Insert the missing word or phrase


контрольная работа по проверке
пройденного лексического и грамматического
материала к уроку 7 учебника В.П. Кузовлева
Английский язык. 10–11 классы

Цель: закрепить активную лексику
7-го урока, проверить усвоение грамматических
структур: Simple Past and Simple Present; Present Perfect Passive and Simple Past
Passive; Past Perfect Passive; Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

1. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу
словами из рамки.

mobile phone, dishwasher, video recorder, gas
stove, remote control, sites, cordless telephone, on-line, microwave oven, inventions,
e-mail, vacuum cleaner, Internet, mower, computer, electrical

Yesterday was my father’s birthday. My mother asked me
to help her with the preparations. When I returned home from school, first of all I
decided to watch TV. I jumped onto the couch, took a (1)_________ (this device helps me to
change channels without standing up) and was prepared to watch something. But a horrible
thing happened, the electricity went off. So all (2)_________ outlets didn’t work. We
have a (3)____________ in the house because it is very convenient, you can speak from any
place in your flat, but it doesn’t work when there is no electricity. So my mother had
to call on my (4)____________. She wanted to make sure that everything would be ready for
the party. I didn’t want to disappoint her and started to work. I couldn’t use a
(5)____________ to clean the carpet, so I had to take a brush and do it with hands. Mum
told me to put what she had prepared into a (6)___________ to heat. Fortunately we had our
good old (7)___________, in other way everybody could remain hungry! After the party I
washed all the dishes without the help of the (8)____________ but again with my own hands!
In the morning I woke up early because of the terrible noise. At first I couldn’t make
out what it was but when I looked out of the window I saw our neighbour cutting the grass
with his (9)__________. So today everything was in order with the electricity. I rushed to
my (10)__________ to check (11)____________ messages and surf the (12)______________. I
would like to visit some (13)____________ there and play an (14)__________ game. After
that I looked through the TV program and saw that there were two films on different
channels I wanted to see, so I had to set my (15)_____________ in order to have the
possibility to watch one of the films later. All of a sudden I understood that these
(16)___________________ have changed our lives and now we can’t do without

2. Прочитайте текст и пропущенные в нем
предложения A–E. Выберите из этих предложений то,
которое лучше всего подходит в пропуски.


It was in June of 1956, that the practical television remote controller
first entered the American home. Remote control technology was developed for military use
(the Germans used remote control motorboats during W.W.I.) and in the late 1940’s the
first non-military usage for remote controls appeared (i.e. automatic garage door
Zenith Radio Corporation created the very first television remote control in 1950, called
“Lazy Bone.” (1)__________. The Lazy Bone remote control was attached to the
television by a bulky cable, which consumers did not like.
(2)_________. The Flash-matic operated by means of four photocells, one in each
corner of the TV screen. The viewer used a directional flashlight to activate the four
control functions, which turned the picture and sound on and off and turned the channel
tuner dial clockwise and counter-clockwise. However, the Flash-matic had problems working
well on sunny days, when the sunlight could change channels randomly.
The improved “Zenith Space Command,” remote control went into commercial production in
1956. Zenith engineer, Dr. Robert Adler who based his invention on ultrasonics,
designed the Space Command. (3)___________.
(4)____________. In the early 1960s, after the invention of the transistor, remote
controls came down in price and size, as did all electronics. Zenith modified the Space
Command remote control creating small hand-held and battery-operated remote controls.

Infrared devices replaced ultrasonic remote controls in the early 1980s.

photocell фотоэлемент

ultrasonics ультразвуковая техника

infrared ультракрасный, инфракрасный

A. Ultrasonic remote controls remained the dominant design for
the next twenty-five years, and as the name suggests they worked using ultrasound waves.

B. Zenith engineer, Eugene Polley created the “Flash-matic,”
the first wireless TV remote invented in 1955.

C. Over nine million ultrasonic remote controls were sold.

D. Lazy Bone could turn a television on and off and change
channels, however, it was not a wireless remote control.

E. The first Space Command units were expensive due to the
necessary use of six vacuum tubes in the receiver units that raised the price of a
television by thirty percent.

3. Переведите предложения на английский язык,
используя активную грамматику и лексику урока.

1. – Ты уже вымыл посуду?
– Как раз перед твоим приходом я положил ее в
посудомоечную машину.

2. Многие люди полагают, что самые
важные для человечества открытия были совершены
в 20 веке.

3. К началу Первой Мировой войны
телефон уже был изобретен.

4. Телевизор был уже изобретен, когда
моя бабушка была еще молодой.

5. – Какое изобретение по твоему мнению
самое важное?
– Дай подумать… Я считаю, что это изобретение
пенициллина. Он был открыт в 1928 году Александром
Флемингом. Со времени своего открытия это
изобретение спасло многие жизни. Я думаю,
человечество уже не сможет без него обойтись. Все
остальные открытия 20 века менее важные.
– Я абсолютно с тобой согласен.

6. – Я думаю, что автомобиль является
самым вредным изобретением человечества.
– С одной стороны ты, конечно, прав, но, с другой
стороны, он очень удобен.
– Ты, кажется, не понимаешь, что автомобиль
является главным источником загрязнения
окружающей среды.
– Да, с этим я не могу не согласиться.

7. – Почему ты выбросил этот
– Он был очень старый, я пользовался им с детства.


1. 1. remote control; 2. electrical; 3. cordless telephone; 4.
mobile phone; 5. vacuum cleaner; 6. microwave oven; 7. gas stove; 8. dishwasher; 9. mower;
10. computer; 11. e-mail; 12. Internet; 13. sites; 14. on-line; 15. video recorder 16.

2. 1. D; 2. B; 3. A; 4. E; 5. C


1. – Have you already washed the dishes?
– I had just put them into the dishwasher before you came.

2. Many people consider that the most important inventions for the
mankind were made in the 20th century.

3. By the beginning of World War I the telephone had already been

4. A TV set had already been invented when my granny was still young.

5. – What invention in your opinion is the most important?
– Let me see … I think it is the discovery of penicillin. It was discovered in 1928 by
Alexander Fleming and it has saved many lives since that time. I also think that the
mankind can’t do without it any more. I consider the other inventions to be less
– I absolutely agree with you.

6. I think that the car is the most harmful invention of the mankind.
– On the one hand, you are certainly right, but on the other hand, it is very
– You don’t seem to understand that the car is the main source of environmental
– Yes, with this I can’t disagree.

7. – Why have you thrown out this camera?
– It was very old, I have used it since childhood.

Текст для контрольной работы по
аудированию для 7-го урока 11-го класса


It is strange to think that one of the richest and most powerful
businesses in the world is only 25 years old.
Early in 1975 Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen, both undergraduates at Harvard
University, ordered a “personal computer” called the “MITS Altair 600” from
Popular Electronics magazine. When it arrived they had to assemble the different parts and
try to make it work.
In less than one month, Bill and Paul had written their first computer language, BASIC,
and sold it to the manufacturer MITS. One month later, Paul Allen was appointed Director
of Software at MITS.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen formed a partnership under the name Microsoft.
By July 1975, they had already developed version 2.0 of their BASIC software.
Two years later, Microsoft published its second computer language, which was called
For the next few years, Microsoft produced further computer languages including COBOL and
Pascal, but their big breakthrough came in 1981 with Microsoft MS-DOS. In 1983, we saw the
first Microsoft word processing program, Microsoft Word. In the same year Microsoft
announced Windows, an extension of MS-DOS which provided a graphical “point and click”
operating environment.
Even though the early version of Windows did not work very well, most computer users were
happy with MS-DOS. By 1985, Microsoft was celebrating its tenth anniversary and annual
sales of $140 million.
The following year, Microsoft Excel, a spreadsheet package for Windows was published.
Over the following years, Microsoft continued to grow. By 1993 10 million people around
the world were using Microsoft Word in its various versions.
Many people in the computer world have pointed out that Microsoft has never been a great
innovator in softwares. Most of their best products have been developed from ideas created
by others. The success of the company, they say, has been based on the public’s need to
use common software and Microsoft has to frequently defend its business practices in the
US courts.

I. Answer the questions.

1. How old is Microsoft?
2. Who are the founders of Microsoft?
3. What languages did Bill Gates and Paul Allen invent?
4. What was the most successful product of Microsoft?
5. What did Microsoft celebrate in 1985?
6. What do people say about Microsoft products?

II. Choose the right answer.

1. What was the name of the computer Bill Gates and Paul Allen ordered
in 1975?

A. IBM 475;
B. MITS Altair 600;
C. Pentium IV

2. Windows appeared in…

A. 1993;
B. 1995;
C. 1983

3. The early version of Windows didn’t work well…

A. but computer users were happy with MS-DOS.
B. and computer users were dissatisfied with

4. By 1985 the annual sales of Microsoft were…

A. $ 1million;
B. $ 140 million;
C. $ 354 million

5. Some people say that the best Microsoft products have been

A. very quickly and therefore had many drawbacks.
B. for a long time but were very complicated and user-un-friendly.
C. from ideas created by others.

III. Insert the missing word or a phrase.

1. One of the richest and most ____________ businesses in the world is
only 25 years old.
2. In 1975 Bill Gates and Paul Allen were both undergraduates at ___________ University.
3. Some months later they founded a ____________ under the name of Microsoft.
4. Microsoft’s big ____________ came in 1981 with Microsoft MS-DOS.
5. Windows __________ a graphical “point and click” operating environment.
6. In 1983 Microsoft Word ______________.

Compiled by Natalya Plyugina,
School No. 44,

That Shook the World

контрольная работа по проверке пройденного лексического и
грамматического материала к уроку 7 учебника В.П. Кузовлева Английский
10–11 классы

Цель: закрепить активную лексику 7-го урока, проверить усвоение грамматических структур: Simple Past and Simple Present; Present Perfect Passive and
Simple Past Passive; Past Perfect Passive; Degrees of comparison of

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами из рамки.

mobile phone, dishwasher,
video recorder, gas stove, remote control, sites, cordless telephone,
on-line, microwave oven, inventions, e-mail, vacuum cleaner, Internet,
mower, computer, electrical

Yesterday was my father’s
birthday. My mother asked me to help her with the preparations. When I
returned home from school, first of all I decided to watch TV. I jumped
onto the couch, took a (1)_________ (this device helps me to change
channels without standing up) and was prepared to watch something. But a
horrible thing happened, the electricity went off. So all (2)_________ outlets
didn’t work. We have a (3)____________ in the house because it is very
convenient, you can speak from any place in your flat, but it doesn’t work
when there is no electricity. So my mother had to call on my
(4)____________. She wanted to make sure that everything would be ready for
the party. I didn’t want to disappoint her and started to work. I couldn’t
use a (5)____________ to clean the carpet, so I had to take a brush and do
it with hands. Mum told me to put what she had prepared into a (6)___________
to heat. Fortunately we had our good old (7)___________, in other way
everybody could remain hungry! After the party I washed all the dishes
without the help of the (8)____________ but again with my own hands! In the
morning I woke up early because of the terrible noise. At first I couldn’t
make out what it was but when I looked out of the window I saw our
neighbour cutting the grass with his (9)__________. So today everything was
in order with the electricity. I rushed to my (10)__________ to check (11)____________
messages and surf the (12)______________. I would like to visit some
(13)____________ there and play an (14)__________ game. After that I looked
through the TV program and saw that there were two films on different
channels I wanted to see, so I had to set my (15)_____________ in order to
have the possibility to watch one of the films later. All of a sudden I
understood that these (16)___________________ have changed our lives and
now we can’t do without

Прочитайте текст и пропущенные в нем предложения A–E. Выберите из этих
предложений то, которое лучше всего подходит в пропуски.


It was in June of 1956,
that the practical television remote controller first entered the American
home. Remote control technology was developed for military use (the Germans
used remote control motorboats during W.W.I.) and in the late 1940’s the
first non-military usage for remote controls appeared (i.e. automatic
garage door openers).
Zenith Radio Corporation created the very first television remote control
in 1950, called “Lazy Bone.” (1)__________. The Lazy Bone remote control
was attached to the television by a bulky cable, which consumers did not
(2)_________. The Flash-matic operated by means of four photocells,
one in each corner of the TV screen. The viewer used a directional
flashlight to activate the four control functions, which turned the picture
and sound on and off and turned the channel tuner dial clockwise and
counter-clockwise. However, the Flash-matic had problems working well on
sunny days, when the sunlight could change channels randomly.
The improved “Zenith Space Command,” remote control went into commercial
production in 1956. Zenith engineer, Dr. Robert Adler who based his
invention on ultrasonics, designed the Space Command.
(4)____________. In the early 1960s, after the invention of the transistor,
remote controls came down in price and size, as did all electronics. Zenith
modified the Space Command remote control creating small hand-held and
battery-operated remote controls. (5)__________.

devices replaced ultrasonic remote controls in the early 1980s.

photocell фотоэлемент

ultrasonics ультразвуковая техника

infrared ультракрасный, инфракрасный

Ultrasonic remote controls remained the dominant design for the next
twenty-five years, and as the name suggests they worked using ultrasound

Zenith engineer, Eugene Polley created the “Flash-matic,” the first
wireless TV remote invented in 1955.

Over nine million ultrasonic remote controls were sold.

Lazy Bone could turn a television on and off and change channels, however,
it was not a wireless remote control.

The first Space Command units were expensive due to the necessary use of
six vacuum tubes in the receiver units that raised the price of a
television by thirty percent.

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя активную грамматику и
лексику урока.

– Ты уже вымыл посуду?
– Как раз перед твоим приходом я положил ее в посудомоечную машину.

Многие люди полагают, что самые важные для человечества открытия были
совершены в 20 веке.

К началу Первой Мировой войны телефон уже был изобретен.

Телевизор был уже изобретен, когда моя бабушка была еще молодой.

– Какое изобретение по твоему мнению самое важное?
– Дай подумать… Я считаю, что это изобретение пенициллина. Он был открыт в
1928 году Александром Флемингом. Со времени своего открытия это изобретение
спасло многие жизни. Я думаю, человечество уже не сможет без него обойтись.
Все остальные открытия 20 века менее важные.
– Я абсолютно с тобой согласен.

– Я думаю, что автомобиль является самым вредным изобретением человечества.
– С одной стороны ты, конечно, прав, но, с другой стороны, он очень удобен.
– Ты, кажется, не понимаешь, что автомобиль является главным источником
загрязнения окружающей среды.
– Да, с этим я не могу не согласиться.

– Почему ты выбросил этот фотоаппарат?
– Он был очень старый, я пользовался им с детства.


1. remote control; 2. electrical; 3. cordless telephone; 4. mobile phone;
5. vacuum cleaner; 6. microwave oven; 7. gas stove; 8. dishwasher; 9.
mower; 10. computer; 11. e-mail; 12. Internet; 13. sites; 14. on-line; 15.
video recorder 16. inventions

1. D; 2. B; 3. A; 4. E; 5. C


1. – Have you already
washed the dishes?
– I had just put them into the dishwasher before you came.

2. Many people consider
that the most important inventions for the mankind were made in the 20th

3. By the beginning of
World War I the telephone had already been invented.

4. A TV set had already
been invented when my granny was still young.

5. – What invention in
your opinion is the most important?
– Let me see … I think it is the discovery of penicillin. It was discovered
in 1928 by Alexander Fleming and it has saved many lives since that time. I
also think that the mankind can’t do without it any more. I consider the
other inventions to be less important.
– I absolutely agree with you.

6. I think that the car is
the most harmful invention of the mankind.
– On the one hand, you are certainly right, but on the other hand, it is
very convenient.
– You don’t seem to understand that the car is the main source of
environmental pollution.
– Yes, with this I can’t disagree.

7. – Why have you thrown
out this camera?
– It was very old, I have used it since childhood.

That Shook the World

для контрольной работы по аудированию
В.П. Кузовлева Английский язык. 10–11 классы


It is strange to think
that one of the richest and most powerful businesses in the world is only
25 years old.
Early in 1975 Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen, both undergraduates at
Harvard University, ordered a “personal computer” called the “MITS Altair
600” from Popular Electronics magazine. When it arrived they had to
assemble the different parts and try to make it work.
In less than one month, Bill and Paul had written their first computer
language, BASIC, and sold it to the manufacturer MITS. One month later,
Paul Allen was appointed Director of Software at MITS.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen formed a partnership under the name Microsoft.
By July 1975, they had already developed version 2.0 of their BASIC
Two years later, Microsoft published its second computer language, which
was called FORTRAN-80.
For the next few years, Microsoft produced further computer languages
including COBOL and Pascal, but their big breakthrough came in 1981 with
Microsoft MS-DOS. In 1983, we saw the first Microsoft word processing
program, Microsoft Word. In the same year Microsoft announced Windows, an
extension of MS-DOS which provided a graphical “point and click” operating
Even though the early version of Windows did not work very well, most
computer users were happy with MS-DOS. By 1985, Microsoft was celebrating
its tenth anniversary and annual sales of $140 million.
The following year, Microsoft Excel, a spreadsheet package for Windows was
Over the following years, Microsoft continued to grow. By 1993 10 million people
around the world were using Microsoft Word in its various versions.
Many people in the computer world have pointed out that Microsoft has never
been a great innovator in softwares. Most of their best products have been
developed from ideas created by others. The success of the company, they
say, has been based on the public’s need to use common software and
Microsoft has to frequently defend its business practices in the US courts.

I. Answer the

1. How old is Microsoft?
2. Who are the founders of Microsoft?
3. What languages did Bill Gates and Paul Allen invent?
4. What was the most successful product of Microsoft?
5. What did Microsoft celebrate in 1985?
6. What do people say about Microsoft products?

II. Choose the
right answer.

1. What was the name of
the computer Bill Gates and Paul Allen ordered in 1975?

A. IBM 475;
B. MITS Altair 600;
C. Pentium IV

2. Windows appeared in…

A. 1993;
B. 1995;
C. 1983

3. The early version of
Windows didn’t work well…

A. but computer users were
happy with MS-DOS.
B. and computer users were dissatisfied with

4. By 1985 the annual
sales of Microsoft were…

A. $ 1million;
B. $ 140 million;
C. $ 354 million

5. Some people say that
the best Microsoft products have been developed…

A. very quickly and
therefore had many drawbacks.
B. for a long time but were very complicated and user-un-friendly.
C. from ideas created by others.

III. Insert the
missing word or a phrase.

1. One of the richest and
most ____________ businesses in the world is only 25 years old.
2. In 1975 Bill Gates and Paul Allen were both undergraduates at
___________ University.
3. Some months later they founded a ____________ under the name of
4. Microsoft’s big ____________ came in 1981 with Microsoft MS-DOS.
5. Windows __________ a graphical “point and click” operating environment.
6. In 1983 Microsoft Word ______________.

II. Study the Active vocabulary.

Insert the missing words.

1. ___helps you to send letters quickly.

2. If there is an interesting

program on TV, it`s difficult for a person to ______.

3. During the last

two ___ scientific progress and digitization took place.

4. For some

people a computer is an equivalent of a ___ : a device for printing and

editing documents.

5. Do you have many ___?

– Yes, I have parents,

grandparents, two sisters and three brothers.

6. I don`t buy _____any

more, all my photos are on my computer.

7. Computer is a multifunctional


So the ____ is that it can be used both for work and for


8. ____ age was followed by a microelectronic one.

Текст снизу(15б)

Помогите пожалуйста!

II. Study the Active vocabulary? II. Study the Active vocabulary?

На этой странице сайта, в категории Английский язык размещен ответ на вопрос
II. Study the Active vocabulary?. По уровню сложности вопрос рассчитан на учащихся
10 — 11 классов. Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию по
интересующей теме, воспользуйтесь автоматическим поиском в этой же категории,
чтобы ознакомиться с ответами на похожие вопросы. В верхней части страницы
расположена кнопка, с помощью которой можно сформулировать новый вопрос,
который наиболее полно отвечает критериям поиска. Удобный интерфейс
позволяет обсудить интересующую тему с посетителями в комментариях.

Main Resources

Managers are concerned with the following main resources:

• Material resources

• Human resources

• Financial resources

• Informational resources

Material resources are physical materials and the equipment used by an organization to make a product. For example, cars are made on assembly lines. These assembly lines and the buildings that house them are material resources.

The most important resources of any organization are its human resources — people. Some firms believe that their employees are their most important assets. To keep employees content, a variety of incentives are used, including higher-than-average pay, flexible working hours, recreational facilities. Lengthy paid vacations, cafeterias offering inexpensive meals, etc.

Financial resources are the funds the organization uses to meet its obligations to various creditors. A grocery store obtains money from customers and uses a portion of that money to pay the wholesalers from which it buys food. A large bank borrows and lends money. A college obtains money in the form of tuition, income from its endowments, and federal grants. It uses the money to pay utility bills, insurance premiums, and professors’ salaries. Each of these transactions involves financial resources.

Finally, many organizations increasingly find they cannot ignore information. External environment — including the economy, consumer markets, technology, politics, and cultural forces — are all changing so rapidly that an organization that does not adapt will probably not survive. And, to adapt to change, the organization must know what is changing and how it is changing. Companies are finding it increasingly important to gather information about their competitors in today’s business environment.

It is important to realize that these are only general categories of resources. Within each category are hundreds or thousands of more specific resources, from which management must choose those that can best accomplish its goals. Managers must coordinate this complex group of specific resources to produce goods and services.
1. Translate into Russian

Employ managers; a number (of); a variety (of); management area; the only manager; the owner of a sole proprietorship; levels and areas of management; to achieve the organization’s goals: a great skill; human resources; tangible (material) resources; primary goals: employee: assets: recreational facilities; lengthy paid vacation; meet obligations; money; obtain money; income; insurance premium; salary; consumer market; survive; competitor; accomplish goals; produce goods and services; grant; wholesaler; endowment; utility bills; borrow and lend money; salary; practical results.

2. Find the English equivalents

Научные теории, практические результаты, управлять деловыми фирмами, нанимать менеджеров, область (сфера) управления, владелец единоличной собственности, единственный, достигать организационные цели, большое мастерство, доход, основные цели организации, материальные ресурсы, служащий, оптовик, стимул, длительный оплачиваемый отпуск, занимать деньги, давать деньги в долг, оплачивать счета предприятий коммунального обслуживания, страховая премия, зарплата, (финансовая) операция, фонд, потребительский рынок, выживать, приспосабливаться к изменению, конкурент, осуществить цели, товары и услуги, активы, побудительный мотив, субсидия (безвозвратная ссуда), пожертвование (благотворительный взнос).

3. Fill in the blanks

1. Management is based on … and today we can say that it is … .

2. The owner of a sole proprietorship may be the only … in the organization.

3. Management is the process of coordinating the resources of an organization to achieve the … of the organization.

4. Managers are concerned with four types of … .

5. Material resources are … resources.

6. Human resources are perhaps the most … resources.

7. To keep employees content, a variety of … are used.

8. A Large bank … and … money.

9. External environment is changing so rapidly that an organization that doesn’t adapt will probably not … .

10. Companies are finding it increasingly important to gather … about their … .

11. Managers must coordinate the complex group of specific resources to produce … and … .
4. Translate into English.

1. Менеджмент основан на научных теориях.

2. Менеджмент — это процесс координации ресурсов организации для достижения организационных целей.

3. Менеджеры занимаются четырьмя видами ресурсов: материальными, финансовыми, людскими и информационными.

4. Наиболее важными ресурсами любой организации являются её людские ресурсы.

5. Для удовлетворения служащий используется ряд стимулов.

6. Материальные ресурсы — это материалы, из которых изготовлена продукция, а также оборудование, используемое для производства.

7. Финансовые ресурсы — это фонды, которые использует организация для выполнения своих обязательств перед различными кредиторами.

8. Внешнее окружение, включая экономику, потребительские рынки, технологию, политику и культурные факторы, изменяются очень быстро.

9. Организация, которая не приспосабливается к (adapt to) внешнему окружению, может не выжить.

10. Компании считают всё более важным собирать информацию о своих конкурентах.

5. Answer the questions.

1. What can you say about management in general?

2. Why does a large organization employ many managers?

3. What is important to an organization?

4. Does the ability to achieve organizational goals require a great skill?

5. What can you sat about management as a process?

6. What main resources are mangers concerned with?

7. What incentives are used to keep employees content? Why?

8. How does an organization obtain financial resources? Give some examples.

9. Is external environment including the economy, consumer markets etc changing rapidly?

10. What must an organization do to survive?

Levels and Areas of Management

(Уровни и области менеджмента)
Levels of Management
Each organization can be represented as a three-story structure or a pyramid. Each story corresponds to one of the three general levels of management: top managers, middle managers, and first-line managers. At the basic level of this pyramid there are operating employees.

A top manager is an upper-level executive who guides and controls the overall activities of the organization. Tор managers constitute a small group. They are generally responsible for the organization’s planning and developing its mission. They also determine the firm’s strategy and its major policies. It takes years of hard work as well as talent and good luck, to reach the ranks of top managers. They are president, vice president, chief executive officer, and member of the Board.

A middle manager is a manager who implements the strategy and major policies handed down from the top level of the organization. Middle managers develop tactical plans, policies, and standard operating procedures, and they coordinate and supervise the activities of first-line managers. Titles at the middle -management level include division manager, department head, plant manager, and operations manager.

A first-line manager is a manager who coordinates and supervises the activities of operating employees. First-line managers spend most of their time working with employees, answering questions, and solving day-to-day problems. Most first-line managers are former operating employees who, owing to their hard work and potential, were promoted into management. Many of today’s middle and top managers began their careers on this first management level. Common titles for first-line managers include office manager, supervisor, foreman and project manager.

Operating employees are not managers. They are qualified and non-qualified persons working for the organization. For their labor or services they get salaries or wages. They represent the work force of the organization.
Areas of Management

An organizational structure can also be divided more or less horizontally into areas of management. The most common areas are finance, operations, marketing, human resources, and administration. Depending on its purpose and mission, an organization may include other areas as well — research and development, for example, or risk management.

A financial manager is primary responsible for the organization’s financial resources. Accounting and investment are specialized areas within financial management. Because financing affects the operation of the entire firm, many of the presidents of the largest companies are people who got their «basic training» as financial managers.

An operating manager creates and manages the systems that convert resources into goods and services. Traditionally, operations management is equated with the production of goods. However, in recent years many of the techniques and procedures of operations management have been applied to the production of services and to a variety of nonbusiness activities. Like financial management, operations management has produced a good percentage of today’s company presidents.

A marketing manager is responsible for the exchange of products between the organization and its customers or clients. Specific areas within marketing are marketing research, advertising, promotion, sales, and distribution.

A human resources manager is in charge of the organization’s human resources programs. He or she engages in human resources planning, design systems for hiring, training and appraising the performance of employees, and ensures that the organization follows government regulations concerning employment practices.

An administrative manager (also called a general manager) is not associated with any specific functional area but provides overall administrative leadership. A hospital; administrator is a good example of an administrative manager. He or she does not specialize in operations, finance, marketing, or human resources management but instead coordinates the activities of specialized managers in all these areas.
1. Translate into Russian

Three-story structure (Pyramid); levels of management; first-line managers; middle managers; operating employees, responsible for; define policies; hard work; good luck; executive; chief executive officer; member of the Board; activities; supervise; supervisor; division manager; department head; plant manager; operations manager; foreman; organizational structure; purpose and mission; research; customer; development; accounting; goods and services; production of goods; percentage; customer; advertising; be I charge of; government regulations; hire; determine; appraise; guide; ensure; employment; salary; wage; labour.

2. Find the English equivalents

Высший руководитель (менеджер), руководитель первого звена, менеджер среднего уровня, исполнитель, служащий, исполнительный директор, генеральный директор, директор производства, директор завода, начальник отдела, руководитель подразделения, начальник, мастер, бухгалтерский учёт, цель и задачи, товары и услуги, заработная плата (ежемесячная), производство товаров, деятельность, уровни руководства (менеджмента), развитие, правительственные постановления, научное исследование, покупатель (постоянный), рекламирование, работа по найму, процентное соотношение, заведовать, нанимать, обеспечивать, оценивать, разрабатывать, определять политику, управлять (руководить), осуществлять, решать.

3. Fill in each blank with a suitable word or word combination.

1. Each organization can be represented as a three-story structure or … .

2. There are three general levels of management: top managers, … managers and … .

3. A top manager … and … the overall functions of the organization.

4. Top managers also … the firm’s strategy and define its major … .

5. A middle manager … the strategy and major policies handed down from the top level of the organization.

6. Middle managers … tactical plans, policies, and standard operating procedures.

7. They also coordinate and supervise the … of the first-line managers.

8. A first-line manager is a manager who … and supervises the activities of operating employees.

9. First-line managers spend most of their time working with …, answering questions, and … day-to-day problems.

10. Operating employees are … and non-qualified persons working for the organization, they represent the work force of the organization.

4. Translate into English.

1. Существует три основных уровня управления (менеджмента): высший менеджмент, менеджмент среднего звена, менеджмент первого уровня.

2. Высшие менеджеры направляют и контролируют общую деятельность организации, они определяют стратегию и основную политику фирмы.

3. Высшими менеджерами организации являются (are) президент, вице-президент, главный исполнительный директор и члены совета директоров (правления).

4. Менеджер среднего звена реализует (осуществляет) стратегию и основную политику, спускаемые с верхнего уровня организации.

5. Средними менеджерами организации являются руководитель подразделения, начальник отдела, директор завода и директор производства.

6. Менеджер первого звена следит за деятельностью неуправленческих служащих и координирует её.

7. Менеджерами первого звена являются инспектор, мастер, руководитель отдела руководитель проекта.

8. Менеджеры первого звена работают с неуправленческими работниками и решают повседневные проблемы.

9. Неуправленческие работники представляют основную рабочую силу организации.

10. Самыми обычными сферами управления являются финансы, производственные операции, маркетинг, людские ресурсы и администрирование.

11. Заведующий финансами (finance manager) прежде всего, отвечает за финансовые ресурсы организации.

12. Традиционно директор производства (operations manager) ассоциируется (is equaled) с производством товаров.

13. Однако в последние годы управление производством относится к производству товаров и услуг.

14. Управляющий маркетингом (marketing manager) ответственен за обмен продукцией между организациями и её постоянными покупателями (customers) или клиентами.

15. Управляющий людскими ресурсами занимается (charges in) наймом, обучением и оценкой деятельности работников.

16. Административный руководитель осуществляет общее административное руководство, и он не связан с какой-либо конкретной функциональной сферой.
Internet Start-ups
Read the text, and choose the title that suits it best. Justify your choice.
1. Internet possibilities.

2. Shopping from home.

3. What is e-commerce?
A revolution has taken place in the last few years in retailing and business. Many companies are now seizing the opportunity that the internet provides in selling, advertising goods and services. Usually this involves having a website which allows customers to find goods or services they desire and then pay for them -the product or service then arrives on their doorstep a few days later.

More and more people are leaving high street shops to buy things on the internet -this home shopping is essentially e-commerce.

E-commerce sites mostly work in the same way: customers search through lists and descriptions of products; they add items that they want to their ‘shopping basket’; they can remove unwanted items from their basket at any time; when they want to confirm their order, they click on a ‘check’ button; they must then enter their credit card details to pay for their goods. The goods are then (hopefully) delivered, although the customer will have to wait several days, or even longer, for the goods to arrive.

The practice has become much more widespread since many security issues have been resolved. E-commerce transactions can be divided now into three types: business-to-business, business-to-consumer and consumer-to-consumer. An example of the latter would be online auctions.
1. Answer the questions.

• Why do you think the introduction of e-commerce is called a revolution?

• What does an e-commerce company have to have?

• What does a costumer have to do in order to buy something online?

• Why do you think it was important to resolve security problems?

• What are the types of e-commerce transactions?

2. In pairs, put the advantages of internet shopping in order of importance. Share you ratings with another pair and give your reasons.

• People can find exactly what they need without hunting round shops or phoning around.

• People can find even specialist shops in their living rooms on the computer.

• Banking and other services that used to be concentrated in towns are now accessible wherever an internet connection is available.

• The internet allows people to research their shopping or other needs very thoroughly, checking prices and product details.

• For consumer, buying on the internet has become convenient and safe.

3. Can you think of any disadvantages of e-commerce? In pairs, make a list and compare it with another pair’s list.
За. Choose the best meaning for the words in bold.

1. retailing means:

a) selling goods to another company.

b) selling goods directly to the public for their own use.
2. seize means:

a) to act quickly in order to use an opportunity.

b) to wait till something happens by itself.
3. essentially means:

a) characterizing the most important aspect of something.

b) characterizing the least important aspect of something.
4. confirm means:

a) to reject an agreement.

b) to tell someone that something will definitely happen in the way that has arranged.
5. resolve means:

a) to solve a problem.

b) to fail to solve a problem.
6. transaction means:

a) the absence of action.

b) the action or process of buying or selling something.
3b. Choose the world from Ex. 3a to fill in the gaps in these sentences. Make any necessary changes.

1. There are thousands of____________ taking place on the stock market every day.

2. I certainly hope that we can ____________our differences of opinion quickly.

3. Hello, I’m just phoning to ____________ that I have a three o’clock appointment with Mr. Thomas.

4. A Chinese proverb says ‘Opportunities multiply as they are____________.’ Do you agree?

5. She has worked in the ____________industry, both in sales and in management, for over 25 years.

6. Fluency in another language is ________________ to this job.


It is strange to think that one of the richest and most powerful businesses in the world is only 25 years old.

Early in 1975 Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen, both undergraduates at Harvard University, ordered a «personal computer» called the «MITS Altair 600» from Popular Electronics magazine. When it arrived they had to assemble the different parts and try to make it work.

In less than one month, Bill and Paul had written their first computer language, BASIC, and sold it to the manufacturer MITS. One month later, Paul Allen was appointed Director of Software at MITS.

Bill Gates and Paul Allen formed a partnership un­der the name Microsoft.

By July 1975, they had already developed version 2.0 of their BASIC software.

Two years later, Microsoft published its second com­puter language, which was called FORTRAN-80.

For the next few years, Microsoft produced further computer languages including COBOL and Pas­cal, but their big breakthrough came in 1981 with Microsoft MS-DOS. In 1983, we saw the first Microsoft word processing program, Microsoft Word. In the same year Microsoft announced Windows, an extension of MS-DOS which provided a graphical «point and click» operating environment.

Even though the early version of Windows did not work very well, most computer users were happy with MS-DOS. By 1985, Microsoft was celebrating its tenth anniversary and annual sales of $ 140 million.

The following year, Microsoft Excel, a spreadsheet package for Windows was published.

Over the-following years, Microsoft continued to grow. By 1993 10 million people around the world were using Microsoft Word in its various versions.

Many people in the computer world have pointed out that Microsoft has never been a great innovator in softwares. Most of their best products have been de­veloped from ideas created by others. The success of the company, they say, has been based on the public’s need to use common software and Microsoft has to frequently defend its business practices in the US courts.
I. Answer the questions.

1. How old is Microsoft?

2. Who are the founders of Microsoft?

3. What languages did Bill Gates and Paul Allen in­vent?

4. What was the most successful product of Microsoft?

5. What did Microsoft celebrate in 1985?

6. What do people say about Microsoft products?

II. Choose the right answer.

1. What was the name of the computer Bill Gates and Paul Allen ordered in 1975?

A. IBM 475;

B. MITS Altair 600;

C. Pentium IV

2. Windows appeared in…

A. 1993; B. 1995; C. 1983

3. The early version of Windows didn’t work well …

A. but computer users were happy with MS-DOS.

B. and computer users were dissatisfied with MS-DOS.

4. By 1985 the annual sales of Microsoft were …

A. $ l million; B. $ 140 million; С $ 354 million

5. Some people say that the best Microsoft products have been developed …

A. very quickly and therefore had many drawbacks.

B. for a long time but were very complicated and user-un-friendly.

C. from ideas created by others.

III. Insert the missing word or a phrase.

1. One of the richest and most ___________ businesses in the world is only 25 years old.

2. In 1975 Bill Gates and Paul Allen were both under­graduates at ____________ University.

3. Some months later they founded a __________under the name of Microsoft.

4. Microsoft’s big ______________ came in 1981 with Microsoft MS-DOS.

5. Windows _________ a graphical «point and click» operating environment.

6. In 1983 Microsoft Word ______________ .
Outside Sources of Financing

(Внешние источники финансирования)

Financial management consists of all those activities that are concerned with obtaining money and using it effectively. Effective financial management involves careful planning. It begins with a determination of the firm’s financial needs.

Money is needed to start a business. Then the income from sales could be used to finance the firm’s continuing operations and to provide a profit.

But sales revenue does not generally flow evenly. Income and expenses may vary from season to season or from year to year. Temporary financing may be needed when expenses are high or income is low. Then, the need to purchase a new facility or expand an existing facility may require more money than is available within a firm. In these cases the firm must look for outside sources of financing. Usually it is short- or long- term financing.

Short-term financing is money that will be used for one year or less and then repaid.

There are many short-term financing needs. Two deserve special attention. First, certain necessary business practices may affect a firm’s cash flow and create a need for short-term financing.

Cash flow is the movement of money into and out of an organization. The ideal is to have sufficient money coming into the firm, in any period, to cover the firm’s expenses during that period. But the ideal is not always achieved. For example, a firm that offers credit to its customers may find an imbalance in its cash flow. Such credit purchases are generally not paid until thirty or sixty days (or more) after transaction. Short-term financing is then needed to pay the firm’s bills until customers have paid their bills. Unanticipated expenses may also cause a cash-flow problem.

A second major need for short-term financing that is related to a firm’s cash-flow problem is inventory.

Inventory requires considerable investment for most manufactures, wholesales, and retailers. Moreover, most goods are manufactured four to nine months before they are sold to the ultimate customer. As a result, manufactures often need short-term financing. The borrowed money is used to buy materials and supplies, to pay wages and rent, and to cover inventory costs until the goods are sold. Then, the money is repaid out of sales revenue. Additionally, wholesalers and retailers may need short-term financing to build up their inventories before peak selling periods. Again, the money is repaid when the merchandise is sold.

Long-term financing is money that will be used for longer period than one year. Long-term financing is needed to start a new business. It is also needed for executing business expansions and mergers, for developing and marketing new products, and for replacing equipment that becomes obsolete or inefficient. The amounts of long-term financing needed by large firms can be very great.


1. Translate into Russian.

Income, profit, facility, sales; revenue; expense; source: term; short-term financing; long-term financing, cash, cash flow; expand; provide; obtain; purchase; affect; be available; repay; borrow; transaction; supplies; marketing; equipment; merger, retailer; wholesaler, manufacturer, imbalance, merchandise; inventory; rent; sales revenue.
2. Find the English equivalents.

Финансовые потребности, арендная плата, стоимость, изготовитель, оптовый торговец, розничный торговец, торговая сделка, доход от продажи, припасы, товары, слияние (предприятий), определение, товарные запасы, оборудование, пpoдaжa, доход, прибыль, расход, срок, краткосрочное финансирование, долгосрочное финансирование, денежная наличность, движение наличности, обеспечивать, изменяться, покупать, быть в наличии, предлагать, заменять, влиять (на), конечный, устарелый, неэффективный, непредвиденный, тщательный.

3. Fill in the blanks.

1. Financial management begins with a determination of the firm’s … .

2. Temporary financing may be needed when … are high and … is low.

3. In these cases the firm must look for outside … of financing.

4. Short-term financing is … that will be used for one year or less and then … .

5. Cash flow is the movement of … into and out of an organization.

6. A firm that offers credit to its customers may find an imbalance in its … .

7. A second major need for … financing that is related to a firm’s cash-flow problem is … .

8. The borrowed money is used to buy … and …, to pay … and to cover … until the goods are sold.

4. Translate into English.

1. Финансовый менеджмент состоит из тех видов деятельности (activities), которые относятся к получению денег и эффективному их использованию.

2. Краткосрочное финансирование — это деньги, которые будут использоваться в течение одного хода или менее (less).

3. Существуют (there are) многие потребности краткосрочного финансирования, но движение наличности и товарные запасы представляют (are) две основные проблемы.

4. Товарные запасы требуют значительного инвестирования для большинства производителей, оптовых торговцев и розничных торговцев.

5. Занятые деньги возвращаются (is repaid) из дохода от продаж.

5. Answer the questions.

1. Is money needed to start a business?

2. When may temporary financing be needed?

3. What kinds of financing do you know?

4. What is short-term financing?

5. What is cash flow?

6. What is the ideal cash flow?

7. What can cause cash flow problem?

8. Does inventory require considerable investment?

9. Why do manufacturers often need short-term financing?

10. For what purpose is the borrowed money often used by the manufacturers?

11. When the borrowed money is usually repaid?

12. What is long-term financing?

13. For what purpose is long-term financing needed?

14. Are the amounts of long-term financing greater than those of short-term financing?
Entry test

Language level assessment

Задание: Из четырех вариантов выбрать один.

1. What … your parent’s address?

a. are b. is c. must d. were .

2. Nobody answers the phone. They … be out.

a. can b. should с. must d. would .

3. Philip … to come to your party next Saturday.

a. will not be able b. cannot с may not d. will not be .

4. Where is … post — office?

a. the nearest b. the next с. nearer d. more nearest .

5. … ten men in the conference hall.

a. these are b. there is c. there are d. it is .

6. Are there … students from abroad in your group?

a. some b. any c. little d. much .

7. How much … this desk cost?

a. do b. is с does d. was.

8. He will become a doctor when he … up.

a. will grow b. grew с. grow d. grows .

9. Where … last summer?

a. did you go b. did you went с were you go d. you went

10. Jane studies in the college …?

a. isn’t she b. doesn’t she с. does she d. does Jane

11. He … the work before you came.

a. finished b. has finished c. was finished d. had finished

12. I … some photos to be made. Are they ready?

a. have left b. left c. had left d. have leaved

13. He said he … the film.

a. has seen b. would seen c. saw d. had seen

14. They … the task by Monday.

a. will do b. will be going с. will have done d. will be done

15. It … since morning.

a. is raining b. has been raining c. is being raining d. has being raining

16. I am not sure what … .

a. he said b. did he say с he did say d. said he

17. The Olympics … once in four years.
a. are hold b. hold с. are held d. held

18. The secretary told that the boss … after lunch.

a. will come b. would come с. could come d. comes

19. Dad asked if our luggage … packed.

a. has been b. were being c. had been d. has being

20. The secretary … over the phone, when I came.

a. is talking b. has talked с was talking d. was been talking


Контрольная работа

I. Переведите следующие предложения из пассивного залога в активный:

1. Our recommendations were proposed last Tuesday.

2. The decision has not be made by the management yet.

3. Reports will be investigated promptly by the personnel manager.

4. A slight rise in temperature was recorded by the research team.

5. Their arrangements have been made for hundred people.

6. Sales was increased by 10 percent by our regional office.

II. Выберите правильную форму глагола из предложенных в скобках.

1. If I (was, were) your superior, I could give you credit.

2. I wish I (was, were) the project manager.

3. Marie (was, were) the office manager before the reorganization.

4. When Laura accepted the promotion, she (was, were) ready for a change.

5. If he (was, were) an accountant, he would help us with the report.

6. If she (was, were) the candidate, she could win the interview.

7. When I introduced my sister to my boss, she (was, were) only 19.

III. Выберите правильный предлог из предложенных в скобках:

1. Exports grew (at, to) $4M (in, on) July 1999.

2. Harry and I divided the workload (among, between) us.

3. Expenses for petrol are shared equally (among, between) the six members of the staff.

4. Most of Mike’s data falls (under, within) three main categories.

5. I received an important phone call (about, during) the budget.

6. Mark interrupted us several times (from, during) the meeting.

7. I have been on this project team (since, from) last week.

8. Our new brochure was created (by, from) Anthony.

9. The company cafeteria is (to, like) a four-star restaurant.

10. We want to familiarize you (of, with) our capabilities.

IV. Выберите правильный модальный глагол из предложенных:

should will can must might

1. Possibility: Maria __________ ask for that promotion.

2. The writer’s prediction or advice about her asking: Maria _________ ask for that promotion.

3. A demand that she ask: Maria __________ ask for that promotion.

4. A belief that the action will surely take place: Maria __________ ask for that promotion

5. A belief that she is able to ask: Maria ________ ask for that promotion.

V. Отредактируйте следующие предложения, выбирая из вариантов в скобках:

1. We (need, are needing, have needed) this report for a long time.

2. Arm (prepares, prepared, had prepared) it last week, but (forgot, had forgotten, forgets to send it to Mr. Stone.

3. Mr. Stone (reviews, is reviewing, has reviewed) all the reports in our office.

4. This afternoon Mr. Stone (reviews, has reviewed, had reviewed) most of the support material.

5. Now he (asked, has asked, is asking) for Ann’s report. Tell Ann to send it immediately.

VI. Заполните пропуски в заданном времени для глагола to sign (подписывать):

They __________ all the contracts. Present Perfect
John (always)____________contracts for his company. Present Perfect
He ___________the contract at 10:00 a.m. Past
He ____________ it before I arrived at 10:30 a.m. Past Perfect
The Smiths _______________ the contracts before the attorney reviewed them. Past Perfect
I _____________ that contract after you leave. Future
I _____________ it by the time you return. Future Perfect

VII. Вставьте пропущенные слова:

valid use computer processor database spare part keyboard publishing software

1. Our company ___________ computers in its offices.

2. If the equipment breaks down the service engineer can supply ________.

3. The personnel manager keeps a __________ about all our employees.

4. The command or file name you have entered is not __________ .

5. A modern office uses __________ instead of typewriters.

6. ______ allows people to work with texts, graphics and images.

7. Earlier the most common device to transfer information from the user to the computer was _________ .

8. The words «computer» and ___________ are often used interchangeably.

VIII. Дополните каждое предложение словами из следующего списка:

microprocessor display menu keyboard printer software mouse

1. Many modern computers have a __________, with which you can move an arrow to point at different parts of the screen.

2. A__________ is what you use to input information into the computer. It works like a normal typewriter.

3. The ____________is what you can actually see.

4. The ________ is a list of information that lets you choose what to do next.

5. The ________is used for making hard copies of what you can see.

6. The _________is the heart of the computer and controls everything it does.

7. _______________ is another term of the programs you use on a computer.

IX. Приведите в соответствие термины и их определения:

а. draft

b. edit

с. outline

d. plan

е. proofread

f. style

g. summarize

1. general description of something which does not give us all the details

2. giving a short written or spoken account of something

3. examining and making corrections to the text so that it is suitable for publishing

4. the general way of presentation

5. a method of achieving something that you have worked out beforehand

6. an early version of a document

7. to read a text to find and mark mistakes

X. Приведите в соответствие термины и их определения:

a. management

b. authority

c. curt

d. prestige

e. domain

f. register use

1. high quality of your work or your position in society admired by other people

2. changing your language according to the relative status of the speakers involved

3. the power or responsibility to control and command

4. speaking or replying in a brief and rather a rude way

5. the way you control someone or something

6. particular area of activity or interest

XI. Заполните пропуски нужными словами:

directly assertive correspondence in person on the spot

1. It is the best way to speak to the supervisor about your problems _____________.

2. When the supervisor asked about her career goals, the best answer was a __________ one.

3. Our management demands that the receptionist should always be________.

4. An efficient secretary responds to ___________ as soon as possible after it is received.

5. You should not go over your supervisor’s head. Try to solve the problems _______ with him.

XII. Заполните пропуски выделенными словами:

dependability commitment advice initiative conscientiously

1. Her employer appreciated that she worked ___________ and usually more than her fair share.

2. The manager’s ___________ was to treat visitors like guests.

3. The new secretary showed her _________ by keeping to the schedule.

4. His ___________to the company was so great that he could phone there every day when on vacation.

5. If you act responsibly and show that you have __________ you will sooner or later be promoted.

XIII. Заполните пропуски выделенными выражениями:

I only work here fair share took it personally get by loyalty to

1. Ann’s _______ the department was shown by years of faithful service.

2. The two who were laid off were the ones who tried to ___________ with as little work as possible.

3. When Jane’s supervisor asked her to do the work over again, she __________ and became very upset.

4. The accountants had complained that the new employee did not do his _______ of work.

5. When I asked my boss for assistance, he joked with me and said. “I don’t know, ___________.”

XIV. Заполните пропуски нужными словами:

waste efficiency maximize worth completed instructions

1. When her division increased its productivity, the manager received an award for ____________.

2. The new supervisor intends to __________ efficiency while still cutting costs.

3. The project was finished, but it was not .

4. Read the ___________ before you switch о the engine.

5. It seemed a ___________ of time to buy anything but the best.

6. I doubt that is was ___________ working so hard.

XV. Приведите в соответствие термины и их определения:

a. flexibility

b. urgent

c. priority

d. routine

e. procedure

f. regimented

g. predictable

h. emergency

i. stand out

j. adapt

k. deadline

l. conscientious

1. normal or ordinary way of doing things

2. established method or prescribed way of doing things

3. a matter of greater importance than something else

4. the ability to change or move from one thing to another thing

5. conform to a new situation

6. serious situation or crisis demanding immediate attention

7. made to conform to strict rules

8. due date

9. expected

10. alert and hard-working, responsible

11. needing instant or immediate attention

12. have qualities that are more easily recognizable than others

XVI: Перефразируйте предложения, используя выделенные слова:

to save to retrieve form letter instructional software user-friendly

1. Before you print the letter, get it from the computer’s memory and proofread it.

Before you print the letter,

retrieve and proofread it.

2. We sent the same standard letter to all new job applicants.
3. After you proofread the letter well, record it on a floppy disk.
4. When you have a question about the program you are using, you can look up the answer in the instruction manual.
5. This word processing program is easy to use because it provides good instructions for the new users.

XVII. Дополните пропуски выделенными словами:

file diskettes microcomputers disk drive instructional software hardware entered

1. The program is called software; the computer itself is the _________ .

2. Small personal and portable computers are examples of___________ .

3. Microcomputers record information and text on ___________.

4. Get me the personal ________ on James Rogers.

5. The ___________ is the part of the computer system that reads discs.

6. Information is ___________ nto the computer through its keyboard.

7. Tutorial programs and other __________ actually teach.

XVIII. Чтобы закончить предложения, выберите правильную форму из каждой группы слов. Заметим, что первое слово — глагол, второе — существительное, а третье — прилагательное.

1. to file files filing

a. It is usually best __________ letters quickly so they are not lost.

b. We keep a copy in our __________of all employment applications.

c. The ___________ cabinets on the far wall hold our accounting records.

2. to memorize memory memorial

a. Storing documents in ___________is one advantage of word processing.

b. You don’t need ____________ what can be looked up in books or on computer files.

c. Look at this ______________________ to Pushkin.

3. to tutor tutor tutorial

a. ___________programs let the computer instruct the user.

b. A good teacher will take time _________ students individually.

c. My ___________ suggested that I try to memorize the rules of French pronunciation.

4. to monitor monitor monitored

a. The progress of the meetings were carefully __________ by both organizations.

b. The ___________ of a word processor allows you to read a letter as you revise it.

c. «I would like ___________ the work of the whole department personally,» said the new director.

5. to update update updated

a. The ___________ accounts were recorded yesterday.

b. The _______ issued by the vice-president included new procedures for hiring and firing employees.

c. We try __________ our records monthly.

XIX. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Name several ways you can learn to operate a computer.

2. Do you need to learn computer languages to use one? Why or why not?

3. Do you need very advanced language skills to use a computer? Why or why not?

4. How can you learn to use word processor and other computer programs?

5. How many pieces of computer hardware can you name? Describe each one and its purpose.

6. Why does a computer keyboard have more keys than a typewriter?

7. Where do computers store information and instructions?

8. What advantages do word processor offer the modern office?

XX. Перефразируйте предложения, используя выделенные слова:

land a job in good company qualifications singled out take things personally resume

1. After the interview was finished I felt sure that I’d be hired.

2. When I was called in for a second interview, I knew that I had been selected as finalist.

3. Even if I don’t get hired, I know I am just one of many qualified applicants.

4. Despite her excellent background, another applicant was offered the position.

5. After all, when it comes to looking for work, one shouldn’t blame yourself.

Final Test

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

Популярное на сайте:

Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

at the title of the Unit. What is your point of view on the issue? Do
you agree/disagree with the statement?

I. Active Vocabulary















охрана природы


лесов, вырубка леса












по проблемам окружающей среды; защитник
окружающей среды


виды (животных, растений)







greenhouse effect



обитания, место распространения, ареал
(животного, растения)














туман с дымом и копотью; смог

power/wind power/wave power

энергия/энергия ветра/волны


отходы/отходы электронных и электрических



биологическому разложению


наносящий ущерба окружающей среде


слабый, болезненный

genetically modified)



движение защитников окружающей среды




экологически чистый


для переработки


возобновляемый (о природных ресурсах)













порождать; производить


(вырубать) лес








наносить ущерб


продолжать существовать






up with

приходить к (решению)


прекращать; свертывать


в чем-л.; успешно завершить какое-л.









время, целая вечность

be down to earth


fox smb

обманывать; провести кого-л.

go with the flow

как есть (не пытаться что-л. изменить);
плыть по течению

have butterflies in one’s stomach

(обычно испытывая при этом неприятные
ощущения в желудке )

have one’s head in the clouds

в облаках


банкрот; компания в тяжелом финансовом


спокойствие, причинять беспокойство

on someone’s parade

кому-л. настроение; нарушать чьи-л.


отсталый человек

tip of the iceberg


the weather

затруднительном положении, в беде;


чрезвычайно дорогостоящее, но не
приносящее практической пользы


bull must be taken by the horns.

быка за рога

count your chickens before they are hatched.

по осени считают/ не дели шкуру неубитого

cloud has a silver lining

худа без добра.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

10000+ результатов для ‘missing words’

The happiness formula_BBC DVD_SpeakOut UI

Alice in Wonderland_Chapter 1_Missing words

4B SB Solutions Pre-Intermediate text 1

4B SB Solutions Pre-Intermediate text 1
Пропущенное слово

Short story
Unit 4
Missing words
solutions pre-intermediate

Superstitions First Conditional

Superstitions First Conditional
Пропущенное слово

Unit 5
first conditional
Missing words
solutions pre-intermediate
Unit 5

Chapter 2 Ending. Huckleberry Finn

Chapter 2 Ending. Huckleberry Finn
Пропущенное слово

Short story
Huck Finn
Mark Twain
Missing words

Missing words

missing words

missing words

Missing words

missing words


Chapter 3 A Surprise Arrival Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Chapter 3 A Surprise Arrival Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Пропущенное слово

Short story
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Chapter three
Huck Finn
Mark Twain
Missing words

Question words El: Missing

Missing Christmas words

3G WB Solutions Pre-Intermediate Dialogue - Phrases

3G WB Solutions Pre-Intermediate Dialogue — Phrases
Пропущенное слово

unit 3
Missing words
solutions pre-intermediate
speaking activity
unit 3

Halloween "to be"

4B SB Solutions Pre-Intermediate text 1 and 2

4B SB Solutions Pre-Intermediate text 1 and 2
Пропущенное слово

Unit 4
Missing words
solutions pre-intermediate


ordinal numbers

AS 2 reading - find missing words

5С SB Solutions Pre-Intermediate

5С SB Solutions Pre-Intermediate
Пропущенное слово

set expressions
Unit 5
Missing words
set expressions
solutions pre-intermediate
Unit 5

4F SB A bumpy ride - Solutions Pre-Intermediate

4F SB A bumpy ride — Solutions Pre-Intermediate
Пропущенное слово

Short story
Unit 4
extreme sports
Gliders in the storm
Missing words
Past Continuous
Past Simple
Past Tenses
solutions pre-intermediate
Tense Revision
unit 4

Unit2C What words are missing?

insert the missing words


School Subjects

missing words chapter 6

Review 5 (missing words)

Борисова И.Д. Missing Words

Dialogues Missing words

Elon Musk missing words

Put the missing words

Insert missing words

Coffee missing words

FF 4 unit 3

FH 2 L23 song missing words

FF 5 Unit1


 FF 3 unit 3

 ROOMS Anagram


Toy Soldier 7 (1st words missing)


2 Missing words FF2 U12 p88

Happy-go-lucky missing words

Cinderella 0-06 missing words

Today Unit 1 missing words

Complete phrases with missing words

2.5 The pancake missing words

Stb p 17,22 missing words

Tha Land of Missing Words

SPM2 U5 - Chant missing words

p.49 missing words Vocabulary



 ROOMS Balloon pop

Words Amnesia


Match up

irregular verbs 1

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


Пожалуйстааааа, помогитеее
Ex.6. Insert the missing words. Use your active vocabulary.
1.To start… is rather risky. 2. Some jobs don’t … any education.
3.Students prefer to work … 4. What … job titles do you know?
5.He often loses his keys and … them everywhere. 6. What kind of job do they … him? 7. This designer is the leader of the group. He … ten people. 8. People change jobs if their … is low. 9. It takes her an hour and a half … to work. 10. This company needs experienced … .
11.Working in … doesn’t … to me. 12. What are your duties? What are you … for? 13. When people … a job they send … and … to a company.
14.The company often recruits new … . 15. A lot of people think that … employment is very convenient.

2 ответа:



1) a new project     2)   require
3) at home 
4) kind of
5) finds
6) entrust
7) has
8) salary
9) getting
10) professionals
11) school    appeal
13) apply for     summary    
14 personnel             
15 direct



1. To start busyness is rather risky. 2. Some
jobs don’t <span>require</span><span> any education. 3. Students prefer to work partly. 4. What kind of job titles do you know? 5. He often loses his keys and looks for them everywhere. 6. What kind of job
do they offer him? 7. This designer is the leader of the group. He is in charge
of ten people. 8. People change jobs if their salary is low. 9. It takes her an
hour and a half to get to work. 10. This company needs experienced workers. 11.
Working in a company doesn’t appeal to me. 12. What are your duties? What are
you responsible for? 13. When people look for a job they send CV and letters to
a company. 14. The company often recruits new employees. 15. A lot of people
think that part-time employment is very convenient.</span>

Читайте также


1. because


3. but


My favorite subject is fine arts.I love this subject because in this tutorial I can show their imagination and originality .In this lesson, you can not strain much, and just draw .Also, we study the art that was in ancient times, famous artists and their paintings.I really like to come up with stories, stories to my drawings, and in the end it turns out its own fairy tale.That’s why I love this subject .

These exercises have been done by you.

На этой картинке изображен тропический дождливый лес. Погода в тропиках очень жаркая и влажная. Деревья в дождливой лесу очень высокие. Там есть много разных видов деревьев. Некоторые деревья 70 метров в высоту.

В 7 будет i will not come.

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