Ip калькулятор подсетей в excel

IP addresses on your company network consist of three parts: the network address, the host address and the subnet mask. The network address identifies your broad network, and host addresses identify individual workstations on the network. The subnet mask relates these two addresses using bitwise operations. System administrators at your company can use Microsoft Excel’s Visual Basic editor to calculate subnetworks, generating host addresses by combining network addresses and subnet masks.

  1. Open Excel and type your host address into cells A1 through A4, typing each byte into a separate cell. For example, to calculate the network address when a subnet address of masks a host address of, type «192» into cell A1, «168» into A2, «1» into A3 and «161» into A4.

  2. Type your subnet mask into cells B1 through B4, tying each byte into a separate cell. Continuing the example, type «255» into cell B1, «255» into B2, «255» into B3 and «224» into B4.

  3. Click «Insert» in the ribbon’s developer tab and click the icon for a button. Click and drag over your worksheet to add a button and open the Assign Macro dialog box.

  4. Click «Tools» and «Macros» to open the Create New Macro dialog box. Type «mcrSubnet» into the Macro Name text box and then click «Create.»

  5. Type «mcrSubnet» into the Macro Name text field and then click «New» to launch Excel’s Visual Basic editor.

  6. Type the following after «Sub mcrSubnet()» to fetch the values in cells A1 and B1:

    host1 = Range(«A1»).Value subnet1 = Range(«A2»).Value

  7. Type the following to perform an AND function on the two values:

    network1 = host1 And subnet1

  8. Type the following to insert the result into the sheet:

    Range(«A3»).Value = network1

  9. Type the following to repeat this operation with the addresses’ other bytes:

    host2 = Range(«B1»).Value subnet2 = Range(«B2»).Value network2 = host2 And subnet2 Range(«B3»).Value = network2 host3 = Range(«C1»).Value subnet3 = Range(«C2»).Value network3 = host3 And subnet3 Range(«C3»).Value = network3 host4 = Range(«D1»).Value subnet4 = Range(«D2»).Value network4 = host4 And subnet4 Range(«D3»).Value = network4

  10. Return to the main Excel window and click the button that you added to insert the network address into cells C1 through C4. With this example, Excel inserts «191» into A3, «168» into B3, «1» into C3 and «160» into D3. This corresponds with a network address of «»

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Бесплатно загрузите калькулятор IP для OpenOffice.org и шаблонов LibreOffice DOC, XLS или PPT, которые можно бесплатно редактировать с помощью LibreOffice онлайн или OpenOffice Desktop онлайн

Это калькулятор IP-адресов шаблонов для OpenOffice.org и LibreOffice. Шаблон, который может использоваться LibreOffice онлайн, OpenOffice, офисным пакетом Microsoft (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) или Office 365.


Загрузите или отредактируйте шаблон IP-калькулятора для OpenOffice.org и LibreOffice, действительный для LibreOffice онлайн, OpenOffice, офисного пакета Microsoft (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) или Office 365.

Возможности ip-calc: — увеличивать IP-адрес — вычислять сетевую маску — проверять, находится ли адрес в подсети — вычислять разницу между двумя IP-адресами — вычислять размер подсети — предоставлять набор вспомогательных функций для IP парсинг адреса, чтобы вы могли легко написать свой собственный макрос

Бесплатная загрузка шаблона IP-калькулятора для OpenOffice.org и LibreOffice, интегрированного с веб-приложениями OffiDocs

‘ Copyright 2010-2016 Thomas Rohmer-Kretz ‘ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ‘ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ‘ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ‘ (at your option) any later version. ‘ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ‘ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ‘ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ‘ GNU General Public License for more details. ‘ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ‘ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ‘ http://trk.free.fr/ipcalc/ ‘ Visual Basic for Excel ‘============================================== ‘ IP v4 ‘============================================== ‘———————————————- ‘ IpIsValid ‘———————————————- ‘ Returns true if an ip address is formated exactly as it should be: ‘ no space, no extra zero, no incorrect value Function IpIsValid(ByVal ip As String) As Boolean IpIsValid = (IpBinToStr(IpStrToBin(ip)) = ip) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpStrToBin ‘———————————————- ‘ Converts a text IP address to binary ‘ example: ‘ IpStrToBin(«») returns 16909060 Function IpStrToBin(ByVal ip As String) As Double Dim pos As Integer ip = ip + «.» IpStrToBin = 0 While ip <> «» pos = InStr(ip, «.») IpStrToBin = IpStrToBin * 256 + Val(Left(ip, pos 1)) ip = Mid(ip, pos + 1) Wend End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpBinToStr ‘———————————————- ‘ Converts a binary IP address to text ‘ example: ‘ IpBinToStr(16909060) returns «» Function IpBinToStr(ByVal ip As Double) As String Dim divEnt As Double Dim i As Integer i = 0 IpBinToStr = «» While i < 4 If IpBinToStr <> «» Then IpBinToStr = «.» + IpBinToStr divEnt = Int(ip / 256) IpBinToStr = Format(ip (divEnt * 256)) + IpBinToStr ip = divEnt i = i + 1 Wend End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpAdd ‘———————————————- ‘ example: ‘ IpAdd(«»; 4) returns «» ‘ IpAdd(«»; 256) returns «» Function IpAdd(ByVal ip As String, offset As Double) As String IpAdd = IpBinToStr(IpStrToBin(ip) + offset) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpAnd ‘———————————————- ‘ logical AND ‘ example: ‘ IpAnd(«»; «») returns «» Function IpAnd(ByVal ip1 As String, ByVal ip2 As String) As String ‘ compute logical AND from right to left Dim result As String While ((ip1 <> «») And (ip2 <> «»)) Call IpBuild(IpParse(ip1) And IpParse(ip2), result) Wend IpAnd = result End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpAdd2 ‘———————————————- ‘ another implementation of IpAdd which not use the binary representation Function IpAdd2(ByVal ip As String, offset As Double) As String Dim result As String While (ip <> «») offset = IpBuild(IpParse(ip) + offset, result) Wend IpAdd2 = result End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpGetByte ‘———————————————- ‘ get one byte from an ip address given its position ‘ example: ‘ IpGetByte(«»; 1) returns 192 Function IpGetByte(ByVal ip As String, pos As Integer) As Integer pos = 4 pos For i = 0 To pos IpGetByte = IpParse(ip) Next End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpSetByte ‘———————————————- ‘ set one byte in an ip address given its position and value ‘ example: ‘ IpSetByte(«»; 4; 20) returns «» Function IpSetByte(ByVal ip As String, pos As Integer, newvalue As Integer) As String Dim result As String Dim byteval As Double i = 4 While (ip <> «») byteval = IpParse(ip) If (i = pos) Then byteval = newvalue Call IpBuild(byteval, result) i = i 1 Wend IpSetByte = result End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpMask ‘———————————————- ‘ returns an IP netmask from a subnet ‘ both notations are accepted ‘ example: ‘ IpMask(«») returns «» ‘ IpMask(«») returns «» Function IpMask(ByVal ip As String) As String IpMask = IpBinToStr(IpMaskBin(ip)) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpWildMask ‘———————————————- ‘ returns an IP Wildcard (inverse) mask from a subnet ‘ both notations are accepted ‘ example: ‘ IpWildMask(«») returns «» ‘ IpWildMask(«») returns «» Function IpWildMask(ByVal ip As String) As String IpWildMask = IpBinToStr(((2 ^ 32) 1) IpMaskBin(ip)) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpInvertMask ‘———————————————- ‘ returns an IP Wildcard (inverse) mask from a subnet mask ‘ or a subnet mask from a wildcard mask ‘ example: ‘ IpWildMask(«») returns «» ‘ IpWildMask(«») returns «» Function IpInvertMask(ByVal mask As String) As String IpInvertMask = IpBinToStr(((2 ^ 32) 1) IpStrToBin(mask)) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpMaskLen ‘———————————————- ‘ returns prefix length from a mask given by a string notation (xx.xx.xx.xx) ‘ example: ‘ IpMaskLen(«») returns 24 which is the number of bits of the subnetwork prefix Function IpMaskLen(ByVal ipmaskstr As String) As Integer Dim notMask As Double notMask = 2 ^ 32 1 IpStrToBin(ipmaskstr) zeroBits = 0 Do While notMask <> 0 notMask = Int(notMask / 2) zeroBits = zeroBits + 1 Loop IpMaskLen = 32 zeroBits End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpWithoutMask ‘———————————————- ‘ removes the netmask notation at the end of the IP ‘ example: ‘ IpWithoutMask(«») returns «» ‘ IpWithoutMask(«») returns «» Function IpWithoutMask(ByVal ip As String) As String Dim p As Integer p = InStr(ip, «/») If (p = 0) Then p = InStr(ip, » «) End If If (p = 0) Then IpWithoutMask = ip Else IpWithoutMask = Left(ip, p 1) End If End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpSubnetLen ‘———————————————- ‘ get the mask len from a subnet ‘ example: ‘ IpSubnetLen(«») returns 24 ‘ IpSubnetLen(«») returns 24 Function IpSubnetLen(ByVal ip As String) As Integer Dim p As Integer p = InStr(ip, «/») If (p = 0) Then p = InStr(ip, » «) If (p = 0) Then IpSubnetLen = 32 Else IpSubnetLen = IpMaskLen(Mid(ip, p + 1)) End If Else IpSubnetLen = Val(Mid(ip, p + 1)) End If End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpIsInSubnet ‘———————————————- ‘ returns TRUE if «ip» is in «subnet» ‘ subnet must have the / mask notation (xx.xx.xx.xx/yy) ‘ example: ‘ IpIsInSubnet(«»; «») returns TRUE ‘ IpIsInSubnet(«»; «») returns TRUE ‘ IpIsInSubnet(«»; «») returns FALSE Function IpIsInSubnet(ByVal ip As String, ByVal subnet As String) As Boolean ‘IpIsInSubnet = (IpAnd(ip, IpMask(subnet)) = IpWithoutMask(subnet)) ‘ the following line also works with non standard subnet notation: IpIsInSubnet = (IpAnd(ip, IpMask(subnet)) = (IpAnd(IpWithoutMask(subnet), IpMask(subnet)))) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpSubnetVLookup ‘———————————————- ‘ tries to match an IP address against a list of subnets in the left-most ‘ column of table_array and returns the value in the same row based on the ‘ index_number ‘ this function selects the smallest matching subnet ‘ ‘ip’ is the value to search for in the subnets in the first column of ‘ the table_array ‘ ‘table_array’ is one or more columns of data ‘ ‘index_number’ is the column number in table_array from which the matching ‘ value must be returned. The first column which contains subnets is 1. ‘ note: add the subnet at the end of the array if you want the ‘ function to return a default value Function IpSubnetVLookup(ByVal ip As String, table_array As Range, index_number As Integer) As String Dim previousMatch As String previousMatch = «» IpSubnetVLookup = «Not Found» For i = 1 To table_array.Rows.Count Dim subnet As String subnet = table_array.Cells(i, 1) If IpIsInSubnet(ip, subnet) And (IpSubnetLen(subnet) > IpSubnetLen(previousMatch)) Then previousMatch = subnet IpSubnetVLookup = table_array.Cells(i, index_number) End If Next i End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpSubnetMatch ‘———————————————- ‘ tries to match an IP address against a list of subnets in the left-most ‘ column of table_array and returns the row number ‘ this function selects the smallest matching subnet ‘ ‘ip’ is the value to search for in the subnets in the first column of ‘ the table_array ‘ ‘table_array’ is one or more columns of data ‘ returns 0 if the IP address is not matched. Function IpSubnetMatch(ByVal ip As String, table_array As Range) As Integer Dim previousMatch As String previousMatch = «» IpSubnetMatch = 0 For i = 1 To table_array.Rows.Count Dim subnet As String subnet = table_array.Cells(i, 1) If IpIsInSubnet(ip, subnet) And (IpSubnetLen(subnet) > IpSubnetLen(previousMatch)) Then previousMatch = subnet IpSubnetMatch = i End If Next i End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpSubnetIsInSubnet ‘———————————————- ‘ returns TRUE if «subnet1» is in «subnet2» ‘ subnets must have the / mask notation (xx.xx.xx.xx/yy) ‘ example: ‘ IpSubnetIsInSubnet(«»; «») returns TRUE ‘ IpSubnetIsInSubnet(«»; «») returns FALSE ‘ IpSubnetIsInSubnet(«»; «») returns FALSE Function IpSubnetIsInSubnet(ByVal subnet1 As String, ByVal subnet2 As String) As Boolean Dim Mask1 As Double Dim Mask2 As Double Mask1 = IpMaskBin(subnet1) Mask2 = IpMaskBin(subnet2) If (Mask1 < Mask2) Then IpSubnetIsInSubnet = False ElseIf IpIsInSubnet(IpWithoutMask(subnet1), subnet2) Then IpSubnetIsInSubnet = True Else IpSubnetIsInSubnet = False End If End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpSubnetSize ‘———————————————- ‘ returns the number of addresses in a subnet ‘ example: ‘ IpSubnetSize(«») returns 8 ‘ IpSubnetSize(«») returns 256 Function IpSubnetSize(ByVal subnet As String) As Double IpSubnetSize = 2 ^ (32 IpSubnetLen(subnet)) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpSubnetInSubnetVLookup ‘———————————————- ‘ tries to match a subnet against a list of subnets in the left-most ‘ column of table_array and returns the value in the same row based on the ‘ index_number ‘ the value matches if ‘subnet’ is equal or included in one of the subnets ‘ in the array ‘ ‘subnet’ is the value to search for in the subnets in the first column of ‘ the table_array ‘ ‘table_array’ is one or more columns of data ‘ ‘index_number’ is the column number in table_array from which the matching ‘ value must be returned. The first column which contains subnets is 1. ‘ note: add the subnet at the end of the array if you want the ‘ function to return a default value Function IpSubnetInSubnetVLookup(ByVal subnet As String, table_array As Range, index_number As Integer) As String IpSubnetInSubnetVLookup = «Not Found» For i = 1 To table_array.Rows.Count If IpSubnetIsInSubnet(subnet, table_array.Cells(i, 1)) Then IpSubnetInSubnetVLookup = table_array.Cells(i, index_number) Exit For End If Next i End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpSubnetInSubnetMatch ‘———————————————- ‘ tries to match a subnet against a list of subnets in the left-most ‘ column of table_array and returns the row number ‘ the value matches if ‘subnet’ is equal or included in one of the subnets ‘ in the array ‘ ‘subnet’ is the value to search for in the subnets in the first column of ‘ the table_array ‘ ‘table_array’ is one or more columns of data ‘ returns 0 if the subnet is not included in any of the subnets from the list Function IpSubnetInSubnetMatch(ByVal subnet As String, table_array As Range) As Integer IpSubnetInSubnetMatch = 0 For i = 1 To table_array.Rows.Count If IpSubnetIsInSubnet(subnet, table_array.Cells(i, 1)) Then IpSubnetInSubnetMatch = i Exit For End If Next i End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpFindOverlappingSubnets ‘———————————————- ‘ this function must be used in an array formula ‘ it will find in the list of subnets which subnets overlap ‘ ‘SubnetsArray’ is single column array containing a list of subnets, the ‘ list may be sorted or not ‘ the return value is also a array of the same size ‘ if the subnet on line x is included in a larger subnet from another line, ‘ this function returns an array in which line x contains the value of the ‘ larger subnet ‘ if the subnet on line x is distinct from any other subnet in the array, ‘ then this function returns on line x an empty cell ‘ if there are no overlapping subnets in the input array, the returned array ‘ is empty Function IpFindOverlappingSubnets(subnets_array As Range) As Variant Dim result_array() As Variant ReDim result_array(1 To subnets_array.Rows.Count, 1 To 1) For i = 1 To subnets_array.Rows.Count result_array(i, 1) = «» For j = 1 To subnets_array.Rows.Count If (i <> j) And IpSubnetIsInSubnet(subnets_array.Cells(i, 1), subnets_array.Cells(j, 1)) Then result_array(i, 1) = subnets_array.Cells(j, 1) Exit For End If Next j Next i IpFindOverlappingSubnets = result_array End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpSortArray ‘———————————————- ‘ this function must be used in an array formula ‘ ‘ip_array’ is a single column array containing ip addresses ‘ the return value is also a array of the same size containing the same ‘ addresses sorted in ascending or descending order ‘ ‘descending’ is an optional parameter, if set to True the adresses are ‘ sorted in descending order Function IpSortArray(ip_array As Range, Optional descending As Boolean = False) As Variant Dim s As Integer Dim t As Integer t = 0 s = ip_array.Rows.Count Dim list() As Double ReDim list(1 To s) ‘ copy the IP list as binary values For i = 1 To s If (ip_array.Cells(i, 1) <> 0) Then t = t + 1 list(t) = IpStrToBin(ip_array.Cells(i, 1)) End If Next i ‘ sort the list with bubble sort For i = t 1 To 1 Step 1 For j = 1 To i If ((list(j) > list(j + 1)) Xor descending) Then Dim swap As Double swap = list(j) list(j) = list(j + 1) list(j + 1) = swap End If Next j Next i ‘ copy the sorted list as strings Dim resultArray() As Variant ReDim resultArray(1 To s, 1 To 1) For i = 1 To t resultArray(i, 1) = IpBinToStr(list(i)) Next i IpSortArray = resultArray End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpSubnetSortArray ‘———————————————- ‘ this function must be used in an array formula ‘ ‘ip_array’ is a single column array containing ip subnets in prefix/len ‘ notation ‘ the return value is also an array of the same size containing the same ‘ subnets sorted in ascending or descending order ‘ ‘descending’ is an optional parameter, if set to True the subnets are ‘ sorted in descending order Function IpSubnetSortArray(ip_array As Range, Optional descending As Boolean = False) As Variant Dim s As Integer Dim t As Integer t = 0 s = ip_array.Rows.Count Dim list() As String ReDim list(1 To s) ‘ copy the IP list as binary values For i = 1 To s If (ip_array.Cells(i, 1) <> 0) Then t = t + 1 list(t) = ip_array.Cells(i, 1) End If Next i ‘ sort the list with bubble sort For i = t 1 To 1 Step 1 For j = 1 To i Dim m, n As Double m = IpStrToBin(list(j)) n = IpStrToBin(list(j + 1)) If (((m > n) Or ((m = n) And (IpMaskBin(list(j)) < IpMaskBin(list(j + 1))))) Xor descending) Then Dim swap As String swap = list(j) list(j) = list(j + 1) list(j + 1) = swap End If Next j Next i ‘ copy the sorted list as strings Dim resultArray() As Variant ReDim resultArray(1 To s, 1 To 1) For i = 1 To t resultArray(i, 1) = list(i) Next i IpSubnetSortArray = resultArray End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpParseRoute ‘———————————————- ‘ this function is used by IpSubnetSortJoinArray to extract the subnet ‘ and next hop in route ‘ the supported formats are ‘ ‘ ‘ the next hop can be any character sequence, and not only an IP Function IpParseRoute(ByVal route As String, ByRef nexthop As String) slash = InStr(route, «/») sp = InStr(route, » «) If ((slash = 0) And (sp > 0)) Then temp = Mid(route, sp + 1) sp = InStr(sp + 1, route, » «) End If If (sp = 0) Then IpParseRoute = route nexthop = «» Else IpParseRoute = Left(route, sp 1) nexthop = Mid(route, sp + 1) End If End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpSubnetSortJoinArray ‘———————————————- ‘ this fuction car sort and summarize subnets or ip routes ‘ it must be used in an array formula ‘ ‘ip_array’ is a single column array containing ip subnets in prefix/len ‘ notation ‘ the return value is also an array of the same size containing the same ‘ subnets sorted in ascending order ‘ any consecutive subnets of the same size will be summarized when it is ‘ possible ‘ each line may contain any character sequence after the subnet, such as ‘ a next hop or any parameter of an ip route ‘ in this case, only subnets with the same parameters will be summarized Function IpSubnetSortJoinArray(ip_array As Range) As Variant Dim s As Integer Dim t As Integer Dim a As String Dim b As String Dim nexthop1 As String Dim nexthop2 As String t = 0 s = ip_array.Rows.Count Dim list() As String ReDim list(1 To s) ‘ copy the IP list as binary values For i = 1 To s If (ip_array.Cells(i, 1) <> 0) Then t = t + 1 list(t) = ip_array.Cells(i, 1) End If Next i ‘ sort the list with bubble sort For i = t 1 To 1 Step 1 For j = 1 To i Dim m, n As Double a = IpParseRoute(list(j), nexthop1) b = IpParseRoute(list(j + 1), nexthop2) m = IpStrToBin(IpWithoutMask(a)) n = IpStrToBin(IpWithoutMask(b)) If ((m > n) Or ((m = n) And (IpMaskBin(a) < IpMaskBin(b)))) Then Dim swap As String swap = list(j) list(j) = list(j + 1) list(j + 1) = swap End If Next j Next i ‘ try to join subnets i = 1 While (i < t) remove_next = False a = IpParseRoute(list(i), nexthop1) b = IpParseRoute(list(i + 1), nexthop2) If (IpSubnetIsInSubnet(a, b) And (nexthop1 = nexthop2)) Then list(i) = list(i + 1) remove_next = True ElseIf (IpSubnetIsInSubnet(b, a) And (nexthop1 = nexthop2)) Then remove_next = True ElseIf ((IpSubnetLen(a) = IpSubnetLen(b)) And (nexthop1 = nexthop2)) Then ‘ create a subnet with the same notation bigsubnet = Replace(IpWithoutMask(a) + «/» + Str(IpSubnetLen(a) 1), » «, «») If (InStr(a, «/») = 0) Then bigsubnet = IpWithoutMask(a) & » « & IpMask(bigsubnet) Else End If If (IpSubnetIsInSubnet(b, bigsubnet)) Then ‘ OK these subnets can be joined list(i) = bigsubnet & » « & nexthop1 remove_next = True End If End If If (remove_next) Then ‘ remove list(i+1) and make the list one element shorter For j = i + 1 To t 1 list(j) = list(j + 1) Next j t = t 1 ‘ step back and try again because list(i) may be joined with list(i-1) If (i > 1) Then i = i 1 Else i = i + 1 End If Wend ‘ copy the sorted list as strings Dim resultArray() As Variant ReDim resultArray(1 To s, 1 To 1) For i = 1 To t resultArray(i, 1) = list(i) Next i IpSubnetSortJoinArray = resultArray End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpIsPrivate ‘———————————————- ‘ returns TRUE if «ip» is in one of the private IP address ranges ‘ example: ‘ IpIsPrivate(«») returns TRUE ‘ IpIsPrivate(«») returns FALSE Function IpIsPrivate(ByVal ip As String) As Boolean IpIsPrivate = (IpIsInSubnet(ip, «») Or IpIsInSubnet(ip, «») Or IpIsInSubnet(ip, «»)) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpDiff ‘———————————————- ‘ difference between 2 IP addresses ‘ example: ‘ IpDiff(«»; «») returns 6 Function IpDiff(ByVal ip1 As String, ByVal ip2 As String) As Double Dim mult As Double mult = 1 IpDiff = 0 While ((ip1 <> «») Or (ip2 <> «»)) IpDiff = IpDiff + mult * (IpParse(ip1) IpParse(ip2)) mult = mult * 256 Wend End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpParse ‘———————————————- ‘ Parses an IP address by iteration from right to left ‘ Removes one byte from the right of «ip» and returns it as an integer ‘ example: ‘ if ip=»″ ‘ IpParse(ip) returns 32 and ip=»192.168.1″ when the function returns Function IpParse(ByRef ip As String) As Integer Dim pos As Integer pos = InStrRev(ip, «.») If pos = 0 Then IpParse = Val(ip) ip = «» Else IpParse = Val(Mid(ip, pos + 1)) ip = Left(ip, pos 1) End If End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpBuild ‘———————————————- ‘ Builds an IP address by iteration from right to left ‘ Adds «ip_byte» to the left the «ip» ‘ If «ip_byte» is greater than 255, only the lower 8 bits are added to «ip» ‘ and the remaining bits are returned to be used on the next IpBuild call ‘ example 1: ‘ if ip=»168.1.1″ ‘ IpBuild(192, ip) returns 0 and ip=»″ ‘ example 2: ‘ if ip=»1″ ‘ IpBuild(258, ip) returns 1 and ip=»2.1″ Function IpBuild(ip_byte As Double, ByRef ip As String) As Double If ip <> «» Then ip = «.» + ip ip = Format(ip_byte And 255) + ip IpBuild = ip_byte 256 End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ IpMaskBin ‘———————————————- ‘ returns binary IP mask from an address with / notation (xx.xx.xx.xx/yy) ‘ example: ‘ IpMask(«») returns 4294967040 which is the binary ‘ representation of «» Function IpMaskBin(ByVal ip As String) As Double Dim bits As Integer bits = IpSubnetLen(ip) IpMaskBin = (2 ^ bits 1) * 2 ^ (32 bits) End Function ‘============================================== ‘ IP v6 ‘============================================== ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6MaskLen ‘———————————————- ‘ returns prefix length from an IPv6 net ‘ example: ‘ Ipv6MaskLen(«2001:db8:1f89::/48») returns 48 Function Ipv6MaskLen(ByVal CIDRNet As String) As Integer slash = InStr(CIDRNet, «/») If (slash = 0) Then Ipv6MaskLen = 128 Else Ipv6MaskLen = Val(Mid(CIDRNet, slash + 1)) End If End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6WithoutMask ‘———————————————- ‘ removes the /xx netmask notation at the end of the IP ‘ example: ‘ Ipv6WithoutMask(«2001:db8:1f89::/48») returns «2001:db8:1f89::» Function Ipv6WithoutMask(ByVal CIDRNet As String) As String slash = InStr(CIDRNet, «/») If (slash = 0) Then Ipv6WithoutMask = CIDRNet Else Ipv6WithoutMask = Left(CIDRNet, slash 1) End If End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6IsInSubnet ‘———————————————- ‘ returns TRUE if «ip» is in «subnet» ‘ example: ‘ Ipv6IsInSubnet(«2001:db8:1:::ac1f:1»; «2001:db8:1::/48») returns TRUE ‘ Ipv6IsInSubnet(«2001:db8:2:::ac1f:1»; «2001:db8:1::/48») returns FALSE Function Ipv6IsInSubnet(ByVal ip As String, ByVal subnet As String) As Variant prefixlen = Ipv6MaskLen(subnet) subnet = Ipv6ToBin(subnet) ip = Ipv6ToBin(ip) If (Left(subnet, prefixlen) = Left(ip, prefixlen)) Then Ipv6IsInSubnet = True Else Ipv6IsInSubnet = False End If End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6AddMissingColumns ‘———————————————- ‘ this function is called from Ipv6Expand and replaces the :: by the ‘ right amount of : ‘ examples: ‘ Ipv6AddMissingColumns(1:2:3::8) returns «1:2:3:::::8» ‘ Ipv6AddMissingColumns(1:2:3:4:5::8) returns «1:2:3:4:5:::8» ‘ Ipv6AddMissingColumns(1:2:3::) returns «1:2:3:::::» Function Ipv6AddMissingColumns(ByVal ip As String) As Variant d = 0 ‘ number of double columns c = 0 ‘ number of columns For i = 1 To Len(ip) If (Mid(ip, i, 2) = «::») Then d = d + 1 If (Mid(ip, i, 1) = «:») Then c = c + 1 Next If ((d = 0) And (c = 7)) Then ‘ 7 single columns, nothing to do ip2 = ip ElseIf (d = 1) Then ‘ one double columns, replace with the right number of columns ip2 = Replace(ip, «::», Left(«::::::::», 9 c)) Else ‘ any other cas is an error Ipv6AddMissingColumns = CVErr(xlErrValue) Exit Function End If Ipv6AddMissingColumns = ip2 End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6Expand ‘———————————————- ‘ returns a representation of an IPv6 address with all the missing zeros ‘ the result has a fixed lenght of 39 caracters ‘ example : ‘ Ipv6Expand(«1:2:3::8») returns «0001:0002:0003:0000:0000:0000:0000:0008» Function Ipv6Expand(ByVal ip As String) As Variant ip = «0» & Ipv6AddMissingColumns(Ipv6WithoutMask(ip)) While (ip <> «») ip2 = Ipv6Parse(ip) & ip2 If (ip <> «») Then ip2 = «:» & ip2 End If Wend Ipv6Expand = ip2 End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6Compress ‘———————————————- ‘ returns the shortest representation of an IPv6 address ‘ examples: ‘ Ipv6Compress(«0001:0002:0003:0000:0000:0000:0000:0008») returns «1:2:3::8» ‘ Ipv6Compress(«01:0:0::») returns «1::» Function Ipv6Compress(ByVal ip As String) As String Dim ip2 As String, ip3 As String, ip4 As String ‘ start with the expanded representation of ip ip2 = Ipv6Expand(ip) ‘ rebuild ip, this will remove zeros at the begining of each hex block ‘ if a block is null, this will keep one zero While (ip2 <> «») offset = Ipv6Build(Ipv6ParseInt(ip2), ip3) Wend ‘ try to replace the longuest sequence of zero blocks by :: s = «:0:0:0:0:0:0:» For i = Len(s) To 3 Step 2 ip4 = Replace(ip3, Left(s, i), «::», 1, 1) If (ip3 <> ip4) Then Exit For Next ‘ remove first 0 if ip starts with 0:: If (Left(ip4, 3) = «0::») Then ip4 = Mid(ip4, 2) ‘ remove last 0 if ip ends with ::0 If (Right(ip4, 3) = «::0») Then ip4 = Left(ip4, Len(ip4) 1) Ipv6Compress = ip4 End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6ToBin ‘———————————————- ‘ returns a string representing the binary value of IPv6 address ‘ the result has a fixed lenght of 128 characters Function Ipv6ToBin(ByVal ip As String) As Variant Dim result As String ip2 = Replace(Ipv6Expand(ip), «:», «») For i = 1 To Len(ip2) b = «0000» j = 0 v = Val(«&H» & Mid$(ip2, i, 1)) While v > 0 Mid$(b, 4 j, 1) = v Mod 2 v = v 2 j = j + 1 Wend result = result & b Next Ipv6ToBin = result End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6FromBin ‘———————————————- ‘ returns an IPv6 from a string representing the binary value of IPv6 address ‘ the parameter must be a 128 character string Function Ipv6FromBin(ByVal ipbin As String) As Variant Dim result As String Dim pos As Integer pos = 1 If Len(ipbin) <> 128 Then Ipv6FromBin = «» Exit Function End If For bloc = 1 To 8 Dim v As Double v = 0 For bit = 1 To 16 v = v * 2 + Val(Mid(ipbin, pos, 1)) pos = pos + 1 Next result = result + LCase(Hex(v)) If (bloc < 8) Then result = result + «:» Next Ipv6FromBin = Ipv6Compress(result) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6Parse ‘———————————————- ‘ Parses an IPv6 address by iteration from right to left ‘ Removes a 16-bit value from the right of «ip» and returns it as 4 character ‘ long hex value ‘ Important: This function does not expand the :: if there is any ‘ example: ‘ if ip=»1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8″ ‘ IpParse(ip) returns «0008» and ip=»1:2:3:4:5:6:7″ when the function returns Function Ipv6Parse(ByRef ip As String) As String Dim pos As Integer pos = InStrRev(ip, «:») If pos = 0 Then v = ip ip = «» Else v = Mid(ip, pos + 1) ip = Left(ip, pos 1) End If Ipv6Parse = Right(«0000» & v, 4) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6ParseInt ‘———————————————- ‘ Same as Ipv6Parse but returns a Double instead of String Function Ipv6ParseInt(ByRef ip As String) As Double Dim v As Double strHex = Ipv6Parse(ip) For i = 1 To Len(strHex) v = 16 * v + Val(«&H» & Mid$(strHex, i, 1)) Next Ipv6ParseInt = v End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6Build ‘———————————————- ‘ Builds an IP address by iteration from right to left ‘ Adds «v16bits» to the left the «ip» ‘ If «v16bits» is greater than 65535 (= FFFF), only the lower 16 bits are ‘ added to «ip» and the remaining bits are returned to be used on the next ‘ IpBuild call Function Ipv6Build(v16bits As Double, ByRef ip As String) As Double If ip <> «» Then ip = «:» + ip ip = LCase(Hex(v16bits And 65535)) + ip Ipv6Build = v16bits 65536 End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6AddInt ‘———————————————- ‘ Add a value to an IPv6 address ‘ example: ‘ Ipv6AddInt(«1::2»; 16) returns «1:12» Function Ipv6AddInt(ByVal ip As String, offset As Double) As String Dim result As String ip = Ipv6Expand(ip) While (ip <> «») offset = Ipv6Build(Ipv6ParseInt(ip) + offset, result) Wend Ipv6AddInt = Ipv6Compress(result) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6Add ‘———————————————- ‘ Add two IPv6 addresses ‘ example: ‘ Ipv6Add(«1:2::»; «::3») returns «1:2::3» ‘ Ipv6Add(«1:2::2»; «::3») returns «1:2::5» Function Ipv6Add(ByVal ip1 As String, ByVal ip2 As String) As String Dim result As String Dim offset As Double ip1 = Ipv6Expand(ip1) ip2 = Ipv6Expand(ip2) While ((ip1 <> «») And (ip2 <> «»)) offset = Ipv6Build(Ipv6ParseInt(ip1) + Ipv6ParseInt(ip2) + offset, result) Wend Ipv6Add = Ipv6Compress(result) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6GetBlock ‘———————————————- ‘ Returns the 4-digit hexa block at position blockNbr ‘ The value of blockNbr can be 1 to 8, block 1 is the block on the left. ‘ example: ‘ Ipv6GetBlock(«2001:db8:1f89:c5a3::ac1f:8001»; 2) returns «0db8» Function Ipv6GetBlock(ByVal ip As String, blockNbr As Integer) As String Ipv6GetBlock = Mid(Ipv6Expand(ip), blockNbr * 5 4, 4) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6GetBlockInt ‘———————————————- ‘ Same as above except that the returned value is an integer between ‘ 0 and 65535 Function Ipv6GetBlockInt(ByVal ip As String, blockNbr As Integer) As Double Ipv6GetBlockInt = Hex2Bin(Ipv6GetBlock(ip, blockNbr)) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6SetBlock ‘———————————————- ‘ Sets the value of the 4-digit hexa block at position blockNbr ‘ The value of blockNbr can be 1 to 8, block 1 is the block on the left. ‘ example: ‘ Ipv6SetBlock(«2001::»; 2; «db8») returns «2001:0db8::» Function Ipv6SetBlock(ByVal ip As String, blockNbr As Integer, ByVal valHex As String) As String ‘ make valHex exactly 4 characters long valHex = Right(«0000» & valHex, 4) ip = Ipv6Expand(ip) Mid(ip, blockNbr * 5 4, 4) = valHex Ipv6SetBlock = Ipv6Compress(ip) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6SetBlockInt ‘———————————————- ‘ Same as above except that the block value is passed as an integer between ‘ 0 and 65535 Function Ipv6SetBlockInt(ByVal ip As String, blockNbr As Integer, valInt As Double) As String Dim valHex As String valHex = LCase(Hex(valInt And 65535)) Ipv6SetBlockInt = Ipv6SetBlock(ip, blockNbr, valHex) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6SetBits ‘———————————————- ‘ Sets on or more bits in a ip v6 addresse ‘ bits is a string with on or more «0» and «1» ‘ offset is the position of the first bit to set between 1 to 128 from left to right Function Ipv6SetBits(ByVal ip As String, bits As String, offset As Integer) As String Dim ipbin As String ipbin = Ipv6ToBin(ip) ‘ convert to binary Mid(ipbin, offset) = bits ‘ set the bits ipbin = Left(ipbin, 128) ‘ make sure we do not exceed 128 bits Ipv6SetBits = Ipv6FromBin(ipbin) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6GetIpv4 ‘———————————————- ‘ Get the value of an IPv4 in an IPv6 at a given position ‘ exemple: ‘ Ipv6GetIpv4(«2001:c0a8:102::»; 2) returns «» Function Ipv6GetIpv4(ByVal ipv6 As String, blockNbr As Integer) As String Ipv6GetIpv4 = IpBinToStr(Ipv6GetBlockInt(ipv6, blockNbr) * 65536 + Ipv6GetBlockInt(ipv6, blockNbr + 1)) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6SetIpv4 ‘———————————————- ‘ Put the value of an IPv4 in an IPv6 at a given position ‘ exemple: ‘ Ipv6SetIpv4(«2001::»; 2; «») returns «2001:c0a8:102::» Function Ipv6SetIpv4(ByVal ipv6 As String, blockNbr As Integer, ByVal ipv4 As String) As String Dim result As String byte1 = IpParse(ipv4) byte2 = IpParse(ipv4) byte3 = IpParse(ipv4) byte4 = IpParse(ipv4) result = Ipv6SetBlockInt(ipv6, blockNbr + 1, byte1 + 256 * byte2) Ipv6SetIpv4 = Ipv6SetBlockInt(result, blockNbr, byte3 + 256 * byte4) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6SubnetFirstAddress ‘———————————————- ‘ example: ‘ Ipv6SubnetFirstAddress(«2001:db8:1:1a0::/59») returns «2001:db8:1:1a0::» Function Ipv6SubnetFirstAddress(ByVal subnet As String) As Variant prefixlen = Ipv6MaskLen(subnet) Ipv6SubnetFirstAddress = Ipv6SetBits(subnet, String(128 prefixlen, «0»), prefixlen + 1) End Function ‘———————————————- ‘ Ipv6SubnetLastAddress ‘———————————————- ‘ example: ‘ Ipv6SubnetLastAddress(«2001:db8:1:1a0::/59») returns «2001:db8:1:1bf:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff» Function Ipv6SubnetLastAddress(ByVal subnet As String) As Variant prefixlen = Ipv6MaskLen(subnet) Ipv6SubnetLastAddress = Ipv6SetBits(subnet, String(128 prefixlen, «1»), prefixlen + 1) End Function Function Hex2Bin(ByVal strHex As String) As Double Dim v As Double For i = 1 To Len(strHex) v = 16 * v + Val(«&H» & Mid$(strHex, i, 1)) Next Hex2Bin = v End Function

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