Inserting text into word

Insert text or data from another document without using cut-and-paste

Updated on November 21, 2021

What to Know

  • Insert a document within Word by going to Insert > Object > Text from File. Select a file and choose Insert.
  • Insert a portion of a document by going to Insert > Object > Text from File and selecting a file. Adjust Range to choose a portion.

A common method to insert text into a Microsoft Word document is to cut and paste it. This works well for short pieces of text. When you want to insert an entire document or a lengthy section of a document, there’s a quicker solution than the cut-and-paste method. Instructions in this article apply to Word for Microsoft 365, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, and Word 2010.

Add Another Document to a Word Document

Word can add an entire document into your work in a few quick steps.

  1. Position the cursor where you want to insert the document.

  2. Go to the Insert tab.

  3. In the Text group, select the Object drop-down arrow.

  4. Select Text from File.

  5. In the Insert File dialog box, select a document file.

  6. Choose Insert.

  7. The document is inserted, beginning at the cursor location.

Add a Portion of a Document to a Word Document

If you don’t want to add the entire contents of the file into your Word document, choose which parts of the document or worksheet that you want to insert.

  1. Place the cursor where you want to insert the text.

  2. Select Insert > Object > Text from File.

  3. In the Insert File dialog box, select a document file.

  4. Select Range.

  5. In the Set Range dialog box, enter the bookmark name from the Word document, or the range of cells from the Excel worksheet.

  6. Select OK.

  7. In the Insert File dialog box, select Insert.

  8. The portion of the document is inserted, beginning at the cursor location.

Insert a Linked Text in a Document

If the text from the document you’re inserting might change, use linked text that can be updated easily. The linked text option offers a third method to insert a document that updates the document automatically if the original changes.

  1. Position the cursor where you want to insert the link to the document.

  2. Go to the Insert tab.

  3. Select the Object drop-down arrow.

  4. Choose Object.

  5. In the Object dialog box, go to the Create from File tab, then select Browse.

  6. In the Browse dialog box, choose the file to insert, then select Insert.

  7. In the Object dialog box, select Display as icon to display the inserted file as a clickable icon, rather than display the first page of the file.

  8. Select OK to insert the linked file

How to Update Linked Text

Because linked data is stored in the source file, linked objects can be updated if the source is changed.

If the text changes in the original document, select the linked text object (the entire text of the insert will be selected), then press F9. This checks the original and updates the inserted text with the changes made to the original.

Only linked text can be updated. Because embedded objects become part of the Word file, these objects are not connected to the source file and do not update.

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We’ll talk about how to Insert Text in MS Word in this chapter. A lot of the time, you have to go back and add more text to an existing line. There are two ways to insert text to existing text in Microsoft Word, and we’ll show you how to use both of them.

Table of contents

  • Insert Text in MS Word
  • What is Inserting Text in MS Word?
  • What is the Use of Inserting Text?
  • How to Insert Text Quickly in Your Word Document
  • Insert Text Using Textbox
  • Summary

What is Inserting Text in MS Word?

Inserting text is one of the many things that MS-Word can do. For example, if a user is writing something like an article or assignment, he or she might realize that they forgot to write something in the middle, at the beginning, or anywhere else in the document. So, in this case, the feature that comes in very handy is Inserting text, which will do the work for the user.

What is the Use of Inserting Text?

The use of Inserting text in MS Word it has the ability to position the cursor using the mouse or arrow keys at any point in a document and begin typing.

The insert text function permits you to add characters to your document without erasing your previous work.

How to Insert Text Quickly in Your Word Document

Time needed: 2 minutes.

Here are the basic steps for inserting text or making a new document in Word;

  1. Insert Text in Microsoft Word with Text Replacement

    Step 1: First open MS-Word on your PC.
    Step 2: Now, Open the document or create a new one in which you want to perform this operation.  

    Step 3: Now, Put the cursor where you want to insert the text.

    Step 4: Now, Write or type the text which needs to be inserted.
    Like here we insert MS Word Tutorial. As shown in the figure below:

    Step 5: So, the text is inserted successfully.

  2. Insert Text in Microsoft Word with Text Replacement

    Here are some examples on how to Insert Text in MS Word with replacing some text. Sometimes, a certain part of the whole document or some text needs to be changed to something else.

    1. Open the document you wish to perform this action on, or create a new one.
    2. Now, choose the text you’d like to change.
    3. Now, press the “Backspace” key and start typing the text you want to add. Or, you can just start typing the text you want to insert, and the “selected text by default” feature will go away or be deleted when you do.
    Here, we replace the first paragraph with “MS Word Tutorial for Beginners“.

Insert Text Using Textbox

The MS Word allows us to Insert Text boxes anywhere within the document where required. This is another excellent tool provided by Microsoft Word.

A text box is an object you can add to your document that lets you put and type text anywhere in your file. Text boxes can be useful for drawing attention to specific text and can also be helpful when you need to move text around in your document

 Now, Open the document or create a new one in which you want to perform this operation.



Now, go to “insert tab” above. (As shown in the image below)



Now, In the insert tab, there is a section called “Text“. 



Now, In section Text, there is an option called “Text box“. Click on that option of Text box. Then, Select one of the text boxes available as per you choice. Here, for example, a simple text box has been selected.



Now, insert text or type anything that you want.




In summary, we’ve talked about Inserting text in MS Word as well as what those terms mean. Also, we learn different ways to insert text in a document.

We hope this guide helps you as you plan to create a document in MS Word.


MS Word Tutorial Home Tab


MS Word Tutorial Select Text

In this chapter, we will discuss how to insert text in Word 2010. Many times it is required to go back and insert additional text in an existing line. Microsoft Word provides two ways to insert text in existing text and we will show how to use both the methods of inserting text −

Insert and Add Text

First we will see how inserted text will be added into the existing content without replacing any existing content.

Step 1 − Click the location where you wish to insert text; you can also use the keyboard arrows to locate the place where the text needs to be inserted.

Position Selection

Step 2 − Start typing the text that needs to be inserted. Word inserts the text to the left of the insertion point, moving the existing text to the right

Insert Text

Insert and Replace Text

In the Insertion mode, text will be added into the existing content but same time it will over write all the content which comes in its way.

Step 1 − Right-click the status bar and select the Overtype option from the displayed menu.

Overtype Option

When you select the Overtype option, the status bar will show the insert mode as shown below −

Insert Mode

Step 2 − Click on the Insert text available at the status bar and it will switch to the Overtype mode as shown below −

Overtype Mode

Step 3 − Now click the location where the text needs to be inserted or you can use the keyboard arrows to locate the place where the text needs to be inserted.

Position Selection

Step 4 − Start typing the text that needs to be inserted. Word will replace the existing text with the newly typed text without moving the position of the exiting test.

Insert Text

Note − Microsoft Word 2010 disabled the functionality of the Insert key and it does nothing, so you will have to follow-up with the above mentioned procedure to turn-on or turn-off the Insert mode.


  • Способ 1: Сочетание клавиш
  • Способ 2: Контекстное меню
  • Способ 3: Меню «Вставить»
  • Вопросы и ответы

Как вставить скопированный текст в Ворд

Способ 1: Сочетание клавиш

Microsoft Word поддерживает большинство стандартных для настольных операционных систем Windows и macOS сочетаний клавиш, одним из которых и следует воспользоваться для вставки предварительно скопированного текста. Просто установите указатель курсора (каретку) в нужное место документа и воспользуйтесь одной из представленных ниже комбинаций.

  • «Ctrl + V» — Windows
  • «Command + V» — macOS

Место для вставки скопированного текста в Microsoft Word

Читайте также: Горячие клавиши для работы в Word

Содержимое буфера обмена будет вставлено в документ Ворд в том же виде, в котором оно было изначально, за исключением разве что неподдерживаемых программой объектов и стилей. Если такой вариант вас не устраивает, ознакомьтесь со следующими способами.

Результат вставки скопированного текста в Microsoft Word

Читайте также: Горячие клавиши для работы в Windows / macOS

Способ 2: Контекстное меню

Другим возможным методом вставки скопированного текста является обращение к контекстному меню, вызываемому нажатием правой кнопки мышки (ПКМ) в нужном месте документа. В отличие от рассмотренного выше решения, такой подход предоставляет до четырех различных вариантов, определяющих конечный вид исходной записи. Рассмотрим каждый из них.

Примечание: Наличие в списке доступных всех или только некоторых из обозначенных ниже пунктов определяется содержимым буфера обмена. То есть для скопированного текста и, например, текста с графическими или какими-либо иными объектами оно может и наверняка будет отличаться.

  • «Сохранить исходное форматирование» — скопированный текст будет вставлен в том же виде, который он имел изначально;
  • Сохранить исходное форматирование при вставке скопированного текста в документ Microsoft Word

  • «Объединить форматирование» — изначальное форматирование будет объединено с таковым в текущем документе;
  • Объединить форматирование при вставке скопированного текста в документ Microsoft Word

  • «Рисунок» — запись будет вставлена в виде графического объекта, непригодного для редактирования обычными средствами, но с ним можно работать как с изображением, например, изменив размер, положение или цвет;
    Вставка скопированного текста как рисунка в документ Microsoft Word
    Читайте также: Как изменить рисунок в Microsoft Word
    Пример вставки скопированного текста как рисунка в документ Microsoft Word
  • «Сохранить только текст» — из скопированного содержимого будут исключены все отличные от текста объекты, такие как рисунки, фигуры, таблицы (границы), ссылки и т. д, а его форматирование — полностью очищено.

    Сохранить только текст при вставке скопированного текста в документ Microsoft Word

    Читайте также: Как удалить сразу все ссылки из документа Ворд

  • Конечный результат, то есть вид, который приобретет скопированный текст после его вставки посредством каждого из обозначенных параметров, продемонстрирован на соответствующих скриншотах выше.

Способ 3: Меню «Вставить»

Наиболее очевидным, но далеко не таким востребованным среди пользователей методом вставки является использование отдельного инструмента текстового редактора – кнопки «Вставить» из группы «Буфер обмена» во вкладке «Главная». Если нажать по ее значку, будет выполнена обычная вставка, аналогичная таковой в части «Способ 1» настоящей статьи, где использовалось сочетание клавиш. Если же нажать по самой надписи «Вставить» или расположенной под ней указывающей вниз стрелкой, на выбор будут доступны следующие пункты, аналогичные таковым в контекстном меню:

  • «Сохранить исходное форматирование»;
  • «Объединить форматирование»;
  • «Рисунок»;
  • «Сохранить только текст».
  • Параметры вставки скопированного текста в документ Microsoft Word

    Читайте также: Как форматировать текст в Ворде

Значение каждого из этих параметров было рассмотрено в предыдущей части статьи. Особого внимания заслуживает еще один из них, выделенный отдельным пунктом и предоставляющий ряд дополнительных возможностей. Это «Специальная вставка», которая также вызывается сочетанием клавиш «Alt+Ctrl+V» и предоставляет следующие варианты:

Параметры специальной вставки скопированного текста в документ Microsoft Word

Обратите внимание! Наличие в меню специальной вставки тех или иных пунктов из нижеперечисленных зависит от содержимого буфера обмена, то есть для скопированного текста, текста с объектами (таблицы, фигуры, рисунки, элементы разметки и т. д.) и только объектов их количество может и наверняка будет отличаться.

  • «Документ Microsoft Word (объект)» — объект, который визуально напоминает текстовое поле и содержит в себе скопированную запись, а при двойном клике левой кнопки мышки (ЛКМ) открывается в виде отдельного документа с таким же содержимым. Работает по принципу гиперссылки;
    Вставка скопированного текста как Документ Microsoft Word (объект) в документ Microsoft Word

    Читайте также: Как вставить ссылку на документ в Ворде

  • «Текст в формате RTF» — Rich Text Format, проприетарный межплатформенный формат хранения текстовых документов с форматированием;
  • Вставка скопированного текста как Текст в формате RTF в документ Microsoft Word

  • «Неформатированный текст» — обычный текст с очищенным исходным форматированием;
    Вставка скопированного текста как Неформатированный текст в документ Microsoft Word

    Читайте также: Как очистить форматирование в документе Word

  • «Метафайл Windows (EMF)» — универсальный формат векторных графических файлов, который поддерживается некоторыми Windows-приложениями, в первую очередь, графическими редакторами по типу GIMP (с предварительной растеризацией) и Inkscape;
    Вставка скопированного текста как Метафайл Windows (EMF) в документ Microsoft Word

    Читайте также: Как вставить картинку в Майкрософт Ворд

  • «Формат HTML» — если копировался текст данного типа (например, с веб-сайта), он будет вставлен с сохранением формата (заголовки/подзаголовки, тип, размер, начертание и прочие параметры шрифта и т. д.);
    Вставка текста с сайта в формате HTML в документ Microsoft Word

    Читайте также: Как конвертировать HTML-файл в документ Word

  • «Текст в кодировке Юникод» — преобразует кодировку в привычную для текстовых документов Ворд, если ранее она отличалась. В ряде случаев это может негативно сказаться на форматировании и общем отображении содержимого.
    Вставка скопированного текста как Текст в кодировке Юникод в документ Microsoft Word

    Читайте также: Как изменить кодировку текстового документа Word

  • Примечание: Использование последнего пункта в меню кнопки «Вставить»«Вставка по умолчанию», — открывает окно «Параметров» текстового редактора, в котором доступна возможность настройки стандартного поведения этой функции. Обратившись к данному разделу, можно сделать так, чтобы при обычной вставке в документ добавлялся, например, только текст с очисткой исходного форматирования («Сохранить только текст»), а не с его сохранением.

    Вызов параметров для настройки вставки по умолчанию в документе Microsoft Word

    То, как будет выглядеть скопированный текст после вставки с помощью каждого из обозначенных выше параметров, продемонстрировано на соответствующих им изображениях выше.

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Formatting text in a document is relevant in all workspace environments. It helps to standardize a document, makes it readable and presentable to an audience. There is, therefore, a need to insert text in a document before formatting text.

Texts take over 90 percent of the content of a Microsoft Word document. Texts are so important that they must appear in every content created, no matter how small. Different documents such as letters, memos, resumes, etc., rely on texts to convey proper communication.

In documents such as flyers, banners, and letterheads, texts are needed for proper brand identification and information delivery. Texts also help to drive home ideas, as well as communicate to an audience.

Because of the importance of text, it is necessary to learn how to format text in a document. In this tutorial, you will learn how to insert and format text in a document by understanding the following:

  • Inserting text in a document
  • Formatting text in a document
  • Using the clipboard commands
  • Inserting text box and WordArt
  • The drop cap command
  • Using the spelling & grammar tool

Before you proceed, remember to explore the first three tutorials in this series. To understand how to work with Microsoft Word better, visit the links below.

  1. Microsoft Word Tutorial Level 1: What is Microsoft Word
  2. Microsoft Word Tutorial Level 2: Creating a Document
  3. Microsoft Word Tutorial Level 3: The Page Layout

To insert or add a text in a document is the process of including text content in a document. You can add text to a document in four ways:

The keyboard input device:

This is the process of typing directly into the document through the keyboard input device. This can also be achieved by using the onscreen keyboard made available in your operating system. Typing is the most popularly used method, and it is popularly used in offices and business centers. Experts in using this method have mastered how to type from the keyboard. And this is usually measured in words per minute. Broderbund’s Mavis Beacon is a popular software used to learn and master typing to become an expert typist.

The clipboard:

This is the process of copying and pasting texts from another document. Texts can be copied from another word document, another application, or a web page. When the copied text is placed in a word document, it becomes part of the present document. This is a faster way of inserting text into a document. It is simply done by highlighting the text or group of texts in one document. Then copying and pasting the selected texts at the insertion point in the present document. The selected text will populate the present document.

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software:

This is the process of scanning and converting hard copy text documents into a soft or digital copies. This method is gaining popularity and acceptance in the modern office workspace. It enhances productivity, makes it easier to manage paperwork, and eliminates the task of learning typing. Its main disadvantage is that some characters may not be accurately recognized by the software. From experience, some OCR can give up to 95% accuracy depending on the nature of the scanned document. Because of the inaccuracy, you will have to proofread the document thoroughly to identify and correct misinterpreted texts. Some popular OCR software include Readiris, ABBYY cloud OCR, Simple OCR, etc.

Speech to text software:

Though this has not gained much popularity, it is one of the fastest ways of inserting a text. It is the process whereby your voice is being recognized by your computer and spoken words converted to texts. It is made possible by machine learning and artificial intelligence. To achieve high accuracy when using this method, you will train your voice for accurate recognition. Microsoft 365 has the Voice command on the Home tab to ease text dictation.

With these four methods, you can easily insert text into a document. Choose any of the methods, let us start formatting your texts.

Formatting Text in a Document

Formatting text is the process of customizing the text in a document to conform to the desire of the creator. It entails modifying and tweaking text using various text features to make a document presentable.

Text features

Every text in a document has its characteristics. These characteristics include color, size, capitalization, etc. Some of the text features to be modified in a document include:

  • Font, which represents a character presentation format. Fonts differ, and each font selected has a unique way of representing a text it applies to. Different font types can be selected from the list of fonts.
  • Size, which represents the magnitude of a character or text in a document. There are acceptable character sizes for different types of documents, though this can be left to the user’s choice. For example, in academic research, sizes 12 and 14 are acceptable for thesis and projects respectively.
  • Capitalization, which depicts a text in any of two cases: lowercase and uppercase. Other case types are variations of these two cases.
  • Boldface, which is used to lay emphasis on a text. It makes selected text bold or dark to show its level of importance in a document. Most times, boldface is used on headings and subheadings in a document.
  • Italic, which represents a style of a selected text. Italicize texts are slanted in nature, indicating deviation from normal. This feature is usually used on texts that represent foreign languages, scientific terms, etc.
  • Underline, which draws a line under a text. Underline is usually used in the absence of italics and bold. But in recent times, it is rarely used in a document. However, there may be a need for you to use it in a document.
  • Subscript, which creates a small letter below a line of text. It is used to create a letter to the base of a standard text, such as 102 (10 base 2).
  • Superscript, which creates a small letter above a line of text. It is used to raise a letter above a standard text, such as X3 (X raise to power 3).
  • Color, which adds beauty to a text. Color can be applied to a selected text to differentiate it from other texts for different reasons. It may be for beauty, aesthetics, to highlight a point, or for branding, etc.
  • Others include text effect and text highlight color. They can be used to distinguish texts in a document.

Applying text formatting

Formatting text is very simple in modern word applications because of the use of ribbon commands. To apply text formatting in a word document, follow these steps.

  1. Select the text or group of texts you want to apply formatting on.
  2. On the Home tab, under the Font group, select any of the text features you want to modify.

applying formatting to text

  1. Any feature selected will be applied immediately to the document (see features icon in the diagram above).
  2. To change text font, do the following:

Microsoft word tutorial - changing the font type

  1. Highlight the text or group of text you want to modify
    • On the Home tab, under Font group, select the Fontdropdown arrow
    • From the list that appears, select your desired font, e.g. Century Gothic
    • The selected font is applied to the highlighted texts.
  2. To apply capitalization, do the following:

microsoft word tutorial - capitalization

  1. Highlight the text or group of text you want to modify
    • On the Home tab, under Font group, select the Change Casedropdown arrow
    • From the list that appears, select your desired font, e.g. UPPERCASE
    • The selected font is applied to the highlighted texts.
  2. You can also apply text formatting by using the font dialog box shown below. To use the font dialog box, do the following.
    • Highlight the text or group of text you want to modify
    • On the Home tab, under the Font group, select the Font dialog box launcher. The font dialog box appears.

formatiing text

  • On the font dialog box, select all the text features you want to modify (font, font style, text size, etc.
    • Click the OK button when you are done.

Using the Clipboard Commands

The clipboard is a container where all items copied/ cut are temporarily kept for your use. When you activate the clipboard, items copied from other documents are also kept on the clipboard. This means that items copied from a webpage, Excel app, etc, are placed on the clipboard in a word document.

the clipboard - inserting text

Storage on the clipboard is limited to 24 items. After 24 items are placed on the clipboard, newer items will displace the older ones in the order of First-in-First-Out. Each item on the clipboard displays the source apps icon, as shown in the diagram above.

To activate the clipboard, click on the clipboard launcher, on the Home tab, under the Clipboard group. An empty clipboard pane will appear if you have not copied any item. When you start copying items, the pane will be populated with the copied/cut items. Select each item on the clipboard to paste it on the insertion point in your document.

The clipboard commands

There are four commands on the clipboard group. Each command has a unique feature and purpose. The commands are named on the clipboard group and include:

  • Cut, which is used to remove selected text or group of text and place them on the clipboard.
  • Copy, which is used to create a copy of selected text or group of texts and place them on the clipboard.
  • Format painter, which is used to apply selected formatting from one text to another. Instead of guessing the formatting features on a text you like, you can copy the formatting to another text. The format painter helps you achieve this result.
  • Paste, which is used to add copied/cut content in a document. Items are added at the position of the cursor in a document. The paste command has subcommands, called paste options. These commands help you to paste an item with specific features. Let us examine them.

the clipboard commands - Microsoft word tutorial

  • Keep source formatting: if you selected this entry, then the item added to the document will retain its formatting features.
  • Merge formatting: if this option is selected, then, the item added will change the formatting of the present document.
  • Picture: if you chose this option, the item added will be converted to a picture.
  • Text only: this option will strip the added item of all formatting features and keep only the text.

Applying the clipboard commands

The cut command:

  1. Highlight the text or group of text you want to cut (remove) from its present location.
  2. On the Home tab, under the Clipboard group, select the Cut icon. You can also press CTRL+X on the keyboard.
  3. The selected texts are placed on the clipboard.

The copy command:

  1. Highlight the text or group of text you want to copy (duplicate).
  2. On the Home tab, under the Clipboard group, select the Copy icon. You can also press CTRL+C on the keyboard.
  3. The selected texts are placed on the clipboard.

The paste command:

  1. Place the cursor in the position where you want to add the content you copied or cut.
  2. On the Home tab, under the Clipboard group, select the Paste icon. You can also press CTRL+V on the keyboard. Remember, you can choose any of the paste options.
  3. The selected texts are added to the document at the selected position.

The format painter command:

  1. Highlight the text or group of text you want to replicate its formatting.
  2. On the Home tab, under the Clipboard group, select the Format Painter icon. You can also press CTRL+SHIFT+C on the keyboard. The pointer changes to a brush with a line cursor.
  3. Use the brush-pointer to select the text or group of text you want to apply the format on.
  4. If you used the keyboard shortcut, then, select the text you want to apply the format on. On the keyboard, press CTRL+SHIFT+V.
  5. The formatting will be automatically applied to the selected text.

Inserting Textbox and WordArt

A textbox is a flexible tool that can be used to insert text at any location on the document. The WordArt is an artistic tool that adds flair to a text. Both textbox and WordArt are shapes that can be placed in any location without the limitation of the document margins. They can be very useful when creating documents such as letterheads, business cards, invitation cards, certificates, flyers, banners, etc.

In a document, you can use them to create bold headings or quotes that will attract the attention of readers. In the modern word app, the WordArt is a kind of textbox. In the older word app, Word 97 – 2003 applications, it was different. Therefore, you can work with the WordArt the same way you work with the textbox.

Inserting a textbox

To insert a textbox in your document, do the following:

  1. On the Insert tab, under Illustrations group, select Shapes.

Using manual text box to insert text

  1. From the shapes dropdown list, locate Text Box under Basic Shapes.
  2. Select the text box icon. The pointer changes to a cross.
  3. On the document workspace, click and drag to insert a text box.
  4. Start entering text on the text box as you desire. You can also adjust the size of the text box as you want.
  5. Drag the text box and position it where you desire on your document.
  6. Select the text box or its content and apply necessary text formatting as explained in the formatting text section.
  7. Select the text box. On the Format tab, under Shape Styles, select the Format Shape dialog box launcher.

inserting text with a text box

  1. On the pane that appears on the right, select Fill, and choose the No Fill radio button.
  2. On the pane that appears on the right, select Line, and choose the No line radio button.

The above 9 and 10 steps will remove the fill color and line border on the text box. This is necessary when you don’t want to show any of those features. You can decide to leave them if they are required to draw the attention you desire.

The text box has preset designs that you can insert into your document to create attention. To use the preset design, do the following:

  1. Go to the Insert tab, under Text group, select the Text Box.

inserting the preset text box

  1. From the dropdown list, you can select one of the preset text boxes.
  2. The selected text box is inserted into your document.
  3. If you wish to create your text box, select the Draw Text Box option from the menu list.
  4. Follow steps 3 – 10 above.

Insert a WordArt

To insert a WordArt in your document, do the following:

  1. On the Insert tab, under the Text group, select the WordArt icon.

Inserting wordart

  1. From the dropdown list, select an artistic design of your choice. A text box with a “Your text here” inscription appears.
  2. Delete the inscription text and type your desired text to create a WordArt text.
  3. Drag the WordArt text you created and position it where you desire.
  4. You can select the WordArt text and apply all the text formatting as explained under formatting text.

The Drop Cap Command

The drop cap command is used to create a capital letter at the beginning of a paragraph. The created letter usually spans the first 2 to 3 lines of the paragraph to create a beautiful outlook. A drop cap is often seen in newspapers and magazines where it is used to begin a heading or subheading.

Formatting text in a document - adding drop cap

In Microsoft word, there are two drop cap options, namely: dropped and in margin. The dropped option creates a drop cap within the document’s workspace. But the in-margin option creates the drop cap inside the document’s margin, allowing text to flow within the workspace.

Applying drop cap in a document

To apply a drop cap in a document, follow the following steps:

  1. Select the paragraph you want to apply drop cap on.
  2. On the Insert tab, under the Text group, select the Drop Cap icon.
  3. From the list that appears (see image above), select any of the two options: dropped or in-margin.
  4. The selected drop cap option applies automatically to the selected paragraph.

Setting drop cap options

When you apply drop cap in your document, you have the option of customizing how the dropped text will appear. You can change the font, the number of lines dropped, and the distance from the text. To customize drop cap text, do the following:

  1. Select the drop cap text or the paragraph it applies to.
  2. On the Insert tab, under the Text group, select the Drop Cap icon.
  3. From the list that appears (see image above), select Drop Cap Options….

Microsoft word tutorial - the drop cap dialog

  • On the drop cap option dialog box, select your desired font under Font: Also,select the number of lines to drop cap and the distance from the text.
  • Click the OK button when you are done. The changes will take effect automatically.


We have come to the end of today’s Microsoft Word tutorial. We were able to look at formatting text in a word document. We began by discussing how you can insert text in a document followed by formatting text in a document.

Our discussion includes how to use the clipboard and the clipboard commands, inserting a text box, and WordArt. And concluded with the drop cap command. Detail on how to format the text box and WordArt was not discussed. We shall discuss them in a later tutorial under working with shapes. As you can see, inserting and formatting text are crucial and simple to apply in a word document. I want to believe that this tutorial is useful, and has helped improve your skill in using MS Word. We shall continue next week with Customizing Paragraphs in a document. If you feel we did not cover your pain point, please kindly let us know. We are open to your suggestions.

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