Instead of this word use this word

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Instead of this plan, through the General Staff and the war, we suggest a different plan.

Мы предлагаем вместо этого плана, через генштаб и войну, другой план.

Instead of this, schoolboys all over the world memorize the dates and places of historical battles and remember the names of generals.

Вместо этого школьники во всех частях света заучивают даты и места исторических сражений и запоминают имена генералов.

Instead of this button, it is recommended to click on the small «x» in the upper corner of the window.

Вместо этой кнопки, рекомендуется нажать на маленькую «х» в верхнем углу окна.

Instead of this teaching he has supplied a new and better and nobler ideal for the liberation of a whole nation.

Взамен этой доктрины он предоставил нам новый, прекрасный и благородный идеал по освобождению всего народа.

Instead of this, whilst behind bars, he has stayed a political activist.

Вместо этого, даже за решеткой, он оставался политически активным.

Instead of this, they will purchase goods.

Instead of this, rejoice with me.

Instead of this the company made inexpensive clothes of proper quality and advertised due to the own trademark.

Вместо этого он производил недорогую одежду отличного качества и рекламировал свою собственную торговую марку.

Instead of this, the goods of metallurgy products appeared in cargo nomenclature, almost twice grown the processing of grain, thrice — clay.

Вместо этого в номенклатуре грузов появилась продукция металлургии, почти в два раза выросла переработка зерна, в три — глины.

Instead of this genetic whack-a-mole, the group chose to explore cellular mechanisms outside what can be a never-ending sequence of new mutations.

Вместо этого генетического процесса, группа решила исследовать клеточные механизмы без условия, что могут происходить бесконечные мутации.

Instead of this, they prefer to do nothing.

Вместо этого они предпочитают вообще ничего не делать.

Instead of this, they can save the website shortcut to the home screen and use it as a usual app.

Вместо этого они могут сохранить ярлык сайта на свой домашний экран и использовать его как обычное приложение.

Instead of this, the humanistic approach developed the concepts of freedom of choice and every person’s potential for self-actualisation.

Вместо этого гуманистический подход предложил концепции о свободе выбора и возможности самоактуализации каждого человека.

Instead of this, it influences the way the whole organization grows and runs.

Вместо этого они влияет на то, как работают и растут целые организации.

Instead of this the brand made inexpensive clothes of good quality and advertised for its own trademark.

Вместо этого он производил недорогую одежду отличного качества и рекламировал свою собственную торговую марку.

Instead of this it is better to put a pack of frozen green beans and vegetable mixture in your basket.

Вместо этого лучше положить в корзину пачку замороженной стручковой фасоли и смесь овощей.

Instead of this we see an attempt to turn public oversight into a decorative function, devoid of real content.

Вместо этого мы видим попытку превращения общественного контроля в декорацию, лишенную реального содержания.

Instead of this, the regional stakeholders use several parties simultaneously to acquire control of the representative body.

Вместо этого группы интересов в регионах используют одновременно несколько партий для получения контроля над представительным органом.

Instead of this, some kayaks use inflatable flotation bags also.

Вместо этого, некоторые каяки используют надувные мешки флотационных также.

Instead of this the best product managers involve all team members and build a process on the basis of collaborative decision-making.

Вместо этого, лучшие продакт-менеджеры строят процесс на основе совместного принятия решений, в котором задействованы все члены команды.

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We walked instead of driving.

Мы не поехали на машине, а пошли пешком.

Could I have tuna instead of ham?

Можно мне тунца вместо ветчины?

We have dry rot instead of the floor.

У нас уже не пол, а труха какая-то.

Instead of buttons, the jacket has toggles.

Вместо пуговиц на куртке имеются застёжки.

He just gallivants about instead of working.

Он тут только шатается, а не работает.

Authority is directional instead of coercive.

Авторитет направляет, а не заставляет.

They used English terms instead of Latin ones.

Они использовали английские термины /выражения/ вместо латинских.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

We use it instead of the stairs.»  

You probably picked up my keys instead of yours.  

Instead of firing her, they put her on probation.  

Instead of being annoyed, he seemed quite pleased.  

I mistakenly wrote her name as «Gene» instead of «Jean.»  

Air-fresheners mask bad smells instead of removing them.  

If you want to use cheese instead of chicken, that’s fine.  

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FridaGreg FridaGreg

1 year(s) ago

посчитайте 42. 4 Instead of using somebody, they, people etc. , write a passive sentence. 1 Somebody cleans the room every day. The room is cleaned every day 2. They cancelled all flights because of fog. 3 Somebody accused me of stealing money. 4 How do you use this word? 5 The price includes all taxes. All. . . . . . . . . 6 People warned us not to go out alone. 7 We don’t use this office any more. This. . . . 8 They invited five hundred people to the wedding. Five hundred. . . ​

ответы: 1

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2 All flights were cancelled because of fog.

3 I was accused of stealing money.

4 How is this word used?

5 All taxes are included in the price.

6 We were warned tot to go alone.

7 This office is not used anymore.

8 Five hundred people were invited to the wedding.

deal with deal with

Oct 31, 2021

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Holly narrate these words while going to mountain of Saskatchewan with Kit on Car:

We took off at sunset, on a line toward the mountains of Saskatchewan,
for Kit a magical land beyond the reach of the law. He needed me now
more than ever, but something had come between us. I’d stopped even
paying attention to him. Instead, I sat in the car and read a map and
spelled out entire sentences with my tongue on the roof of my mouth,
where nobody could read them.

She was sitting in the car instead of doing what?

I was confused by seeing the word instead in Holly’s narration. Is there any use of the word «Instead» in this narration.

Source: Badlands (1973)

asked Oct 10, 2017 at 3:35

The Hawk's user avatar

«Instead» means that something was in place of another — something was done instead of another thing.

She was sitting and reading a map while she should have/needed to have paid attention to him. She wasn’t there for him and she realised it.

When «instead» comes at the beginning of a sentence it usually tells an opposite thing/action to the one mentioned before. The action/thing may have been mentioned in just one sentence or a whole paragraph that came before the sentence starting with «instead«.

answered Oct 10, 2017 at 5:38

SovereignSun's user avatar


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She was sitting in the car instead of doing what?

Instead of paying attention to him.

answered Oct 10, 2017 at 3:36

CinCout's user avatar


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помогите пожалуйста!!!
42.4 Instead of using somebody, they, people etc., write a passive sentence. 1 Somebody cleans the room every day. The room is cleaned every day 2. They cancelled all flights because of fog. 3 Somebody accused me of stealing money. 4 How do you use this word? 5 The price includes all taxes. All……… 6 People warned us not to go out alone. 7 We don’t use this office any more. This…. 8 They invited five hundred people to the wedding. Five hundred… ​

Светило науки — 269 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


2 All flights were cancelled because of fog.

3 I was accused of stealing money.

4 How is this word used?

5 All taxes are included in the price.

6 We were warned tot to go alone.

7 This office is not used anymore.

8 Five hundred people were invited to the wedding.


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