Insert the necessary word or word combination

I. Translate into Russian.

  1. 1 cleared
    all my expenses, and got initiated into the business without a fee
    into the bargain. (B.

  2. He’s a
    wonderful teacher and I’ve never seen him lose his temper or get
    angry about anything. (M.

  3. Somehow or
    other, he had heard of a box-kite which had been invented by
    somebody, and the idea appealed to him at once. (W.
    S. Maugham)

  4. «Why
    do you look so sick? Did you have your heart set on something? Tell
    me what it is,» he urged. (M.

  5. She had
    taken pains to foster his suspicion. (W.
    S. Mau­gham)

  6. He never
    gave a glance at the room I had been at pains to make pleasing to
    the eye. (W.
    S. Maugham)

  7. Sterner
    was beside himself with fear. He broke into a cold sweat when he saw
    the announcement… (Th.

  8. He
    interrupted to make Mary talk shop. (M.

  9. Dropping
    his voice he said: «It’s pretty far, at that, Dave! They don’t
    like it.» (D.

II. Insert the necessary word combination.

  1. They
    looked at hundreds of houses; they climbed thou­ sands of
    stairs; they inspected innumerable kitchens. Ruth was exhausted and
    more than once (W.
    S. Maugham)

  2. It was in the winter when
    this happened, very near the

shortest day, and a week of
fog , so the fact that

it was
still very dark when George woke in the morning was no guide to him
as to the time. (Jerome
K. Jerome)

3. After
that it came out, that we were strang­ers in the neighbourhood,
and that we were going away the next morning. (Jerome
K. Jerome)


weak-willed! I felt certain you’d get
without me. Shame on you, you lazybones, but now that I’m back again
I’ll put you right in no time, be sure of that

N. It will
be all
to the good,
you do.

B. I
remember that Pete and Victor didn’t bother to learn all that was
required, but you used to say that you had set your mind on mastering
English. You had all the words and word combinations at
your finger-tips.

N. Yes, there was a time when
that was so. But what’s the use crying over spilt milk. As a matter
of fact, I did practically nothing during the term. Serves me right!

B. That’s
you alt


always making a mess of every­thing.

N. Now it’s too late to do
anything about it, so let them expel me!

B. How do
you have
the nerve

talk such nonsense. You’ll make me lose my temper in the end. Isn’t
it time you learned to take the rough
with the smooth.
we must see to it that you get out of this predi­cament. We shall
go and speak to the dean about it. I used to get on very nicely with
him. By the way, do you think I can get a place in the hostel? I’d
like to be in our room again.

N. I’m all for it. Your bed is
occupied by a first course student, but he’d prefer to be with the
boys from his own course, I think.

Let’s go and speak to the dean, then.

Vocabulary notes

(1) to
keep an eye on

watch carefully; to look after; to observe (from a distance) so that
the party under observa­tion is unaware of being observed

  1. There, old
    Monty and Ma Buggins were always at hand and could keep an eye on
    her. (K.

  2. My store
    in Sharp Town, that does fine because I am there to keep an eye on
    it. (Gr.

  3. I’d like
    to know more about her. That girl’s got something. Just keep your
    eye on her. (J.

2* 35

(2) in (by) fits and starts —
in sudden outbursts of energy, not lasting for a long time

  1. Youth only
    recognizes age by
    fits and starts.

  2. She told
    him what it was all about in wry, broken sentences, muddling it up
    and speaking in
    fits and starts,
    he got the main thread.

(3) to
make out


  1. From the
    bedroom Mary was calling but the noise of the storm was too loud for
    him to
    make out
    she was saying. (G.

  2. The
    provoking thing was that, though they had been about Together and
    met a number of times and really talked, Bertha couldn’t
    make her out.

  3. You are a
    funny boy, can’t make
    you out
    all, Johnny, 1 can’t make you out. (A.

(4) to get
on — (a)
succeed; to rise in life; (b)
make progress, to improve; (c)
get older

to get on with somebody — to
like and naturally agree with somebody

  1. The uncle
    had been a hearty drunken old fellow who had wanted his nephew to
    get on
    the world.

  2. But
    Herbert got
    well at school. He was a good work­ er and far from stupid. His
    reports were excellent. It turned out that he had a good head for
    figures. (W.
    S. Maugham)

  3. «Hello,
    Max,» he said pleasantly. «You’re getting
    years.» (M.

(5) all
to the good

as a balance on the right side; as a profit, beneficial

  1. Now you’ve
    had industrial experience, that’s all
    to the good.

  2. Don’t be
    silly, dear! If he chooses to make a public apology for any reason,
    even such a bad one, isn’t it all
    to the good?

  3. It’s just
    that I think if you can make them rest completely when they first
    come in it’s all
    to the good.
    is such a strain. (D.


(6) to have something at
one’s finger-tips (ends) — to be

able to repeat or use without
any trouble (generally of some­thing committed to memory); to be
very familiar with something

  1. He had all
    the figures, all the facts at
    his finger-ends.

  2. «There’s
    no need to despair,» she said. «It may turn out very well.
    You’ve a good trade at
    your finger-ends
    you learned before ever you thought of the Post Office.» (A.

(7) all


  1. That was
    Paddy all
    as needle and fighting back. (K.

  2. «That’s
    the men all
    Mrs. Fogarty exclaimed. (K.

  3. And that
    was just like Lally, that was Lally all
    gas, the nobs of sugar in his tea, the way she … and the … О
    dear! (A.

(8) to
have the nerve (cheek, face, guts) to do some­ thing

to put a bold face upon; to act boldly, as if there was nothing to be
ashamed of; to dare to do something

1. Men whom
he had regarded as friends among the alluvial diggers looked straight
through him when they met, spat as he pas­sed, exclaiming
contemptuously. Alf never had
the nerve
resent it. (K.

1. If
I’d known, 1 shouldn’t
have had the cheek
ask you to lunch without him. (J.

3. At the
last moment I found 1 hadn’t
got the face
carry the child in my arms: I thought of what the street-boys would
call out after me. (Jerome
K. Jerome)

(9) to
take the rough with the smooth

to accept things as they come; be prepared to meet the hardships of
life, as well as the easy part; to accept the good as well as the bad

  1. What I’m
    trying to do now is take
    the rough with the smooth.

  2. But she
    has to bear with disagreeables and take
    the rough with the smooth,
    like a nurse in a hospital or anyone else. (B.


  1. A young man running along the
    platform sees only the tail-lights of the train.

  2. A little girl is standing at
    the door of a provision shop looking helplessly at the broken
    glass-jar at her feet.

  3. A student is crying bitterly
    at the door of a classroom on which there is chalked an inscription

  4. A boy is walking along the
    street singing at the top of his voice.

  5. She is contemplating her face
    in the looking-glass with an air of sadness.

  6. He is speaking over the
    telephone, his face is beaming.

  7. She looks at her little girl,
    a radiant smile on her face.

  8. Two boys are looking through
    the chink in the fence surrounding an orchard.

10. A hunter is telling his
friends about the last hunt. He is evidently boasting of something.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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1. Nina prefers classical music to popular one.

Нина предпочитает классическую музыку популярной.

2. After finishing secondary school children get the Certificate of Secondary Education.

После окончания средней школы дети получают Аттестат о среднем образовании.

3. Who made the scheme of the building?

Кто составил схему здания?

4. Our sportsmen were awarded with medals for taking the first places in the competitions.

Наши спортсмены награждены медалями за первые места в соревнованиях.

5. This book is one of the most wonderful works I have ever read.

Эта книга — одно из самых замечательных произведений, которые я когда-либо читал.

6. What reason have you got for learning foreign languages?

По какой причине вы изучаете иностранные языки?

7. This year is important for me: I am defending my graduation work on Mathematics.

Этот год для меня важный: я защищаю дипломную работу по математике.

8. My examination results depend on my being hard-working.

Результаты моих экзаменов зависят от моего трудолюбия.

9. Nice green trees surround our university building.

Красивые зеленые деревья окружают здание нашего университета.

10. I have done computer courses and now I can work with any computer programme.

Я прошел компьютерные курсы и теперь могу работать с любой компьютерной программой.

11. My research work consists of theoretical part and practical experience.

Моя исследовательская работа состоит из теоретической части и практического опыта.

12. What is your intention: to enter the college or the university?

Каково ваше намерение: поступить в колледж или университет?

13. He spent a lot of time on planning his first lesson.

Он потратил много времени на планирование своего первого урока.


Exercise 3.

Choose one of the preposition, given below:

in, on, about, far from, to, forward, in for, by, for, from.

  1. Though I am very busy every day I find time to help my parents … the house.
  2. Don’t be … a hurry we have enough time to get … the University.
  3. To be healthy and wealthy it’s necessary to go … … sports.
  4. I look … to the time when I’ll graduate from the University.
  5. Shall I go … reading the text?
  6. My friend is not ready … classes today because he was ill yesterday.
  7. My friend lives … … my house so they get to my place … bus.
  8. Tomorrow he is leaving Barnaul …Moscow to take part in a scientific conference.
  9. My friend failed … his English because he missed many classes.
  10. It doesn’t take him long to get … the University.
  11. The tram stop is 5 minutes walk … my house.

Exercise 4.

Insert the necessary words or word combinations.

go out, a gap, hurries, to have a bite, to keep regular hours, does morning exercises, discussed, to go in for sports, will not fail, in a hurry, in.

  1. It is not convenient for students to have … … between classes.
  2. My friend is always … … … because he does not want to be late for classes.
  3. It’s very difficult for students … … … … because classes are over at different time.
  4. You … … … in English if you don’t miss classes and study hard.
  5. After classes every student … home.
  6. Yesterday my friend and I … plans for the weekend.
  7. I feel a bit hungry, so I decided … … … … .
  8. He would like … … … … … but he is short of time.
  9. My friend wants to loose weight so he … … … every day.
  10. Let’s … . We are so tired after a day of hard work.

Exercise 5.
Write the sentences a) in the negative b) as questions.

  1. It takes him about an hour to get ready for English.

2) I want to invite my friend to go out at the weekend.

3) It was raining all day long yesterday.

4) Last year I missed many classes because I was ill.

5) We’ll have lunch after classes.

6) Family affairs always keep me very busy.

7) We are speaking now about our daily routine.

8) Every day my brother takes a dog for a walk.

9) Tom speaks two languages: Russian and English

10) Students often stay at the Institute reading-room to get ready for seminars.

Exercise 6.

Circle the correct form of the verb in each sentence (Present Indefinite or Present Continuous).

  1. I fell asleep when I watched / was watching TV.
  2. I used to love basketball but I think I am preferring / prefer volleyball now.
  3. I don’t enjoy / am not enjoying cooking very much.
  4. I feel / am feeling tired so I think I deserve a holiday.
  5. Do you know / are you knowing what’s happened to him.
  6. She thinks / is thinking to stay at the University after classes.
  7. Can you be quiet, please? My brother prepares / is preparing for exams.
  8. My parents go / are going in for sports so they are always in good health.
  9. This time last year I lived / was living abroad.

Exercise 7.

Put the correct form of the verb into the sentence. (Past Indefinite or Past Continuous)

  1. Andrew ___ when I was getting ready to go out. (arrive)
  2. The bell rang while he ___ a bath (have)
  3. He first met his wife when he ___ in Moscow. (study)
  4. When we looked out of the window it ___ (rain).
  5. My friend ___ his leg while he was skiing last week (break).
  6. Where were you going when I ___ you yesterday? (meet)
  7. When my mother ___ the house she found some old letters (clean).
  8. He ___ to bed while I ___ TV (go, watch).
  9. When Pete ___ her she ___ to the University (see, hurry)
  10. My parents ___ while my brother and I ___ plans for the coming day (have supper, discuss).

Exercise 8.

Translate into English.

  1. Где Виктор? Он все еще обедает.
  2. У меня уходит около часа, чтобы добраться до центра. Я живу за городом.
  3. Что ты собираешься делать сегодня вечером? Я хочу помочь тебе по математике.
  4. Позвони ей сейчас. Я думаю, что она еще не спит. Она обычно ложится спать поздно.
  5. Где ты бываешь по вечерам?

Я всегда выхожу на прогулку в парк. Иногда я играю в теннис или волейбол.

  1. Интересно, чем занимается сейчас мама?

Она готовит ужин.

  1. Что ты делаешь сейчас?

У меня завтра семинар. Я конспектирую статью.

  1. Почему ты пропустил много занятий?

Я уезжал в Москву на конференцию.
Exercise 9.
Translate into English.

  1. Мой друг учится в техническом вузе на дневном отделении.
  2. Занятия в нашем университете начинаются в 815, заканчиваются около трех.
  3. Моему другу требуется тридцать минут, чтобы сделать зарядку, умыться, одеться, позавтракать.
  4. Он встает очень рано, так как живет далеко от университета.
  5. Учиться в нашем университете трудно, но интересно.
  6. Мой друг не пропускает занятий и сдает зачеты и экзамены вовремя.
  7. Как правило, у него 2-3лекции, семинар или лабораторная работа.
  8. Английский язык – самый трудный предмет для моего друга, но он делает все возможное, чтобы знать его лучше.
  9. Мой друг уверен, что знание английского языка поможет ему сделать карьеру.
  10. Хотя мой друг очень занят, но он находит время заниматься спортом и два раза в неделю он ходит в спортзал поиграть в волейбол.
  11. Большинство студентов очень устают после трудовой недели и ждут с нетерпением выходной день.3.8. Досуг. Хобби.

1. Развитие навыков чтения


Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. The most popular hobby is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities from gardening to traveling, from chess to volleyball. Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This hobby is becoming more and more popular. Making things include drawing, painting, handicrafts. Many people collect something — coins, stamps, compact discs, toys, books. Some collections have some value. Rich people often collect paintings, rare things and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries. As for me, I like to listen to music. 3 months ago my parents bought me a compact disc player and I decided to collect compact discs. I like different music, it should be good. I collect discs of my favourite groups and singers. I carefully study the information printed on disc booklets. I try to find everything about my favourite singers. Also I like to watch music programmes on TV. I want to keep up with the news in the world of music. Of course, I like to spend my spare time with my friends. We talk about all sorts of things (politics, teachers, and girls). We discuss films, books, TV programmes. In fine weather we like to be in the open air. We find a nice place somewhere in the forest. We make a fire, bake potatoes and have a lot of fun. When the weather is bad, my friends come to my place. We have a good time together.

My hobby

Hobby is a special interest that people do in their free time. Everybody has his/her own hobby.

As for me I prefer reading poems and short stories. I believe that fiction literature is one of his best ways of expressing feelings and thoughts. They usually mean more if they are raised to the level of art.

I am fond of piano playing and guitar playing too. I finished musical school two years ago. I am extremely fond of all kinds of dancing: from hip-hop to classical ballet. That is why I often attend different theatres and rap-discos.

Sports play an important part in my life. I am an amateur roller-skater. Once a week I take aerobic classes just to keep fit. Diving is the kind of sports I like best.

I belong to such kind of people who always need changes and new impressions. From this fact it follows that the range of my hobbies is wide. In the nearest future I want to take up horse-riding, parachute-jumping, and mountain skiing.

My hobby

My hobby is painting and drawing. I have finished art school and now I paint and draw in my free time. I depict things that have impressed me deeply: beautiful flowers, poetic landscapes, ancient ruins. I like to paint portraits as well. It is very important to catch a person in a moment of action, feeling, perception and record that moment with unerring strokes. Only geniuses are blessed with this gift. Sometimes I create decorative compositions, large in scale and bright in colour. I paint on canvas and draw on paper. I work in oil and watercolour, pencil and pastel. For me painting is a means to understand the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world, a way to express my own emotions, feelings and perception of life.

It is important for me to study the artistic heritage of great painters. That is why I like to visit museums and art galleries. My favourite painters are Vincent Van Gogh and Victor Borisov — Musatov.

Painting is not the only hobby of mine. I read a lot of books. One of my favourite writers is R.R. Tolkien. In my free time I like to listen to music. Classical music is my favourite one.
My Hobbies

I currently have two hobbies. They are collecting coins and skate boarding. Collecting coins is my indoor hobby while skate boarding takes me outside to experience the fresh air. I find that they provide a nice balance of going out and staying in during my free time.

Since I began collecting coins two years ago, I have met many others who share the same burning interest. It started when my father, who is an airline pilot, brought home his unused coins from his trips around the world. I thought some of them looked exotic. They looked very different from our Singapore coins. I had a liking for the various coins immediately and began collecting them. Now, whenever my father goes on his trips, I beg him to bring home as many different coins as he can. Today, I have over two hundred coins from twenty-four different countries.

My interest in skate boarding, however, grew differently. I started three years ago, when I was in primary four, when a classmate of mine introduced skate boarding to me. At first, I found it difficult to balance on a plank of wood on wheel. I also thought it was silly skate boarding when roller blading was so much easier and faster. But after two weeks of skate boarding every afternoon, I began to love the wind blowing in my hair and the thrill I got going places with it. Today, my favourite skate boarding area is the park by the beach where it’s safe and I do not bump into people while skating.

My two hobbies are important to me because they help me relax from studying too much. I make sure that I do my homework before I even think about my coin collection or skate boarding.

  1. Развитие языковой догадки. Развитие навыков аудирования.

I want you to listen to my stories. I shall describe different hobbies. You have to match the name of the hobby with its definition.

On the blackboard:

  • Cooking
  • Gardening
  • Sport
  • Reading
  • Collecting


  • This hobby is popular among the people of all ages. People like to go the stadium or to the sports ground. They are strong and cheerful. Their hobby helps them to develop their mind and body and teaches them to plan their time.
  • This hobby is interesting and useful. People try to find or buy different things such as stamps, badges, coins, pictures, dolls, etc. their collections can be thematic. This hobby helps to make new friends and to learn some new things about countries and lands, animals and birds, famous people and historical events.
  • People like to work in the garden and to spend some time in the fresh air. They are fond of flowers, bushes, trees, plants. They like nature and admire the beauty of nature. Their hobby is the best way to relax.
  • People like to make new dishes. They often cook for the family and for the friends. They can present the food nicely and lay the table. They use spices (vinegar, oil, pepper). They can boil or fry meat, fish, and chicken and make souses and deserts.
  • People like to go to the library. Some of them have a good collection of books at home. And they are really proud of it. They can have different books: historical novels, books about animals. The hobby helps to relax and to learn the world.

3. 9. Новости и средства массовой информации. Телевидение. Интернет.

Our mankind has entered the 21st century, the 3rd millennium. And what was the 20th century famous for? Why was it important for us, for our history? We all consider that the 20th century was the century of dynamic development, the era of science and technological progress. It is not much of exaggeration to say that we live in the world that materially and intellectually has been created by science. This point of view is easy to illustrate on the material level. One nearly needs to mention the automobile, the airplane, the radio, the telephone and, of course, the television. It is difficult to imagine an ordinary day of an ordinary inhabitant of our Earth without this wonder of technique. Television gives us the opportunity to watch the world, to get fresh first – hand information. It is both a pleasant companion and a real member of a family. It makes people’s living conditions much more comfortable. But unfortunately we go much more seldom to the theatres or museums, pay visits to each other, television

kills” conversation. But we can’t do without television nowadays. It is an indisputable fact. Today we’ll speak about television.

read brief description of different kinds of programmes:

a) Current affairs programmes (deal with political and social problems of modern society. Their aim is to give an analysis of the problems and to show different viewpoints. They are concerned with the country’s national events, festivals and public gatherings. They also include news commentaries);

b) panel discussions (deal with a group of speakers, chosen to speak, answer the questions, take part in a game, before an audience, for example listeners to a broadcast);

c) magazine programmes (programmes which are a mixture of “hard” news and feature items);

d) cartoons ( cinema films made by photographing series of drawings);

e) wild life programmes (programmes showing animals, birds etc. in their natural surrounding (environment);

f) educational programmes (deal with systematic training and instruction of different subjects. With the help of these programmes one can get knowledge and abilities, develop his/her character and mental powers);

g) quiz programmes (programmes on which members of the audience are asked questions, in case of correct answer they receive prizes);

h) “soap” operas (“soap” operas (afternoon television regular feature films) which originally appeared on the radio and were sponsored by soap advisers, continuing from day to day, presenting emotional and melodramatic situations like many operas of the 19th century(thus named “soap” operas);

i) thrillers (novels, plays or films in which excitement and emotional appeal are the essential elements);

j) westerns (uniquely American films presenting myths about pioneering, courageous Americans);

k) sitcoms (situational comedies – short films providing entertainment).

– What are the professions of the people in television?

(announcers, newsreaders, correspondents, commentators, interviewers, quiz masters, cameramen/operators, editors, producers, technicians, soundmen).

Your task is to read it very carefully, to understand it, to grasp the main idea of each passage. Be ready to read the text and the main ideas of the passages. Let’s get down to work.

– Television is doing a lot of harm, I think. We begin to forget how to occupy our spare time. For instance, we used to have hobbies, we used to meet our friends, we used to go outside for our amusements to the theatres, cinemas and sporting events. We used to read books and listen to music. Now all our free time is given to television.

– Well, nobody makes you watch TV. If you don’t like it, switch off your TV set. But why do you forget what a great amount of information we get! I think we must watch TV to be well-informed. It gives wonderful possibilities for education. Besides, there is a considerable variety of programmes. We can choose what we want to see.

– Yes, I agree. But I am always under the impression that little by little television cuts us from the real world. It is so easy to sit in our armchairs watching others working. We get so lazy, we choose to spend a fine day glued to our sets, rather than go out into the world itself. Television may be a splendid medium of communication with each other. Only when we spend a holiday by the sea or in the mountains, far away from civilization, we quickly discover how little we miss television.

– No, I disagree entirely. It’s an absurd idea that television makes you its slave. It enriches our intellect, gives us opportunities to see the best actors and performances, to hear the latest news, to listen to political discussions. In my opinion, TV is a great force in the world.

Дискуссия по темеТелевидение”.

“ Discussion” is from the Latin word that means exchange of opinions. Discussion is based on equal conditions for everybody. Each participant has the right both to ask and to state. The problem is not always solved during discussion, differences in opinions are left sometimes. It is necessary to use argumentation – statements and explanations. Each participant should hold certain discussion regulations:

– to be well-prepared;

– to speak clearly and logically;

– to explain arguments;

– to express opinions quietly;

– not to digress from the topic;

– not to speak too long;

– to listen to others without interrupting them.

Here you can see some discussion phrases. They may help you.

– May I put a word in?

– If you ask me…

– It just occurred to me

– Generally speaking…

– Strictly speaking…

– That depends on…

– I want to press the point that…

– On the one hand…

– On the other hand…

– As far as I am able to judge…

– From my point of view…

– To sum it all up…

– All things considered…

– On the whole…

– To be brief/ In a short word…

– If I am not mistaken…

– If I remember rightly…

– If my memory serves me rightly…

– As far as I know…

– There is no doubt…

– It is quite obvious/ evident…

– It goes without saying…

– It is common knowledge that…

– In my opinion…

– It seems to me…

– To tell the truth…

– And what about you?

– As for me…

– To begin with…

And here are the statements. It is a Plan of the discussion..

1. Children and TV. Is it a great problem?

2. Television is doing a lot of harm.

3. Television may lead to poor health.

4. The more channels we have the better.

5. Films should be censored.

6. Commercials are interesting, useful and necessary.

7. Television is a splendid medium of communication.

8. Television may be the cause of many disputes and conflicts in the family.

9. Television has both advantages and disadvantages.

(План дискуссии записан на доске).
And now some words in conclusion.

Television nowadays, its role and responsibility are being widely discussed as it has really become one of the most important mass media. I am sure that television is doing a lot of good because it is invaluable for the information it provides; it has vast educational opportunities; it makes people argue and discuss, think more; it is one of the mighty means of forming people’s character, ideology and outlook. Thus it is clear that television is one of the most valuable achievements.

But it occupies all our spare time. We rush home to be in time for this or that programme. The violence on TV creates violence in real life, television is bad for people’s health, it is like a drug, it “kills” conversation. But is it solely the television which is at fault? Of course, television is a hard test of our wisdom: either we can use it or it can use us. And I think that you use and will use television for your best benefit and enrichment.


The first television broadcast was made on April 20, 1939 by Radio of America (RCA). Since 1939, it has become one of the most important facts of modern life. Television is very much a part of the modern world. Its effects are felt all over the world.

Television is a reflection of the modern world, say some people. It shows contemporary society. It affects customs and culture, others say. Television is bad for culture because it keeps culture from growing, say still others.

Good or bad, television is difficult to avoid. Its pictures enter homes, stores, airports, and factories. It is here to stay!

I. Найдите информацию, содержащуюся в тексте. (верно, неверно)

has wide influence.____

is a modern day fact.____

can influence culture.____

Television is easy to avoid .____

reflects the sun and moon.____

is found in homes.____

can’t last long.____

II. Вставьте пропущенные существительные, пользуясь текстом.

1.Radio ____ America of the most important____

3.a part of the modern ____

4.Television is a ____of the modern world.

5.It shows contemporary ____. keeps ____from growing

III.Определите содержание первого абзаца.

1. Television affects radio.

2.Television is the same as movies.

3. Television is important in the modern world.

IV.Определите содержание второго абзаца.

1. Television influences culture.

2. Society and television are bad.

3.Cultures grow out of television.

V.Закончите предложения.

1.The effects of television are____.

a. reflections b.commercial c.facts

2.RCA made the ____commercial television broadcast.

a.longest b.first c.second

3. Television is not found in____

a.rivers b.factories c.airports

4.It is difficult to____television. b.hear c.avoid
Тексты для самостоятельного чтения и перевода по теме «СМИ»

Mass media.

Mass media (that is the press, the radio and television) play an important role in the life of people. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Millions of people in their free time watch TV and read newspapers. Everybody can find something interesting for him there. On the radio you can listen to the music, plays, news and discussions or commentaries of events. A lot of radio or TV games and films attract a large audience. Newspapers uses in different ways, but basically they are read. There is a lot of advertisement on mass media. Some of the TV and radio stations and newspapers are owned by different corporations. The owners can advertise whatever they choose. Mass media try to raise cultural level of the people or to develop their artistic taste. Mass media brings to millions of homes not only entertainment and news but also cultural and educational programs. There are more than twenty TV channels and lots of radio stations and newspapers now in the Russian Federation.

Advertise – рекламировать, помещать рекламу

Advertisement – объявление, реклама

Entertainment – развлечение, зрелище
The mass media

The press, the radio and TV play an important role in the life of society. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Mass media shapes public opinion. Millions of people in their spare-time read newspapers. It is impossible to imagine our life without newspapers. Millions of copies of them appear every day. Many people subscribe to two or more newspapers, others buy newspapers on the news-stands. There are national daily newspapers such as «The News» and «The Economic newspaper». There are also national weekly newspapers such as «The arguments and the facts». Most national newspapers express a political opinion and people choose them according to their political beliefs. Most newspapers contain news, detailed articles on home and international affairs, reviews of book are and TV-shows. Mane of them cover sport events. There are local newspapers in every city and town of Russia. The most popular local newspapers in Moscow are «The Moscow Komsomolets» and «Evening Moscow», in Kazan — «Evening Kazan. It is a local paper, because it is circulated only in our city. It is a daily paper because it is issued for times a week. The circulation of this paper is more than 80 thousand copies. This paper is delivered to our house. I am fond of reading it because it gives a full coverage of the events at home and abroad. One can also find newspapers for teenagers and children, for sportsfans and people of different professions. In Britain there are great differences between the various daily newspapers — in the type of news they report and the way they report it. On the one hand there are «quality» newspapers: «The Times», «The Guardian «, «The Daily Telegraph». These concern themselves, as far as possible, with factual reports of major national and international events, with the world of politics and business, and with the arts and sport. On the other hand there are the popular and tabloids, so-called because of their smaller size. The tabloids — the most widely read of which are «The Daily Mail», «The Daily Express» and «The Sun» — concentrate on more emotive reporting of stories often featuring violence, the Royal Family, film and pop stars and sport. The tabloid press is much more popular than the quality press. In addition to the national daily newspapers there are some national papers which are published on Sundays. Most of the Sundays contain more reading matter than daily papers. Besides, nearly every area in Britain has one or more local newspapers. The British are one of the biggest newspaper-reading nations in the world. Millions of people watch TV. In our technological age TV has become a part of daily life. It broadens our horizons and enriches our mind because there are different programs on the arts, history, archeology, technical inventions. The strength of our television lies in its high quality, in its willingness to experiment and its ability to please most tastes. But a peculiar feature of modern TV is a soap-opera. It is s sentimental serial drama dealing with domestic problems. Most people find soap-operas boring. There is a lot of advertising on TV. The same advertisements are repeated dozens of times every day which bores the viewers. In my opinion some new American films pull the rest of the people down to their own intellectual level. But it hardly fair to say that our media do not try to raise the cultural level of the people or to develop their artistic taste. Many of the TV programs are excellent, they are made in a good taste and with a great professional skill. The radio is turned on most of the time. It doesn’t interfere with your activities. You can listen to the radio while doing some work about the house, reading a book or driving a car. On the radio one hear the music, plays, news and various commentaries and discussions. Radio and TV bring into millions of homes not only entertainment and news but also cultural and educational programs. For instants you can take a TV course in history, political, economy, management and many other subjects, learn a foreign language by radio. My favorite is «Current affairs». This program deals with political and social problems of modern society. Its aim is to give an analysis of the problems and to show different view points.
And now I want to say some words about computers. The computer is a data storage system created by man. A human tells the machine what to do, when to do and how it should be done. And there is no magic involved. The machine is programmed to process data fast and accurately. Computers do a lot of useful operations, calculations, keep records of our financial affairs, create charts and drawings, and process the results of different experiments. They are applied in weather forecasting, medicine, manufacturing and research. They save a lot of energy and time.

There is a global network the Internet we use as Mass Media. It helps us to find new information, news. We can communicate with other people. Let’s read the text “What is the Internet today?” and do the tasks.

What is the Internet today?”

The Internet is the world largest computer network. It appealed in our country not many years ago, but it has become known to many people not only in the capital of Russia but also all over the country. And the same thing happens in many developing countries. People can find out a lot of useful information, and give information about themselves there. But why do people want to be «on the Internet»?

It seems to me that people like to do it because they can feel freedom on the Internet. But what does this freedom of the Internet include? Firstly it is equality. It does not matter what your race or age or nationality or wealth is, you can post your message to the Internet and you will be heard. You will find a lot of people who will support you and who will not support you. You will find your allies and enemies there. And this is the freedom to express your opinion, which is next to the freedom of choice. On the Internet you can choose information to your own taste or need. Nobody can make you look at something that you do not need or do not like. If do not like something, you just type another address and in a second you are already there where you want to be. But what can you choose from these different resources? It may be pornography or silly games. But it seems to me that very few people view pornography on the net. So these people will not influence all «inhabitants».

And now about the games: there are «tons» of very useful games, which will help you to understand the economy of the city, improve your language skills and vocabulary, or at least give you better skills in using the «mouse».

There is also a freedom of movement. There are no borders on the Internet and you can travel all over the Internet without any prohibitions. If you need some information about some foreign» country, you can get it. You do not need any visas to explore web sites in foreign countries.

Also you can vote on the Internet. There are a lot of questionnaires where you can express your attitude towards something. So the main principles of democracy are kept on the Internet.

The fact is that we can use all these resources for our educational purposes. And, as I said previously, anyone can find information of his own choice. The Internet makes it easier to find books (for example for your research paper) or articles, and now even to listen to and watch famous people.

Now teachers, students, professors, scientists, librarians and lawyers use the Internet to search for useful information because it is the fastest and the most convenient way to do it. We can get data for our research in just seconds after pushing a few buttons. This is no small deal, since entire books can be transferred through the Internet in a matter of minutes. Today millions of such files are available to anyone who asks for them.

But unfortunately there are some problems concerning the Internet. I think that it is not good that internet users communicate only with the people on the Internet. They stop talking with their relatives and friends because they have only virtual friends. So the Internet destroys real human communication.

Maybe someone’s interpersonal communication was destroyed, but now technology can give us an opportunity to communicate with our relatives and friends as if we are in the same room. People can be close to each other even being on different continents. And if a person is mentally normal, heshe will never prefer communication with computer to relatives.

In the conclusion I’d like to say that the Internet will help to develop our educational level due to its democracy and freedom. And after the people will find out what freedom is, they will develop in their country. After the Internet will guide us to the one open society, there will be no borders on the Earth any more; and we will live in peace and will respect each other like on the Internet. ‘

Задания к тексту What is the Internet today?

Задание 1. III. Read the text and say if you agree or disagree with the following statements: true or false.

1. The Internet appeared in Russia many years ago.

  1. The Internet can help you to choose what you need and want.
  2. The Internet is used by many people of different professions.
  3. there are not problems with The Internet
  4. The Internet destroyed the interpersonal communication
  5. The Internet helps to develop our educational level.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте преимущества (advantages) и недостатки (disadvantages) интернета.

advantages disadvantages

Задание 3. Найдите английские эквиваленты в тексте данным словам и словосочетаниям.

Голосовать, образовательный уровень, файлы, анкеты, нажатие клавиш, использование мыши, компьютерная сеть, развитые страны, равенство, свобода движения, ваш вкус и необходимость, улучшать знания по языку, за секунду, полезные игры, без запрещений, главные принципы демократии, ресурсы, исследовательская работа, доступный, границы, человеческое общение, виртуальные друзья, самый удобный способ, веб сайты, благодаря, глупые игры, уважать друг друга, влиять, выражать свое мнение, союзники и враги.



Государственное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Донецкий государственный колледж пищевых технологий и торговли»


открытого занятия на тему:


по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

специальность 19.02.10 «Технология продукции общественного питания»


Методическая разработка открытого занятия по теме ”Гостиница ”Иностранный язык ”, 2018.

Подготовила: Рожновская Р.В., преподаватель иностранного языка ГПОУ «Донецкий государственный колледж пищевых технологий и торговли», специалист первой квалификационной категории.

Изложена методика проведения практического занятия по учебной дисциплине “Иностранный язык” с использованием информационно-коммуникационных технологий.

Методическая разработка предназначена для преподавателей иностранного языка профессиональных образовательных учреждений.

Рассмотрено и одобрено

на заседании цикловой комиссии

общеобразовательных дисциплин

Протокол № _______ от _______________

Председатель комисcии_____________ Л.А.Ольшанская

Технологическая карта

Тема: «Гостиница»


методическая: совершенствование методики проведения практического занятия по дисциплине “Иностранный язык ” с применением активных методов обучения;

дидактическая: формирование у студентов умения характеризовать уровень гостиниц разных стран на английском языке; работать с разными источниками информации;

развивающая: развивать умения и навыки слушать, сравнивать, редактировать, делать выводы;

воспитательная: способствовать формированию у студентов разговорного этикета, общечеловеческих ценностей.

Планируемые результаты обучения:

студенты должны знать:

смысл понятий: речевая ситуация и ее компоненты, языковая норма, культура речи;

— лексические, грамматические, орфографические нормы современного английского языка;

  • нормы речевого поведения в социально-культурной и официально-деловой сферах общения.

студенты должны уметь:

— выражать собственные мысли, прогнозировать вероятность событий;

— описывать события в их логической последовательности;

— описывать и интерпретировать реалии английской культуры;

— обсуждать перспективы, давать советы, реагировать на советы других;

— принимать участие в дискуссии, привлекая внимание собеседника.

Тип занятия: занятие обобщения и систематизация знаний, умений и навыков

Вид занятия: практическое занятие

Основные методы, применяемые на занятии: пояснительно — иллюстративный, репродуктивный, исследовательский, работа в малых группах, создание ситуаций познавательной новизны.

Оснащение занятия:

метадическое: методическая разработка занятия, учебники, компьютерные презентации, видеофайлы, словари;

материально-техническое: мультимедийный комплекс.

Междисциплинарные связи:

обеспечивающие: английский язык, компьютерная графика, информационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности;

обеспечиваемые: английский язык, история, культурология.


1. Вайтенюк В.В. Разговорный английский: Пособие по развитию устной речи/ А. Войтенко. — М.: Айрис-пресс, 2012. — 480 с.

2. И.С. Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. — Киев. «Логос», 2010.

3. Английский путь с 2009. www GFU. com. ua.

4. Венявская В.М. Английский язык. Страноведение- Across the countries and continents/В. М. Венявская. – Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2009. — 444 с.

5. Бейзеров В.А. Деловой английский язык. Business English. – Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2009. -378 с.

6. Английский путь с совершенству полный интерактивный курс “Game Factory Ukraine”. TOB 2010. www. GFU. com. Ua

Структура занятия

  1. Организационный момент.

  2. Сообщение темы, плана и целей занятия.

  3. Мотивация учебной деятельности.

  4. Актуализация опорных знаний.

  5. Обобщение и систематизация знаний.

  6. Закрепление знаний студентов.

  7. Подведение итогов занятия. Оценивание знаний студентов.

  8. Домашнее задание.

Ход занятия

1.Организационый момент.

    1. Взаимное приветствие преподавателя и студентов.

    2. Проверка присутствия и готовности группы к занятию.

Good afternoon, students.

I am glad to sеe you. Take your seats, please.

T: Who is on duty to day?

S: It’s me.

T: Please tell me. Who is absent today?

S: Everybody is present today.

T: Thank you. Take а seat, please.

  1. Сообщение темы, плана и целей занятия.

The topic of our lesson is: «Hotel industry». Please open your copy-book, write down the date and the topic of our lesson.

The aim of our lesson is to listen the presentation, work with the active vocabulary. You will read the text, make some exercises to improve you knowledge.

(Тема нашего занятия: «Гостиница». Откройте, пожалуйста, Ваши тетради, запишите дату и тему нашего занятия. Цель нашего занятия — формирование умения характеризовать гостиницы разных стран на английском языке; работать с разными источниками информации; развивать умения и навыки слушать, сравнивать, делать выводы.

На занятии мы просмотрим презентации, прочитаем текст, активизируем ваш лексический запас, выполним упражнения.)

  1. Мотивация учебной деятельности.

    1. Вступительное слово преподавателя.

Nowadays English is of great importance. It is very useful to know English for a technologist of cooking. You as the technologist of cooking will be able to work at the hotels . We know that a cook who knows English has a higher salary. English is an international means of communication.

English is the main language at scientific international meetings and conferences. Most of the information in computers all over the world is in English.

That’s why it is necessary to study English.

(Английский язык сегодня имеет большое значение. Современному человеку, профессионалу важно владеть английским языком. Вы как технологи приготовления пищи, будете иметь возможность работать в гостиницах.

Мы знаем, что повара, которые знают английский язык, получают большую зарплату. Английский язык имеет международное значение в общении. Английский язык является языком научных интернациональных встреч и конференций. Много информации в компьютерах предоставлено также на английском языке.)

    1. Фонетическая разминка. Работа с лексическими единицами.

Now we will begin to play the game «Irregular verbs».

You get the same amount of cards with irregular verbs. During the game you are constantly trying to put cards (infinitive, the second and third forms). The Winner is the person who will finish the other cards earlier than the others, and get a bonus. When you put the card give Russian version, and all together we recite all three forms of the verb.

( Приложение 1)

(Сейчас мы будем играть в игру: «Неправильные глаголы».

Вы получаете одинаковое количество карточек с неправильными глаголами. В течение игры Вы постоянно кладёте карточки (инфинитив, 2 и 3 формы). Выигрывает тот, у кого раньше других не будет карточек. Победитель получает бонус. Когда вы кладёте карточку, вы произносите русский вариант, все вместе произносим английский вариант глаголов.)

Irregular verbs

прийти — to come — came — come

иметь — to have — had — had

выбирать — to choose — chose — chosen

резать — to cut — cut — cut

строить — to build — built — built

принести — to bring — brought — brought

начинать — to begin — began — begun

купить — to buy — bought — bought

стать, сделаться — to become — became — become

стоить — to cost — cost — cost

ломать, сломать — to break — broke — broken

  1. Актуализация опорных знаний.

4.1. Проверка домашнего задания.

Check on your homework. Read and translate the text one by one.

( Приложение 2)

4.2. Чтение текста студентами по теме «Hotel industry».

Hotel industry

Our society is made up of all kinds of organizations, such as companies, government, departments, unions, hospitals, schools and the like. They are essential to our existence, helping to create our standard of living and our quality of life. In all these organizations, there are people carrying out the work of a manager. The role of the manager is particularly significant in such social sphere as the lodging industry.

The lodging industry is the most important element of the social sphere. It plays the leading part in the increase of the public production and accordingly in the upliftingly of living standards.

One can designate the hotel as an enterprise rendering service to the people, which are out of doors. The service of the placing and the nourishment is the leading one at the hotel.

The hotel apartments are the basic element of the placing service. They are intended for the rest, sleeping and work of the guests. In additional the placing service includes the service, which is done by the personal of the hotel. These are receptions and official registration of the guests, cleaning the rooms and others.

The nourishment consists of different processes:

  • process of production (preparation of dishes),

  • trade process (sale of the food products),

  • service process (service of the guests by the waiters at the restaurant, in the rooms).

The additional service includes swimming-pools, conference halls, hair-dresser’s, massage-room and many other things. The hotel is distinguished by the additional service among other hotels. Therefore this service is very important by the forming of the attractiveness of the hotel.

Among the main services of the hotel one can also distinguish the reserving the place, the facilities and the service of the exploitation of the apartment fund.

The service of the nourishment, the placing service and the additional service are formed different at the hotels. And so one can designate several types of the hotels.

The first class hotels are usually situated in the center of the city. The skilled staff ensures the high level of the service. The clients of this kind of the hotel are businessmen, participants of the conferences and other rich men.

The health-resort hotel is situated in the health-resort country. It includes the medical service and the dietary nourishment.

The motel is located near the motor roads and in the suburbs. The clients of the motel are tourists, particularly motor tourers.

The middle class hotels render the broad service. The prizes depend on the situation of the hotel. The leading types of the hotels are the business and health-resort ones, because 50% of the journeys are made with business purpose, and holiday are treatment purpose determines 40% of the journeys. The hotels are classified by the level of the comfort, the capacity of the hotel, the purpose of the hotel, the situation of the hotel, the duration of the work, the providing with the nourishment, the duration of the stay at the hotel, the level of the prices.

Those whose jobs require spending most of the year living out of suitcases are the most attractive clients for big-city hotels, but also the most demanding.

Constantly on the move, these businesspeople expect their hotels to be a home away from home. Some who like consistency go for the international chains that offer reliable service and unified interior design, while even exchanging information about the habits of their long-standing customers. Other look for hotels with a «soul». Often company regulations determine the choice.

How to find a good hotel, how to make a booking and how are hotels classified in different countries?

Amsterdam. The price usually includes tax and light breakfast (at big expensive hotels you pay (or breakfast separately). The number of stars assigned by the Benelux Hotel Classification system signifies the level of comfort. The stars do not say anything, however, about the hotel’s location or its atmosphere. Many charming small hotels have only a few stars simply because the standard is lower, yet they often occupy beautifully renovated 17th-century house along the canals. Both the modest hotels and their sophisticated counterparts, including Amstel, Seven Bridges and Grand Amsterdam, have a gracious, warm atmosphere not often found at the big chains. The largest number of guests come during the tulip season in April and May, and also in July and August. At these times you should book a few weeks in advance. If you plan to stay at popular hotels located along the canals, advance booking is recommended throughout the year. To reserve a room, a credit card is usually enough, but sometimes a down payment (the price of one night’s stay) by check or mail order is required. Those coming to Amsterdam without having booked a hotel room, can do it at KLM’s airport office (without any additional fee) or at the organization’s offices.

Athens. Both hotels and the popular domatia (rooms or rent) are classified by the EOT Greek Tourist Office. Attractively located, and offering such facilities for businesspeople as conference rooms and telecommunications facilities, A-class and deluxe hotels offer the highest standards. Also quite comfortable and serving hearty breakfast, B-class hotels usually have a restaurant and at least one sports facility, usually a swimming pool or a tennis court. C-, D- and E-class hotels look much more modest.

Budapest. The local hotels of a higher category, especially those equipped with their own steam baths and pools, are fully consistent with European standards. They are run by popular international networks such as Hyatt, Kempinski and Marriott. Your first choice is between those located in Buda and in Pest. Buda’s hills offer you fresh air, cool shade on hot days and peace and quiet, while in the flat plain of Pest you will be just one step away from most tourist attractions. The price always includes breakfast, and a Swedish buffet at hotels with three stars and more. At hotels specializing in hydrotherapy, the entrance fee to swimming pools and sauna is included into the price of the room; any medical treatment is extra. The price includes VAT and climate tax, as Budapest is also a spa. Hotels are classified in five categories here, and boarding houses in two. In five-and four star hotels all rooms have bathrooms, TV sets, telephones (although expensive), radios and refrigerators. Most of them are also equipped with air conditioning, facilities for businesspeople and fitness clubs. There-star hotels run at least two restaurants and their personnel speak at least one foreign language. At two-star hotel, at least two-thirds of the rooms have their own bathrooms and showers. High-standard hotel provide 24-hour service. Tips are always welcome.

Prague. Since the 1989 «Velvet Revolution» Prague has become one of the most popular tourist spots in Europe. Over the past decade, Prague has acquired many new hotels, and the old ones have been modernized. Most of them are located around Wenceslas Square, the city’s central point, and Republiky Square. Accommodations are scarce during the season, beginning around Easter and ending in October. It’s a good idea to obtain written confirmation of your booking during the season. The price includes the tax and service, but not always breakfast.

Warsaw. In recent years, the number of hotels in Warsaw has increased significantly. New luxury hotels have been built and many old ones have been modernized. It’s a good idea to book a few weeks in advance, especially if you plan to go in June and July or between September and November, or during holidays. Warsaw’s typical «businesspeople’s hotels» are the Marriott, Hilton, Sheraton, Bristol, Mercure, Holiday Inn, Victoria and Jan III Sobieski. With an original interior, the Secession-style Bristol Hotel is for the very well-off traveler. The prices include VAT and service, and sometimes breakfast.


(Преподаватель комментирует ответы и оценивает студентов)

T: Thank you :

— you have worked very well and I liked your pronansiation;

— you were active;

— your translation were excellent .

5.Обобщение и систематизация знаний.

5.1. Представление студентами результатов исследовательской деятельности.

Let’s get down to the main part of our lesson- project presentation itself. You have worked on the project for some Weeks .The title of this presentations are: english breakfast ,Christmas dinner, fish ,the potatoes bake with meat. While one student makes a speech the others will make some notes of interesting facts.

(Перейдем к следующей части нашего занятия – презентации проектов. Вы работали над ними несколько недель. Название ваших презентаций такие: ”Amsterdam”, ”Athens”, “Budapest”, “Prague”, Warsawa’. Пока один студент рассказывает, остальные записывают интересные факты.)

(Преподаватель комментирует ответы студентов и оценивает их презентации)

Thank you for your presentations:

— you have worked very well and I liked your presentation;

— you have used many different words and constructions;

— your presentation were excellent.

6. Закрепление знаний студентов.

Now you will make some exercises to improve your knowledge.

(Сейчас Вы выполните упражнения для закрепления Ваших знаний.)

( Приложение 3)


  1. Answer the questions.

  1. What sphere of economy do the tourism and hotel industry represent?

  2. What service do the hotels provide?

  3. How are the hotels classified in different parts of the world?

  4. What is the difference between the hotels of different classes?

  5. What facilities for business do hotels usually have?

  6. What are the pluses of living in the hotel located in the centre of the city?

  7. How can you characterize the hotels located in different parts of Europe?

  8. Name the largest hotel chains of the world.

  9. What is the difference between them?

  10. What role do hotels play in tourism?

  1. Insert the necessary word or word combination.

  1. The lodging industry is the most important element of the … sphere.

  2. The service of the placing and the … is the leading one at the hotel.

  3. One can designate the hotel as an enterprise … service to the people, which are out of doors.

  4. The hotel is … by the additional service among other hotels.

  5. The first … hotels are usually situated in the center of the city.

  6. The skilled … ensures the high level of the service.

  7. The … is located near the motor roads and in the suburbs.

  8. The middle class hotels … the broad service.

  9. The hotels are … by the level of the comfort.

  10. The prices depend on the … of the hotel.

  1. Refer the sentences into English.

  1. Отели играют важную роль в сфере услуг.

  2. Основной вид услуг, предоставляемый отелями, — размещение гостей.

  3. Дополнительные услуги включают бассейн, конференц-зал, массаж, парикмахерскую и др.

  4. Отели первого класса обычно находятся в центре города.

  5. Конференц-залы часто используются бизнесменами для проведения собраний.

  6. Цены зависят от места расположения отеля.

  7. Число звезд отеля определяет уровень комфорта и сервиса.

  8. Номера местных отелей высшего класса оснащены ванной, телевизором и телефоном.

  9. Трёх-звездные отели обычно располагают по крайней мере двумя ресторанами.

  10. Отель управляется крупнейшей международной компанией

7. Подведение итогов занятия. Оценивание знаний студентов.

We read the text, reviewed your рresentations . You done the exercises. You were successful in your work because you managed to find out the necessary information, analyzed it, to present your work you did not managed to avoid grammar and pronunciation mistakes. But they are not such serious, so your research project can be estimated as good at all.

Your marks for this lesson are…

(Вы прочитали текст, посмотрели и прослушали презентации, сделали упражнения. Вы хорошо справились с выполнением заданий, нашли необходимую информацию, проанализировали её. Вам не удалось избежать грамматических и фонетических ошибок. Но они не являются весомыми, потому что ваши исследовательские проекты можно оценить в целом хорошо. Ваши оценки за работу на занятии…)

(Преподаватель оценивает студентов)

  1. Домашнее задание.

Your homework is to learn by heart the topic «English cookery and meals». This text you will be need when you will prepare to exam.

(Ваше домашнее задание: выучить тему «Гщстиница». Этот текст нужен будет Вам при подготовке к зачету. Информация из текста потребуется вам для дальнейшей работы.)

Приложение 1

Irregular verbs

прийти — to come — came — come

иметь — to have — had — had

выбирать — to choose — chose — chosen

резать — to cut — cut — cut

строить — to build — built — built

принести — to bring — brought — brought

начинать — to begin — began — begun

купить — to buy — bought — bought

стать, сделаться — to become — became — become

стоить — to cost — cost — cost

ломать, сломать — to break — broke — broken

Приложение 2


Hotel industry

Our society is made up of all kinds of organizations, such as companies, government, departments, unions, hospitals, schools and the like. They are essential to our existence, helping to create our standard of living and our quality of life. In all these organizations, there are people carrying out the work of a manager. The role of the manager is particularly significant in such social sphere as the lodging industry.

The lodging industry is the most important element of the social sphere. It plays the leading part in the increase of the public production and accordingly in the upliftingly of living standards.

One can designate the hotel as an enterprise rendering service to the people, which are out of doors. The service of the placing and the nourishment is the leading one at the hotel.

The hotel apartments are the basic element of the placing service. They are intended for the rest, sleeping and work of the guests. In additional the placing service includes the service, which is done by the personal of the hotel. These are receptions and official registration of the guests, cleaning the rooms and others.

The nourishment consists of different processes:

  • process of production (preparation of dishes),

  • trade process (sale of the food products),

  • service process (service of the guests by the waiters at the restaurant, in the rooms).

The additional service includes swimming-pools, conference halls, hair-dresser’s, massage-room and many other things. The hotel is distinguished by the additional service among other hotels. Therefore this service is very important by the forming of the attractiveness of the hotel.

Among the main services of the hotel one can also distinguish the reserving the place, the facilities and the service of the exploitation of the apartment fund.

The service of the nourishment, the placing service and the additional service are formed different at the hotels. And so one can designate several types of the hotels.

The first class hotels are usually situated in the center of the city. The skilled staff ensures the high level of the service. The clients of this kind of the hotel are businessmen, participants of the conferences and other rich men.

The health-resort hotel is situated in the health-resort country. It includes the medical service and the dietary nourishment.

The motel is located near the motor roads and in the suburbs. The clients of the motel are tourists, particularly motor tourers.

The middle class hotels render the broad service. The prizes depend on the situation of the hotel. The leading types of the hotels are the business and health-resort ones, because 50% of the journeys are made with business purpose, and holiday are treatment purpose determines 40% of the journeys. The hotels are classified by the level of the comfort, the capacity of the hotel, the purpose of the hotel, the situation of the hotel, the duration of the work, the providing with the nourishment, the duration of the stay at the hotel, the level of the prices.

Those whose jobs require spending most of the year living out of suitcases are the most attractive clients for big-city hotels, but also the most demanding.

Constantly on the move, these businesspeople expect their hotels to be a home away from home. Some who like consistency go for the international chains that offer reliable service and unified interior design, while even exchanging information about the habits of their long-standing customers. Other look for hotels with a «soul». Often company regulations determine the choice.

How to find a good hotel, how to make a booking and how are hotels classified in different countries?

Amsterdam. The price usually includes tax and light breakfast (at big expensive hotels you pay (or breakfast separately). The number of stars assigned by the Benelux Hotel Classification system signifies the level of comfort. The stars do not say anything, however, about the hotel’s location or its atmosphere. Many charming small hotels have only a few stars simply because the standard is lower, yet they often occupy beautifully renovated 17th-century house along the canals. Both the modest hotels and their sophisticated counterparts, including Amstel, Seven Bridges and Grand Amsterdam, have a gracious, warm atmosphere not often found at the big chains. The largest number of guests come during the tulip season in April and May, and also in July and August. At these times you should book a few weeks in advance. If you plan to stay at popular hotels located along the canals, advance booking is recommended throughout the year. To reserve a room, a credit card is usually enough, but sometimes a down payment (the price of one night’s stay) by check or mail order is required. Those coming to Amsterdam without having booked a hotel room, can do it at KLM’s airport office (without any additional fee) or at the organization’s offices.

Athens. Both hotels and the popular domatia (rooms or rent) are classified by the EOT Greek Tourist Office. Attractively located, and offering such facilities for businesspeople as conference rooms and telecommunications facilities, A-class and deluxe hotels offer the highest standards. Also quite comfortable and serving hearty breakfast, B-class hotels usually have a restaurant and at least one sports facility, usually a swimming pool or a tennis court. C-, D- and E-class hotels look much more modest.

Budapest. The local hotels of a higher category, especially those equipped with their own steam baths and pools, are fully consistent with European standards. They are run by popular international networks such as Hyatt, Kempinski and Marriott. Your first choice is between those located in Buda and in Pest. Buda’s hills offer you fresh air, cool shade on hot days and peace and quiet, while in the flat plain of Pest you will be just one step away from most tourist attractions. The price always includes breakfast, and a Swedish buffet at hotels with three stars and more. At hotels specializing in hydrotherapy, the entrance fee to swimming pools and sauna is included into the price of the room; any medical treatment is extra. The price includes VAT and climate tax, as Budapest is also a spa. Hotels are classified in five categories here, and boarding houses in two. In five-and four star hotels all rooms have bathrooms, TV sets, telephones (although expensive), radios and refrigerators. Most of them are also equipped with air conditioning, facilities for businesspeople and fitness clubs. There-star hotels run at least two restaurants and their personnel speak at least one foreign language. At two-star hotel, at least two-thirds of the rooms have their own bathrooms and showers. High-standard hotel provide 24-hour service. Tips are always welcome.

Prague. Since the 1989 «Velvet Revolution» Prague has become one of the most popular tourist spots in Europe. Over the past decade, Prague has acquired many new hotels, and the old ones have been modernized. Most of them are located around Wenceslas Square, the city’s central point, and Republiky Square. Accommodations are scarce during the season, beginning around Easter and ending in October. It’s a good idea to obtain written confirmation of your booking during the season. The price includes the tax and service, but not always breakfast.

Warsaw. In recent years, the number of hotels in Warsaw has increased significantly. New luxury hotels have been built and many old ones have been modernized. It’s a good idea to book a few weeks in advance, especially if you plan to go in June and July or between September and November, or during holidays. Warsaw’s typical «businesspeople’s hotels» are the Marriott, Hilton, Sheraton, Bristol, Mercure, Holiday Inn, Victoria and Jan III Sobieski. With an original interior, the Secession-style Bristol Hotel is for the very well-off traveler. The prices include VAT and service, and sometimes breakfast.

Приложение 3


  1. Answer the questions.

  1. What sphere of economy do the tourism and hotel industry represent?

  2. What service do the hotels provide?

  3. How are the hotels classified in different parts of the world?

  4. What is the difference between the hotels of different classes?

  5. What facilities for business do hotels usually have?

  6. What are the pluses of living in the hotel located in the centre of the city?

  7. How can you characterize the hotels located in different parts of Europe?

  8. Name the largest hotel chains of the world.

  9. What is the difference between them?

  10. What role do hotels play in tourism?

  1. Insert the necessary word or word combination.

  1. The lodging industry is the most important element of the … sphere.

  2. The service of the placing and the … is the leading one at the hotel.

  3. One can designate the hotel as an enterprise … service to the people, which are out of doors.

  4. The hotel is … by the additional service among other hotels.

  5. The first … hotels are usually situated in the center of the city.

  6. The skilled … ensures the high level of the service.

  7. The … is located near the motor roads and in the suburbs.

  8. The middle class hotels … the broad service.

  9. The hotels are … by the level of the comfort.

  10. The prices depend on the … of the hotel.

  11. Refer the sentences into English.

  1. Отели играют важную роль в сфере услуг.

  2. Основной вид услуг, предоставляемый отелями, — размещение гостей.

  3. Дополнительные услуги включают бассейн, конференц-зал, массаж, парикмахерскую и др.

  4. Отели первого класса обычно находятся в центре города.

  5. Конференц-залы часто используются бизнесменами для проведения собраний.

  6. Цены зависят от места расположения отеля.

  7. Число звезд отеля определяет уровень комфорта и сервиса.

  8. Номера местных отелей высшего класса оснащены ванной, телевизором и телефоном.

  9. Трёх-звездные отели обычно располагают по крайней мере двумя ресторанами.

  10. Отель управляется крупнейшей международной компанией

Exercises to the text «Physical Changes»

1. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. Does the molecular structure change when a physical change takes place?
  2. Does liquid oxygen have the same molecular structure as oxygen gas?
  3. Does salt form molecular bond with water being dissolved in it?
  4. When does a mixture occur?
  5. Is there  any change in the molecular structure of the substances in a mixture?
  6. What mixture is lemonade?
  7. What mixture is water?
  8. What does wet concrete consist of?

2. Insert a necessary word or word combination:

Liquid, solid, chromium, dissolved, blended, original, wet concrete, cured concrete.

  1.   Molten steel hardens into a ….
  2. … oxygen has the same molecular structure as oxygen gas; each molecule is for … .
  3. Molten steel is made of iron, carbon and small additions of metals such as…
  4. Salt can be … in water. 
  5. A mixture occurs when two or more substances are … .
  6. Each substance in the mixture keeps its … structure and properties.
  7. … is a mixture of water, Portland cement and aggregates (cleaned sand and/or gravels).
  8. …  is a compound.

3. Ask as many questions as possible to the following sentences:

  1. A physical change can take place in substances without changing their underlying molecular structures.  
  2. Molten steel changes its physical state while hardening.
  3. Salt can be dissolved in water. 

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