Interesting one word answer questions

Why One-Word Answer Questions? 

If you’re looking to have a fun time with your spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, partner, or even friend, or to get to know them more, asking questions is one of the sure ways to. 

Apart from having fun, it’s a sure way to know your spouse in a relaxed atmosphere. 

What better way to know someone than when the mood is great? 

Also, it could be a way to stimulate your/their brain and get creative. 


1.This is not a regular question and answer game. It’s strictly one-word answer questions

Meaning, the answer to every question must be one word.

2. You can take turns in asking these questions and assign a mark to each question to declare a winner maybe or just to know the number of correct answers. 

3. You can also set a time limit for each answer so that the game is more structured. For instance, a maximum of 10 seconds to answer each question, depending on the capacity and agreement of the people involved. 

Have fun with these 100 cool one-word answer questions game!! 

1.Describe your life 

2. Your feeling right now 

3. Your childhood 

4. Your high school experience 

5. Your celebrity crush

6. What you have a phobia for

7. Your dream job 

8. Your favorite hobby

9. Your favorite holiday destination 

10. Your next holiday destination 

11. Describe your country 

12. Describe your president

13. Describe your boss

14. Describe your job

15. Your college experience 

16. Your first date ever

17. Describe your first day in high school 

18. The first name of your first best friend 

19. Describe your workplace 

20. Describe yourself 

21. Describe your first kiss

22. Describe your first boyfriend/girlfriend 

23. Where is your happy place? 

24. What’s your guilty pleasure? 

25. Describe your first day at work

26. Describe your first job interview 

27. What would you rather be doing right now? 

28. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received 

29. What’s your favourite board game? 

30. Your favorite book in the Bible (if you’re a Christian) 

31. A skincare product you can’t do without 

32. Your favorite subject in high school 

33. Your personality 

34. Your most cherished attribute 

35. Your favorite physical feature

36. The first thing you notice in others

37. A subject you’d teach if you were a teacher

38. Your least favorite subject 

39. A home appliance you can’t do without 

40. Your least favorite household chore

41. Your favorite household chore

42. One thing you regret ever trying and would try again

43. One thing you’re looking forward to trying 

44. If you could go under the knife, what part of your body would you love to work on? 

45. One thing you could do all day every day

46. One world problem you’d solve if you had the power 

47. What you’d never buy with your money 

48. An item you’d buy if you received a gift of 1M dollars 

49. An activity you think should be banned 

50. Describe the world 

51. Your favorite animal

52. If there was a second life, you would love to come back as a man or woman?. 

53. Your favorite color

54. A job you would never do even if the salary was 1M dollars a month

55. The sweetest name if you’ve ever heard

56. A celebrity you’d love to date

57. Your least favorite celebrity 

58. The most unrewarding job in the world 

59. Your favorite day of the week

60. Your favorite time of the year 

61. Your favorite time of the day 

62. Your mood when you wake up

63. The most unnecessary job

64. One thing you love about winter 

65. One thing you love about summer

66. A place you’d love to visit again

67. Your very first opinion of me

68. Love is – – – – 

69. Your role model

70. Favorite sport

71. Favorite meal of the day

72. Your favorite waking time

73. Your favorite sleeping time

74. The quality you value most in others

75. A habit you’d love to give up

76. A language you’d love to learn

77. What you think is overrated

78. What you think is underrated

79. A skill you think everyone should learn 

80. What you find most boring 

81. Your favorite bird

82. Your most-priced possession 

83. The most useless thing you’ve ever bought 

84. First thing you touch when you wake up

85. What makes you angry? 

86. Your favorite fashion item 

87. An unpopular person you think is a hero

88. Your favorite part of the house 

89. Your favorite drink 

90. Your favorite exercise activity 

91. If you were a sales person, what product would you love to sell

92. One thing you hate

93. One thing you’re so good at

94. One thing you’re obsessed with

95. Your favorite word 

96. People you think deserve the greatest punishment 

97. The person you’d give anything to see 

98. The person you wish never to see

99. A place you’d never go even if you were paid 1M dollars 

100. One thing you think is more important than money. 

one-word answer questions

Have fun! 

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General knowledge questions one word answer in English online trivia quiz GK printable is live now! This free general knowledge questions one word answer will entertain a reader with a variety of useful information and facts related to general knowledge that we usually need in every walk of life.

Solving general knowledge questions one word answer in English printable trivia will provide reader confidence as well as fun while learning. What you learn today will definitely boost your conscience tomorrow, since knowledge is power.

Let’s solve the general knowledge questions one word answer in English below and improve your level of understanding!

1. What is Garabogazköl?


2. How many countries in Africa have only four letters in their names?


3. Which country has its UN code 328?


4. Which process converts sugar to acids, alcohol, or gases?


5. What state has the letter Z in it?


6. Henrik Carl Peter Dam and Edward Adelbert Doisy received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in which year?


7. What letter isn’t in any US state?


8. What is Africa’s original name?


9. How many victims died due to lack of sleep in Shakespeare’s plays?


10. Stratification of a body of water due to salinity differences is called what?


11. What is the only country beginning with O?


12. Enchiladas originated in which country?


13. To the nearest thousand, how many words are in the complete works of Shakespeare?


14. Where did the Duke and Duchess of Windsor visit in 1937, later causing controversy for the royal family?


15. What European nation holds a Four Letter nation in its letters?


16. What letter do most US states begin with?


17. What is the capital of Hawaii?


18. In Dirty Dancing, what is Baby’s first name?


19. Johannes Vilhelm Jensen received the Nobel Prize in 1944 in which category?


20. Organism that thrives in high salt concentrations is called what?


21. Which country end with a WAY?


22. What is a technical term for the legendary first people of any creation myth, including a list of first men and women in different traditions?


23. In which Welsh town did a young Prince Charles learn Welsh?


24. The first woman to win an Olympic gold medal, Charlotte Cooper is from which country?


25. How many countries start and end with the same letter?


26. SInce inception, how many times the Nobel Prizes have not been awarded as of 2021?


27. Which Disney Princess called Gus and Jaq friends?


28. What is the biggest state in America?


29. In which country would you find the original Legoland?


30. How many minutes long is the film Jaws?


31. How many states have 5 letters?


32. Between 1901 and 2020, the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences were awarded how many times?


33. What is the internet country domain TLD for Ghana?


34. Joseph Erlanger and Herbert Spencer Gasser received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in which year?


35. What percentage of the Earth’s surface is made up o the Atlantic Ocean?


36. In which sport would you use a shuttlecock?


37. How many American states start with new?


38. Which country ends with a KEY?


39. What kind of food is Penne?


40. Otto Stern received the Nobel Prize in 1943 in which category?


41. In which state was former US President Barack Obama born?


42. How many teeth does an adult human have?


43. To the nearest day, how many days in total with Elizabeth’s uncle’s reign as Edward VIII before he abdicated?


44. Name a country that has all 5 vowels.


45. In Welsh mythology, who is a metalsmith considered to be, like the Irish Goibniu, a reflex of the Gallo-Roman deity Gobannus?


46. How high is Mount Everest in meters?


47. Which country ends with ANY?


48. What is a stringed musical instrument in traditional Japanese theater meaning “three-flavor line string”?


49. What year did Britain join the EEC, now knows as the European Union?


50. What is an elegant brand, Hermes?


51. Which Friend has the middle name, Muriel?


52. What is a nation on the Red Sea?


53. In which year, at St. Mary’s Hospital, London, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin?


54. Which country ends with a MEN?


55. What is the Alpha 2 code for Ghana?


56. Which character is often referred to with ‘Giantsbane’ in their name in the Game of Thrones?


57. Which location has its internet country domain TLD .gi?


58. What kind of Japanese brand 6%DokiDoki is?


59. Gocta, Catarata falls is where in Peru?


60. What weird food in Ukrain is meaty jello with garlic and pieces of said meat inside?


61. How many countries start with an A?


62. What color are the seats in the House of Commons?


63. Slovakia’s capital is what?


64. According to statistics, what percent of Americans lose their wallets/purses?


65. Which country has its Alpha 2 code GH?


66. What is Breezy in Japan?


67. Famous novel Crash was written in which year?


68. Which color is commonly associated with Marie Schrader throughout the show in Breaking Bad?


69. What is the UPC barcode for Pakistan?


70. How did Italian composer Giacomo Puccini die?


71. Which country ends with a VIA?


72. Beaver (Castor sp.) has its average gestation period of how many days?


73. What is a suburb of Kumasi in the Ashanti Region of Ghana?


74. In which year Arnold Schwarzenegger received the Doctor of Humane Letters for contribution?


75. What is the Alpha 3 code for Grenada?


76. The science concerned with the origin, evolution, and structure of the earth is called what?


77. Who is the god of doors, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, transition, and gates in Roman mythology?


78. Which famous novel Sinclair Lewis wrote in 1922?


79. In which year, Arnold Schwarzenegger won Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards for “Terminator 2: Judgement Day”?


80. Neutral litmus paper is what color?


81. Ashburys Railway Station is located in which city?


82. Khaan Buuz is a brand in which country?


83. What is the capital of Bulgaria?


84. How many episodes of Breaking Bad were aired?


85. Which country has its Alpha 3 code GP?


86. What is a Laffy Taffy?


87. What special character can be get from the shortcut keys Alt+0246?


88. What is JAR Bolt of Lightning?


89. Peugeot is originated in which country?


90. In which century did Rembrandt live?


91. What is a time period when sacrifices were made to atone for sins?


92. Ammonia gas turns red litmus paper what color?


93. What color shirt is Walt wearing in the iconic desert scene where he is pointing a gun wearing his white underwear, in Breaking Bad?


94. What is the national flower in Portugal?


95. What is the UN Code for Haiti?


96. A Croatian speaks in what language?


97. What is the generic name for any chemical product that is used industrially and domestically to remove color from a fabric or fiber or to clean or to remove stains?


98. Riboflavin was discovered in what year?


99. Rush Lake is located in which county in Utah?


100. What is the brand Red Vines loved by children?


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  • 100 General Knowledge Questions with Answers in English
  • 100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers in English


1. What’s the first thing you grab for in the morning?

2. Who is your biggest inspiration in life?

3. What do you think people notice most about you?

4. Who do you hope people notice most about you?

5. What is your biggest weakness/fatal flaw?

6. What is your biggest strength?

7. What to you is the perfect, most ideal age to be?

8. High school. Awesome or terrible?

9. Cats or dogs?

10. Adjective that best describes you when you’re drunk?

11. Why do you love your best friend so much?

12. Where do you want to go more than any other place in the world?

13. Beaches or snow?

14. What is your absolute, number one, biggest pet peeve?

15. What is one personality trait you simply have no time for?

16. Zodiac, MBTI, or Birth Order? Which is the one you lean towards?

17. Do you believe in something after death?

18. How does someone instantaneously get on your good side?

19. How about your bad side?

20. How do you hope you’re described by people when you’re not around?

21. What is your least favorite attribute about yourself?

22. Is it okay to sleep with socks on?

23. Coffee or tea?

24. How many dates until you feel like it’s okay to have sex with someone?

25. What is your love language?

26. Do you or do you not believe in ghosts?

27. What’s your vice?

28. Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram?

29. Favorite artist?

30. Odd numbers or even numbers?

31. Do you believe in organizing or life or letting things just happen?

32. Are you more right brained or left brained?

33. Which do you prefer, logic or creativity?

34. Do you think opposites truly attract?

35. What is your Hogwarts house?

36. Ask for permission or ask for forgiveness?

37. Do you think chemistry is instant or grows with time?

38. Do you trust someone until proven otherwise or do you think trust has to be earned no matter who with?

39. Are there situations in which you think lying is okay and understandable?

40. Comfortable silences or non-stop conversation?

41. Do you believe in fate or do you think we’re in complete control over our circumstances?

42. Love or money?

43. Impulsive or methodical?

44. Are you pro-technology/constantly connected or do you think digital detoxes are super necessary?

45. Do you think it’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?

46. Do you question things even if it will bother someone or do you try to not rock the boat?

47. TV shows or Movies?

48. Books or Magazines?

49. Which is more preferable — being nice or being fair?

50. Describe what would bring you the ultimate happiness in life. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

  1. Fresherslive
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One Word Substitution Questions: Solved 520 One Word Substitution Questions and answers section with explanation for various online exam preparation, various interviews, English Category online test. Category Questions section with detailed description, explanation will help you to master the topic.

One Word Substitution Questions

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 1 to 0

1. Especially skilled in story telling

None of these


Correct Ans:Raconteur


Raconteur — a person who tells anecdotes in a skilful and amusing way.
Elegy — a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
Clientele — the customers of a shop, bar, or place of entertainment.
Forgery — the action of forging a copy or imitation of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 2 to 1

2. Usage of an incorrect word in place of the one which is similar in pronunciation

None of these


Correct Ans:Malapropism


Spoonerism — a speaker accidentally transposes the initial sounds or letters of two or more words
Malapropism the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one.
Blooper — an embarrassing error.
Corpsing — spoil a piece of acting by forgetting one’s lines or laughing uncontrollably.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 3 to 2

3. Fear of loneliness

None of these


Correct Ans:Eremophobia


Eremophobia is the fear of being oneself or being alone or of loneliness.
Atelophobia is defined as the fear of not doing something right or the fear of not being good enough.
Cremnophobia is the fear of steep cliffs.
Sciophobia is the fear of shadows.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 4 to 3

4. Represent something as being less important than it really is.

None of these


Correct Ans:underplay


Underplay means represent (something) as being less important than it really is.
Stride means walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction.
Imperious means arrogant and domineering.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 5 to 4

5. The common people, commoner

None of these


Correct Ans:Plebeian


Plebeian — a commoner.
Platitude — a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful.
Plaque — an ornamental tablet, typically of metal, porcelain, or wood, that is fixed to a wall or other surface
Prim — feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 6 to 5

6. A nominal leader with no real power

None of these


Correct Ans:Figurehead


Figurehead — A nominal leader with no real power

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 7 to 6

7. Mania for making purchases

None of these


Correct Ans:Oniomania


Onomamania: mania for names.
Onomatomania: irresistible desire to repeat certain words.
Oniomania: mania for making purchases.
Opiomania: craving for opium.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 8 to 7

8. Fear of dust



None of these


Correct Ans:Amathophobia


Amaxophobia: fear of riding in a car.
Amathophobia: Fear of dust.
Agateophobia: fear of insanity.
Ambulophobia: fear of walking.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 9 to 8

9. Boringly monotonous

None of these


Correct Ans:Humdrum


Odorous=> having or giving off an odour.
Ostensible=> stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so
Humdrum=> Monotonous and boring
Relinquish=> Give up

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 10 to 9

10. A brave, noble-minded or chivalrous man

None of these


Correct Ans:Gallant


Handsome = (of a man) good-looking
Robust = strong and healthy; vigorous
Gallant = brave, spirited, noble-minded, or chivalrous
Reckless = doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 11 to 10

11. An ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty.

None of these


Correct Ans:Sceptre


Spectacle = a visually striking performance or display.
Receptacle = a hollow object used to contain something.
Sceptre = an ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty.
Zephyr = a soft gentle breeze.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 12 to 11

12. A disease of mind causing an uncontrollable desire to steal





None of these


Correct Ans:Kleptomania


Kleptomania = a recurrent urge to steal, typically without regard for need or profit.
Claustrophobia = extreme or irrational fear of confined places.
Schizophrenia = mental disorder that usually appears in late adolescence or early adulthood.
Megalomania = obsession with the exercise of power.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 13 to 12

13. Habitually silent or talking little

None of these


Correct Ans:Taciturn


Taciturn = reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.
Hew = chop or cut (something, especially wood or coal) with an axe, pick, or other tool.
Unequivocal = leaving no doubt; unambiguous.
Servile = having or showing an excessive willingness to serve or please others.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 14 to 13

14. One who cannot be corrected

None of these


Correct Ans:Incorrigible


Incurable = incapable of being cured or treated.
Incorrigible = not able to be changed or reformed.
Hardened = having become or been made hard or harder.
Vulnerable = exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 15 to 14

15. Murder of one»™s brother

None of these


Correct Ans:Fratricide


Fratricide = killing of one’s brother
Regicide = killing of a king
Homicide = the killing of one person by another
Patricide = the killing of one’s father

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 16 to 15

16. a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes





Correct Ans:Philanthropist


Philanthropist means a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 17 to 16

17. a person who pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudes or feelings when they really do not



Correct Ans:Hypocrite


Hypocrite is a person who pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudes or feelings when they really do not.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 18 to 17

18. A nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work 

None of these


Correct Ans:Crèche


Crèche means — a nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 19 to 18

19. A person who sacrifices his life for a cause

None of these


Correct Ans:Martyr


Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 20 to 19

20. A wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term



Correct Ans:Misnomer


The word that can be substituted for ‘A wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term’ is Misnomer.

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Online Test on One Word Substitution @ Fresherslive

This page provides important questions on One Word Substitution along with correct answers and clear explanation, which will be very useful for various Interviews, Competitive examinations and Entrance tests. Here, Most of the One Word Substitution questions are framed with Latest concepts, so that you may get updated through these One Word Substitution Online tests. One Word Substitution Online Test questions are granted from basic level to complex level.

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You may believe you are smart enough not to be tricked. However, trick questions can stump anyone. Common sense and experience will not help you answer these tricky questions. Even though some of the answers are logical or rely on common sense, your first thought is quite often incorrect. Some trick questions are funny, some are a play on words, and some involve looking at things differently. Try your hand at answering all of our trick questions and share them with friends.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Tricky Questions
  • 2 Mind Trick Questions
  • 3 Funny Trick Questions
  • 4 Trick Questions with Answers
    • 4.1 Questions:
    • 4.2 Answers:
    • 4.3 Related Posts

Tricky Questions

Tricky Questions

The following list of clever, tricky questions will have you and your friends scratching your heads and wondering just how intelligent you are. They are fun to use at a party, with your colleagues at work, or in a classroom. Teachers, camp counselors, and entertainers will love our list of tricky questions.

  1. Question: What is always coming, but never arrives?
  2. Question: What can be broken, but is never held?
  3. Question: What is it that lives if it is fed, and dies if you give it a drink?
  4. Question: What word would you use to describe a man who does not have all his fingers on one hand?
  5. Question: What can one catch that is not thrown?
  6. Question: What is it that if you have, you want to share me, and if you share, you do not have?
  7. Question: If a plane crashes on the border between the United States and Canada, where do they bury the survivors?
  8. Question: If it takes eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men?
  9. Question: If you have a bowl with six apples and you take away four, how many do you have?
  10. Question: If you had only one match and entered a dark room containing an oil lamp, some kindling wood, and a newspaper, which would you light first?
  11. Question: If you spell “sit in the tub” s-o-a-k, and you spell “a funny story” j-o-k-e, how do you spell “the white of an egg”?
  12. Question: Is it legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister?
  13. Question: If Mrs. John’s bungalow is decorated completely in pink, with the walls, carpet, and furniture all shades of pink, what color are the stairs?
  14. Question: How did the boy kick his soccer ball ten feet, and then have it come back to him on its own?
  15. Question: How could a man go outside in the pouring rain without protection, and not have a hair on his head get wet?
  16. Question: If an electric train is moving north at 100mph and a wind is blowing to the west at 10mph, which way does the smoke blow?
  17. Question: How was it possible that every single person in an airplane crash died, but two people survived?
  18. Question: What breaks and never falls, and what falls and never breaks?
  19. Question: Some months have 31 days, others have 30 days, but how many have 28 days?
  20. Question: “The attorney is my brother,” testified the accountant. But the attorney testified he did not have a brother. Who is lying?
  21. Question: Uncle Bill’s farm had a terrible storm and all but seven sheep were killed. How many sheep are still alive?
  22. Question: What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is all the time?
  23. Question: What do you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with?
  24. Question: What goes up and down, but always remains in the same place?
  25. Question: What is it that goes up, but never comes down?
  26. Question: What happened when the wheel was invented?
  27. Question: What has a head, a tail, but does not have a body?
  28. Question: Who is bigger, Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, or their baby?
  29. Question: Of you sit a cup on the table facing south while you are on the north side of the table, on which side is the cup’s handle?

Mind Trick Questions

Hard questions to answer provide a challenge for even the most intelligent individual. You must take your time, read the questions carefully, and think before attempting an answer. Be careful, because your first guess may not be correct on these mind trick questions.

  1. Question: A man lives on the 100th floor of an apartment building. On rainy days he rides the elevator all the way up. However, on sunny days, he goes half way and takes the stairs the rest of the way. Why?
  2. Question: A man and his son were in an automobile accident. The man died on the way to the hospital, but the boy was rushed into surgery. The emergency room surgeon said, “I cannot operate, because that is my son!” How was this possible?
  3. Question: A man dressed in all black is walking down a country lane. Suddenly, a large black car with no lights on comes around the corner and screeches to a halt. How did the car’s driver know he was there?
  4. Question: Robert, my neighbor, a forty-five-year-old blacksmith is seven feet tall, and eats all day long. What does he weigh?
  5. Question: Complete this series of numbers: 9 = 4, 21 = 9, 22 = 9, 24 = 10, 8 = 5, 7 = 5, 99 = 10, 100 = 7, 16 =?, 17 =?
  6. Question: There are three important rooms in a house. The first one is filled with money. The second one is filled with important papers. The third one is filled with jewelry. One day all of these rooms burst into fire. Which room did the policemen put out the fire in first?
  7. Question: Why are 1968 pennies worth more than 1967 pennies?
  8. Question: A man has a fox, a chicken, and a sack of grain. He must cross a river, but cannot carry all of them at once. If he leaves the fox with the chicken, the fox will eat the chicken. However, if he leaves the chicken with the grain, the chicken will eat the grain. How can he get all three across safely?
  9. Questions: There are eight men sitting on a couch. Three legs break and six men leave. How many legs are remaining?
  10. Question: You are driving a bus. When you begin your route, there is an old woman named Mrs. Smith and a young boy named Raymond are on the bus. At the first stop, the old woman leaves, and a salesman, named Ed, enters. At the next stop, Jack and his sister Jill get on, as well as three women with shopping bags. The bus travels fifteen minutes, then stops and Raymond gets off and a man and his wife get on. Next, a woman with a bird in a cage gets on the bus. What is the name of the bus driver?
  11. Question: What is the maximum number of times a single page of a newspaper can be folded in half by hand?
  12. Question: A fishing boat, with a ladder in it, is leaning against a wall at the harbor. There are 5 oars and 2 fishing nets in the trawler. The distance between two consecutive steps on the ladder is 1 meter. If waves lashing against the wall rise a half meter in every half hour, how long will it take before 6 steps of the ladder are under the waves?
  13. Question: You ask the sales associate in a hardware store, “How much will one cost?””Twenty cents,” she replies.”And how much will twelve cost me?” you ask.”Forty cents,” she replies.”OK, I’ll take one hundred and twelve.”How much did you pay?
  14. Question: On a Sunday morning, the oldest girl in a family was murdered. The father was reading the paper, the mother was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, and the girl’s brother was playing video games. Uncle George was visiting and was out getting the mail. Who murdered the girl?
  15. Question: If you divide 30 by half and add ten, what do you get?

Funny Trick Questions

Funny Trick Questions

Some trick questions provide laughs because they are so silly. Kids especially will love our funny trick questions. We have included a few old favorites to help kids feel smart. Ask your friends these funny questions or try to answer them yourself. Don’t peek at the answers until you give each question your best guess.

  1. Question: What did one campfire say to the other?
  2. Question: Why can’t a woman living in the Europe be buried in Canada?
  3. Question: Why are movie stars considered cool?
  4. Question: What is white and black, but red all over?
  5. Question: What is the biggest problem with snow boots?
  6. Question: Why do fluorescent lights hum?
  7. Question: What becomes wetter the more it dries?
  8. Question: What did the ocean say to the beach?
  9. Question: Where is an ocean with no water?
  10. Question: What type hair does an ocean have?
  11. Question: Why did the clown visit the doctor?
  12. Question: What is sticky and brown?
  13. Question: What happens if you throw a white hat into the Black Sea?
  14. Question: What provides the strength and power to walk through walls?
  15. Question: Why did Superman cross the road?
  16. Question: Which nail does a carpenter try to miss?
  17. Question: What do you always see at the beginning of a parade?
  18. Question: What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
  19. Question: What happened to the human cannonball?
  20. Question: Which room has no walls?
  21. Question: How can a woman go eight days without sleep?
  22. Question: How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor and not crack it?
  23. Question: How can you lift an elephant with one hand?
  24. Question: If two waves have a race, who wins?
  25. Question: Why did the cowboy ride his mule into town?
  26. Question: What goes up and down, but never moves?
  27. Question: What happened to the lion when he ate the clown?
  28. Question: If a rooster lays an egg on top of the barn roof, which way will it roll?
  29. Question: How many animals did Moses take into the ark?
  30. Question: How many legs does an elephant have if you count his trunk as a leg?
  31. Question: How much dirt is there in a hole that is 3 feet deep, 6 feet long, and 4 feet wide?
  32. Question: What did the quilt say to the bed?
  33. Question: Why did the woman run around her bed at night?
  34. Question: What can you never eat for breakfast?
  35. Question: What has 4 wheels and flies?
  36. Question: How many sides does a circle have?
  37. Question: If you imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks, how would you survive?
  38. Question: If ten birds are sitting in a tree and a hunter shoots one, how birds many are left in the tree?
  39. Question: If a monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree, who will get the banana first?
  40. Question: What two words, when combined, hold the most letters?

Trick Questions with Answers

Trick Questions with Answers

Trick questions entertain and inform. Use our selection for parties, game nights – any time you get together with friends or co-workers. Some of the cleverest trick questions involve plays on words, and we have quite a few included in this list. You will find 30 questions, followed by a list of answers. How many can you answer correctly?


  1. How can a door be not a door?
  2. What word starts with IS, ends with AND, and has LA in the middle?
  3. Why do you always find a mushroom at a party?
  4. Do you want to hear a joke about potassium?
  5. Do you know any good jokes about sodium?
  6. What should one do with a dead chemist?
  7. What’s a great name for a lawyer?
  8. What do you call a man in a hole?
  9. Which is the fastest country in the world?
  10. What do you get if you throw a million books into the ocean?
  11. What is the coldest country in the world?
  12. Why did the house go to the doctor?
  13. On which roads do ghosts linger?
  14. What do you call a woman standing on a tennis court?
  15. What is round and extremely violent?
  16. What happened to the tiny fortuneteller that escaped from jail?
  17. What is green and sings?
  18. What happened when the magician got angry?
  19. What common eleven-letter word is always spelled incorrectly?
  20. What did the person who invented the door-knocker win?
  21. What happened to the woman who fell into the upholstery machine?
  22. Did you hear what happened to the origami store?
  23. Why did the banker quit his job?
  24. What do you find in the middle of nowhere?
  25. Why was everyone so tired on the April first?
  26. What did one commode say to the other commode?
  27. A neutron walks into a café, orders breakfast, and asks the waiter, “How much will that be?”
  28. What is it that stands up, but grows down?
  29. A photon checks into a hotel. What is her reply when she is asked if she needs any help with her luggage?
  30. If George’s father has four children – Eenie, Meenie, Miney – what is the name of his fourth child?


  1. When it is a jar. (ajar = “open”)
  2. Island
  3. Because he is a fungi (“fun guy”).
  4. K! (K is the symbol for potassium.)
  5. Na! (Na is the symbol for sodium.)
  6. Barium (“Bury him”)
  7. Sue
  8. Doug (“dug”)
  9. Russia (“rush ya”)
  10. A title wave
  11. Chili
  12. Because it had a window pane (“pain”).
  13. Dead ends
  14. Annette (“a net)
  15. A vicious circle
  16. He was a small medium at large.
  17. Elvis Parsley
  18. He pulled his hare (“hair”) out.
  19. Incorrectly
  20. The no-bell (“Nobel”) prize
  21. She was fully recovered.
  22. It folded.
  23. He lost interest.
  24. The letter H
  25. Because they just completed a March of 31 days.
  26. You look flushed.
  27. The waiter replies, “For you? No charge!”
  28. A candle
  29. No thank you, I am traveling light.
  30. George

Trick questions stimulate the brain and provide fun. They help fill the time and provide relaxation. Additionally, they give your brain a workout! All ages love them. Use trick questions and brain teasers for bonding between employees in your office, avoiding boredom, and to challenge your friends. Have fun with our tricky questions!

Susan Mann

Susan majored in English with a double minor in Humanities and Business at Arizona State University and earned a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Liberty University. She taught grades four through twelve in both public and private schools. Subjects included English, U.S. and world history and geography, math, earth and physical science, Bible, information technologies, and creative writing.

Susan has been freelance writing for over ten years, during which time she has written and edited books, newspaper articles, biographies, book reviews, guidelines, neighborhood descriptions for realtors, Power Point presentations, resumes, and numerous other projects.

Read full bio

1000 Interesting Questions to Ask People-Boy,Girl,Parents and more

February 5, 2023March 7, 20230

Interesting Questions
A military man proposing to his girlfriend | Interesting Questions

Having a good communication is not all about making statements. Asking questions, and not just questions for the sake of relaying a message but rather interesting questions will keep the conversation engaging and the communication effective.

There are various questions that you can ask. These questions keep varying with the event, circumstance and the general environment which demands specific answers.

Interesting questions can be categorized into funny questions, questions from the great minds, questions that can spark a boring conversation and romantic questions. Below are the 1000 interesting questions you can ask anyone around you, most of which you are sure to get a feedback instantly;

Table Of Contents

  • 1 100 interesting questions to ask a Guy
  • 2 100 Interesting Questions to ask a girl
  • 3 100 Interesting questions to ask your boyfriend (Romantic, cute, flirty)
  • 4 100 Interesting questions to ask your girlfriend (cute/funny/Romantic)
  • 5 100 Interesting questions to ask to spark a boring gathering
  • 6 100 Interesting questions to ask your crush (Romantic ,cute, flirty, random, fun and deep questions)
  • 7 100 Interesting Questions to ask your parents (Family Questions)
    • 7.1 50 interesting questions to ask your mum
    • 7.2 50 Interesting questions to ask your dad
  • 8 100 interesting pick up lines (irresistible, sure, cute and funny )
  • 9 100 Interesting Conversation Starters (funny and irresistible)
  • 10 50 Philosophical Questions from history’s greatest minds
    • 10.1 What Are The Interesting Questions To Ask?

 interesting questions to ask a Guy Image

A couple using Interesting Questions to Engage in a conversation | Interesting questions
  1. What is that one achievement you are always proud of?
  2. What is it that always brings a smile on your face no matter how your day was?
  3. What normally brightens your day?
  4. Which event in your life do you think was the scariest?
  5. What childhood memory do you cherish so much?
  6. What is that one thing that you are thankful about in life?
  7. What is your biggest fear?
  8. Which movie can you watch over and over again without getting fed up?
  9. What is the best moment in your childhood?
  10. What movie star do you wish to meet?
  11. Which event in life excites you the most?
  12. Can you tell me one secret that you have never shared even with your best friend?
  13. If you are told to leave your country and choose another one, which three countries could you chose from?
  14. Can you take a pig as a pet?
  15. What is the name of your closest family member?
  16. What is your favorite candy flavor?
  17. Who is your favorite comedian?
  18. Which is the most boring show you ever attended?
  19. What is it that you can rewrite about your future given a chance?
  20. Which part of your body amazes you the most?
  21. Which of your personality do you love the most?
  22. Whom do you go for consolation and sometimes advice when you feeling down?
  23. If you were to choose one meal to eat the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
  24. What is it that you are passionate about the most?
  25. Which one of the five senses to you think you least need and you cannot mind losing it in case you have to loose one of your senses?
  26. What do you think is the hardest decision you ever made?
  27. Which physical activity have you ever engaged in and you said never to do it again since the experience was awful?
  28. What do you love the most about your current job?
  29. How many jobs have you done ever since you graduated from college?
  30. Which wild animal can you compare your character with?
  31. Which one question do you feel you have never got a contented answer on?
  32. Do you believe in reincarnation?
  33. Which three words do you think best describes who you are?
  34. Which country do you think is the coolest and you intend to visit very soon?
  35. What one thing do people misjudge you about the first time they see you?
  36. What attracts you to the opposite gender?
  37. What traits do you always look for in a lady?
  38. What girls’ character do you think are a turn off to most guys?
  39. What do you think is the sweetest thing you ever did to a lady?
  40. What nickname do your buddies call you?
  41. How can you describe your home town in one word?
  42. Which is your favorite pub in town and why do you like it the most?
  43. What do you think makes an ideal date?
  44. What is your all time wish?
  45. Which activates do you engages in during your free time?
  46. Whom do you think has ever given you the best complement that you will never forget?
  47. What is it you think is your talent?
  48. Do you know how to cook?
  49. Which was your favorite joint in college?
  50. How can you describe your close friends in six words?
  51. Which state in the United States do you feel has the highest level of racism and you do not wish to visit?
  52. Did Donald Trump made America great again?
  53. What do you want to accomplish in the next 5 years?
  54. Can you eliminate the person you hate in life for five million dollars?
  55. What decision do you think changed your life for the better?
  56. What is your favorite genre of music?
  57. Do you have any regret in life?
  58. What inspire you in life?
  59. What do you think is your guilty pleasure? Junk food, snacks or drink?
  60. Which three fast food would you choose from when forced to eat fast foods for the rest of your life?
  61. Which fast food do have crave on?
  62. Do you have any trait that you are not proud of?
  63. If given an opportunity to begin your life again, can you go back to your mother’s womb?
  64. What was your feeling when you lost your close family member?
  65. Have you ever cried over heart breaks?
  66. Do you have a favorite social network profile?
  67. What do you do every time you are disappointed?
  68. Can you recall the last time you cried? What was it about?
  69. What is it about the future scares you the most?
  70. Do you love children? How many girls and boys do you wish to have?
  71. Have you formulated a hypothesis of your future family?
  72. Do you have one thing that you cannot live without?
  73. Who is that one person that brightens your life?
  74. What do you love about the Chinese?
  75. Which name of a country do you think is very funny?
  76. Do you have a favorite sentence, poetic line or quote?
  77. How many lovers have you had in life so far?
  78. Based on your last relationship, how can you describe love?
  79. How can you describe your first love?
  80. What do you find consistence about the ladies you have dated so far?
  81. Do you have a favorite pop star?
  82. How many years do you think you are remaining with before you die?
  83. How many years from now do you want to settle?
  84. What attracted you the most to me?
  85. Do you have a favorite word?
  86. How much money do you think will quench your thirst for cash?
  87. Do you think gambling is the key to easy money?
  88. How often do you dream? What is it about?
  89. Which childhood toy do you still have and you always play with?
  90. Which billionaire do you admire the most?
  91. Who is your role model?
  92. What is your all time joke?
  93. Would you donate your body for medical studies when you die?
  94. Which of my traits do you think it the most weird?
  95. Do you have a celebrity crush?
  96. Can you remember the first time you had wet dreams?
  97. Between texting and phone call, which one do you prefer?
  98. Do you have favorite movie site?
  99. What is the name of the biggest scammer you ever came across in life?
  100. Do you have any phobia?
  101. Continuation–>>450 More Interesting Questions to Ask a guy

100 Interesting Questions to ask a girl

Interesting Questions to ask a girl image

The picture is of a conversation between two friends | PHOTO -commons.wikimedia/Interesting questions
  1. If you were given a chance to change your career, what could be your dream job?
  2. Which Hollywood star could you wish to have lunch with?
  3. What is the ideal height for the partner of your dreams?
  4. In case of reincarnation, whom would you wish to become?
  5. Am just curious, do you go out often?
  6. What could you tell the world if it was listening to you right now?
  7. How is the weather at your place? Can I come over?
  8. What is in your mind?
  9. Do you have a boyfriend?
  10. How has been your relationships lately? Any heart breaks?
  11. If I faint right now, what first thing could you do?
  12. Which is your favorite sea animal that you wish you could be in case you were a sea animal?
  13. Do you love reading books? If yes, who is your favorite author and why?
  14. Picture this, if we had only three options in life, freedom, fame and money. Which one could you choose and why?
  15. Do you believe that cash is the source of happiness? Why?
  16. What could you carry if it was possible to carry one thing with you to the after death?
  17. If you were to be a pig or a donkey, which one could you like to be?
  18. When did you lose your virginity?
  19. Have you ever dated a guy older than you by at least 10years?
  20. Which is your best storybook so far?
  21. Have you ever been involved in a gristly road accident?
  22. How frequent do you visit your parents?
  23. Have you ever been at fault for a gristly road accident?
  24. In a scale of 100 how do you rate the importance of money in your life?
  25. How many keys are in your bunch of keys?
  26. How often do you cut your nails?
  27. Which celebrity do you hate the most?
  28. What could you buy if you are given a 20000$ voucher to spent within 24 hours?
  29. Do you love making new friends?
  30. How many blind dates have you had?
  31. Which was the brand of your first phone?
  32. How often do you think about your boyfriend?
  33. If I was contemplating suicide, what could be your final word to me?
  34. Which famous person do you wish he/she should not have died?
  35. Which favorite food could you cook for your friend who has just visited your country?
  36. What could be your reaction if you give birth to a child who is physically challenged?
  37. Do you believe in perfect dates?
  38. What could you do if you are remaining with 6months to live in this world?
  39. Which model of car do you think best describes who you are?
  40. Have you ever contacted any STI?
  41. How often do you get tested for HIV/Aids?
  42. What do you see yourself in the next seven years?
  43. Do you think Hillary Clinton could have made the best U.S president? Why?
  44. If you could be a philosopher, who could you wish to be?
  45. Do you think atheists view on religion and spiritualism is correct?
  46. How many glasses of water do you take per day?
  47. Which song do you think the singer did not do his or her best?
  48. Whom do you think would have made the best president? Why?
  49. Can you date a guy twice your age?
  50. If you are given one million dollars, how do you think it will change your life?
  51. Which relative don’t you like in your extended family?
  52. Do you believe in true love?
  53. Which one person do you love the most in this world?
  54. How often have you traveled to Africa?
  55. Which country would you not visit even if you are given free ticket and accommodation in a five star hotel?
  56. Which movie do you think best describes your life?
  57. What came in your mind the first time you saw me?
  58. Do you think am your dream guy? Why?
  59. Do you believe that education is the key to get you away from poverty?
  60. How often do you go to church?
  61. Which is your favorite yogurt flavor and which one is your worst flavor?
  62. What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened in your life?
  63. Which three types of food can’t you get enough of and you can eat it for the rest of your life?
  64. How old you think is the best age for a woman to get married? And a man?
  65. What is your name my lady?
  66. What name would you call your child if she was a girl?
  67. What do you enjoy doing with your partner?
  68. How many times have you made peace in your life?
  69. Have you ever had depression in your life?
  70. How often do you exercise?
  71. Which was your worst subject while in college? Why?
  72. Which part of your body would you adjust if given a change by God?
  73. How many kids do you think would make your life complete?
  74. Which is your favorite alcohol brand?
  75. In a scale of one to ten, how attractive can you rank yourself?
  76. What is your hobby?
  77. What do you normally do during the weekends?
  78. What was your expectation in your first date? How was the experience?
  79. How often do you update your Instagram?
  80. What do you understand by the word, you are an apple to my eyes?
  81. Do you love me?
  82. Do you still have feelings for your “first love”?
  83. What is your favorite international TV station?
  84. How many bedrooms will your dream house have?
  85. How many minutes do you think one should take in a shower?
  86. Have you ever dated a pervert?
  87. Which is your favorite meeting station in town?
  88. What sports club were you a member in while in College?
  89. How old were you when you first went to watch a movie in a cinema?
  90. How long did your first relationship last?
  91. Do you think you can make a good team leader? Why?
  92. Describe a perfect man in five words?
  93. Which is your dream city that you wish to go on vacation?
  94. Which social media site do you visit often?
  95. How can you rate your achievement so far out of 100?
  96. Have you ever been admitted in hospital?
  97. Which fast food do you love?
  98. Will you be free tomorrow?
  99. Have you ever ate crayfish?
  100. How can you describe your workplace boss in 2 words?
  101. Continuation :300 More Interesting Questions To Ask a Girl

100 Interesting questions to ask your boyfriend (Romantic, cute, flirty)

 100 Interesting Questions to ask your boyfriend | Interesting Questions

Interesting photography taking posture between a boyfriend and his girlfriend | Interesting Questions
  1. When did you know I was the one for you?
  2. What always comes in your mind every morning you see me lying on the bed?
  3. Where will you take me on a vacation the moment we get married?
  4. If I am given a job transfer to a different country, would you come with me?
  5. Would you stick by me in case of a long distance relationship with minimal communication?
  6. What comes in your mind every time we hug each other tightly?
  7. What has always been your vision?
  8. Can you marry someone if she proposes on your fast date?
  9. Can you accept a lady’s offer to pay the bills on your fast date?
  10. Which date did you enjoy the most of all the dates we had?
  11. What do you wish I do to spice up our relationship?
  12. Do you think I am your soulmate?
  13. What is your definition of soulmates?
  14. When will you be ready to meet my parent?
  15. When will you take me to meet your parents?
  16. Do your parents like me?
  17. Can you confess on live TV show that you love me?
  18. Do you think we coming together was God’s plans?
  19. What did you think of me on our first date?
  20. Do you still recall how we met?
  21. What caught your attention the first time you saw me?
  22. What ran in your mind on our first kiss?
  23. When will you be ready to formalize our relationship?
  24. Which movie star can you compare my physique with?
  25. What made you to love me even more?
  26. How often do you work out?
  27. Do you know how to play football?
  28. Do you think I am the best kisser?
  29. What is the latest series you have watched?
  30. What lullaby song do you like the most?
  31. Where are you planning to go on vacation before the year ends?
  32. What are you up to?
  33. Did you ever participate in a strike while in high school?
  34. How well do you know your spouse?
  35. Do you always feel comfortable holding my hand in public?
  36. Can you take a bath with me?
  37. What do you normally feel when I touch your back in public?
  38. Are you planning to vote?
  39. Can I rely on you?
  40. Do you like pool parties?
  41. Do you prefer a male or female masseur?
  42. What place do you go most for massage?
  43. Are you a forgetful person?
  44. Have you ever pranked your friend?
  45. Have you ever developed feeling for a male friend?
  46. Which of your friends do you wish was your real brother?
  47. Which among your Ex do you hate more for breaking your heart?
  48. Which among your ex did you love more?
  49. Which is your favorite kids songs?
  50. Do you think I am the prettiest girl you ever met?
  51. Do you trust me with your secrets?
  52. Which pet do you want to keep?
  53. How can you describe your body odor?
  54. How do you always feel when I am sad?
  55. What can you do to make me happy when I am feeling low?
  56. Which sport would you wish to play between Rugby and American football?
  57. Would you still take me if I cheat on you with your best friend?
  58. Would you still love me if I had 2 children from my previous relationship?
  59. Do you think I look prettier on make up?
  60. Would you still love me when I add weight?
  61. What did you think about me when I first told you I drink a lot?
  62. Would you hold me if I am scared?
  63. Do I look gorgeous while working out?
  64. How did you feel about our first dance?
  65. I’m I a pathetic dancer?
  66. If I was a cartoon character, what role do you think I could play best?
  67. Which kind of flower do you think describes me?
  68. Where are you planning to take me on a picnic?
  69. What outfit do you think makes me look prettier?
  70. Do you feel comfortable when we go out with your friends who are single?
  71. Do you think I am ready to meet your parent?
  72. Do you watch Masha and Bear?
  73. What could be your reaction when I say “I do not love you anymore”?
  74. Which is the saddest movie you have ever watched?
  75. What movie can you recommend for me?
  76. Describe my physique in 5 words?
  77. Does it make you feel happy when I tell you how handsome you are?
  78. At what age do you think you pronounced your first word?
  79. Do you mean it when you say you will never leave me?
  80. Do you have any childhood memory you are fond off?
  81. What breakfast do you want I make for you?
  82. What was your first expression the first time you met my family?
  83. Do you know how to ride a bike?
  84. Where would you prefer to take me between a tropical vacation and camping?
  85. Which word makes you blush?
  86. Do you love my voice?
  87. What is the craziest thing you do when alone in the house?
  88. What do you like most about travelling?
  89. Who was your childhood crush?
  90. What did you think about ‘love’ after the first breakup?
  91. Do you have the biggest fear?
  92. Can you remember the day you were deeply hurt?
  93. Cookies or cookie dough?
  94. Do you prefer tea over coffee on a cold evening?
  95. Between the cave and under the sea, where would you prefer to live?
  96. Which title would you give your autograph?
  97. If our college life was a movie, what title would you give it?
  98. If you were to choose between me and your mother, whom would you choose?
  99. Do you believe I will make the perfect mother for your children?
  100. Do you love porridge?
  101. Continuation –>251 More Interesting Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend (Flirty,deep and random)

100 Interesting questions to ask your girlfriend (cute/funny/Romantic)

100 Interesting Questions to ask your girlfriend image

Interesting Questions used to proposing to a girlfriend | Interesting Questions
  1. Where do you see us in the next twenty years?
  2. I’m I the source of your happiness?
  3. Which song do you always relate to our love story?
  4. What specific thing made you to have feelings for me?
  5. What is it when you see it reminds you of me?
  6. What came into your mind when we first met?
  7. What do you find outstanding about me?
  8. What name are you longing I call you?
  9. Do you have any dream date?
  10. Where do you wish our honeymoon to be?
  11. What can I do to make you feel even more appreciated?
  12. What do you wish I do for you in order to retain you forever?
  13. What do you wish I correct since it pisses you off?
  14. Any romantic fantasy that you long for?
  15. Which colour is your favorite lingerie?
  16. What do you wish I do in what you think makes a perfect night together?
  17. When will you ever make advances?
  18. Are you a kind of lady who is ready to fight for love in case of a long distance relationship?
  19. What is your ideal number for the kids you wish to have?
  20. What time would you want to see your husband after work?
  21. Do you mind keeping quite?
  22. When do you want our wedding to take place?
  23. Which country do you want us to do our wedding?
  24. Have you ever find difficulties to ask me out on a date?
  25. What is my trait when I miss you?
  26. What is your definition of a happy marriage?
  27. Do I have a funny face?
  28. Which cartoon was your favorite while a child?
  29. If you had to choose a supernatural power. Which power would you choose?
  30. Which dumbest question have you ever ask a girl?
  31. Which awkward thing do you want us to do?
  32. Have you ever beaten up a person till he/she got hospitalized?
  33. What is your favorite activity while lonely?
  34. What usually makes you laugh like crazy?
  35. If your favorite actor proposes to marry you, will you leave me for him?
  36. What will you buy me if you win five million dollars?
  37. What would be your reaction if I slap you?
  38. Have you ever cheated on me? And who’s most likely to cheat?
  39. Which is your most romantic movie you ever watched?
  40. When was the first time you ever got drunk?
  41. Have you ever dated your girlfriend?
  42. Have you ever slept with your girlfriend?
  43. Which spot activity do you love watching?
  44. Describe your ex-boyfriend in two words
  45. Have you ever gone shopping without pants?
  46. Are you always comfortable every time I check your bag?
  47. Which country do you want I take you on a nature expedition?
  48. Which country accent can you fake perfectly?
  49. Have you ever had hatred feelings towards your spouse?
  50. Have you visited a morgue? If yes, how was the experience?
  51. What is your definition of intimacy?
  52. Do you think I am anywhere close to a perfect man for you?
  53. What could be your reaction if you find out am chatting with my Ex-girlfriend?
  54. What did you use to hate most about your ex-boyfriend?
  55. If you are given a chance to amend the issues that led to the breakup with your Ex, will you take that chance?
  56. What is your saddest memory?
  57. What do you think was the best thing your parent ever instill in you and has impacted your life for the better?
  58. What is your worst food?
  59. What used to turn you off about me but you came to get used of?
  60. What first person do you always pray for every time you pray?
  61. What does a worst relationship entails according to you?
  62. Have you ever been robbed? Where was it and how did you react?
  63. How many times did your Ex cheated on you? How were you feeling each time you caught her?
  64. Have you ever been diagnosed with depression?
  65. I’m I the only one you always feel safe with your secret?
  66. Which song when you listen makes you have hopes in life?
  67. Can you give your boyfriend a second chance when you caught him cheating?
  68. Could you allow my ex-girlfriend to sleep at our house either when you are around or out of town but am around?
  69. Which decision do you regret the most in life?
  70. Which advice do you think was the worst you ever got from a friend?
  71. Which state do you wish to build your dream home?
  72. Which celebrity family do you wish you were born in?
  73. Which club do you always go for entertainment with friends?
  74. Would you be comfortable in ‘come we stay’ marriage?
  75. Do you have any hobby that you are always passionate about?
  76. How often do you go to church?
  77. Do you prefer to have a delicious exotic meal from a local hotel or a local fruit cake from a five star hotel?
  78. Do you have that one spot in the house you love sitting?
  79. Which dancing style do you see as your favorite?
  80. Who is your favorite news anchor?
  81. Which teacher did you use to hate while in high school?
  82. What is your biggest obsession?
  83. What impresses you the most?
  84. What title could you give your life if it was a book?
  85. Do you think your life will change for the worst five years from now?
  86. Which religious leader is your biggest inspiration in life?
  87. How often do you booze?
  88. Mention one thing that always makes you happy?
  89. Sajio Mane, Victor Wanyama or Ewobi?
  90. Do you like action flicks or chick flicks?
  91. What do you think is your worst car brand?
  92. When do you think you will be able to purchase your dream car?
  93. Do you like country music?
  94. What do you hate about Halloween?
  95. How can you define a perfect morning?
  96. How many languages do you speak fluently?
  97. Which soap opera can you call your best ever?
  98. Have I ever embarrassed you in public?
  99. Have you ever been pranked?
  100. Do you prefer shower or bath?
  101. Continuation :300 More Interesting Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

100 Interesting questions to ask to spark a boring gathering

image of Interesting questions to spark a boring gathering

The lady trying to spark a conversation in a gathering that seems to be bored | Interesting Questions
  1. What is your blood group?
  2. Have you ever taken a nude selfie?
  3. Do you remember the first time you ever gossiped?
  4. When did you ever been pulled over by a police?
  5. Have you ever inquired about your lineage?
  6. Have you fulfilled half your desire in life so far?
  7. Do you remember the last time you lie?
  8. Have you ever showered in the rain?
  9. What is the craziest lie you ever told your boss so that you wouldn’t go to work?
  10. Would you be okay if I borrow your phone for a minute?
  11. What was the reaction of the craziest prank you made to your girl friends?
  12. The most awkward complement you ever got?
  13. Have you ever trusted anyone with your life?
  14. What can you say is your greatest weakness and what do you see as your greatest straight?
  15. Do you love pizza?
  16. Which is your favorite pizza type?
  17. What comes in your mind every time you wake up?
  18. What can you choose in life between being quite beautiful but a short lifespan or ugly but live longer?
  19. What can you do if you realize your ten year old child is not yours ? Was as a result of the confusion from the nurses at the hospital during delivery
  20. Can you lie in court to save your best GF from life imprisonment even if she committed murder?
  21. Are you close to your family?
  22. Can you take a glass of mixed mucus from forty different people for 50000$?
  23. In case you are given a chance to choose a person to torture for a day. Whom will you choose?
  24. Can you shelter your children from life reality?
  25. What do you wish to witness in life?
  26. What would you do if you wake up one day in the body of the world richest billionaire?
  27. If you were given a chance, what age would you wish to stay in for 10years?
  28. What turn off questions do boys ask you?
  29. What is your favorite diet that you can have your entire life?
  30. Which cyber café do you prefer for browsing?
  31. What do you think is the best way of starting a conversation?
  32. Which keys on your computer keyboard do you always find a hard time searching?
  33. If you are given a chance to go for brainwashing, would you go for it? If not whom would you wish done on?
  34. Picture this, you are at home at night and there is a power outage. You see something moving but it is not clear. What would be your reaction? And what would you think is?
  35. Which is the most awkward name have you ever heard in your life?
  36. What were you doing in the last 24hours? Do you enjoy doing it or you were doing it out of necessity?
  37. What is the strangest thing have you ever eaten? Where did you eat it?
  38. What kind of the event preparation is this?
  39. What lifts you up each time you feel down?
  40. What event always make you sad every time you think about what unfolded?
  41. Do you always feel unsatisfied with your current job?
  42. Are you a fun of reading books? Why or why not? Which is your favorite book?
  43. How long have you ever stayed awake? 10hours, one day? One week? One month?
  44. Whom do you trust with your secrets that you always go for advice or consult always?
  45. Which habit do you wish to get rid off but it has proven to be a hard nut to crack?
  46. What are you thinking?
  47. What do you normally eat every time you go to a restaurant or fast food outlet?
  48. Which word do you like using? Which one do you least use in your day to day activities?
  49. Which mysterious event that you have no explanation on what transpired in your life?
  50. Have you never celebrated your birthday? If yes, what happened and what was your feeling after that?
  51. Which is your favorite holiday? Are you a spiritual lady?
  52. If you a given an opportunity to be named after something, a place or event, which one would you choose?
  53. Whom do see as your hero or heroine so far?
  54. Which is your point of reference or clarity? Google, dictionary or quora?
  55. Have you ever visited an animal park or game reverse?
  56. Which pet do you like?
  57. Whom do feel is the mostly untalented singer and should just look for a different career?
  58. Can you fully define the person you are today?
  59. What are you most afraid of in this life? Is heights part of it?
  60. Do you love dancing? Who is your favorite dancer?
  61. Who is your Hollywood actor crush?
  62. Which is the worst injury have you got in life?
  63. When did you last go to watch a movie in a cinema?
  64. What is your dream country that you wish to visit in the next 5 years?
  65. How often do you workout?
  66. Do you like wearing panties/ boxers?
  67. When did you last make an impulse buying and what was it?
  68. Which is your favorite shoes color?
  69. Which game do you wish to play but you are not capable?
  70. Picture this, you are given a chance to meet a historian. Whom would you choose and what is the driving force see that person?
  71. Describe your boyfriend or girlfriend in 3words(if you don’t have, describe one member of your family)
  72. Mention your best drama show
  73. Of all the dying methods, which method of dying would you choose?
  74. Mention the weather season you love and the one you hate. Why?
  75. Do you like bathing cold water? Why or why not?
  76. Which is your favorite animated film?
  77. Are you a fun of Kim Kardashian?
  78. Which animal would you not wish to be in the next life?
  79. Which TV character resembles you in term of character and physique
  80. Whom would you wish to have a date with?
  81. Which is your worst nightmare?
  82. Which horror do you least wish to be chased with?
  83. Do you still believe that honest people exist in this world?
  84. Which among the United State of America presidents to you hate the most and whom do you love? Why?
  85. Whom would you raise back to life if given the power to raise only one person?
  86. Do you believe that Muslims are the most ruthless and heartless people especially on their stand on women right?
  87. Mention the most terrifying even in your life. What was the recovery process? Have you recovered from the ordeal?
  88. Which television personally do you think resembles your father?
  89. Which is your favorite soft beverage?
  90. Are you a chronic drunkard?
  91. When did you last took alcohol? Do you remember what you did when drunk and what did your friends say about your behavior?
  92. Have you ever been jailed? If yes, what had you done?
  93. What do you think is the most weird sleeping position?
  94. Have you ever cheated on your partner? How was the experience?
  95. Have you ever eaten a guava? Do you like it?
  96. Which food do you like cooking during Christmas?
  97. What do you love about our house?
  98. Does whatever you always think about a person you meet always right?
  99. Which do you see as your favorite advertisement?
  100. What do you hate about your parents?
  101. Continuation–>>More Interesting questions to ask to spark a boring gathering

100 Interesting questions to ask your crush (Romantic ,cute, flirty, random, fun and deep questions)

Interesting questions to ask your crush image

Couple having a good time on an open field | Interesting Questions
  1. Which is that you cannot survive without?
  2. Have you ever hooked up with your crush?
  3. What comes in your mind each time you meet your crush?
  4. Which date and month do you cherish the most? Why?
  5. Do you have any likes and dislikes?
  6. Whom are you very close to?
  7. What is your definition of a close friend?
  8. Which is your favorite zodiac?
  9. Whom do you love talking to?
  10. Do you think you are an introvert or extrovert?
  11. What things makes you annoyed?
  12. What is your definition of happiness?
  13. What things makes you feel crazy?
  14. What place do you visit most when you feel sad/lonely
  15. Between your Dad and mum, whom are you so close to?
  16. Are you a member of any dating site?
  17. Do you have any idol person in your family?
  18. Do you feel like you ain’t getting enough support from your family?
  19. Who is your favorite sibling?
  20. Which of your siblings are you very close to?
  21. Which is your favorite color?
  22. How many girls/boys have rejected your marriage proposal?
  23. McDonald’s or Kentucky Fried Chicken?
  24. What event changed your s*x life?
  25. What do you wish to forget but it has stuck in your mind?
  26. How many lies do you tell in a day?(average)
  27. When you went for shopping, did you stare at any lady/man in the supermarket?
  28. How often do you take a bath in winter?
  29. What are you planning to do for your parent as a sign of appreciation?
  30. Whom do you wish to meet again?
  31. Did you cheat in your final exams?
  32. Do you feel like some of your dreams are unrealistic?
  33. How many times have you lied to me ever since we met?
  34. What is the most expensive gift you ever bought a friend?
  35. What image comes in mind every time you listen to your favorite song?
  36. What best thing are you planning for me?
  37. Which among your Ex do you think was the best kisser?
  38. Which song reminds you of your former lover?
  39. Do you still remember your first love favorite song?
  40. Do you remember what your first romantic date was like?
  41. Do you love wild romance?
  42. What makes you think you are romantic?
  43. What is your role in your Church?
  44. How sure are you that you will fulfil your dreams?
  45. Whose advice do you always take seriously?
  46. Have you ever contemplated to committee suicide? If yes, what was the driving force?
  47. What things must you do on daily basis at all cost?
  48. What thinks do you wish to avoid but they prove to be next to impossible?
  49. Which dream job are you ready to sacrifice everything until you get it?
  50. When do you think you will be competent for your dream job?
  51. At what age do you think you will have fulfilled most of your dreams and you will see yourself as a successful man/lady?
  52. Which is the best moment in your life?
  53. Do you always expect favors from the person you have given a gift?
  54. Whom do you think you cannot live without?
  55. Do you remember the day you were $exually assaulted?
  56. How many times have you traveled by air?
  57. Whose company have you enjoyed the most in your life?
  58. What can you do if given a chance to do anything with an opposite gender?
  59. Can you sleep with a stranger in the same house? Only the two of you?
  60. What could you ask from God if He gives you a chance to ask for anything?
  61. If given a chance to kiss someone you like, who will that be?
  62. Which is your magic word?
  63. Picture this. Your family want you to marry a person you don’t like or they ex communicate you. What will you do?
  64. Can you marry someone you do not like just to please your family?
  65. What would you do if your parent tells you that they are not your real parents. What would you do?
  66. What would you do if you go out with your crush and he/she falls in love with another person?
  67. Can you sleep with your crush on the first date?
  68. What food do your boyfriend/ girlfriend like?
  69. Do you have strong feelings for your boyfriend/girlfriend?
  70. Which is your favorite hotel destination?
  71. Which pet do you like the most and you are ready to keep several?
  72. Which one do you prefer; Diamond or Gold?
  73. What are you addicted to?
  74. Have you ever had more than one lover at the same time?
  75. What did you do you buy with your first salary from your first job?
  76. When did you last saw your crush?
  77. Whom don’t you want to meet again?
  78. Are you a non-vegetarian or a vegetarian?
  79. What do you love most about kids?
  80. What gift would you buy your wife the moment she gives birth?
  81. Do you have any TV show that you cannot miss any episode?
  82. Which politician could you marry?
  83. Which movie do you think is the most boring ever?
  84. Which bird do you like the most?
  85. Would you accept me if I propose to you right now?
  86. What nickname do your parents call you?
  87. Which types of socks do you like?
  88. What nickname do you hate the most?
  89. What do you except from your lover?
  90. Can I take you out today?
  91. What do you value the most in life?
  92. Where will you take your partner for honeymoon?
  93. Do you have any precious thing in life?
  94. What place do you think is the best for picnic?
  95. What is it that you must carry before living the house?
  96. Define your bad day in 6 words?
  97. How many hours do you work out per day?
  98. What is your dream smartphone?
  99. Are you still a teen?
  100. Would you rather be an insect or worm?
  101. Continuation– 400 More Interesting Questions To Ask Your Crush For The Best Conversation

100 Interesting Questions to ask your parents (Family Questions)

 image of Interesting Questions/Family Questions to ask your parents

Happy family moment (Interesting Questions/Family Questions)

50 interesting questions to ask your mum

  1. Do my character make you angry?
  2. Was my existence accidental?
  3. How many boyfriend had you have before meeting my dad?
  4. When did you met my dad?
  5. Where did dad take you on your first date?
  6. Do you really love me or you just saying for the sake?
  7. Why do you keep swearing but you don’t want me to do the same?
  8. Has dad ever hit you?
  9. Have you ever divorced with dad?
  10. Do you love dad?
  11. What do you hate about dad?
  12. Which was your favorite haircut while a teen?
  13. How old were you when you gave birth to me?
  14. Which country do you prefer to go for shopping for the best wardrobe collection?
  15. When do you think will be the ideal time that I should get married?
  16. What type of girl do you wish I marry?
  17. Would you still support my decision if I decide to change my gender?
  18. What did you do while you were a teen that you do not wish I do?
  19. What do you regret the most and you don’t wish I experience the same?
  20. Where did dad take you on your honeymoon?
  21. Which drugs did you abuse the most while a teen?
  22. What is the name of the friend who introduced you to illegal drugs abuse?
  23. What teenage activity do you miss a lot?
  24. At what time was I born?
  25. I’m I exactly what you wished for?
  26. Why did you decide to have only one child?(me)
  27. Did you ever contemplate to abort me?
  28. Have you ever done an abortion?
  29. How many months did you breastfeed me before introducing me to food?
  30. Did you have low self-esteem with the baby weight?
  31. Do you have regrets of why you married my dad?
  32. Did you have crazy moments why in campus?
  33. What struggles did you have to endure to be who you are?
  34. Where do you see me in the next 11 years?
  35. Have you ever thought cheating on dad?
  36. Have you ever cheated your way for promotion?
  37. Tell me how your wedding day was?
  38. Which town did your parents wed?
  39. What do you find weird about our culture?
  40. Was your love with dad at first sight?
  41. Tell me the number of times you were heartbroken before meeting dad?
  42. Where you rebellious while a child?
  43. Which sport did you play while a teenage?
  44. Who is your best country music star?
  45. Are you planning to go back to school?
  46. Do you still keep secrets from dad?
  47. Tell me the biggest secret that you do not want dad to know about you?
  48. Whom among your friends don’t you trust?
  49. How many countries have you visit so for?
  50. In a scale of 100. What is your love to me?

50 Interesting questions to ask your dad

  1. How was your relationship with your mum like?
  2. What do you think entails a perfect father?
  3. What thinks have you ever gave up on?
  4. How can you describe your relationship with mum ever since you met?
  5. Between you and mum, who approached who?
  6. How long did you date mum before proposal?
  7. Do you love mum?
  8. Any experience in an Intensive Care Unit?
  9. What things builds a strong relationship?
  10. Your worst dancing move?
  11. Do you plan to join politics?
  12. Why do you hate politics that much?
  13. What event taught you the greatest life lesson?
  14. Have you ever bribed a police officer over a traffic offense?
  15. Are you still chasing your dreams or you are living it?
  16. What do you consider as the greatest failure in life?
  17. What caught your attention the first time you saw mum?
  18. George Bush, Barack Obama or Donald Trump?
  19. Which was the most difficult year in your life?
  20. Have you ever had doubts about me being your child?
  21. Do you consider confidence as the key to success?
  22. When did you buy your first car?
  23. Christianity, Buddhism or Islamic ?
  24. Are you planning to marry the second wife?
  25. Tell me your greatest achievement so far?
  26. Kenny Rodgers, Michael Jackson or Chris Brown?
  27. Any childhood fantasies that never come to pass?
  28. Have you ever cheated on the previous relationships before meeting mum? And what about on mum?
  29. What is the first thing that comes in your mind every time you have a bad dream?
  30. What are your plans for the family?
  31. Sony, Samsung or LG(Life is Good)?
  32. Do you think the only path to becoming a millionaire is by being a businessman and not just relying on a formal job?
  33. Do you think education has a limit?
  34. Why did you drop out of college?
  35. How many ladies did you date in college?
  36. Did you see your father as your role model?
  37. Do you have any habit that is in contrast with your core value?
  38. What qualities do you want me to look for in the potential wife/husband?
  39. What were your parent’s occupation?
  40. What do you wish I buy for you?
  41. What challenges comes with being an adult?
  42. What do you see as the greatest invention of all time?
  43. Do you see anything awkward with the way our generation carry itself?
  44. Have you ever took us to watch a movie in a cinema?
  45. What do you like and dislike about my dress code?
  46. Do you think smoking shisha is worst that bang?
  47. When was the last time you smoke shisha?
  48. How often did your parents argue?
  49. Do you love grandma more than grandpa?
  50. What do you hate about growing old?

Read More: 150+ Family Questions To Ask Your Parents,Siblings (Interesting and Funny)

100 interesting pick up lines (irresistible, sure, cute and funny )

Interesting pick up lines ( Under Interesting Questions)

Interesting pick up lines ( Under Interesting Questions)
  1. Hi, hello princess!
  2. Hey love, please correct me if I’m wrong but were we married in our past life.
  3. Hey, I can assure you that you are exactly the lady I have been saving this seat for.
  4. I’m 100% sure you can make my blood pressure rise.
  5. Hi, it would be my unending joy to see you again; can I have your number?
  6. Hey, I’m new in the neighborhood; would you please show me the best joint around? Would you love to join me?
  7. Hi Cutty, have you watched the Black Panther movie? You should see it, it’s worth the time.
  8. It’s kind of embarrassing but I just couldn’t avoid meeting you.
  9. Quick question please! Could you tell me your Astrological sign?
  10. Hey, would you love a rock song? Because Honey I would love to rock your world.
  11. It has taken me all of my nerves just to approach you, would you then at-least allow me to request for your name.
  12. Hello, I’m madly attracted to you, so how about your name?
  13. I just wish you knew how much I’m tortured. You make me madly bothered and hot.
  14. Hi, just got a cuty puppy, mind giving me a hand as I can’t just arrive at the right name to give her?
  15. Hey, you might be scared hiking a lift in a strangers car, but I promise you that I’m a well-behaved gentleman.
  16. Hi love, it’s high time we stop meeting in this manner.
  17. Hey, I’m kinda lost and I could see you checking me out, could you at least help with directions to the closer post office?
  18. Hey, going somewhere? Hope you don’t mind a hike on my ride.
  19. Excuse me lady, I think it’s just about time we gotta meet.
  20. Hey, wanna guess what I’m thinking? Mhhh! You.
  21. Hey, I’m sure that I know your Mr. #Right. Believe me I always see him every time I look into the mirror.
  22. Hey, there is something I know about you.
  23. Hey, I can’t stop asking, could it be that #OJSimpson killed #Nicole?
  24. Hey, if you follow me I would love to show you something.
  25. Hey, got a nice idea, how about you join me for a mug tea?
  26. Hey, could you be the lady I saw in the Letterman David’s show some days before?
  27. Hey, I’m doing a research on pick-up lines, which one would get your interest?
  28. Hi, you really have the qualities of a lady I would love to start a conversation with.
  29. Hey Pretty, got a sec?
  30. Excuse me lady! Aren’t you the girl I used to pull her #Ponytail long back in the physics class?
  31. Hi, I think you must be the girl who used to pick on me in kindergarten.
  32. You must be #Klepptomaniac, or you just intentionally stole my heart.
  33. Hey, have you watched that TV show called #Love #Connections? Wanna be my connection?
  34. Hi love, hope you don’t mind me asking, what would you be doing later today?
  35. Hey lovely, you’ve been behind me for some time now, are you following me?
  36. Hey, mind if I give you some company?
  37. Hi, just saw you from across the room and I just thought if we wait for another person to come introduce us, then we may never meet…I’m Heart, so what’s your lovely name?
  38. Hey, wanna ride? It’s just snow cold for such a beauty to be alone waiting on a bus.
  39. Hi sister, I’m Kev we work together, I’m from the Finance Department, would you mind coming with me to the Monthly company banquet/picnic.
  40. Hi, where are you heading to? Like if I tag a long?
  41. Sorry lady! But you are under arrest for jacking away my heart.
  42. Hi can I flirt with you?
  43. If you were asked, where would you wanna live?
  44. Hey, I’m new in town on a business meeting and would be leaving in two days’ time. Perhaps we could go out on a dinner tomorrow night?
  45. Hey beautiful, I’m doing well and how do you do?
  46. So how come you got this famous? Because I’m a great fan of yours.
  47. Hey, are you a friend of the host #Mike#?
  48. Hey, how’s your life been?
  49. A question please? Is it right that blondes usually have lots of good time than other type of girls? Ohh! Would you love some good time with me?
  50. Hey, I thought we agreed to meet tonight for a lovely candlelight dinner?
  51. You wanna know what you got in common with a ticket holder at the Chicago Bulls? Well, you two have the coolest #seat in the house.
  52. Hey, pardon me but I think we went to different colleges in the past or didn’t we?
  53. Hey, I’d love to hear your comments on this poem I wrote, do you mind?
  54. Could you be the little love I bought #Scout #cookies for some time back in 1962?
  55. Hey, for how long have you been standing there?
  56. Hi, I’m not sure if we’ve met. Call me Ruus.
  57. The loveliest thing that has happened today is meeting you.
  58. Wanna meet up some time and do some stuff?
  59. Hi, you are allowed to make the first move on me.
  60. What type of vehicle would you love?
  61. Hey, mind a piece of gum?
  62. What if I give you a bunch of pretty roses, would you mind paying back the favor with your two lips?
  63. Hey, wanna meet a cool well-mannered gentleman? Look no further. Here I am.
  64. Hey, have a back ache, mind giving me a massage?
  65. Hey lady, do you mind teaching me some 2-step dance?
  66. Hey, you got a funny sign at your back!
  67. You know, you really are the best gift I would ever have in my life.
  68. Hey, don’t mind if he doesn’t come I will just be on the other side waiting for you.
  69. I hope you weren’t cautioned by your parents on talking to strangers! Because girl I just wanna have a word with you.
  70. It’s not common of me to do this, but there is this one thing in your eyes that compels me to wanna know you more.
  71. Hi, heard it that the beauty lies in the beholders eye, on that note it would be my joy to hold you in my eyes right now.
  72. What’s your favorite kind of job?
  73. Might you be playing any sports?
  74. Hi, been standing outside their in the wind, how does my hair look?
  75. You may never have it in mind yet, but you gonna be my wife in future.
  76. You know your eyes get me going.
  77. Hey, can’t just get my tie right, would you give me a hand?
  78. Ever been to Afghanistan? No, then we got something in common, wanna grab a beer?
  79. What would you say if I just look you up straight than staring on you up over there?
  80. Hey, mind sitting up close to me, I don’t bite.
  81. Did you ever go to Yale University?
  82. Gosh! It would be my greatest joy to be you so that a man like me could be in my life.
  83. I can’t let go of this feeling that you like me, what is it about me?
  84. Hey, I saw your face on a campaign poster for the prettiest lady on earth.
  85. Hey, want to have a romance with me? I promise you won’t regret it.
  86. The first time I laid my eyes on you, I had chill sweat trickle down my armpits and forehead, it’s either you make me sick or I’m madly in love with you.
  87. Hey, you got brothers and/or sisters?
  88. Hey, you got a peck on your nose, hahaha just kidding.
  89. Hey, have you worked with the McDonald’s before? Thought I saw you on their poster.
  90. Sorry, but would you have a 100 dollar change?
  91. Hey, heard your wedding is coming up soon, or might I be just mistaken?
  92. Hey, could you be related to #Dolly #Pardon?
  93. Hi, would you be the one who dropped this $20 note?
  94. Would you be #Derek #Evans sister?
  95. Hey blonde, could you be Swedish?
  96. Hey, I have this one always dream? To spend a weekend with you on a picnic in a park with sweet wine and a lunch. Wanna bring my dreams to reality?
  97. I thought of asking you out, you think that’s right?
  98. Hey, is that your favorite book? Would love to hear a little about it.
  99. Hi, the only thing I can think about right now is having a talk with you.
  100. Hey I have been long seating here holding this cup of coffee on my hands when it dawned on me that I would be holding you right now.
  101. Continuation :1000 More Interesting Pick Up Lines (Funny,Flirty,Cheesy,Dirty,Cute and More)

100 Interesting Conversation Starters (funny and irresistible)

Image of Interesting Conversation Starters ,Interesting Questions

the photo show friends having an engaging conversation mostly likely having been sparked by an interesting question
  1. How are you today?
  2. I am Zebedayo, what’s your name gorgeous?
  3. What can I call this beautiful lady standing in front of me?
  4. Are you a Christian?
  5. You have nice shoes, where did you buy them?
  6. Is it your first time to take a flight like me?
  7. When did you last take a bath? You smell fresh dear
  8. Wow! You have the same model of the phone like mine. How is your experience?
  9. You have a nice Necklace, where did you buy it?
  10. Hi, you look familiar, are you from around here?
  11. Are you still searching or you have found your missing rib?
  12. Who is the craziest person you have ever met?
  13. What is the lowest marks you got in high school?
  14. Have you ever been number one in exams in class?
  15. Have you ever been number last in class?
  16. Do you believe in spirits?
  17. Do you believe in karma?
  18. Are you a great fun of the current president?
  19. How can you tell if someone is lying to you?
  20. How often do you get angry ?
  21. What is the most silly lie did you tell?
  22. Do you believe in gender equality?
  23. Where you a supporter of Barrack Obama?
  24. How many times have you admitted your mistakes and asked for forgiveness?
  25. Which household chore do you enjoy doing?
  26. Which house chore do you hate doing and you always do everything to avoid doing?
  27. Can you marry a broke guy?
  28. Which is your favorite record label?
  29. Which do you think is the worst disaster that can ever hit the world?
  30. Can you walk in the streets naked?
  31. Do you think some actions need to be punished?
  32. Name three actions that you think deserves severe punishment?
  33. Do you imagine life without the internet?
  34. When were you first introduced into the social media?
  35. Have you ever imagine where God used to live before the creation of the world?
  36. Have you ever asked yourself who created God or where He came from?
  37. Do you perform any rituals on the daily basis?
  38. Which horror movie do you like?
  39. I’m I the only one feeling this place is not safe?
  40. Do you perform any ritual before end year or at the beginning of the year?
  41. How many times have you fast?
  42. Do you think we should live today like there is no tomorrow?
  43. When did you last confess your sin?
  44. Do you prefer tablets/capsules or injection when you are sick?
  45. Have you ever imagine where you will be 30 years from now?
  46. Will you be the best grandparent?
  47. Do you hate your name and you wish to change?
  48. Have you ever been forced to make a public apology for the crime you did not commit?
  49. Have you ever met your favorite movie star?
  50. When did you last watch a marvel cinematic universe film?
  51. Have you ever made a fun clip?
  52. Have you ever cried because of someone special?What happened?
  53. When did you last ate candy?
  54. Have you ever been caught stealing?
  55. How long do you take to check for email updates or phone conversation?
  56. Can you stay a week without the internet or phone?
  57. Do you think that Bitcoin will be the next pyramid scheme?
  58. Have you invested in bitcoins?
  59. When was it when you were first introduced to cryptocurrencies?
  60. Are you planning to pursue a Phd degree? Why?
  61. If you were to be an endangered species, which one do you think you could have been?
  62. Picture this. You are 30years then you are given an opportunity to sit with your 14 years self. What will you tell him/her?
  63. What would you buy if given 500$ to spend it within 15minutes?
  64. Name three things that you cannot forget while going on a road trip?
  65. What quality do you normally look for while looking for partner on dating sites?
  66. Which dating sites do you visit?
  67. When did you last look for love in a dating site?
  68. Do you think you can find the perfect husband/ wife from dating sites?
  69. What is your area of specialization career wise?
  70. Which life skills do you think comes natural and you do not need to be taught?
  71. What place do you prefer for adventure?
  72. How much were you paid in your first job?
  73. Which is your worst hair cut style?
  74. Which year was the turning point for your life?
  75. Whom among your parents are you most proud of?
  76. What one mistake you find yourself repeating every now and then?
  77. What cake flavor do you prefer for your birthday?
  78. Do you know how to bake a cake?
  79. Have you ever gone on a date with a stranger you just met on social media?
  80. What do you think is your worst job that you will never do?
  81. What do you cherish in life?
  82. What Chinese action movie do you love?
  83. What do you prefer to be between a sociable but broke or a billionaire but lonely?
  84. Do you like writing story books?
  85. Whom among your friends never seize to disappoint?
  86. What motivates you the most?
  87. Have you ever visited South Africa?
  88. which is your most embarrassing guilty pleasure?
  89. Which name of the famous person will you give your first born?
  90. How much money are you planning to make before you retire?
  91. What do you think is the highlight of your week?
  92. Which is your favorite Katy Perry song?
  93. Did you watch last night game?
  94. Which do you consider as the scarest Halloween costume?
  95. Have you ever celebrated your birthday outside the country?
  96. Which country did you last celebrated your birthday?
  97. what do you think I do not know about you?
  98. What is your favorite name?
  99. Have you ever read any of Chinua Achebe books?
  100. Have you ever had difficulties starting a conversation with a stranger?
  101. Continuation–>>300 More Interesting Conversation Starters

50 Philosophical Questions from history’s greatest minds

  1. Plato's drawing in Interesting Questions
    Plato’s drawing by Raphael | Interesting Questions
  2. Jean Jacques Rousseau-Is there any good of having the whole world for yourself if only one was its survivor?
  3. Lord Byron-Is there a deep wound that has ever healed without a scar?
  4. Leo Tolstoy-Which can you term as the worst wolf between the one that cries before eating the lamb and the one that just eats the lamb without any remorse?
  5. Henry David Thoreau-Why do we call ourselves great philosophers yet we know nothing about the origin and destiny of cats?
  6. Voltaire-What advice can you give a man who only obeys God and not human kind and he is sure of going to heaven even if he cuts once throat?
  7. Voltaire-If we call the earth as the best of the possible worlds, then what are the other worlds?
  8. Galileo Galilei-Who is going to set bounds to the human ingenuity?
  9. Galileo Galilei-Is there one who can assert that everything in the world capable of being perceived is already known and discovered?
  10. Bertrand Russell-Is there a certain knowledge in the world that no one can doubt it?
  11. Confucius-They say that a young person has to be regarded with utmost respect but how sure are you that his/her future will be no different from your present?
  12. Plato-As it ever crossed your mind that our souls will never die since they are immortal?
  13. Friedrich Schiller-Is it easy for an artist to protect himself from this age of corruption that besets him every now and then?
  14. Friedrich Nietzsche 1890-What if the existence of God was false and this could be proved?
  15. Friedrich Nietzsche 1890-What if God did not exist and that we were instead vanity and the fear, the ambitions, the desire for power and the terrified folly was all man made?
  16. Leo Tolstoy-How can you say a person is well yet his/her morals are at stake?
  17. Stobaeus-Is there any need for knowledge if it leads to misunderstandings?
  18. Alain De Botton-Must the consequences of love always be pain?
  19. John Lancaster Spalding-If I wish to be a different person since I am not pleased with the person I am today, why should I go back to think of the influences that made me who I became?
  20. M Montgomery-What would you chose if given a choice-angelically good, dazzlingly clever or divinely beautiful?
  21. Mary Wollstonecraft-Why should a normal being be ennobled by something that is not obtained by its exertions?
  22. Plato-What is closely connected to the truth than wisdom?
  23. Plato-Is the man yearning for knowledge, never satisfied and is glad to learn fit to be called a philosopher?
  24. Simone De Beauvoir-What could be prince charming occupation if he was not to be awakening the sleeping beauty?
  25. Confucius-If you analyze your heart and find there is nothing wrong there. Thus is there anything to fear?
  26. Epictetus-Who are the people who would admire you? Are they the same individuals you keep calling mad? And hence, why do you want to be admired by mad persons?
  27. Antonio Porchia-Would we be seeking for eternal if it existed?
  28. Friedrich Schiller-Do you think if the lion does not roar it must be asleep?
  29. Stanislaw J.Lec-Can we say you are lucky if you find a four-leaf clover but you cannot count?
  30. Epictetus-Do you know that a good man does not do things for the sake of appearance but for the sake of having done correctly?
  31. Mary Wollstonecraft-Can we say that a pestilential vapor can only hover over an area only when its master is instructed in the development of a crimes?
  32. Friedrich schiller-Why do we still act like the barbarians yet we say that our age is enlightened?

Other philosophical questions

  1. Is it possible for the human species to be extinct?
  2. How long do you think you will be remembered after you die? And what will you be remembered for?
  3. Does your name defines your future?
  4. With what can you compare your self-worth?
  5. Do you think religion will become obsolete with time?
  6. Is humanity headed on the wrong direction or is it on the right path?
  7. How can you define yourself?
  8. Do you think you are replaceable? Why?
  9. What activity makes every bit of life?
  10. Whom do you think existed before the world was created?
  11. Do you think the world is not subjective or do you think it is objective?
  12. Who is a genius to you?
  13. Do you think human creativity has a limit? Why?
  14. How could you tell if the time has been altered in any way?
  15. Why do we always do things that are harmful to our existence but shun away from activities that are good for our well-being?
  16. Do you think the genetic make-up of an individual determines their political stand?
  17. What kind of a person would you be if all your memories are erased?
  18. Why do human believe in beliefs that cannot be proven?
  19. A person memory has been shown to be unreliable. How can you distinguish between a made up memory and the memories that are genuine?

-Check out for :300+ More Interesting yes or no Questions to Ask Your friends

What Are The Interesting Questions To Ask?

Here are the interesting questions to ask
1. Which date and month do you cherish the most? Why?
2. Do you have any likes and dislikes?
3. Whom are you very close to?
4. What is your definition of a close friend?
5. How can you describe yourself?
6. Whom do you love talking to?

Interesting Questions

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Advanced Questioning Skills

When your English reaches an intermediate level, you can begin to improve your conversation skills by learning how to ask questions that require more thought to answer. Interesting questions are thought-provoking questions that make people think. Everyone – both native and non-native speakers – can benefit from this skill.

If you are looking for basic information on how to form questions, I recommend my affiliate Shayna’s post: An Easy Way To Form (Almost) Any Question In English.

We can think of these types of questions as interesting questions because they require more thought than questions that ask for factual details. They require more critical thinking (the art of analyzing thinking and evaluating thinking with the goal of improving it) than yes/no questions.

Critical thinking involves thinking like a detective. It helps us develop our opinions and views of the world. Asking thought-provoking questions helps create deeper and more enjoyable conversations. Our focus here is on initial questions, or starter questions, that can be used to introduce topics and begin conversations.

Related post: How to create interesting follow-up questions.

*For more information on critical thinking, check out this four minute TED-Ed video: 5 tips to improve your critical thinking by Samantha Agoos.

Before looking at critical thinking questions, we will look at basic questions that are not inherently (naturally, existing as a basic part) interesting and do not require any critical thinking.

Yes/No Questions Are Not Interesting Questions

Almost everyone is already good at asking and answering yes/no questions. Yes/no questions require very little thought to answer because they only require a one-word answer. Unless the speaker goes beyond just answering the question, these questions do not advance a conversation very far. They really limit conversations when someone’s answer is no.

Yes No sign

Image Source


  • Do you like sports?
  • Can you play a musical instrument?
  • Do you like chicken?
  • Did you have a nice weekend?
  • Are you happy?

Declarative Questions Are Not Interesting Questions

Another type of yes/no question is a declarative question or a statement question. This question form seems to be very common in Korea, and is basically just a yes/no question.


  • You like sports?
  • You can play a musical instrument?
  • You like chicken?
  • You had a nice weekend?
  • You are happy?

As you can see, these have the same meaning as the yes/no questions, but they are not in question form; they are in statement form. I rarely hear native speakers use these. They are not common in interesting conversations. Try not to overuse them. Challenge yourself to start forming more complex questions.

Below, you will learn 3 easy ways to start asking more interesting questions.

First, let’s turn some of the questions above into better, more interesting and thought-provoking questions.

To do so, we need to use one of the 7 question words (who, what, when, where, why, which, how) to create more open questions.

Open questions require more than a short, one word answer. They require some thought to answer.

Thought-Provoking Questions

  • Why do you think so many people like sports?
  • What role does music play in people’s lives?
  • What do you think about vegetarianism?
  • How would you describe your ideal weekend?
  • What are 3 things that make you feel happy?

Factual Questions Are Not Interesting Questions

A factual question can be answered with one word or a short phrase. The answer is factual or obvious/easily known. These types of questions are still basic questions that do not require critical thinking, but they require more than just a yes/no answer.


  • When is your birthday?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • Who is your favorite musician?
  • What did you eat for lunch?
  • Where did you eat yesterday?
  • How many classes are you taking?
  • Which class is your favorite?

Factual questions are better for conversations than yes/no and declarative questions, but they are still closed questions that do not require much thinking. They are limited. Some of them CAN lead to interesting conversations, but at some point, for a conversation to REALLY develop and move beyond facts, likes, and dislikes, we need to learn to ask more interesting and thought-provoking questions.

Thought-Provoking Questions Are Interesting Questions!


Image Source

Thought-provoking questions are questions that make us think. When someone asks a thought-provoking question, we can share our ideas, thoughts, experiences, and stories with them.

We create deeper and more meaningful connections, expand our ideas, and even explore new ways of thinking.

We can choose interesting topics that we enjoy discussing, or we can ask questions that have universal themes that are meaningful to everyone (love, beauty, success, hope). Thought-provoking questions are not closed like yes/no questions. They are open and often begin with Why, How, If, and What would you.

  1. Asking about experiences and interests
  2. Asking about ideas, opinions, and concerns
  3. Asking hypothetical questions

Experiences and Interests

King Sejong Statue Gwanghwamun

Image Source

These are the easiest types of thought-provoking questions. We can take questions about experiences and interests to a more interesting level by focusing on specific experiences and by using superlative adjectives (best, most, happiest, etc.).

You can use the following sentence frames to form these kinds of questions:

  • Who/What/When/Where + is/are/was/has been + superlative adjective (the/your + best/most interesting/happiest/most important/funniest) + _____________?


  • Who is the most interesting person you know?
  • What is the best gift you have ever received?
  • Where is your favorite place in Seoul?
  • Who has been the most helpful person in your life?
  • When was a time you felt ________________? (*This structure is a little different, but also asks about an experience.)

As you can see, some of these are questions that CAN be answered with one word or phrase, but the structure of the questions is more likely to lead to a story or to help us get to know someone better.

Not everyone is comfortable answering personal questions or sharing their experiences. However, we can depersonalize questions by asking them another way. This leads us into the area of ideas and opinions.

Let’s look at some examples using the same topics as above.

Depersonalized Questions

  • What makes someone interesting?
  • What makes a gift special?
  • What are the qualities that make a city likable?
  • What are the qualities of a helpful person?
  • What are some situations that make people feel ________________?

Ideas, Opinions, and Concerns

Idea Exchange

Image Source

Questions about ideas and concerns include current events, news, and abstractions (ideas and concepts). If they are controversial (hot, likely to cause disagreement and upset people), they can be difficult. Not all questions are controversial. However, it is important to be open-minded and show respect for other people’s opinions when discussing some topics.

It takes skill to learn to disagree politely and not get too worked up (angry or upset) about certain topics. In cases where people cannot have a respectful discussion, it is better to avoid certain topics.

If someone suggests a topic that you would rather not discuss, it is okay to say, I’d rather not talk about this right now. or Would it be okay if we changed the topic?

It is important to be respectful and avoid topics that might be upsetting or inappropriate. Be sure that all participants are willing and able to have a respectful discussion before talking about topics that may be sensitive.

You can use the following sentence frames to ask about ideas, opinions, and concerns.

Sentence Frames:

  • What does _________________ mean to you?
  • How do you think ______________________________?
  • What  ______________  are you concerned about?
  • What do you think about ______________________?
  • Why do you think ______________________________?
  • How do you feel about ________________________?
  • Did you hear about ____________________________? (*While this is a yes/no question, it can be a good way to introduce a current event/news item.)


  • What does success mean to you?
  • How do you think we can end racism?
  • What global problem are you concerned about?
  • What do you think about sports players being exempt from military service?
  • Why do you think some people choose not to have children?
  • How do you feel about mandatory English education in Korean universities?
  • Did you hear about the summit between Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in?

These are just some examples of how to ask about ideas, opinions, and concerns. There are more, including the ones above using What makes…. and What are the qualities of…. We can also add What are the advantages/disadvantages of ______________?

Hypothetical Questions

3 doors to choice

Image Source

Hypothetical questions are those that ask about imaginary (not real) situations. These questions are not as common in everyday conversations, but they can be fun to think about and discuss. They can also help us get to know people (and ourselves!) better.

Sentence frames:

  • Wh- (Who, What, Where, etc.) would you _____________ if you could _________________?
  • If you had ______________, what would you ________________?
  • What would you ________________ if you were _____________?
  • If you had to choose between ______and _______, which would you choose?


  • Where would you go if you could travel anywhere in the world?
  • If you had to spend $1,000 today, what would you buy?
  • What would you change if you were president?
  • If you had to choose between love and money, which would you choose?

Hypothetical questions can be helpful when we don’t have experience with something. For example, if we have never traveled to another country, we can imagine and think about different choices and ideas related to travel. While the grammar is more advanced, with practice, you can learn and remember the structure of hypothetical questions.

*For more information about hypothetical questions and the grammar related to them, check out Hypothetically, What Would You Do?

In Conclusion

Woman on Mountaintop

Image Source

The key to having more interesting conversations is asking more interesting questions. It involves sharing our thoughts and experiences with others when they ask us questions.

This style of conversation might feel strange or make you uncomfortable if you come from a collectivist culture where members of society are expected to agree with others in order to maintain harmony. If you fear the judgment of others, you might feel uncomfortable sharing your opinion.

It can take time to get used to having conversations in English due to cultural differences that affect language and communication styles. This inquiry-based style of communication is common in individualistic cultures in which people are encouraged to ask questions and develop their own opinions from a very young age. This style of communication goes back to ancient Greece and Socrates, but that is a topic for another day.

If you want to master English, being able to shift into this style is essential. It will be challenging, but with great challenges, come great rewards. Try to have fun and embrace the learning process!

Next on your reading list: How to Ask Better Follow-up Questions

Grammar Refresher

Espresso English is one of my favorite sites for easy English lessons.
You’ll find both free content, like the post below, and courses and e-books for purchase.

If you need a refresher on the grammar aspect of forming questions, I recommend a visit to the following post by my affiliate, Espresso English: An Easy Way To Form (Almost) Any Question In English.

Never stop learning!
~ Trey

Hundreds of questions struck your mind every day, and most of them end up with no answer. Well, we are not talking about the question related to your personal life. We are covering some curious and interesting questions along with fascinating answers that might amaze you.

The answers are based on science and general facts. So let’s begin our virtual question-answer session and find out how smart you actually are.

13. What’s the Color of Mirror?

Color of mirrorImage credit: Petapixel

Short Answer: Green

Explanation: Humans can differentiate 10 million different colors, but it’s hard to imagine the mirror is not white or silver. It is actually the color of whatever is reflected onto it. The perfect mirror reflects all images in the exact opposite direction (angle of reflection) and distance. So the color of the mirror would be kind of smart white.

But, we live in a real-world where there is no perfect mirror. Every real mirror absorbs a very tiny amount of light. In particular, it best reflects light within the 510-nanometer range, which is the spectrum of visible green light. So technically, your mirror is titchy green.

12. How Much Of Our Brain Do We Use?

Human brain

Short Answer: 100%

Explanation: It has been misattributed to many people (including Albert Einstein) that we only use 10% of our brains. This myth was originated in the 1890s by the father of American psychology, William James. He said, “most of us do not meet our mental potential” and this misunderstanding stuck for a long time.

The truth is, we use virtually every part of the brain, and most of the part is active all the time. In fact, during sleep, all parts of your brain remain active. It is true that every part of the brain is not concurrently active at any given moment. For the maximum efficiency and in order to be conscious at all, 1 to 16% of the cell should be active. Furthermore, most of the cells are used to control unconscious activities such as heart rate, dreaming, etc.

The human brain requires 20% (more than any other organ) of the body’s energy; in children, that figure is 50%, and in infants, it is 60%. It contains more neurons (around 86 billion) than any other species, and this dense neuron packing is what makes us so smart.

Read: 35+ Weird and Interesting Facts About Human Brain

11. Where Do Permanently Deleted Files Go In Computers?

hard drive data deleted

Short Answer: Nowhere, it is still there.

Explanation: Do they just wiped out, do they go off somewhere where you can never get them back or do they send it to the President. Well, the answer is your computer doesn’t delete anything, they are right there in your hard disk.

When you delete a file, you just change a pointer to the new address on your hard disk. Pointers are a special type of data that points to the location (Track/Cylinder/Sector of the hard drive) where the actual file is stored. Large files are usually stored in multiple locations. When you open a file, the hard drive follows the pointer to present the data.

The file is never erased; it is present physically on your hard disk. But the address where the file is located is made available for the next read/write operation.

You can get those files back using special software unless the location has been overwritten. Although, overwriting doesn’t guarantee that your files are gone forever. Organized criminals in Ghana have managed to recover confidential data from dumped electronic wastes. So if you are working for any secret agency, it’s better to destroy your hard disk rather than throwing it away.

10. What Is The Resolution Of The Human Eye?

Human eye resolution

Short Answer: 576 Megapixels

Explanation: The Digital images are made of millions of tiny tiles-like elements. The more these tiny elements (called pixels), the more will be the resolution. A single megapixel is equivalent to one million pixels in an image.

If you know the width and height of an image, you can calculate how many pixels your camera gets (by simply multiply them). Also, the megapixels have nothing to do with the quality of the image. Quality depends on exposure, focus, lighting, camera lens, and various other factors.

However, the human eye doesn’t work as a digital camera. In good light, you can distinguish two lines if they are separated by at least 0.6 arc minutes, equivalent pixel size is 0.3 arc minutes. Now, if you take a 120-degree horizontal field and 60-degree vertical plane as your total plane of view. Then the resolution of your eye would be:
120 * 120 * 60 * 60 / (0.3 * 0.3) = 576000000 pixels = 576 Megapixels

9. Does Sunlight Weigh Anything?

Sunlight weight

Short Answer: Yes (by weight we mean mass)

Explanation: Sunlight, composed of photons, reaching the Earth definitely has equivalent mass. That’s the reason the area covered in shadow weighs less than the area being pushed by light.

The sunlight emitted in a day would be around 3.7*1024 kg.  If you collect all the sunlight in a perfect mirror box, the mass of the box will increase by that amount (because of the photon energy). Furthermore, freely streaming mass-less protons are deflected by gravitational fields.

On a sunny day, Chicago weighs 140 kilograms more, simply because sunlight is falling on it.

8. Where Is The Center Of The Universe?

Center of Universe

Short Answer: Everywhere

Explanation: The Universe started with a “Big Bang” about 13.7 billion years ago, and it has been expanding ever since. The center of this expansion is everywhere. No matter where you are in the Universe, everything will seem to be expanding or moving away from you at the same rate.

Now you may ask, aren’t we located at some point with respect to the Universe? Well, we certainly are. If you have a powerful telescope that could see all the way to the end of the Universe, would you find more Universe on one side of Earth than the other? No, it looks the same in all directions. That doesn’t mean the Earth is the center.

Read:  Origin Of The Universe: 7 Different Theories

Let’s take the Universe as a balloon that is being inflated with air. Imagine yourself as one of the many dots on a spherical balloon. The other dots will be getting away from you as the balloon gets bigger. In fact, every dot is getting farther from each other at the same rate. No matter what dot you represent, it looks as you are at the center of the expanding balloon. The same happens in 3-dimensional space.
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7. Which Came First – The Egg or The Chicken?

egg or chicken problem

Short Answer: The Egg

Explanation: The egg-laying animals existed way far before the chicken came. So technically, the egg came before the chicken.

Let’s take the clock many, many moons ago when there were no chickens. A creature very similar to chicken (let’s call it proto-chicken) would have mated with other proto-chicken. The two organisms pass their genes in the form of DNA.

However, the replication of DNA is never 100% accurate and very often produces a tiny change for the new organism. These tiny changes in DNA could create a new species over thousands of generations. The same happened with proto-chickens, and the small genetic mutation created the new species called chicken, which grew in an egg.

6. What If Everyone On Earth Jumped At Once?

Jumping Crowd on EARTH

Short Answer: Nothing

Explanation: There are more than 7 billion humans on Earth. That means total human weight could be approximately 7*80 billion kg. However, the total mass of the Earth is 5.9*1024 kg, which is comparatively way too high. According to Sir Newton, there is always an equal and opposite reaction to every action. So technically, there will be a tiny impact.

If all of us get together at one location and jump 30 cm above ground at the exact same time, we would push the Earth away from us about 5.3*10-14 meters, which 1/100th of the width of a single hydrogen atom. And when you get back on the ground, the Earth would move back to its previous position.

5. Can You Fire A Gun In Space?

gun in spaceImage source

Short Answer: Yes

Explanation: Guns don’t require oxygen to work, so the vacuum of outer space will not be a problem. The gunpowder is completely self-contained and doesn’t depend on the atmosphere. The gun will work better in space. The bullet will not have to compress or push the air in the barrel, and it can travel infinite distances in space.

Because it is in space, it will curve eventually. The orbit of the bullet will be different (depending on speed and position of the bullet) from the orbit of the person who fired it. Firing in the straight direction of orbit will result in an eccentric orbit, and because the Universe is expanding continuously (73 kilometers per sec per megaparsec), the bullet will never stop and will travel forever alone.
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On the moon, if you fire a powerful gun (of 1,600 m/s bullet speed) at the horizon and then wait for a while, you can get hit in the back of the head.

4. How Much Money Is There In The World?

money in the world

Short Answer: 75 trillion US dollars

Explanation: Well, it’s difficult to figure out the accurate number, but that amount has a special name and divided into four categories i.e., M0, M1, M2, and M3.

M0: This is the smallest measure of money supply that includes aggregate evolve coins and banknotes. This amount is slightly more than 5 trillion US dollars. This is really huge, but it is less than even 10 percent of the total money we humans have available to spend.

M1: This includes all physical money, demand deposits, checking account, and NOW (negotiable order of withdraw) account. M1 is estimated to be equivalent to 25 trillion US dollars.

M2: It’s a broader money classification that includes M1 plus the assets that can’t be cashed quickly, for example, saving deposits, money market mutual funds, etc. M2 is estimated to be equivalent to 60 trillion US dollars.

M3: It includes M2 plus institutional money market funds, large time deposits, short term repurchase agreement, and more. M3 global money supply is estimated to be equivalent to 75 trillion US dollars.

Fun Fact: The largest amount of CASH ever burnt on Earth is one million pounds by K Foundation on 23 August 1994.

3. How Much Is The Earth Worth?

buy the whole earthImage Source: Allianz

Short Answer: 3 to 4.4 quadrillion Pounds

Equation for finding Total worth of the planet

Explanation: Greg Loughman, an astrophysicist at the University of California Santa Cruz, has created an equation for calculating the total worth of the planet. The equation includes the planet’s size, age, temperature, mass, habitability, and their ease of being evaluated and other crucial factors. This evaluates the Earth’s worth around three quadrillion pounds, which came out as the most expensive planet of the Universe.

Mars was valued at 10,000 pounds, and Venus worth less than a penny.

The History Channel also calculated the total worth of Earth by considering all its resources like water, granite, lumber at current market prices, and they came up with a total of 4.4 quadrillion pounds (approx).

2. What If The Earth Stopped Rotating?

Interesting Questions with their Answers -Earth on fireImage ytimg

Short Answer: You will die.

Explanation: At the equator, the surface of the Earth and everything on it is rotating at 465 meters per second. This speed gradually decreases as you proceed closer to the pole. As soon as Earth stops rotating, everything on the Earth (except at the pole) would continue moving as it had been. The following are the scenarios that will most likely happen.

  • Your body would fly east at the supersonic speed of 465 meters per second if you’re near the equator.
  • You can only survive at the poles (for a few seconds).
  • There will be giant tsunamis, and all water will start moving towards the pole.
  • Half of the Earth would be completely exposed to the sun, which would raise the temperature, and the other half would freeze.
  • The speed of the wind will be faster than the shock wave of an atom bomb. It will instantly start fires all around the planet.
  • The iron core in the Earth’s center would stop too, and thus protective magnetic field would no longer be there. The radioactive rays from the sun would enter on Earth and kill everything left.

And yes, the most important thing: you would gain weight by 0.3 percent.

Read: All Interesting Facts About Black Holes and White Holes

1. Is Time Travel Really Possible?

Time travel in future

Short Answer: Based on the available theories, you can travel in the future.

Explanation: Technically, we are already traveling in time at the rate of 1 hour per hour. The actual question is, can we travel faster or slower than this rate?

It’s already been done. The Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev time traveled into his own future by 0.02 seconds. He spent 803 days, 9 hours, 39 minutes orbiting our planet. Traveling at 17,500 miles per hour, he experienced an effect called time dilation.

Einstein’s Special relativity theory says that when your traveling speed relative to other objects is close to the speed of light, time goes slower for you than for the people you left behind. That’s the reason the clock of GPS satellites disagrees with the clock on Earth by seven millionth of a second daily.

Suppose you are a 10-year-old boy who left Earth in a rocket traveling at 99.5% of the speed of light (impossible to achieve at present), and you return after five years at the age of 15. You would find that all of your classmates were 60 years old. Because time passed more slowly for you, your five years on space would be equivalent to 50 years on Earth. And that’s how you can get ahead 45 years in the future.

Einstein’s other theory called General Relativity says that time passes more slowly for objects in the heavy gravitational field than objects far from such field. There are all kinds of time-space distortions near black holes, where the gravity is very intense.

Over the past few years, some scientists have used this distortion to find possible ways of traveling in the future. Some like the idea of “Wormholes”. But still, we don’t know whether they are possible for real objects.

Go To: 9 Of The Most Interesting Questions With Their Detailed Answers | Part 2

Traveling into the future or near the speed of light would consume an extraordinary amount of energy. Whereas, time travel to the past is pretty much impossible. We do not completely understand the classical and quantum physics and still exploring.

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