Is administer a word

управлять, назначать, давать, отправлять, вести, совершать, вести дела, снабжать


- управлять, вести дела

to administer smb.’s affairs — вести чьи-л. дела
to administer the affairs of the state — управлять государством
she administers her household — в доме она заправляет всем
to administer trust territories — управлять территориями под опекой
to administer upon /to/ a will — юр. управлять наследством (в качестве исполнителя завещания)

- быть руководителем; осуществлять руководство, руководить, управлять
- оказывать, предоставлять

to administer relief — оказывать помощь
to administer safeguards — юр. проводить в жизнь гарантии
to administer to smb.’s needs — удовлетворять чьи-л. нужды /потребности/

- (to) помогать; оказывать содействие

to administer to a person’s comfort — обеспечить удобства кому-л.
the government administered to the needs of the flood victims — правительство оказало помощь жертвам наводнения

- отправлять, осуществлять

to administer justice — отправлять правосудие
to administer the law — проводить в жизнь законы, обеспечивать правопорядок

- применять (меры воздействия и т. п.)

to administer punishment — наказывать, применять наказание
to administer a rebuke — выговаривать, отчитывать
to administer a blow — нанести удар
to administer an oath to smb. — приводить кого-л. к присяге

- назначать, применять, давать (лекарство)
- отправлять (обряды)

to administer the last sacraments — церк. соборовать

- эк. контролировать, регулировать (цены, уровень заработной платы и т. п.)

Мои примеры


administer critical remarks to everyone present — оделить критическими замечаниями всех присутствующих  
to administer / give chloroform to smb. — дать кому-л. подышать парами хлороформа  
to administer the coup de grace (with a knife) — нанести последний удар (кинжалом)  
to administer / give a dose — назначать дозу  
to administer / prescribe a drug — назначать лекарство  
to administer / give an enema — поставить клизму  
to administer / manage an estate — управлять имением, поместьем  
to administer / conduct / give an examination — проводить экзамен  
to administer / give first aid — оказывать первую помощь  
to administer / manage a fund — управлять капиталом  
administer the divine service — совершать богослужение  

Примеры с переводом

The assistant will administer the test.

Помощник проведет тестирование.

The King commissioned new judges to administer justice.

Король назначил новых судей вершить правосудие.

The test was administered to all 11-year-olds.

Данный тест проводился для всех одиннадцатилетних детей.

Our office administers the affairs of the Society.

Наше ведомство управляет делами Общества.

She’s been hired to administer the fund.

Её наняли для управления фондом.

The oath was administered to him.

Его привели к присяге.

As a cost-saving measure, voters have elected to have the two towns administered jointly.

В качестве меры экономии, избиратели предпочли, чтобы у этих двух городов было совместное управление.

The money will be administered by local charities.

Деньги будут находиться в ведении местных благотворительных организаций.

This unit teaches students how to administer First Aid.

Этот раздел учит студентов оказывать первую помощь.

She used an eye dropper to administer medication to the eyes.

Чтобы закапать лекарства в глаза, она воспользовалась пипеткой.

It is not the job of the police to administer justice; that falls to the courts.

Вершить правосудие не входит в обязанности полиции — этим занимаются суды.

Pillai had responsibility for administering to the needs of half a million people.

Пиллай отвечал за удовлетворение потребностей полумиллиона человек.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The UN personnel are there to help administer the territory.

Painkillers were administered to the boy.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

Asked by: Audra Turner

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(62 votes)

Both administer and administrate mean “to manage or control the operation of something”. Administer is the commonly used word. Administrate is a word formed by removing the ending -tion from the noun administra-tion and adding to it the verbal ending -ate. Some dictionaries do not list administrate as a word.

What is administer used for?

to bring into use or operation: to administer justice; to administer last rites. to make application of; give: to administer medicine. to supervise the formal taking of (an oath or the like).

How do you use administer in a sentence?

Administer sentence example

  1. A priest can administer this sacrament. …
  2. Others had tried to administer to her but he knew it was pointless and turned away.

Does an administrator administer?

All administrators are in charge of administration. Administration refers to activities that deal with organizing and managing the work of a business. Administration also exists in government, charities, and many other types of organizations. Administrators’ roles are integral to the organization in which they work.

What does administer a test mean?

verb. If someone administers something such as a country, the law, or a test, they take responsibility for organizing and supervising it.

35 related questions found

What are the 4 types of assessment?

A Guide to Types of Assessment: Diagnostic, Formative, Interim, and Summative.

What are the two types of administration?

Your choices are centralized administration, individual administration, or some combination of the two.

Can executor be administrator?

An executor fulfills the same role as an administrator; the only difference is how they are appointed. If you are an executor, you were nominated to serve in the decedent’s will and appointed by a probate court.

Does the administrator of an estate get paid?

Usually, Yes. The personal representative is generally entitled to be compensated for the services rendered in administering the estate of a decedent (the person who has passed from this life).

What are the types of administrator?

The following are the various administrator types and the set of administrative functions that can be performed by administrators assigned to each of these types:

  • Tivoli Access Manager Administrator. …
  • Domain Administrator. …
  • Senior Administrator. …
  • Administrator. …
  • Support Administrator.

What is to administer something?

transitive verb. 1 : to manage or supervise the execution, use, or conduct of administer a trust fund. 2a : to provide or apply : dispense administer justice administer punishment.

What does administer medication mean?

When you administer something, you give it to others. This can apply to a dose of medicine, an order, a survey, or a punishment. Administer can also mean to run something — such as a school or an office.

What does it mean to administer a law?

Administer means to carry out a task or give something to someone. Administer appears in a variety of contexts in the legal field. … A government agency administers the laws of a specific area of law by creating regulations, monitoring specific industries, establishing license requirements, etc.

Why the route of drug administration is important?

Drugs that are poorly absorbed, inactive or ineffective if given orally can be given by this route. The intravenous route provides immediate onset of action. The intramuscular and subcutaneous routes can be used to achieve slow or delayed onset of action. Patient compliance problems are largely avoided .

What is the root word of administration?

mid-14c., «act of giving or dispensing;» late 14c., «management (of a business, property, etc.), act of administering,» from Latin administrationem (nominative administratio) «aid, help, cooperation; direction, management,» noun of action from past-participle stem of administrare «to help, assist; manage, control, …

What does administrate mean?

To administrate is to manage or run something. People who administrate are in charge. An administrator is someone in charge of something, like the president of a college. To administrate is to run something, the way a CEO runs a company.

What happens after letters of administration are granted?

Once Probate has been granted, the Executor must collect the deceased’s assets and take steps to pay any debts or taxes — including income tax — owed by the deceased. … After funeral expenses are paid, the Executor is entitled to claim any expenses relating to the administration of the Estate before other debts are paid.

Does the executor pay the beneficiaries?

An executor can either reach an agreement with all the beneficiaries or apply to the Supreme Court for commission to be paid out of the estate. The court will consider the circumstances of the case before allowing commission to be paid. The amount of commission may be calculated as a lump sum amount or percentage.

What happens to money in an estate account?

An estate account is a temporary bank account that holds an estate’s money. The person you choose to administer your estate will use the account’s funds to settle your debts, pay taxes and distribute assets.

Can Administrator sell property without all beneficiaries approving?

The executor can sell property without getting all of the beneficiaries to approve. … The administrator will come in with a buyer and a contract and if someone else in court wants to pay more for the property than that contract price then the judge will allow that.

Is executor the same as administrator?

The difference is the way in which they have been appointed. An Executor is nominated within the Will of a deceased person. If there is no Will, an Administrator is appointed by a Court to manage or administer a decedent’s estate. … In the case of an Executor, the estate is distributed in accordance with the Will.

Does an executor have to show accounting to beneficiaries?

Whether you are a beneficiary or an executor of an estate, you may be asking the question, does an executor have to show accounting to beneficiaries. The answer is, an executor of an estate does not have an automatic obligation to file an accounting of the estate.

What is the basic concept of administration?

Definition. According to Theo Haimann, “Administration means overall determination of policies, setting of major objectives, the identification of general purposes, and laying down of broad programmes and projects”.

What are the principles of administration?

​Principles of Good Administration

  • Contents.
  • Introduction.
  • Getting it right.
  • Being customer focussed.
  • Being open and accountable.
  • Acting fairly and proportionately.
  • Putting things right.
  • Seeking continuous improvement.

Who is father of administration?

The father of administrative management is considered to be Henri Fayol (1841-1925), a Frenchman who worked for a coal-mining company.

Table of Contents

  1. What is administer in a sentence?
  2. What is the root word of administration?
  3. What is the verb of administration?
  4. What is administration simple words?
  5. Is administering a word?
  6. What is the main function of administration?
  7. What are the five elements of administration?
  8. What are the five principles of administration?
  9. What is the full meaning of administration?
  10. What are the three types of administration?
  11. What is process of administration?
  12. What are the activities of administration?
  13. Which function is the heart of administration?
  14. Which function is heart of every Organisation?
  15. What is called as management?
  16. Is the heart of all management functions?
  17. Which is called the heart of management?
  18. What are the skills of a manager?
  19. What are the 3 skills of a manager?

What is another word for administer?

What is administer in a sentence?

Administer sentence example. Others had tried to administer to her but he knew it was pointless and turned away. A priest can administer this sacrament.

manage direct
control oversee
govern handle
superintend supervise
operate regulate

What is the root word of administration?

mid-14c., “act of giving or dispensing;” late 14c., “management (of a business, property, etc.), act of administering,” from Latin administrationem (nominative administratio) “aid, help, cooperation; direction, management,” noun of action from past-participle stem of administrare “to help, assist; manage, control.

What is the verb of administration?

Administer or Administrate? Administer is the verb form for administration or administrator.

What is administration simple words?

Administration is defined as the act of managing duties, responsibilities, or rules. An example of administration is the act of the principal in the school managing the faculty and staff and employing the rules of the school system.

Is administering a word?

ad•min•is•ter 1. to direct or manage (affairs, a government, etc.); have executive charge of. 2. to bring into use or operation: to administer justice. 3. to dispense, esp. formally: to administer the sacraments.

What is the main function of administration?

The main job responsibility of an administrator is to ensure the efficient performance of all departments in an organization. They act as a connecting link between the senior management and the employees. They provide motivation to the work force and make them realize the goals of the organization.

What are the five elements of administration?

According to Gulick, the elements are:

  • Planning.
  • Organizing.
  • Staffing.
  • Directing.
  • Co-ordinating.
  • Reporting.
  • Budgeting.

What are the five principles of administration?

Principles of Administration • For any administration–business, government, educational institutions–to function properly, the principles of management which include hierarchy, control, unity of command, delegation of authority, specialization, objectives, centralization and decentralization must be adhered to.

What is the full meaning of administration?

1 : performance of executive duties : management worked in the administration of a hospital. 2 : the act or process of administering something the administration of justice the administration of medication. 3 : the execution of public affairs as distinguished from policy-making.

What are the three types of administration?

3 Types of Administration In Organization,School And Education

  • Authoritative Administration.
  • Advantages.
  • Disadvantages.
  • Democratic Administration.
  • Disadvantages:
  • Laissez-faire.
  • Features.
  • Advantageous.

What is process of administration?

Going into administration is when a company becomes insolvent and is put under the management of Licensed Insolvency Practitioners. The directors and the secured lenders can appoint administrators through a court process in order to protect the company and their position as much as possible.

What are the activities of administration?

Here is a quick list of typical administrator duties:

  • Management of office equipment.
  • Maintaining a clean and enjoyable working environment.
  • Handling external or internal communication or management systems.
  • Managing clerical or other administrative staff.
  • Organizing, arranging and coordinating meetings.

Which function is the heart of administration?


Which function is heart of every Organisation?

Now the heart of any organisation – the function performed by the heart of the animal – is the function performed by the sales activity of an organisation. Sales is what drives the business. It is the No. 1 primary function of the business.

What is called as management?

Management is a process of planning, decision making, organizing, leading, motivation and controlling the human resources, financial, physical, and information resources of an organization to reach its goals efficiently and effectively.

Is the heart of all management functions?

Decision-making is the heart of all management functions.

Which is called the heart of management?

Yes, directing is the heart of management process. It means guiding, inspiring and supervising the people to work for the betterment of the organisation. Directing is the execution function of converting plans into action.

What are the skills of a manager?

6 Essential Skills for Managers

  1. Good communication. Having good communication skills is probably the most important skill of all for managers to have.
  2. Good Organisation.
  3. Team Building.
  4. Leadership.
  5. Ability to Deal with Changes Effectively.
  6. Domain Knowledge.

What are the 3 skills of a manager?

Managerial skills fall into three basic categories: technical, human relations, and conceptual skills.

We had an interesting discussion yesterday about the use of administer and administrate.

I feel that there is a case for both usages — sometimes you might administer something, and other times you might administrate something — but I couldn’t convince my fellow co-worker who thought that administrate was some kind of neo-abomination. This was mainly because I couldn’t cite a convincing example.

So then, is administrate an acceptable verb, and what usages exist that differentiate it from administer?

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asked Mar 1, 2011 at 2:28

HorusKol's user avatar


Off the top of my head, the only thing that springs to mind is that administer is maybe more common in the sense of give (out). So if you want to avoid connotation with that meaning, «administrate» could serve this purpose (though you could also manage, organise, steer…).

Just possibly administrate suggests more closer being an administrator in the sense of it being one’s job title/function (as opposed to just administering something on an ad-hoc basis).

So apart from that, it may just depend on whether you like the sound of verbs ending in -ate.

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answered Mar 1, 2011 at 2:40

Neil Coffey's user avatar

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The NOAD reports that administrate is a less common term for administer, when it is used to mean «manage and be responsible for the running of a business, organization, etc.»

Administrate has been first used in the sixtenth century, and it derives from the Latin administrat (administrated), from the verb administrare.
Administer has been first used in Middle English, and it derives from the Old French word that comes from the Latin administrare.

answered Mar 1, 2011 at 13:52

apaderno's user avatar


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The word, «administrate» is indeed listed in Merriam-Webster as a verb. However, I would use “administer,” which is the more common/usual word. In the business world, “administrate” often has the connotation of work handled by a secretary, not a professional.

answered Jun 25, 2014 at 15:13

user82186's user avatar

I’ve found that in the tech world they favor administrate. If you have admin. Privileges on a server, file directory, forums etc. you tend to administrate rather than administer.

answered Jun 25, 2014 at 15:27

maxwell's user avatar


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управлять; вести дела; администрировать

to administer smb’s accounts [property] — управлять счетами [собственностью]

to administer a project — управлять проектом

to administer a country [department] — руководить страной [отделом],

to administer welfare programmes — управлять социальными программами

well [badly] to administer economy — хорошее [плохое] управление экономикой




регулировать, отправлять, осуществлять

to administer punishment — наказывать, применять наказание

to administer justice — отправлять правосудие

to administer prices — регулировать цены



проводить, обслуживать, оказывать

to administer a test — проводить тестирование

to administer to the needs of a sick man — ухаживать за больным,

to administer help — оказывать помощь,

The oath was administered to him. — Его привели к присяге.

* * *

администрировать, управлять, осуществлять управление, надзирать.

Англо-русский экономический словарь.


Смотреть что такое «administer» в других словарях:

  • administer — ad·min·is·ter /əd mi nə stər/ vb is·tered, is·ter·ing vt 1: to manage the affairs of (as a government or agency) 2 a: to direct or supervise the execution, use, or conduct of administer a trust fund b: to settle (an estate) under a court appoin …   Law dictionary

  • administer — ad‧min‧is‧ter [ədˈmɪnstə ǁ ər] verb [transitive] 1. COMMERCE to manage, organize, and control something and make sure it is dealt with correctly: • A new national fund will be administered by the insurance industry. • the bureaucrats who… …   Financial and business terms

  • Administer — Ad*min is*ter, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Administered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Administering}.] [OE. aministren, OF. aministrer, F. administer, fr. L. administrare; ad + ministrare to serve. See {Minister}.] 1. To manage or conduct, as public affairs; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • administer — administer, dispense come into comparison because they are used in certain idiomatic phrases, similar in wording but not always equivalent in meaning, such as administer justice or dispense justice; administer a medicine or dispense medicine;… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • administer — administer, administrate For many centuries, the normal word corresponding to administration and meaning ‘to manage (affairs)’ has been administer • (The Rezzoris were minor Austrian gentry administering the outposts of empire London Review of… …   Modern English usage

  • administer — [v1] manage an organization or effort administrate, be in the driver’s seat*, be in the saddle*, boss*, carry out, conduct, control, crack the whip*, direct, execute, govern, head, head up*, hold the reins*, oversee, pull the strings*, pull the… …   New thesaurus

  • administer — [ad min′is tər, ədmin′istər] vt. [ME aministren < OFr aministrer < L administrare < ad , to + ministrare, to serve] 1. to manage or direct (the affairs of a government, institution, etc.) 2. to give out or dispense, as punishment or… …   English World dictionary

  • Administer — Ad*min is*ter, v. i. 1. To contribute; to bring aid or supplies; to conduce; to minister. [1913 Webster] A fountain . . . administers to the pleasure as well as the plenty of the place. Spectator. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) To perform the office of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Administer — Ad*min is*ter, n. Administrator. [Obs.] Bacon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • administer to — index accommodate, assist, bequeath, care (regard), concern (care), serve (assist) …   Law dictionary

  • administer — (v.) late 14c., administren, aministren to manage as a steward, from O.Fr. amenistrer help, aid, be of service to (12c., Mod.Fr. administrer, the d restored 16c.), and directly from L. administrare manage, control, guide, superintend; rule direct …   Etymology dictionary

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