Intelligent word for bad

What is the adjective form of bad?

The word bad is an adjective and should be used to modify nouns and pronouns. Badly, like most words ending in -ly, is an adverb and is used to modify verbs.

What is a synonym for bad?

dreadful, awful, terrible, abominable, frightful, atrocious, disgraceful, deplorable, hopeless, worthless, laughable, lamentable, miserable, sorry, third-rate, diabolical, execrable. incompetent, inept, inexpert, ineffectual.

What is a word worse than horrible?

scandalous, ghastly, horrendous, abominable, dreadful, horrid, eerie, disgusting, abhorrent, terrifying, hideous, heinous, grisly, shameful, awful, gruesome, nasty, grim, scary, terrible.

How do you say badly nicely?

100 Ways to Say “Bad”

  1. abject.
  2. abominable.
  3. annoying.
  4. appalling.
  5. atrocious.
  6. awful.
  7. barbaric.
  8. base.

How do you say something looks bad?


  1. awful.
  2. grisly.
  3. grotesque.
  4. hideous.
  5. horrid.
  6. unseemly.
  7. unsightly.
  8. animal.

What’s an intelligent word for good?

SYNONYMS FOR good 1 pure, moral, conscientious; meritorious, worthy, exemplary, upright. 2 adequate. 3 outstanding, admirable.

What is a word for not good looking?

Bad-looking Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for bad-looking?

ugly hideous
disgusting revolting
grotesque monstrous
deformed disfigured
unpretty plain-featured

How do you say something is not good?


  1. poor. adjective. used for saying that something is not as good as it should be.
  2. average. adjective. not very good.
  3. limited. adjective. not very good, or not very great in amount.
  4. inferior. adjective.
  5. disappointing. adjective.
  6. inadequate. adjective.
  7. undistinguished. adjective.
  8. substandard. adjective.

What words mean not good?

other words for not good

  • atrocious.
  • cheap.
  • crummy.
  • dreadful.
  • lousy.
  • poor.
  • sad.
  • unacceptable.

Why the word try is bad?

For someone to say to another person, “I can’t do that” or “That’s not going to happen right now” is uncomfortable. The person says, “I’ll try” when their whole unconscious is saying, “No you won’t.” It causes cognitive dissonance – when we say something that our minds don’t agree with.

How do you say something nicely?

75 Compliments to Use When You Want to Say Something Nice

  1. 1 Your positivity is infectious.
  2. 2 You should be so proud of yourself.
  3. 3 You’re amazing!
  4. 4 You’re a true gift to the people in your life.
  5. 5 You’re an incredible friend.
  6. 6 I really appreciate everything that you do.
  7. 7 You inspire me to be a better person.

How do you say rude in a nice way?

Top Five Ways to Say Something Rude… Politely

  1. Turn it into a compliment!
  2. Diss yourself in the process!
  3. Disguise it in a rant!
  4. Make it seem like a good thing… Sort of. Ex.: You spit when you talk! —->
  5. Make them feel guilty, but do it nicely! Ex.: I hate it when you text other people when you talk to me. —–>

How do you say something politely?

Follow these tips and you should make the right impression when you talk to people.

  1. Listen and be understanding.
  2. Avoid negative words – instead use positive words in a negative form.
  3. Say the magic word: Sorry.
  4. Use little words to soften your statements.
  5. Avoid ‘finger pointing’ statements with the word ‘you’

What are the some polite words?

Words that are polite include “Please,” “Thank you,” and “Excuse me.” “Excuse me” is what I say when I would like the attention of another person. I can use my words to say, “Excuse me” when I want to talk to another person.

What are polite words called?

cordial, civil, gentle, thoughtful, genteel, well-behaved, affable, sympathetic, neighborly, friendly, amiable, deferential, pleasant, courtly, well-mannered, attentive, considerate, sociable, gracious, respectful.

Which is the polite word?

The adjective polite comes from the mid-13th century Latin politus, which means “refined” or “elegant.” Showing consideration for others, using tact, and observing social norms are the qualities of being polite. The opposite of polite is rude.

What are the polite words in English?

Polite words and expressions – thesaurus

  • hope. verb. used in polite statements.
  • seem. verb.
  • respectfully. adverb.
  • perhaps. adverb.
  • I’d/we’d be delighted. phrase.
  • no disrespect (to) phrase.
  • I took the liberty of doing something. phrase.
  • excuse me. phrase.

Where did the word polite come from?

Polite is a slightly older English word but its roots are in the Latin words polire, meaning to make smooth. In other words, polite is cousins with the word polish and has no direct ancestral connection to politics.

What does Polites mean?

: a widely distributed genus of skipper butterflies.

What is the verb form of polite?

polite (third-person singular simple present polites, present participle politing, simple past and past participle polited)

When was the word polite invented?

polite (adj.) The literal sense is obsolete in English; the sense of “elegant, cultured” (of literature, arts, etc.) is from c. 1500; of persons, “refined or cultivated in speech, manner, or behavior,” by 1620s. The meaning “behaving courteously, showing consideration for others” is by 1748 (implied in politely).

Why is it polite to say please?

Please is a word used in the English language to indicate politeness and respect while making a request. Derived from shortening the phrase “if you please” or “if it please(s) you”, the term has taken on substantial nuance based on its intonation and the relationship between the persons between whom it is used.

What does it cost us to be polite?

Answer. Answer: Politeness cost nothing, but buys everything’. Politeness is a duty which will we owe to ourselves as well as to our neighbours.

What means suspicious?

1 : tending to arouse suspicion : questionable suspicious characters. 2 : disposed to suspect : distrustful suspicious of strangers. 3 : expressing or indicative of suspicion a suspicious glance.

Another word for bad!!! What are other words for “bad”? Below is the list of common synonyms for bad in English. These words will further help you build your vocabulary, especially at advanced levels.

List of Other Words for Bad

  • Atrocious
  • Damaging
  • Terrible
  • Cheesy
  • Grungy
  • Miserable
  • Worse
  • Awful
  • Inferior
  • Wicked
  • Icky
  • Cheap
  • Wretched
  • Negligent
  • Evil
  • Sad
  • Crummy
  • Defective
  • Severe
  • Imperfect
  • Deplorable
  • Guilty
  • Crappy
  • Faulty
  • Dreadful
  • Injurious
  • Grievous
  • Uncool
  • Substandard
  • Beastly
  • Appalling
  • Lousy
  • Harmful
  • Unskilled
  • Mean
  • Foul
  • Screwed
  • Critical
  • Poor
  • Negative
  • Unfortunate
  • Rough
  • Inappropriate
  • Unpleasant
  • Nasty
  • Garbage
  • Slipshod
  • Careless
  • Incompetent
  • Unhealthy
  • Rotten
  • Amateurish
  • Unacceptable
  • Painful
  • Naughty
  • Godawful
  • Stinking
  • Useless
  • Inadequate
  • Damaging
  • Second-rate
  • Abominable
  • Raunchy
  • Grody
  • Junky
  • Inept
  • Shoddy
  • Unsatisfactory
  • Execrable
  • Second-class

Bad Synonyms Examples


  • I began to feel atrocious toward those fellows.


  • Some of these chemicals are very damaging to the environment.


  • I had a terrible quarrel with my other brothers.


  • Don’t wear that shirt. It looks cheesy.


  • I was wearing grungy clothes when my boyfriend showed up at the door.


  • I’ve been so miserable since Patrick left me.


  • The interview was much worse than he had expected.


  • I felt awful when I realized what I’d done.


  • The food at that restaurant is inferior.


  • She got them to hand over all their money by wicked deceit.


  • They make me feel really icky and gross and uncomfortable.


  • Don’t buy that coat – it looks cheap and nasty.


  • He was wretched when he failed the examination.


  • If teachers do not use reasonable care, there is a breach of duty, and they are negligent.


  • There is a great contrast between good and evil.


  • She started to cry when she heard the sad news.


  • We were staying in this really crummy hotel.


  • Merchants will give refunds on any damaged or defective merchandise.


  • I have severe pain in the leg.


  • I got it cheap because it’s slightly imperfect.


  • The matter in your essay is good but the style is deplorable.


  • I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often.


  • Please forgive the crappy quality, my built-in cam sucks.


  • The machine won’t work because of a faulty connection.


  • She had an angelic smile, but a dreadful temper.


  • He was eventually convicted of committing an injurious act, a misdemeanor, police said.


  • Mr. Morris said the victims had suffered from a very grievous mistake.


  • For there is an unspoken rule that to swoop too eagerly on the in-flight sweet is uncool.


  • Most household goods sold here are substandard, but the food is plentiful and cheap.


  • The first time I read something beastly about me I was upset.


  • Your table manners are appalling – don’t you know how to use a knife and fork?


  • You’re no business-woman, Mrs. Sutherland, you’re lousy at it.


  • There is abundant evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.


  • Large numbers of unskilled workers are employed at the lowest rates of pay.


  • He’s in a really foul temper so be careful what you say to him.


  • The company went bankrupt because of its poor management.


  • All this had an extremely negative effect on the criminal justice system.


  • There have been too many unpleasant innuendoes in this debate and not enough facts.


  • She played a really nasty trick on me – she put syrup in my shampoo bottle!


  • The research project was shelved due to slipshod management.


  • He remonstrated to his wife that she was too careless.


  • She was put off maths by a bullying and incompetent teacher.


  • The product provided inadequate vitamin and mineral supplementation.

Another Word for Bad | Infographic

Useful List of Other Words for Bad

Bad Synonyms

Last Updated on January 8, 2021

Table of Contents

  1. What is the adjective form of bad?
  2. What is a synonym for bad?
  3. How do you say badly nicely?
  4. How do you say something looks bad?
  5. What’s an intelligent word for good?
  6. What is a word for not good looking?
  7. How do you say something is not good?
  8. What words mean not good?
  9. Why the word try is bad?
  10. How do you say something nicely?
  11. How do you say rude in a nice way?
  12. How do you say something politely?
  13. What are the some polite words?
  14. What are polite words called?
  15. Which is the polite word?
  16. What are the polite words in English?
  17. Where did the word polite come from?
  18. What does Polites mean?
  19. What is the verb form of polite?
  20. When was the word polite invented?
  21. Why is it polite to say please?
  22. What does it cost us to be polite?
  23. What means suspicious?

scandalous, ghastly, horrendous, abominable, dreadful, horrid, eerie, disgusting, abhorrent, terrifying, hideous, heinous, grisly, shameful, awful, gruesome, nasty, grim, scary, terrible.

What is the adjective form of bad?

The word bad is an adjective and should be used to modify nouns and pronouns. Badly, like most words ending in -ly, is an adverb and is used to modify verbs.

What is a synonym for bad?

dreadful, awful, terrible, abominable, frightful, atrocious, disgraceful, deplorable, hopeless, worthless, laughable, lamentable, miserable, sorry, third-rate, diabolical, execrable. incompetent, inept, inexpert, ineffectual.

How do you say badly nicely?

100 Ways to Say “Bad”

  1. abject.
  2. abominable.
  3. annoying.
  4. appalling.
  5. atrocious.
  6. awful.
  7. barbaric.
  8. base.

How do you say something looks bad?


  1. awful.
  2. grisly.
  3. grotesque.
  4. hideous.
  5. horrid.
  6. unseemly.
  7. unsightly.
  8. animal.

What’s an intelligent word for good?

SYNONYMS FOR good 1 pure, moral, conscientious; meritorious, worthy, exemplary, upright. 2 adequate. 3 outstanding, admirable.

What is a word for not good looking?

Bad-looking Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for bad-looking?

ugly hideous
disgusting revolting
grotesque monstrous
deformed disfigured
unpretty plain-featured

How do you say something is not good?


  1. poor. adjective. used for saying that something is not as good as it should be.
  2. average. adjective. not very good.
  3. limited. adjective. not very good, or not very great in amount.
  4. inferior. adjective.
  5. disappointing. adjective.
  6. inadequate. adjective.
  7. undistinguished. adjective.
  8. substandard. adjective.

What words mean not good?

other words for not good

  • atrocious.
  • cheap.
  • crummy.
  • dreadful.
  • lousy.
  • poor.
  • sad.
  • unacceptable.

Why the word try is bad?

For someone to say to another person, “I can’t do that” or “That’s not going to happen right now” is uncomfortable. The person says, “I’ll try” when their whole unconscious is saying, “No you won’t.” It causes cognitive dissonance – when we say something that our minds don’t agree with.

How do you say something nicely?

75 Compliments to Use When You Want to Say Something Nice

  1. 1 Your positivity is infectious.
  2. 2 You should be so proud of yourself.
  3. 3 You’re amazing!
  4. 4 You’re a true gift to the people in your life.
  5. 5 You’re an incredible friend.
  6. 6 I really appreciate everything that you do.
  7. 7 You inspire me to be a better person.

How do you say rude in a nice way?

Top Five Ways to Say Something Rude… Politely

  1. Turn it into a compliment!
  2. Diss yourself in the process!
  3. Disguise it in a rant!
  4. Make it seem like a good thing… Sort of. Ex.: You spit when you talk! —->
  5. Make them feel guilty, but do it nicely! Ex.: I hate it when you text other people when you talk to me. —–>

How do you say something politely?

Follow these tips and you should make the right impression when you talk to people.

  1. Listen and be understanding.
  2. Avoid negative words – instead use positive words in a negative form.
  3. Say the magic word: Sorry.
  4. Use little words to soften your statements.
  5. Avoid ‘finger pointing’ statements with the word ‘you’

What are the some polite words?

Words that are polite include “Please,” “Thank you,” and “Excuse me.” “Excuse me” is what I say when I would like the attention of another person. I can use my words to say, “Excuse me” when I want to talk to another person.

What are polite words called?

cordial, civil, gentle, thoughtful, genteel, well-behaved, affable, sympathetic, neighborly, friendly, amiable, deferential, pleasant, courtly, well-mannered, attentive, considerate, sociable, gracious, respectful.

Which is the polite word?

The adjective polite comes from the mid-13th century Latin politus, which means “refined” or “elegant.” Showing consideration for others, using tact, and observing social norms are the qualities of being polite. The opposite of polite is rude.

What are the polite words in English?

Polite words and expressions – thesaurus

  • hope. verb. used in polite statements.
  • seem. verb.
  • respectfully. adverb.
  • perhaps. adverb.
  • I’d/we’d be delighted. phrase.
  • no disrespect (to) phrase.
  • I took the liberty of doing something. phrase.
  • excuse me. phrase.

Where did the word polite come from?

Polite is a slightly older English word but its roots are in the Latin words polire, meaning to make smooth. In other words, polite is cousins with the word polish and has no direct ancestral connection to politics.

What does Polites mean?

: a widely distributed genus of skipper butterflies.

What is the verb form of polite?

polite (third-person singular simple present polites, present participle politing, simple past and past participle polited)

When was the word polite invented?

polite (adj.) The literal sense is obsolete in English; the sense of “elegant, cultured” (of literature, arts, etc.) is from c. 1500; of persons, “refined or cultivated in speech, manner, or behavior,” by 1620s. The meaning “behaving courteously, showing consideration for others” is by 1748 (implied in politely).

Why is it polite to say please?

Please is a word used in the English language to indicate politeness and respect while making a request. Derived from shortening the phrase “if you please” or “if it please(s) you”, the term has taken on substantial nuance based on its intonation and the relationship between the persons between whom it is used.

What does it cost us to be polite?

Answer. Answer: Politeness cost nothing, but buys everything’. Politeness is a duty which will we owe to ourselves as well as to our neighbours.

What means suspicious?

1 : tending to arouse suspicion : questionable suspicious characters. 2 : disposed to suspect : distrustful suspicious of strangers. 3 : expressing or indicative of suspicion a suspicious glance.

With the world so divided at the moment, it seems everyone we talk to has a completely different opinion. I think it’s all very well to have an intelligent conversation. You broaden your outlook. You get to hear another side of the topic.

But sometimes you come across a person who is, well, let’s just say they are not that well-informed. Ok, I mean dumb. But you can’t call someone dumb or stupid. You’ve lost the argument. So are there any other words for dumb that you can use?

Oh yes. Read on dear reader. I’ve found funny words from French, synonyms from Scotland and bon-mots from back in the day.


Meaning – Extremely stupid, idiotic, foolish

Use in a sentence: ‘My father came up with yet another asinine plan to make him a millionaire.’

The word asinine relates to the ass, typically a stupid animal that is stubborn and obstinate.


Meaning – Absurdity, foolery, ridiculous, lunacy, stupidity, imbecility

Use in a sentence: Attempting to dive off Niagara Falls must be considered as the greatest extreme sporting bêtise of all time.

Trust the French to have a classy word for dumb. Bêtise derives from the French word ‘bête‘ which means beast, animal or stupid. You might have heard of ‘bête-noire’ which translates as the bane of someone’s life.


Meaning – A medical term for a pain in the coccyx

Use in a sentence: ‘He is being a right coccydynia jumping ahead of the queue like that.’

Want a fancy name for calling someone a ‘pain in the butt’? This is a proper medical term for a pain in the tailbone or coccyx. I admit you may want to ask your smart speaker how to pronounce it.


Meaning – Heavy, dull, thick, cloddish, lacking in mental acuity, brainless

Use in a sentence: ‘I’m not surprised at his doltish behaviour, he has a reputation for being dim-witted.’

There are so many ways to call someone dumb, and doltish is a great example. It means lacking the ability to absorb new ideas. So, I guess you are calling someone a bit of a Luddite when you use this word.


Meaning – Fool, idiot, awkward person

Use in a sentence: Send him on a gowk’s errand to teach him a lesson.

This is one of those other words for dumb that derives from Scottish and Northern England. In actual fact, you won’t hear it anywhere else in the world. A gowk is simply a fool.

“Conceited gowk! Puff’d up wi’ windy pride!” Robert Burns


Meaning – Dull, a state of mental lethargy, dopey, inert

Use in a sentence: Her hebetude began to annoy her fellow workers.

Hebetude comes from the Latin word ‘hebetudo‘ which means dullness.


Meaning – A government consisting of the most stupid, least qualified, ignorant members of society

Use in a sentence: Despite having no redeeming qualities, she ruled the office like a kakistocracy.

I love this word. It comes from the Greek word ‘kakistos’ which means bad or worst and the English word ‘cracy’ which denotes a particular form of government.


Meaning – A lack of knowledge, ignorant, clueless, unaware, oblivious

Use in a sentence: We have to address the worrying nescience of the medical profession and the growing rise of mental illnesses.

Nescience is a lovely word with roots in Latin. It comes from the Latin word ‘scire’ which means to know. In fact, our modern word ‘science’ originates from ‘scire’, a word in old English which meant knowledge. However, the Latin prefix ‘ne’ means no. So add it to a word and it means the opposite.


Meaning – An unattractive person (usually a man) who is not very intelligent

Use in a sentence: She finally got rid of her schlub of a husband.

Schlub is a delicious word, isn’t it? I bet most of us have come across a few schlubs in our time. A schlub is a person with little to offer. A pathetic person who no one likes.


Meaning – Uninterested, apathetic, unconcerned, indifferent, incurious, listless

Use in a sentence: You could see his stolid nature by the way he walked.

This is an interesting synonym in that it isn’t quite another word for dumb, however, there are lots of kinds of stupid. So it may well fit the context you’re looking for.

Thick as two short planks

Meaning – Very stupid, incredibly ignorant

Use in a sentence: She might be beautiful but she’s as thick as two short planks.

I had to add this because my dad would use it all the time as another word for dumb or stupid. It is a British saying. Basically, short planks are thicker than longer ones. It’s not rocket science folks!


Meaning – A person who thinks they are witty, someone who feigns wit, a person with no wit.

Use in a sentence: She considers herself quite the raconteur, when in fact she’s a witling.

Witling is an old word that is barely used anymore. However, I like it because it sounds like a compliment and you might be able to fool a narcissist with this word.

Final Thoughts

It’s not nice to call someone stupid. So when you are talking to other people who are really dumb, why not use one of the above words instead!


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Sub-editor & staff writer at Learning Mind

Janey Davies has been published online for over 10 years. She has suffered from a panic disorder for over 30 years, which prompted her to study and receive an Honours degree in Psychology with the Open University. Janey uses the experiences of her own anxiety to offer help and advice to others dealing with mental health issues.

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