Is aboard one word

на борту, на корабль, на корабле, на борту, на борт, вдоль


- на борту (судна, самолёта, поезда, автобуса и т. п.)

Welcome aboard! — приветствуем вас на борту нашего самолёта (обращение стюардессы)

- на борт (судна, самолёта, поезда, автобуса и т. п.)

to get /to step/ aboard — сесть на корабль, в самолёт и т. п.
to take goods aboard — погрузить товары на судно
all aboard! — а) посадка заканчивается! (предупреждение об отходе судна, отлёте самолёта); б) посадка закончена! (сигнал к отправлению)

- вдоль

to keep the land /the coast/ aboard — идти вдоль берега (о судне)
to be hard aboard — стоять вдоль борта (другого корабля)
to fall aboard (of) — а) столкнуться, сцепиться (с другим судном); б) брать на абордаж (судно)


- на борт (судна, самолёта и т. п.)

to go aboard a ship — сесть на корабль

- на борту (корабля, самолёта и т. п.)

aboard the train — амер. в вагоне
aboard a camel — (верхом) на верблюде

- вдоль

hard aboard the shore — вдоль берега
to lay aboard the enemy — вплотную подойти к противнику (о судне)
to come /to get/ aboard — амер. вступить; стать участником (чего-л.)
when I got aboard the space program … — когда я включился в работу по освоению космоса …

Мои примеры


to fall aboard of — столкнуться с другим судном  
to take aboard — принимать на борт  
to come / go / get / step aboard — подняться на борт  
haul the tacks aboard — крепить паруса  
highest rank aboard — старший начальник на борту  
install aboard — устанавливать на борту; монтировать на борту  
keep aboard — идти вдоль  
keep the land aboard — придерживаться берега; идти вблизи берега; идти вдоль берега  
lay a ship aboard — сходиться борт о борт  
lay aboard the enemy — вплотную подойти к противнику  

Примеры с переводом

Welcome aboard!

приветствуем вас на борту нашего самолёта (обращение стюардессы)

The captain of the ship invited us to come aboard.

Капитан корабля пригласил нас подняться на борт.

The plane crashed, killing all 200 people aboard.

Самолёт разбился, и погибли все двести человек, находившихся на его борту.

They finally went aboard the plane.

Наконец, они поднялись на борт самолёта.

He and his bride boarded the train, and the conductor announced: «All aboard!»

Он со своей невестой сел в поезд, и кондуктор объявил, что посадка окончена.

The Captain and crew welcome you aboard.

Капитан и экипаж приветствуют вас на борту.

He lifted the child bodily aboard.

Приложив усилия, он самостоятельно поднял тело ребёнка на борт.

They were having a pitch about the best way to get aboard.

Они болтали о том, как лучше проникнуть на борт судна.

The book includes a wealth of detail on living conditions aboard ships at that time.

Книга включает в себя множество подробностей о том, какими были в то время условия жизни на борту кораблей.

The ship sailed home with just a remnant of the colony’s original population aboard.

Корабль отплыл на родину с небольшой горсткой оставшихся в живых колонистов на борту.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The boat swayed as he stepped aboard.

Bill’s been aboard for three years now

The bus pulled in, and we climbed aboard.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

aboard — перевод на русский


How did you get aboard ship?

Как ты попала на борт корабля?

Someone I know came aboard this afternoon.

— Что? Я знаю, что кое-кто поднялся на борт сегодня.

Will you please get aboard?

Поднимайтесь на борт.

— Are you going aboard?

— Вы идете на борт?

— The point is I’d like to go aboard.

— Дело в том, что я хотел бы попасть на борт.

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Welcome aboard Scandinavian Airlines Flight 45, from New York to Paris. We are now serving snacks, and dinner will be along shortly.

Добро пожаловать Скандинавские авиалинии, рейс 45, из Нью Йорка в Париж, сейчас мы подаем закуски, в ближайшее время будет ужин.

Welcome aboard, Ambassador Kollos.

Добро пожаловать, посол Коллос.

Welcome aboard, Michael.

Добро пожаловать, Майкл.

welcome aboard the San Diego trolley, bound for the Santa Fe Depot in centre city.

Добро пожаловать в Сан-Диего, мы доставим вас в центр города.

welcome aboard the San Diego trolley, bound for San Ysidro international Border.

Добро пожаловать, мы доставим вас до границы в Сан Исадро.

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«B) How do we get aboard?

Б: как проникнуть на корабль?

I snuck aboard.

Залез тайком на корабль.

Well then, come aboard.

Ну, что ж, пошли на корабль.

How did you know this lady was coming aboard?

Откуда вы знали, что эта дама поднимется на корабль?

It was illogical for him to bring those players aboard.

С его стороны было неразумно брать на корабль этих актеров.

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All aboard! One, two.

Все по вагонам!

The love train is leaving the station. All aboard!

Поезд любви отправляется, по вагонам.

— All aboard!

— По вагонам!

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All aboard.

Все по местам!

All aboard!

Все по местам!

Everyone aboard!

Все по местам!

All aboard.

— Все по местам!

All aboard!

Так… По местам!

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[ Man ] All aboard!

Все на посадку!

All aboard!

Все на посадку!

All aboard, please.

Пассажиры на посадку.

All aboard now!

Все на посадку!

All aboard, please.

Все на посадку, пожалуйста.

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I saw you getting aboard.

Я видел, как Вы садитесь в поезд.

Not even when they climbed aboard the train and popped out the eyes of the conductor, and blood and snot was drippin’ out his eye sockets. You think that stopped the little engine that could ?

И даже когда враги ворвались в поезд и выкололи глаза у проводника, и кровь со слизью стали хлыстыть из его пустых глазниц, думаешь, это остановило маленький паровозик?

I think someone’s coming aboard.

Кaжeтcя, кто-то caдитcя в поезд.

I ride for free. Oh, yeah, yeah. I hop aboard this rattler any time I feels like it.

билеты, я езжу без билета я могу ездить на этом поезде в любое время этот поезд принадлежит к мне.

All aboard! Why were you in the lake?

Садитесь в поезд! Что ты делал в озере?

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All aboard!

Все садитесь.

We stepped aboard to reach the Holy Land.

В нее все садитесь в Святую Землю плыть.

All of us stepped aboard to reach the Holy Land.

В нее все садитесь, в Святую Землю плыть.

Step aboard, miss.

Садитесь, мисс. — Будь хорошей девочкой.

Get aboard before I get cross with you.

Садитесь, пока я не рассердилась.

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Ready to beam back aboard, captain?

Готовы вернуться на палубу, капитан?

All aboard!

А ну-ка все на палубу!

He heard we were bound for England, so he swam out that night and climbed aboard.

Он услышал, что мы едем в Англию, Ночью подплыл к кораблю и взобрался на палубу.

Climb aboard, matey!

Полезай на палубу, моряк!

Okay, Ronnie, we’re going to have to come aboard!

Хорошо, Ронни, нам придется подняться к вам на палубу.

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Captain McLoud, would you care to come aboard, sir?

Капитан МакКлауд, не желаете пройти на станцию, сэр?

I suppose the Bajoran underground could have smuggled it aboard during construction… before I took over as Head of Security.

Один из баджорского сопротивления проник на станцию во время строительства… До того, как я стал начальником Службы Безопастности.

They’re known to be favored by Flaxian assassins and it just so happens a Flaxian came aboard the station just this morning.

Его, как известно, с удовольствием используют флаксианские убийцы. И как интересно совпало, что как раз сегодня утром на станцию прибыл флаксианец.

It was very clever having one of yours betray you so you could get aboard.

Было очень умно изобразить, что один из ваших предал тебя, Бенджамин, чтобы ты смог попасть на станцию.

There’s a lot of people coming aboard this station right now, Amos, and they need our help.

На станцию прибывает много людей, Эймос, и им нужна наша помощь.

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Do you like traveling? If you do, you may have come across the words “Aboard” and “Onboard”. Do you know what those words mean?

We want to know what the words “Aboard” and “Onboard” stand for. We also want to know the appropriate way to use each. Let’s go!

“Aboard” and “Onboard” are valid words, acceptable to be used. However, they aren’t synonyms. “Aboard” refers to the entry into a passenger vehicle, while “Onboard” refers to what happens inside of the passenger vehicle. In some cases, those words can interchange, but it’s not a rule.

aboard vs onboard

Take a look at some examples:

  • We walked aboard the ship, excited about our vacation.
  • We walked onboard the ship, excited about our vacation.
  • No smoking is permitted onboard the train.
  • No smoking is permitted aboard the train. (incorrect)
  • No smoking is permitted while boarding the train.

In the first set of sentences, we mention a walk toward or a walk on the ship. The sentences are identical, except for the fact that one uses the word “Aboard” and the other, the word “Onboard”.

The first sentence describes people going “Aboard” the ship. In other words, they were walking towards it, intending to board the vessel.

The second sentence describes people walking “Onboard” the ship. They could be walking on a deck, walking in some direction, etc. The word “Onboard” indicates they were already inside of the vessel, strolling around.

This first set shows that sometimes, “Aboard” and “Onboard” can interchange and still make a sentence grammatically accurate. However, because those words aren’t synonyms, that change shifts the message being conveyed.

The second set of sentences talks about smoking on a train. In that scenario, the correct form is “Onboard”, because the message is that people aren’t allowed to smoke when they’re inside the train.

However, “Aboard” also works. It’s not perfect but the sentence isn’t incorrect. If smoking wasn’t allowed while going on the train, the correct form would be the third sentence – which doesn’t include neither “Onboard” nor “Aboard”.


“Aboard” usually indicates entering a passenger vehicle. It’s a word mostly used specifically to refer to the moment in time when people are entering the vehicle. However, in some cases, it can also indicate simply being in a vehicle.

The Cambridge Dictionary agrees with our definition, but expands it a bit, by saying that “Aboard” is to go “on or onto a ship, aircraft, bus, or train”.

Let’s take a look at some examples:

  1. All aboard!
  2. Carol spent weeks aboard the ship.
  3. The attendant welcomed us aboard.
  4. The bus drove off just before I could climb aboard.
  5. For some reason, he was not allowed aboard the ship.


“Onboard” indicates an event or situation is carried out or occurs “Aboard” a passenger vehicle. It’s a less strict usage than “Aboard” because it can be connected to anything happening inside of the vehicle. It can also be used figuratively.

The Cambridge Dictionary adds to that, explaining that “Onboard” can also be “to give new employees the knowledge and skills they need to become effective members of an organization”.

  1. So, do you like my idea? Are you onboard?
  2. The onboard computer system of the ship was glitching.
  3. The cruise ship offered many perks, such as onboard entertainment.
  4. Howard will go through the onboarding process next week.
  5. Is there a bathroom onboard?

Which Is Used the Most?

Which one of those forms is used more often, “Aboard” or “Onboard”? Take a look at the graph from Google Ngram Viewer below.

aboard vs onboard usage

The word “Aboard” is used with much more frequency. It’s been relevant for a longer time and has always been the most used one.

“Onboard” became relevant around 1960 and since then has been growing in usage. Both words are correct and you can use them if you want.

Final Thoughts

“Aboard” and “Onboard” are acceptable words, but they aren’t synonyms. Use “Aboard” when describing the entry into a passenger vehicle. Use “Onboard” when describing something that happens inside of the passenger vehicle. Because they have different meanings if you interchange them in a sentence the message may be affected.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Table of Contents

  1. Is aboard an adverb or adjective?
  2. Is abroad an adverb?
  3. What part of speech is aboard?
  4. Why is aboard an adverb?
  5. What is the difference between abroad and aboard?
  6. How can I find a study abroad program?
  7. What kind of word is aboard?
  8. How do you use aboard?
  9. What is a sentence for aboard?
  10. What is the difference between onboard and aboard?
  11. What is welcome aboard?
  12. How do you write an onboard?
  13. How do you use onboard as a verb?
  14. What are the 4 phases of onboarding?
  15. What is difference between into and onto?
  16. Is onboard one word or two words?
  17. What is another word for onboarding?
  18. What is the definition of an adjective?
  19. Does Onboarding have a hyphen?
  20. Is Onboarding the same as training?
  21. Is Offboarding a word?
  22. Is Onboarding the same as orientation?
  23. What are onboarding activities?
  24. How do you prepare an onboarding document?
  25. What should onboarding include?
  26. What does good onboarding look like?
  27. What does a good onboarding program look like?

1 : alongside. 2a : on, onto, or within a vehicle (such as a car or ship) b : in or into a group, association, or organization her second promotion since coming aboard.

Is aboard an adverb or adjective?

adverb, adjective, preposition (postpositive)

Is abroad an adverb?

Abroad means ‘in/to a foreign country’. We use abroad as an adverb in phrases such as go abroad and live abroad.

What part of speech is aboard?


part of speech: adverb
definition: on or into a ship, plane, train, or the like; on board. The ship sails at two o’clock, so all passengers must be aboard by then.
part of speech: preposition

Why is aboard an adverb?

The adverb aboard means on board, as in on a ship, train or plane. Usually the captain will welcome you aboard with a brief speech if you’re lucky — or a long one if you’re not. Aboard comes from the French phrase à bord, which has the same meaning as the English word — on board.

What is the difference between abroad and aboard?

Aboard is a verb. It means to climb onto a flying, sailing, or other traveling vessel, and stay there. For example, when a high school or college student studies “abroad,” they travel to another country to live with another family for a year or a portion of a year.

How can I find a study abroad program?

  1. Book a Study Abroad Program Through Your University.
  2. Find Study Abroad Programs Through a Third-Party Provider.
  3. Enroll Directly with a University Overseas.
  4. Take a Global Independent Study.
  5. Supplement Your Learning with Field Research Abroad.
  6. Intern for School Credit.
  7. Study Abroad Through a Student Exchange.

What kind of word is aboard?

How do you use aboard?

(1) Jack has gone aboard the plane. (2) They were all aboard the ship last night. (3) The Captain and crew welcome you aboard. (4) They finally went aboard the plane.

What is a sentence for aboard?

Aboard Sentence Examples Climbing aboard, he slapped the reins to the team. With other captives, John Knox was put aboard a French galley. Once aboard my flight I spent the next several hours squeezed between a talkative sailor and a woman with a fussy child.

What is the difference between onboard and aboard?

The key difference between aboard and onboard is that aboard is used to describe the entry into a passenger vehicle whereas onboard is used to refer to the situation or position of something inside a passenger vehicle.

What is welcome aboard?

The phrases welcome on board/aboard means that you are welcome to board this vessel(boat, train, plane, etc). The phrase probably comes from when boards/planks were used to enter a boat.

How do you write an onboard?

Trick to Remember the Difference on board. Use onboard as an adjective before the noun it modifies. The phrase on board is an adverb or a prepositional phrase, and it usually goes after a verb.

How do you use onboard as a verb?

When you “board” a boat, that’s a verb. When you step “on board” a boat, that’s an adverbial phrase. It’s not a long way from adverb to verb, hence “to onboard” a new worker. The gerund form is “onboarding.” (Gerunds, you might recall, are verbs acting as nouns.)

What are the 4 phases of onboarding?

The four phases are Onboarding, Initial Development, Ongoing Development and Retention, and Separation.

What is difference between into and onto?

Into and onto are prepositions, words that describe relative position. “In to” and “on to,” on the other hand, are combinations of an adverb (in or on) and the preposition to. Unlike the single-word forms, they look both backward (in and on refer to a preceding verb) and forward (to pertains to the following object).

Is onboard one word or two words?

Onboard is one word (sometimes hyphenated—on-board) when it comes before the noun it modifies (e.g., onboard radio, onboard computer). Elsewhere, writers usually make on board two words. For instance, one might write, “We brought a radio on board so we could have an onboard radio.”

What is another word for onboarding?

What is another word for onboarding?

enrollmentUS enlistment
induction integration
recruiting orientation
signing on signing up
bringing on taking on

What is the definition of an adjective?

: a word belonging to one of the major form classes in any of numerous languages and typically serving as a modifier of a noun to denote a quality of the thing named, to indicate its quantity or extent, or to specify a thing as distinct from something else The word red in “the red car” is an adjective.

Does Onboarding have a hyphen?

“Onboarding” is the process of ramping up newly hired employees. “On boarding” refers to getting on a ship, train, or airplane. Sometimes the process of employee onboarding is misspelled as “on boarding.” Lastly, don’t hyphenate on-boarding – the hyphen is not necessary.

Is Onboarding the same as training?

Training and onboarding are two separate things, yet they need to coexist. Training covers the technicalities or tasks of the job. Onboarding is about integrating with the other employees, management, and the corporate culture.

Is Offboarding a word?

Offboarding is the reverse of onboarding, and it involves separating an employee from a firm. Offboarding software is also part of a talent management system. Employee onboarding and offboarding have many similarities.

Is Onboarding the same as orientation?

Onboarding and orientation defined For new hires, orientation is a one-time event welcoming them to your company. Onboarding is a series of events (including orientation) that helps them understand how to be successful in their day-to-day job and how their work contributes to the overall business.

What are onboarding activities?

Onboarding activities involve materials, meetings, and gestures that are designed to engage new employees right after they’ve signed their offer letter.

How do you prepare an onboarding document?

What should my employee onboarding process look like?

  1. Submit a job requisition form.
  2. Complete a background check.
  3. Review the schedule and job basics.
  4. Review job descriptions and duties.
  5. Complete all new hire forms.
  6. Prepare team introductions.
  7. Prepare the work environment.
  8. Prepare for new hire training.

What should onboarding include?

Conduct a formal HR onboarding meeting, including details about benefits enrollment, company holidays and policies, company structure, team culture and review your company’s vision, mission and values. (If you have formally documented them.)

What does good onboarding look like?

Operational: make sure that new employees have the right materials and knowledge (such as clarity and business jargon) to do their job well. Social: make new employees feel welcome, build and promote valuable relationships with colleagues and managers, and feel part of the organization.

What does a good onboarding program look like?

Successful onboarding programs go beyond basic welcome emails to deliver a great employee experience, even before new hires have their first day on the job. This includes everything from crushing the new hire video, decorating their desk with thoughtful, personalized items, and giving them a clear 90 path to success.


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7 апр. 2020

  • Испанский
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  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Итальянский

Board could be the board the teacher writes on in school or maybe a board of wood. «boards» usually are flat things or nearly flat like skate boards.
Aboard means «on-board» as in on a ship, train, airplane…
«The captain welcomes you aboard»

  • Испанский

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Итальянский

What did I say?

  • Испанский

@xiaarts29 😂😂😂 you can’t fool me .. you changed it

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Итальянский

well yeah I was talking about aboard but my autocorrect changed «aboard» with abroad

  • Испанский

@xiaarts29 oh ok hey but what’s the difference between aboard and on-board

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Итальянский

They’re kinda the same, but aboard is used most of the times

  • Испанский

@xiaarts29 can u please show me an example sentence with aboard and on-board

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Итальянский

Well… as I told you, they’re the same so you can use them in the same way:

«200 people were on board on the ship»
«once aboard I spent my time reading»

They’re the same, you can swap them and see for yourself.
I think aboard is used more often because it’s all one word and when you speak it flows better with the sentence, it’s more fluent.

  • Испанский

@xiaarts29 so it can be like this right..

«200 people were aboard on the ship»

«once on board I spent my time reading»

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Итальянский

yeah but they sound a little different so you must choose whichever suits the sentence better to make more sense

  • Испанский

@xiaarts29 well u told me that both can be used the same way

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Итальянский

yes they’re the same but sometimes one sounds better than the other so if you use the «wrong» one it could SOUND as actually wrong even if it isn’t. It’s hard to explain😅

  • Испанский

  • Английский (американский вариант)

In terms of ships, Board is a verb. “I board the ship at noon”, or “I’m boarding the ship”, as in “I’m getting aboard the ship”. You could say “I’m getting on-board the ship” but it doesn’t sound as smooth. You would say instead just “I’m getting on-board”. You could also say “I’m getting aboard”. “On-board” takes longer to say than “aboard” and has more emphasis (you break the word between on and board whereas aboard is said without break) therefore “on-board” usually used only in short sentences whereas “aboard” sounds fine in longer or shorter sentences. They mean the same thing and either can be technically used, it just about what sounds more fluid and natural or on what you want to emphasis. Aboard is more widely used and suitable so I would say just stick to “aboard”.
Fyi I’m just a native speaker, I didn’t study this, this is just how I think of it and have heard it used.
Hope it made some sense

  • Испанский

@Yani_Singer can u please show me and example sentence with these words..

on-board — aboard — board.

@xiaarts29 says that all of them are the same and they have the same usage in sentences but at the end she/he says that sounds weird that I must use the correct one… so I can’t understand her she changed what she-/ he said

  • Английский (американский вариант)

What she said is correct and makes sense, i think there is just some misunderstanding. I already gave examples for all but I’ll make it more organized.

Board (action, past tense): “At 2pm, we will board the ship.” =*at 2 pm were getting on the ship*

Aboard vs. on-board: (can be interchanged technically)

Aboard (state of being (on a ship)): “I am aboard the ship”. “Welcome aboard the ship”. “Welcome aboard” “I’m getting aboard the ship” “I’m getting aboard”.

On-board (state of being (on a ship)): “I am on-board”. “Welcome on-board”. “I’m getting on-board”

Like I said I’m not an expert, this is just what I think and all I can provide you for this explanation. I do think aboard and on-board are interchangeable since they mean the exact same this, it’s just “on-board” sounds kinda unnatural (just because of its sound) in certain sentences so it isn’t always interchanged. Abroad can always be used where “on-board” is. It doesn’t always sound good when “on-board” is used where “aboard” is

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В чем разница между Board и aboard ?

  • В чем разница между board и committee ?


    Committees provide organizational structure, and at the same time allow enough flexibility so the board can adapt quickly to the chan…

  • Покажите мне примеры предложений с Board .


    @david2 lots of different options and meanings.
    “That board is made of wood.”
    “It’s time for our board meeting”(business).
    “I need a poster …

  • В чем разница между board и aboard ?


    @deleongerman43 Simple definition of “board” = a big flat piece of wood (size of an average person or bigger).

    Simple definition of “aboard”…

  • В чем разница между Broad и Board ?


    Broad is a old slang for women girl or lady. Or for a long distance Whilst board is a flat piece od wood used in woodwork or as a board game…

  • В чем разница между board и aboard ?


    Board is a noun meaning to get on a ship. Aboard is an adjective meaning «on the ship.»

  • В чем разница между aboard и embark ?


    aboard = a preposition

    Are all the students aboard the bus?
    We have to be aboard the plane 20 minutes before takeoff.

    embark = a verb


  • В чем разница между Board и meal ?


    “Board” is a meal, but it’s a meal that you pay for. It is given when you are staying somewhere, like a home.

    We don’t use ‘board’ often whe…

  • В чем разница между board и aboard ?


    To board a ship is to get on it. To be aboard a ship is to already be on it.

  • В чем разница между man и men ?
  • В чем разница между the 13rd of December и the 13th of December ?
  • В чем разница между I’m down for it и I’m up for it ?
  • В чем разница между signature и printed name ?
  • В чем разница между rape и molest ?
  • В чем разница между чайник долго закипает и чайник долго не закипает ?
  • В чем разница между будет запущена и запустится ?
  • В чем разница между Стучать у двери и стучать в дверь ?
  • В чем разница между ларёк и Забегаловка ?
  • В чем разница между наследствие и наследство ?
  • В чем разница между Саша, как говорить «собака» по-английски? и Саша, как сказать»собака» по-англ…
  • В чем разница между чайник долго закипает и чайник долго не закипает ?
  • В чем разница между будет запущена и запустится ?
  • В чем разница между Стучать у двери и стучать в дверь ?
  • В чем разница между ларёк и Забегаловка ?

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The long-running argument is that the phrase ‘welcome aboard’ is incorrect and should instead be replaced with ‘welcome on board. The simple response to this is that both phrases are correct. The word ‘aboard’ means onboard. Thus, both phrases are correct since the meaning is not distorted by interchanging them.

What is the difference between onboard and aboard?

As adverbs the difference between aboard and onboard

is that aboard is on board; into or within a ship or boat; hence, into or within a railway car while onboard is on or in a vehicle or vessel; aboard; on board.

What does welcome to board mean?

It’s also a very common expression in the business sector. When someone new comes to a company, small business, or just a team, we welcome them by saying “welcome on board.” Because a business is like a vehicle, it goes places and it advances, a new part of that is welcomed on board.

How do you use Welcome aboard in a sentence?

Welcome aboard!» 2. To welcome someone who has just joined a company. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «welcome» and «aboard.» I’d like you all to join me in welcoming aboard our new VP of sales, Sarah Thompson!

What is meant by welcome abroad?

It can mainly be used to say «Welcome to our group!» «abroad» basically means «to get on a ship».

33 related questions found

How do you welcome on board?

Examples of welcome messages

  1. “We are so excited to have you on our team! …
  2. “Your skills and talents will be a great addition to our project. …
  3. “On behalf of the whole department, welcome onboard! …
  4. “Congratulations on joining our team! …
  5. “I welcome you on behalf of management and hope you will enjoy working with us.”

Is board one word or two?

Onboard is one word (sometimes hyphenated—on-board) when it comes before the noun it modifies (e.g., onboard radio, onboard computer). Elsewhere, writers usually make on board two words. For instance, one might write, “We brought a radio on board so we could have an onboard radio.”

Have you on board meaning?

involved in a project or organization, or working for a company. Welcome to the team. It’s great to have you on board.

How do you respond to welcome on board?

Possible perfect replies for Welcome Aboard Email:

  1. Thank the person who has sent the mail.
  2. Show your gratitude for reaching out to you and making you part of the team.
  3. Feel free to add if you have anything that you wanted to share with the team [Never go to the details on the very first day of the work]

What are the different ways to say welcome aboard?

welcome aboard > synonyms

»we are pleased to welcome you exp. »we are very pleased to welcome you exp. »we welcome you in our company exp. »welcome aboard new buddy exp.

Can you say welcome aboard?

The adverb aboard means on board, as in on a ship, train or plane. … If you were just hired, your new manager might say «Welcome aboard» (the figurative company train). The phrase «All aboard!» is said as a warning before departure, especially before a ship or train leaves.

What is new Welcome aboard?

When put together, the phrase ‘welcome aboard’ is a greeting used for new employees, guests, members, or travelers. It is commonly used for newcomers to a group, organization, institution, or travelers embarking on a trip. … just before the ship or train started its journey.

What is the best reply to welcome?

Yes; thank you and thanks are the most common and accepted responses in these scenarios. Or you could give them a quizzical look and say «You talk funny.» In your first example, that construction would almost never be used unless you were offering someone something you probably didn’t want.

How do you welcome someone in a group?

We hope you’ll do some amazing works here! A warm welcome and lots of good wishes on becoming part of our growing team. Congratulations and on behalf of all the members.

Welcome Aboard!

  1. Welcome aboard! We are proud to you with us. …
  2. Thanks for choosing to be part of the company! …
  3. Congratulations and welcome to the team!

How do you say you’re welcome professionally in an email?

Here are several different ways to say «you’re welcome» in a professional setting:

  1. «I am happy to be of assistance.»
  2. «No need at all.»
  3. «That’s what good colleagues do.»
  4. «I’m glad that you’re satisfied.»
  5. «I am here to help.»

Is on board an idiom?

In agreement with; ready or willing to participate.

How do you use on board?

Onboard or on board:

On board is an adverb and prepositional phrase that refers to boarding any transport vessel or agreeing to something. Use onboard as an adjective before the noun it modifies. The phrase on board is two-syllable word that goes after the verb and acts as an adverb or a prepositional phrase.

How do you use on board in a sentence?

1, There are two restaurants on board ship. 2, As soon as I was on board, I began to have second thoughts about leaving. 3, The hijackers kept the pilot on board the plane as hostage. 4, When all passengers were on board, the train pulled out of the station.

How do you use onboard as a verb?

  1. ​[transitive] onboard somebody to ensure a new employee or customer becomes familiar with an organization or its products or services. The goal is to get new clients onboarded quickly. …
  2. ​[intransitive, transitive] to become familiar with how something works, especially a piece of technology or software.

What does on board mean in business?

or on-board

verb (used with object) Business. to assist and support (a new employee) in developing the skills, knowledge, attitudes, etc., needed to be successful in the job.

How do you welcome a new team member in a meeting?

How to welcome your new team member

  1. Welcome them to the team. …
  2. Have their workspace ready. …
  3. Give them the lay of the land. …
  4. Create a list of things to know. …
  5. Make sure their tech is ready. …
  6. Start them with easy win projects. …
  7. Connect them with a great mentor.

How do you say your welcome in sarcastically?

You just say «пожалуйста». (or any other relevant «welcome») in the sarcastic tone of voice and the appropriate mimicking. the longer the phrase the better it allows to relay sarcasm.

Is your welcome rude?

She explained that «you’re welcome»—a phrase that is meant to be courteous—is sometimes perceived as insincere or snarky. … When the phrase is exclaimed in the absence of thanks, as comedians have made popular, it is obviously rude. When used graciously, «you’re welcome» is a perfectly polite form of expression.

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  • 1

    1) на корабле́, на борту́; в ваго́не;

    2) на кора́бль, на борт; в ваго́н;

    3) вдоль;

    а) поса́дка зака́нчивается! (предупреждение об отправлении корабля, вагона

    и т.п.




    поссо́риться (with, of)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > aboard

  • 2

    aboard invar

    на борту

    install aboard

    устанавливать на борту

    take aboard

    брать на борт

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > aboard

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > aboard

  • 4

    əˈbɔ:d нареч.
    1) на борту welcome aboard! ≈ приветствуем вас на борту нашего самолета (обращение стюардессы)
    2) на борт to come, go aboard ≈ подняться на борт (судна, самолета, поезда, автобуса и т. п.) to get, step aboard ≈ сесть на корабль, в самолет и т. п. to take goods aboard ≈ погрузить товары на судно to fall aboard of ≈ столкнуться с другим судном Why, are you blind? You’ll get aboard of that coal barge. ≈ Ты что, ослеп? Ты столкнешься вон с той баржей, груженной углем. all aboard! ≈ посадка заканчивается! (предупреждение об отправлении корабля, вагона и т. п.) ;
    посадка закончена! (сигнал к отправлению) He and his bride boarded the train, and the conductor announced: «All aboard’. ≈ Он со своей невестой сел в поезд, и кондуктор объявил, что посадка окончена.
    3) вдоль to keep the land aboard ≈ идти вдоль берега (о судне)

    aboard вдоль;
    to keep the land aboard идти вдоль берега (о судне и т. п.) ~ на корабле, на борту;
    в вагоне;
    welcome aboard! приветствуем вас на борту самолета! (обращение стюардессы к пассажирам) ~ на корабль, на борт;
    в вагон;
    to go aboard a ship сесть на корабль

    all ~! посадка заканчивается! (предупреждение об отправлении корабля, вагона и т. п.) all ~! посадка закончена! (сигнал к отправлению)

    to fall ~ уст. поссориться( with, of) to fall ~ столкнуться (с другим судном)

    ~ на корабль, на борт;
    в вагон;
    to go aboard a ship сесть на корабль

    aboard вдоль;
    to keep the land aboard идти вдоль берега (о судне и т. п.)

    ~ на корабле, на борту;
    в вагоне;
    welcome aboard! приветствуем вас на борту самолета! (обращение стюардессы к пассажирам)

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > aboard

  • 5


    aboard вдоль; to keep the land aboard идти вдоль берега (о судне и т. п.) aboard на корабле, на борту; в вагоне; welcome aboard! приветствуем вас на борту самолета! (обращение стюардессы к пассажирам) aboard на корабль, на борт; в вагон; to go aboard a ship сесть на корабль all aboard! посадка заканчивается! (предупреждение об отправлении корабля, вагона и т. п.) all aboard! посадка закончена! (сигнал к отправлению) to fall aboard уст. поссориться (with, of) to fall aboard столкнуться (с другим судном) aboard на корабль, на борт; в вагон; to go aboard a ship сесть на корабль aboard вдоль; to keep the land aboard идти вдоль берега (о судне и т. п.) aboard на корабле, на борту; в вагоне; welcome aboard! приветствуем вас на борту самолета! (обращение стюардессы к пассажирам)

    English-Russian short dictionary > aboard

  • 6

    1. [əʹbɔ:d]

    1. 1) на борту ()

    2) на борт ()

    to get /to step/ aboard — сесть на корабль, в самолёт

    2. вдоль

    to keep the land /the coast/ aboard — идти вдоль берега ()

    to fall aboard (of) — а) столкнуться, сцепиться (); б) брать на абордаж ()

    2. [əʹbɔ:d]

    1. 1) на борт ()

    2) на борту ()

    2. вдоль

    to come /to get/ aboard — вступить; стать участником ()

    when I got aboard the space program… — когда я включился в работу по освоению космоса…

    НБАРС > aboard

  • 7

    I [ə’bɔːd]


    на борту (самолета, судна), на борт

    All aboard! — Посадка заканчивается, просим пассажиров занять свои места.

    He is already aboard. — Он уже на борту/в самолете/в поезде.


    Наречие места aboard относится к узкой группе слов названий средств передвижения — ship, plane, train, ferry, liner — и сочетается с немногочисленной группой глаголов типа to get, to go, to step, to meet. В русском языке ему соответствует существительное с предлогом: to get aboard сесть на поезд (в самолет, на корабль); all aboard! посадка закончена, поезд отправляется; welcome aboard! приветствуем вас на борту нашего самолета

    II [ə’bɔːd]


    — aboard a ferry
    — aboard a train


    Предлог aboard употребляется с узкой группой имен существительных названий средств передвижения, транспорта, таких как ship, plane, train, ferry. Предлог aboard в сочетании с существительными не требует больше никаких других предлогов: aboard the ship на борту корабля; to go aboard the plane подняться на борт самолета

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > aboard

  • 8

    1. prep на борт

    2. prep на борту

    3. prep вдоль

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. on board (adj.) in transit; loaded; on board; on deck; on the ship; on the train; shipped

    English-Russian base dictionary > aboard

  • 9

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > aboard

  • 10

    Англо-русский морской словарь > aboard

  • 11

    I на борту, на борт
    Наречие места aboard относится к узкой группе слов названий средств передвижения — ship, plane, train, ferry, liner — и сочетается с немногочисленной группой глаголов типа to get, to go, to step, to meet. В русском языке ему соответствует существительное с предлогом:

    to get aboard — сесть на поезд (в самолет, на корабль).

    All aboard! — Посадка закончена, поезд отправляется.

    Welcome aboard! — Приветствуем вас на борту нашего самолета.

    II на борту, на борт
    Предлог aboard в сочетании с существительными не требует больше никаких других предлогов:

    aboard the ship — на борту корабля;

    to go aboard the plane — подняться на борт самолета.

    English-Russian word troubles > aboard

  • 12



    to come / go / get / step aboard — подняться на борт; сесть на корабль, самолёт

    He and his bride boarded the train, and the conductor announced: «All aboard!» — Он со своей невестой сел в поезд, и кондуктор объявил, что посадка окончена.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > aboard

  • 13

    1) на корабле, на борту; в вагоне; welcome aboard! приветствуем вас на борту самолета! (обращение стюардессы к пассажирам)

    2) на корабль, на борт; в вагон; to go aboard a ship сесть на корабль

    3) вдоль; to keep the land aboard идти вдоль берега (о судне и т. п.)

    all aboard!

    а) посадка заканчивается! (предупреждение об отправлении корабля, вагона и т. п.);

    б) посадка закончена! (сигнал к отправлению)

    to fall aboard

    а) столкнуться (с другим судном);



    поссориться (with, of)

    * * *

    * * *

    на борту; на корабле; в поезде

    * * *

    [a·board || ə’bɔːd]
    на борту, на корабль, на корабле, на поезд, на поезде, в вагон, в вагоне, в самолет, в самолете; вдоль

    * * *

    * * *

    1) на борту
    2) на борт
    3) вдоль

    Новый англо-русский словарь > aboard

  • 14

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > aboard

  • 15

    1) на борту; на борт

    3) мор. борт к борту

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > aboard

  • 16

    — to install aboard

    — to take aboard

    Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > aboard

  • 17

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > aboard

  • 18

    погруженный на транспортное средство (судно,вагон, грузовик, самолет) ; ? take aboard ;

    Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > aboard

  • 19

    1) на борту́

    2) в по́езде

    3) на́ борт; на кора́бль

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > aboard

  • 20

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > aboard


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Aboard — A*board , adv. [Pref. a on, in + board.] 1. On board; into or within a ship or boat; hence, into or within a railway car. [1913 Webster] 2. Alongside; as, close aboard. [1913 Webster] (Naut.): {To fall aboard of}, to strike a ship s side; to fall …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • aboard — [ə bôrd′] adv. [ME abord < OFr a bord: see BOARD] 1. on board; on, in, or into a ship, airplane, etc. 2. Naut. alongside [the sailboat passed our ship close aboard] 3. as a participant, partner, employee, etc.: usually in the phrases come… …   English World dictionary

  • Aboard — A*board , prep. 1. On board of; as, to go aboard a ship. [1913 Webster] 2. Across; athwart. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Nor iron bands aboard The Pontic Sea by their huge navy cast. Spenser. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • aboard — (adv.) late 14c., probably in most cases from O.Fr. à bord, from à on + bord board, from Frankish *bord or a similar Germanic source (see BOARD (Cf. board) (n.2)); the boarding or sides of a vessel extended to the ship itself. The usual Middle… …   Etymology dictionary

  • aboard — [adj] on or in a transportation object boarded, consigned, embarked, en route, in transit, loaded, on, on board, traveling; concept 583 Ant. not on, off …   New thesaurus

  • aboard — ► ADVERB & PREPOSITION ▪ on or into (a ship, train, or other vehicle) …   English terms dictionary

  • aboard — 01. The young boy climbed [aboard] the boat and sat down. 02. A passenger [aboard] a flight to Memphis became very ill, and the plane had to return to the airport. 03. The woman claims she was taken [aboard] an alien spacecraft, where she spoke… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • aboard — [[t]əbɔ͟ː(r)d[/t]] PREP If you are aboard a ship or plane, you are on it or in it. She invited 750 people aboard the luxury yacht, the Savarona… They said goodbye to him as he got aboard the train at Union Station. Syn: on board ADV: ADV after… …   English dictionary

  • aboard — /euh bawrd , euh bohrd /, adv. 1. on board; on, in, or into a ship, train, airplane, bus, etc.: to step aboard. 2. alongside; to the side. 3. Baseball. on base: a homer with two aboard. 4. all aboard! (as a warning to passengers entering or… …   Universalium

  • aboard — a|board1 [əˈbo:d US əˈbo:rd] prep on or onto a ship, plane, or train ▪ They finally went aboard the plane. aboard 2 aboard2 adv 1.) on or onto a ship, plane, or train ▪ The plane crashed, killing all 200 people aboard. ▪ The boat swayed as he… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • aboard — 1 preposition on or onto a ship, plane, or train: go aboard: They finally went aboard the plane. 2 adverb 1 on or onto a ship, plane, or train: The plane crashed killing all 200 people aboard. | The boat swayed as he stepped aboard. 2 All aboard! …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

Asked by: Dr. Alta Gulgowski

Score: 4.1/5
(57 votes)

Onboard is one word (sometimes hyphenated—on-board) when it comes before the noun it modifies (e.g., onboard radio, onboard computer). Elsewhere, writers usually make on board two words. For instance, one might write, “We brought a radio on board so we could have an onboard radio.”

Are you on board or onboard?

Onboard is an adjective that means attached, and a verb that means to acclimate new hires to a new company. On board is an adverb or prepositional phrase that means safely aboard a vessel or in agreement.

How do you write an onboard?

On board is an adverb and prepositional phrase that refers to boarding any transport vessel or agreeing to something. Use onboard as an adjective before the noun it modifies. The phrase on board is two-syllable word that goes after the verb and acts as an adverb or a prepositional phrase.

How do you use onboard in a sentence?

Onboard sentence example. The ship had there been scuttled to put out a fire onboard , by the port authority, acting upon their own judgment, but with the assent of the master.

How do you use onboard as a verb?

  1. ​[transitive] onboard somebody to ensure a new employee or customer becomes familiar with an organization or its products or services. The goal is to get new clients onboarded quickly. …
  2. ​[intransitive, transitive] to become familiar with how something works, especially a piece of technology or software.

20 related questions found

Is Offboarding a word?

Removing a user from an identity management system or downgrading the user’s privileges.

What does it mean by onboard?

: carried within or occurring aboard a vehicle (such as a satellite or an automobile) an onboard computer onboard recorders.

Is on board an idiom?

(idiomatic) Agreeing or supporting. It’s a good idea, but let’s see if we can get a few more of the management team on board. (idiomatic) On or in a means of transportation.

How do you use bored in a sentence?

Bored sentence example

  1. I’m not bored , but it is getting late. …
  2. He must be getting bored with watching her. …
  3. You’d be bored out of your mind. …
  4. My mother certainly bored him, even though he stuck it out. …
  5. Had they decided they didn’t want her bored and inquisitive? …
  6. I think we bored him too.

What are the 4 phases of onboarding?

  • Phase 1: Pre-onboarding. The first phase of onboarding, also called pre-onboarding, begins as soon as a candidate accepts your offer and continues until their first day of joining. …
  • Phase 2: Welcoming new hires. …
  • Phase 3: Role-specific training. …
  • Phase 4: Easing the transition to their new role. …
  • Final thoughts.

How do I onboard a new employee?

10 steps to help successfully onboard new employees

  1. Reach out to new hires before their first day. …
  2. Know the new characters on the team. …
  3. Define the job clearly and set expectations. …
  4. Create an orientation program. …
  5. Prepare the work environment. …
  6. Outline the workplace learning guide. …
  7. Prepare the organizational charts ahead of time.

Is onboarding the same as orientation?

Onboarding is an ongoing process of building engagement from the first contact until the employee becomes established within the organization. Orientation, on the other hand, is a stage of onboarding where new employees learn about the company and their job responsibilities.

What is the verb of board?

verb. boarded; boarding; boards. Definition of board (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1a : to go aboard (something, such as a ship, train, airplane, or bus) boarded a bus to Chicago.

What’s the difference between onboard and aboard?

Key Difference – Aboard vs Onboard

The key difference between aboard and onboard is that aboard is used to describe the entry into a passenger vehicle whereas onboard is used to refer to the situation or position of something inside a passenger vehicle.

What does it mean welcome on board?

The phrases welcome on board/aboard mean that you are welcome to board this vessel(boat, train, plane, etc). … The phrase probably comes from when boards/planks were used to enter a boat.

What is the opposite of on board?

▲ Opposite of on the project. off board.

What is the meaning of the idiom keep the ball rolling?

Definition of keep the ball rolling

informal. : to cause an activity or process to continue I’ve started the preparations for the party, but it’s up to you to keep the ball rolling.

What does get in the boat mean?

(idiomatic) To make a substantial effort, especially in cooperation with others in a group; to perform one’s share of work; to show initiative.

What is the correct definition of vessel?

Vessel. Any type of watercraft, including non-displacement craft and seaplane used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water.

What does on board with something mean?

In agreement with; ready or willing to participate.

What Offboarding means?

Offboarding is the process that leads to the formal separation between an employee and a company through resignation, termination, or retirement. It encompasses all the decisions and processes that take place when an employee leaves. This may include: Transferring that employee’s job responsibilities.

How do you spell Offboarding?

Offboarding is the reverse of onboarding, and it involves separating an employee from a firm. This can include a process for sharing knowledge with other employees.

What is an off board in a kitchen?

The fan motor is “Off Board” which means that it is located in the ceiling cavity. In apartments or homes without a space above the kitchen Hush rangehoods cannot be used and we recommend the 800 series. … The sizes are typical of most existing rangehoods and are an easy way to update a kitchen.

Aboard and onboard are two words that can be easily confused. Both these words are commonly used when talking about trains, ships, aircrafts, and other passenger vehicles. The key difference between aboard and onboard is that aboard is used to describe the entry into a passenger vehicle whereas onboard is used to refer to the situation or position of something inside a passenger vehicle.

What Does Aboard Mean?

Aboard can be used as a preposition or an adverb. This word is typically used with reference to trains, ships, aircrafts, or other passenger vehicles. It can give the same meaning as on or into.

Aboard as a preposition

We climbed aboard the ship, following the captains’ instructions.

It took her some time to realize that she has climbed aboard the wrong train.

How many sailors were aboard that ship when it sailed from this port?

Aboard as an adverb

The train went off the rail, injuring 56 passengers aboard.

The captain welcomed all aboard.

The aircraft crashed, killing 145 passengers aboard.

Figurative Meaning

Aboard can also be used to refer to an entry in or into a group, association, or organization. This has quite a figurative meaning. For example,

This is her first promotion since coming aboard.

He came aboard as the private secretary of the chairman.

Key Difference - Aboard vs Onboard

Do you know how many passengers were aboard that cruise ship when it left the port?

What Does Onboard Mean?

Onboard is an adjective that describes something that is available or situated on board an aircraft, ship, or other vehicles.

The aircraft is controlled by an onboard computer system.

His new car came with an onboard television and computer system.

He ordered meals from the onboard food services.

His car came with a brand new onboard music system.

The onboard alarm system will trigger as soon as an unauthorized person enters the control room.

Onboard vs On Board

Onboard is also written as on-board. Onboard is written as one word as long as it used as an adjective that modifies something. All the examples above are written in this way. It can be written as on board (two words) when it is not used as an adjective. For example,

Smoking is not allowed on board.

There were no females on board.

Difference Between Aboard and Onboard

The onboard restaurant was large enough to serve meals to all 200 passengers at once.

What is the difference between Aboard and Onboard?


Aboard: Into or on trains, ships, aircrafts, or other passenger vehicles.

Onboard: Available or situated on trains, ships, aircrafts, or other passenger vehicles.


Aboard: Aboard is used to describe the entry into a passenger vehicle.

Onboard: Onboard is used to refer to the situation or position of something inside a passenger vehicle.

Grammatical Category:

Aboard: Aboard can be used as an adverb or a preposition.

Onboard: Onboard is mainly used as an adjective.

Figurative Meaning:

Aboard: Aboard is also used in a figurative sense. (Ex: Entry into an organization)

Onboard: Onboard is not used in a figurative sense.

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Captain, Admiral Dougherty is aboard a Son’a ship in sector 4-4-1.

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I heard that Tasha Yar’s daughter is aboard the Romulan ship.

Ricardo also is aboard but Westerby doesn’t grasp who he


until Phnom Penh;

in evading him, Ricardo shoots at Westerby.

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Рикардо также находится на борту, но Уэстерби не понимает, кто он, пока в Пномпене, при

побеге от него, Рикардо не стреляет в Уэстерби.



unaware that Katharine is aboard the plane as it flies low over him and then crashes.

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Алмаши не подозревает, что Кэтрин находится на борту самолета, и поэтому он летит


нем слишком низко и вслед за этим терпит авиакатастрофу.

That technology, which is aboard the ships surrounding Earth

and has


of some assistance ever since the earthquake damaged the reactors, will


much more effective on site.

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и Земля даже имеет некоторую помощь с момента повреждения реакторов землетрясением, все же помощь будет гораздо более эффективна



I would like to speak with someone regarding a member of my crew who is aboard your vessel.

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Я бы хотела поговорить с кем-нибудь по поводу того, что один из членов моего экипажа находится на борту вашего судна.

In pushed convoys and side-by-side formations,

paragraph 1 above shall apply only to the vessel the boatmaster is aboard.


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На толкаемых составах и счальных группах положение указанного

выше пункта 1 применяется только к судну, на борту которого находится ответственный судоводитель состава или счала.


If the place of effective management of a shipping enterprise or

of an inland waterways transport enterprise is aboard a ship or a boat,

then it shall


deemed to


situated in the Contracting State in which the home harbour of the ship or boat


situated, or, if there


no such home harbour, in the Contracting State of which the operator of the ship or boat


a resident.


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Если фактический руководящий орган компании по морским перевозкам или

компании по перевозкам внутренним водным транспортом находится на борту морского или речного судна,

то считается, что он


в Договаривающемся государстве, где расположен порт приписки этого морского или речного судна, или, при отсутствии такого порта приписки, в Договаривающемся государстве, резидентом которого является оператор этого морского или речного судна.


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When we were aboard the Lophelia, do you remember the hold.

He was aboard the commercial airplane traveling for NASA.

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Only the harbor watch was aboard when the fire started.

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His brother was aboard her, and she would have blown us out of the water;

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Его брат служит на нем, и они потопили бы нас в один миг.



a short time in Neverland when Baelfire was aboard my ship.

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Перед попаданием


остров Бэйлфар был на моем корабле.

Senators Helms and Symms and Congressman Hubbard were aboard KAL 015.

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Сенаторы Хелмс и Симмс и конгрессмэн Хуббард были на борту КАЛ 015.

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Admiral de Gueydon

decided against starting the bombardment until consul Elton was aboard Caton; the consul did not come


the ship until four hours later.

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Адмирал Гведон решил начать обстрел, когда консул Элтон будет на борту« Катона», но консул пришел



корабля только через четыре часа.

Maybe someone with a grudge

against Worf or the Federation was aboard— someone who could have

seized control of the ship and taken it into the battle.

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может, на борту был кто-то, кто затаил обиду


Ворфа или Федерацию-

кто-то, кто мог захватить управление кораблем и направить его к месту сражения.

I was aboard your shuttle looking for technology that might help us neutralize the radiation.

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Я был на борту вашего шаттла, искал приборы, которые могли бы помочь нам нейтрализовать радиацию.

Later, he and his wife, Mary, are aboard a private jet hijacked by an assassin sent to kill Richard

and his wife.

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Позже он и его жена Мэри погибают, находясь на борту частного самолета, от руки киллера, посланного для убийства Паркера.

On July 12, 1949, Marsh was aboard Standard Air Lines Flight 897R,

when the C-46E crashed.

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Июля 1949 года Марш находился на борту рейса 897R службы Стандартных Воздушных Авиалиний,

когда самолет разбился.

The gallery also presents photographs of the ship by the

Jesuit photographer Father Francis Browne, who was aboard Titanic for the leg from Southampton to Cobh in southern Ireland.

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В галерее также представлены фотографии корабля иезуитского

фотографа духовного отца Фрэнсиса Брауна, который находился на борту« Титаника»


участке из Саутгемптона в Куинстаун(

теперь Ков)


юге Ирландии.

He and his wife were aboard the RMS Carpathia during its rescue mission for the survivors

from the sunken RMS Titanic on April 15, 1912.

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Что Колин и Эмма Купер находились на борту пассажирского парохода« Карпатия» во время его участия

в спасении выживших пассажиров с затонувшего« Титаника» 15 апреля 1912 года.

Some accounts state that Francis Scott Key was aboard Minden when he wrote the poem»Defense of Fort M’Henry»,

which became the lyrics for»The Star-Spangled Banner.

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Некоторые источники утверждают, что Фрэнсис Скотт Ки находился на борту Minden, когда он написал свое знаменитое стихотворение« Оборона Форта Макгенри»,

отрывок из которого лег в основу текста государственного гимна США.

I was aboard a rather large boat(not a sailboat,

I don’t think), and we


about to dock and moor the boat alongside the quay.

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что это


не парусная шлюпка), и мы


около дока и швартовали судно у причала.

At the time of Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait, the goods were aboard a vessel owned by an Iraqi State enterprise

destined for delivery to Iraq from India.


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В момент вторжения Ирака и оккупации им Кувейта товары находились на борту судна иракского государственного предприятия

и предназначались для поставки в Ирак из Индии.


But I also know she was aboard that ship and she


not a child.

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Но я также знаю, что она была на борту этого корабля и что она не



If your name


not chosen,



to remain here until I receive word the 15 are aboard, and the shuttle’s rear hatch



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Если ваше имя не названо,

вы остаетесь здесь, пока мне не сообщат, что все 15 уже на борту, и задний люк шатла задраен.

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