Is ambitious a good word

Asked by: Mr. Grayce Fadel MD

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The word ambitious can be used to describe both positive and the negative traits of someone’s personality, depending on context.

Is ambition a bad word?

Ambition is not a dirty word: why women should change their view of ambition. The word ambition, by definition, is aligned with determination and drive. But somewhere along the line the desire to achieve success gained a negative connotation, especially for women.

Is being called ambitious a good thing?

Well-aimed and supported by values, ambition reflects a healthy self-esteem and higher power of abstraction and visualization of the future. Ambitious people have a gleam in their eyes as they approach their goals. They vibrate at a higher level and have a contagious enthusiasm about accomplishing things.

Is ambitious positive or negative?

Ambition is a powerful word, that sparks a reaction in all of us as soon as we hear it. It is either a positive reaction that motivates us to work harder & chase after our goals, or a negative one that probably reminds us of hurtful events in the past where ambition was involved.

What’s an ambitious word?

Words related to ambitious

energetic, enthusiastic, earnest, determined, aggressive, resourceful, grandiose, visionary, arduous, demanding, bold, impressive, difficult, challenging, anxious, ardent, aspiring, avid, come on, designing.

45 related questions found

What is the opposite ambitious?

Opposite of having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed. lazy. ambitionless. unambitious. unmotivated.

Is ambition a bad personality trait Why?

Although being ambitious is a positive personal character trait, being too ambitious can result in negative character traits. Some people may have such a great desire to succeed and are so ambitious to reach the top that they may be ruthless, dishonest or harmful to others.

Why you should be ambitious?

Ambition gives you a vision

It sets both vision and mission for your life. The vision to see what is worth achieving, the vision to decide for yourself what is good or bad. The vision of what you want in your life and how you are going to go about it.

What causes ambition?

They discovered various underlying factors that caused ambition, such as: “conscientiousness, extraversion, low neuroticism, general mental ability, as well as parents’ occupational prestige.”

Why is being ambitious bad?

Ambition can cause you to push people away through not investing enough time into a relationship or not being ‘present’ when in their presence. It’s hard for ambitious people to ‘turn off’ and put work completely out of their minds when they are not at work.

Is ambition a skill?

Skill is acquired through practice, persistence, repetition, knowledge, understanding, and hard work. … Your ambition is your dream, and the accomplishment that would mean the most to you as a person.

What does too ambitious mean?

someone who is overambitious expects to achieve more than is reasonable or likely. Synonyms and related words.

How can a woman be ambitious?

How to become more ambitious

  1. Set goals. The first thing (and probably one of the most vital things) you need to do is set some SMART goals for yourself. …
  2. Take risks. …
  3. Invest in yourself. …
  4. Eliminate negativity. …
  5. Don’t wait. …
  6. Surround yourself with ambitious people.

Is being ambitious a strength?

Strength: Ambition and an intense work ethic.

“Generally, having ambition at work is great because are more productive and have a goal,” says Scott Rawitscher, owner of Collaborative Business Solutions. … It’s important ambitious people to be realistic about the amount of time it takes to reach career goals.

Is ambition a core value?

Our Core Values; the environment, focus, ambition, safety, innovation, respect and profitability are the pillars upon which the company is built. Our Core Values are “the way we do things in Prosafe”. They define the way we should act as individuals and as a company, and are a standard to refer to when in doubt.

Does ambition lead to success?

Ambition is the most important tool to achieving success, overriding both talent and resources by far. An ambitious attitude can lead anyone to triumph and satisfaction, regardless of what is put in front of them.

Are you born with ambition?

There are several reasons why one person may be more of an ambitious person than another. For one thing, it may depend on where in the family the person ranks insofar as birth order. The youngest child tends to be more of ambitious person because they feel they are always in competition with their older siblings.

What does the Bible say about ambition?

The Bible talks about that type of ambition in Matthew 6:24, warning against greed and the insatiable desire to earn more money than you could ever spend. If wealth and riches are your ambition, you will never be satisfied.

What is being zealous?

1 : filled with or showing a strong and energetic desire to get something done or see something succeed The police were zealous in their pursuit of the criminals. 2 : marked by passionate support for a person, cause, or ideal a zealous fan. Other Words from zealous.

What is the similar word of ambition?

1 aspiration, yearning, longing. 2 goal, aim. 3 drive, force.

How do you describe ambitious?

Full Definition of ambitious

1a : having or controlled by ambition : having a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous an ambitious young executive. b : having a desire to achieve a particular goal : aspiring ambitious for power. 2 : resulting from, characterized by, or showing ambition an ambitious film.

What do you call someone who is not ambitious?

Definitions of unambitious. adjective. having little desire for success or achievement. synonyms: ambitionless shiftless. lacking or characterized by lack of ambition or initiative; lazy.

Is ambitious antonym of humble?

Ambitious Synonyms, Ambitious Antonyms | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus.

How do I know if I am ambitious?

They are somewhat restless. ENTJ is the most ambitious personality type. This may help you boost your ambition and success motivation.

hrsaneiIs ambitious a positive or disaproving adjective?
When we say he is ambitious, what exactly are we thinking of him?
For instance, can we use this adjective when we want to praise someone?

You might consider Shakespeare’s words in

Julius Caesar


Mark Antony — I did not come to praise Caesar, but to bury him.

— — — — — — — — — — —

Brutus — As he was a Roman, I loved him. As he was ambitious, I slew him.

I probably have that all screwed up! Sorry!Emotion: embarrassed

The point is, it depends on the context.
Parents scold their children for not being ambitious enough. Sometimes they mean «energetic.»
Sometimes they’re referring to «getting ahead in the world.»

In the case of Caesar, it got him killed. Brutus felt he had put «personal ambition» ahead of the good of the state.
(Or something like that.)

Edit. Oh, well! Emotion: thinking
Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved
Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living and
die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live
all free men? As Caesar loved me, I weep for him;
as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was
valiant, I honour him: but, as he was ambitious, I
slew him.

Not the first political assassination, nor the last.

hrsaneiWhen we say he is ambitious, what exactly are we thinking of him?

I don’t know. This word is highly dependent on context.

It’s disapproving when it means «power-hungry», «taking advantage of the weakness of others to put yourself ahead of them». This meaning is usually more often intended within the sphere of politics or business.

It’s approving when it means «go-getting», «aspiring to a better life and willing to work for it».
My mom used to say of certain people, «Not very ambitious. Just plain lazy.» I think this is probably the more usual usage when speaking of ordinary everyday people.

It’s interesting to note that the Merriam Webster dictionary lists both self-seeking


go-getting as synonyms of ambitious. Emotion: surprise

hrsaneican we use this adjective when we want to praise someone?

As mentioned above, the most common use I’m aware of is in the negative to disapprove of someone’s laziness or lack of any desire to improve himself.


What’s a word that can be used to describe someone who is ambitious, but with a more positive aspect? Ambitious seems a little negative. I require a word for a person who dreams big, and wants to achieve success.

Thank you

tchrist's user avatar


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asked Oct 20, 2016 at 9:11

PK123's user avatar


Oxford offers many synonyms, like determined, enterprising, pioneering, progressive, motivated, driven, enthusiastic, energetic, commited, purposeful, assertive and eager. Even «ambitious» could work in the right context.

answered Oct 20, 2016 at 15:43

Juan M's user avatar

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Perhaps aspiring?

I disagree that ambitious has negative connotations though.

answered Oct 20, 2016 at 9:55

ElendilTheTall's user avatar


Words that come to mind are driven, focused and committed.

You may also consider single-minded and goal-oriented if you don’t mind the hyphen.

answered Oct 20, 2016 at 12:06

Deepak's user avatar


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I think visionary could work.

Oxford Dictionary defines as:

(adj) Thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom.

‘a visionary leader’

(noun) A person with original ideas about what the future will or
could be like.

‘She was a visionary who acheived what many thought to be impossible.’

answered Oct 20, 2016 at 12:20

landocalrissian's user avatar

Table of Contents

  1. What can I say instead of ambitious?
  2. What is your ambition best answer?
  3. What are goals and ambitions?
  4. What are my future ambitions?
  5. How do I find my ambition in life?
  6. How do I write my ambition?
  7. What are your future plans reply?
  8. What are plans in life?
  9. What is a good plan?
  10. How can I make my life?
  11. What is essential for good planning?
  12. Are there good plans and bad plans?
  13. What are the negative consequences of not having a plan?
  14. How important is good planning?
  15. What are the disadvantages of strategic planning?
  16. What are the two types of strategic planning?
  17. What are the 3 types of strategy?
  18. What are the 3 levels of strategic planning?
  19. What is basic strategic planning?
  20. What are the 5 steps in strategic planning?

SYNONYMS FOR ambition 1 aspiration, yearning, longing. 2 goal, aim. 3 drive, force.

What can I say instead of ambitious?

What is another word for ambitious?

aspiring eager
avid desirous
fierce industrious
zealous adventurous
ardent earnest

What is your ambition best answer?

“My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much value as possible to the team. I love that your company emphasizes professional development opportunities. I would take full advantage of the educational resources available.”

What are goals and ambitions?

Key Difference: A goal is a desired result that a person wishes to achieve. It is a target that a person wants to reach. Ambition is actually the desire or what drives a person. It is a will that a person has that enables him to go on and continue to achieve better and greater things in life.

What are my future ambitions?

What are your ambitions for the future? Companies ask about your long-term ambitions and career path to see if you are a good fit for their culture, team, and values. Example answer: In the past, I have used my talents and strengths to further the goals of the organization and empower other team members.

How do I find my ambition in life?

When you’re trying to discover your ambition in life, sometimes you need to take a step back, daydream and brainstorm! Write questions down like “What is the true purpose of my life” and scribble anything and everything that comes to mind! Think about what you value most and what you absolutely LOVE to do!

How do I write my ambition?

📰 4 Steps to Perfect Ambition Essay

  1. Decide on the perspective to consider ambition from. It is the starting point in preparing essays on ambition. A good thesis statement should intrigue, involve, and attract.
  2. Think of the best and clearest reasons to explain your opinion. Good essays on ambition should be well grounded.

What are your future plans reply?

Your response to “What are your future goals?” should be focused on how your long-term career goals match with how this company is growing and the opportunities this job provides. In your research, look for information about company structure, mission, expansion, focuses or new initiatives.

What are plans in life?

A life plan is a roadmap for your life that helps you prioritize what is important to you, make decisions based on your priorities and move toward the life you want. It should provide a clear path for your life, but it should also be flexible. As your life changes, your values and priorities may also change.

What is a good plan?

A good plan is based upon clear, well-defined and easily understood objectives. General objectives like improving morale or increasing profits are ambiguous in nature and do not lend to specific steps and plans. If possible, objectives must be quantified for sake of simplicity.

How can I make my life?

  1. Decide What You Want Out Of Life.
  2. Start To Envision That Your Life Is Already How You Want It To Be.
  3. Think About The Experiences That Make You Happy And Repeat Them.
  4. Become Goal-Oriented.
  5. Forget The Past.
  6. Don’t Worry About What Others Are Going To Think.
  7. Let Go Of Fear.
  8. Communicate Your Wishes With Others.

What is essential for good planning?

It should define objectives, 2.It should be simple, 3. It should be clear, 4. It should be comprehensive, 5. It should be flexible, 6.

Are there good plans and bad plans?

A good plan should be simple, realistic and complete. A poor plan on the other hand is seen to have only long term goals which might be hard to achieve in the long run hence discouraging the planners to continue with the events (Gudda, 2011).

What are the negative consequences of not having a plan?

Employees in organizations suffering from lack of planning are likely to experience low morale. The workers will be aware of their disorganized environment, and will suffer stress and frustration because they will have difficulty executing their assigned tasks.

How important is good planning?

It Helps to Set the Right Goals In particular, planning helps to critically assess the goal to see if it’s realistic. It facilitates decision making and allows setting a time frame by predicting when the company can achieve its goal.

What are the disadvantages of strategic planning?

The strategic management process is complex, time consuming, and difficult to implement; it requires skillful planning in order to avoid pitfalls.

  • A Complex Process.
  • Time Consuming.
  • Difficult to Implement.
  • Requires Skillful Planning.

What are the two types of strategic planning?

In our experience, there are two key types of strategic planning that organizations undertake: internal strategic planning for the future and building a competitive strategy for the external marketplace.

What are the 3 types of strategy?

Three Types of Strategy

  • Business strategy.
  • Operational strategy.
  • Transformational strategy.

What are the 3 levels of strategic planning?

Strategy can be formulated at three levels, namely, the corporate level, the business level, and the functional level. At the corporate level, strategy is formulated for your organization as a whole.

What is basic strategic planning?

Basic Strategic Planning Model Basic strategic planning typically consists of creating a mission statement that describes why a business or organization exists. Create action plans that list the necessary steps that your business must take to properly implement a strategy. As you take action, monitor your progress.

What are the 5 steps in strategic planning?

The five stages of the process are goal-setting, analysis, strategy formation, strategy implementation and strategy monitoring.

Ambition is good or bad?

Strives to be the best in your business — it’s alwaysIs commendable and deserves respect. However, when human ambitions are forced to commit immoral acts, such a person is not accepted by society. What is ambition and if an ambitious person is good or bad?

What is ambition?

Psychological dictionaries say thatAmbition is a desire to achieve success in accordance with personal goals in different spheres of life, fixed in the human character. If we compare with purposefulness, then this term is aimed at personal goals, rather than altruistic ones. In contrast to greed, ambition is partly understood as the receipt of material benefits. This concept is the subject of ethics, psychology, pedagogy and other equally important humanities.

Sometimes the question becomes as important as ambitiousA person is good or, conversely, unacceptable in society. In a good sense, ambition drives the person for any achievements in their activities. In other words, a person does everything in order to do his job perfectly. In this case, he may have a desire to stand out, be in the center of attention, get flattering reviews, climb the career ladder.

However, such a person will always carry out his workAt a high level and you can rely on it. Without such quality as ambition in any way it is impossible in sports, competitions and other competitions. People tend to tend to victories here and these are quite healthy ambitions. However, there are situations when a person can completely forget about propriety for achieving goals, likes flattery and obsequiousness, then it is not very good and can even be called vanity.


Ambition and vanity — differences

If the person is ambitious, this means that heCertainly strives to be the best in the most diverse spheres of life and this can not but cause respect. Being a very good specialist in his field and at the same time responsibly treating the work can not fail to be an example for others. This is the main difference between ambition and vanity, where there is unnecessary attraction of attention to one’s personality. Between vanity and ambition there is a fine line, when one of these qualities is able to change into another. In such situations, a person can praise his own merits.

Ambition and ambitiousness

Under ambitiousness and understand the ambitiousAspiration to achieve the set goals. There is a desire to get a certain status, to achieve a worthy position. When it is said about healthy ambitions, it is a question of all those motives that motivate a person to strive to become more successful. Thanks to them, there is a desire to achieve their goals and become more successful. However, if the ambitions are not grounded, then a person can look very funny.

Ambitiousness can be very useful foreach person. So, without it, it’s hard to get along wanting to climb the career ladder. Here, the winner will be one who, in addition to professionalism, still has such important qualities. Ambition often helps in sports as a strong-willed man is unlikely to agree with the fact that it is important to participate. He will certainly want to become a winner.

Arrogance and ambition

Quite often ambition is associated with arrogance. This is due to the fact that it is important for a person to be sure that he will be able to achieve his goals. However, if you are already at the start, he doubted that it would be an impossible goal. People with ambition cause ambiguous attitude. On the one hand they admire, because they know what they want, but on the other hand they can cause negative emotions, because they can commit immoral acts. Sometimes this happens when it comes to painful ambition. This quality becomes bad or good in the hands of the person.

Ambition and reputation

Everyone or almost every person worriesabout his reputation. This is especially true for high-ranking people. They try to do everything in order not to spoil their own face in the eyes of others. Whether a particular person has the honor of ambition and reputation will depend. So, if a person strives to achieve success in his profession and at the same time tries to fulfill his duties perfectly, she has every chance to earn respect in the eyes of others.

what is ambition

How to develop ambition?

To have ambitious goals is good. If there is a desire to develop ambition, here are some valuable tips:

  1. It is necessary to repeat positive statements as often as possible. This is a statement that reminds oneself of compliments. With their help, you can improve self-esteem and problem-solving skills in stressful situations.
  2. It is important to concentrate on what you can get and think less about the fact that there is an opportunity to lose.
  3. It is necessary to think about failure as a process of liquidation.
  4. You should enjoy success, but do not get hung up on them.
  5. It is necessary to establish specific goals and, at the same time,create a strategy for achieving them. Definition of short-term and long-term goals. It is important to reward yourself every time you reach your goal.

Ambition in Orthodoxy

Orthodox religion argues that ambition -it is a sin. A true Christian should not be so, because it can upset God. The Christian religion says that everyone should be humble and not stand out. The Bible tells us that during the life of Jesus Christ, healing the sick avoided fame and honor. The Holy Gospel says that one should avoid such a vice as hypertrophied ambition.

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