Insert the right word to complete the sentences with the verb to rush

1. rushed in the room — ворвались в комнату.
2. rush at conclusions — торопиться с выводами.
3. rush to a hospital — быстро отвезти кого-либо.
4. rushed along — мчаться на кого-то.
5. rushed into — торопиться.
6. rush in -вырваться (в дверь).


Нина Босоногова

Отвечено 22 сентября 2019

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Test Unit 4.

I. Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verbs To

1. Sam is afraid of bulls because when he was a child a big bull
2. Please don’t _____________________without knocking.
3. Everyone ___________________the room to see what was happening.
4. We all ________________________the door when the postman arrived.
5. Doctors were _______________the place of the accident.
6. The children _____________________as soon as the bell went.
7. David was very hungry and ______________________his sandwich as soon as it
was brought.
8. The firemen ______________________the burning building to save the child.

II. Complete the sentences using the new words.

Let me ask you about one p_______________________ student in your class.
If you m___________________, you speak very quietly.
Did father p________________to take us to the circus on Sunday?
On that day John looked g_________________ than usuak.
The k________________old woman let the boy stay in her house.
Mother will be a____________________.
I hope the little girl is not f______________ about her food.
His words sounded so s_________________, that I believed him.
What t________________news!
We w________________ at our friends from the train.
The boy b___________—his head, but said nothing.
If you want to lose w_____________________ you should eat less.
Stop m____________________, please.
How much do you w_____________________?

III. Put in comparative and superlative forms.

pretty, 2)severe, 3) untidy, 4) terrible, 5) useful, 6) tender, 7) modern, 8)
helpful, 9) bad, 10) careless, 11) curious, 12) handsome.

IV. Translate.

1. last year ____________________ 7. in a low
2. in a whisper_________________ 8. to be at a
3. for a while__________________ 9.
4. to murmur__________________ 10.
5. to tell a lie___________________ 11. bulky
6. rough______________________ 12. piping

V. Put in the articles where necessary.

1.______youg woman in ____ picture has ______long wavy hair and ___big mouth
with _____white even teeth.
2. Paul has never worn ____ beard.
3. Monica is _____tall stout girl.
4. ____best friend of mine is ____very intellectual boy.
5. Different ____people find ____different things funny.

VI. Express these IDIOMS in English.

  1. Струсить –
  2. дорогой –
  3. грустить –
  4. гневно взглянуть –
  5. очень редко –

VII. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets either in present
perfect continuous or past perfect continuous.

1. You were out of breath when you came in this morning. You


2. It (rain) for several days before the wind changed.


3. We (learn) English for 6 years.


4. Jane (work) very well recently.


5. Her eyes were red. It was clear she (cry).


6. What you (cook) all morning, dear?


VIII. Match the names with parts of the body.


Test to Unit 6.

I. Read the text “The British Museum”
and write True/False.

The British Museum is a museum in London, founded in 1753. The British
Museum’s collection of seven million objects representing the rich history of
human cultures mirrors the city of London’s global variety. It includes
monuments of primitive and antique culture, Ancient East culture, and the
richest collection of engravings, pictures, ceramics, and coins. The British
Museum library is now named the British national library. It has a copy of every
book that is printed in the English language, so that there are more than six
million books there. The British Museum Library has a very big collection of
printed books and manuscripts, both old and new. You can see beautifully
illustrated old manuscripts which they keep in glass cases. You can also find
there some of the first English books printed by Caxton. Caxton was a printer
who lived in the fifteenth century. He made the first printing-press in England.
In the reading-room of the British Museum many famous men have read and studied.
Charles Dickens, a very popular English writer and the author of ‘David
Copperfield’, ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘Dombey and Son’ and other books, spent a lot of
time in the British Museum Library. In no other museum can the visitor see so
clearly the history of what it is to be human


  1. The British Museum’s collection of eight million objects.
  2. It includes monuments of primitive and modern culture, Ancient East
    culture, and the richest collection of engravings, pictures, ceramics, and
  3. The British Museum library is now named the British national library.
  4. It has a copy of every book that is printed in the Italian language.
  5. Caxton was an author who lived in the fifteenth century.
  6. In the reading-room of the English Museum many famous men have written
    and studied.

II. Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to RUN.

a) The clock has _____________and will stop if not wound.
b) ___________ and see me this evening.
c) When I gave him the news, he ___________________________at once.
d) The cage was open and the monkey ________________.
e) Be careful! Don’t’ ______________________the dog.


(Drill, video, doubt, practice, butter, childhood, dirt, education, love,
deer, roof, adventure, sketch, mystery, idioms, play, care, bread, information,


IV. Fill in the article (a/an/the/zero) where necessary.

  1. Don’t drink so much _____coffee.
  2. _____lemon is on the table.
  3. Shall we go for __walk after ____supper?
  4. __coffee is grown in hot countries.
  5. Here is _____book I’ve told you about.
  6. Do you like ____fish or ______chips?
  7. There is no _____tea in the tea caddy.
  8. Please, close _____door!

V. Complete the sentences using the ideas in brackets.

  1. Ask the
    when (когда вы пойдете в музей). ______________________________________
  2. I want to know (когда Анна отошлет письмо).
  3. Ask him
    (когда он придет)?________________________________________________________
  4. I don’t
    know (останется ли он в Москве

VI. Express the same in English.

  1. Тем не менее –
  2. Стая львов –
  3. Деревянные дощечки –
  4. Уникальные коллекции –
  5. Связка ключей –
  6. В холодильнике есть молоко?
  7. Волшебные чары –
  8. Наше время истекает –
  9. Косяк рыб –
  10. Оставляющая сильное впечатление –
  11. Стая птиц –
  12. Трудно читающая –
  13. Стадо оленей –
  14. Кофе остался?
  15. Книги и рукописи –

VII. Complete the sentences with the words from the section.

  1. His eyes p____________________when he saw a brown bear riding on a bike.
  2. I s__________________for this book in all the shops but never found it.
  3. He watched the play with great f______________________.
  4. My sister Lizzy is a real c___________________.
  5. Frank made a good i_______________________on Anna’s parents.
  6. Modern l_________________do their best to help people get information as
    quick as possible.
  7. Our teacher usually i______________________new words in class.

The pleasure of reading.

Test to Unit 7.

1. Read the text and complete the text with the right words given after the

Cinema 1) ______________by two brothers Limier. They made 2)____________film,
which lasted only one minute. Since then cinema has become one of the most 3)
__________________in the world.

There are cinema theatres everywhere.

Films may be feature or documentary, sound and 4) ____________. Feature films
are, as a rule, sound and color. Animated cartoons are also very popular not
only with children but with__________________5)_______________.

Nowadays we can see different kinds of films. There are6) ________________,
which are dedicated to the life of the people, to the present and to
_________________of our country. There are also comedies, thrillers, dramas and
detective films.

People’s opinions 7) _____________in the question what kinds of films8)
___________________. Some people, especially young, think that the cinema should
be a place where one may amuse oneself after a working day. Others say that
films must be various, serious and funny.

(differ /the adults /silent /the first /was invented/ popular
arts/ ones/ the history/ must be produced.)

2. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

  1. During dinner they were throwing/dropping bones to the dog.
  2. My gold/golden rule is never to muss English classes.
  3. Can you mend/repair a hole in my roof?
  4. Bob dropped/was mending the bottle of mineral water on the floor. How
    careless of him?
  5. Her golden/gold hair looked beautiful in the sun.
  6. The sewing machine is out of order. Will you repair/mend it?

3. Put the articles where necessary.

  1. In _______daytime birds are usually busy looking for their food.
  2. It was ____nice frosty morning of _____early winter and Claire decided
    to go for ___walk up ______road.
  3. It was late ______night when I finish working.
  4. It was _________terrible winter.

4. Choose the right word (a composer/a sculptor/ literature/
painting/a horror film/ a science fiction film).

  1. The art of making written works which are of artistic value
  2. A film in which mysterious and frightening things happen
  3. Someone who makes statues of metal, wood, etc.
  4. The art of making pictures by using
  5. A film about space, travel or life in an imaginary
  6. Someone who makes up songs and music

5. Complete the sentences using prepositions with the verb to

  1. How can I do the job if I don’t know even how to set
  2. It’s not easy to set some children ______________homework.
  3. The director set the designer ________________a new type of scenery.
  4. They set_______on their journey late in the afternoon.
  5. The company got bankrupt and set _______all the property for sale.

6. Complete the table.

Active Passive
1. The teacher had to explain this
difficult rule twice.
2. 2. Betsy will be spoken tomorrow.
3. They are performing a new piece of
4. 4. The taxi was sent for.
5. The producer sent for the leading
actress to start the rehearsal.
6. They speak a lot about the new
ballet dancer.
7. 7. The toys were not being made at the

7. Translate into English.

1) немые

2) хроники новостей________________________

3) им заплатили_____________________________

4) о нем много говорят________________________

5) рассвет___________________________________

6) полдень был дождливым________________________

7) окрестности___________________________________

8) книжная ярмарка______________________________

9) благородный человек___________________________

10) настраивать музыкальные инструменты___________________________

Answers to Unit 4.

I. Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verbs To

1. rushed at
2. rush in
3. rushed in/into
4. rushed to
5. rushed to
6. rushed off
7. rushed at
8. rushed into

II. Complete the sentences using the new words.

  1. particular
  2. mumble
  3. promise
  4. gloomy
  5. kindly
  6. anxious
  7. fussy
  8. solemn
  9. tremendous
  10. waved
  11. bent
  12. weight
  13. mumbling
  14. weigh

IV. Translate.

  1. в прошлом году
  2. шепотом
  3. какое-то время
  4. бормотать
  5. солгать
  6. шершавый
  7. тихим голосом
  8. быть в растерянности
  9. строгий
  10. изумрудный
  11. громоздкий
  12. обжигающе горячий

V. Put in the articles where necessary.

1. The/ the/ -/a/ -.
2. a
3. a
4. The/a
5. -/-

VI. Express these IDIOMS in English.

  1. to be yellow
  2. a white elephant
  3. to be (feel) blue
  4. to give black look
  5. once in a blue moon

VII. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets either in present
perfect continuous or past perfect continuous.

  1. Had you been running?
  2. It had been raining….
  3. We have been learning…..
  4. Jane has been…..
  5. ….she had been crying.
  6. What have you been cooking…..?

VIII. Match the names with parts of the body.

Jaws – челюсть
Skin –
Tail –
Tongue – язык
Whiskers –
Paw – лапа
Nostril – ноздря

Answers to Test to Unit 6.

I. Read the text “The British Museum” and write True/False.

1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. False

II. Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to

  1. run down
  2. run in
  3. ran off
  4. ran out
  5. run over


Video Practice
Doubt Butter
Deer Childhood
Root Dirt
Mystery Education
Idiom Love
Play Hair
Drill Care
Sketch Bread
adventure Information

IV. Fill in the article (a/an/the/zero) where necessary

  1. The 
  2. a/–
  3. –  
  4.  the
  5. –/–
  6. the

V. Complete the sentences using the ideas in brackets.

  1. …you will go to the museum.
  2. … when Anna will send a letter.
  3. …when he will come.
  4. … if he will stay in Moscow for a long night.

VI. Express the same in English.

  1. nevertheless
  2. pride of lions
  3. tablets of wood
  4. unique collections
  5. a bunch of keys
  6. Is there any milk in the fridge?
  7. spell of magic
  8. our time is running out
  9. a school of fish
  10. powerful
  11. a flock of birds
  12. heavy-going
  13. a herb of deer
  14. Is there any coffee left?
  15. books and manuscripts

VII. Complete the sentences with the words from the section.

  1. popped
  2. searched
  3. fascination
  4. chatter box
  5. impression
  6. libraries
  7. introduces

Answers to Test to Unit 7.

1. Read the text and complete the text with the right words given after the

  1. was invented
  2. the first
  3. popular arts
  4. silent
  5. adults
  6. ones
  7. the history
  8. differ
  9. must be produced

2. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

  1. throwing
  2. golden
  3. mend
  4. threw
  5. golden
  6. repair

3.Put the articles where necessary.

  1. the
  2. a/ –/ a/the
  3. a

4. Choose the right word (a composer/a sculptor/ literature/ painting/a
horror film/ a science fiction film).

  1. literature
  2. a horror film
  3. sculptor
  4. painting
  5. a science fiction
  6. a composer

5. Complete the sentences using prepositions with the verb to set.

  1. about
  2. to do
  3. to
  4. out
  5. out

6. Complete the table.

  1. This difficult rule had to be explained.
  2. They will speak about Betsy tomorrow.
  3. A new piece of jazz is being performed.
  4. They sent for the taxi.
  5. The leading actress was sent for.
  6. The new ballet dancer is much spoken about.
  7. They aren’t making toys at the moment.

7. Translate into English.

  1. Silent films 
  2. newsreels 
  3. they were paid
  4. he is much spoken about
  5. it’s dawn
  6. the afternoon
  7. neighborhood
  8. a book fair
  9. a noble man
  10. to tune musical insruments

Контрольная работа  Unit 4


1.Insert the right words to complete the  sentences with the verb rush.

1. Everyone rushed _____ the room to see what was happening.

2. Don’t rush ______ conclusions. This is not her final decision.

3. I’m afraid we’ll have to rush the old lady  ____ hospital.

4. The dog rushed ______ him.

2. Complete the sentences with the new words.

1. Mr Williams is such g______ person, you can never make him smile.

2. How much your luggage w _______ ?

3. The branches b______ in the wind.

4. My granny was a_________ about us when we didn’t come home in time.

5.  She smiled at us with a k________ smile.

3. Choose the right form of the verb to complete the sentences.

1. – your homework?

— No,  I forget the hometask.

a) Have you been doing….   B) Have you done…

2. I ______ her for a long time.

a)  have known    b) have been knowing

3.  My sister ______ English for  several years but she can’t speak it.

a)  has learnt        b) has been learning

4. “ Who  ______ on my chair?” – asked a little bear when he saw that his favourite chair was broken.

a) has sat        b) has been seating

4.Express the same in English.

1.  Трава была изумрудно- зелёной  и выглядела весьма привлекательно.

2. Какая грандиозная новость!

3. Каков вес этой коробки?

4.Если ты будешь бормотать себе под нос, класс тебя не услышит.

5. Кейт кажется такой взволнованной сегодня.

5.Put in articles where necessary.

1. Let’s have ____ swim.  _____ sun is shining brightly and it is very hot.

2.John likes to go for _____ walk in ___ evening and he always has ____ a good time.

3. ____ next train to Glasgow is at four.

4. “I’m tired. Let’s have ____ break.”- Peter said. I was at ____ loss and didn’t know what to answer. We hadn’t done even 20 %  of ___ things we were asked to do.


1.Insert the right words to complete the  sentences with the verb rush.

1.The big cock rushed ______ the little check.

2. Jane was so hungry and rushed ______ her sandwich as soon as it was brought.

3. Please don’t rush ______ without knocking.

4. Don’t rush _____ conclusions. Everything can change soon.

2. Complete the sentences with the new words.

1. – What’s the matter? – Oh, nothing in p_______.

2. She is very f_______ about the books her daughter read.

3. Do you give your s_______ word that you won’t go there?

4. Don’t m_________. — I can’t understand  what are you saying.

5. The child p______ to behave well.

3. Choose the right form of the verb to complete the sentences.

1.My little brother ________ that Santa Claus doesn’t exist.

a) has just discovered        b) has been discovering

2. The weather is so gloomy this week. It _______ 3 days already. And it is still raining this morning.

a) has rained      b) has been raining

3. “ Who  ______ on my chair?” – asked a little bear when he saw that his favourite chair was broken.

a) has sat        b) has been seating

4. I ______ her for a long time.

a)  have known    b) have been knowing

4.Express the same in English.

1.Он торжественно пообещал разрешить все проблемы.

2. Не мямли- я ничего не понимаю, и говори громче.

3.Сколько весит Джонни?

4. Не суетись, я всё сделаю сам.

5. Взгляни на это огромное дерево, склонившееся над водой.

5.Put in articles where necessary.

1.In _____ near future, I’m sure, he will tell you ___ lie again.

2. ____ next train to Glasgow is at four.

3.Let me have ____ look at the photos, I haven’t seen them yet.

4. “I’m tired. Let’s have ____ break.”- Peter said. I was at ____ loss and didn’t know what to answer. We hadn’t done even 25 %  of ___ things we were asked to do.

  1. Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to rush.

  1. Everyone rushed ___________ the room to see what was happening. 2. Don’t rush ___________ conclusions. This is not her final decision. 3. I’m afraid we’ll have to rush the old lady _____________ hospital. 4. The big cock rushed ___________ the little chick. 5. Jane was very hungry and rushed _____________ her sandwich as soon as it was bought. 6. Please don’t rush ___________ without knocking.

  2. Complete the sentences with the new words from the sections a) New Words to Learn; b) Topical Vocabulary.

  1. 1. Mr Williams is such a g________ person; you can never make him smile. 2. How much does your luggage w________? 3. The branches b________ in the wind. 4. My granny was a_________ about us when we didn’t come home on time. 5. – What’s the matter? – Oh, nothing in p_________. 6. She is very f________ about the books her daughter reads. 7. Do you give your s__________ word that you won’t go there? 8. Don’t m________ — I can’t understand what you’re saying.

  2. Bob is a very at________ve person and easy to socialize with. He is very c________ate, well-m___________, and c_______ing. Bob was a very good s_________ of humor. He is very ch_________ful, p_________t and r_________able.

John is ill-m ___________. He is too g_________dy. He is very s__________t. I think he is often n____________y, m__________y and f___________y. I don’t like him.

  1. Put in the articles where necessary.

  1. Let’s have ____________ swim. _______________ sun is shining brightly and it is very hot. 2. John likes to go for ___________ walk in __________ evening and he always has ___________ good time. 3. ___________ next train to Glasgow is at four. 4. “I’m tired. Let’s have _____________ break,” Pete said. I was at __________ loss and didn’t know what to answer. We Hadn’t done even 20% of ____________ things we were asked to do. 5. In ____________ near future, I’m sure, he well tell you ____________ lie again.

  1. Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to rush.

  1. Everyone rushed ___________ the room to see what was happening. 2. Don’t rush ___________ conclusions. This is not her final decision. 3. I’m afraid we’ll have to rush the old lady _____________ hospital. 4. The big cock rushed ___________ the little chick. 5. Jane was very hungry and rushed _____________ her sandwich as soon as it was bought. 6. Please don’t rush ___________ without knocking.

  2. Complete the sentences with the new words from the sections a) New Words to Learn; b) Topical Vocabulary.

  1. 1. Mr Williams is such a g________ person; you can never make him smile. 2. How much does your luggage w________? 3. The branches b________ in the wind. 4. My granny was a_________ about us when we didn’t come home on time. 5. – What’s the matter? – Oh, nothing in p_________. 6. She is very f________ about the books her daughter reads. 7. Do you give your s__________ word that you won’t go there? 8. Don’t m________ — I can’t understand what you’re saying.

  2. Bob is a very at________ve person and easy to socialize with. He is very c________ate, well-m___________, and c_______ing. Bob was a very good s_________ of humor. He is very ch_________ful, p_________t and r_________able.

John is ill-m ___________. He is too g_________dy. He is very s__________t. I think he is often n____________y, m__________y and f___________y. I don’t like him.

  1. Put in the articles where necessary.

Let’s have ____________ swim. _______________ sun is shining brightly and it is very hot. 2. John likes to go for ___________ walk in __________ evening and he always has ___________ good time. 3. ___________ next train to Glasgow is at four. 4. “I’m tired. Let’s have _____________ break,” Pete said. I was at __________ loss and didn’t know what to answer. We Hadn’t done even 20% of ____________ things we were asked to do. 5. In ____________ near future, I’m sure, he well tell you ____________ lie again.

пожалуйста помогите:
Insert the right preposition with the verb to rush.
The dog rushed …… him.
Выберите один из 6 вариантов ответа:
1) at
2) to
3) in
4) into
5) off
6) out
Задание №53 Контроль уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков
Insert the right preposition with the verb to rush.
Don’t rush ….. conclusions. Everything can change soon
Выберите один из 6 вариантов ответа:
1) at
2) to
3) in
4) into
5) off
6) out
Задание №54 Контроль уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков
Insert the right preposition with the verb to rush.
Please, don’t rush ….. without knocking.
Выберите несколько из 6 вариантов ответа:
1) at
2) to
3) in
4) into
5) off
6) out
Задание №55 Контроль уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков
Insert the right preposition with the verb to rush.
Please don’t rush ……., we still have something to discuss.
Выберите несколько из 6 вариантов ответа:
1) at
2) to
3) in
4) into
5) off
6) out
Задание №56 Контроль уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков
Insert the right preposition with the verb to rush.
I rushed ………. my lunch.
Выберите один из 6 вариантов ответа:
1) at
2) to
3) in
4) into
5) off
6) out
Задание №57 Контроль уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков
Insert the right preposition with the verb to rush.
He rushed…. the concert hall but there was nobody there.
Выберите несколько из 6 вариантов ответа:
1) at
2) to
3) in
4) into
5) off
6) out

пожалуйста помогите:
Insert the right preposition with the verb to rush.
The dog rushed …… him.
Выберите один из 6 вариантов ответа:
1) at
2) to
3) in
4) into
5) off
6) out
Задание №53 Контроль уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков
Insert the right preposition with the verb to rush.
Don’t rush ….. conclusions. Everything can change soon
Выберите один из 6 вариантов ответа:
1) at
2) to
3) in
4) into
5) off
6) out
Задание №54 Контроль уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков
Insert the right preposition with the verb to rush.
Please, don’t rush ….. without knocking.
Выберите несколько из 6 вариантов ответа:
1) at
2) to
3) in
4) into
5) off
6) out
Задание №55 Контроль уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков
Insert the right preposition with the verb to rush.
Please don’t rush ……., we still have something to discuss.
Выберите несколько из 6 вариантов ответа:
1) at
2) to
3) in
4) into
5) off
6) out
Задание №56 Контроль уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков
Insert the right preposition with the verb to rush.
I rushed ………. my lunch.
Выберите один из 6 вариантов ответа:
1) at
2) to
3) in
4) into
5) off
6) out
Задание №57 Контроль уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков
Insert the right preposition with the verb to rush.
He rushed…. the concert hall but there was nobody there.
Выберите несколько из 6 вариантов ответа:
1) at
2) to
3) in
4) into
5) off
6) out





5 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to run

1. He ran_to sea at the age of fourteen and never returned home. 2. She doesn’t like your success;
that’s why she’s always running you_. 3. The electric battery won’t work. It has run_. 4. Our
food will soon run_. 5. A small rabbit has been run_by a bus. Poor little thing! 6. I’m afraid
we have run_of petrol.

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5 лет назад

Светило науки — 14474 ответа — 47657 раз оказано помощи

1 off
2 down
3 out
4 out
5 over
6 out

(3 оценки)

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Insert the right word slice concentrate thirsty keep up tasty take up
  • Insert the right word people who work without being paid are called
  • Insert the necessary words or word combinations go out
  • Insert the necessary word or word combination
  • Insert the necessary word in the sentence