These little things have caused me no end of sleepless nights, emotional anguish, and personal turmoil.

Jaina Grey, WIRED, 2 Dec. 2022

While some people can ignore the apparent tragedy inherent in such decisions, others anguish over them.

John Danaher, WIRED, 2 Feb. 2023

But as her shell cracks, Dern moves from perplexity to anguish to incandescent rage, never once overplaying her hand.

Matthew Jacobs, Vulture, 3 June 2022

The swirl of stories and drama — including her mother’s book detailing her anger and anguish over Whitney’s drug addiction and the later feud between the Brown and Houston families over Bobbi Kristina’s hospitalization and death — has continued.

Liz Mcneil, Peoplemag, 9 Dec. 2022

The Colorado Springs shooting is one recent illustration of how violence – or the threat of violence – can turn a place that was once a source of comfort for a particular vulnerable group into a site of fear, even anguish.

Brandon Tensley, CNN, 24 Nov. 2022

The SuperSonics’ departure still provokes anger and anguish among fans.

Dina Bass, Fortune, 22 Oct. 2022

The trial is expected to be similar to the one in Texas, with victims’ relatives testifying about the pain and anguish the hoax conspiracy caused them and medical professionals answering questions about the relatives’ mental health and diagnoses.

CBS News, 12 Sep. 2022

Many of you expressed sorrow and anguish over the needless death and the sheer number of mass shootings, more than 200 so far this year alone.

Christina Prignano,, 31 May 2022

The characters are nearly unrecognizable, anguish on their faces, the hostility of the attack quite palpable.

Holly Jones, Variety, 9 May 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘anguish.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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