Is along with one word or two

Is it along with or alone with?

As adverbs the difference between alone and along

is that alone is by one’s self; apart from, or exclusive of, others; solo while along is in company; together.

Is along with an idiom?

in addition to someone or something; together with someone or something. Jane went to the mall along with David.

What is the difference between a long and along?

As adverbs the difference between along and long

is that along is in company; together while long is over a great distance in space.

Is coming along Meaning?

If something is coming along, it is developing or making progress.

What does the word along mean in the Dictionary?

  • Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 11 Sep. 2021. 1 : on or near in a lengthwise direction Walk along the trail. 2 : at a point on He stopped along the way. 1 : farther forward or on Move along.

Is along one or two words?

The word along can be used as a preposition or an adverb. When it is used as a preposition, it is followed by a noun. We walked along the road.Aug 31, 2014

What does along with that mean?

1 : in addition to (something or someone) a plane carrying heavy radar equipment along with full fuel tanks. 2 : together with (something or someone) A bill came along with the merchandise.

How do you spell along the way?

Definition of along the way

: during a process or series of events : at some point in the past He seems to have lost his interest in music somewhere along the way.

What is the difference between along and along with?

With is a commonly used preposition in English. Along with is a phrase that is formed by combining the two prepositions with and along. Along with means in addition to or together with.Dec 2, 2016

image-Is along one or two words?

image-Is along one or two words?


Is along with correct grammar?

Expressions such as coupled with, as well as, along with, together with, not to mention, and others do not act as coordinating conjunctions. Therefore, when you use these expressions to join one singular subject of a sentence with another noun or pronoun, you do not form a plural subject.


What is the meaning of the word pass along?

  • 1 : forward, on move along. 2 : from one to another word was passed along. 3a : in company : as a companion brought his wife along —often used with with walked to school along with her friends. b : in association —used with with work along with colleagues.


What is the meaning of along the road?

  • Definition of along. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : in a line matching the length or direction of walking along the road also : at a point or points on a house along the river. 2 : in the course of made stops along the way. 3 : in accordance with : in a new agreement along the lines of the first. along.


What is the meaning of the word walk along?

  • 1 : on or near in a lengthwise direction Walk along the trail. 2 : at a point on He stopped along the way. 1 : farther forward or on Move along. 2 : as a companion, associate, or useful item I brought a friend along.

What you have figured out now is right. It is ‘along with’, not ‘alongwith‘. ‘Along with’ means together with someone or something. The two words ‘along‘ and ‘with’ exist but with a space between them.

Herein, where do we use along with?

Along is used with nouns like road, river, line etc: words that refer to things with a long thin shape. They were sailing along the western coast of India.

Also to know, can I start a sentence with along with?

New Member. It is grammatically correct to start a sentence with ‘Along with‘? In addition, students who spend more time watching television, playing videogames rather than doing their Math homework usually rush and make silly mistakes.

How do you use along in a sentence?

along Sentence Examples

  1. There is a lovely beach that stretches miles along the blue Atlantic.
  2. Take him along just in case.
  3. You two seem to get along well together.
  4. Each success has some failure along the way.
  5. Katie piled the potatoes in another pan and picked it up, along with the knife and a bag of peals.

What words can you not start a sentence with?

Or never begins a sentence, paragraph, or chapter. Never begin a sentence—or a clause—with also. Teach the elimination of but, so, and, because, at the beginning of a sentence. A sentence should not commence with the conjunctions and, for, or however.

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Is classmates one or two words?

One, it’s a compound word.

Is nationwide one word or two?

one word

Is break out one word or two words?

It’s one word ‘breakout’… but it is a compound word (one word
made from more than one word).

Is the word centerpiece spelled as one word or two?

the word centerpiece is one word

Is woodland one word or two?

The word woodland (forest) is one word.

along with — перевод на русский

I done slapped her in bed, along with the baby.

Я уложила её в постель вместе с ребёночком.

Aside from this map, I’ve actually seen documents referring to the land grant. Somewhere, hidden in these rotting walls as you call them .. Along with other papers, is a deed to Colonel Jaffrey Pyncheon.

Помимо этой карты я своими глазами видел документы, из которых ясно, что дарственная спрятана где-то в этих ветхих стенах, как ты их называешь, вместе с другими документами, рукой полковника Джеффри Пинчена!

Now, Littlejohn, you go along with Harkspur and make sure that he carries out his orders.

Литтлджон, ты пойдешь вместе с Харкспуром и убедишься, что он выполняет мои указания.

Sure, and take my pension right along with him… that I’ve been working 17 years for, and land in the hoosegow besides!

Ну, конечно, и наплевать на мою пенсию… за 17 лет работы, и сесть в тюрягу вместе с ним!

And you’re going home along with the rest of us.

Ты отправляешься домой вместе с нами.

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And along with them, a great many thousand New Yorkers played out their roles also.

И, наряду с ними, тысячи жителей Нью-Йорка также играли свои роли.

Along with Henderson, one Frank Niles is now in the case.

Наряду с Хендерсоном по этому же делу проходит и Фрэнк Найлз.

That’s why I’m anxious, along with the taking of this island… We make sure Toyako doesn’t escape.

Поэтому одна из моих забот, наряду с захватом острова, — не дать Тойяку сбежать.

Send him along with the other prisoners, to Inverness.

Пошлите его наряду с другими заключенными, в Инвернесс.

Should anything happen, do all in your power, along with the others, to make sure the voyage continues.

Если что-нибудь случится, делай все, что в твоих силах, наряду с остальными…чтобы убедится, что путешествие продолжается.

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— I can’t go along with this, Doctor.

Никакого шока. — Я не могу согласиться с этим, доктор.

You can either go along with us on this or not!

Теперь вы можете согласиться с нами или нет.

Under other circumstances, I’d be more than happy to go along with their choice.

При других обстоятельствах я была бы счастлива согласиться с их выбором.

So, captain, Ivanova tells me you convinced Londo and G’Kar to go along with your idea about putting White Star ships along their borders as a peacekeeping force.

Итак, капитан, Иванова говорит, что вы убедили Лондо и Джи-Кара согласиться с вашей идеей поставить Белые Звезды в патруль вдоль их границ в качестве миротворческой силы.

— I won’t go along with this.

Я не могу согласиться с этим.

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He gets along with his stepmother?

— Он ладит с мачехой.

Maggie doesn’t seem to get along with the other babies.

Мэгги не ладит с другими детьми.

— She doesn’t get along with my parents.

— Она не ладит с родителями.

How does she get along with other kids?

Она ладит с другими детьми?

It has come to my attention that some people in this office are not getting along with other people in this office.

Я обратил внимание, что кое-кто в нашем офисе плохо ладит с другими людьми в нашем офисе.

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Sure you don’t want to come along with me and help me with the burros?

Так вы не хотите пойти со мной и помочь с ослами?

Right, you better all come along with me, then.

Правилно, вам лучше всем пойти со мной.

You wanna come along with me?

Хочешь пойти со мной?

You can either tag along with me or you can stay here and try and save the world.

Послушайте, вы можете либо пойти со мной либо остаться здесь и пытаться спасти мир.

Why don’t you just run along with your friends now, ok?

Слушай, Линдси, почему бы тебе не пойти со своими друзьями?

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Why couldn’t you get along with her why couldn’t you make just a little effort?

Почему ты не могла подождать и хоть немного напрячься? Неужели ты не могла еще поладить с ней.

You’re just mad because I found out a way to get along with your family, and you never have.

Ты бесишься оттого, что я нашла способ поладить с твоей семьей, а ты до сих пор нет.

I couldn’t get along with others.

Что я не могу поладить с остальными.

You could have at least tried to get along with my father.

Мог бы по крайней мере попытаться поладить с моим отцом.

What kind of beast couldn’t get along with a precious little girl like this?

Только последняя тварь не сможет поладить с такой прелестной девочкой.

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Lucy, can you jog along with us?

Ћюси, вы можете идти с нами?

I could walk along with him if I wanted.

Я могу идти с ним, куда захочу.

Should have gone along with the poop cookies.

Следовало идти с печеньем из корма.

You run along with Mammy.

Иди с Мамушкой.

Go along with your brother and sister.

Иди с братом и сестрой, Тим.

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I don’t get along with that Harue.

Не хочу находиться рядом с этой Харуэ.

A female cat written along with the CattyCo. logo.

Кошка, нарисованная рядом с логотипом Кэтти и Ко.

Sadly, I can’t cash this for ethical reasons but I will pin it to my bulletin board along with the others.

К сожалению, я не смогу обменять это на деньги по этическим причинам, но я повешу его на стену рядом с другими.

You know, somewhere it’ll reappear along with the Elephant Man’s bones at some sideshow.

Вы знаете, где-нибудь оно появится… на каком-нибудь шоу, рядом с костями Человека-Слона.

And she goes down to the room and for the fifteenth time and look in the trash, along with my desktop and see this fine crumpled piece of paper and pulls on it, looks and says, ‘What is this?

И тут она спускается к нам в комнату, раз в пятнадцатый уже наверное, смотрит в мусорную корзину рядом с моим столом и видит там какую-то скомканную бумажку. Она её достаёт, изучает и спрашивает «Что это?»

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And it’s your duty, young man, to come along with us!

А ваш долг, молодой человек, поехать с нами.

You can probably travel along with them.

Вы можете поехать с ними.

I thought well I wonder if he’s gonna need someone to go along with him?

Я подумал, ну, может ему кто-нибудь понадобится, чтобы поехать с ним?

So I decided to call in sick and go along with him.

Так что я отпросилась на работе и решила поехать с ним.

Yeah, and there’s no reason why they can’t come along with one of us.

Да, а почему бы им не поехать с одним из нас?

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If you guys keep going along with his insanity, you’re just encouraging him.

Если вы продолжаете соглашаться с его невменяемостью, то тем самым — поощраете его.

The unwashed masses will helplessly follow the leader and go along with any message they spout.

Немытые массы будут беспомощно следовать за лидером и соглашаться с любой идеей, которую он выдвигает.

So, if you’re gonna go along with the trend of,

И, если Вы собираетесь соглашаться с тенденцией

Everything she says you go along with?

Ты соглашаешься со всем что она говорит?

Oh, so, you just go along with whatever I say to just shut me up, and then you go do whatever you want, no matter how much it’s gonna hurt Oliver.

Так ты просто соглашаешься со всем, что я говорю, только чтобы заткнуть меня, а потом идешь и делаешь, что хочешь, несмотря на то, насколько это может ранить Оливера.

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Matching Mole

  • #2

In answer to your first sentence, Yes. If they appear at precisely the same time then they appear simultaneously.

«Along with» (note this is two words, not three) is rather imprecise for your purposes, I think; it doesn’t mean much beyond «and» or «with», so no great precision in terms of timing is conveyed. If there is an interval between the appearances, I think you will need to say so explicitly. Asynchronicity means that two events or series of events do not occur at the same time, or that they do not match in frequency, they are what we call «out of sync». «Along with» says nothing useful about this at all.

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