Invent a new word what is it write it

Presentation on theme: «Invent a new word. Write out its meaning. Write two sentences using the word, with context clues. What part of speech is this word? What can it be used.»— Presentation transcript:


Invent a new word. Write out its meaning. Write two sentences using the word, with context clues. What part of speech is this word? What can it be used as? When can it be used? When can’t it be used?


Charting Macbeth Imagery Effective Diction Unknown Words/Phrases Setting Allusions


How is rhythm important in poetry? In writing?


Because I Could Not Stop… Read “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” and highlight anything that stands out to you. Draw six boxes on a piece of paper. Choose three images from the poem to portray in the top three boxes. In the bottom three boxes, write the line numbers of the images. Hand your paper to one of your group members. They will write what they think your image is about/means. Switch papers with another group member. This group member will write in the same box what he/she thinks the original line means. Discuss the poem as a group and how you interpreted the images.


Dear Confused, Write an email explaining how to use literary devices to analyze a poem. Also explain how you analyzed Emily Dickinson’s “Because I Could Not Stop For Death.”

The first letters of these words make a new word. What is it? Write it.

The word is … .

Задание рисунок 1

ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 1. Step 10. Номер №8


Перевод задания
Первые буквы этих слов образуют новое слово. Какое? Напиши.
Слово − … .

1. Goose;
2. Rose;
3. Ant;
4. Sun;
5. Sea;
6. Hat;
7. Orange;
8. Piano;
9. Pig;
10. Egg;
1. Ring

The word is “GRASSHOPPER”

Перевод ответа
1. Гусь;
2. Роза;
3. Муравей;
4. Солнце;
5. Море;
6. Шляпа;
7. Апельсин;
8. Фортепиано;
9. Свинья;
10. Яйцо;
11. Кольцо.
Слово – «КУЗНЕЧИК»





6 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

The first letters of these words make a new word.What is it. Write it down.
Слова:Зелёный, жёлтый, холм, гнездо, муравей, воробей, мороженное, вишня, носок.

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(3 оценки)



6 лет назад

Светило науки — 9927 ответов — 180294 помощи

Зелёный, green
жёлтый, yellow
холм, mount
гнездо, nest
муравей, ant
воробей, sparrow
мороженное, ice cream
вишня, cherry
носок. sock                                   gymnastics

(3 оценки)


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    The word coinage or formation aka neology is the term being sought here.

    The OED defines these as:

    NEOLOGY a. The coining or use of new words or phrases; = neologism n.


    1. figurative. The (deliberate) formation of a new word, etc.; the fabrication of something specious.

    1693 Dryden Disc. conc. Satire in tr. Juvenal Satires p. viii
    Unnecessary Coynage, as well as unnecessary Revival [of words], runs
    into Affectation. 1712 Proposals for printing Treat. Art of
    Political Lying 10 Whether the Right of Coinage of Political Lyes be
    wholly in the Government. 1787 Gentleman’s Mag. Dec. 1081/2
    Milton..has enriched our language with some epithets..of his own
    coinage. 1818 S. T. Coleridge Gen. Introd. or Treat. on Method
    23 in Encycl. Metrop. I The ancients, as well as the moderns, had
    their machinery for the extemporaneous coinage of intellect. 1876
    E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest V. xxv. 580 Words of modern

    As you can see from the quotes, the usage goes way back. Now, if you
    coin a word and you are speaking English, the language of coinage is
    English. It really does not matter what your basis for it is. You are
    the arbiter. Philosophically, it is a false problem to ask what
    language a coined word is «in». It’s «in the language» of the coiner.

    In short, the coiner is the boss. What freedom!

    If you were speaking French, then, the coined word would be French. Though the Académie française doesn’t usually approve of it. [in joke]

    The word can be formed from anything at all. The «parts» of it do not matter. What matters is the meaning that you, the coiner, ascribe to it.

    I was surprised to see that no one mentioned coinage. This is a generic answer which can then be broken down into all sorts of sub-categories.

    Here is a blog post that describes this phenomenon. coinage, blending, etc.

    It states:
    «And in some cases, the meaning of these words is broadened. Example, complicated chemical or technical terms (like Aspirin: acetylsalicylic acid) [and medical terms] are adopted as the trademark term and often replace standard terms for e.g. in this example, painkillers.» [square brackets, mine].

    The author also points out that eponymns are coinages, too. One example: watt from the name of its inventor James Watt.

    Many medical words are coinages (some would say blending). For me the undisputed genius here was Lewis Carroll and his nonsense poetry such as The Jabberwocky and The Hunting of the Snark, to name two examples.

    Anyone can coin a word but will it stick? Dictionaries are constantly reviewing new words to see if they will be included in the lexicon. They have some rules such as usage over time (such as ten years) and usage in written materials.

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