Inviting accepting refusing excel 9

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Садчикова Анна-Мария Николаевна

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Unit: 7.2 Holidays and Travel

School-gymnasium #7

Date:     .11.2017

Teacher name:  Sadchikova

Grade: 7

Number present:


Theme of the lesson

Speaking: Inviting-Accepting/Refusing

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a limited range of general topics and some curricular topics

7.L4 understand with little support some of the implied meaning in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.R1 understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topic.

7.C3 respect differing points of view

7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • apply comfortable giving, accepting, and refusing invitations in  English.

Most learners will be able to:

  • Realise particular facts and parts in reading passage.
  • Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences.

Students may have problems inviting someone in different situations (formal, informal and more formal).

Language objectives

New vocabulary.

Previous learning

Technology gadgets that can be used while travelling

ICT skills

Projector or Smart board to show a presentation

Value links

Cooperation, respect to each other, functional literacy

Cross curricular links


Intercultural awareness

Travelling in a city in Kazakhstan and abroad

Kazakh culture

Talking about how people get to places in Kazakhstan

Pastoral Care

To develop leadership skills                  

To provide opportunity to work autonomously

To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work

Health and Safety

Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard

Everyday classroom precautions


W – whole class discussion I – individual work  P – pair work G – group work   f – Formative assessment


Planned timings

Planned activities



2 minutes

15 minutes

  • Greetings.

Greeting learners. Setting positive atmosphere by asking some ice breaking questions.

  • Warm-up: (W)

Put a picture of a party up on the board or on the wall where students can see it. Ask students what they see going on in the picture. Then ask students how they would invite someone to a party and what they would say if they wanted to go or did not/could not go to the party. Write answers on the board.

•        Ask some Ss to read the sentences aloud.

•        Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in their books and answer the question in the rubric.

Answer Key

The dialogue is about the two friends’ plans for the weekend.

To learn synonymous phrases

Read out the phrases. Refer Ss back to the dialogue and elicit the synonymous ones from various Ss around the class.

Answer Key

Why don’t you join me? — Why don’t you come with me? We can ask them together. — Let’s ask them together, then. That’s a good idea. — That sounds great!

To practise situational language

To role-play a dialogue

Students have already covered the language of inviting, refusing and accepting invitations. Distribute the role cards to them. There is a different set of cards for each half of the class.

 Give instructions. This is a whole class communicative and mingling activity in which students are asked to move around and talk to each other.

       Students with the cards from Set 1 are supposed to invite students with the cards from Set 2 trying to find somebody who is willing to go with them to a particular place. When they have found a partner, they should arrange all the necessary details about the time and the place of their meeting, the tickets etc. Students who do not have the corresponding card are supposed to refuse the invitation politely, making an excuse. They will continue to do so until the person with the right invitation comes along.

         This should take about ten minutes and at the end of this part of the activity, students should be paired like this: 1a, 2f, 3k, 4b, 5g, 6l, 7c, 8h, 9m, 10d, 11i, 12n, 13e, 14j, 15o.

In the second part of the activity, ask pairs of students to role play their conversations in front of the class, both the matching pairs (inviting and accepting invitations), as well as the mismatched ones (inviting and refusing invitations, making excuses). At the end of the whole activity, students can comment on the quality of their performance, the mistakes they have made in terms of language/grammar/appropriacy etc.

To pronounce /tf/, /d3/, /j/

•              Play the recording for Ss to listen and tick the correct boxes.

•              Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to listen and repeat chorally or individually.

•              Pay special attention to Ss’ pronunciation and intonation and correct as necessary.

•              Check Ss’ answers, then elicit other words with the same sounds from Ss around the class.

Reflection “Plus-Minus-Interesting” technique

This exercise can be done orally, as well as in written form, which will depend on time you have. When you do it written form you should fill in the three columns of the table. In the column «P» — «plus»- write everything you liked at the lesson, information and forms,  which caused positive emotions, or, may be useful for achieving objectives. In the column «M» — «minus»- you can write anything you didn’t like at the lesson, what was boring for you, stayed unknown, or any useless information. In the column «I» — «interesting»- you can write curious facts, they’ve learned at the lesson, anything you would like to learn about problems, questions to the teacher.

The learners write three things in a table

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?


20 minutes


5 minutes

Просмотр содержимого документа

«Speaking: Inviting-Accepting/Refusing (Excel 7)»

Рекомендуем курсы ПК и ППК для учителей

1) I can’t but maybe another time a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 2) What a good idea! a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 3) Are you free next week? a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 4) Would you like to play tennis this weekend? a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 5) I’d love to come! a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 6) How could I say no? a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 7) Sounds great! a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 8) I’m sorry, but I have plans a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 9) Are you free on Friday? a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 10) I’d like but I’m not free this weekend a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 11) Yes, I’ d like that a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 12) I don’t think I can a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 13) Sure, I’d love to. a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 14) Do you want to join us? a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusing 15) What about going out for lunch? a) Inviting b) Accepting c) Refusy

Таблица лидеров

Эта таблица лидеров в настоящее время является частной. Нажмите Поделиться, чтобы сделать ее общедоступной.
Эта таблица лидеров была отключена владельцем ресурса.
Эта таблица лидеров отключена, так как у вас и у владельца ресурса разные значения параметров.

Викторина — это открытый шаблон. Он не создает баллы для таблицы лидеров.

Требуется вход в систему


Требуется вход в систему


Переключить шаблон


Дополнительные форматы будут отображаться при выполнении занятия.


Task 4
Make Inviting — Accepting/Refusing sentences. Choose the correct item.
(Let’s / How about /What about / Would you like)
go for a walk in the park.
asking the questions to the teacher?
to eat some cake?
Would you like to eat some cookies? (Refuse)
Yes, please./That sounds great!/ Sorry, I’m not hungry now./ Nice!
How about going hiking? (Accept)
Sorry, I can’t/ Good idea, but I’m tried. / That’s sounds good!

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

Presentation on theme: «Accepting & Refusing Invitation»— Presentation transcript:


Accepting & Refusing Invitation


Making invitation Accepting invitation Refusing / declining invitation Hesitating Persuading someone


Making invitation Sample phrases (from formal to informal)
— I would like to invite you to dinner next Sunday at my home. — I was wondering if you’d like to come to dinner on Wednesday evening. — Would you like/care to have dinner with us on Saturday? — What/How about dinner tonight? — Let’s go to our place for dinner. — Would you mind coming to my party? — Do you feel like coming to the party?


Informal invitation Wanna come over for dinner tonight? (Wanna = want to) Wanna pop over for a quick dinner? How about coming over for dinner tonight? Care to come over for dinner tonight?


Formal invitation Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?
Would you care to join us for dinner at our house tonight? I was just wondering if you would like to come over for dinner tonight. Please come over for dinner tonight. We’d be delighted to have you over for dinner tonight.


Accepting Invitations
Sample phrases (from formal to informal) — Thanks for your invitation. I’d be delighted to. — Thank you. I’d love to. — Yes, thanks. That would be great/wonderful. — Sounds great/like fun. — OK/All right.


Informal accepting Sure. What time?
Why not?  When do you want me to be there? Sure.  When should I be there? Yes!  Want me to bring something? I’d love to.  I’ll bring dessert. What a splendid idea! I won’t say no.


Formal accepting Thank you!  I’d love to.  Would you like me to bring anything? Thank you very much!  I’d be delighted to.  What time should I be there? Oh, certainly!  Thank you.  Do I need to bring anything?


Refusing / declining Invitations
Sample phrases (from formal to informal) — I’m awfully/terribly sorry. I have other plans for that night. — I’d really like to / I wish I could, but I have an appointment that day. — Thanks for asking, but I’m afraid I’m busy. — I can’t. I’ve got a lot of work to do. — Sorry. I’m already tied up. I need some time to think about it/check my calendar. I will have to call you back. Thanks for thinking of me, but I have (made) other plans.


Informal refusing I can’t. I have to work.
Tonight’s no good.  I have an appointment. I’m busy tonight.  Can I take a raincheck on that?  (*raincheck: if someone invites you to dinner on a night that you are busy, you can say, «Can I take a raincheck?»  This means that you hope they will invite you again on another night.)


Formal refusing I’d love to, but I’m afraid I’m busy tonight.
I’d love to, but I already have plans tonight. I’d like to but I don’t think I can.


Hesitating Sample phrases (from formal to informal)
— Thank you, but I’ll have to check my calendar. Do you mind if I tell you on Monday? — I’m not sure what my plans are. Could I get back to you tomorrow? — I might be busy. I’ll let you know later. — Let me think it over.


Persuading someone Come on. Don’t be a spoilsport / troublemaker.
You won’t regret it. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.


dialogue Ann:  Bob and I are having a little get- together at our place tonight .  Wanna pop over after work? Jim:  Sure, why not?  What time do you want me to be there? Ann:  Around 6.  Jim:  OK.  Want me to bring something? Ann:  No.  Just bring yourself.


dialogue Sam: Wanna come over for a quick meal tonight?
Tom:  Tonight’s no good.  I have a date.  Can I take a raincheck? Sam:  OK.  No problem.  Enjoy your evening! Tom:  You too. 


dialogue Jan:  Mr. Brown, my husband and I were just wondering if you would like to come over for dinner this evening.  Brown:  Oh, thank you!  I’d be delighted to. Jan:  Great!  Could you come over at around 6? Brown:  Sure.  Do I need to bring anything? Jan:  No, but thanks for asking. Brown:  OK.  See you this evening then.


dialogue Jan:  Mr. Brown, my husband and I were just wondering if you would like to come over for dinner this evening.  Brown:  Well, I’d love to, but I have another appointment tonight. Jan:  Oh, that’s too bad.  Well, maybe next time then. Brown:  Yeah!  Thank you for asking.  Enjoy your evening!


Fill in each missing part. Use an appropriate expression!
Dialogue 1 Ratri : We’re panning to go to Indonesia’s Diva recital next Saturday night. Do you want to go with us? I heard she’s excellent! Diane : _______________________ I have to accompany my mom to a wedding reception. I’m so sorry, Ratri. Dialogue 2 Sam : Let’s go to the Twilight Orchestra Saturday night. Andy : This Saturday night? ___________________ I have a date. I’m going to the movies with my girlfriend. Sam : ________________________ this will be their best concert, you know? _________________, don’t be a spoilsport. Andy : Well… ______________________.


Dialogue 3 Harland : Hey, I read in a magazine that Beyonce is going to hold a concert in Jakarta. ________________________ go there next Sunday with me? Liza : ________________________ I have to get my Biology assignment done. Harland : ________________________. This is going to be great. Beyonce doesn’t hold a concert in Jakarta every year, you know? _______________________ Liza : Well… ____________________. What about my assignment? Harland : Come on. ________________________. If you say yes, I’ll help you with it. Liza : Really? Great. I’ll go with you then. But, what about the ticket? I don’t have much money to buy the ticket. Harland : Oh, don’t worry with that. It’s no ___________________. Liza : You have already bought the ticket for me? Harland : It was the _____________________. It is you who always help me. Liza : ____________________ million. I owe you big time. Harland : ____________________it. That’s what friends are for.


Create a conversation from the jumbled lines!
Wanda Do you have any plans for tonight? Let’s go to Siti Nurhaliza’s concert. She’s promoting her new album. It’s the best she’s ever made, you know. Don’t worry. I got two free tickets. The show is at 9, but let’s go early. Let me pick you up at 7. ok? Ok. How about 6.30 then?


Alvaro Great! I’ll be ready.
Sounds good. But we haven’t booked tickets. To be safe, let’s go earlier. You can never tell about traffic. Not really. What do you have in mind? Really? So, what time are we going?


task Make a conversation between two about accepting / refusing invitation Use the expressions above or other expressions Each student has to make min. 6 sentences Perform it in front of the class Submit the script Be creative ! 

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