Is accrued a word

Asked by: Mafalda Lind III

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Accrue means to grow and accumulate naturally or to be added periodically. It’s especially used in the context of finance to refer to the growth of interest in an account. The past tense of accrue (accrued) can also be used as an adjective describing something that has been accumulated, as in accrued interest.

How do you use accrued?

  1. ​[intransitive] to increase over a period of time. Interest will accrue if you keep your money in a savings account. …
  2. ​[transitive] accrue something to allow a sum of money or debts to grow over a period of time synonym accumulate. The firm had accrued debts of over $6m.

Is the word accrued?

To accrue means to accumulate over time—most commonly used when referring to the interest, income, or expenses of an individual or business.

What do we say accrued in English?

accrue | Business English

to increase in amount over a period of time: Interest accruing at 18% or more a year can quickly drain your future purchasing power. to allow something to increase in amount over a period of time: By the time they leave, they’ll have accrued a year’s holiday pay.

How do you put accrued in a sentence?

Accrued sentence example

  1. Brilliant results accrued from all this participation in the general life of Germany. …
  2. Regardless of the theory of evolution, we have accrued many benefits.

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How do you use accomplish in a sentence?

Accomplish sentence example

  1. It seemed very doubtful whether he would accomplish his desire. …
  2. Did you accomplish everything you needed to today? …
  3. Of course I agreed though I had no idea how I’d accomplish the task and dreaded even trying. …
  4. I’ll accomplish this via a blind trust so you will remain unknown, even to me.

What are accruals?

Accruals are revenues earned or expenses incurred which impact a company’s net income on the income statement, although cash related to the transaction has not yet changed hands. Accruals also affect the balance sheet, as they involve non-cash assets and liabilities.

What does shall accrue mean?

1 : to come into existence as a legally enforceable claim. 2a : to come about as a natural growth, increase, or advantage the wisdom that accrues with age. b : to come as a direct result of some state or action rewards due to the feminine will accrue to me— Germaine Greer.

Does accrued mean outstanding?

Some people use the term Outstanding Expense and Accrued Expense interchangeably. … An accrued expense indicates that an expense has been incurred but is NOT YET DUE for payment. An outstanding expense indicates that an expense has been incurred and is PAST DUE for payment.

What is the prefix of accrue?

accrue (v.)

of acreu, past participle of acreistre (Modern French accroître) «to increase,» from Latin accrescere «grow progressively, increase, become greater,» from ad «to» (see ad-) + crescere «grow» (from PIE root *ker- (2) «to grow»).

What does accrue mean in legal terms?

To come into existence as a claim that is legally enforceable. … To come into existence or mature as an enforceable claim or right. For example, a cause of action may be sued upon once it is an enforceable claim. Likewise, the interest on a sum owed accrues on the date the interest becomes due.

What does accrued mean in vacation?

Accrued vacation pay is the amount of vacation time that an employee has earned as per a company’s employee benefit policy, but which has not yet been used or paid. … The following discussion of accounting for accrued vacation pay can also be applied to holiday pay.

How do you use accrual in a sentence?

Accrual in a Sentence ?

  1. The man’s quick accrual of debt caused his credit card companies to cancel all of his accounts.
  2. Using an accrual method, the HR department kept up with employee days off that have been earned but not yet used.

What is the synonym of accrue?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for accrue. accumulate, amass, collect.

What are accrued revenues?

Accrued revenue is revenue that has been earned by providing a good or service, but for which no cash has been received. Accrued revenues are recorded as receivables on the balance sheet to reflect the amount of money that customers owe the business for the goods or services they purchased.

What is deferred and accrued?

Key Takeaways. Deferred revenue is the portion of a company’s revenue that has not been earned, but cash has been collected from customers in the form of prepayment. Accrued expenses are the expenses of a company that have been incurred but not yet paid.

Does accrued mean prepaid?

Prepaid Expenses. Accrued expenses are the opposite of prepaid expenses. Prepaid expenses are payments made in advance for goods and services that are expected to be provided or used in the future. While accrued expenses represent liabilities, prepaid expenses are recognized as assets on the balance sheet.

What is difference between outstanding and accrued?

Accrued Income as well as outstanding income are earned by the business and not yet received but in case of accrued’ income, the income has not become due on the business, while outstanding income is an income which has become due to the business.

What does it mean for a claim to accrue?

Accrual of a claim means the date when all events, that fix the alleged liability of either the Government or the contractor and permit assertion of the claim, were known or should have been known. For liability to be fixed, some injury must have occurred.

When can you accrue?

In short, accruals allow expenses to be reported when incurred, not paid, and income to be reported when it is earned, not received. As examples: A department orders and receives tow computers at the end of June 2004. However, the bill is not received Until July and is not processed until August.

How do you accrue something?

You accrue expenses by recording an adjusting entry to the general ledger. Adjusting entries occur at the end of the accounting period and affect one balance sheet account (an accrued liability) and one income statement account (an expense).

What are accruals examples?

Examples of accrued expenses

  • Bonuses, salaries or wages payable.
  • Unused vacation or sick days.
  • Cost of future customer warranty payments, returns or repairs.
  • Unpaid, accrued interest payable.
  • Utilities expenses that won’t be billed until the following month.
  • Anything you’ve purchased but haven’t received an invoice for yet.

What is accrual in marriage?

The term ‘accrual’ is used to denote the net increase in value of a spouse’s estate since the date of marriage. In other words, what was yours before the marriage remains yours, and what you have earned during the marriage belongs to both of you.

What does it mean to release an accrual?

English to Spanish translations [PRO] Bus/Financial — Business/Commerce (general) English term or phrase: Accrual release. There are 3 main types of accruals. Late costs.

Annual interest rate is accrued towards the financed amount.


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Годовая процентная ставка начисляется на сумму финансирования.


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Процентные поступления начисляются за 30 дней: 21 690 долл. США;


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Процентные поступления начисляются на дату составления балансовой ведомости.




the advanced payment is accrued«above» and does not affect the amount of payment.


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То есть авансовый взнос начисляется« сверх» и не влияет на сумму выплаты.


The USC is accrued on»salary» nutrition at a rate of 22.


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Если же зарплата начислена в меньшем размере в т.


Interest income is accrued as income in the biennium to which it relates.


The rest of the package, about 71%, is accrued by the tour operator and covers the wages of guides,

event costs and commissions.


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Остальная часть пакета, около 71%, начисляется туроператорам и покрывает заработную плату гидов, расходы на

мероприятия и комиссию.


The fee for the use of the deposit is accrued daily for the amount of the actual balance and


paid monthly;


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Вознаграждение за пользование вкладом начисляется ежедневно на сумму фактического остатка и выплачивается ежемесячно;


Of all the sums paid by the lead is accrued and paid to the partner according to the Agreement.


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От всех оплаченных лидом сумм, начисляются и выплачиваются партнеру согласно условиям договора.


Interest on deposit is accrued on a monthly basis and added to the principal deposit amount,

therefore increasing the ultimate profit.


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Проценты по вкладу начисляются ежемесячно и добавляются к основной сумме вклада, что

увеличивает итоговую прибыль.


The depreciation of an item of financial lease is accrued during the period of expected use of the asset para.


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Амортизация объекта финансовой аренды начисляется в течение периода ожидаемого использования актива п.


Interest for using overdraft limit is accrued on the last day of the month and


automatically debited from card account.

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Проценты за пользование лимитом овердрафта начисляются в последний день месяца и автоматически списываются с карточного счета.

A new commission settlement base


introduced for loan trades-

for IBC assets the commission is accrued for the full loan period.


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Введена новая база расчета комиссии для сделок займа-

для типа актива МБК комиссия начисляется за весь период займа.


For goods storage of more than 2(two) days fixed surcharge for each additional day is accrued.


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За хранение груза более 2( двух) дней начисляется фиксированная доплата за каждые последующие сутки.


In other words, rating


an important and integral part of success,

and it


extremely important to understand how it is accrued.


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Иначе говоря, рейтинг- важная и неотъемлемая составляющая успеха,


All grants, related to the amortisable assets, shall


recognised by the Group

as a decrease in the expenses for amortisation during the periods, when the amortisation of these assets is accrued.


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Субсидии, относящиеся к амортизируемым активам, Группа признает в качестве

уменьшения расходов на амортизацию в течение тех периодов, в которых начисляется амортизация данных активов.


The final compensation


determined by the quality of your work and is accrued weekly based on the five-working-day result.


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Итоговое вознаграждение определяется качеством Вашей работы и начисляется еженедельно по итогам пяти рабочих дней.


The rent is accrued since the date when the lease deed



and the tenant receives the keys to the rented apartments.


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Арендные платежи начинают начисляться с даты подписания акта сдачи помещения в аренду,

когда арендатор получает ключи от арендуемого помещения.


About 72% of the total value generated by Issyk-Kul vacations is accrued to Kyrgyz businesses,

of which about 80%


earned by Issyk-Kul province businesses and residents.


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Тенденции и вызовы отдыха на Иссык-Куле, поступает кыргызским компаниям, из которых

около 80% зарабатывается компаниями и жителями Иссык-Кульской области.


We recommend taxpayers to analyze thoroughly, what items FOREX is accrued for, especially in cases,

when significant amounts of negative FOREX


deducted for CIT purposes.


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Мы рекомендуем налогоплательщикам тщательно анализировать, по каким статьям производится начисление курсовой разницы, особенно в случаях, когда

значительные суммы отрицательной курсовой разницы относятся на вычеты для целей КПН.


By the end of the savings period, a sum is accrued, which will then


paid to the client

according to the option established in the contract.

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К концу договорного периода накопится сумма, которая будет выплачена клиенту в соответствии с

зафиксированном в договоре выбором.

As it


known, from January 1, 2016 the unified social contribution(hereinafter-

USC) is accrued on the income of the secondary job employee on a general

basis in the amount of 22.


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Как известно, с 1 января 2016 года единый социальный взнос( далее-

ЕСВ) начисляют на заработок работника- совместителя на общих основаниях в размере 22.


It also clarifies that a levy liability is accrued progressively only if the activity that triggers payment

occurs over a period of time, in accordance with the relevant legislation.


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В нем также уточняется, что обязательство в отношении специального сбора начисляется постепенно, если деятельность предприятия, которая влечет за собой

необходимость уплаты такого сбора, ведется в течение периода времени, в соответствии с законодательством.


Future interest income


based on the reduced carrying amount and is accrued using the rate of interest used to discount

the future cash flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss.


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Будущий процентный доход

определяется на основании уменьшенной балансовой стоимости и начисляется с использованием процентной ставки, которая использовалась для

дисконтирования будущих потоков денежных средств для оценки убытка от обесценения.


In case of failure to make the minimum 10% payment set for the credit limit, the used



considered overdue for the respective amount, and daily penalty of 0.15% of the overdue amount is accrued.


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В случае, если не будет выплачена минимальная плата в размере 10%, предусмотренная для кредитного лимита,

использованный лимит считается просроченным в размере этой части, и начисляется штраф за просроченную сумму в размере. 15% ежедневно.


Although the value of the goods


not large compared with that which is accrued from well-organized illegal businesses,

its impact affects the operation of hundreds of small legal businesses, families and workers.


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Хотя расхищаемые в этом случае денежные суммы или стоимость товаров не так велики по сравнению с доходами от хорошо организованного преступного бизнеса,

от грабежей страдают сотни легальных малых предприятий, семьи и работники.


The penalty is accrued on the amount of the tax debt at the rate of 120%

annual of discount rate of the National Bank for the day of such a tax debt or on the day of its(its part) repayment, depending on which of the values of such rates


greater, each calendar day of arrear in its payment.


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Пеня начисляется на сумму налогового долга из расчета 120% годовых учетной ставки

Нацбанка на день возникновения такого налогового долга или на день его( его части) погашения, в зависимости от того, какая из величин таких ставок больше, за каждый календарный день просрочки по его уплате.


If the taxable income is accrued by the tax agent but


not paid(not provided)

to the taxpayer, the tax to


withheld from such




the subject to the transfer to the budget by the tax agent within the established period by the TCU for monthly taxable period, viz.


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Если налогооблагаемый доход начисляется налоговым агентом, но не выплачивается( не предоставляется) налогоплательщику, то

налог, подлежащий удержанию с такого начисленного дохода, подлежит перечислению в бюджет налоговым агентом в сроки, установленные НКУ для месячного налогового периода, то есть не позднее 30 календарных дней, следующих за месяцем начисления дохода.


To form this criterion it


used the tax calculation information of a taxpayer

form 1ДФ»Tax calculation amounts of income which is accrued(paid) in favor of the taxpayers

and the amounts deducted from their tax» according to the number of employees who received income in the form of wages, separately for each of the last four consecutive taxable periods(quarters), which tax reporting deadline has expired;


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Для формирования этого критерия используются сведения налогового расчета налогоплательщика формы

1ДФ» Налоговый расчет сумм дохода, начисленного( уплаченного) в пользу плательщиков налога, и сумм удержанного с

них налога» относительно количества работников, которые получали доходы в виде заработной платы, отдельно по каждому из последних 4- х последовательных отчетных налоговых периодов( кварталов), по которым прошел предельный срок предоставления налоговой отчетности;


If something accumulates over a period of time, you can describe this with the adjective accrued. The principal in your bank account is so small, you’ll never get rich off the accrued interest. You’d better plan on getting a job.

The adjective accrued comes from the Old French word acreu, meaning growth or increase, which is what the modern word describes as well — something that grows or accumulates over time. You forgot to pay your taxes on time. Now, with the accrued fees and penalties, you now owe twice as much as you did originally. The government is happy to take the extra money, but you should try to avoid that costly mistake in the future.

Definitions of accrued

  1. adjective

    periodically accumulated over time

    accrued interest”

    accrued leave”




    made greater in size or amount or degree

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘accrued’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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начисленный, накопленный, наросший


- накопленный, наросший

accrued interest — аккумулированный процент
accrued income — накопленный доход (о процентах и т. п.)

- фин. начисленный; понесённый, но ещё не оплаченный (о расходе)

accrued expense — аккумулированные непогашенные затраты, задолженность

Мои примеры


investments that have accrued interest and dividends — инвестиции, по которым накопились проценты и дивиденды  
accrued dividends — накопленные дивиденды  
accrued liability — начисленные обязательства  
accrued taxes — налоговые начисления  
accrued expenditure — аккумулированные непогашенные затраты; задолженность  
accrued flying time — налёт  
accrued income and deferred expenses — накопленные доходы и расходы будущего периода  
accrued interest per share — процент на акцию наросший  
accrued items — начисления  
accrued net earning — сумма чистой прибыли  
accrued interests — наросшие проценты  

Примеры с переводом

The interest accrued to our account.

На нашем счету наросли проценты.

The house accrued to the oldest son.

Дом отошёл (по наследству) старшему сыну.

I have accrued 15 days of sick leave.

У меня осталось 15 неиспользованных дней отпуска по болезни.

I’ll get back all the money I invested, plus any interest and dividends that have accrued.

Я верну себе все вложенные мной деньги, а также любые накопившиеся проценты и дивиденды.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Definitions For Accrued


  • Periodically accumulated over time


  • To increase in value or amount gradually as time passes : to grow or build up slowly
  • To come to or be given to someone

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The word Accrued is worth 12 points in Scrabble and 15 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Accrued in a Sentence

  • I’ll get back all the money I invested, plus any interest and dividends that have accrued.
  • Investments that have accrued interest and dividends

Synonyms for Accrued

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