Intelligent word for rude

  • abusive
  • blunt
  • boorish
  • coarse
  • crude
  • ignorant
  • impolite
  • insulting
  • intrusive
  • obscene
  • surly
  • vulgar
  • uncivil
  • abrupt
  • bad-mannered
  • barbarian
  • barbaric
  • barbarous
  • brusque
  • brutish
  • cheeky
  • churlish
  • crabbed
  • curt
  • discourteous
  • graceless
  • gross
  • gruff
  • illiterate
  • impertinent
  • impudent
  • inconsiderate
  • insolent
  • loutish
  • low
  • offhand
  • peremptory
  • raw
  • savage
  • scurrilous
  • short
  • uncivilized
  • uncouth
  • uncultured
  • uneducated
  • ungracious
  • unmannerly
  • unpolished
  • unrefined
  • wild
  • coarse
  • ignorant
  • angular
  • artless
  • barbarous
  • callow
  • formless
  • fresh
  • green
  • inartistic
  • inelegant
  • inexperienced
  • inexpert
  • makeshift
  • primal
  • raw
  • rough
  • roughhewn
  • roughly made
  • rudimental
  • rudimentary
  • shapeless
  • simple
  • uncivilized
  • unconversant
  • uncultivated
  • unfashioned
  • unfinished
  • unformed
  • unhewn
  • unpolished
  • unprocessed
  • unrefined
  • wild
  • harsh
  • unpleasant
  • violent
  • abrupt
  • guessed
  • imperfect
  • imprecise
  • inexact
  • in the ballpark
  • proximate
  • rough
  • sharp
  • startling
  • stormy
  • surmised
  • turbulent
  • unprecise

On this page you’ll find 279 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to rude, such as: abusive, blunt, boorish, coarse, crude, and ignorant.


What is another word for rude?

Many synonyms of rude suggest a violation of manners or propriety, including
impolite, bad-mannered, ill-mannered, mannerless, unmannerly, and discourteous.

A word that suggests that a person doesn’t know how to interact with others—or doesn’t care how they do—is tactless.

Words that suggest a more active, deliberate rudeness are disrespectful, insolent, and impertinent.

People who are overly blunt or aggressive might be described as brash, brusque, crude, or boorish.

The word uncivil implies that someone is behaving in a way that ignores common courtesy.

A generally rude person might be called a jerk (or worse names).

Rude can also describe something that is crudely made. The word crude can also be used as a synonym of this sense.

What is a more polite word for rude?

How is rude different from mean?

What is another word for a rude awakening?

  • exact
  • gradual
  • kind
  • mannerly
  • nice
  • polished
  • polite
  • refined
  • respectful
  • smooth
  • sophisticated
  • gentle
  • mild
  • peaceful
  • pleasing
  • exact
  • gradual
  • kind
  • mannerly
  • nice
  • polished
  • polite
  • refined
  • respectful
  • smooth
  • sophisticated

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use rude in a sentence

There appears a rude attempt to picture the mouth cavity and to show those interesting accessories, the teeth.


On the upper part of each of these posts was a rude carving of a hideous human face with prominent teeth.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • barbarian
  • barbaric
  • base
  • bawdy
  • blue
  • boorish
  • brutish
  • cheap
  • churlish
  • common
  • crass
  • crude
  • dirty
  • earthy
  • filthy
  • foul
  • foul-mouthed
  • gross
  • gruff
  • ill-bred
  • immodest
  • impolite
  • improper
  • impure
  • incult
  • indelicate
  • inelegant
  • loutish
  • low
  • lowbred
  • mean
  • nasty
  • obscene
  • off-color
  • offensive
  • raffish
  • raunchy
  • raw
  • ribald
  • rough
  • roughneck
  • rude
  • scatological
  • smutty
  • tacky
  • tasteless
  • uncivil
  • uncivilized
  • uncouth
  • uncultivated
  • uncultured
  • unpolished
  • unrefined
  • vulgar
  • vulgarian
  • calumniating
  • castigating
  • censorious
  • contumelious
  • defamatory
  • derisive
  • disparaging
  • insolent
  • insulting
  • invective
  • libelous
  • maligning
  • obloquious
  • offensive
  • opprobrious
  • reproachful
  • reviling
  • rude
  • sarcastic
  • scathing
  • scolding
  • scurrilous
  • sharp-tongued
  • slanderous
  • traducing
  • upbraiding
  • vilifying
  • vituperative
  • bold
  • conceited
  • disdainful
  • domineering
  • egotistic
  • forward
  • haughty
  • imperious
  • overbearing
  • pushy
  • rude
  • assuming
  • bantam
  • bold
  • brassy
  • brazen
  • cheeky
  • defiant
  • disrespectful
  • forward
  • impertinent
  • impudent
  • insolent
  • nervy
  • rude
  • saucy
  • shameless
  • smart-ass
  • all thumbs
  • amateurish
  • artless
  • blundering
  • bulky
  • bumbling
  • bungling
  • butterfingers
  • coarse
  • floundering
  • gawky
  • graceless
  • green
  • having two left feet
  • having two left hands
  • incompetent
  • inept
  • inexpert
  • klutzy
  • lumbering
  • maladroit
  • oafish
  • rude
  • stiff
  • stumbling
  • uncoordinated
  • uncouth
  • unfit
  • ungainly
  • ungraceful
  • unhandy
  • unpolished
  • unrefined
  • unskilled
  • unskillful
  • barbaric
  • barbarous
  • boorish
  • brutal
  • coarse
  • cruel
  • inhuman
  • lowbrow
  • merciless
  • philistine
  • primitive
  • rough
  • rude
  • uncivil
  • uncivilized
  • uncouth
  • uncultivated
  • uncultured
  • unsophisticated
  • untamed
  • vicious
  • vulgar
  • wild

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

How does the adjective rude differ from other similar words?

Some common synonyms of rude are crude, raw, and rough. While all these words mean «lacking in social refinement,» rude implies ignorance of or indifference to good form; it may suggest intentional discourtesy.

Where would crude be a reasonable alternative to rude?

The words crude and rude are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, crude may apply to thought or behavior limited to the gross, the obvious, or the primitive.

When would raw be a good substitute for rude?

In some situations, the words raw and rude are roughly equivalent. However, raw suggests being untested, inexperienced, or unfinished.

turning raw youths into polished performers

When is rough a more appropriate choice than rude?

The synonyms rough and rude are sometimes interchangeable, but rough is likely to stress lack of polish and gentleness.

1 uncivil, unmannerly, curt, brusque, impertinent, impudent, saucy, pert, fresh. 2 unrefined, uncultured, uncivilized, uncouth, coarse, vulgar, rough. 8 rustic, artless.

Simply so What is another word for rude and disrespectful? In this page you can discover 53 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for disrespectful, like: irreverent, ill-bred, discourteous, impolite, rude, ungracious, impertinent, civil, contemptuous, contumelious and impudent.

How do you describe a disrespectful person? discourteous, rude, impolite, uncivil, unmannerly, ill-mannered, bad-mannered, ungracious, irreverent, inconsiderate. insolent, impudent, impertinent, cheeky, flippant, insubordinate, churlish.

also What is a rude man? adj. 1 insulting or uncivil; discourteous; impolite. he was rude about her hairstyle. 2 lacking refinement; coarse or uncouth. 3 vulgar or obscene.

What do you call a person who speaks rudely?

peremptory. adjective. formal speaking or behaving rather rudely, as if you expect other people to obey you immediately.

Why are people disrespectful? Cultural, generational, and gender biases, and current events influencing mood, attitude, and actions, also contribute to disrespectful behavior. Practitioner impairment, including substance abuse, mental illness, or personality disorder, is often at the root of highly disruptive behavior.

What is a polite way to say rude?

uncouth. adjective. behaving in a way that polite people consider rude or offensive.

How do you politely be rude? Here’s what the experts suggest:

  1. Acknowledge people and express appreciation. Say hello, thank you, and all the other niceties you know. …
  2. Don’t let rude behavior fester. …
  3. Avoid rude people. …
  4. Think about how your behavior will sit with others. …
  5. Apologize if you do find yourself being rude. …
  6. Believe in decency. …
  7. Smile!

What is another word for disrespected?

1 contempt, disregard, irreverence.

How do you shut up a rude person? 4 Ways To Shut Down Rude People With Class

  1. Take a few seconds to assess the situation. Some people are blunt, socially unintelligent, and have the tendency to say dumb things. …
  2. Respond to the situation, not the person. …
  3. Laugh it off. …
  4. Ignore it.

How do you respond to a rude person?

10 Effective Ways Intelligent People Deal With Rude People

  1. Realize that rudeness is nothing new. …
  2. Stop the spiral of rudeness. …
  3. Don’t take rudeness personally. …
  4. React to rudeness with kindness. …
  5. Use humor to defuse a difficult person. …
  6. Call the person out on his or her behavior. …
  7. Don’t escalate. …
  8. Show empathy and sympathy.

How do you shut down a mean person? 7 Perfect Replies to (Politely) Shut Down Negative People

  1. “I’m Sorry to Hear That. …
  2. “Wow, That Sucks. …
  3. “Ooh. …
  4. “If Only [Name] Had the Experience/Wisdom/Work Ethic That You Did!” …
  5. “Please, Correct Me if I’m Wrong, But It Sounds Like You’re Upset Because…” …
  6. “Oh Gosh. …
  7. “Is There Anything I Can Do?”

How do you address a rude person at work?

When you need to address rudeness, talk to the offender somewhere private. Stay calm and objective as you outline the facts as you know them, explain the negative impact of his or her behavior and how it made other people feel, and make it clear how you want him to modify his behavior.

What’s another word for mean person?

What is another word for mean person?

meanie villain
nazi scalawag
scapegrace creep
no-good nasty person
cruel person malefactor

How do you respond to a disrespectful person? 3 Strategies for Responding to a Rude Person

  1. Give yourself some time to calm down and think. Think about some of the reasons people say rude things. …
  2. Address the rude thing they said and how it made you feel. …
  3. Create boundaries and consequences.

What do you say to a mean person? Best responses/comebacks when a friend is being rude to you

01“I hope you didn’t mean that in a bad way because that was hurtful.” What is this? 02“I’ll give you some time to calm down because I don’t know why you’re acting this way. Let’s give each other some space before we both say something we regret.”

What is disrespectful behavior?

disrespectful Add to list Share. Disrespectful words and actions are rude and show a lack of respect. If you want to “dis” someone, be disrespectful towards them. … Disrespectful behavior can range from blatant rudeness to just not acting impressed or awed by something others hold sacred.

What are some words for respect? Synonyms & Antonyms of respect

  • account,
  • admiration,
  • appreciation,
  • esteem,
  • estimation,
  • favor,
  • regard.

Why do people disrespect me?

The likelihood is that you feel slighted because you’re expecting a certain type of behavior and not getting it. So perhaps it’s your expectations which need to change.” … And even if someone is genuinely rude or disrespectful to you, there could be reasons for that: Perhaps they’re jealous of you, or feel threatened.”

What’s another word for bad attitude? What is another word for bad attitude?

negative attitude chip on your shoulder
hopelessness lack of confidence
low spirits negative thinking
negativism pessimism
attitude problem despondency

What is the synonym of jerk?

fool, idiot, halfwit, nincompoop, blockhead, buffoon, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, cretin, imbecile, dullard, moron, simpleton, clod.

Is it rude to tell someone they are rude? The answer is yes, but we must acknowledge that rude shouldn’t beget rude. Changing the subject, gracefully leaving a conversation or simply tactfully asking the person to lay off the behavior can be acceptable. Aggressive, mean-spirited demands aren’t polite.

How can you tell someone is polite?

Follow these tips and you should make the right impression when you talk to people.

  1. Listen and be understanding. …
  2. Avoid negative words – instead use positive words in a negative form. …
  3. Say the magic word: Sorry. …
  4. Use little words to soften your statements. …
  5. Avoid ‘finger pointing’ statements with the word ‘you’

Is it rude to say what to someone? It’s not rude to say “What” because sometimes a person has to ask a question with WH words or in other words. For example, if someone comes to your house & you ask “who is standing outside”. This is a genuine question, no harm in asking it. If someone declares it rude behavior then what a person can do, nothing.

What is another word for not respectful?

impolite, rude, impertinent, irreverent.

What do you do with a disrespectful friend?

If someone is being disrespectful or rude, responding with kindness can take them by surprise and encourage them to rethink their behavior. Instead of getting upset or retaliating, try deescalating the situation with a smile and a few kind words.

What is the highest form of disrespect? Being aware of, yet completely indifferent to someone else is the highest (or lowest, as it were) form of disrespect.

What is another word for Rude?

  • crude

    good, courtesy

  • uncivil

    impolite, behaviour

  • impolite

    behaviour, courtesy

  • coarse

    uncouth, courtesy

  • raw

    good, crude

  • unmannerly

    impolite, behaviour

  • vulgar

    courtesy, crude

  • rough

    crude, good

  • disrespectful

    impolite, courtesy

  • discourteous

    impolite, behaviour

  • ill-mannered

    impolite, behaviour

  • gross

    coarse, disrespectful

  • primitive

    good, culture

  • boorish

    crude, disrespectful

  • harsh

    unpleasant, coarse

  • unpolished

    good, crude

  • unrefined

    characteristic, disrespectful

  • uncouth

    coarse, disrespectful

  • churlish

    ill-mannered, disrespectful

  • uncultured

    characteristic, culture

  • uncivilized

    characteristic, culture

  • impertinent

    ill-mannered, intrusive

  • ill-bred

    ill-mannered, uncultured

  • ignorant

    barbarous, uncivilized

  • ungracious

    ill-mannered, uncivil

  • crass


  • abrupt

    unpleasant, sudden

  • insulting

    offensive, scornful

  • brusque

    coarse, abrupt

  • unmannered


  • short


  • graceless

    uncouth, uncivilized

  • insolent

    abrupt, insulting

  • savage

    culture, barbarous

  • obscene

  • abusive

    offensive, cruel

  • blunt

  • impudent

    bold, abrupt

  • low


  • offensive

    unpleasant, indecent

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Rude Thesaurus

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rudeness, rudely

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Image search results for Rude

aggressive, aggressive child, child deers, animals, male elderly person, senior, nurse rude, father, shoes babies rude, blowing, child hand pump, cock pump, fountain pump

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Synonyms for Rude. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 11, from

Synonyms for Rude. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Rude. 2016. Accessed April 11, 2023.

1’a rude, arrogant young man’ SYNONYMS. ill-mannered, bad-mannered, impolite, discourteous, impertinent, insolent, impudent, cheeky, audacious, presumptuous, uncivil, disrespectful, unmannerly, ill-bred, churlish, crass, curt, brusque, blunt, ungracious, graceless, brash, unpleasant, disagreeable, offhand, short, sharp.

Regarding this, what do you call a disrespectful person?

A disrespectful person is the one who doesn’t show respect to others or exhibits impoliteness. Discourteous. Impudent. Insolent. Rude.

Secondly, how do you be rude to someone in a nice way?

10 Effective Ways Intelligent People Deal With Rude People

  1. Realize that rudeness is nothing new.
  2. Stop the spiral of rudeness.
  3. Don’t take rudeness personally.
  4. React to rudeness with kindness.
  5. Use humor to defuse a difficult person.
  6. Call the person out on his or her behavior.
  7. Don’t escalate.
  8. Show empathy and sympathy.

Does sassy mean rude?

sassy. adjective. sas·si·er, sas·si·est. Rude and disrespectful; impudent. Lively and spirited; jaunty.

What is blatant disrespect?

adverb. The definition of blatantly is something, especially something forbidden or disrespectful, done in a really obvious manner. When you are told not to get a cookie and you walk immediately up to the cookie jar and loudly take a cookie, this is an example of a time when you blatantly disobey.

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