Insert the right word to complete the sentences with the verb to get

Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to get.

1.We get ______ very well with our new neighbours; they are very nice people. 2. In winter, when it’s dark it is so difficult to get _____ in the morning. 3. I asked the bus driver where I should get _____ . 4. Look at the time! Let’s get _____ to business. 5. I can’t get _______ my dislike of snakes. 6. If the information gets _____, you’ll be very sorry about it. 7. Jack is a terrible boy, he has got ___ with my keys again.

Complete the sentences using the new words.

1.– Why does he speak French so fluently? – Because it’s his mother t_____. 2. Don’t be d_____ about the results of your test: next time you’ll do better. 3. I always use English-English dictionaries and find them very h____. 4. I don’t like learning words in i_____. I prefer to learn them in sentences or world combinations. 5. They invite the best i____ to work at international conferences. 6. An a____ Russian should know at least one foreign language. 7. May I answer the questions now and write the spelling dictation a____? 8. The words “fashion” and “fashionable” are r_____. 9. He p____ his English very hard and soon became quite fluent in it. 10. It’s a_____ two o’clock. Let’s have lunch. 11. This textbook is full of d____ exercises. They help us to remember grammar rules better. 12. If you use the right intonation and v___, you’ll sound polite.

Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to get.
1. We get ___________ very well with our new neighbours; they are very nice.
2. In winter, when it’s dark it is so difficult to get ___________ in the morning.
3. I asked the bus driver where I should get ___________.
4. Look at the time! Let’s get ___________ to business.
5. I can’t get ___________ my dislike of snakes.

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Royal theatre in Covent Garden — theatre in London, since 1946 serving by a place of carrying out of opera and ballet performances, a house scene of the Royal opera and Royal ballet. It is located in area Kovent-Garden on which has received the name.
The largest opera scene of Great Britain. It is based in 1732 by the visible English theatrical figure and actor Dzh. First it was the drama theatre (at its opening U.Kongriva’s play «secular customs» has been given). «The true shepherd» Handel (1734) was the first opera put on its scene. In 1847 Kovent-Garden becomes exclusively opera theatre (this event has been noted by statement of an opera of Rossini of «Semiramida»). The theatre building built up anew — after fires 1808 and 1856 twice.

Наибольшая оперная сцена Великобритании. Это базируется в 1732 видимой английской театральной фигурой и актером Дж. Сначала это был театр драмы (при игре его вводной У.Конгривы «светская таможня», был дан). «Истинный пастух» Handel (1734) был первой оперой, надевает ее сцену. В 1847 Kovent-сад становится исключительно оперным театром (этот случай был отмечен утверждением оперы Rossini «Semiramida»). Театральное здание, созданное снова — после огней 1808 и 1856 дважды.

1) If it (is) frosty, my father (<span>will not drive) the car.
2) If there (is) rain in April, my family (will move) to town.
3) If the weather (is) fine, we (sha</span><span><span>ll </span>go) to the countryside.

Two girls were standing near the school.




6:Korea Korean


8: Thailand

Кай писал слово «ВЕЧНОСТЬ»А если это по английскому то незнаю

Плиз Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to get.

1. We get ___________ very well with our new neighbours ; they are very nice.

2. In winter, when it’s dark it is so difficult to get ___________ in the morning.

3. I asked the bus driver where I should get ___________.

4. Look at the time!

Let’s get ___________ to business.

5. I can’t get ___________ my dislike of snakes.

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1 Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to get.

1 We get ___very well with our new neighbours; they are very nice people. 2 In winter, when it’s dark it is so difficult to get ___ in the morning. 3 I asked the bus driver where I should get ___. 4 Look at the time! Let’s get ___to business. 5 I can’t get ___my dislike of snakes. 6 It the information gets___, you’ll be very sorry about it. 7 Jack is a terrible boy, he has got___ with my keys again.

2 Translate from Russian into English







автобусная остановка










мебельный магазин

3 Where can you buy these things? Write the name of the shop then add one more thing to each list.

1 ___: dogs, cats, ___

2 ___: newspaper, ___

3 ___: a mouse, a hard disc

4 __: trainers,____

5 ___: a dress, ___

6 ___: cherries, spinach


4 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous

e.g. He travels (travel) to school by tube every morning.

1 We _____(feed) the chickens every morning at 6:30.

2 I really have to go now. My plane ____(leave) at 10:30.

3 We _______(go) to the cinema tomorrow afternoon. Would you like to come with us?

4  I _____(study) in my bedroom at the moment, but I can join you in the park later.

5 He ____(leave) early in the morning every Friday.

6 She ____(visit) her grandmother every Sunday afternoon.

7 He ___(leave) late on Fridays.

5 Write the plural for each noun.

gas, bath, waltz, penny, roof, grapefruit, schoolchild, deer, sheep, woman, men, goose, fly, photo, tomato

 Write the singular for each noun.

wives, teeth, mice, days, watches, armies, fish, swine, oxen

6 Put in the articles where necessary.

1 __dictionary is __reference book. 2 __bread on __dish smelled delicious. 3 Robert is __driver. 4 Paula hit __ball over __wall. 5. Have you tasted __soup? 6 __earth is __planet, but __sun isn’t. 7 John saw __ring on __floor. __ring was made of gold. 8 I don’t think you gave me __right answer. 9 It’s __book John advised me to read. 10 Let’s have __break. – What __good idea!

Use of English

7 Complete the questions using the following words

direct                London        office                train        is it        return        advance        seat

1 Which platform __? 2 Can I book in __? 3 Is the train__? 4 When do we get to __? 5 Where’s the ticket ___? 6 When’s the next__? 7 Can I reserve a ___?

8 Put the phrases in the correct order to make a dialogue You’re welcome.

Here you are. Which line do I take, please?

Yes, please?

Take the Circle line.

Two tickets to Barbican, please.

That’s $12.

Thanks a lot.


9 Read the text and label sections 1-5 with headings A-E.

A Transport                B Tourism        C Food        D Homes        E Leisure

1 ___

Mexico City is one of the world’s largest cities. It has got beautiful old buildings, green parks, museums and an exciting nightlife. It’s a great place to visit. Nine million people visit it each year.


Many people live in beautiful houses with gardens. Others live in blocks of flats near the city centre.


Mexico City is a difficult city to drive in because of the heavy traffic. The city’s fantastic metro network, however,  has 11 lines and is very cheap. There are hundreds of buses, trolley buses and peseros (minibuses), too.


In their free time, Mexicans shop at colourful street markets. They also enjoy going to the cinema an theatre. They even have street parties. Football and horse racing are the most popular sports.

The people of Mexico City are very friendly. The food is excellent, too! The restaurants serve delicious local food like tortillas and beans.


10 You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend, Ben.

… Yesterday, I took part in a competition for those who speak French. I hope to win first prize.

…How many foreign languages do you learn at school? What language besides English would you like to speak? What English-speaking country would you like to visit and why? …

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

  1. Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to get.

1.We get ______ very well with our new neighbours; they are very nice people. 2. In winter, when it’s dark it is so difficult to get _____ in the morning. 3. I asked the bus driver where I should get _____ . 4. Look at the time! Let’s get _____ to business. 5. I can’t get _______ my dislike of snakes. 6. If the information gets _____, you’ll be very sorry about it. 7. Jack is a terrible boy, he has got ___ with my keys again.

  1. Complete the sentences using the new words.

1.– Why does he speak French so fluently? – Because it’s his mother t_____. 2. Don’t be d_____ about the results of your test: next time you’ll do better. 3. I always use English-English dictionaries and find them very h____. 4. I don’t like learning words in i_____. I prefer to learn them in sentences or world combinations. 5. They invite the best i____ to work at international conferences. 6. An a____ Russian should know at least one foreign language. 7. May I answer the questions now and write the spelling dictation a____? 8. The words “fashion” and “fashionable” are r_____. 9. He p____ his English very hard and soon became quite fluent in it. 10. It’s a_____ two o’clock. Let’s have lunch. 11. This textbook is full of d____ exercises. They help us to remember grammar rules better. 12. If you use the right intonation and v___, you’ll sound polite.

  1. Express the same in English.

1.Не покупай это платье. Оно выглядит старомодным. 2. Я люблю овощи и фрукты. 3. У тебя дома есть словари? 4. Я никогда не работал переводчиком на конференциях. 5. Ник сказал, что сожалеет о том, что он разочаровал нас. 6. Если Алиса не будет практиковаться в английском, она не сдаст экзамен с хорошей оценкой.

  1. Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to get.

1.We get ______ very well with our new neighbours; they are very nice people. 2. In winter, when it’s dark it is so difficult to get _____ in the morning. 3. I asked the bus driver where I should get _____ . 4. Look at the time! Let’s get _____ to business. 5. I can’t get _______ my dislike of snakes. 6. If the information gets _____, you’ll be very sorry about it. 7. Jack is a terrible boy, he has got ___ with my keys again.

  1. Complete the sentences using the new words.

1.– Why does he speak French so fluently? – Because it’s his mother t_____. 2. Don’t be d_____ about the results of your test: next time you’ll do better. 3. I always use English-English dictionaries and find them very h____. 4. I don’t like learning words in i_____. I prefer to learn them in sentences or world combinations. 5. They invite the best i____ to work at international conferences. 6. An a____ Russian should know at least one foreign language. 7. May I answer the questions now and write the spelling dictation a____? 8. The words “fashion” and “fashionable” are r_____. 9. He p____ his English very hard and soon became quite fluent in it. 10. It’s a_____ two o’clock. Let’s have lunch. 11. This textbook is full of d____ exercises. They help us to remember grammar rules better. 12. If you use the right intonation and v___, you’ll sound polite.

  1. Express the same in English.

1.Не покупай это платье. Оно выглядит старомодным. 2. Я люблю овощи и фрукты. 3. У тебя дома есть словари? 4. Я никогда не работал переводчиком на конференциях. 5. Ник сказал, что сожалеет о том, что он разочаровал нас. 6. Если Алиса не будет практиковаться в английском, она не сдаст экзамен с хорошей оценкой.

  1. Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to get.

1.We get ______ very well with our new neighbours; they are very nice people. 2. In winter, when it’s dark it is so difficult to get _____ in the morning. 3. I asked the bus driver where I should get _____ . 4. Look at the time! Let’s get _____ to business. 5. I can’t get _______ my dislike of snakes. 6. If the information gets _____, you’ll be very sorry about it. 7. Jack is a terrible boy, he has got ___ with my keys again.

  1. Complete the sentences using the new words.

1.– Why does he speak French so fluently? – Because it’s his mother t_____. 2. Don’t be d_____ about the results of your test: next time you’ll do better. 3. I always use English-English dictionaries and find them very h____. 4. I don’t like learning words in i_____. I prefer to learn them in sentences or world combinations. 5. They invite the best i____ to work at international conferences. 6. An a____ Russian should know at least one foreign language. 7. May I answer the questions now and write the spelling dictation a____? 8. The words “fashion” and “fashionable” are r_____. 9. He p____ his English very hard and soon became quite fluent in it. 10. It’s a_____ two o’clock. Let’s have lunch. 11. This textbook is full of d____ exercises. They help us to remember grammar rules better. 12. If you use the right intonation and v___, you’ll sound polite.

  1. Express the same in English.

1.Не покупай это платье. Оно выглядит старомодным. 2. Я люблю овощи и фрукты. 3. У тебя дома есть словари? 4. Я никогда не работал переводчиком на конференциях. 5. Ник сказал, что сожалеет о том, что он разочаровал нас. 6. Если Алиса не будет практиковаться в английском, она не сдаст экзамен с хорошей оценкой.

Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to run

1. He ran_to sea at the age of fourteen and never returned home. 2. She doesn’t like your success;

that’s why she’s always running you_. 3. The electric battery won’t work. It has run_. 4. Our

food will soon run_. 5. A small rabbit has been run_by a bus. Poor little thing! 6. I’m afraid

we have run_of petrol.

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Главная » Английский язык » Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to run 1. He ran_to sea at the age of fourteen and never returned home. 2. She doesn’t like your success; that’s why she’s always running you_. 3. The electric battery won’t work.

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