Is acceptance a word

принятие, признание, прием, акцепт, одобрение, акцептование


- принятие; приём

acceptance of an invitation — принятие приглашения
speech of acceptance — амер. речь с выражением согласия баллотироваться в президенты или в губернаторы
acceptance flight — ав. приёмно-сдаточный испытательный полёт
acceptance pilot — лётчик-испытатель
acceptance trial — спец. приёмные испытания
acceptance sampling — ком. выборочный контроль при приёмке (товаров)

- признание; одобрение

to find acceptance — находить признание
acceptance of a theory — согласие с какой-л. теорией
to find market acceptance — найти рынок сбыта /покупателей/ (о новом товаре)

- фин. акцепт; акцептование

acceptance general — акцептование векселя без каких-л. оговорок
acceptance qualified, acceptance special — акцептование векселя с оговорками в отношении условий

- приёмка (готовых изделий)
- физ. аксептанс (диапазон захвата)

Мои примеры


grudging acceptance of his opponent’s victory — неохотное признание победы его противника / соперника /  
to meet with universal acceptance — встретить радушно  
blind acceptance of dogma — слепое следование догме, бездумное подчинение догме  
letter of acceptance — письмо с выражением согласия  
theory that is steadily gaining acceptance — теория, которая неуклонно завоёвывает признание  
acceptance tests — приёмо-сдаточные испытания  
acceptance of order — принятие заказа  
acceptance of goods — приемка товаров  
acceptance of work by the customer — приемка работ клиентом  
present for acceptance — предъявлять к приемке  
acceptance report — акт приемки  

Примеры с переводом

He nodded his acceptance.

Он кивнул в знак согласия.

The university has sent me a letter of acceptance.

Университет прислал мне письмо с сообщением о зачислении.

Her theories are slowly gaining acceptance.

Её теория постепенно завоевывает признание.

He anticipated their acceptance of his offer.

Он ожидал, что они примут его предложение.

Neither John nor I were sportsmen in the proper acceptance of the word.

Ни Джон, ни я не были спортсменами в принятом смысле этого слова.

Several shareholders have withdrawn earlier acceptances of the offer.

Несколько акционеров аннулировали ранее данное ими согласие.

The purpose of QC is not to sample and test for acceptance.

Цель контроля качества — это не осуществление выборок и приемочного контроля.

ещё 16 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He was already well practiced in giving acceptance speeches.

By the end of the trial, Nicolas moved towards acceptance of his fate.

…a tolerant acceptance of the terrible way that his wife has always treated him…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

acceptance — перевод на русский


When they arrived, they repeated that acceptance of their philosophy was a precondition of membership.

Когда они приехали, они повторяли, что принятие их философии явлется предварительным условием членства.

Was it your uncle Sidney who said «acceptance, forgiveness and love»?

Разве это не твой дядя Сидни, который говорил «Принятие, прощение и любовь»?

Acceptance, Logan.

Принятие, Логан.

Always resignation and acceptance.

Всегда эта покорность и принятие.

Our sole order of business today is a, uh… is an acceptance of John Bontecou’s generous offer.

Единственный вопрос повестки — принятие щедрого предложения Джона Бонтекью.

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The year ended with my acceptance into Dartmouth College.

В тот год меня приняли в колледж Дартмута.

Nothing like a cruel acceptance of a casual invitation, right?

— Взяли да и приняли случайное приглашение?

Hunter called and said that Rachel got an early acceptance to Wesleyan.

— Хантер позвонила. Рейчел Вайсс досрочно приняли в колледж Веслийан.

Their prayers to god, for understanding, and acceptance, and for your love.

Их молитвы Господу о понимании, о том, чтобы их приняли, и о вашей любви.

«After one and a half beers, «awash in the glow of acceptance «into this elite, exclusive club…»

После полутора бутылок пива, опьяненная фактом того, что меня приняли в элитный клуб…

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Acceptance, forgiveness and love.

признание, прощение и любовь.

God is present in all religions, but if your life becomes a struggle for acceptance, you’ll always be unhappy.

Б-г присутствует во всех религиях. Но если твоя жизнь превращается в борьбу за признание, ты никогда не будешь счастлив.

However strong Dylan Lokensgard’s yearning to fit in, to win acceptance, to love and to be loved, he could not defeat the unseen forces which direct behavior.

Как бы сильно Дилан Локенсгард не желал приспособиться, завоевывать признание, любить и быть любимым, он не смог одержать победу над невидимыми силами, которые направляют поведение.

And I’m not asking for anyone’s acceptance.

Мне не нужно ничье признание.

So I say reject acceptance

Поэтому я предлогаю отрицать признание

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Well, two weeks ago, we were helping you plan your prom queen acceptance speech.

Несколько недель назад мы помогали тебе готовить речь на выборы королевы школы.

I wait till the applause dies down, then I give my acceptance speech.

Затем я жду, пока аплодисменты утихнут, и читаю речь.

You had to give your vice presidential acceptance speech in front of the entire school.

Когда ты стала вице-президентом, ты говорила речь перед всей школой.

I never even got to give my acceptance speech.

Мне даже не дали произнести речь.

So which one of you orators is gonna deliver the gracious acceptance speech?

Итак, кто из вас собирается произнести ответную речь в благодарность?

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But in the suppression of disquieting facts the sense that science should be kept for a small elite the distaste for experiment, the embrace of mysticism the easy acceptance of slave societies their influence has significantly set back the human endeavor.

Но сокрытие неудобных фактов, мнение, что наука предназначена лишь для элиты, отрицание эксперимента и приверженность мистицизму, согласие с рабовладельческой системой, в сочетании с их влиянием, отбросили далеко назад человеческий прогресс.

Sorry to bother you, but we can’t accept your acceptance of our apology.

Извините, что побеспокоили вас, но мы не можем принять ваше согласие с нашими извинениями

An acknowledgement and an acceptance.

Признание и согласие.

Because an acceptance come in a big thick envelope [knocking on door ]

Потому что согласие присылают в больших конвертах!

Offer, acceptance, consideration, facility, and intent to create legal relations.

Предложение, согласие, рассмотрение, обсуждение, и намерение подписать договор.

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Writing your acceptance speech for the video sleaze awards?

Пишете свою благодарственную речь для премии за самое вульгарное видео?

I’ll start working on my acceptance speech.

Пожалуй, начну продумывать свою благодарственную речь.


На самом деле, я уже даже начал сочинять благодарственную речь.

I want to make sure they can hear my acceptance speech.

Хочу убедиться, что они услышат мою благодарственную речь.

Just skip your introduction, and read out my acceptance speech.

Просто пропусти свое вступление и зачитай мою благодарственную речь.

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Though, as I hope this essay shows… your acceptance, while it would thrill me… will not define me.

Впрочем, и надеюсь, мне удалось выразить это в моём эссе. Поступление в него, …хоть и обрадует меня, …никак не изменит мою индивидуальность.

Well, toast to Shouji’s acceptance to college!

Ну, за поступление Сёдзи! Ура!

We will celebrate your acceptance tonight at the oper Withhahampag at all intermissions.

Мы отметим твое поступление в опере шампанским во время антракта.

Yale will revoke my acceptance as soon as they receive word.

Йель аннулирует мое поступление как только получит документы.

The parents all think their kids’ acceptance is the final referendum on their parenting skills.

Все родители рассматривают поступление своего чада как подтверждение того, что они состоялись в качестве родителей.

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«Acceptance Letter»

Письмо о зачислении

And I’ll probably go to school right here next fall, but I don’t have any acceptance letters yet, but I do have options.

И возможно осенью я пойду здесь учиться, но у меня нет пока писем о зачислении, но у меня есть варианты.

I just got my acceptance letter.

Я только что получил письмо о зачислении.

Three acceptance letters.

Три письма о зачислении.

These are acceptance letters from colleges I didn’t even know you were considering.

Это письма о зачислении из колледжей, а я даже не знала, что ты поступила.

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Acceptance is important, Wyatt.

Смирение очень важно, Уайатт.

The last stage of death is acceptance.

Последняя стадия перед смертью — смирение.

That’s acceptance.

Это смирение.

So is that acceptance or denial?

Так это смирение или отрицание?

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These chairs will be filled with your fellow partners people whose eyes you look into for respect acceptance.

На этих стульях будут сидеть ваши коллеги и партнеры люди, в чьих глазах вы всегда видели уважение одобрение.

Awareness, education, control, acceptance and punching.

Сознательность, образование, контроль, одобрение и порка.

Acceptance, I guess, is what you call it.

Одобрение, вот что, по-моему, ему было необходимо.

He’ll seek acceptance from his master.

Он будет искать одобрение своего хозяина.

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Отправить комментарий

  • 1

    acceptance certificate

    свидетельство о приемке

    acceptance flight

    приемно-сдаточный полет

    acceptance inspection

    приемосдаточный осмотр

    acceptance phase

    этап приемки

    acceptance pilot

    пилот, производящий приемосдаточные испытания

    acceptance procedure

    порядок приемки

    acceptance rate

    пропускная способность

    acceptance report

    приемосдаточный акт

    effective acceptance bandwidth

    ширина полосы эффективного приема

    flight acceptance test

    контрольный полет перед приемкой

    runway acceptance rate

    пропускная способность ВПП

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > acceptance

  • 2

    1) приня́тие, приём

    2) одобре́ние

    3) при́нятое значе́ние сло́ва

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > acceptance

  • 3

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > acceptance

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > acceptance

  • 5

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > acceptance

  • 6

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > acceptance

  • 7


    acceptance аксептанс (физ.) acceptance ком. акцепт; acceptance general акцептование векселя без (каких-л.) оговорок; acceptance qualified (или special) акцептование векселя с оговорками в отношении условий acceptance векс. акцепт acceptance акцепт acceptance векс. акцептование acceptance акцептование acceptance акцептованная тратта acceptance акцептованнная тратта acceptance акцептованный вексель acceptance одобрение acceptance оправдательная надпись acceptance прием acceptance приемка acceptance приемлемость acceptance признание acceptance принятие, прием acceptance принятие acceptance принятие предложения acceptance принятое значение слова acceptance согласие на оплату денежных и товарных документов acceptance attr.: acceptance flight ав. летное приемное испытание; acceptance of persons лицеприятие acceptance by intervention акцептование путем интервенции acceptance attr.: acceptance flight ав. летное приемное испытание; acceptance of persons лицеприятие acceptance for honour акцепт векселя для спасения кредита векселедателя acceptance for honour акцепт векселя после его опротестования acceptance for honour оплата векселя после его опротестования acceptance for honour supra protest акцепт векселя для спасения кредита векселедателя acceptance for honour supra protest акцепт векселя после его опротестования acceptance for honour supra protest оплата векселя после его опротестования acceptance for payment принятие векселя к оплате acceptance ком. акцепт; acceptance general акцептование векселя без (каких-л.) оговорок; acceptance qualified (или special) акцептование векселя с оговорками в отношении условий acceptance in blank бланковый акцепт blank: acceptance in acceptance бланковый акцепт acceptance of inheritance подтверждение права наследования acceptance of lump-sum settlement подтверждение расчетов путем единовременной выплаты acceptance of offer принятие предложения acceptance attr.: acceptance flight ав. летное приемное испытание; acceptance of persons лицеприятие acceptance of proposal принятие предложения acceptance of service получение судебного документа acceptance ком. акцепт; acceptance general акцептование векселя без (каких-л.) оговорок; acceptance qualified (или special) акцептование векселя с оговорками в отношении условий bank acceptance акцептованный банком вексель bank acceptance банковский акцепт banker acceptance акцептованный банком вексель banker acceptance банковский акцепт banker’s acceptance банковский акцепт blank acceptance бланковый акцепт collateral acceptance авал collateral acceptance гарантийный акцепт collateral: acceptance acceptance акцептование опротестованной тратты третьим лицом conditional acceptance условный акцепт delay in acceptance задержка в принятии documents against acceptance документы против акцепта honour one’s acceptance векс. акцептовать свой вексель own acceptance собственный акцептованный вексель partial acceptance неполный акцепт production acceptance приемка продукции qualified acceptance условный акцепт refuse acceptance отказываться от акцептования refused acceptance отклоненный акцепт reinsurance acceptance согласие на перестрахование special acceptance акцепт с оговорками special acceptance частичный акцепт sterling acceptance акцептованный вексель, выписанный в фунтах стерлингов trade acceptance акцептованная коммерческая тратта trade acceptance акцептованный торговый вексель unqualified acceptance безоговорочный акцепт user acceptance вчт. одобрение пользователем user acceptance вчт. приемлемость для пользователя

    English-Russian short dictionary > acceptance

  • 8





    получение, прием, принятие, согласие


    speech of acceptance, acceptance speech — речь с выражением согласия баллотироваться (на какой-л. пост)

    An acceptance of a bid at an auction occurs with the fall of the hammer. — Принятие предложения на аукционе происходит в момент удара молотка.






    одобрение, признание



    3) акцепт, акцептование


    acceptance date, date of acceptance — дата акцепта, дата акцептования


    absolute acceptance б), acceptance for honour, acceptance in blank, acceptance supra protest, blank acceptance, conditional acceptance, general acceptance, partial acceptance, qualified acceptance б), special acceptance, unconditional acceptance, acceptance bill, acceptance commission, acceptance credit, acceptance draft, acceptance financing, acceptance house, acceptance letter of credit, bill of acceptance, days after acceptance, documents against acceptance, accept 4)




    absolute acceptance а), acceptance in blank, blank acceptance, conditional acceptance, general acceptance, qualified acceptance а), special acceptance, unconditional acceptance, offer 1. 2) а) commercial contract, insurance contract, insurance applicant, accept 1)



    акцептованный переводной вексель; акцептованная тратта



    * * *

    1) акцепт, согласие на выполнение обязательства или его подтверждение (напр., признание должником векселя путем нанесения на вексель надписи «акцептовано» с подписью и датой); после акцепта тратта становится равнозначной простому векселю;
    2) акцептованный переводной вексель — традиционное средство платежа;

    banker’s acceptance;

    3) принятие предложения совершить сделку.

    * * *


    * * *


    1. согласие на выполнение обязательств или подтверждение согласия (обычно признание должником векселя)

    2. принятие предложения (оферты) другой стороны


    Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельность

    1. обязательство (подтверждение согласия) плательщика оплатить в установленный срок переводный вексель, выставленный на оплату счет, удовлетворить другие требования об оплате

    2.акцептованный переводный вексель


    проставление на слипе представителем страховщика (перестраховщика) своих инициалов и подтверждение согласия на участие в страховании (перестраховании) в обозначенном в слипе риске и на указанных в нем условиях


    Банки/Банковские операции

    согласие на оплату или гарантирование оплаты расчетных документов во внутреннем и международном товарообороте

    форма безналичных расчетов между поставщиками и покупателями за отпущенные товары, услуги и работы, при которой банк по поручению клиента получает причитающиеся суммы на основании расчетных документов


    1. согласие на предложение вступить в сделку, заключить договор на условиях, указанных в предложении

    2. принятие предложения, выражение согласия оплаты полученного документа

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > acceptance

  • 9

    1) акцепт, акцептование

    2) акцептованный вексель, тратта

    4) приёмка

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > acceptance

  • 10

    1) принятие; акцепт, согласие на оплату денежных и товарных документов

    2) приемлемость (напр. товара для покупателя)

    3) акцептованный вексель, акцепт, тратта

    4) акцепт, акцептование (векселя)

    5) приёмка (напр. изделий)

    6) трансп. оправдательная надпись (освобождающая перевозчика или склад от ответственности в случае превышения установленного срока перевозки)

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > acceptance

  • 11

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > acceptance

  • 12

    1) акцепт; акцептование

    2) акцептованный вексель; тратта

    English_Russian capital issues dictionary > acceptance

  • 13

    1. n принятие; приём

    2. n признание; одобрение

    3. n фин. акцепт; акцептование

    4. n приёмка

    5. n физ. аксептанс

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. agreement (noun) acknowledgment; acquiescence; agreement; approbation; approval; assent; capitulation; embracing; favor; nod; recognition

    2. consent (noun) consent; endorsement; permission; sanction

    4. receipt (noun) accepting; receipt; receiving; reception; taking

    Антонимический ряд:

    disapproval; rejection

    English-Russian base dictionary > acceptance

  • 14

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > acceptance

  • 15


    1) принятие, приём

    2) признание, принятие; одобрение, согласие; благорасположение

    acceptance of total dependence on smb.

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > acceptance

  • 16

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > acceptance

  • 17

    1. принятие (напр. теории, гипотезы)
    2. принятие
    3. приемка продукции
    4. приёмка (в информационных технологиях)
    5. приемка
    6. прием (в электросвязи)
    7. паспорт изделия
    8. акцептованный вексель
    9. акцептирование
    10. акцепт

    Ответ лица, которому адресована оферта, о её принятии.
    [ОАО РАО «ЕЭС России» СТО 17330282.27.010.001-2008]


    Согласие плательщика (покупателя) на оплату предъявленных ему платёжных требований
    [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]


    • экономика


    • acceptance


    • Akzept


    • acceptation

    Гарантирование размещения ценных бумаг (например, акций) посреднической фирмой.
    [ОАО РАО «ЕЭС России» СТО 17330282.27.010.001-2008]


    • экономика


    • acceptance

    Получение сообщения, вызова или запроса.
    [Л.М. Невдяев. Телекоммуникационные технологии. Англо-русский толковый словарь-справочник. Под редакцией Ю.М. Горностаева. Москва, 2002]


    • электросвязь, основные понятия


    • acceptance

    Процесс проверки соответствия изделий требованиям, установленным в конструкторской документации, стандартах и ТУ, договоре на поставку, и оформление соответствующих документов.
    [ ГОСТ Р 53711-2009]

    Проверка изделия на соответствие заданной спецификации.
    [Л.М. Невдяев. Телекоммуникационные технологии. Англо-русский толковый словарь-справочник. Под редакцией Ю.М. Горностаева. Москва, 2002]


    • испытания и контроль качества продукции
    • электросвязь, основные понятия


    • acceptance


    1. Подпись на векселе (bill of exchange), указывающая, что лицо, на которое он выписан, согласно с условиями векселя. Обычно пишется следующее: “Акцептовано, подлежит оплате в… (наименование и адрес банка) (Подпись)”.
    См. также: non-acceptance (непринятие/несогласие).
    2. Вексель, который был акцептован.
    3. Согласие принять условия предложения; например, согласие страховой компании выплатить определенную сумму страхового покрытия или согласие покупателя купить определенную партию товара по предложенной цене.


    • финансы


    • акцепт
    • согласие


    • acceptance

    приёмка (в информационных технологиях)
    Формальное соглашение о том, что ИТ-услуга, процесс, план или другой результат деятельности является завершённым, правильным, надёжным и отвечает установленным требованиям. Приёмке обычно предшествует оценка изменения или тестирование; она часто требуется при переходе к следующей стадии проекта или процесса.
    См. тж. критерии приёмки услуги.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    Formal agreement that an IT service, process, plan or other deliverable is complete, accurate, reliable and meets its specified requirements. Acceptance is usually preceded by change evaluation or testing and is often required before proceeding to the next stage of a project or process.
    See also service acceptance criteria.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    • информационные технологии в целом


    • acceptance

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > acceptance

  • 18

    Англо-русский технический словарь > acceptance

  • 19

    Politics english-russian dictionary > acceptance

  • 20


    1. принятие; приём

    speech of acceptance — речь с выражением согласия баллотироваться в президенты в губернаторы

    2. признание; одобрение

    acceptance of a theory — согласие с какой-л. теорией

    to find market acceptance — найти рынок сбыта /покупателей/ ()

    3. = acceptation

    acceptance general — акцептование векселя без каких-л. оговорок

    acceptance qualified, acceptance special — акцептование векселя с оговорками в отношении условий

    НБАРС > acceptance

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • acceptance — I noun accedence, acceptio, accession, accordance, acknowledgment, acquiescence, adoption, agreement, allowance, approbation, approval, assent, assurance, compliance, comprobatio, concordance, consent, endorsement, ratification, receipt,… …   Law dictionary

    • Acceptance — Acceptance, in spirituality, mindfulness, and human psychology, usually refers to the experience of a situation without an intention to change that situation. Indeed, acceptance is often suggested when a situation is both disliked and… …   Wikipedia

    • Acceptance — • In canon law, the act by which one receives a thing with approbation or satisfaction Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Acceptance     Acceptance      …   Catholic encyclopedia

    • Acceptance — Ac*cept ance, n. 1. The act of accepting; a receiving what is offered, with approbation, satisfaction, or acquiescence; esp., favorable reception; approval; as, the acceptance of a gift, office, doctrine, etc. [1913 Webster] They shall come up… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • acceptance — acceptance, acceptation have both at one time or another carried the meanings: the act or fact of accepting or the state of being accepted. Present usage, however, restricts their denotations. Acceptance only is used to denote the act of… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

    • acceptance — [ak sep′təns, əksep′təns] n. 1. an accepting or being accepted 2. approving reception; approval; acceptability 3. belief in; assent 4. a draft or bill of exchange that has been accepted for payment: cf. BANKER S ACCEPTANCE, TRADE ACCEPTANCE 5.… …   English World dictionary

    • Acceptance — Episodio de Héroes Episodio nº 3 Temporada 4 Escrito por Bryan Fuller Dirigido por Greg Beeman …   Wikipedia Español

    • acceptance — (n.) 1570s, from M.Fr. acceptance, from accepter (see ACCEPT (Cf. accept)). Earlier in same sense was acceptation (late 14c.) …   Etymology dictionary

    • acceptance — [n1] agreement, taking accepting, acknowledgment, acquiring, admission, approval, assent, compliance, consent, cooperation, gaining, getting, go ahead*, green light*, nod*, obtaining, okay, permission, receipt, receiving, reception, recognition,… …   New thesaurus

    • Acceptance — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Alternative Rock Gründung 1998 Auflösung 2006 Website …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • acceptance — The act of accepting something, usually a contract. For example, an offer is made to some person that that person buys certain goods for a certain amount of money. If the person to whom the offer is made agrees, then the offer is considered to be …   Glossary of Bankruptcy


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    15 июня 2020

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    • Английский (американский вариант)

    It depends on what you’re talking about. But yeah, it is pretty common. For example, “I can make an acceptance to that”

    • Традиционный китайский (Тайвань)

    @Dagia thank you. do you mean «I accept that?»

    • Английский (американский вариант)

    @frank890305 You’re welcome. Yes, it means “I can accept it”

    • Традиционный китайский (Тайвань)

    • Английский (американский вариант)

    @frank890305 You’re welcome

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    Is acceptance a common word in daily conversations ?

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      I don’t think is very usual, I listen more ”I am impressed” or ”wow, you did a great job with this”…

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    • Is considerate a common word in daily conversations ?


      Yes, I use it often.

      For example:
      «That’s very considerate of you!»
      «Can’t you be more considerate of other people?»
      «She’s a considerat…

    • Is undergo a common word in daily conversation ?


      Not usually, it depends on what you are talking about.

    • Is alleviation a common word in daily conversations ?


      Yes, also «alleviate» as the verb.

    • What does «not very beautiful» means? Is it «beautiful but not great» or «so-so» or «ugly»?
    • Is this sentencecorrect?

      There were not enough chairs for all of them to sit on them.

    • Is there any similarities between Spanish and Japanese? Some people in internet saying that there…
    • “What do you call an interracial relationship?”


      What’s the catch here??

    • what is correct?
      Where are you study?
      Where do you study?

      Thank you.

    • How to respond to «I hope you are doing well»?
    • Choose the correct answer :
      Despite a reputation for——output, he had the —-to take credit f…
    • If you are not the correct person, please direct me the correct one.
      Does this sentence sound nat…
    • попросил ChatGPT составить предложения с глаголами ВЫ-
      как они звучат? Стоит использовать?


    • есть больше времени на учёбу. is this sentence true? I want to say “there is more time to study” …
    • Космический зонд Juice отправляется к лунам Юпитера, чтобы узнать, могла ли там зародиться жизнь….
    • I want russian slang words that only real russian use

    • «Булочки упали и разобрались»
      «Булочки упали и разбились»
      Какой вариант подходит?
    • пожалуйста

      Витя, ты опять опоздал на урок. Смотри, чтобы

      A. этого больше не было

      B. Этого боль…

    • Помогите, друзья. Какое предложение правильное?
      Ребята пишут своё имя на тетради. или Ребята пишу…
    • попросил ChatGPT составить предложения с глаголами ВЫ-
      как они звучат? Стоит использовать?


    • — Ты обещал взять мой зонт из ремонта. Ты его взял ?
      — Нет, «не взял».

      (вообщее не делал или по…

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    Acceptance and Tolerance are two words that are often confused due to the appearing similarity in their meanings when strictly speaking, there is some difference between the two words. The word acceptance is used in the sense of ‘approval’ or ‘receipt’. On the other hand, the word tolerance is used in the sense of ‘forbearance’ or ‘patience’. This is the main difference between the two words. The word acceptance is used as a noun. On the other hand, the word tolerance is also used as a noun. The word tolerance is formed out of the verb ‘tolerate’, whereas the word acceptance is formed out of the verb ‘accept’.

    What does Acceptance mean?

    The word acceptance is used in the sense of ‘approval’ or ‘receipt’. Take a look at the following sentences.

    The word of acceptance thrilled Francis.

    He nodded his head with acceptance.

    In both the sentences, the word acceptance is used in the sense of ‘approval.’ Hence, the meaning of the first sentence would be ‘the word of approval thrilled Francis’ and the meaning of the second sentence would be ‘he nodded his head with approval.’

    According to the Oxford English dictionary, acceptance is ‘the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.’

    Angela gave the letter of acceptance to her boss.

    The meaning of the above sentence would be ‘Angela gave the letter of consent to her boss’.

    Difference Between Acceptance and Tolerance

    What does Tolerance mean?

    On the other hand, the word tolerance is used in the sense of ‘forbearance’ or ‘patience.’ Bearing that in mind, observe the two sentences given below.

    Tolerance of all religions was practiced by the Emperor.

    Lucy imbibed the quality of tolerance from her childhood.

    In both the sentences, you can see that the word tolerance is used in the sense of ‘forbearance’. As a result, you can take the meaning of the first sentence as follows, ‘the Emperor practiced the idea that all religions should be accepted with patience.’ The meaning of the second sentence could be taken as ‘Lucy imbibed the quality of forbearance (patient self-control) from her childhood.’

    It is important to note that the word tolerance is used in the formation of words such as ‘universal tolerance’ and ‘religious tolerance’.
    It will be easy for you to understand tolerance if it is put as this. According to the Oxford English dictionary, tolerance is ‘the ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with.’

    When it comes measurements too tolerance is used. According to the Oxford English dictionary, tolerance there means ‘an allowable amount of variation of a specified quantity, especially in the dimensions of a machine or part.’ In other words, tolerance is the acceptable limit.

    Two parts of his machine were made to tolerances of three parts of an inch.

    This sentence means from the measurement it can deviate + or – 1/3 inch. Tolerance here means acceptable limit.

    What is the difference between Acceptance and Tolerance?

    • The word acceptance is used in the sense of ‘approval’ or ‘receipt’.

    • On the other hand, the word tolerance is used in the sense of ‘forbearance’ or ‘patience’.

    • The word acceptance is used as a noun.

    • On the other hand, the word tolerance is also used as a noun.

    • The word tolerance is formed out of the verb ‘tolerate’, whereas the word acceptance is formed out of the verb ‘accept’.

    • The word tolerance is used in the formation of words such as ‘universal tolerance’ and ‘religious tolerance’.

    • Tolerance also means acceptable limit.

    These are the differences between the two words, namely, acceptance and tolerance.

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    The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.

    Nathaniel Branden





    Acceptance is a noun.

    A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



    Acceptance in human psychology is a person’s assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition without attempting to change it, protest or exit. The concept is close in meaning to ‘acquiescence’, derived from the Latin ‘acquiēscere’. Acceptance is fundamental to the core dogma of most Abrahamic religions: the word «Islam» can be translated as «acceptance», «surrender» or «voluntary submission», and Christianity is based upon the «acceptance» of Jesus of Nazareth as the «Christ» and could be compared to some Eastern religious concepts such as Buddhist mindfulness. Religions and psychological treatments often suggest the path of acceptance when a situation is both disliked and unchangeable, or when change may be possible only at great cost or risk. Acceptance may imply only a lack of outward, behavioral attempts at possible change, but the word is also used more specifically for a felt or hypothesized cognitive or emotional state.

    Definition of acceptance in the English dictionary

    The first definition of acceptance in the dictionary is the act of accepting or the state of being accepted or acceptable. Other definition of acceptance is favourable reception; approval. Acceptance is also belief or assent.


    Synonyms and antonyms of acceptance in the English dictionary of synonyms


    The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «acceptance» and belong to the same grammatical category.

    Translation of «acceptance» into 25 languages

    online translator


    Find out the translation of acceptance to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

    The translations of acceptance from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «acceptance» in English.

    Translator English — Chinese


    1,325 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Spanish


    570 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Hindi


    380 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Arabic


    280 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Russian


    278 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Portuguese


    270 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Bengali


    260 millions of speakers

    Translator English — French


    220 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Malay


    190 millions of speakers

    Translator English — German


    180 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Japanese


    130 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Korean


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Javanese


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Vietnamese

    chấp nhận

    80 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Tamil


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Marathi


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Turkish


    70 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Italian


    65 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Polish


    50 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Ukrainian


    40 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Romanian


    30 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Greek


    15 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Afrikaans


    14 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Swedish


    10 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Norwegian


    5 millions of speakers

    Trends of use of acceptance


    The term «acceptance» is very widely used and occupies the 5.999 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



    Very widely used

    The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «acceptance» in the different countries.

    Principal search tendencies and common uses of acceptance

    List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «acceptance».


    The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «acceptance» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «acceptance» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

    Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about acceptance


    Famous quotes and sentences with the word acceptance.

    The message of body acceptance built on Jennifer Lawrence’s soundbites only empowers those who are willing to ignore the fact that her statements reinforce our current cultural views rather than subverting them.

    I’m from the Midwest, and I loved my family. I had a very good time as a child, but I was also — I have a theory about Jews growing up in the Midwest, that there is an ultimately sort of wonderful avoidance of a lot of things, and a great acceptance of whatever is happening.

    The antiquity and general acceptance of an opinion is not assurance of its truth.

    It is on the acceptance or rejection of the theory of the Unity of all in Nature, in its ultimate Essence, that mainly rests the belief or unbelief in the existence around us of other conscious beings besides the Spirits of the Dead.

    We may not always agree with every one of our neighbors. That’s life. And it’s part of living in such a diverse and dense city. But we also recognize that part of being a New Yorker is living with your neighbors in mutual respect and tolerance. It was exactly that spirit of openness and acceptance that was attacked on 9/11, 2001.

    The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.

    Speaking from experience, because I have three daughters, I think it’s always important to give your daughter the confidence that she needs so that she won’t look elsewhere for approval and feeling love and acceptance.

    I think it’s important to remember that Christianity was based in love and tolerance and forgiveness and acceptance.

    Some of them, in accepting the proposed plan of government, coupled their acceptance with a recommendation of various additions to the Constitution, which they deemed essential to the preservation of the rights of the States, or of the People.

    The consequence of the Bay of Pigs failure wasn’t an acceptance of Castro and his control of Cuba but, rather, a renewed determination to bring him down by stealth.


    Discover the use of acceptance in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to acceptance and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


    Radical Acceptance: Awakening the Love that Heals Fear and Shame

    Many people have already found the Buddhist perspective on our emotional life to be extremely valuable — and this book will be a major practical contribution to the subject.


    The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety: A Guide …

    The book has one purpose: to help you live better, more fully, more richly. Your life is calling on you to make that choice, and the skills in this workbook can help you make it happen.


    Acceptance & Mindfulness Treatments for Children & …

    The essays in Acceptance and Mindfulness Treatments for Children and Adolescents—which are edited by two luminaries in the field of third-wave behavior therapy—offer a much-needed adaptation of these revolutionary techniques for young …

    Laurie A. Greco, Steven C. Hayes, 2008


    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Contemporary Theory, …

    This book will not only tell you what to do with clients struggling with various problems, it will also tell you how those things work.

    J. T. Blackledge, Joseph Ciarrochi, Frank Deane, 2009


    Acceptance Sampling in Quality Control, Second Edition

    The book also looks at how acceptance control can support applications of statistical process control and help in the evaluation of products.

    Edward G. Schilling, Dean V. Neubauer, 2009


    Guide to Software Acceptance

    Acceptance categories and criteria / life cycle models / acceptance testing / software quality / product assurance.

    Dolores R. Wallace, John C. Cherniavsky, 1990


    Acceptance & Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: A …

    Accompanying CD-ROM «includes client worksheets, questionnaires, and inventories.»

    Georg H. Eifert, John P. Forsyth, 2005


    Mindfulness- and Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapies in …

    Mindfulness-. and. Acceptance-Based. Strategies. Six. Cultivating an accepting,
    nonjudgmental, nonreactive, open awareness of one’s internal experiences is a
    central element of ABBTs. Although cultivation of this kind of relationship to …

    Lizabeth Roemer, Susan M. Orsillo, 2010


    Acceptance & Commitment Therapy for Body Image …

    ACT for Body Image Dissatisfaction is an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) manual practitioners can use to help clients overcome body image dissatisfaction and disordered eating behaviors such as food restriction and binge eating.

    Adria N. Pearson, Michelle Heffner, Victoria M. Follette, 2010


    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Eating Disorders: A …

    This professional guide offers a review of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) as a theoretical orientation and presents case conceptualizations that illuminate the ACT process.

    Emily Sandoz, Kelly G. Wilson, Troy DuFrene, 2011


    Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term acceptance is used in the context of the following news items.

    GOP youth break with elders in acceptance of same-sex marriage

    AUSTIN — The Supreme Court’s acceptance of same-sex marriage lit the fires of Republican scorn. Two Texas GOP presidential hopefuls … «Cleburne Times-Review, Jul 15»

    Acceptance of nominations begins today

    Accepting of nominations for the General Election will commence today. Nominations will be accepted until the 13th of this month. Independent groups have … «The Official Government News Portal of Sri Lanka, Jul 15»

    Company Shares of World Acceptance Corporation Drops by -0.28%

    World Acceptance Corporation (NASDAQ:WRLD) has lost 0.28% during the past week and dropped 20.82% in the last 4 weeks. The shares … «News Watch International, Jul 15»

    Acceptance and accommodation regarding injuries

    In order to limit furthering the injury or causing a more chronic condition, acceptance of the injury is crucial. Only then can a person make the … «Montrose Daily Press, Jul 15»

    Acceptance and respect

    But there are dimensions of Obergefell vs Hodges that go beyond constitutionality or legalities: the mainstream’s acceptance of and respect for … «, Jul 15»

    Sexton: Baseball league fosters acceptance over athletics

    Jack Stewart gets startled as the loudspeaker he is setting up suddenly sounds off just before a Piedmont Challenge League game at the … «Winston-Salem Journal, Jul 15»

    ‘Part of the community’: Amish finding welcome acceptance in Unity

    ‘Part of the community’: Amish finding welcome acceptance in Unity. Print this Print · E-mail this Email · Facebook this Share · Tweet this Tweet … «Bangor Daily News, Jul 15»

    Love, laughter and acceptance at PRIDE

    Love, laughter and acceptance at PRIDE … 20 years and he says there has been a huge attitude shift in Belleville when it comes to acceptance. «Quinte News, Jul 15»

    Vet says he’s ready for acceptance

    CHIEFTAIN PHOTO/BRYAN KELSEN Former Marine Richard Hill displays a salute in front of the Colorado Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial on … «Pueblo Chieftain, Jul 15»

    Oh, The Irony: Evolution Behind Many People’s Lack Of Acceptance

    A study has shown that cognitive style influences whether or not an individual believes in a certain concept, although it can also be influenced … «Tech Times, Jul 15»


    « EDUCALINGO. Acceptance [online]. Available <>. Apr 2023 ».

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    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Combatants accept defeat during World War II

    Acceptance in human psychology is a person’s assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it or protest it. The concept is close in meaning to acquiescence, derived from the Latin acquiēscere (to find rest in).[1]


    The term acceptance is a noun with various different meanings.[2] When the person to whom a proposal is made signifies their assent, it is an «acceptance» of their offer, also called an agreement. For example, if someone gives a gift and another receives it, then they have accepted the gift; therefore, having acceptance. Another definition of acceptance has to do with positive welcome and belonging, favor, and endorsement. One approves of something. For instance, one can like someone and accept them due to their approval of that person. Another description is that acceptance can be an act of believing or assenting. The definition overlaps with toleration, but acceptance and tolerance are not synonyms.

    Acceptance – «An express act or implication by conduct that manifests assent to the terms of an offer in a manner invited or required by the offer so that a binding contract is formed. The exercise of power conferred by an offer by performance of some act. The act of a person to whom something is offered of tendered by another, whereby the offered demonstrates through an act invited by the offer an intention of retaining the subject of the offer.»[3]

    Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher, defines acceptance as a «surrender to the Now» response to anything occurring in any moment of life.[4][5] There, strength, peace and serenity are available when one stops struggling to resist, or hang on tightly to what is so in any given moment. What do I have right now? Now what am I experiencing? The point is, can one be sad when one is sad, afraid when afraid, silly when silly, happy when happy, judgmental when judgemental, overthinking when overthinking, serene when serene, etc.

    What Tolle teaches is to observe what is happening without telling a story about it. For example, Tolle shares in his book Stillness Speaks[6] how easy it is to confuse a story one tells for the facts of a situation. If someone doesn’t return your call one may say “He didn’t have the decency to return my call.”[7] That is the story one tells. On the other hand, the facts of the situation are “He did not call.”[8] The facts don’t tell a story about the person or make a judgment about the situation. The facts are always neutral. When one observes what is happening there is an awareness brought in and then acceptance of the situation becomes an option that is available at any given moment.

    To simplify, acceptance means allowing; allowing unwanted private experiences (thoughts, feelings and urges) to come and go without struggling with them.


    Before any breakdown types, it should be recognized that acceptance is treating whatever happens, the actual event which is the outcome of all combined previous events, as overall the best outcome. Acceptance typically contains the concept of approval; the psycho-spiritual use of the term infers a non-judgmental mindset. Acceptance is contrasted with resistance, a term that has strong political and psychoanalytic connotations that do not apply in most contexts. Groups and individuals can show acceptance of various events and conditions in the world; individuals may accept elements of their own thoughts, feelings, and personal histories. For example, psychotherapeutic treatment of a person with depression or anxiety can involve fostering acceptance either for whatever personal circumstances may give rise to those feelings or for the feelings themselves. Psychotherapy can also involve lessening an individual’s acceptance of various situations.[9]

    Notions of acceptance are prominent in many faiths and meditation practices. For example, Buddhism’s first noble truth, «All life is suffering», invites people to accept that suffering is a natural part of life. The term «Kabbalah» literally means tradition within the Judoist language.[10] Minority groups in society often describe their goal as acceptance, wherein the majority will not marginalize the minority’s full participation in society. A majority may be said to tolerate minorities when it confines their participation to certain aspects of society, but not accept them.

    Acceptance is the fifth stage of the Kübler-Ross model (commonly known as the «stages of grief»).

    The book Alcoholics Anonymous describes the importance of acceptance in the treatment of alcoholism. It states that acceptance can be used to resolve situations where a person feels disturbed by a «person, place, thing or situation – some fact of [their] life – [which is] unacceptable to [them]». It claims that an alcoholic person cannot find serenity until they accept that «nothing happens in God’s world by mistake» and that the condition of alcoholism must be accepted as a given.[11]


    Self-acceptance is being satisfied with one’s current self. It is an agreement with oneself to appreciate, validate, and support the self as it is, despite deficiencies and negative past behavior. People have trouble accepting themselves because of guilt, trauma, or a perceived lack of motivation.[12] Some people have the misconception that if one is happy with themselves, it always means that they would not change anything about who they are. Individuals do not have to be unhappy with themselves to know and can actively change things they don’t like.[13] To accept yourself means to no longer reject yourself. Being rejected is bad for your health.[14] Protracted feelings of isolation, loneliness, and rejection tend to coincide with deteriorations in physical health, which can be derived from a lack of eating or exercise. It may result in worsened sleep, immune system, and lessened life span compared to those who are surrounded by others who care about them. Loneliness has been a source of chronic stress and associated with impaired cellular immunity.[15]


    Social acceptance affects people of all social and age groups. Social acceptance can be defined as tolerating and welcoming the differences and diversity in others because most people attempt to look and act like others do in order to fit in.[16] Data has shown that those with high self-acceptance scores tend to accept others and feel accepted by others.[17]

    Children and teenagers tend to desire to be accepted among friends as part of that group, and act upon that desire through peer pressure. Peer pressure sometimes determines how people style their hair and clothing to «look cool». A desire to be accepted by those whose friendship one values can determine their openness towards popular behavior smoking, drinking, swearing, and more.[18] People exhibit and avoid certain behaviors out of the desire for the approval of their friends, which may include drinking or taking drugs.

    When it comes to mental disorders, social acceptance plays a big role in recovery. Many people don’t understand mental illness, so they are unsure of how to embrace people who have a disease, leaving these people with feelings of isolation in friend groups.[19] Being accepted by a friend and having support can help with mental health and give a healthy sense of self.[20]


    Standards specify acceptable and hazardous gaps in infant beds

    A type of acceptance that requires modification of the initial conditions before the final acceptance is made, is called conditional acceptance, or qualified acceptance.[21] For example, a contract that needs to be accepted from two parties may be adjusted or modified so that it fits both parties’ satisfactions. A person has been made an offer that they are willing to agree on as long as some changes are made in its terms or that some conditions or event occurs gives conditional acceptance. In a contract that is made from a business to the employer, both parties may change and modify the contract until both parties agree or accept the details in the business contract.


    Expressed acceptance involves making an overt and unambiguous acceptance of the set conditions. For example, a person clearly and explicitly agrees to an offer. They accept the terms without any changes.[22]


    Implied acceptance has one’s intent to consent to the presented conditions made. Acceptance is implied by demonstrating any act indicating a person’s assent to the proposed bargain. If a person selects an item in a department store and pays the cashier for it, the person thereby indicates that they agree to the offer of the item for the price stated on the price tag.[23]


    Acceptance is fundamental to the core beliefs of most Abrahamic religions: the word «Islam» can be translated as «acceptance», «surrender» or «voluntary submission»,[24][25] and Christianity is based upon the «acceptance» of Jesus of Nazareth as the Christ and acceptance of God’s will. Religions and psychological treatments often suggest a path of acceptance when a situation is both disliked and fated, or when change may be possible only at great cost or risk. Acceptance may imply only a lack of outward, behavioral attempts at possible change, but the word is also used more specifically for a felt or hypothesized cognitive or emotional state.

    Within Christian beliefs, acceptance is characterized as embracing the reality of a situation based on one’s trust in God’s perfect will and control. In the Muslim community, acceptance of Allah is similar to people that are considered Christian and how they accept God as their higher being (Bates, 2002). Jewish people accept the Commandments as a way to live and have a good and fulfilling life (McDowell and Stewart, 1983).

    Beliefs and acceptance overlap in meaning. Belief is taking something as true or it to be the way it is. The acceptance of one’s beliefs is important to show commitment and structure of one’s life. Not only is it vital for survival, but it is used in everyday relationships.[26] Being accepted by a friend has shown to positively affect an individual’s self-esteem, well-being, and emotional outlook.[27] Without acceptance, it could lead to a host of psychological issues.[28] The inclusion of ATMs has increased acceptance to 1.4 million acceptance points in Germany in 2020.[29]


    • «The 5 stages of grief.» Assortment Articles: Free Online Articles on Health, Science, Education & More. 12 Apr. 2009.
    • «The Last Phase of Grief: Acceptance, Reorganization and Integration.» Getting Past Your Past. 14 Apr. 2009.
    • «The need for social acceptance and approval — its power.» The Way. Art of Living. Essays. Topically arranged scripture, proverbs, precepts, quotations. Teachings of Jesus. Conservative Christian outlook emphasizing self-discipline, self-denial, integrity, principle, character, chastity, goodness, morality, virtue. 16 Apr. 2009.
    • «Self Acceptance.» Archived 2009-04-01 at the Wayback Machine Become Who You Want To Be. 16 Apr. 2009.
    • Welcome, Traveling Free. 10 Apr. 2009.
    • «What A Difference A Friend Makes: Social Acceptance Is Key to Mental Health Recovery.» Mental illness, mental health information center. 10 Apr. 2009.
    • Understanding Evolution. (2009). University of California Museum of Paleontology. 14 April 2009.
    • McDowell, Josh and Don Stewart. (1983) “Basic Beliefs of Judaism”, Handbook of Today’s Religions. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1983. Twelfth printing, June 1992.
    • Bates, Stephen. “The Beliefs and Laws of Islam”. (2002). Islam for Today. 14 April 2009.


    1. ^ «Acquiesce — Define Acquiesce at».
    2. ^ «Acceptance — Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary».
    3. ^ Chirelstein, Marvin (2001). Concepts and Case Analysis in the Law of Contracts. New York: Foundation. ISBN 1587781972.
    4. ^ Brey, Robin L. (January 2008). «The Power of Music». Neurology Now. 4 (1): 7. doi:10.1097/01.nnn.0000311163.40929.d2. ISSN 1553-3271.
    5. ^ Tolle, Eckhart (1999). Practicing the Power of Now. Vancouver, British Columbia: Namaste Publishing. p. 107. ISBN 978-1-57731-195-9.
    6. ^ Tolle, Eckhart (2003). Stillness Speaks. Vancouver, Canada: Namaste Publishing. pp. 1–158. ISBN 978-1-57731-400-4.
    7. ^ Tolle, Eckhart (2003). Stillness Speaks. Vancouver, Canada: Namaste Publishing. p. 148. ISBN 978-1-57731-400-4.
    8. ^ Tolle, Eckhart (2003). Stillness Speaks. Vancouver, Canada: Namaste Publishing. p. 149. ISBN 978-1-57731-400-4.
    9. ^ Arieti, Silvano (1962-07-01). «The Psychotherapeutic Approach to Depression». American Journal of Psychotherapy. 16 (3): 397–406. doi:10.1176/appi.psychotherapy.1962.16.3.397. ISSN 0002-9564. PMID 13862271.
    10. ^ «Kabbalah: A Brief History». Kabbalah: A Guide for the Perplexed: 11–41. 2011. doi:10.5040/ ISBN 9781472548610.
    11. ^ Dr. Paul O, «The big book of Alcoholics Anonymous» P449, 3rd ed or P417, 4th ed.
    12. ^ Goff, Ashley (2010-09-22). «The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion: Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thoughts and Emotions Christopher K. Germer New York: The Guilford Press, 2009. pp. 306. £10.95 (pb). ISBN: 978-1-59385-975-6». Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 39 (1): 126–127. doi:10.1017/s1352465810000615. ISSN 1352-4658. S2CID 147229080.
    13. ^ Levin, Ginger (June 2014). «HBR’s 10 Must Reads On Change Management». Project Management Journal. 45 (3): e1. doi:10.1002/pmj.21413. ISSN 8756-9728.
    14. ^ Malamut, Sarah T.; Garandeau, Claire F.; Badaly, Daryaneh; Duong, Mylien; Schwartz, David (May 2022). «Is aggression associated with biased perceptions of one’s acceptance and rejection in adolescence?». Developmental Psychology. 58 (5): 963–976. doi:10.1037/dev0001333. ISSN 1939-0599. PMC 9274109. PMID 35298193.
    15. ^ Mushtaq, Raheel; Shoib, Sheikh; Shah, Tabindah; Mushtaq, Sahil (September 2014). «Relationship Between Loneliness, Psychiatric Disorders and Physical Health ? A Review on the Psychological Aspects of Loneliness». Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 8 (9): WE01–WE04. doi:10.7860/JCDR/2014/10077.4828. ISSN 2249-782X. PMC 4225959. PMID 25386507.
    16. ^ Wüstenhagen, Rolf; Wolsink, Maarten; Bürer, Mary Jean (May 2007). «Social acceptance of renewable energy innovation: An introduction to the concept». Energy Policy. 35 (5): 2683–2691. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2006.12.001. ISSN 0301-4215.
    17. ^ Fey, William F. (March 1955). «Acceptance by others and its relation to acceptance of self and others: a revaluation». The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. 50 (2): 274–276. doi:10.1037/h0046876. ISSN 0096-851X. PMID 14366895.
    18. ^ «Drinking, smoking causes early heart problems». KREM. KREM. 30 August 2018. Retrieved 29 October 2018.
    19. ^ Witvliet, Miranda; Brendgen, Mara; van Lier, Pol A. C.; Koot, Hans M.; Vitaro, Frank (1 November 2010). «Early Adolescent Depressive Symptoms: Prediction from Clique Isolation, Loneliness, and Perceived Social Acceptance». Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 38 (8): 1045–1056. doi:10.1007/s10802-010-9426-x. ISSN 1573-2835. PMC 2964501. PMID 20499155.
    20. ^ Cleary, Michelle; Lees, David; Sayers, Jan (2018-03-04). «Friendship and Mental Health». Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 39 (3): 279–281. doi:10.1080/01612840.2018.1431444. ISSN 0161-2840. PMID 29465280. S2CID 3428832.
    21. ^ Richards, Jerald (1995). «Gandhi’s Qualified Acceptance of Violence». Acorn. 8 (2): 5–16. doi:10.5840/acorn1995822. ISSN 1092-6534.
    22. ^ Grover, Kristin W.; Miller, Carol T. (March 2012). «Does Expressed Acceptance Reflect Genuine Attitudes? A Bogus Pipeline Study of the Effects of Mortality Salience on Acceptance of a Person With AIDS». The Journal of Social Psychology. 152 (2): 131–135. doi:10.1080/00224545.2011.593589. PMID 22468415. S2CID 39135796.
    23. ^ Bowerman, William R. (April 1973). «Attribution of Responsibility Implied in a Notice of Acceptance or Rejection». Psychological Reports. 32 (2): 467–472. doi:10.2466/pr0.1973.32.2.467. ISSN 0033-2941. S2CID 143613527. Retrieved 22 June 2022.
    24. ^ Lewis, Bernard Ellis; Churchill, Buntzie Ellis (2009). Islam: The Religion and the People. Pearson Education Inc. p. 8. ISBN 9780132716062.
    25. ^ «What does ISLAM mean?». The Friday Journal. Archived from the original on 14 March 2011. Retrieved 13 April 2012.
    26. ^ Israelstam, Kenneth V. (1989). «Interacting Individual Belief Systems in Marital Relationships». Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 15 (1): 53–63. doi:10.1111/j.1752-0606.1989.tb00776.x. ISSN 1752-0606. PMID 21118432.
    27. ^ Arslan, Gökmen (2018-04-01). «Psychological Maltreatment, Social Acceptance, Social Connectedness, and Subjective Well-Being in Adolescents». Journal of Happiness Studies. 19 (4): 983–1001. doi:10.1007/s10902-017-9856-z. ISSN 1573-7780. S2CID 151431635.
    28. ^ Butler, Jodie; Ciarrochi, Joseph (2007-02-01). «Psychological acceptance and quality of life in the elderly». Quality of Life Research. 16 (4): 607–615. doi:10.1007/s11136-006-9149-1. ISSN 1573-2649. PMID 17268930. S2CID 9762200.
    29. ^ «Akzeptanzstellen für Karten mit Zahlungsfunktion bis 2020». Statista (in German). Retrieved 2022-11-05.

    External links[edit]

    • Art of Accepting
    • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
    • The therapeutic method of self-acceptance[1]
    1. ^ Jakub, Tencl (11 December 2014). Power of lovefullness : the method of self-acceptance (Updated second release ed.). [England]. ISBN 9781511644327. OCLC 930772066.



    • First attested in 1574. From Middle French acceptance, from Old French accepter (accept). Equivalent to accept +‎ -ance.


    • (US) IPA(key): /ək.ˈsɛp.təns/


    acceptance (countable and uncountable, plural acceptances)

    1. (uncountable) The act of accepting; the receiving of something offered, with acquiescence, approbation, or satisfaction; especially, favourable reception; approval.

      the acceptance of a gift, office, doctrine, etc.

    2. (countable) An instance of that act.
    3. Belief in something; agreement, assent.
    4. The state of being accepted.
      • 1594, Shakespeare, Rape of Lucrece:

        Makes it assured of acceptance.

    5. The usual or accepted meaning of a word or expression.
    6. (business, finance) An assent and engagement by the person on whom a bill of exchange is drawn, to pay it when due according to the terms of the acceptance; the bill of exchange itself when accepted.
    7. (law) An agreeing to the action, proposals, or terms of another by some act which results in the conclusion of a legally binding contract; the reception or taking of a thing bought as that for which it was bought, or as that agreed to be delivered, or the taking of possession of a thing as owner.
      • 1876, Mozley and Whiteley, Law Dictionary:
        What acts shall amount to such an acceptance is often a question of great nicety and difficulty.
    8. (government, US) The act of an authorized representative of the government by which the government assents to ownership of existing and identified supplies, or approves specific services rendered, as partial or complete performance of a contract.
    9. (horse racing, Australia, New Zealand, plural only) A list of horses accepted as starters in a race.
    10. (optics) Synonym of etendue.

    Usage notes[edit]

    In modern law, offer and acceptance are necessary elements for a legally binding contract.

    Alternative forms[edit]

    • acceptaunce (obsolete)


    • (act of accepting): accepting, receiving, reception, approval
    • (state of being accepted): acceptableness
    • (assent and engagement by person on whom bill of exchange is drawn): assent

    Derived terms[edit]

    • (assent and engagement by person on whom bill of exchange is drawn): banker’s acceptance, trade acceptance
    • acceptance house
    • acceptance speech
    • acceptance test
    • fat acceptance
    • preacceptance
    • re-acceptance
    • self acceptance
    • self-acceptance
    • wife acceptance factor


    act of accepting

    • Arabic: قَبُول‎ m (qabūl), قُبُول‎ m (qubūl)
      Hijazi Arabic: قُبُول‎ m (gubūl)
    • Bengali: কবুল (bn) (kobul)
    • Bulgarian: приемане (bg) (priemane)
    • Czech: přijetí (cs) n
    • Dutch: acceptatie (nl)
    • Esperanto: akcepto
    • Finnish: hyväksyntä (fi), hyväksyminen (fi)
    • French: acceptation (fr) f
    • German: Annahme (de) f
    • Gothic: 𐌰𐌽𐌳𐌰𐌽𐌿𐌼𐍄𐍃 f (andanumts)
    • Greek: αποδοχή (el) f (apodochí)
      Ancient: ἀποδοχή f (apodokhḗ)
    • Hungarian: elfogadás (hu)
    • Irish: glacadh m
    • Latin: acceptiō f
    • Malayalam: സ്വീകാര്യത (svīkāryata)
    • Old English: andfang m
    • Plautdietsch: Aunnom f
    • Polish: przyjęcie (pl) n, akceptacja (pl) f
    • Portuguese: aceitação (pt) f
    • Romanian: acceptare (ro) f, acceptanță f, primire (ro) f
    • Russian: получе́ние (ru) n (polučénije)
    • Spanish: aceptación (es) f
    • Tagalog: pagtanggap
    • Turkish: kabul (tr)

    list of horses accepted as starters in a race

    • Finnish: hyväksytyt pl

    Translations to be checked

    • Interlingua: (please verify) acceptation
    • Italian: (please verify) accettazione (it)
    • Norwegian: (please verify) godtagelse c, (please verify) aksept (no) c
    • Swedish: (1) (please verify) acceptans (sv)
    • Telugu: (please verify) అంగీకారం (te) (aṅgīkāraṁ)


    • acceptance in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913

    Further reading[edit]



    acceptance (uncountable)

    1. acceptance


    • Eagle, Andy, ed. (2016) The Online Scots Dictionary, Scots Online.

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