Is altogether one word

The phrase all together (two words) refers to people or things gathered in one place or all acting together. The adverb altogether (one word) means entirely, wholly, or in all.

Simply so, is Alrighty a word?

The form alright as a one-word spelling of the phrase all right in all of its senses probably arose by analogy with such words as already and altogether. Although alright is a common spelling in written dialogue and in other types of informal writing, all right is used in more formal, edited writing.

When we can use already?

‘Already’ is used to indicate that something has happened earlier. It is used in the mid-position of the sentence, and is usually used with Present Perfect. In American English, it is also possible to use ‘already’ with the Simple Past.

What is the difference between the word altogether and all together?

Altogether is only used as an adverb, while all together is never used as an adverb but, instead, is used in all senses other than an adverb. You can remember the difference between these two words by linking the phrases all together and all here in your mind.

Write Your Answer

целое, в целом, совсем, всего, совершенно, вполне


- целое, совокупность
- (the altogether) разг. обнажённая модель

in the altogether — обнажённая (обыкн. о женщине, модели художника и т. п.)
to be in the altogether — быть в костюме Адама или в костюме Евы


- вполне, совсем, совершенно

not altogether bad — неплохой, приличный
I don’t altogether agree with you — я не совсем /не во всём/ с вами согласен

- в общем, в целом, учитывая всё

altogether, I am not sorry I stayed after all — в целом я не сожалею, что я всё-таки остался

- всего, вместе

there are altogether ten students in the group — всего в группе десять студентов
the debt amounted altogether to twenty dollars — долг в сумме составил двадцать долларов

Мои примеры


the monastic system is now effete altogether — монастырская система сейчас совершенно бесплодна  
altogether bad — совершенно негодный  
for altogether — навсегда  
this is a different kettle of fish altogether! — тут и сравнения быть не может!; это совсем другое дело!  
altogether immovable — совершенно неподвижный  
an altogether — целое  
be in the altogether — быть в костюме Адама или в костюме Евы  
is another thing altogether — совсем другое дело  
that’s another matter altogether — это совсем другое дело  
the altogether — обнажённая модель  

Примеры с переводом

How much do I owe you altogether?

Сколько всего я вам должен?

There were five people altogether.

Всего там было пять человек.

They had an altogether new idea.

У них была совершенно новая идея.

I make that $150 altogether.

Итого это составит 150 долларов.

That’s another (or different) issue altogether.

Это совсем другой вопрос.

I hold that the details are altogether unhistorical.

Я считаю, что эти детали абсолютно неисторичны.

It was not altogether her fault.

Это была не вполне её вина.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The results were not altogether surprising.

This latest problem is altogether more serious.

The legs of snakes are vestigial or absent altogether.

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Asked by: Prof. Imani Hahn DDS

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(25 votes)

Defining Altogether and All Together

The word altogether is used as an adverb. It means that something is complete or encompasses everything or everyone. It can be used in place of the words wholly, totally or all in all. The words all together are never used as an adverb.

Where do you put altogether in a sentence?

All-together sentence example

  • We were all together . …
  • You should use no more than 10 drops all together . …
  • Stir it all together but do not over mix. …
  • You can avoid this method all together and get in easier. …
  • Howie wanted to wait until we were all together .

How do you write all together?

There is only one correct way to spell y’all, and that is with the apostrophe between the “y” and the “all.” Y’all is a contraction of you all.

How do you remember altogether and all together?

Are there any tricks to help remember the difference between these words? Think of altogether as one complete word (rather than two words like all together) to remind you it means ‘completely’. Remember you need to use the words ‘all’ and ‘together’ both ‘at the same’ time to spell all together.

How do you put correctly in a sentence?

Correctly sentence example

  1. «Your vocal cords did not heal correctly ,» Wynn told her. …
  2. If I remember correctly , when I asked you to hire someone, you didn’t have time. …
  3. And if I remember correctly , you swore an oath to me.

29 related questions found

How do you write correctly?

5 Simple ways to improve your written English

  1. Expand your vocabulary. To express yourself clearly, you need a good active vocabulary. …
  2. Master English spelling. You must know how to spell those words correctly. …
  3. Read regularly. People often say that we learn to write best by reading. …
  4. Improve your grammar. …
  5. Just do it!

How do you use correct and correctly?

Both are valid. Correctly is an adverb and modifies the verb (say). Correct is a adjective and modifies the object (anything). I can’t [correctly say] anything.

What is the difference between idle and idol?

Idle means something is not in use, empty or doing nothing. Idol is a noun. It means on object that represents a deity.

What is the difference between ingenious and ingenuous?

You see, it all starts with confusion over two adjectives: ingenious and ingenuous. To be ingenious means to be clever, inventive and creative. But to be ingenuous means to be innocent and unsuspecting, like the ingénue in a comedy — a kind of naïve young woman.

Is all together hyphenated?

The phrase all together (two words) refers to people or things gathered in one place or all acting together. The adverb altogether (one word) means entirely, wholly, or in all.

What is this word altogether?

1 : wholly, completely an altogether different problem stopped raining altogether. 2 : in all : all told spent a hundred dollars altogether. 3 : on the whole Altogether their efforts were successful.

Is all together one word or two?

Remember: The two-word phrase all together means “all in one place” or “all in unison.” Written as a single word, altogether means “entirely” or “taken as a whole.”

What type of adverb is altogether?

Without exception; wholly; completely. On the whole; with everything considered. «Altogether, I’m sorry it happened.»

Is Alright wrong?

People are often surprised to learn that alright is not an accepted spelling of all right. Although the one-word spelling of alright is seen in informal writing, teachers and editors will always consider it incorrect. To use the expression with impunity, it is best to spell it as two words: all right.

Is altogether a compound word?

altogether. One means “as a group,” while the other means “completely” or “entirely.” He stacked the records all together, and the collection amounted altogether to four hundred.

What is an ingenuous person?

ingenuous • in-JEN-yuh-wus • adjective. 1 : showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness 2 : lacking craft or subtlety.

Is ingenious a bad word?

Ingenious means clever, original or inventive. It derives ultimately from the Latin word ingenium, which means a natural capacity or talent. It’s the same word from which engine, among other words, derives. … Today, the word often has more negative overtones.

How do you use ingenuous in a sentence?

Ingenuous in a Sentence ?

  1. My ingenuous six-year-old sister still believes there is an Easter bunny.
  2. While I do not consider myself ingenuous, I do not mind giving everyone at least one chance to do good.
  3. The little boy’s ingenuous habit of constantly telling the truth made him unpopular at school.

What is the meaning of idle idol?

Something or someone inactive is idle. The word can also mean “lazy” (“the idle rich”). Unemployed workers are said to be idle, fired ones to have been idled. A car engine can idle. Someone you admire or something you worship is an idol.

What is mean by my idol?

idol Add to list Share. An idol can be a religious image or a person who people admire and maybe even seem to worship. … If you say Flannery O’ Connor is your idol, you don’t mean you bow down before a statue of the Southern writer, it just means you admire her big time.

What is difference between ideal and idle?

An ideal is something that’s preferred e.g. an ideal grade. Idle can mean that’s it’s not moving etc.

Are correct VS is correct?

If the noun is singular, use is. If it is plural or there is more than one noun, use are.

Which is correct sell or sale?

Sale is a noun and refers to an act of exchanging something for money («The owner profited from the sale of the property»). Sell is common as a verb but can also be a noun that shares this sense of sale.

How do you write per se?

per say” correct, everyone! It’s not Latin itself that trips people up, per se, but it’s the spelling of the dead language. When interwoven with our everyday speech, Latin usage sometimes allows us to say our ideas in a more sophisticated tone, but this sophistication crumbles if we spell it “per say.”

Is altogether adverb of manner?

words often confused with altogether

The adverb altogether means “wholly, entirely, completely”: an altogether confused scene. The phrase all together means “in a group”: The children were all together in the kitchen.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.



целиком и полностью


14, 15) is altogether different.

Well, I’d say no marriage is altogether happy.

Ну, я бы сказал, что нет ни одного счастливого брака.

He sometimes demands rent for what is altogether incapable of human improvement.

Он иногда требует ренту даже за то, что вообще не поддается улучшению посредством человеческих усилий.

Living with them is altogether hell.

Да и жить вообще с такими людьми — сущий ад.

14, 15) is altogether different.

It is altogether a different church.

Another option is that housing is altogether free.

Fighting an enemy you cannot see is altogether different.

Every man at his best state is altogether vanity.

«Всякий человек в своем наилучшем состоянии — всецело суета и грех».

What I am proposing is altogether different and goes much further towards improving the quality of life.

То, что я предлагаю, совершенно другое и идет гораздо дальше к улучшению качества жизни.

But this does not mean that such a protection is altogether non-existent.

Однако это отнюдь не означает полного отсутствия соответствующей защиты.

In this regard, the record is altogether very modest.

В этой области полученные результаты более чем скромны.

He is altogether and totally unfit for the position he has attained.

Он был некомпетентен и абсолютно не соответствовал той позиции, которую занимал.

We remember that all proposed method is altogether functional and over and over repeatedly checked on computer systems with different configurations.

Отметим, что все предлагаемый нами метод полностью работоспособен и многократно проверялся на компьютерах с различными конфигурациями.

Successfully predicting future trade scenarios is altogether more complex.

Успешное прогнозирование будущих сценариев торговли в целом более сложной.

This whole fit test is altogether different.

This artistry is altogether not that, in which people carry out in life their idea.

И художество это совсем не в том, что люди проводят в жизнь свои идеи.

The power of the tsar is altogether not an absolute, unlimited might of power.

Власть царя совсем не есть абсолютная, неограниченная власть.

It is altogether proper to speak of salvation as redemption if you mean this eternal rehabilitation.

Если вы имеете в виду это вечное спасение, то вы можете с полным основанием говорить о спасении как искуплении.

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Word Choice: All Together vs. Altogether

What happens when two words become one? Sometimes, like with “all right” and “alright,” both terms mean the same thing. But then we have “all together” and “altogether.” These terms have a shared origin, but they have also developed distinct meanings in modern English. How, then, should we use them? And how can you avoid errors in your writing? Let us explain.

All Together (All in One Place or All in Unison)

Written as two words, “all together” usually means “all in one place”:

My family and I were all together on vacation last year.

A slightly different use is to mean “all in unison” or “all at the same time”:

Let’s sing a Christmas carol. All together now!

We can also separate the “all” and “together” in some sentences. For example:

All of my family and I were together on vacation last year.

Let’s all sing a Christmas carol together!

These mean the same as the equivalent sentences above, but they have been restructured. The key factor is that “all” is a determiner and “together” is an adverb in all of these sentences.

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Altogether (Entirely or Taken as a Whole)

Written as one word, “altogether” usually means “entirely” or “completely”:

I’m not altogether sure you used that word correctly.

Another use is to mean “takes as a whole” or “all things considered”:

Altogether, it was the best Christmas we ever had.

Finally, especially in the UK, “in the altogether” is a slang phrase for being nude. You probably don’t need to know this, as it’s quite rare. But we find the phrase amusing, so we thought we’d share.

All Together or Altogether?

These terms have developed distinct meanings over time, so make sure not to confuse them. Remember:

  • The two-word phrase all together means “all in one place” or “all in unison.”
  • Written as a single word, altogether means “entirely” or “taken as a whole.”

If you are unsure which to use, try replacing it in the sentence with “entirely” or “taken as a whole.” If the replacement fits, “altogether” will be correct. Otherwise, “all together” will be correct. And if you’d like any help checking the spelling in your writing, feel free to get in touch.

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