Intelligent word for big

Table of Contents

  1. What is the opposite word intelligent?
  2. What is the opposite of smartest?
  3. What is a big word for intelligent?
  4. How do you say someone is very smart?
  5. What makes a woman beautiful inside?
  6. What do you call a good hearted person?
  7. What do good-hearted people do?
  8. What does Big Hearted mean?
  9. How do you describe a person who is caring?
  10. How do you show caring?
  11. What to say to show you care?
  12. What do you text to show you care?

Synonyms. brilliant smart brainy quick apt bright intelligence nimble prehensile natural scintillating trenchant ready born precocious searching innate agile clever smart as a whip. Antonyms. stupidity retarded stupid unintelligent colorless.

What is the opposite word intelligent?

Antonym of Intelligent Word. Antonym. Intelligent. Silly, Stupid, Stupid. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the opposite of smartest?

What is the opposite of smartest?

foolishest densest
obtusest slowest
daftest dimmest
simplest thickest
dorkiest silliest

What is a big word for intelligent?

imaginative, inventive, wise, brilliant, knowledgeable, resourceful, creative, bright, perceptive, smart, rational, brainy, well-informed, original, astute, able, acute, alert, alive, apt.

How do you say someone is very smart?


  1. genius. adjective. informal very clever or original.
  2. intelligent. adjective. good at thinking clearly and quickly, at understanding difficult ideas and subjects, and at gaining and using knowledge.
  3. wise. adjective.
  4. brilliant. adjective.
  5. clever. adjective.
  6. bright. adjective.
  7. brainy. adjective.
  8. discerning. adjective.

What makes a woman beautiful inside?

Standing tall can make everything else about you look and feel more attractive. A woman’s smile is reported as the single most important physical feature that leads to being viewed as attractive. Women say it conveys what they call their inner beauty. Think of a baby’s smile.

What do you call a good hearted person?

other words for good-hearted affectionate. amiable. charitable. cordial. courteous.

What do good-hearted people do?

A good-hearted person has a sense of humor that lifts others up and doesn’t tear them down. 2. Generosity is a way of life. In big ways (donating to charity) and small ways (picking up coffee for another), these people are glad to share their resources.

What does Big Hearted mean?

: generous, charitable. Other Words from bighearted Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About bighearted.

How do you describe a person who is caring?

The definition of caring is someone or something that shows kindness and concern for others. A person who is concerned about others and who does kind things for them is an example of someone who would be described as caring. (of a person) Kind, sensitive, empathetic.

How do you show caring?

Here are some ways to show you care:

  1. Tell your spouse that he or she is beautiful and sexy.
  2. Fill his or her room with lots of photos of the two of you together.
  3. Have a candlelight dinner in bed.
  4. Bathe together or give your spouse a bath (use rose petals and aromatherapy candles).
  5. Write a romantic love letter or poem.

What to say to show you care?

What to say to show someone you care?

  • Thank you.
  • When you did/said ____ it meant a lot to me.
  • I value your love/friendship.
  • You are important to me.
  • I enjoy our talks.
  • I feel like I can tell you anything.
  • You are amazing.
  • I admire your skill at ____.

What do you text to show you care?

Romantic Take Care Messages for Her

  1. 1: My darling, I love you so much.
  2. 2: Every day that I look at you, you become more and more precious to me.
  3. 3: I am so happy that you are in my life.
  4. 4: I know that this has a been a difficult time for you.
  5. 5: The 2nd happiest day of my life was when I met you.

More from The Question & Answer (Q&A)

What is another word for very intelligent?

precocious brilliant
clever brainy
intelligent genius
accomplished bright
gifted intellectual

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I am trying to impress someone with my vocabulary.

Answer by 
Elinps23 (112)

Use MS Word synonyms feature. Just type a word, right click and select synonyms. It gives words like scholarly, intellect, cerebral among others. Question is, how long can you keep this up? Only trust people who can see that there is something special about you other than big words.

Answer by 
Li (95)

Then simply telling you would defeat your purpose. If striving to impress someone, you need to not only know words, but also their meanings, and how and when to use them. Read all you can, look up any words you don’t know(the web is great for this).

Answer by 
patti (29325)

Be careful. Usually attempts to sound intelligent usually backfire. Try: acute, knowledgeable, exceptional, enlightened, bright, brilliant, keen, sharp, smart, deep, quick, profound.

Answer by 
phoenix85 (366)

acumen, agility, alertness, aptitude, brainpower, brains, brightness, brilliance, capacity, cleverness, comprehension, coruscation, discernment, intellect, judgement, luminosity, mentality, perception, perspicacity, precocity, quotient, sagacity, savvy, trenchancy… are a few synonyms for intelligent. These words can be used in a variety of ways, a suggestion would be to look them up in the dictionary to verify their usage.

Answer by 
Iamstrong (659)

For large spelling words you can use words like «intellectual,» «knowledgeable,» or «well-informed. » On the other hand, these are adequate: «educated,» «experienced,» and «scholarly. »

Answer by 
Jade (24)

The word intelligent has various connotations; as such, you must discern the context in which the word will be used. If describing someone as very observant and perceptive, try using the word «perspicacious. » If they seem to know everything, use the word «omniscient. » If they are simply judicious and rational, use the word «sagacious. »

Answer by 
UncertainKitten (27)

There are several «intelligent sounding words» that mean that you are smart, or at the least imply competence in an academic area. In fact, «academically successful» is one good way to say you are intelligent. «I use elevated diction» is another way to specifically say you have a good vocabulary. A thesaurus is really your best friend in this.

Answer by 
Dreamlight (856)

One that always floors them is when you say something like «There are people who have said I have great cognative ability. Do you think that’s true?».

Answer by 
Nolz2 (20)

Smart, clever, bright, apt, sharp, well-informed, perceptive, knowledgeable, nimble, agile, poignant, expert, cunning, adept, spruce, pretentious, sophisticated, dashing, socially elegant, impressive, witty, impressively neat, cultivated, educated, refined, alert, insightful, brainy, astute and analytical.

Answer by 
MelindaS (1694)

I like the words «penetrating,» «brilliant,» and «perspicacious.» You could also try the words «knowledgeable» or «comprehending» as synonyms for intelligent.

Answer by 
Ginny (2251)

To describe a person as intelligent, you can also use words like ingenious, which means cleverly skillful, or adroit, which also means skillful, or intellectual, which means having superior intellect.

Answer by 

thx I needed these words too plz keep them coming so I can have more words to look at

Answer by 

Im tired of taking with you. your a waste of time. pleas continue with your work

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Let’s get one thing clear first: Just randomly learning big words to sound smart is not going to work. Learning lengthy words doesn’t automatically make you smarter. If you use the words in an inappropriate situation, it would rather have the opposite effect.

Know that a fancy word is not always the best word to use in every situation. But that should not discourage you from expanding your vocabulary. Learning new words and their correct usage can improve your communication skills and make your speech sound more attractive.

This article outlines some big and fancy words to not only sound smarter but also take your vocabulary to the next level.

Choosing Big Words to Sound Smart: Is It Wise?

When you can pronounce some fancy words but can’t use them comfortably, it shows in your body language and expression. Using these words can make you sound pompous.

In fact, it will make things look more like you’re trying too hard to appear intelligent to others. And you definitely don’t want that opposite effect when trying to look smart.

The bottom line: Be careful when choosing to use big words in your regular speech. Your best choices are ones that are appropriate for the situation and sound natural. It should sound like you’ve used them in conversations for years.

A person flipping a book placed on a black table

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

List of Advanced and Fancy Words With Examples

The following compilation of words will serve as a list of advanced vocabulary words to sound smarter, more intelligent, and more professional. They are just fancier ways of saying and describing regular things but will broaden your vocabulary effortlessly.


A cacophony is a harsh, loud, and unpleasant mixture of sounds. It could be musical, howling, horns, or even people talking.

Example: The cacophony of the alarm clock in the morning wakes everyone up at home.


Ubiquitous is used to describe something that seems to be found or present everywhere at the same time.

Example: You cannot compete with him because his ubiquitous influence ranges from family to the workplace.


The word is typically used to describe an action or activity of someone extremely evil or wicked.

Example: Her nefarious motives to encourage fraudulence in the company were soon exposed upon investigation.


It is used to describe something unpredictable or subject to unexpected changes in mood or behavior.

Example: It’s better not to talk to Laura today because she has been acting capricious all day.


A task or action carried out without genuine effort or interest.

Example: Mary’s perfunctory presentation clearly showed she didn’t work on it much.


It describes someone who enjoys the company of others or is particularly sociable.

Example: He has been an outgoing and gregarious guy since childhood.


It is used to describe a person who is highly attentive or concerned with small details and accuracy. This word changes meaning based on the context it is used.

Example: She cleaned the kitchen with fastidious care.


Used to describe the expression of highly shocked or amazed.

Example: Winning the lottery has totally left my family flabbergasted.


It describes someone who is unwilling to spend money or resources.

Example: It’s so surprising that the parsimonious Joe is giving us a treat!


It is used to describe something unquestionable or self-evident.

Example: It’s axiomatic that visionaries will always deal with great ideas.


The list of big words to sound smart can be intimidating to those unfamiliar with the art of using them. But understanding their proper usage will eventually make them easier to use in spoken communication.

Using long words doesn’t really determine someone’s intelligence or smartness. The key is to grasp their usage better and make it sound more natural as you incorporate these words into your language.

What is the opposite word intelligent?

Antonym of Intelligent Word. Antonym. Intelligent. Silly, Stupid, Stupid. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the opposite of smartest?

What is the opposite of smartest?

foolishest densest
obtusest slowest
daftest dimmest
simplest thickest
dorkiest silliest

What is the synonym and antonym of intelligent?

Synonyms. brilliant smart brainy quick apt bright intelligence nimble prehensile natural scintillating trenchant ready born precocious searching innate agile clever smart as a whip. Antonyms. stupidity retarded stupid unintelligent colorless.

What is a big word for intelligent?

imaginative, inventive, wise, brilliant, knowledgeable, resourceful, creative, bright, perceptive, smart, rational, brainy, well-informed, original, astute, able, acute, alert, alive, apt.

How do you say someone is very smart?


  1. genius. adjective. informal very clever or original.
  2. intelligent. adjective. good at thinking clearly and quickly, at understanding difficult ideas and subjects, and at gaining and using knowledge.
  3. wise. adjective.
  4. brilliant. adjective.
  5. clever. adjective.
  6. bright. adjective.
  7. brainy. adjective.
  8. discerning. adjective.

What makes a woman beautiful inside?

Standing tall can make everything else about you look and feel more attractive. A woman’s smile is reported as the single most important physical feature that leads to being viewed as attractive. Women say it conveys what they call their inner beauty. Think of a baby’s smile.

What do you call a good hearted person?

other words for good-hearted affectionate. amiable. charitable. cordial. courteous.

What do good-hearted people do?

A good-hearted person has a sense of humor that lifts others up and doesn’t tear them down. 2. Generosity is a way of life. In big ways (donating to charity) and small ways (picking up coffee for another), these people are glad to share their resources.

What does Big Hearted mean?

: generous, charitable. Other Words from bighearted Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About bighearted.

How do you describe a person who is caring?

The definition of caring is someone or something that shows kindness and concern for others. A person who is concerned about others and who does kind things for them is an example of someone who would be described as caring. (of a person) Kind, sensitive, empathetic.

How do you show caring?

Here are some ways to show you care:

  1. Tell your spouse that he or she is beautiful and sexy.
  2. Fill his or her room with lots of photos of the two of you together.
  3. Have a candlelight dinner in bed.
  4. Bathe together or give your spouse a bath (use rose petals and aromatherapy candles).
  5. Write a romantic love letter or poem.

What to say to show you care?

What to say to show someone you care?

  • Thank you.
  • When you did/said ____ it meant a lot to me.
  • I value your love/friendship.
  • You are important to me.
  • I enjoy our talks.
  • I feel like I can tell you anything.
  • You are amazing.
  • I admire your skill at ____.

What do you text to show you care?

Romantic Take Care Messages for Her

  1. 1: My darling, I love you so much.
  2. 2: Every day that I look at you, you become more and more precious to me.
  3. 3: I am so happy that you are in my life.
  4. 4: I know that this has a been a difficult time for you.
  5. 5: The 2nd happiest day of my life was when I met you.

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