Intermediate between the word and the morpheme status of the article

The problem of English articles has been the subject of hot dis­cussions for many years. Today the most disputable questions con­cerning the system of articles in English are the following: the identification of the article status in the hierarchy of language units, the number of articles, their categorial and pragmatic functions.

There exist two basic approaches to the problem of the article status: some scholars consider the article a self-sufficient word which forms with the modified noun a syntactic syntagma; others identify the article with the morpheme-like element which builds up with the nounal stem a specific morph.

In recent works on the problem of article determination of English nouns, more often than not an opinion is expressed that in the ‘hierarchy of language units the article occupies a peculiar place — the place intermediary between the word and the morpheme.

In the light of the oppositional theory the category of article de­termination of the noun is regarded as one which is based on two binary oppositions: one of them is upper, the other is lower. The op­position of the higher level operates in the whole system of articles and contrasts the definite article with the noun against the two other forms of article determination of the noun — the indefinite article and the meaningful absence of the article. The opposition of the lower level operates within the sphere of realizing the categorial meaning of non-identification (the sphere of the weak member of the upper op­position) and contrasts the two types of generalization — the relative generalization and the absolute generalization. As a result, the sys­tem of articles in English is described as one consisting of three arti­cles — the definite article, the indefinite article, and the zero article, which, correspondingly, express the categorial functions (meanings) of identification, relative generalization, and absolute generalization. The article paradigm is generalized for the whole system of the common nouns in English and is transpositionally outstretched into the subsystems of proper nouns and Unica (unique nouns) as well as.into the system of pronouns.


1. What are the categorial («part of speech») properties of a noun?

2. What does the peculiarity of expressing gender distinctions in English consist in?

3. What differentiates the category of gender in English from that in Rus­sian?

4. What makes the category of case in English disputable?

5.What are the strong and weak points of the «prepositional», «position­al», and «postpositional» case theories?

6. What ensures a peculiar status of «’s»?

7. What are the main approaches to the treatment of the article?

8. What shows the intermediate (between the word and the morpheme) sta­tus of the article?

9. What are the categorial meanings of the three articles?


Ex.1 Open the brackets and account for the choice of the casal form of the noun:a)

1. He noticed that the (face + the + taxi + driver) in the photograph inside the cab resembled, in many ways, the (painter + face) (Saroyan).

2. Here he was, proudly resigned to the loneliness which is (man + lot), ready and able to write, and to say yes, with no strings attached (Saroyan).


3. But as Soapy set foot inside the (restaurant+door) the (head waiter+eye)fell upon his fraued trusers and decadent shoes (o. Henry).

4. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to”, he said, after a (moment+hesitation) (Fitsgerald).


5. He was tired from the (day + work) and tired with longing, and sitting on the (edge + the bed) had the effect of deepening his weariness (Cheever).

6. The (voice + childhood) had never gladdened its flimsy structures; the (patter + restless little feet) had never consecrated the one rugged high­ way between the two (rows + tents + rough buildings) (O.Henry).


7. But now Yellowhammer was but a (mountain + camp), and nowhere in it were the roguish, expectant eyes, opening wide at (dawn + the en­chanting day); the eager, small hands to reach for (Santa + bewildering hoard); the elated, childish voicings of the (season + joy), such as the (coming good things + the warmhearted Cherokee) deserved (O.Henry).

8. “You know? Clayton, that (boy+her), doesn’t seem to get a job…” (Cheever).

Ex. 2 Comment on the oppositional reduction of the categorial nounal forms:

a) the category of number

1. There’s many a poor respectable mother who doesn’t get half the fuss­ing and attention which is lavished on some of these girls! (James).

2. But Hamilton drinks too much and all this crowd of young people drink too much (Fitzgerald).

3. He won’t be retiring for another eighteen months (Christie).

4. In her grace, at once exquisite and hardy, she was that perfect type of American girl that makes one wonder if the male is not being sacrificed to it, much as, in the last century, the lower strata in England were sacrificed to produce the governing class (Fitzgerald).

b) the category of case

1. The car speed was so slow that it seemed to be crawling (Cheever).

2. Music’s voice went to his heart (O.Henry).

3. The hearth was swept, the roses on the piano were reflected in the polish of the broad top, and there was an album of Schubert waltzes on the rack (Cheever).

4. He remembered reading — in a John D. MacDonald novel, he thought — that every modern motel room in America seems filled with mirrors (King).

c) the category of gender

1. The old man was soon asleep and dreamed of the ocean and his golden beaches (Hemingway).

2. The moon was rising, blood-red. The boy was looking at her thinking that he had never seen so red a moon (Galsworthy).

3. She shuddered. The child, his own child, was only an «it» to him (Lawrence).

4. When Alice was speaking to the Mouse, she noticed that he was trem­bling all over with fright (Carroll).

d) the category of article determination

1. And if you do well on «Emergency» there are the first-class thrill shows, like «Hazard» and «Underwater Perils», with their nation­ wide coverage and enormous prizes. And then comes the really big time (Sheckley).

3. He closed his eyes again and remembered, with mild astonishment, a time when he had been in the trouble (Sheckley).

4. The breakers leaped at him, staggering him, while the boys yelled with ecstasy; the returning water curled threateningly around his feet as it hurried back to sea (Fitzgerald).

5. It was a white world on which dark trees and tree masses stood under a sky keen with frost (Lawrence).

Ex. 3 Analyze the categorial features of the underlined word forms in the sentence:

The boy was devouring cakes, while the anxious-looking aunt tried to convince the Grahams that her sister’s only son could do no mischief.

Study the MODEL:

We had just finished the cocktails when the door was flung open and the Morstens’s girl came in, followed by a boy.

the cocktails — the nounal form is marked by the expression of the categori­al meanings of plurality and definitness. It is unmarked in the categories of gender and case;

the door — the nounal form is marked by the expression of the category of article determination, and is unmarked in the ex­pression of the categories of case, number, and gender;

the Morstens ‘s — the nounal form is marked by the expression of the catego­rial meanings of plurality, of identification of the referent, and of animateness (the strong member of the upper opposition of the category of gender);

the girl — the nounal form is marked by the expression of the categorial meanings of identification of the referent, and of the feminine gender. At the same time it is the unmarked member of the oppositions in the categories of case and number;

a boy — the nounal form is marked by the expression of the categorial mean­ing of the masculine gender, and is the unmarked member of the oppo­sitions in the categories of case, number, and article determination.

State the function of the infinitive. Translate into Russian.

1. A man must have something bigger than himself to believe in. (Jones) 2. It was impossible not to invite the Butiers for both afternoon and evening. (Dreiser) 3. The heat and dust were enough to strangle you. (Cain) 4. To cut a long story short, the infant that’s just gone out of the room is not your son. (Maugham) 5….the next thing to be done is to move away from this house. (Eliot) 6. All the deep maternity in her awoke, never to sleep again. (Buck) 7. He paused as if to find a way to phrase his next thoughts. (Mailer) 8. Nobody asked you to come out here. I didn’t ask you to stay. I told you to go while it was daylight. (Faulkner) 9. It was too hot to go out into the town. (Hemingway) 10. The prospective buyer is someone who is not, to put it mildly, a supporter of female emancipation. To consent to this sale would be to consent to change the character of the newspaper altogether. (Murdoch) 11. He hat! been one of the first to become interested in the development of the street-car system. (Dreiser) 12. The floor of the forest was soft to walk oa.. (Hemingway) 13. He was a man to attract immediate sympathy. (Maugham) 14. He knew he must say anything at all in order to establish communication with her. (Horgan) 15. After all, you’re young enough to be my son. (Clark) 16. To begin with, he did not like the way his editor… had spoken to him that morning. (Priestley) 17. To make the real decisions, one’s got to have the real power. (Snow) 18. To know all is to forgive all. (Priestley) 19. Other people, men particularly, found it difficult to face Cowperwood’s glazed stare. (Dreiser) 20. It must be awful to have a brilliant future behind you. (Snow) 21. She makes a gesture as if to touch him. (Shaw) 22. Indeed, she had nowhere to go. (Murdoch) 23. To speak frankly, 1 am not in favour of long engagements. (Wilde) 24. He found the sky so pallid as to be almost invisible. (Baum) 25. He dropped back, so as to let me get on a level with him. (Collins) 26. When he met Savina at the station, she came to him with a joyous expression of anticipation to find his troubled silence. (Wilson) 27. Rubin did not, in any case, find it easy to be as direct as Roger. (Snow) 28. True insincerity is hard to find. (Priestley) 29. She leaned forward with kindled eyes as if to impress the word on the inspector. (Lindsay) 30. She’s a spoiled child not to be trusted. (Galsworthy) 31. It is against all ethical concepts of medical science to pronounce a death verdict to a gravely ill person. (Baum) 32. His age was difficult to guess. (Wilson) 33. They were the last to come. (Maugham) 34. I awoke a little after sunrise to find Evan gone. (Hansford Johnson) 35. Truth to tell, he wanted to say a great deal. (Dreiser) 36. Her large eyes were of a blue so pale as to be almost white. (Murdoch) 37. Her first proceeding… was to unlock a tall press, bring out’several bottles,, and pour some of the contents of each into my mouth. (Dickens) 38. To lie is not my custom. Too much complication and uncomfort. (Baum) 39. I had many weary hours still to wait through. To while away the time, I looked at my letters. (Collins) 40. To begin with, Mrs. Anderson is a pleasanter person to Hye with than Mrs. Dudgeon. (Shaw) 41. With another look round at the furniture, as if to gauge his sister’s exact position, Soames went out towards Piccadilly. (Galsworthy) 42. Three or four plans suggested themselves, only to be ruled out by their self-evident absurdity. (Hansford Johnson) 43. But the heat of the afternoon was, to say the least, oppressive. (Salinger)

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General characteristics.

The problem of the number.

The problem of the meaning of the article.


article is a functional part of speech which expresses definiteness
and indefiniteness.

is unchangeable.

article is never a separate part of the sentence. In the sentence it
is combined with the noun and it may be called a noun determiner. Its
syntactical role consists in marking off a noun or a noun phrase as a
part of a sentence. The article is placed before the noun it refers
to and before all the words in a noun phrase.

It’s a
It is a
very interesting modern English book.

article signals the substantivisation of other parts of speech: e. g.
Her dress was a light brown. “A” refers to the word which is
substantivised. In the example “He’s such a
nothing” the article refers to the pronoun which is substantivised.

use of the article with the noun is determined by the syntactical
function of the given noun. As a rule the
noun in the function of a subject is used with a definite article
A noun in the function of predicative is used with the indefinite
article. The use of the article is also determined by the syntactical
connection of the noun, namely by the type of attributes. There are
two types (1) limitive (ограничивающее)
and (2) descriptive (описательное).

attribute requires the definite article; the descriptive
requires the indefinite article or the zero article.

This is not the book I asked you to bring. She is a person of a
strong will.

use of the article is also determined by the functional sentence,
perspective or by the actual division of the sentence.

The problem of the number

argue about the number of articles in Modern English. Some
linguists consider that there are three articles in Modern English:
the definite, the indefinite and the zero article.

definite article

is used with a noun to show that the speaker means
a definite object distinct from all other objects of the same class.
why the definite article is called the
limiting article

definite article is a definite determiner and it may be substituted
by other definite determiners (e.g. by possessive pronouns): Give me
the (this, my, your) book.

indefinite article refers a thing to a certain class of similar
things. It is a
classifying article
The indefinite article is an indefinite determiner of a noun and it
may be substituted by other indefinite determiners. E.g. Give me a
(any) book.

zero article is the absence of the article which has a grammatical
meaning. The zero article is used with material nouns, abstract nouns
and nouns in the plural number when they are taken in a general

classification of the article may be found in the book “Morphology
of English” by Prof. Smirnitsky and in many other books including
school textbooks.

in Modern English there are certain cases when the article is omitted

  1. In
    newspaper headings: “Bodyshop in__ good shape”.

  2. in
    writer’s remarks in plays to show the difference between the main
    text in the play and the remarks. e.g. Opens window. Comes up to

(may be omitted) in explanations given in dictionaries. This is done
form the sake of economy of space.

(usually omitted) in the text of a telegram e.g. “room reserved
for week-end”.

In calendars and weather forecasts: E.g. Sun rises at six.

all the cases where we have the omission of the article this omission
does not influence the meaning expressed and can be easily restored.

linguists express the opinion that there are two articles in Modern
English: the definite and the indefinite
The cases which are called the zero article they call the absence of
the article or the meaningful (значимое)
absence of the article.

the two articles and the meaning of the article they also point out
certain cases when the article is omitted for stylistic purposes.
This point of view is stressed in the book of English grammar by
Kobrina and in the textbook by Bloch “A course in theoretical

linguists who consider that there is no zero article in English prove
their point of view in the following way: they say that the idea of
zero article takes its origin in the notion of zero-morphemes (a
book-books; a book is characterized by the zero morpheme). They say
that if the article can be understood as a grammatical morpheme then
it is possible to speak about the zero article, but the article is
not a grammatical morpheme, it is a word and the idea of a zero word
is doubtful.

article can be analyzed from
the point of view of the theory of binary privative opposition

(which was done by Prof. Bloch in the book “A course in theoretical
English grammar”).

says that in the article as a part of speech we first of all find the
opposition of the definite article on the one hand and two other
forms of the article that is the zero article and a meaningful
absence of it on the other hand. This is the
opposition of the first level
In this opposition the definite article is the marked member of the
opposition. It has an identifying function. It is characterized by
identification. The indefinite article and the meaningful absence of
the article form the unmarked member of the opposition. They do not
denote the identification of the noun. They are characterized by

unmarked member of the opposition in its turn presents the opposition
of two forms. This opposition
of the second level

contrasts two types of generalization: (1) relative generalization
and (2) absolute generalization.

relative generalization is the strong member of the opposition – it
includes the
indefinite article and the absence if the article with nouns in the

Absolute generalization is the unmarked member of the opposition. It
is characterized by the meaning of abstraction and it includes the
meaningful absence of the article.




(+) (-) a, an, Ǿ


dog /

dogs a (an), Ǿ Ǿ (-)

milk relative absolute

information generalization generalization


dog milk




case of identification
definite article may be substituted by other different determiners
(our dog, their dog, this milk, that information). In case of

the indefinite article or the meaningful absence of the article may
be substituted by an indefinite determiner.

There is some dog in our garden. There are some dogs in our garden.
There is some milk in the glass. We received some new information on
the problem.

case of absolute

an abstract noun is taken into general meaning. E.g. Milk is useful
information is very important (in

The problem of the number of meanings of the article in English

are at issue about the problem of the numbers of the meaning of the
article. Some linguists consider that each article has one meaning,
others say that the article has at least two meanings. Then, for
instance, the definite article may denote: 1) the object singled out
from other objects of the same class and 2)it may also denote the
whole class of objects as different from other classes

g. The dog has returned home. The dog is a domestic animal.

linguists say that the definite article always has only one and the
same meaning and the difference (in meaning) between the sentences
given above depends not on the article but on the other elements of
the sentence, usually on the type of the predicate.

g The dog has come
home. (come- simple, expressed by a verb, denoting a concrete
physical action. The verb is used in the Present Perfect tense). The
dog is a domestic animal (is…animal –compound nominal, the link
verb is in the Present Indefinite tense and the predicative “an
animal” denotes a zoological /u/ idea).

same may be said about the indefinite article. E.g. There is a hill
behind our house. A hill is the opposite of a valley.

linguists say that the indefinite article has two meanings: (1) it
serves to denote an object without reference of its individual
peculiarities; (2) the indefinite article denotes any object of a
given class.

second point of view is that the meanings of the article are the same
in both sentences, and the difference in meanings depends on the type
of the predicate and other words of the sentence.

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The best way to understand word and morpheme, when they become rather confusing, is through understanding the difference between the two, the word and the morpheme. A language consists of various elements such as sentences, words, syllables, morphemes, etc. A morpheme is usually considered as the smallest element of a word or else a grammar element, whereas a word is a complete meaningful element of language. The difference between the two is that while a word always conveys a meaning, in the case of a morpheme, this is doubtful. It can sometimes convey a meaning and sometimes not. This article attempts to highlight this difference through a description of the two terms.

What is a Morpheme?

A morpheme refers to the smallest meaningful element of a word. A morpheme cannot be further broken into parts. For example, chair, dog, bird, table, computer are all morphemes. As you can see they express a direct meaning yet cannot be further separated into smaller parts. However, a morpheme is not similar to a syllable as it carries a meaning. For example, when we say giraffe, it consists of a number of syllables but a single morpheme. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes a single word can carry a number of morphemes. Let us try to understand this through an example. If we take the word ‘regained’, this word consists of 3 morphemes. They are, ‘re’ , ‘gain’ and ‘ed’.

Difference Between Word and Morpheme

Chair is a Morpheme

In linguistics, we speak of different varieties of morphemes. They are free morphemes and bound morphemes. Free morphemes refer to those that can stand as a single word. Nouns, adjectives can be considered as free morphemes (brush, chalk, pen, act, find). Bound morphemes cannot stand alone. They are usually attached to other forms. Prefixes and suffixes are examples for bound morphemes (re, ly, ness, pre, un, dis).

What is a Word?

A word can be defined as a meaningful element of a language. Unlike a morpheme, it can always stand alone. A word can consist of a single morpheme or a number of morphemes. For example, when we say ‘reconstruct,‘ it is a single word, but it is not a single morpheme but two morphemes together (‘re‘ and ‘construct‘). When forming phrases or sentences, we use a number of words. For example, when we say ‘Didn’t you hear, he has been reassigned to the head office,’ it is a combination of words that convey a meaning to the reader. But, let us take a single word from the sentence, ‘reassigned’; this once again conveys a complete meaning. But even though this is a single word, it consists of a number of morphemes. They are, ‘re’ , ‘assign’, ‘ed’. This is the main difference between a morpheme and a word.

Difference Between Word and Morpheme_Example for Word and Morpheme

Re (Morpheme) + Construct (Morpheme) = Reconstruct (Word)

What is the difference between Word and Morpheme?

• A morpheme is the smallest meaningful part of a word.

• A word is a separate meaningful unit, which can be used to form sentences.

• The main difference is that while a word can stand alone, a morpheme may or may not be able to stand alone.

Images Courtesy:

  1. Chair via Wikicommons (Public Domain)

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