Instead of using the word very

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Stop Saying Very

We use the word “very” to add emphasis to an adjective or adverb. People tend to use “very” over and over as it’s easy. However, there are always better alternatives to avoid using “very” and those words will help you sound more like a native speaker. Moreover, using very repeatedly in writing makes you seem dull and repetitive and lead to lower your score in exams such as IELTS and TOFEL. In this lesson, you’re going to learn how to stop saying very and enrich your English vocabulary.

Stop Saying Very!

Here is a list of 100 words to use instead of very to sound better in English;

100 Words to Avoid Using Very with Examples

  • Very accurate = Exact
    – They couldn’t find the exact cause of the accident.
  • Very afraid = Terrified
    – She’s terrified of the dark.
  • Very angry = Furious
    – My father was furious when I crashed his car.
  • Very bad = Awful
    – The weather was awful yesterday.
  • Very beautiful = Gorgeous
    – You look gorgeous as usual.
  • Very big = Massive
    – We can’t afford such a massive house.
  • Very boring = Dull
    – The book was so dull that I couldn’t finish it.
  • Very busy = Swamped
    – I’ve been swamped with work recently.
  • Very calm = Serene
    – She always smiles with that serene smile of her.
  • Very careful = Cautious
    – She was cautious about what she ate.
  • Very cheap = Stingy
    – He’s too stingy to take a taxi.
  • Very clean = Spotless
    – She wanted me to keep the house spotless.
  • Very clear = Obvious
    – It was quite obvious that he was guilty.
  • Very cold = Freezing
    – Put on your jacket. It’s freezing outside.
  • Very colorful = Vibrant
    – Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city.
  • Very creative = Innovative
    – He was a highly innovative artist in his time.
  • Very crowded = Bustling
    – The pavements are bustling with people.
  • Very cute = Adorable
    – Have you seen their new baby? She’s adorable.
  • Very dangerous = Perilous
    – It’s perilous to drive fast when the roads are wet.
  • Very different = Disparate
    – The four expirements gave quite disparate results.
  • Very difficult = Arduous
    – It was a long and arduous journey.
  • Very dirty = Filthy
    – I will have my car washed because it’s filthy.
  • Very dry = Arid
    – The desert is so arid that nothing can grow there.
  • Very dull = Tedious
    – His talents were wasted in his tedious job.
  • Very easy = Effortless
    – She made playing the piano look effortless.
  • Very empty = Desolate
    – The little mining town was desolate and ugly.
  • Very evil = Wicked
    – It’s wicked to punish him for something he didn’t do.
  • Very excited = Thrilled
    – Matthew was thrilled about becoming a father.
  • Very exciting = Exhilarating
    – Riding roller coasters is an exhilarating experience.
  • Very expensive = Costly
    – It would be too costly to repair your car.
  • Very fancy = Lavish
    – He took me to a lavish restaurant for our anniversary.
  • Very fast = Quick
    – She’s used to making quick decisions in a crises.
  • Very fat = Obese
    – It’s very difficult for obese people to stop overeating.
  • Very friendly = Amiable
    – He was such an amiable and decent man.
  • Very frightening = Terrifying
    – It was the most terrifying experience of my life.
  • Very funny = Hilarious
    – We laughed nonstop while watching the hilarious sitcom.
  • Very glad = Overjoyed
    – Lisa was overjoyed when her boyfriend asked to marry her.
  • Very good = Excellent
    – It’s quite an old car, but in excellent condition.
  • Very great = Terrific
    – Everybody was having a terrific time at the party.
  • Very happy = Ecstatic
    – The staff are ecstatic about the latest pay increase.
  • Very hard = Difficult
    – It’s difficult to find a job during the pandemic.
  • Very hard-to-find = Rare
    – My uncle’s interested in collecting rare stamps.
  • Very heavy = Leaden
    – His eyelids were leaden with sleep.
  • Very hot = Sweltering
    – It’s sweltering in here. Do you mind if I turn on the air conditioner?
  • Very huge = Colossal
    – They asked a colossal amount of money for that house.
  • Very hungry = Starving
    – I will get something to eat, I’m starving.
  • Very large = Huge
    – We’re in competition with some huge companies.
  • Very lazy = Indolent
    – He’s such an indolent man who does nothing but sleep.
  • Very little = Tiny
    – The last time I saw her, she was just a tiny baby.
  • Very lively = Animated
    – As he talked about her, his face became animated.
  • Very long = Extensive
    – The flood caused extensive damage to the village.
  • Very loose = Slack
    – Keep the rope slack until I tell you to pull it.
  • Very mean = Cruel
    – Her treatment of the animal was cruel.
  • Very necessary = Essential
    – Languages are an essential part of the school curriculum.
  • Very nervous = Apprehensive
    – He was apprehensive about how to make his living.
  • Very nice = Kind
    – It was kind of you to remember my birthday.
  • Very noisy = Deafening
    – When he finished speaking, the applause was deafening.
  • Very often = Frequently
    – She was frequently late for school.
  • Very old = Ancient
    – Your computer is ancient. I think you should buy a new one.
  • Very open = Transparent
    – She dressed a transparent silk blouse yesterday.
  • Very pale = Ashen
    – Her ashen face showed how shocked she was.
  • Very poor = Destitute
    – The floods left many people destitute.
  • Very pretty = Beautiful
    – She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.
  • Very quick = Rapid
    – There’s a rapid growth in the use of the internet.
  • Very quiet = Hushed
    – We discussed the situation in hushed voices.
  • Very rainy = Pouring
    – It hasn’t stopped pouring for hours.
  • Very rich = Wealthy
    – Lisa comes from a wealthy family.
  • Very sad = Sorrowful
    – She had a sorrowful look on her face.
  • Very scary = Chilling
    – They’re nervous about the chilling effect of inflation.
  • Very serious = Grave
    – Many species of animals are in grave danger of dying out.
  • Very sharp = Keen
    – You should be careful with that keen knife.
  • Very shiny = Gleaming
    – My brother polished his new car until it was gleaming.
  • Very short = Brief
    – He had only a brief sleep last night.
  • Very shy = Timid
    – She was always timid with strangers.
  • Very simple = Basic
    – He works to provide for his family’s basic needs.
  • Very skinny= Skeletal
    – She stretched out a skeletal hand.
  • Very slow = Sluggish
    – I woke up feeling tired and sluggish.
  • Very small = Petite
    – Dress sizes range from petite to extra large.
  • Very smart = Intelligent
    – He’s an intelligent and well-educated man.
  • Very smooth = Sleek
    – She tried on a sleek little black dress.
  • Very soft = Downy
    – He reached out and stroked the cat’s downy fur.
  • Very special = Exceptional
    – The ability to motivate people is exceptional.
  • Very sure = Certain
    – Richard was certain about his ability to do the job.
  • Very stupid = Idiotic
    – I’m not going to make such idiotic mistakes again.
  • Very sweet = Thoughtful
    – It was really thoughtful of you to help me.
  • Very talented = Gifted
    – He’s one of the most gifted football players of all time.
  • Very tasty = Delicious
    – Could you give me the recipe for that delicious cake?
  • Very thirsty = Parched
    – Can I have some water? I’m absolutely parched.
  • Very tired = Exhausted
    – I’m exhausted after walking for hours.
  • Very ugly = Hideous
    – I wouldn’t buy such a hideous dress.
  • Very unhappy = Miserable
    – Simon had a miserable childhood.
  • Very upset = Distraught
    – They were terribly distraught about the accident.
  • Very valuable = Precious
    – Health is more precious than anything else.
  • Very weak = Frail
    – He’s too frail to walk without a stick.
  • Very wet = Soaked
    – My clothes were soaked with sweat.
  • Very wide = Expansive
    – The expansive garden spreads through the river valley.
  • Very willing = Eager
    – She was eager to learn how to drive.
  • Very windy = Blustery
    – It was a cold and blustery day.
  • Very wise = Sage
    – We were grateful for his sage advice.
  • Very worried = Distressed
    – He was distressed by the news of the accident.

Avoid using the word VERY because it’s lazy.

There are a few quotes that verify this idea and are stated below:

“Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain”

“‘Very’ is the most useless word in the English language and can always come out. More than useless, it is treacherous because it invariably weakens what it is intended to strengthen. ~Florence King”

“So avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys – to woo women – and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do. It also won’t do in your essays. ~N.H. Kleinbaum”

One way to avoid using the word “very” is to use more descriptive words or phrases. For example, instead of saying “very tired,” you could say “exhausted.” Instead of saying “very happy,” you could say “overjoyed.” Additionally, you can use adverbs that are stronger than “very,” such as “completely,” “totally,” or “utterly.” Another way to avoid using “very” is to use a phrase that expresses the same thing in a different way, such as “to a great degree” instead of “very much” or “extremely” instead of “very”.

  • Very cold -> Frigid
  • Very tired -> Exhausted
  • Very angry -> Furious
  • Very happy -> Ecstatic
  • Very cheap -> Inexpensive
  • Very fast -> Swift
  • Very big -> Enormous
  • Very small -> Tiny
  • Very hot -> Scorching
  • Very cold -> Bitingly cold
  • Very hungry -> Starving
  • Very thirsty -> Parched
  • Very dirty -> Filthy
  • Very beautiful -> Gorgeous
  • Very slow -> Tedious
  • Very old -> Ancient
  • Very high -> Lofty
  • Very loud -> Deafening
  • Very bright -> Radiant
  • Very dark -> Pitch black
  • Very long -> Interminable
  • Very short -> Petite
  • Very thin -> Skinny
  • Very thick -> Chunky
  • Very heavy -> Massive
  • Very light -> Feathery
  • Very fast -> Lightning fast
  • Very slow -> Sluggish
  • Very easy -> Effortless
  • Very hard -> Herculean
  • Very strong -> Robust
  • Very weak -> Feeble
  • Very sweet -> Saccharine
  • Very sour -> Tart
  • Very salty -> Briny
  • Very bitter -> Harsh
  • Very fresh -> Crisp
  • Very stale -> Musty
  • Very young -> Juvenile
  • Very mature -> Sophisticated
  • Very rich -> Opulent
  • Very poor -> Destitute
  • Very successful -> Triumphant
  • Very failed -> Disastrous
  • Very healthy -> Robust
  • Very sick -> Infirm
  • Very happy -> Elated
  • Very sad -> Despondent
  • Very pleased -> Delighted
  • Very annoyed -> Irritated
  • Extremely thin -> Gaunt
  • Very quiet -> Hushed
  • Very rude -> Impolite
  • Very kind -> Benevolent
  • Very nervous -> Anxious
  • Very calm -> Serene
  • Very hot -> Blazing
  • Very cold -> Arctic
  • Very rich -> Affluent
  • Very poor -> Impoverished
  • Very popular -> Trendy
  • Very disliked -> Unpopular
  • Very intelligent -> Brilliant
  • Very silly -> Goofy
  • Very serious -> Solemn
  • Very playful -> Joyful
  • Very boring -> Dull
  • Very interesting -> Engaging
  • Very simple -> Uncomplicated
  • Very complicated -> Intricate
  • Very wrong -> Incorrect
  • Very right -> Correct
  • Very fast -> Speedy
  • Very slow -> Leisurely
  • Very full -> Stuffed
  • Very empty -> Vacant
  • Very high -> Elevated
  • Very low -> Depressed
  • Very big -> Colossal
  • Very small -> Minute
  • Very hot -> Sweltering
  • Very cold -> Frigid
  • Very wide -> Spacious
  • Very narrow -> Confined

Words to Use Instead of Very in Sentences

Here are some sentences using the words to instead of “very”:

  • He was extremely cold. -> He was frigid.
  • She was very tired. -> She was exhausted.
  • The situation was very angry. -> The situation was furious.
  • The party was very happy. -> The party was ecstatic.
  • The item was very cheap. -> The item was inexpensive.
  • The car was very fast. -> The car was swift.
  • The building was very big. -> The building was enormous.
  • The toy was very small. -> The toy was tiny.
  • The day was very hot. -> The day was scorching.
  • The night was very cold. -> The night was bitingly cold.
  • He was very hungry. -> He was starving.
  • She was very thirsty. -> She was parched.
  • The room was very dirty. -> The room was filthy.
  • The view was very beautiful. -> The view was gorgeous.
  • The progress was very slow. -> The progress was tedious.

How to Avoid Using the Word Very | Image

Avoid Using the Word Very 1

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English

Avoid Using the Word Very 2

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English 1

Avoid Using the Word Very 3

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English 2

Avoid Using the Word Very 4

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English 3

Avoid Using the Word Very 5

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English 4

Avoid Using the Word Very 6

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English 5

Avoid Using the Word Very 7

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English 6

Words to Use Instead of VERY!! Learn 150 useful ways to avoid the word VERY in English: Very creative = innovative; very cute = adorable; very dangerous = threatening; very dark = lightless,…with ESL printable infographics.

The word “very” often does not communicate enough information on the sentences. It’s been called one of the most useless words in the English language. So how does one avoid using the word “very? The following is a powerful list of strong adjectives, nouns & verbs to use instead of “very”. For example, instead of saying, “very rich”, you should say “wealthy.” This list is an excellent starting point for building up vocabulary to converse fluently in English.

Table of Contents

Words to Use Instead of VERY

Here is the list of better ways to use instead of Very in English:

  • very creative = innovative
  • very crowded = bustling
  • very cute = adorable
  • very dangerous = threatening
  • very dark = lightless
  • very dear = cherished
  • very realistic = practical
  • very rich = wealthy
  • very risky = perilous
  • very deep = profound
  • very beautiful = exquisite
  • very bright = luminous
  • very accurate = exact
  • very afraid = terrified
  • very angry = furious
  • very bad = atrocious
  • very busy = overloaded
  • very calm = serene
  • very careful = cautious
  • very charmed = mesmerized
  • very cheap = stingy
  • very clean = spotless
  • very clever = brilliant
  • very cold = freezing
  • very colorful = vibrant
  • very compete = comprehensive
  • very competitive = cutthroat
  • very confused = perplexed
  • very conventional = conservative
  • very core = gist
  • very depressed = despondent
  • very detailed = meticulous
  • very big = immense
  • very boring = dull
  • very brave = courageous
  • very dull = tedious
  • very eager = keen
  • very easy = smooth
  • very empty = desolate
  • very evil = wicked
  • very excited = thrilled
  • very willing = eager
  • very windy = blustery
  • very fancy = lavish
  • very far away = distant
  • very fast = quick
  • very fat = obese
  • very fierce = relentless
  • very fond = attached
  • very fortunate = blessed
  • very friendly = affectionate
  • very funny = hilarious
  • very different = disparate
  • very difficult = challenging
  • very disagreeable = obnoxious
  • very distressing = dreadful
  • very dry = parched
  • very glad = overjoyed
  • very good = excellent
  • very greedy = impatient
  • very happy = ecstatic
  • very hard = difficult
  • very hard-to-find = rare
  • very high = soaring
  • very huge = colossal
  • very exciting = exhilarating
  • very expensive = costly
  • very humble = courteous
  • very interesting = fascinating
  • very jolly = carefree
  • very kind = considerate
  • very large = huge
  • very lazy = indolent
  • very light = luminous
  • very gracefully = lithely
  • very great = terrific
  • very limited = finite
  • very little = tiny
  • very lively = animated
  • very long = extensive
  • very long-term = enduring
  • very hungry = starving
  • very hurt = battered/crushed
  • very important = crucial
  • very inexpensive = cheap
  • very loose = slack
  • very loud = deafening
  • very smelly = pungent
  • very smooth = sleek
  • very soft = downy
  • very scared = petrified
  • very loved = adored
  • very lovely = stunning
  • very mean = cruel
  • very messy = slovenly
  • very much = enough
  • very neat = immaculate
  • very necessary = essential
  • very nervous = apprehensive
  • very nice = kind
  • very noisy = deafening
  • very painful = excruciating
  • very pale = ashen
  • very perfect = flawless
  • very pleasant = amiable
  • very poor = destitute/underprivileged
  • very powerful = compelling
  • very pretty = beautiful
  • very protective = defensive
  • very proud = honored
  • very numerous = diverse
  • very often = frequently
  • very old = ancient
  • very open = transparent
  • very quick = rapid
  • very quiet = silent
  • very raining = pouring
  • very rainy = drizzly
  • very roomy = spacious
  • very sad = sorrowful
  • very shy = timid
  • very simple = basic
  • very skinny = skeletal
  • very sleepy = lethargic
  • very slow = sluggish
  • very serious = grave
  • very sharp = keen
  • very shiny = gleaming
  • very short = brief
  • very strong = unyielding
  • very stupid = idiotic
  • very sure = certain
  • very talented = gifted
  • very tall = towering
  • very tasty = delicious
  • very thin = gaunt
  • very valuable = precious
  • very warm = hot
  • very weak = frail
  • very wet = soaked
  • very tight = constricting
  • very tired = exhausted
  • very ugly = hideous
  • very sorry = apologetic
  • very special = exceptional
  • very unhappy = miserable
  • very upset = distraught
  • very wicked = villainous
  • very wise = sage
  • very worried = distressed

Ways to Use Instead of VERY | Infographics

words to use instead of very

words to use instead of very

words to use instead of very

In English, you can sound convincing, interesting, and smart by using more precise English words instead of very.

How to use the word “very”

“Very” is a great word in English. The word “very” is an intensifying modifier. You can use it to give the adjective or adverb a stronger meaning.

For example, by saying “a very short meeting” instead of “a short meeting”, you stress that the meeting is short. Adding “very” gives an emphasis to the adjective or adverb you use to describe a noun, such as a person, a situation, an action, or an object.

Using “very” can be vague

“Very” is a very good word. However, using the word “very” can be vague, because “very” is often placed in front of a more common word, such as “good”, “necessary”, “interesting” or “important.”

For example, when speaking or writing, using “essential” is more precise and convincing than “very necessary”. Instead of saying “very important“, say “crucial.”

Try to use more descriptive English words instead of very to sound smarter and more convincing in English.

Using “very” can be repetitive and boring

In addition, if you use the word “very” too much, it makes your writing and speaking seem boring and repetitive. Saying “It is very simple and also very special” can sound boring.

Avoid repeating “very” and try saying “basic” instead of “very simple” and “exceptional” instead of “very special.” Similarly, don’t say “very good” all the time. Say “excellent” instead.

Use a variety of English words instead of very to sound more interesting in English.

Replace “very” with more convincing words

Avoid using 2 words (“very + adjective/adverb“) to describe something. It is better to use 1 word that has the same meaning but is more precise and descriptive.

For example, you can replace “very accurate” by saying “exact.” Instead of saying “very clear“, say “obvious.

Don’t repeat yourself by using “very” too much. Have a look at this infographic by Proofreadingservices

This useful infographic presents 128 words instead of saying very you can use in English:

English words instead of very

*Note: This article may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link.

Here are 20 useful English words instead of “very” you can use in business situations:

  1. excellent = very good
  2. exact = very accurate
  3. obvious = very clear
  4. cutthroat = very competitive
  5. comprehensive = very complete
  6. innovative = very creative
  7. meticulous = very detailed
  8. costly = very expensive
  9. swamped = very busy
  10. crucial = very important
  11. captivating = very interesting
  12. essential = very necessary
  13. frequently = very often
  14. compelling = very powerful
  15. rapid = very quick
  16. grave = very serious
  17. brief = very short
  18. basic = very simple
  19. intelligent = very smart
  20. exceptional = very special

Study the new vocabulary

To help you study the new vocabulary, I created these flashcards. Using Quizlet, you can study the flashcards to memorize the new words:

Let’s practice 

Which of the 128 words can you use at work? Choose 1 of the words and write a sentence in the comments below!

I look forward to reading your sentences!

Happy learning!

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