На чтение 6 мин. Просмотров 1.3k. Опубликовано 16.05.2021
Когда пришло время празднования, будь то день рождения, личная свадьба или вечеринка на выходных, создание собственных приглашений может сэкономить вам массу времени и денег.
Эти бесплатные шаблоны приглашений Microsoft Word дают вы отправляетесь к следующему мероприятию. Их легко редактировать, а это значит, что добавлять детали вашего праздника очень просто. Итак, приступим к вечеринке!
- Общие шаблоны приглашений на вечеринку
- 1. Деловая вечеринка в нерабочее время
- 2. Весенняя или сезонная вечеринка
- 3. Обычная или элегантная вечеринка
- Шаблоны приглашений на вечеринку по случаю дня рождения
- 4. День рождения с воздушными шарами
- 5. Вечеринка по случаю дня рождения с кексом
- 6. Распечатать день рождения
- Шаблоны свадебных приглашений
- 7. Традиционная свадьба для печати
- 8. Простая свадьба для печати
- 9. Цветочная свадьба для печати
- Шаблоны приглашений на выпускной
- 10. Простой выпускной
- 11. Выпускной по фотографии
- Шаблоны приглашений на детский душ
- 12. Синий цветочный детский душ
- 13. Зеленый и желтый детский душ
- Да начнутся торжества!
Общие шаблоны приглашений на вечеринку
Если вы планируете собрание в нерабочее время, празднование весны или просто веселая вечеринка без особого повода, вот ваши шаблоны приглашений. Кроме того, воспользуйтесь помощью нескольких мобильных приложений, которые помогут вам спланировать вечеринку.
1. Деловая вечеринка в нерабочее время
При планировании встречи на улице офиса для ваших коллег, сделайте короткое и приятное приглашение. Этот шаблон вечеринки в нерабочее время именно такой. Просто вставьте дату, время и необязательное местоположение в это деловое приглашение, и все готово.
2. Весенняя или сезонная вечеринка
Простой способ пригласить друзей для барбекю или праздника на свежем воздухе этот шаблон оформлен в тематике весенних цветов. Заполнители “Хост”, “Когда” и “Где” искусно упомянуты вверху, а внизу достаточно места, чтобы добавить больше деталей, необходимых для веселой вечеринки.
3. Обычная или элегантная вечеринка
Может быть, ваше мероприятие состоится вечером или вам просто нужна более элегантная тема. Этот делает свое дело своим пурпурным, синим и лиственным видом. Просто добавьте дату и время, место, детали ответа, и если ваши гости должны что-нибудь принести. Помните, вы можете полностью отредактировать этот текст, чтобы он соответствовал вашему празднику.
Шаблоны приглашений на вечеринку по случаю дня рождения
Для взрослых вечеринки по случаю дня рождения обычно не включают красочные темы персонажей, как это делают детские праздники. Итак, для подростков и старше ознакомьтесь с этими классными шаблонами приглашений на вечеринку по случаю дня рождения. И вот несколько идей подарков для ваших фанатичных друзей, если кто-то спросит о ваших идеях.
4. День рождения с воздушными шарами
В этот день рождения для мужчин и женщин приглашение на вечеринку подходит всем. Он предлагает красочные воздушные шары, соответствующие растяжки и простую рамку, которую вы можете настроить в Word. Добавьте имя именинника с подробностями о месте вечеринки, и вы готовы его отправить.
5. Вечеринка по случаю дня рождения с кексом
Может быть, вы предпочитаете кекс надувные шары. Если да, то вот классный шаблон приглашения на день рождения. На фотографии кекса, украшенного единственной зажженной свечой, достаточно места для всех деталей. Будь то подросток или взрослый, этот вариант подходит для всех возрастов.
6. Распечатать день рождения
Если вы предпочитаете распечатать свой день рождения приглашения на вечеринку, этот шаблон хороший. Его красочные воздушные шары, растяжки, конфетти и фон соответствуют внутренней (или обратной) стороне приглашения, на котором изображены детали. Он представлен на двух отдельных страницах, поэтому вы можете решить, как его распечатать, и настроить под свои нужды.
Шаблоны свадебных приглашений
Если вы Хотите воспользоваться технологиями, чтобы сэкономить деньги и спланировать небольшую свадьбу, эти шаблоны приглашений могут помочь. Их можно распечатать, так что вы все равно можете физически отправить их своим гостям. Также ознакомьтесь с этими креативными идеями приглашений.
7. Традиционная свадьба для печати
Для аккуратного традиционного приглашения на свадьбу, в первом варианте используются стильные и привлекательные шрифты с минимальным количеством изображений. Шаблон предлагает два приглашения на страницу, что упрощает печать. Информация о дате и времени записывается словами, а не числами, для красивого традиционного приглашения.
8. Простая свадьба для печати
Следующий шаблон приглашения на свадьбу предлагает простой черно-белая тема с одним кольцом из листьев вокруг имен жениха и невесты. С указанием только даты, времени и местоположения это базовое приглашение также идет по два на каждой странице для удобства печати.
9. Цветочная свадьба для печати
Если вы хотите немного больше цвета Обратите внимание на этот привлекательный шаблон для приглашения на свадьбу. Дата и время представлены в традиционном формате и находятся в центре на цветочном фоне. Еще один шаблон с двумя на странице, он дает вам ощущение современного и традиционного.
Шаблоны приглашений на выпускной
Эти шаблоны выпускных вечеров отлично подходят для парней или девушек, заканчивающих среднюю школу или колледж. Если вы хотите сделать все просто или добавить привлекательную фотографию выпускника, вот два супер-варианта.
10. Простой выпускной
Этот шаблон для универсального приглашения на выпускной вечер можно использовать для выпускников от детского сада до колледжа. В нем есть основные цвета, тематические изображения и очень мало текста, который нужно настроить. Добавьте дату, время и место вашей церемонии или вечеринки, и вы готовы к работе.
11. Выпускной по фотографии
Может быть, вам нужно действительно уникальное приглашение для ваш выпускной вечер. Этот больше подходит для тех, кто заканчивает среднюю школу и выше. Вставьте свою любимую фотографию выпускника, поменяйте местами детали и отправьте уникальное приглашение на церемонию или вечеринку.
Шаблоны приглашений на детский душ
Помогите другу или члену семьи подготовиться к новой радости. С помощью этих очаровательных шаблонов возьмите на себя задачу создать и отправить приглашения на детский душ. И не забывайте о настройке детского реестра.
12. Синий цветочный детский душ
Этот милый шаблон приглашения на детский душ приходит с местами для организаторов вечеринки и их контактной информацией. Также есть сладкое вступление, которое вы можете удалить, если хотите. Затем укажите имя будущей мамы, время, дату и место.
13. Зеленый и желтый детский душ
Если вы предпочитаете оставаться нейтральным Благодаря цветовой гамме это зеленое и желтое приглашение для печати восхитительно с его детскими следами и соской. После того, как вы заполните разделы для деталей детского душа, распечатайте приглашение и сложите его на четыре части. Если вам нужно приглашение в стиле поздравительной открытки, это отличный шаблон.
Да начнутся торжества!
Хотя эти шаблоны приглашений могут не охватывать все типы праздников, которые можно было бы провести, они действительно относятся к наиболее распространенным из них. Надеюсь, здесь есть один, который подойдет для вашей предстоящей вечеринки или мероприятия.
И если вы планируете свадьбу, вам повезло! Вы можете посетить эти сайты, чтобы сэкономить на свадьбе, и использовать эти приложения для планирования свадьбы, чтобы спланировать свой важный день..
When it’s time for a celebration, whether a birthday party, intimate wedding, or a weekend blowout, creating your own invitations can save you tons of time and money.
These free Microsoft Word invitation templates give you starting points for your next event. They are easily editable which means that adding in your own celebration details is a breeze. So, let’s get the party started!
General Party Invitation Templates
If you are planning an after-hours gathering, a celebration of spring, or just a fun party for no particular reason, here are your invitation templates. Plus, take the help of a few mobile apps to help you plan your party.
1. Business After-Hours Party
When planning a get together outside of the office for your coworkers, make an invitation that is short and sweet. This after-hours party template is exactly that. Just insert the date, time, and optional location into this business-themed invitation and you’re set.
2. Spring or Seasonal Party
For a simple way to invite friends to a barbeque or outdoor celebration, this template has a spring flower theme. The Host, When, and Where placeholders are artfully mentioned at the top and there is plenty of room below to add more details you need for a fun party.
3. General or Elegant Party
Maybe your event is in the evening or you simply want a more elegant theme. This one does the trick with its purple, blue, and leafy appearance. Just add the date and time, location, RSVP details, and if your guests should bring anything. Remember, you can edit this text completely to suit your celebration.
Birthday Party Invitation Templates
Adult birthday parties don’t usually include colorful character themes like children’s parties do. So, for teens and up, check out these cool birthday party invitation templates. And, here are some gift ideas for your geeky friends if someone asks for your ideas.
4. Birthday Party with Balloons
For men or women, this birthday party invitation fits all. It offers colorful balloons, matching streamers, and a simple border which you can customize on Word. Pop in the name of the birthday honoree with details of the party spot and you’re ready to send it.
5. Birthday Party with a Cupcake
Maybe you prefer a cupcake over balloons. If so, here is a cool birthday party invitation template. With a photo of a cupcake decorated with a single lit candle, there is lots of room for all the details. Whether it’s for a teen or adult, this option is suitable for all ages.
6. Printable Birthday Party
If you would prefer to print your birthday party invitations, this template is a good one. Its colorful balloons, streamers, confetti, and background match the inside (or back) of the invitation that holds the details. It comes on two separate pages, so you can decide how to print it and adjust it for your needs.
Wedding Invitation Templates
If you want to take the help of technology to save money and plan a small wedding, these invitation templates can help. They are printable, so you can still physically mail them to your guests. And, check out these creative invitation ideas too.
7. Printable Traditional Wedding
For a neat and traditional wedding invitation, this first option has tasteful and attractive fonts with minimal imagery. The template offers two invitations per page, which makes printing easy. The date and time information is written out in words rather than numbers, for a nice traditional invitation.
8. Printable Simple Wedding
The next wedding invitation template offers a simple black and white theme with a single ring of leaves around the bride and groom’s names. With just the date, time, and location, this basic invitation also comes with two per page for easy printing.
9. Printable Floral Wedding
If you would like a bit more color on your wedding invitation, take a look at this eye-catching template. The date and time details are in a traditional format and all contained in the center surrounded by a floral background. Another template with two on a page, this one gives you a modern meets traditional feel.
Graduation Party Invitation Templates
For guys or gals graduating from high school or college, these graduation party templates are great. Whether you want to keep it simple or pop in an attractive photo of the graduate, here are two super options.
10. Simple Graduation
For a universal graduation party invitation, this template can be used for graduates ranging from kindergarten to college. It has basic colors, themed images, and very little text to adjust. Add in the date, time, and location of your ceremony or party and you’re ready to go.
11. Photo Graduation
Maybe you would like a truly unique invitation for your graduation party. This one is more suitable to those graduating from high school and above. Insert your favorite photo of the graduate, swap out the details, and send a one-of-a-kind invitation to the ceremony or party.
Baby Shower Invitation Templates
Help your friend or family member prepare for their new bundle of joy. Take on the task of creating and sending the baby shower invitations yourself with these adorable templates. And, don’t forget about setting up the baby registry.
12. Blue Floral Baby Shower
This cute baby shower invitation template comes complete with spots for those hosting the party and their contact information. There is also a sweet introduction, which you can remove if you prefer. Then, add the mom-to-be’s name, time and date, and the location.
13. Green and Yellow Baby Shower
If you prefer to stay neutral with the colors, this green and yellow printable invitation is delightful with its baby footprints and a pacifier. After you complete the sections for the baby shower details, print the invitation and fold it into quarters. If you want an invitation with a greeting card style, this is a great template.
Let the Celebrations Begin!
While these invitation templates may not cover every single type of celebration one could have, they do take care of the most common ones. Hopefully, there is one here to suit your upcoming party or event.
And if the event you are planning happens to be a wedding, you’re in luck! You can visit these sites to save money on your wedding and use these wedding planner apps to plan your big day.
Whatever your reason for throwing a party, you’re getting into the mood to celebrate. Now all that’s left is finishing the party planning and sending out the invites. Sending party invitations is the best way to communicate to your guest what it is that you are celebrating and what the event is all about. When creating your party invitations, there are a few things to think about with the party invitation wording. That’s why we’re here. We’ll help you figure out how to write a party invitation before you pop them into the mail. Whether you’re throwing a birthday party or incorporating these invites into this season’s Christmas cards, we’ve got plenty of ideas below.
Jump to:
- Guidelines on Invitation Wording For Parties
- Steps for How to Write a Party Invitation
- Party Invitation Wording Examples and Templates
Guidelines on Invitation Wording For Parties
The following guidelines are the basic questions you need to answer in your party invitation. This information can be summarized as the who, what, when, where, and why of the party. The five W’s of party invitation wording are described as the following:
- Why: Use the wording and design of your party invitation to tell the guest exactly why you are throwing the party. If it’s for a birthday party make sure to include who it’s for and age they are celebrating. Same goes for graduation, list which education milestone they completed and who it is that is graduating.
- Who: Provide the name of the host for the party. If it’s a child’s birthday party, make sure to also list the parents’ names and contact information.
- What: Tell the recipients what the event is all about and what to expect. This is the description of your theme, activities, and any requests of the guests.
- When: Make sure to be clear about the date and time of your party. Always include the day of the week as well. For instance, Sunday May 22nd from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
- Where: Be clear on the location. If the party is held off-site, meaning not at your home, give not only the physical address but also the name of the business and phone number for directions.
Besides making sure your invitations are clear and legible, you should also follow these steps to ensure your guests have all the details and information they need.
- Make a Guest List: Making a guest list ahead of time will help you make sure you don’t leave anyone out of the party. It will also give you a clear estimate of how many people to expect and plan for.
- Establish a Theme: Picking a party theme is important to help give your party a cohesive look and feel. This theme will be used in everything from the invitations to the decorations.
- Find a Location and Date: Once you settle on a location for your party, you’ll want to choose a date that not only works with most of your guest’s schedules but that also works with seasonality and expected weather. This is the most important information to include on your invitations.
- Pick an Invitation Design: This invitation design should not only follow your chosen theme, but it should appear clear and legible to your guests.
- Address the Recipient by their Proper Name: On the envelope you should address your guest by their titles such as “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” “Ms.” or “Miss.”
- Include the five W’s in the Invitation: Making sure the who, what, when, where, and why is covered within the invitation ensures that your guests get all the information they need.
- RSVP And Other Details: Provide the guests with a phone number or email address to contact you. The invitation should also let your recipients know if they are allowed to bring a guest.
- Additional Instructions: If guests need to dress a certain way or bring anything to the party make sure you communicate that clearly on the invitation and provide this information as a reminder during the RSVP call.
Party Invitation Wording Examples and Templates
Looking for more specific examples of party invitation wording? Whether you’re writing for a cocktail party or incorporating a Christmas party invite into this year’s holiday card, we’ve provided templates below for party invitations of any occasion.
Cocktail Party Invitation Wording
Sip! Sip! Hooray!
Join us for a cocktail party
Saturday, July 12th, from 5-7pm
The Tulley Residence
3242 Blackwood Road, Kentwood
No RSVP Needed
Hope to See You There!
Birthday Party Invitation Wording
We hope you’ll join us for
Jamie’s 5th birthday party!
A barnyard bonanza
1359 Cromwell Way, Montecito
RSVP to Grace at 245-385-3704 by June 10th
Graduation Party Invitation Wording
Mr. and Mrs. Black
Are pleased to announce
The graduation of our daughter
Sarah Black
From Washington University
Please join us to celebrate this success
June 12th at 5 PM
1231 Herring Way, Seattle
Dinner will be served
Please RSVP by May 15th
Michelle at 232-534-7444
Halloween Party Invite Wording
Trick or Treat!
Join us For a Halloween Celebration
At the Mullville Family’s House
October 31st at 6:00 pm
4005 Willison Street, Minneapolis
No RSVP Needed
Holiday Party Invitation Wording
Happy Holidays!
Join Us For a Festive Celebration
At the Green Residence
December 17th at 7 PM
Torrey St, Vaccaville
RSVP to Jane at 237-645-9348
Retirement Party Invitation Wording
He’s (finally) made it official!
Come help us celebrate Steven’s retirement
Saturday, October 5th, at 5pm
At Steven’s new office (his home)
2359 Ferry Way,
Monterrey, CA
We hope to see you there!
Bachelorette Party Invitation Wording
Before she says “I Do”
Let’s have a drink or two
Join us for a bachelorette party honoring
Fay Connor
Friday, September 28th at 6 PM
The Olive Martini Bar
342 West 10th Avenue, Los Angeles
Hosted by Janice Gram
RSVP to Janice at 408.244.1430
Engagement Party Invitation Wording
Please join us for an
Engagement party for
Jason and Maddie!
Saturday, October 10th
6:00pm – 9:00pm
The Aoki Residence
324 Herring Way, Dallas
RSVP by September 1st – 555.627.9375
Resources Related to Party Invitation Wording
Always read over party invitation wording to see how it sounds before sending them out. If you are ordering them online, we suggest writing all the information down beforehand to make sure you have everything clear. And if you’re looking for additional related resources before your party, make sure to check out the following guides:
- Holiday Party Invitations
- Important Information To Include On Party Invitations
- Wedding Invitations
- Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Wording
- Dinner Party Invitation Wording
Throwing a party every now and then is very common nowadays. When you are hosting a party, the first thing you really need to know is how to invite your friends and loved ones to that. Most importantly, you need to know what to write in a party invitation message or party invitation card. You need to choose your words very carefully because the words you use in your invitation messages of cards matter a lot. We have here some perfect sample messages about how to invite people to your party. These are the messages you must have a good look at right now!
- Party Invitation Messages
- Birthday Party Invitation Message
- Dinner Invitation Messages
- Lunch Party Invitation Message
- Get Together Party Invitation Messages
- Farewell Party Invitation Messages
- Office Party Invitation Messages
- Bachelor Party Invitation Messages
- Kitty Party Invitation Messages
Having you at the party will be a great pleasure for me. I hope you’ll have the time to be with us on [date]. Looking forward to seeing you!
We have decided to throw a joyful party on [date]. You are cordially invited to share the joy with us. Your presence means a lot to us!
Any party is incomplete without you, dear. Please honor us with your lovely presence. And take it as a formal invitation. Please do come on time.
Having a guest like you at our party will be awesome. Please join us as we all celebrate the evening of [date] with friends and well-wishers!
It is time to celebrate life, love, and everything that makes us smile. We are hosting a party that’s sure to be the talk of the town, and we want you to be there.
Hello there, partygoers! We are celebrating at our house this weekend, and we can’t wait to see your joyful faces there. So, dress to impress and come to our party.
A surprise party will be arranged on [date] at our house. We want you to be there just at the right time because you are the most special of all.
Having you at our party will double the joy and excitement of everyone present there. I hope you’ll be there at just the right moment.
My birthday is coming up, and I want to celebrate it with you! Inviting you to this evening of fun, food, and festivities.
Any gathering of friends is not possible without the presence of you. I want you to know that we will all be waiting so eagerly to have you at our party!
You’re the soul of any party, and I just cannot picture this event without you. Looking forward to having you amidst us!
I’m eager to see you at my party, and I’d be heartbroken if you don’t come. Bless us with your presence, please!
Having you at our party will be a great honor for us. We are looking forward to having you with us as we make the night of [date] an unforgettable memory!
All these arrangements will be pointless without your presence. So please, do join our party on time.
As we have decided to hold a party on [Date], it would not be possible without you. You are cordially invited to my party and make the party convivial.
People like you are the charm of any party. And that’s why we are looking forward to having you with us to make it rock and awesome. Don’t be late!
Birthday Party Invitation Messages
Our little boy/girl is turning a year older. Please join our party so that we can celebrate this together.
You are cordially invited to my birthday party to enjoy this day and make it memorable for all of us! I look forward to seeing you there!
The birthday boy/girl is inviting you to join him/her in the celebration of his/her new age. Please help us make this party memorable!
On the occasion of our boy’s/girl’s birthday, we have arranged a lovely party. Your presence will be much appreciated.
We have made the arrangements for this birthday party, but it is your presence that will make this party grand! Do come.
The fun of any party relies on the presence of our loved ones. So, we are cordially inviting you to join our baby’s birthday party.
You attending the party is the best gift my baby could ask for his birthday. Please join us on this delightful occasion.
We’re sending you the warmest invitation to join our child’s birthday party. Please come and share the joy of this occasion with us.
I can’t imagine celebrating my birthday without you there! I would love to see you at my birthday celebration and create fun, laughter, and nostalgic moments, together.
Also Read: Birthday Invitation Messages
Dinner Invitation Messages
I sincerely invite you to join us for a lovely dinner. I hope to see you and have a wonderful time together.
Sending you my heartiest invitation to join this dinner party. Your presence is all that’s needed to make this party a memorable one.
You are most cordially invited to be our guest at the dinner party we have arranged on [date]. It will be great having you among us!
We are going to arrange a dinner party at our sweet home on [date]. Your presence is what we are asking for to make it a memorable one!
We are gladly inviting you to join us on [date] as we plan to arrange a delicious dinner party. We’ll be sharing good foods and some good moments together!
I humbly invite you for dinner. Looking forward to seeing you and enjoying a glorious night.
Your company is all that we are asking for as we celebrate the night of [date] with our friends and relatives. Please join us to have a share in our happiness!
It’s always a pleasure to have you with us. Let’s have yet another occasion to sit together and share some delicious foods and desserts. You are cordially invited!
Nothing makes the bonds stronger than sharing the same food with our loved ones. We invite you to join us on [date] as we have planned to throw a dinner party at our residence!
We want to celebrate this night with some good food and good people. It’d be really appreciated if you could join us.
Lunch Party Invitation Message
I am inviting you to a delicious lunch party! Don’t miss this exciting opportunity for delicious food and joyous moments!
Hope to see you at my lunch party, buddy! It’ll be a great time to enjoy tasty food and good company.
Some parties create moments of everlasting joy! We invite you to our lunch party that will make such moments! Be prepared to relish the fantastic moments.
Hey all! We’re throwing a lunch party and want your presence there! Get ready for games, food, drinks, moments, and amazing people.
Abundant happiness and memories await you at our lunch party! We invite you to come and relive our beautiful days of the past at this get-together lunch party.
I hope to see you at my lunch party to do fun things together! Let’s make the party an unforgettable one!
Get Together Party Invitation Messages
So as we keep in touch forever, I have planned a small get-together. I will be appreciative if you join us for a get-together party.
Let’s relive the days from our past for just one day as we all plan to get together on [date] at [place]. Don’t miss it!
You have always been an integral part of our lives. The evening of [date] will be of less joy if your presence is missed by all. You are invited!
I invite you to a get-together party. It has been a while since we’ve seen each other. I would love to reconnect again.
The joy of a get-together party is incomplete if you are not there. We have missed you a lot. But this time, we can’t let that happen!
Time may have changed our lives and divided our paths, but it couldn’t erase the memories from our hearts. You are invited to the get-together party of [date]
You have always been the true star in our circle of friends. We all are eagerly waiting to have you with us on [date] as a get-together party has been announced!
It doesn’t matter where we are and what we do; we can never ignore the place where our hearts truly belong. Please join us on the get-together party of [place]
Why not gather and whoop it up together? It has been a long since we met. Let’s meet over a get-together. We will be waiting for you!
I invite you to our wonderful get-together party. Hope to see you with your family.
Farewell Party Invitation Messages
A farewell party has been announced in honor of everyone’s favorite Mr./Mrs. [name] on [date]. You are cordially invited to be a part of the moment!
I invite you to the farewell. I’m eagerly looking forward to seeing you on this occasion.
I extend my humble invitation for the farewell of (Name of The Leaving Person). My wish is to have your gracious presence amongst us.
Let us all be together to celebrate the highly decorated professional life of Mr./Mrs. [name] as he waves goodbye to us. You are invited!
He’s been our truest friend and most ideal mentor in the profession. Let us take some time off on [date] to bid an unforgettable farewell to him.
He will always be missed by all of us. But we can’t let him depart in silence. You are most cordially invited as we bid farewell to our favorite Mr./Mrs. [name].
Very few people can touch our hearts and make a permanent place in it. Our beloved [name] is surely one of them. We invite to join us as we say goodbye to this amazing person!
We request your presence for the evening filled with memories and recounting interesting tales over drinks and dinner. Kindly come to the farewell party of (Name, party venue, and Date).
Very few people can make it to our hearts. [Name] is one of them. Let’s all gather and take some time off on [Date] to bid this great man a farewell.
Office Party Invitation Messages
You’re a deeply valued person in this office, and any of our gatherings would be empty without you. Please join our party.
I invite you to join us at the office party. I am eagerly waiting to see your presence on such a delightful occasion.
Let us all forget the professional boundaries for one day. An office party will be held on [date] and you are cordially invited to be there!
Let us all celebrate the success of our company with wines and whiskey. Your presence there will add a great amount of joy for all.
My most humble invitation goes out to you for the office party. Looking forward to seeing you in the brightest spirit.
An office party has been arranged on [date]. Your presence is required as your part there is no less important than the boss himself!
Your professional achievements are what make the company successful every day. You are most cordially invited to the office party on [date]
We have decided to take a day off, not to stay idle at home but to celebrate the success of our company by throwing an office party. You are invited!
You bring so much joy to this office; now we’re hoping to see you do the same to this party. Do attend it!
Bachelor Party Invitation Messages
Time to say goodbye to the freedom of our [Name]. So join us for the evening to celebrate his last bachelor’s day.
Let’s meet and grab a beer to see [ Name] enjoy his last day of being single. Be ready on [ Date and time] for his bachelor party.
For brotherhood, for beers, and for the last singlehood moments! Come and rock my bachelor party! You are cordially invited, let’s see you at [ Date, time and venue].
My days of singlehood are finally coming to an end. Time is running fast, don’t miss the chance to celebrate my bachelor party.
Guys! Our buddy is finally getting hitched. Let’s paint the town as [Name]’s single life is winding down. So what are you waiting for? Grab a beer, pick a suit and hop in.
In honor of our brother, [Name], join us as we give the last hooray to his singlehood and his freedom. So tiptoe at [ Venue] on [ Date and time] sharp.
It’s top-secret! We have sneakily slipped in a surprise bachelor party for our friend who is about to bid adieu to his single days. Join us [Date and time] at [Venue].
Let’s have a blast and rock the stag night with music and drinks. You are invited to Freedom [Name] Party! So come and party till your energy runs out!
Related: Wedding Invitation Messages
Bachelorette Party Invitation Message
Before the wedding, the bride deserves to have one last silly night. Let’s join this party to give her that.
Looking forward to having the most exciting bachelorette party ever, and it will not be any fun without you.
This is the last party we get before this Miss turns into a Mrs. Do join to make it a memorable one!
Before she ties the knot, let’s give her one last taste of living the single life. Please attend the party!
Since the bride deeply loves you, the bachelorette party will be empty without you. You must join it!
Your presence will double the fun of this girls’ night. For the sake of this would-be bride, let’s a party!
Let’s celebrate the bride-to-be with the most joyous party ever! Join us to make this party a success.
Kitty Party Invitation Messages
I want to welcome you to our kitty party graciously. I cannot wait to enjoy our time together.
I humbly invite you to the kitty party. Hoping to get together and looking forward to having a fun time.
Ladies, you all are invited to my kitty party, which will be held at my residence. Let us revive our old-time and have fun.
Let’s gather and celebrate our togetherness with lots of fun and glee. To enjoy it to the fullest, I have organized a kitty party on [Date] at my residence.
You are cordially invited to the kitty party at my place tomorrow. I am sure you would love to share all the gossip with us and have fun.
Plates have already been placed on the table, and drinks are ready to be served. This is a personal invitation to my kitty party. So don’t forget to come!
If you miss my kitty party, you will have to take me to a special lunch. So the choice is yours! Please do come and don’t be late.
Our kitty is the perfect platform to show talents and craziness. Welcome to my kitty party, beautiful ladies. Don’t miss it!
Dear lovely ladies, why not take some time off and join me at my kitty party. I can’t wait to see all of you! So don’t be late.
Read More: Kitty Party Invitation Messages
Party Invitation Message For Friends
Hey, friends, it’s time to wear your best outfit and come to my party for a fun-filled evening with great music and wonderful company!
You are invited to a party we are hosting at our home. Don’t forget to bring your dancing shoes and a big appetite for some tasty food. Hope to see you there!
Hey besties! Let’s get the gang back together and party like old times. Be there on time, and don’t miss a fun-filled night of games, cocktails, and belly laughter.
You know what they say, a party without friends is just a bunch of people in a room. That’s why we’re inviting you to create some wonderful memories together.
Life is too short not to have fun, my friend! Put your problems at the door because it is time to get wild and party like there is no tomorrow!
Funny Party Invitation Wording
Every great party requires a professional entertainer. Since we can’t afford one, we have decided to invite you. Please join us on [date].
A great dinner party has been arranged for you on [date]. My wife’s hospitality is first class, but I can’t vouch for the taste of the foods. You are invited anyway!
You are invited to join us on [date] as we have decided to throw a dazzling party at our residence. Your precious gift items will make our smiles bigger!
We’ll have drinks and have fun all night together. Please be with us as we celebrate our friendship. Don’t forget to bring your wicked humor with you as you come!
We invite you to be a part of the great gathering of friends at our home on [date]. All you need is to bring a bunch of gifts for us so we can feel special!
All the fun and excitement will be incomplete if you are not there to be with us on [date]. You are cordially invited to do whatever stupid things we do at our home.
Related: Graduation Party Messages
When planning a party, people usually focus on the decoration, food, music, etc.; the invitation is the least of their concern. But think of it this way, why would anyone want to attend your party if the invitation itself is boring? That’s why your party invitation messages must reflect the excitement of the party you have planned. We understand that planning a party is a laborious task, and you may not have the time to figure out what to write in a party invitation message. Stress not, use any of the party Invitation wordings we have written for you. You can also take ideas from these sample party Invitation texts and develop your own invitation message.
Last updated on April 13, 2023
159+ Party Invitation Message Examples for All Sorts of Celebrations
Planning a party, but aren’t sure what to write on the invite? Whether the party is to celebrate certain milestone, an office event or something more exclusive you came to the right place.
Listed below are more than a hundred party invitation message examples that you can use for all sorts of celebrations. Click on the type of party you’re hosting below for ideas for examples of appropriate messages.
- Party Invitation Message Examples
- Party Invitation Messages for Friends
- Virtual Party Invitation Messages
- Funny Party Invitation Messages
- Office Party Invitation Messages
- Private Party Invitation Messages
- Get Together Party Invitation Message
- Dinner Party Invitation Wording
- What do you write in a party invitation message?
Party Invitation Message Examples
Ain’t no party like a wine party.
- So as we keep in touch forever, I have planned a small get-together. I will be appreciative if you join us for a get-together party.
- Let’s relive the days from our past for just one day as we all plan to get together on (date) at (place). Don’t miss it!
- People like you have the rare ability to cheer up the crowd wherever you go. That’s why it is so essential for us to invite you to our party!
- Hi, just want to let you know you’re invited to (name’s) Birthday Party, (MM/DD) from (hh:mm) to (hh:mm) at (location). Please let me know if you’re able to come!
- All these arrangements will be pointless without your presence. So please, do join our party on time.
- As we have decided to hold a party on (date), it would not be possible without you. You are cordially invited to my party and make the party convivial.
- People like you are the charm of any party. And that’s why we are looking forward to having you with us to make it rock and awesome. Don’t be late!
Sending you my heartiest invitation to join this party. Your presence is all that’s needed to make this party a memorable one.
- Having you at our party will be a great honor for us. We are looking forward to having you with us as we make the night of (date) an unforgettable memory.
- I’m eager to see you at my party, and I’d be heartbroken if you don’t come. Bless us with your presence, please!
- You’re the soul of any party, and I just cannot picture this event without you. Looking forward to having you amidst us.
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- We are always honored to have you as one of our guests. It would truly mean the world to us if you would come to our party.
- Any gathering of friends is not possible without the presence of you. I want you to know that we will all be waiting so eagerly to have you at our party.
- Having you at our party will double the joy and excitement of everyone present there. I hope you’ll be there at just the right moment.
- Having a party on (MM/DD) at (hh:mm) at (location). Let me know if you’re going to make it.
- It’s time to party! You’re invited to (location) on (MM/DD) at (hh:mm). Let me know if you’re able to come!
A surprise party will be arranged on (date) at our house. We want you to be there just at the right time because you are the most special of all.
- Having a guest like you at our party will be awesome. Please join us as we all celebrate the evening of [date] with friends and well-wishers.
- Any party is incomplete without you, dear. Please honor us with your lovely presence. And take it as a formal invitation. Please do come on the scheduled data and time.
- We have decided to throw a joyful party on (date). You are cordially invited to share the joy with us. Your presence means a lot to us and hope we’ll see you there.
Party Invitation Messages for Friends
- Having you at the party will be a great pleasure for me. I hope you’ll have the time to be with us on (date). Looking forward to seeing you.
- Having you at our party will double the joy and excitement of everyone present there. I hope you’ll be there at just the right moment.
- Dear friend, I invite you to the get together party of old friends to be held at my place. I hope you will arrive and make the occasion more memorable one.
- Sweet friend, I invite you through this text to the friends get together party coming week. Do come to the venue for the most amazing celebration of our group.
This text carries invitation wishes for the friends get-together party next week. I really look forward to you being there with me and all of my friends together making merry.
- Through this text, I invite you to the friends get together party at Royal Club tomorrow. We all look forward to you charming up the evening with your talented skills.
- Through this text, I invite you to the friends get together party next Sunday at my place. Do arrive and we will have lots of fun and enjoyment.
- We are going to arrange a friends only get together party at our sweet home on (date). Your presence is what we are asking for to make it a memorable one.
- My dear friend, You have always been an integral part of our lives. The evening of (date) will be of less joy if your presence is missed by all. You are invited.
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- The joy of a get-together party is incomplete if you are not there. We have missed you a lot. But this time, we can’t let that happen!
- Hello, (friend’s name)! I am sending an invitation to you for the feasting afternoon, hoping that you will enjoy our company. See you soon on (date) at (time).
- Dear friends, I am inviting you to my party tomorrow at noon. Don’t be late or you will miss a lot of fun. The venue is my home.
- To all my dear friends, I invite you to my party, please don’t forget to come. It’s at (time) on (date), at (venue).
Time may have changed our lives and divided our paths, but it couldn’t erase the memories from our hearts. You are invited to the get-together party of (date).
- You have always been the true star in our circle of friends. We all are eagerly waiting to have you with us on (date) as a get-together party has been announced!
- Dearest friend, this is an invitation to my party at my house. You are the guest who can’t miss it. The party will start at (time) on (date).
- It doesn’t matter where we are and what we do, we can never ignore the place where our hearts truly belong. Please join us for the get-together party of (place).
- Every great party requires a professional entertainer. Since we can’t afford one, we have decided to invite you. Please join us on (date).
- A great dinner party has been arranged for you on (dat)]. My wife’s hospitality is first class but I can’t vouch for the taste of the food. You are invited anyway.
- We’ll have drinks and have fun all night together. Please be with us as we celebrate our friendship. Don’t forget to bring your wicked humor with you as you come.
Virtual Party Invitation Messages
A virtual party.
- Hi! We’re hosting a virtual party on (date) at (time). We were hoping that you would accept our humble invitation!
- The pandemic won’t stop us from having fun. You’re cordially invited to our virtual party! Let us know if you’re able to join us.
- We would like to spend time with you, even if it’s in front of a screen. Here’s your invitation to our virtual party on (date) at (time).
- Let’s have some fun, no matter where you are. Join us as we celebrate our (party) virtually via Zoom at (time) on (date).
- We would love to have you on our virtual party. We’ve prepared awesome virtual games to make it more exciting. Plus, get the chance to receive prizes!
- Having you celebrate with us during this momentous occasion will be extraordinary! Join us via Zoom on (date) at (time).
- We know it’s challenging to go out and visit us right now. But we’re having a virtual party and we would love it if you’d join us.
Spending time with those we love is extremely important to us. That’s why we would like to invite you to our virtual party. Let’s have some fun on the internet.
- We are all for safety, which is why we’ve decided to host a virtual party instead of a physical one. If you’re free on (date) at (time), we would love to have you join us via (video conference platform).
- A virtual party has been arranged on (date). Your presence is required as your part there is no less important than anyone else!
- Let’s celebrate our togetherness with lots of fun and glee. To enjoy it to the fullest, I have organized a virtual party on (date) via Zoom.
- Hi! Know that you are invited to our virtual party on (date)! Having your online presence with us will make such a huge difference.
- As we celebrate our (occasion), we would love for you to join our virtual party on (date) at (time). Thank God for the internet right?
Since the pandemic is still ongoing, we’re hosting a virtual get-together party, so that we can reconnect with all of you! We hope you can join us!
- I have decided to throw a wonderful virtual party on (date). I cordially invite you to share the fun and joy with us. Your presence will be a blessing to us.
- The year has been challenging, but now it’s time to party. I welcome you on (date) to celebrate with us through Zoom. Looking forward to seeing you!
- The virtual party is finally here, all set for (date). I hope you will find time to be with us. Having you will be a pleasure. I look forward to seeing your face!
- We have decided to organize a virtual party on (date). You are hereby invited to enjoy with us. All that is required is your presence.
- It will be a great pleasure to have you at my virtual party. The date is set on (date). I hope you find time to be with us.
- We are organizing a virtual party via Zoom on (date). You are a special guest and we would not like you to miss it.
Funny Party Invitation Messages
Ready to party with this guy?
- A great dinner party has been arranged for you on (date). My wife’s hospitality is first class but I can’t vouch for the taste of the food. You are invited anyway!
- You are invited to join us on (date) as we have decided to throw a dazzling party at our residence. Your precious gift items will make our smiles bigger!
- All the fun and excitement will be incomplete if you are not there to be with us on (date). You are cordially invited to do whatever stupid things we do at our home.
- We invite you to be a part of the great gathering of friends at our home on (date). All you need is to bring a bunch of gifts for us so we can feel special!
- We’ll have drinks and have fun all night together. Please be with us as we celebrate our friendship. Don’t forget to bring your wicked humor with you as you come!
- You are invited to join us on (date) as we have decided to throw a dazzling party at our residence. Your precious gift items will make our smiles bigger!
- Inviting you to my party on (date)! Grace the party with your presence. Gift me your blessing and love.
- To all my Foodie Friends! You all are invited to my party to enjoy snacks and drinks and me.
- Join me and my wife in celebration of her birthday! I love my wife, so please don’t come empty handed.
My party will not be complete until my friends are full. Come for the party at (venue), (time). The bar will remain open until you close it.
- You are invited to my party. Please come soon, dear. And don’t forget to bring the gift, it is mandatory here.
- You forgot to bring the gift last year. This time, no excuse will work. Please come with a due gift as well.
- There will be dance, drinks and dinner. It’s my party, so of course everything will be paid. Please come to celebrate.
- Please be at my party to bless me and have fun. You will have a bad sex life for one year if you won’t come.
- I’m throwing a wild and thrilling party. All jungles are invited to have fun and make it exciting.
- My dad has decided that this year he will celebrate my birthday. I welcome you all on his behalf at the party. Be on time and leave on time.
- My party won’t be complete without you! But please, bring a gift. It makes me feel special.
- Make me feel like I’m worth your time by attending my party on (date) at (time).
- We’ll be celebrating whether or not you’re there, but come if you wanna have an exciting time.
- Do you love me? If you do, please do bring a gift for my party on (date) at (time). I’ll love you, too, if you do!
Office Party Invitation Messages
Holiday office party.
- Please join us at our office party for an outdoor festival celebration at (location) on (date) from (time). Respond to (name) (phone no.).
- You’re invited to join us for a special office get-together at our place on (date). May you come and enjoy the day with us from (time) to (time).
- You’re invited for a special office party at our place on (date) from (time) and stay until your heart desires.
- Happy Holiday! Office Party celebration dinner at (location) on (date) from (time). Carry a main dish and dessert to share. Table services and drinks provided. Hoping to see you there!
- Friends and Colleagues, please join us for an evening of merriment on (date) at (time). Venue will be at (location).
- You are cordially invited to join us for the 10th annual office party on (date). Kindly bring food to share, and have fun!
- Bring your imagination to a game by joining us at our annual office decoration party, which will be hosted by (name) from (time) at (location). Will be happy to see you there!
- (Company/Name) invites you to our annual office get-together. Join along with us as we enjoy each other’s company.
We all need a break from work. That is why we are inviting you to a small office party this (day) at (time). Bring food for the table. Drinks are already provided.
- Please join us for the office party which will be hosted by (name) at (location) from (time). Table services and snacks will be provided. See you there!
- Friends and Colleagues, please join us for an evening of holiday cheer on (date). The theme is (theme of party). Only bring yourselves as food and drinks will be taken care of by the company.
- Join us for our office super party at (location) on (date) at (time). Meals and table services will be provided. Hoping to see you there.
- Bring all your baskets for our office party which will be hosted at our place on (date) at (time). Please inform us if you can come by giving us a call at (phone no.).
- You’re invited to come and celebrate with the office at a garden party with honorable (name) at (location) on (date) from (time). See you there.
- Let’s celebrate! Join us for a night of dinner, drinks, and dancing.
You are cordially invited to an evening of dinner and good company at the annual (Company) party.
- You’re invited to join us for an office lunch party, which will be hosted at (location) from (time) on (date). Will be happy to see you there!
- We would like to personally invite you to our office party, happening on (date). All you need to bring is a smile on your face as you celebrate with us!
- You’re invited to celebrate this office with our family along with good food and drinks. The party will be thrown at (location) on (date) from (time).
- Come and join us as we take a break from our hectic work schedules. Be there at (location) on (date).
Private Party Invitation Messages
- Please grace us with your presence at the party, celebrating (name)’s special day.
- We are inviting you to this private party hosted by (name) on (date) at (time).
- You are invited to a party at my house on (date) at (time). Remember: this is a private party; don’t invite anyone else.
- We are inviting you to a friends only get-together this coming (day) at (time). Don’t bring anybody, just snacks and drinks would be great!
- We would love to have you over for our private party! Kindly bring food to share.
Having you as our guest for our private party would be awesome! Remember to save the date! (date, time and place)
- We’re having a little get-together on (date), just us and a few of our friends. Would love it if you could come!
- We are organizing a private party at our home on (date). You are a special guest and we would not like you to miss it.
- Having you at the party will be awesome. I would like you to join us on (date) as we celebrate with friends.
- A guest like you crowns a party. Please join us as we celebrate on the evening of (date). The party will be held at (location).
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- Having you at the party will be a great joy for everyone there. I hope you will be available on that day and arrive at the right moment.
- I am having a surprise party on (date) at my house. I am inviting you to be there. Please don’t miss it.
- The honor of your presence is requested at (place) on (date) for a private cocktail party at (time).
We would love it if you came to a small private party that we’ll be hosting on (date). Kindly come on time. The party starts at (time).
- It will be a great pleasure to have you at my party. The date is set on (date). I hope you find time to be with us.
- We have decided to organize a party on (date). You are hereby invited to enjoy the party with us. All that is required is your presence.
- Attention, we need your help! Come save the day at (place), on (date) at (time).
- Be my guest on (date) from (time) as we celebrate my achievement in life. The venue will be (location). Please let me know in advance if you will be able to attend.
- Dear friend, I just want to let you know that you are invited to a party that will be held on (date) from (time) at (location). Your presence will be highly appreciated.
- Please be my guest at an event party, to honor my friend, (name)’s, for his (function). Hope to see you there!
Get Together Party Invitation Message
Will you come a my party?
- The get-together party will be incomplete without you. So, don’t miss the party or you will miss a lot.
- I have planned a small get together. You are invited to mark the evening by your lovely presence, we will mark the moments with great happiness.
- Craving for a party? I’m throwing a little get-together party. Let’s be united once again and relive those memorable moments with no restraint. Details are (date, time and venue).
- Here is a get together invitation for you. You are invited to a get together party at my place; I look forward to many wonderful moments to embrace.
- Please do come to our get together party to get back to the old fun with high spirits. Mark it memorable with your presence! Looking forward to seeing you.
I invite you all to a get-together party I’m throwing at my home. Please do come. The details of the party are (date, time and venue).
- Dear friends, you all are invited to the get-together party at (location). I hope you come on time. It will be on (date) at (time).
- I’ll be having a little fun get-together this coming (day). You don’t need to bring anything. All will be provided. See you at (time).
- You have been an important person in our lives. The get-together party will be on (date). The get-together will be less joyful if you miss it. You are all invited.
- You have always been an integral part of this family. Set aside the evening of (date) as we will be having a family get-together party. The party will be boring if you miss it.
It is time to party. It has been a long time since we had a get-together party. Please join us for the weekend of (date). Your presence will be highly required.
- The joy of getting together is when everyone shows up. We have missed you so much. This time you can’t plan to miss it.
- The year has been wonderful, it is time to celebrate and create new memories. You are hereby invited to the get-together party on (date) at (venue).
- We wish to have you at the get together party. It has been so long since we met. Looking forward to having a great evening with you on (date) at (time).
- Over the drinks and the delicious dinner, I invite you to a get together. Kindly come and mark your presence.
- Great news to all my party animal friends. There is a get-together party at my home. See you soon! (Date, time and venue)
- Just forget everything for a day and come to my party to have unlimited fun. Details are (date, time and venue).
- Let us be with people who mean the most to us. I would be appreciative if you come and join us for a get together party and enjoy the dinner.
- We have planned to celebrate this evening together with great fun and delicious food. Please join us. Your presence will delight us!
- Seeking to see you at a get-together party. Please join us for food and drinks.
Dinner Party Invitation Wording
Dinner party.
- Me and my wife have decided to throw a casual dinner party at our place for no reason at all. Please join us on (date) for leisure time.
- It has been a very long time since we hosted a dinner party, so our confidence is shaken and we will need you by our side on (date) for the party.
- My wife insisted on sending a very formal invitation so here I am requesting your presence rather than inviting you to our dinner party on (date).
- Sweet, sour, spicy, tangy and bitter, today evening, you will find everything on the table. Please join us at the dinner table.
- The dinner table is waiting for its lovers. And trust me, the chef will also not disappoint you. Join us for a dinner party.
Sending you my heartiest invitation to join this dinner party. Your presence is all that’s needed to make this party a memorable one.
- You are most cordially invited to be our guest at the dinner party we have arranged on (date). It will be great having you among us!
- We are going to arrange a dinner party at our sweet home on (date). Your presence is what we are asking for to make it a memorable one!
- We are gladly inviting you to join us on (date) as we plan to arrange a delicious dinner party. We’ll be sharing good foods and some good moments together!
- We want to celebrate this night with some good food and good people. It’d be really appreciated if you could join us.
- Nothing makes the bonds stronger than sharing the same food with our loved ones. We invite you to join us on (date) as we have planned to throw a dinner party at our residence!
- It’s always a pleasure to have you with us. Let’s have yet another occasion to sit together and share some delicious foods and desserts. You are cordially invited!
Your company is all that we are asking for as we celebrate the night of (date) with our friends and relatives. Please join us to have a share in our happiness!
- Sorry to distract you from your stress-induced daily job as me and my roommate are planning to throw a dinner party to which you are being invited at the moment.
- We would love for you to join us for dinner on (date), at (venue) to celebrate and thank God for the good things He has done in our life.
- It has been a very long time since we hosted a dinner party at our place. We will be throwing a dinner party on (date). We will need you to be at the party.
- Please join us for dinner to celebrate (person’s name) retirement from his/her (profession). The date is (date) at (place). R.S.V.P. by (date).
- We need to come to our home on (date) for the dinner party held in honor of our growing years that are being wasted on average jobs. See you then!
- I’m here to provide you with a fresh change from all your formal dinner parties. So please join us at our place on (date) for an extremely casual dinner party.
- Let us gather and enjoy the meals together. Enhance the fun of this get together night with your presence!
What Do You Write in a Party Invitation Message?
The invitation is in the mail.
Writing an invitation for a party is simple as you only need to answering the basic questions of what, when, where, and why. Essentially, you need to be able to tell your guests who or what you’re celebrating, when it’s happening and where it will be held. You can add creativity and some wit to the message, depending on your party’s theme. In general, here are the basic details included in any effective invitation:
- Your Name
- Kind of Party – Tell your guests what you’re celebrating.
- Date and Time
- Venue – Be sure to include the full address.
- RSVP (If applicable)
- Dress Code (If applicable)
It looks like there’s more parties on the horizon for Americans this year. In fact, the U.S. party and events industry is forecasted to rise from a market value of $2.95 billion in 2020 to $3.03 billion in 2021. Clearly, things are getting back to normal. Let the party begin.
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