Insert table in microsoft word

This article is for people with visual or cognitive impairments who use a screen reader program such as Microsoft’s Narrator, JAWS, or NVDA with Microsoft 365 products. This article is part of the Microsoft 365 screen reader support content set where you can find more accessibility information on our apps. For general help, visit Microsoft Support home.

Use Word with your keyboard and a screen reader to add a table to your document. We have tested it with Narrator, JAWS, and NVDA, but it might work with other screen readers as long as they follow common accessibility standards and techniques. You’ll also learn how to expand your table by adding new rows or columns and format your table with the built-in table styles.


  • New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you can get new features faster, join the Office Insider program.

  • To learn more about screen readers, go to How screen readers work with Microsoft 365.

In this topic

  • Insert a table by specifying dimensions

  • Insert a table by selecting from built-in formats

  • Add table columns or rows

  • Delete columns, rows, or the whole table

Insert a table by specifying dimensions

You can specify the dimensions of a table, such as the number of columns and rows, and their height and width. Word will insert a basic grid-type table for your use.

Note: To make the table more accessible, and make it possible for screen readers to identify table columns correctly, give the table a header row.

  1. Navigate to the location in your document where you want to insert the new table.

  2. To open the Insert Table dialog box, press Alt+N, T, I.

  3. To specify the number of columns in the table, press Alt+C, and then type the number of columns you want.

  4. To specify the number of rows, press Alt+R, and then type the number of rows you want.

  5. If you want to use these dimensions again in the future, press Alt+S to select the Remember dimensions for new tables checkbox.

  6. To close the Insert Table dialog box, press the Tab key until you hear «OK button,» and then press Enter. Word adds the table to your document.

  7. To check that a header row is set up, do the following:

    1. Go to the table in your document and move to any cell. Press Alt+J, T to open the Table Design tab.

    2. Press the Tab key until you hear «Header row.» If the screen reader announces that the Header row option is not selected, press Spacebar to select it. The focus moves to the table.

  8. Type your information in the cells. You hear which column and row is currently selected. The screen reader also announces which cells are header cells. Use the arrow keys to move in the table.

Insert a table by selecting from built-in formats

If you want to let Word do the formatting for you, select one of its built-in formats for tables.

  1. Navigate to the location in your document where you want to insert the new table.

  2. To choose from built-in table formats, press Alt+N, T, T to open the Quick Tables menu.

  3. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to move through the list of table formats. Press Enter to select the table you want.

    Word inserts the selected table into your document and places the focus at the top of the inserted table.

  4. Type your information in the cells. Use the arrow keys to move in the table.

Add table columns or rows

You can quickly expand your table by adding more rows or columns.

  1. Navigate to the location in your table where you want to add a new column or row.

  2. To go to the Layout tab, press Alt+J, L, and then do one of the following:

    • To add a new row above, press A.

    • To add a new row below, press B, E.

    • To add a new column to the left, press L.

    • To add a new column to the right, press R.

Delete columns, rows, or the whole table

If a column, row, or the whole table is no longer needed, delete it from your document.

  1. Open your document, and then go to the table, column, or row you want to delete. When the focus is in your table, you’ll hear confirmation, such as “Enter table 1.” When the focus moves off the table, you’ll hear that you have left the table.

  2. To open the Delete menu item on the Layout tab, press Alt+J, L, D, and then do one of the following:

    • To delete the entire table, press T.

    • To delete the current column, press C.

    • To delete the current row, press R.

The table, column, or row is deleted, and the focus returns to the document.

See also

Use a screen reader to check spelling and grammar in Word

Use a screen reader to create charts in Word

Keyboard shortcuts in Word

Basic tasks using a screen reader with Word

Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate Word

Use Word for Mac with your keyboard and VoiceOver, the built-in MacOS screen reader, to add a table to your document by either specifying its dimensions or by choosing among several predesigned table formats. It’s also possible to convert existing text to a table.


  • New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you can get new features faster, join the Office Insider program.

  • This topic assumes that you are using the built-in macOS screen reader, VoiceOver. To learn more about using VoiceOver, go to VoiceOver Getting Started Guide.

  • We recommend you read and edit documents in Print Layout View. VoiceOver might not work reliably in other view modes.

In this topic

  • Insert a table

  • Add table columns or rows

  • Delete columns, rows, or the whole table

  • Edit table properties

  • Convert text to a table

Insert a table

You can specify the dimensions of a table by the number of columns and rows. Word for Mac then inserts a basic grid-type table for your use. If you want to let Word for Mac do the formatting for you, select one of its built-in formats for tables.

Note: To make the table more accessible, and make it possible for screen readers to identify table columns correctly, set up a header row.

Specify table dimensions

  1. Place the cursor inside the document in the location where you want to insert the new table.

  2. Press F6 until you hear: «Home, selected, tab.»

  3. Press Control+Option+Right arrow key once to move to the Insert tab, then press Control+Option+Spacebar.

  4. Press the Tab key until you hear «Table, menu button,» and then press Control+Option+Spacebar.

  5. To specify the number of columns in the table, press Control+Option+Shift+Down arrow key, and then press Control+Option+Right arrow key until you hear the number you want.

  6. To specify the number of rows, press Control+Option+Down arrow key, until you hear the number you want.

  7. To insert the table with the currently selected size, press Control+Option+Spacebar.

    Word for Mac adds the table to your document and moves the focus to its top-left cell. Word also automatically selects the Table Design tab from the toolbar.

  8. To check that a header row is set up, press F6 until you hear: «Table design, selected, tab.» Then press the Tab key until you hear: «Header row, selected, toggle button.» If Header Row is not selected, press Control+Option+Spacebar.

  9. Press F6 to return to your document. If necessary, use the Up or Down arrow key to move to the table.

  10. Navigate to the cell you want by pressing Control+Option+arrow keys. Type your information in the cells. Press the Tab key to move to the next cell, or Shift+Tab to move to the previous cell. If you press the Tab key in the last cell, a new table row is created.

Format a table using a built-in format

  1. Create a table as described in Specify table dimensions, and make sure the focus is somewhere inside the table.

  2. Press F6 until you hear «Table design, selected, tab,» and then press the Tab key until you hear: «Table grid, selected, button.»

  3. To choose from the built-in table formats, press the Right arrow key until you hear the format you want, and then press Control+Option+Spacebar to apply.

  4. To return to the document, press F6.

Add table columns or rows

You can quickly expand your table by adding more rows or columns.

  1. Make sure the focus is somewhere inside the table, then use Control+Option+arrow keys to navigate inside the table to find the place where you want to add a new row or column.

  2. Press F6 until you hear the currently selected tab, for example, «Table design, selected, tab,» and then press Control+Option+Right arrow key until you hear: «Layout, tab.»

  3. Press Control+Option+Spacebar to open the Layout tab.

  4. Press the Tab key until you hear one of the following:

    • «Insert above, button» adds a row above the current row.

    • «Insert below, button» adds a row below the current row.

    • «Insert left, button» adds a column to the left of the current column.

    • «Insert right, button» adds a column to the right of the current column.

  5. Press Control+Option+Spacebar to insert the selected item to the table.

Delete columns, rows, or the whole table

If a column, row, or the whole table is no longer needed, delete it from your document.

  1. Make sure the focus is somewhere inside the table, column, or row you want to delete.

  2. Press F6 until you hear «Table design, selected, tab» or «Layout, selected, tab.»

    Word remembers which tab you last used when working with tables. If you land on the Table Design tab, press Control+Option+Right arrow key once, then press Control+Option+Spacebar to open the Layout tab.

  3. On the Layout tab, press the Tab key until you hear «Delete, menu button,» and then press Control+Option+Spacebar.

  4. Press the Down arrow key until you hear the option you want and then press Control+Option+Spacebar.

The table, column, or row is deleted, and the focus returns to the document.

Edit table properties

In addition to using built-in formats, you can change table properties individually. For example, you can define text alignment, row height, column width, or write alternative text (alt text) to make the table more accessible for screen readers.

  1. Make sure the focus is somewhere inside the table you want to edit.

  2. Press F6 until you hear «Table design, selected, tab» or «Layout, selected, tab.»

    Word remembers which tab you last used when working with tables. If you land on the Table Design tab, press Control+Option+Right arrow key once, then press Control+Option+Spacebar to open the Layout tab.

  3. On the Layout tab, press the Tab key until you hear «Properties, button,» and then press Control+Option+Spacebar.

  4. The Table Properties dialog box has five tabs:

    • Table

    • Row

    • Column

    • Cell

    • Alt Text

    Use the Right and Left arrow keys to find the tab you want, then press Control+Option+Spacebar to open that tab.

  5. Press the Tab key to browse the options on the selected tab. VoiceOver tells you how to access each option. For example, on the Table tab, you can define text alignment for the whole table.

  6. To switch to another tab, press the Tab key until you hear the name of the current tab again, then use the Right and Left arrow keys to find the tab you want, and press Control+Option+Spacebar to select.

  7. To close the Table Properties dialog box, press the Tab key until you hear «OK, default, button,» and then press Control+Option+Spacebar. If you did not change any settings, or if you don’t want to save your changes, press Esc to exit the dialog box.

    The focus returns to the table.

Convert text to a table

You can create a table by converting normal text to a table. For example, you might have some text that was a table in another program, but lost its formatting when the text was copied into Word for Mac.

  1. Select the text you want to convert.

    Note: For the best results, the text should have columns separated with the Tab key and rows separated with Return.

  2. Press F6 until you hear the currently selected tab, and press Control+Option+Left or Right arrow key to move to the Insert tab, then press Control+Option+Spacebar.

  3. Press the Tab key until you hear «Table, menu button,» and then press Control+Option+Spacebar.

  4. Press the Down arrow key until you hear «Convert text to table,» and then press Control+Option+Spacebar.

    The Convert Text to Table dialog box opens.

  5. Use the Tab key to browse the options in the dialog box. Word offers you the number of columns and rows that best fit the selected text, but you can change the values individually. VoiceOver tells you how to access each option.

  6. To close the Convert Text to Table dialog box, press the Tab key until you hear «OK, default, button,» and then press Control+Option+Spacebar.

    The focus returns to the document and the converted table is selected.

See also

Use a screen reader to check spelling and grammar in Word

Use a screen reader to create charts in Word

Keyboard shortcuts in Word

Basic tasks using a screen reader with Word

Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate Word

Use Word for iOS with VoiceOver, the built-in iOS screen reader, to add a table to your document. You can also expand your table by adding new rows or columns.


  • New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you can get new features faster, join the Office Insider program.

  • This topic assumes that you are using the built-in iOS screen reader, VoiceOver. To learn more about using VoiceOver, visit Apple accessibility.

  • We recommend you read and edit documents in Print Layout View. VoiceOver might not work reliably in other view modes.

In this topic

  • Insert a table

  • Add table columns or rows

  • Delete columns, rows, or the whole table

Insert a table 

Note: To make the table more accessible, and make it possible for screen readers to identify table columns correctly, set up a header row.

  1. While editing your Word document, place the insertion point where you want to insert the table.

  2. Tap near the top of the screen with four fingers, swipe right until you hear «Show ribbon, button,» and double-tap the screen. You hear the currently selected tab, for example, «Home tab.»

  3. Double-tap the screen. The tab menu opens. Swipe right or left until you hear «Insert tab,» and then double-tap the screen. You hear: «Insert tab.»

  4. Swipe right until you hear «Table button,» and then double-tap the screen. A default table with 3 columns and 3 rows is inserted into the document. The focus is inside the new table.

  5. To set up a header row, slide one finger across the bottom half of the screen until you hear «Style options button,» and then double-tap the screen. VoiceOver announces whether the Header Row option is selected. If you hear «Header row, button,» double-tap the screen to select it.

  6. To close the tab menu, swipe left until you hear «Hide ribbon, button,» and then double-tap the screen. The on-screen keyboard opens.

  7. To move inside the table, slide one finger across the screen until you hear the cell you want. 

  8. Once the focus is inside the table, swipe left or right to navigate inside the table. To add text or numbers in a cell, double-tap the screen, and then use the on-screen keyboard to type your content.

Add table columns or rows

You can quickly expand your table by adding more rows or columns.

  1. In the document, slide one finger across the screen until you hear «Entered into a table,» followed by the table and cell details.

  2. To enter the editing mode, double-tap the screen.

  3. Slide one finger across the left edge of the screen until you hear the option you want, for example, «Insert right, button» or «Insert below, button,» and then double-tap the screen.

Delete columns, rows, or the whole table

If a column, row, or the whole table is no longer needed, delete it from your document.

  1. In your document, slide one finger across the screen until you hear «Entered into a table,» followed by the table and cell details.

  2. To enter the editing mode, double-tap the screen.

  3. Slide one finger across the left edge of the screen until you hear «Delete button,» and then double-tap the screen.

  4. Slide one finger across the bottom of the screen until you hear the option you want to delete, and then double-tap the screen.

See also

Use a screen reader to insert and change text in Word

Use a screen reader to check spelling and grammar in Word

Keyboard shortcuts in Word

Basic tasks using a screen reader with Word

Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate Word

Use Word for Android with TalkBack, the built-in Android screen reader, to add a table to your document. You can also expand your table by adding new rows or columns. By adding alternative text to your tables, you can make your content accessible for wider audiences.


  • New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you can get new features faster, join the Office Insider program.

  • This topic assumes that you are using the built-in Android screen reader, TalkBack. To learn more about using TalkBack, go to Android accessibility.

In this topic

  • Insert a table

  • Add table columns or rows

  • Add alternative text to a table

  • Delete columns, rows, or the whole table

Insert a table

Note: To make the table more accessible, and make it possible for screen readers to identify table columns correctly, set up a header row.

  1. While editing your Word document, place the insertion point where you want to insert the table.

  2. Swipe left until you hear «More options button,» and double-tap the screen. You hear the currently selected tab, for example, «Home tab.» Double-tap the screen, swipe right or left until you hear “Insert tab,” and double-tap the screen. The Insert tab opens.

  3. Swipe right until you hear «Table button,» and then double-tap the screen.

    A default table with 3 rows and 3 columns is inserted in the document. The focus is on the Table tab.

  4. To set up a header row, swipe right until you hear «Style options menu,» and then double-tap the screen. Swipe right until you hear «Header row, switch.» TalkBack announces whether the Header Row option is selected. If the header row is not selected, double-tap the screen to select it.

  5. To close the Style options menu, swipe left until you hear «Checked, More options, switch,» and double-tap the screen.

  6. To move the focus inside the new table, slide one finger across the screen until TalkBack announces a cell in the table.

  7. Once the focus is inside the table, swipe left or right to navigate inside the table. To add text or numbers in a cell, double-tap the screen, and then use the on-screen keyboard to type your content.

Add table columns or rows

You can quickly expand your table by adding more rows or columns.

  1. In the document, slide one finger across the screen until you hear «Entering table,» followed by the table and cell details.

  2. Slide one finger across the left edge of the screen until you hear the option you want, for example, «Insert right, button» or «Insert below, button,» and then double-tap the screen.

Add alternative text to a table

To make a table accessible for a wider audience, add alternative text to it.

  1. Move to the table to which you want to add the alternative text.

  2. Slide one finger at the lower-right corner of the screen until you hear «Not checked, More options, switch,» and then double-tap the screen. You hear: «Tab menu, Table, selected.»

  3. Swipe right until you hear «Alt text menu,» and then double-tap the screen.

  4. Swipe right until you hear «Edit box for, describe this object for someone who is blind,» and then double-tap the screen. Use the on-screen keyboard to type alt text for the table. To close the on-screen keyboard, swipe down-then-left.

  5. To return to the Table tab menu, swipe down-then-left.

Delete columns, rows, or the whole table

If a column, row, or the whole table is no longer necessary, delete it from your document.

  1. In the document, slide one finger across the screen until you hear «Entering table,» followed by the table and cell details. If you want to delete a row or a column, go to the column or row you want to delete.

  2. Slide one finger across the across the bottom of the screen until you hear «Delete menu,» and then double-tap the screen.

  3. Swipe right until you hear the option you want to delete, and then double-tap the screen.

See also

Use a screen reader to insert and change text in Word

Use a screen reader to check spelling and grammar in Word

Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365

Basic tasks using a screen reader with Word

Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate Word

Use Word for the web with your keyboard and a screen reader to add a table to your document. We have tested it with Narrator in Microsoft Edge and JAWS and NVDA in Chrome, but it might work with other screen readers and web browsers as long as they follow common accessibility standards and techniques. You’ll also learn how to expand your table by adding new rows or columns and format your table with the built-in table styles.


  • New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you can get new features faster, join the Office Insider program.

  • To learn more about screen readers, go to How screen readers work with Microsoft 365.

  • When you use Word for the web, we recommend that you use Microsoft Edge as your web browser. Because Word for the web runs in your web browser, the keyboard shortcuts are different from those in the desktop program. For example, you’ll use Ctrl+F6 instead of F6 for jumping in and out of the commands. Also, common shortcuts like F1 (Help) and Ctrl+O (Open) apply to the web browser – not Word for the web.

In this topic

  • Insert a table

  • Add table columns or rows

  • Format a table using a built-in table style

  • Add alternative text to a table

  • Delete columns, rows, or the whole table

Insert a table

Note: To make the table more accessible, and make it possible for screen readers to identify table columns correctly, set up a header row.

  1. Move to the location in your document where you want to insert the new table.

  2. To open the Table menu, press Alt+Windows logo key+N, N, T.

  3. To specify and select the number of columns and rows in the table, press Shift+arrow keys. You hear the number of selected rows and columns.

  4. To insert the table with the selected dimensions, press Enter.

  5. To set up a header row, go to any cell in the table. Press Alt+Windows logo key+J, J, T, and then press O to open the Style Options menu item. You hear “Header row,» and whether it is selected. If the header row is not selected, press Spacebar to select. 

    If the screen reader announces that the Header Row option is already selected, you can proceed to edit your table.

  6. The focus moves to the new table. Use the arrow keys to move in the body of the table.

  7. Type your information in the cells. You hear which column and row is currently selected, and which cells are header cells.

Add table columns or rows

You can quickly expand your table by adding more rows or columns.

  1. Move inside the table, and then use the arrow keys to navigate inside the table to find the place where you want to add a new row or column.

  2. Press Alt+Windows logo key+J, J, T, I. The Insert menu item opens.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To add a row above the current row, press A.

    • To add a row below the current row, press B, E.

    • To add a column to the left of the current column, press L.

    • To add a column to the right of the current column, press R.

    The focus moves to the document body, inside the table.

Format a table using a built-in table style

If you want to let Word for the web do the table formatting for you, select one of its built-in styles for tables.

  1. Move to any cell inside the table you want to format.

  2. To open the Table Styles menu, press Alt+Windows logo key+J, J, T, S

  3. Use the arrow keys to browse through the styles. The screen reader announces the name of each style as you land on it.

  4. To choose and apply a built-in table style, press Enter. The focus moves to the document body, inside the table.

Add alternative text to a table

To make a table accessible for a wider audience, add alternative text to it.

  1. Move to any cell inside the table to which you want to add alternative text.

  2. Press Alt+Windows logo key+J, J, T, E. The Alternative Text dialog box opens. The focus is on the Title text field.

  3. Type a descriptive title for the table.

  4. Press the Tab key. The focus moves to the Description text field.

  5. Type a description of the table.

  6. Once you’re done, press the Tab key until you hear «OK button.» With Narrator and NVDA, press Enter to close the dialog box. With JAWS, press Spacebar.

Delete columns, rows, or the whole table

If a column, row, or the whole table is no longer needed, delete it from your document.

  1. Go to the table, column, or row you want to delete.

  2. To open the Delete menu item on the Table tab, press Alt+Windows logo key+J, J, T, D, and then do one of the following:

    • To delete the entire table, press D, T. 

    • To delete the current column, press D, C. 

    • To delete the current row, press D, R. 

The table, column, or row is deleted, and the focus returns to the document.

See also

Use a screen reader to insert and change text in Word

Use a screen reader to insert a picture or image in Word

Keyboard shortcuts in Word

Basic tasks using a screen reader with Word

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate Word

Technical support for customers with disabilities

Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance. The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in English, Spanish, French, and American Sign Language. Please go to the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk site to find out the contact details for your region.

If you are a government, commercial, or enterprise user, please contact the enterprise Disability Answer Desk.

This tutorial shows three ways to insert tables in Microsoft Word so you can choose the method that is most appropriate for your content:

  1. Create a table from the Table menu (best for general use)
  2. Create a table from the Table dialog box (offers the most sizing options)
  3. Insert a Quick Table (fastest setup)

Note that you can also draw a custom table and create a table by importing a spreadsheet from Excel. We will cover those advanced topics in separate tutorials.

Don’t miss the five tips for working with tables at the bottom of this tutorial:

  1. How to delete a table
  2. How to resize an entire table
  3. How to resize individual rows and columns
  4. How to add rows and columns
  5. How to add color to a table

This tutorial is also available as a YouTube video showing all the steps in real time.

Watch more than 200 other writing-related software tutorials on my YouTube channel.

The images below are from Word for Microsoft 365.The steps are the same in Word 2021, Word 2019, and Word 2016 and similar for Word 2013 and Word 2010. However, your interface may look slightly different in those older versions of the software.

This method is appropriate for most users who want to create a basic table for general use.

  1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the table.
  2. Select the Insert tab in the ribbon.

Insert tab in Word 365

Figure 1. Insert tab
  1. Select the Table button in the Tables group.

Table option in the Tables group of Word 365

Figure 2. Table button
  1. Move your pointer across and down the grid to select the number of cells (organized as rows and columns) needed in your table.

The selected cells will turn orange.

Table grid in Word 365

Figure 3. Table grid
  1. Click the selected (orange) part of the grid or press Enter on your keyboard to insert the table.

Method 2: Create a Table from the Table Dialog Box

This method provides advanced sizing options.

  1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the table.
  2. Select the Insert tab in the ribbon (see figure 1).
  3. Select the Table button in the Tables group (see figure 2).
  4. Select Insert Table from the drop-down menu.

Insert Table option in Word 365

Figure 4. Insert Table option
  1. Enter the number of rows and columns in the Insert Table dialog box.

Number of columns and rows in the Insert Table dialog box in Word 365

Figure 5. Number of columns and rows
  1. Select an AutoFit behavior:
    • Fixed column width can be set to Auto or a specific width between 1/100 inch and twenty-two inches using the increment arrows.
    • AutoFit to contents adjusts cell sizes to the content.
    • AutoFit to Window adjusts the width of the table to the viewer’s Word window or browser window.

AutoFit behaviors in the Insert Table dialog box in Word 365

Figure 6. AutoFit behaviors
  1. (Optional Step) Check Remember dimensions for new tables if you want to create the same size table in the future.

"Remember dimensions for new tables" in the Insert Table dialog box in Word 365

Figure 7. “Remember dimensions for new tables” option
  1. Select the OK button to close the Insert Table dialog box and insert your new table.

OK button in the Insert Table dialog box in Word 365

Figure 8. OK button

Method 3: Insert a Quick Table

Quick Tables are prebuilt tables and calendars you can modify for your own use.

  1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the table.
  2. Select the Insert tab in the ribbon (see figure 1).
  3. Select the Table button in the Tables group (see figure 2).
  4. Select Quick Tables from the drop-down menu.

Quick Tables option in Word 365

Figure 9. Quick Tables option
  1. Select a table from the gallery.

Quick Tables gallery in Word 365

Figure 10. Quick Tables gallery
  1. Add your own content by typing over or deleting the table’s example text.

Now let’s look at some tips for working with tables.

Five Tips for Working with Tables in Word

The following tips cover the basics of working with tables. We will dive into this topic in much greater detail in a separate tutorial.

Tip 1: How to Delete a Table

  1. Select the table selector, which looks like crossed arrows, to select the entire table. You may have to hover your pointer over the table to reveal the table selector.

Table selector in Word 365

Figure 11. Table selector
  1. Right-click the table.
  2. Select Delete Table from the shortcut menu.

Delete Table option in Word 2019

Figure 12. Delete Table option

Tip 2: How to Resize an Entire Table

  1. Click and hold the resizing handle in the bottom right of the table. You may need to hover your pointer over the table to reveal the handle.

Table resizing handle in Word 365

Figure 13. Resizing handle
  1. Drag the table to the size you want and then release the handle.

Tip 3: How to Resize Individual Rows and Columns

  1. Hover your pointer over a row or column border until your pointer becomes two lines with two arrows.

Note that the pointer in figure 14 is enlarged to make it easier to see. Your pointer will be smaller.

Table resizing pointer in Word 365

Figure 14. Resizing pointer
  1. Click and hold as you drag the border to resize the row or column.

Tip 4: How to Add Rows and Columns

  1. Right-click inside a cell.
  2. Select Insert from the shortcut menu.

Table Insert shortcut option in Word 365

Figure 15. Insert option
  1. Select the location of your new row or column:
    • Insert Columns to the Left
    • Insert Columns to the Right
    • Insert Rows Above
    • Insert Rows Below
    • Insert Cells

Insert columns and rows menu in Word 365

Figure 16. Insert columns and rows menu

If you select Insert Cells, a dialog box will appear asking where you want to insert your new cells. Note that regardless of your answer, you will be inserting an entire row or column, not an individual cell.

Insert Cells dialog box in Word 365

Figure 17. Insert Cells dialog box

Tip 5: How to Add Color to a Table

  1. Select the table selector, which looks like crossed arrows, to select the entire table (see figure 11). You may need to hover your pointer over the table to reveal the table selector.
  2. Select the Table Design tab in the ribbon. (Note that this tab only appears in the ribbon when a table is selected.)

Table Design tab in Word 365

Figure 18. Table Design tab
  1. Select the down arrow in the Table Styles group.

Table Styles menu arrow in Word 365

Figure 19. Table Style down arrow
  1. Select one of the styles from the gallery.

Table Styles gallery in Word 365

Figure 20. Table Styles gallery

Alternatively, you can use the shading menu to add custom colors to individual rows and columns.

Table Shading in Word 365

Figure 21. Shading menu

Pro Tip: For even more customization, add a background image to your table. Then, save your customized table as a template for reuse in future documents, as shown in “How to Save Tables as Templates in Microsoft Word.”

Related Resources

How to Create and Customize Charts in Microsoft Word

How to Save Tables and Figures as Images in Microsoft Word (PC & Mac)

How to Insert Figure Captions and Table Titles in Microsoft Word

How to Change the Style of Table Titles and Figure Captions in Microsoft Word

How to Update Table and Figure Numbers in Microsoft Word

How to Create and Update a List of Tables or Figures in Microsoft Word

How to Export PDF Tables from Adobe Acrobat to Excel (PC & Mac)

How to Write Table Titles

How to Write Figure Captions for Graphs, Charts, Photos, Drawings, and Maps

How to Reference Tables and Figures in Text

Updated February 27, 2023

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A good table in your document can help make your data stand out to your readers, and adding a table in Word is a snap. You have a variety of options for customizing your table’s look at functionality, and you can even choose from existing templates to make inserting tables completely painless. Follow this guide to learn how.


  1. Image titled Insert a Table in a Microsoft Word Document Step 1


    Open Word or the document where you wish to put a table. You can insert tables into any version of Word.

  2. Image titled Insert a Table in a Microsoft Word Document Step 2


    Position the cursor on the area where you want the table to be inserted. Click the “Table” button that is located under the “Insert” tab. In Word 2003, click the “Insert” menu and then select “Table”.

    • For best formatting results, place the table between paragraphs or on its own line.


  3. Image titled Insert a Table in a Microsoft Word Document Step 3


    Choose your method of inserting your table. In Word 2007, 2010, and 2013, you have a few different choices when it comes to inserting a table into your document. A dialog box appears when you click the “Insert” button which allows you select from the following methods:

    • Use the Grid to make a table. You may insert the table by using the grid where the squares represent the number of rows or columns you can have on your table. Simply drag your mouse over the grid and click after highlighting the number of squares needed.
    • Open the “Insert Table” menu. This menu allows you to specify the number of rows and columns that you want your table to have, as well as the width of the columns. You can set the width to AutoFit to your cell’s contents or have a fixed width. Click “OK” to insert the table.
    • Insert an Excel spreadsheet. Click on Excel Spreadsheet if you want to insert a table which allows you to manipulate data like Excel (for example: formulas and filters). Click outside the table if you want to work on the document itself.
    • Use prebuilt table templates. On newer versions of Word you can click “Quick Table” if you want to use built-in table templates. Simply replace the sample data with your own.
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  • Question

    Why do I need bullets and numbering?

    Community Answer

    To simplify points and paragraphs, bullets are used. If you are writing a long passage, numbering comes in handy. They are also used to make a document look neat.

  • Question

    What is the use of table?

    Community Answer

    Mainly to display data in a neat, organized way. You may or may not have any personal use for a table, but they are often used in scientific papers or business documents to list a set of data.

  • Question

    How do I change the size of the columns?

    Community Answer

    Hover your mouse over the bars separating columns, and your mouse cursor should change into a double arrow symbol (↔) or similar. Click on the bar, and drag it to the left or right. You can also right-click on the same, and select «Table Properties» from the menu that comes up. You should be able to change the size of the columns in the new window that comes up.

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  • Additionally, you may draw a table by clicking “Table” on the “Insert” tab and then selecting the “Draw Table” command.

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Many documents present some data in the form of figures or tables. Creating tables is often more efficient than describing the data in the paragraph text, especially when the data is numerical or large. The tabular data presentation makes it easier to read and understand.

A table is a collection of information or data, usually represented by horizontal rows and vertical columns. Each column and each row can have a header. Some tables have only column headings or only row headings. The box at the junction of each column and row is a cell that contains data such as text, numeric information, or images. Some cells can be merged or split (see more about formatting tables). E.g.:

Table in Word 365

Microsoft Word has many features that make working with tables simple and convenient.

Create a table

There are several ways how to insert or create a table:

  • Create a blank table of up to 10 columns and 8 rows,
  • Create a blank table with more than 10 columns or more than 8 rows,
  • Create a blank table manually (Draw a table),
  • Create a table using predefined templates (Quick Tables),
  • Create a table from the existing data (Convert Text to Table),
  • Insert a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

To create a blank table in a Word document, do the following:

   1.   Place your cursor where you want to insert the table.

   2.   On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click the Table button:

Tables button in Word 365

   3.   Do one of the following:

Create a blank table of up to 10 columns and 8 rows

  • To create a table of up to 10 columns and 8 rows, move the cursor right (to select columns) and down (to select rows) the grid to select as many cells as you need. E.g., the table of 5 columns and 3 rows (selected cells will turn orange):

    Insert table 5x3 in Word 365

    Click on a cell in the grid with the expected number of rows and columns (or press Enter) to insert an empty table to fit the width of the text (paragraph).

    The table has the specified number of single-line text rows in the current paragraph and equal-width columns. E.g., the table of 3 rows and 5 columns:

    Table 5x3 in Word 365

Create a blank table with more than 10 columns or more than 8 rows

  • To create a table with more than 10 columns or more than 8 rows, do one of the following:
    • Create a table with exactly 10 columns or 8 rows, then add as many columns or rows as you need (see below how to customize table).
    • Click the Insert Table… option:

      Insert table in Word 365

      In the Insert Table dialog box:

      Insert table dialog box in Word 365

      • In the Table size group, specify the number of columns and rows,
      • In the AutoFit behavior group, specify the width of the table and its columns:
        • Select the Fixed column width option to customize width in the appropriate field: select Auto (used by default) or specify width. E.g., 0.75″:

        Table with Fixed column width in Word 365

        • Select the AutoFit contents option to adjust cell sizes to the document content. E.g.:

        Table with AutoFit contents in Word 365

        • Select the AutoFit to window option to adjust the table’s width to the document content width. E.g.:

        Table with AutoFit to window in Word 365

      • Select the Remember dimension for new tables check box if you want to create tables with the same options later. Word will remember your customization.

Create a blank table manually

  • To manually create an empty table, click the Draw Table option:

    Draw Table in Word 365

    After clicking that option, the cursor changes to the pencil Pencil in Word 365 that allows drawing cells directly in the Word document to create a table:

    Example Draw Table in Word 365

    Click anywhere in a document but the table itself by the pencil to stop drawing a table.


    1. To draw additional lines, select a table, then on the Table Layout tab, in the Draw group, click the Draw Table button:

      Draw Table button in Word 365

    2. If you draw a line in the wrong position, click the Eraser button in the Draw group of the Table Layout tab:

      Eraser button in Word 365

    3. We recommend displaying the rulers or gridlines to help you place the lines correctly.

Create a table using predefined templates

To create a table using predefined Word templates of tables and calendars, do the following:

   1.   Place your cursor where you want to insert the table.

   2.   On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click the Table dropdown list, then select Quick Tables list:

Quick Tables in Word 365

   3.   From the Quick Tables gallery, select the template you prefer.

For example:

Example Quick Table in Word 365

Create a table from the existing data

To create a table from the existing data in a document data (either as regular text or as a tabbed list), do the following:

   1.   Select the document data you want to shape into a new table.

   2.   On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click the Table dropdown list, then select Convert Text to Table…:

Convert Text to Table in Word 365

   3.   In the Convert Text to Table dialog box:

Convert Text to Table dialog box in Word 365

  • In the Table size group, specify the number of columns,
  • In the AutoFit behavior group, specify whether the width of the columns should be fixed (see details above),
  • In the Separate text at group, select the character that separates text into columns in the selected text: paragraph marks, commas, tabs, or some other character.


Convert Text to Table example in Word 365

Insert a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

Note: It is possible to insert a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in a document. To do so, on the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click the Table dropdown list, then select Excel Spreadsheet:

Excel Spreadsheet in Word 365

Word opens the Excel spreadsheet where you can enter the data. You can use Excel features such as functions and formulas to create or manipulate the data. Note that it is not a Word table.

Add rows and columns

To add a row and a column to a table, do the following:

   1.   Position the cursor:

  • to a cell in a row above or below which you need to insert a row,
  • to a cell in a column left or right which you need to insert a column.

   2.   Do one of the following:

  • Click the Insert dropdown list in the Mini toolbar:

    Insert in popup menu Word 365

  • On the Table Layout tab, in the Rows & Columns group:

    Insert in Mini toolbar Word 365

    • Click the Insert Above button to insert a row above the row with the cursor,
    • Click the Insert Below button to insert a row below the row with the cursor,
    • Click the Insert Left button to insert a column left to the column with the cursor,
    • Click the Insert Right button to insert a column right to the column with the cursor.
  • Right-click and select the Insert list:

    Insert in popup menu Word 365


  1. To insert rows or columns, move the mouse over the table or left of the table until you see the Insertion indicator, then click the icon:

    Insertion indicator for rows in Word 365  and  
    Insertion indicator for columns in Word 365

  2. You can choose the option Insert -> Insert Cells… from the popup menu; Word opens the Insert Cells dialog box:

    Insert Cells dialog box in Word 365

    After selecting the option and clicking the OK button, Word adds an entire row or column, not a cell. Word just moves cells according to the selection.

Delete a table element

To delete a table element, do the following:

   1.   Select the cell, multiple cells, the entire column or multiple columns, the entire row, or multiple rows.

   2.   Do one of the following:

  • Click the Delete dropdown list in the Mini toolbar:

    Delete in popup menu Word 365

  • On the Table Layout tab, in the Rows & Columns group, click the Delete dropdown list, then select one of the options:

    Delete table elements in Word 365

   3.   Select one of the proposed options:

  • Delete Cells… opens the Delete Cells dialog box, in which select the option you need:

    Delete Cells dialog box in Word 365

  • Delete Columns
  • Delete Rows
  • Delete Table

Note: You can select the element you want to delete, right-click on the selection and select the appropriate item in the popup menu. For example, if the entire table is selected or the column is selected:

Delete Table in popup menu Word 365  and  
Delete Columns in popup menu Word 365

Convert a table into text

To convert a table into text in Word, follow the next steps:

   1.   Click anywhere in the table.

   2.   On the Layout tab, in the Format group, click the Convert to Text button:

Convert to Text in Word 365

   3.   In the Convert Table to Text dialog box, select the charter to separate cells data in the text:

Convert Table to Text dialog box in Word 365

   4.   Click OK.

Updated: 04/30/2020 by

Microsoft Word table

You can insert a table in a Microsoft Word document to display data in a tabular format. A table is a great way to represent multiple fields of associated data. For example, a list of prices is easier to read when displayed in a table.

Adding a table in Word

  1. In Word, place the mouse cursor where you want to add the table.
  2. Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click the Table button and select how many cells, rows, and columns you want the table to display. You can also click Insert Table and enter the number of columns and rows for the inserted table.

Inserting or deleting a row or column

In a Microsoft Word table, you can add or remove a row or column at any time.

  • Insert a row.
  • Insert a column.
  • Delete a row.
  • Delete a column.

Insert a row

  1. Move the mouse cursor inside the left edge of a cell in the row where you want to insert a new row. The cursor changes to a small black arrow pointing to the top-right.
  2. Using your mouse, right-click to open the pop-up menu, select Insert, then select Insert Rows Above or Insert Rows Below, depending where you want to insert the row.

Insert row in a Microsoft Word table

Insert a column

  1. Move the mouse cursor inside the left edge of a cell in the column where you want to insert a new column. The cursor changes to a small black arrow pointing to the top-right.
  2. Using your mouse, right-click to open the pop-up menu, select Insert, then select Insert Columns to the Left or Insert Columns to the Right, depending where you want the row inserted.

Insert column in a Microsoft Word table

Delete a row

  1. Move the mouse cursor inside the left edge of a cell in the row you want to delete. The cursor changes to a small black arrow pointing to the top-right.
  2. Using your mouse, double-click to select the entire row in the table.
  3. Right-click with the mouse to open the pop-up menu, and select Delete Rows.

Delete row in a Microsoft Word table

Delete a column

  1. Move the mouse cursor inside the top edge of the top-most cell in the column you want to delete. The cursor changes to a small black arrow pointing downward.
  2. Using your mouse, click once to select the entire column in the table.
  3. Right-click with the mouse to open the pop-up menu, and select Delete Columns.

Delete column in a Microsoft Word table

Moving the table

After the table is added to the document, you can move it anywhere else in the document. To move the table, hover your mouse cursor over the table, then click-and-drag the arrows in the top-left corner of the table.

Resizing the table

Once the table is inserted, you can adjust the table’s size by moving the mouse to the bottom-right corner of the table until you get a double-headed arrow. Once this arrow is visible, click-and-drag the table in the direction you want the table to expand.

Changing the look of the table

After the table is added to the document, move your cursor to a cell in the table, and click the Design tab. In the Design tab, you can adjust the Header Row, Total Row, and how the rows appear. You can also adjust the overall look of the table by clicking one of the table styles.

Repeat header row of the table on each page

If the table spans more than one page, you may want to have the header row displayed on each additional page the table spans across. You can make the header row visible on each page by following the steps below.

  1. Right-click the header row of the table and select Properties in the pop-up menu.
  2. In the Table Properties window, click the Row tab.
  3. Check the box for the Repeat as header row at the top of each page option, and click OK.

Repeat header row of table in Microsoft Word

Deleting a table

If you want to delete a table from a Word document, follow the steps below.

  1. Move your mouse cursor over the table you want to delete.
  2. At the upper-left corner of the table, a small square with the move icon Move icon inside it should be seen. Move your mouse cursor over that icon and click it to select the entire table.

Select entire table

  1. Right-click anywhere in the table and select Delete Table in the pop-up menu.


54 people found this article helpful

How to Insert a Table in Microsoft Word

Organize, display, and format information with this handy feature

Updated on February 4, 2022

What to Know

  • Select the Insert tab > Table > drag over the cells to select the desired number of columns and rows.
  • For a large table, go to Insert > Table > Insert Table, select the number of columns and rows, and choose AutoFit to Window.

This article explains how to insert and modify a table in Word for Microsoft 365, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, and Word 2010.

Insert a Small Table

A table consists of rows and columns of cells where you place text. Using the simplest method to insert a table in Word, you may create a table consisting of up to 10 columns and 8 rows.

  1. Place the cursor where you want the table to appear.

  2. Go to Insert.

  3. In the Tables group, select Table, then drag over the cells to select the desired number of columns and rows.

  4. A table is inserted into the Word document with evenly spaced columns and rows, and the Table Design tab is displayed. Place the cursor in any cell to type text into it. Use the commands on the Table Design tab to format the table.

Insert a Larger Table

You aren’t limited to inserting a 10 x 8 table. You can insert larger tables into a document.

  1. Place the cursor where you want the table to appear.

  2. Go to Insert.

  3. In the Tables group, select Table, then choose Insert Table.

  4. In the Insert Table dialog box, select the number of columns and rows you want.

  5. In the AutoFit behavior section, select AutoFit to window.

  6. Select OK.

  7. A table is inserted into the Word document with evenly spaced columns and rows, and the Table Design tab is displayed. Place the cursor in any cell to type text into it. Use the commands on the Table Design tab to format the table.

Insert a Quick Table

Microsoft Word has many built-in table styles, including calendars, a tabular-styled table, a double table, a matrix, and a table with subheadings. When you insert a Quick Table, Word creates and formats the table automatically.

  1. Place the cursor where you want the table to appear.

  2. Go to Insert.

  3. In the Tables group, select Table.

  4. Select Quick Tables, then choose a table style.

  5. A pre-formatted table is inserted into the Word document, and the Table Design tab is displayed. Replace the text with your content. Use the commands on the Table Design tab to format the table.

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Are you struggling to get your message across? When your Microsoft Word project contains information, try presenting it in the form of a Word table. Learn how to make tables in Word quickly with a template.

Word templates - Envato ElementsWord templates - Envato ElementsWord templates - Envato Elements

Premium Word templates like this one help you create effective documents with professional design and layout.

A table is a kind of chart that organizes and presents data in rows and columns. It makes information easier to grasp, understand, and analyze at a glance, compared to explaining the same data through plain text.

Microsoft Word gives you various ways to insert or create a table. And you’ve got granular control over the formatting, layout, and appearance of Microsoft Word tables. Table charts are useful in different types of Word projects, whether for personal, educational, or business use. 

This article will show you how to make a table in Word using a template. Then edit and format it to change its appearance.

(Note: The screenshots and instructions that follow are made using Microsoft Word for Mac version 16.4. If you’re using a different version of Word, then the interface and steps may be different.)

How to Make & Edit MS Word Tables (Video)

In this video, you’ll learn how to quickly make tables in Mircosoft Word. Find out how to start with a premium template. Quickly customize it to make an attractive, professional MS Word table you can use and reuse.

To learn even more about MS Word tables and about templates than can be used for tables, study the step-by-step tutorial below:

How to Make Basic Tables in Word 

Let’s start by learning how to make a basic table in Microsoft Word:

1. Insert a Table

You can create a basic Microsoft Word table in one of two ways:

Method 1. The Insert Tab

Click on the Insert tab, then click the Table button on the ribbon.

How to make a table in Word - Insert TableHow to make a table in Word - Insert TableHow to make a table in Word - Insert Table

The Insert Table panel appears. Drag the cursor over the squares to specify the number of columns and rows you want to create. Click to apply.

How to make a table in Word - Insert Table panelHow to make a table in Word - Insert Table panelHow to make a table in Word - Insert Table panel

Method 2. The Insert Menu

Go to Insert > Table….

How to make a table in Word - Insert Table from menuHow to make a table in Word - Insert Table from menuHow to make a table in Word - Insert Table from menu

The Insert Table panel opens. Specify the number of columns and rows you need. (You can always add or remove columns and rows later.)

How to make a table in Word - Insert Table panel from menuHow to make a table in Word - Insert Table panel from menuHow to make a table in Word - Insert Table panel from menu

Also select the Autofit Behavior you want the table to have. You’ve got several options:

  • Initial column width. The default setting is Auto, which divides the entire width of your page window across the number of columns in the table. Or, you can specify a different column width.
  • AutoFit to contents. Resizes the column width based on the width of the content inside the column. 
  • AutoFit to window. Distributes the columns equally across the entire width of the page window.
  • Set as default for new tables. Check this option if you want the settings to be applied globally to all new tables you create.

When you’re happy with the options you’ve selected, click OK.

How to make a table in Word - Inserting a tableHow to make a table in Word - Inserting a tableHow to make a table in Word - Inserting a table

2. Draw a Table

Or, you can draw a table in MS Word. This is a useful feature if you want to create an irregular or more complicated table with columns and/or rows of varying widths.

To draw a table, click Insert > TableDraw Table.

How to make a table in Word - Draw TableHow to make a table in Word - Draw TableHow to make a table in Word - Draw Table

With your mouse or trackpad, click and drag the cursor to start drawing your table. You can begin by drawing the outermost boundary of the table first.

Microsoft Word table - Draw TableMicrosoft Word table - Draw TableMicrosoft Word table - Draw Table

Then, click and drag the cursor to create columns and rows inside the table. When you’re done, click anywhere outside the table.

Microsoft Word table - Draw Table columns and rowsMicrosoft Word table - Draw Table columns and rowsMicrosoft Word table - Draw Table columns and rows

Here’s an example of an “irregular” table you can draw using this feature.

Microsoft Word table - Drawing a TableMicrosoft Word table - Drawing a TableMicrosoft Word table - Drawing a Table

If you make a mistake, click LayoutEraser to erase a line from the table.

Microsoft Word table - Table EraserMicrosoft Word table - Table EraserMicrosoft Word table - Table Eraser

Click and drag the eraser along the line you wish to erase. The line that’ll be erased appears as a thick, red line. Release the mouse or trackpad to erase.

Microsoft Word table - Layout EraserMicrosoft Word table - Layout EraserMicrosoft Word table - Layout Eraser

Click outside the table when you’re done.

3. Convert Text to Tables and Vice Versa

Another way to create a table is by converting text into a table. This means you can take non-tabular data from a CSV or plain TXT file and convert them into a table.

First, copy and paste the non-tabular data into your Word document.

How to insert table in Word - Converting Text to TablesHow to insert table in Word - Converting Text to TablesHow to insert table in Word - Converting Text to Tables

With the text selected, go to Insert > Table > Convert Text to Table….

How to insert table in Word by converting Text to Tables How to insert table in Word by converting Text to Tables How to insert table in Word by converting Text to Tables

The Convert Text to Table panel opens. Specify the settings you wish to use. Click OK.

How to insert table in Word - Convert Text to Tables PanelHow to insert table in Word - Convert Text to Tables PanelHow to insert table in Word - Convert Text to Tables Panel

The text is then converted into a table.

How to insert table in Word - Text Converted to TablesHow to insert table in Word - Text Converted to TablesHow to insert table in Word - Text Converted to Tables

You can also do the opposite, which is to convert a table into text.

Select the cells or entire table you want to convert. Next, click on the Layout tab then click the Convert Table to Text icon.

How to insert table in Word - Convert Table to Text iconHow to insert table in Word - Convert Table to Text iconHow to insert table in Word - Convert Table to Text icon

The Convert Table to Text panel opens. This is where you’ll decide how you want to separate text that’s currently in different columns. When you’ve made a selection, click OK.

How to insert table in Word - Convert Table to TextHow to insert table in Word - Convert Table to TextHow to insert table in Word - Convert Table to Text

For this example, I chose to separate text with commas. This is what the converted table looks like.

How to insert table in Word - Table converted to textHow to insert table in Word - Table converted to textHow to insert table in Word - Table converted to text

4. Advanced: How to Insert a Table from Excel

If you’ve already created a table in Excel, you can embed it into your Word document.

Open the Excel file. Click and drag the mouse to select the table.

How to insert table in Word - Insert a Table from ExcelHow to insert table in Word - Insert a Table from ExcelHow to insert table in Word - Insert a Table from Excel

Go back to your Word document. Go to Edit > Paste Special ….

How to insert table in Word - Insert a Table from Excel Paste SpecialHow to insert table in Word - Insert a Table from Excel Paste SpecialHow to insert table in Word - Insert a Table from Excel Paste Special

In the Paste Special panel, select Microsoft Excel Binary Worksheet Object, then click OK.

How to insert table in Word - Paste Microsoft Excel Binary Worksheet ObjectHow to insert table in Word - Paste Microsoft Excel Binary Worksheet ObjectHow to insert table in Word - Paste Microsoft Excel Binary Worksheet Object

This embeds the Excel table into Word. It’s still an Excel table, which means you can’t edit or format the table in MS Word. You’ve got to do so in Excel.

Embed Microsoft Excel Table into WordEmbed Microsoft Excel Table into WordEmbed Microsoft Excel Table into Word

Double-click anywhere in the table to launch the source file in Excel. When you make any changes to the table in Excel, the table embedded in your Word project automatically updates to reflect those changes.

Now you know how to make a table in MS Word using various options.

How to Edit Tables

At any time after creating your table, you can edit and customize it to look the way you want it to. Here are some steps for editing tables in Microsoft Word:

1. Add a Column or Row

To add a row or column, click inside a table cell. Right-click on the mouse, then click Insert.

Edit a table in MS Word - Add a column or rowEdit a table in MS Word - Add a column or rowEdit a table in MS Word - Add a column or row

Select one of the following: 

  • Columns to the Left. Adds a column to the left of the current column
  • Columns to the Right. Adds a column to the right of the current column
  • Rows Above. Adds a row above the current row
  • Rows Below. Adds a row below the current row
  • Cells … Inserts a cell and shifts the rest of the cells either to the right or down from where the cursor is
  • Table … Inserts a table inside the current cell

Or, with the cursor in one of the cells, you can click on the Layout tab.

Edit a table in MS Word - LayoutEdit a table in MS Word - LayoutEdit a table in MS Word - Layout

Then choose of the following buttons on the ribbon:

  • Insert Above. Inserts a row above the current cell
  • Insert Below. Inserts a row below the current cell
  • Insert Columns to the Left. Inserts a column to the left of the current cell
  • Insert Columns to the Right. Inserts a column to the right of the current cell

Finally, you can add a new row when you’ve reached the last cell in the last row of your table. Simply press tab and a new row appears.

2. Delete a Column or Row

To delete a cell, column, row, or table, click on the Layout tab > Delete.

Edit a table in MS Word - Delete column or rowEdit a table in MS Word - Delete column or rowEdit a table in MS Word - Delete column or row

Select one of the options that appear:

  • Delete Cells …
  • Delete Columns
  • Delete Rows
  • Delete Table

You can use the same steps to edit a table you’ve drawn. Or, you can use the Layout tab to add or delete rows and columns.

Edit a table in MS Word - Layout Draw Table and EraserEdit a table in MS Word - Layout Draw Table and EraserEdit a table in MS Word - Layout Draw Table and Eraser

Merge Cells

Sometimes you may want to merge cells to present information more clearly. To merge cells, click and drag the cursor to select the cells you wish to merge.

Edit a table in MS Word - Merge Cells Edit a table in MS Word - Merge Cells Edit a table in MS Word - Merge Cells

On the Layout tab, click on the Merge Cells button.

Edit a table in MS Word - Merge cells through Layout tabEdit a table in MS Word - Merge cells through Layout tabEdit a table in MS Word - Merge cells through Layout tab

Or, after selecting the cells to be merged, right-click on your mouse, then click Merge Cells.

Edit a table in MS Word - Merge cells through right-clickEdit a table in MS Word - Merge cells through right-clickEdit a table in MS Word - Merge cells through right-click

Now the cells have been merged into one.

Edit a table in MS Word - Cells mergedEdit a table in MS Word - Cells mergedEdit a table in MS Word - Cells merged

Split Cells

After merging cells, you can always split them again into separate cells. 

Place the cursor in the merged cell, then click Layout > Split Cells.

Edit a table in MS Word - Split cellsEdit a table in MS Word - Split cellsEdit a table in MS Word - Split cells

Or, right-click on your mouse, then click Split Cells…

Edit a table in MS Word - Right-click to Split CellsEdit a table in MS Word - Right-click to Split CellsEdit a table in MS Word - Right-click to Split Cells

Either way, the Split Cells panel pops up. Specify the number of columns and rows you want to split the cell into. Click OK.

Edit a table in MS Word - Split Cells panelEdit a table in MS Word - Split Cells panelEdit a table in MS Word - Split Cells panel

Split Table

You may decide that it makes more sense to split up a table into two separate tables. Microsoft Word lets you do that easily, too.

In this example, I want to split the table right above the Accessories cell. And so, I’ll place the cursor in that cell. Next, click on the Layout tab, then click the Split Table button.

Edit a table in MS Word - How to split a tableEdit a table in MS Word - How to split a tableEdit a table in MS Word - How to split a table

Now, we’ve got two separate tables.

Edit a table in MS Word - Split TableEdit a table in MS Word - Split TableEdit a table in MS Word - Split Table

Table Formatting

When you first create a table, it looks plain and boring. But Microsoft Word has many features so you can format tables to look exactly the way you want them. Here are some common ways to format tables:

1. Table Styles

The easiest way to format a table is by using one of the pre-formatted table styles. Put the cursor in any cell in the table. Click on the Table Design tab. Next, click on the arrow to expand the Table Styles group. 

Edit a table in MS Word - Table StylesEdit a table in MS Word - Table StylesEdit a table in MS Word - Table Styles

Click on a style you want to use and it’s applied immediately.

You can change any style you’ve selected. Again, click on Table Design, expand the Table Style group, then click Modify Style

The Modify Style panel opens. Make the selections you want, then click OK.

2. Use Your Own Formatting

The Table Design tab gives you control over the appearance of every aspect of your table. Click on the Table Design tab and any of the appropriate buttons on the ribbon.

Edit a table in MS Word - Table DesignEdit a table in MS Word - Table DesignEdit a table in MS Word - Table Design

Resize a Table

You can also resize your table. Click on any cell to select the table, then click and drag one of the corners to resize it.

Edit a table in MS Word - Resizing a TableEdit a table in MS Word - Resizing a TableEdit a table in MS Word - Resizing a Table

Or, you can use the Layout tab to resize individual cells, specific rows or columns, or the entire table. Select the columns or rows you wish to resize. Specify the height and/or width you wish to apply.

Edit a table in MS Word - Layout to resize columns and rowsEdit a table in MS Word - Layout to resize columns and rowsEdit a table in MS Word - Layout to resize columns and rows

You can also adjust column width by hand by using the Table Ruler. Click inside a column you want to change. Then, drag the sliders in the Table Ruler to set to desired width.

Edit a table in MS Word - Table RulerEdit a table in MS Word - Table RulerEdit a table in MS Word - Table Ruler

Text Wrapping

If you want text to flow around the table, you can do so by changing its text wrapping. 

Click in any cell to select the table. Click Table > Table Properties….

Edit a table in MS Word - Text WrappingEdit a table in MS Word - Text WrappingEdit a table in MS Word - Text Wrapping

In the Table Properties panel and under Text Wrapping, click Around > OK.

Edit a table in MS Word - Table PropertiesEdit a table in MS Word - Table PropertiesEdit a table in MS Word - Table Properties

Now the text flows around the table.

Edit a table in MS Word - Text Wrapping AroundEdit a table in MS Word - Text Wrapping AroundEdit a table in MS Word - Text Wrapping Around

Take note that the Table Properties panel allows you to format other qualities of the table, including:

  • Size
  • Alignment
  • Positioning
  • Borders and Shading

On the other tabs, you can change:

  • Column, Row, and Cell Size
  • Allow row to break across pages
  • Repeat as header row at the top of each page
  • Cell Vertical Alignment
  • Alt Text (Title and Description) — more information about the table, to help people with vision or cognitive impairment who may not see the table

Find Great Styles for Microsoft Word

You don’t have to start from scratch to create an impressive and effective Word document — even if you don’t have design skills. You can find great styles by using a template for Word.

Premium Word templates - Envato ElementsPremium Word templates - Envato ElementsPremium Word templates - Envato Elements

Access thousands of Word templates with unlimited downloads at Envato Elements.

One great source for great Microsoft Word templates and professional graphics is Envato Elements. For one low monthly subscription, you get unlimited downloads of templates, graphics, fonts, and other creative tools you need for your project. It’s a terrific option if you create plenty of materials.

For single projects, GraphicRiver is an outstanding source for templates for Word. This marketplace gives you access to thousands of creative elements on a pay-per-use basis.

Learn More

Microsoft Word has many robust features to help you realize the vision you’ve got for your document. But with power comes complexity. That’s why it’s a good idea to learn how to use Microsoft Word. 

These articles will help you get started:

Visualize Your Data with Microsoft Word Tables

Make your information clearer and easier to understand by learning how to make a table in Microsoft Word. Tables organize data into rows and columns, which makes them easier to grasp at a glance. Follow the steps in this article to create, format, and customize tables in Word.

You can also use a premium Word template to get a premium design created by designers. Get Word templates from Envato Elements, if you want unlimited downloads of templates, graphics, and other creative tools you need — all for one flat monthly fee.

Or, get premium templates for Word from GraphicRiver if you prefer to pay for each use of an item. Both sources give you access to thousands of design elements created by professionals, so you can save time, energy, and effort while creating an outstanding Word document.

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Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo

Marketing & Communications Professional and Lifelong Learner/Canada

Lexi Rodrigo is a marketing and communications professional, copywriter, and course creator who helps remarkable brands and people get seen, heard, and known. Writing for the web since 2008, she has over 100+ blog posts published on Envato Tuts, Acadium, Mirasee, Vero, Copyblogger, FreelanceFolder, Business2Community, and others.

Lexi has supported multimillion-dollar companies and nonprofits in various marketing and communication roles. She has driven results like tripling the organic search traffic of a blog in three months and generating over $65 million in revenues, donations, and sponsorships.

She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications. She is also the co-author of «Blog Post Ideas: 21 Proven Ways to Create Compelling Content and Kiss Writer’s Block Goodbye.» When she’s not reading or writing, Lexi bakes bread, grows food, and takes long walks.

You can organize data in a Word document by using tables. Here’s how to add and customize tables in Word.

You can use a few methods to organize the content in a Word document, but one of the best is to use a table. This allows you to separate your content into columns and rows, allowing for better presentation.

There are a few methods you can use to create tables in Microsoft Word. You can insert, draw, or copy in a table from elsewhere, should you want to. Here’s how to create and customize tables in Microsoft Word following these methods.

How to Insert a Table in Microsoft Word

You can insert a table in Microsoft Word in several ways, but three ways are worth mentioning in particular. You can add a table by inserting it automatically with a set size, or you can draw a table manually using your mouse or trackpad.

Alternatively, you can also copy and paste a grouping of cells from Microsoft Excel. Once pasted, Word will convert these cells into the format of a table. The instructions below should work for all recent versions of Word. There may be slight differences in older versions of Office, however.

To add a table in Word, you’ll need first to open a blank or existing Word document and press the Insert tab on the ribbon bar. From here, click the Table button.

Inserting a table in Word

This will display a drop-down menu with various options. To insert a table automatically, select the size you want from the grid.

Once pressed, the table will be inserted onto the page using the number of rows and columns you select.

Inserting a table using a grid in Word

Alternatively, press the Insert Table option, selecting the number of rows and columns you need from the Insert Table pop-up box that appears afterward.

Inserting a table in Word

You can also draw a table instead. From the Table drop-down menu, click the Draw Table option.

Drawing a table in Word

Using your mouse or trackpad, draw a table to the size you want on your chosen page.

Once you’ve created the outer border for your table, you’ll need to draw downwards inside the table to add a column or horizontally to add a row.

Drawing a table in Word

As we’ve mentioned, you can also paste in a table using cells from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

To do this, open an Excel spreadsheet, select a grouping of cells and press Ctrl + C on your keyboard (or press Home > Copy).

Copying cells from Excel as a table

Return to your Word document, then press Ctrl + V on your keyboard to paste the cells into your document (or press Home > Paste).

Pasted cells from an Excel spreadsheet, shown as a table in Word

Formatting a Microsoft Word Table

Once your table is created in Word, you can then begin to format it. You can resize the table once it’s been created, as well as alter the bordering, font style, and more.

One easy way to format your table is by using a table style. These apply preset formatting choices to your table. To add these, select your table, then press the Design tab under the Table Tools section on the ribbon bar.

Click one of the options from the Table Styles section to apply that style to your table.

Choosing table styles in Word

To add your own formatting, select and right-click your table, then press Table Properties.

Table Properties option in Word

You can set the size of your table using the options shown in the various tabbed menus in the Table Properties box. These include options to alter the length, width, and alignment of your table columns and rows.

To change the border and shadings of your table, press the Borders and Shadings button at the bottom of the Table tab.

The Table Properties box in Word

You can easily change other table formatting options, including the font, color, and other text styles, using the standard formatting options in Word.

To do this, select the text in your table, then use the formatting options from the Font and Paragraph sections in the Home tab on the ribbon bar to make changes.

Formatting options for a table in Word

Bringing Microsoft Office Skills Together

Creating tables in a Word document is, as we’ve mentioned, a good way to organize and present your data. There are other ways you can do this, however. You could add and edit images in Microsoft Word to get your points across visually, for instance.

If you want to stick with tables, don’t forget that it’s easy to copy data from Microsoft Excel and paste it into your Word document later. If you’re new to Excel, you might find these Excel beginner tips helpful.

Insert and Edit a Table with Multiple Columns and Rows in Word

by Avantix Learning Team | Updated August 23, 2022

Applies to: Microsoft® Word® 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 and 365 (Windows)

You can create a table in a Word document in 4 easy ways using the Ribbon. A table is a grid made up of columns and rows that intersect to form cells. You can insert text, numbers and images in a table. Once you have inserted a table, you can easily add and resize columns and rows and change table formatting.

It’s best to avoid using Draw Table to create a table since the table may not be created in a consistent way.

Note: Buttons and Ribbon tabs may display in a different way (with or without text) depending on your version of Word, the size of your screen and your Control Panel settings. For newer versions of Word, Ribbon tabs may appear with different names. For example, the Table Design tab may appear as Table Tools Design.

In the following example, a table with 4 columns and 5 rows has been inserted in a Word document:

Example table in Word with 4 columns and 5 rows.

Recommended article: 10 Microsoft Word Shortcuts for Moving Around in Tables

Do you want to learn more about Microsoft Word? Check out our virtual classroom or in-person classroom Word courses >

Create a table using the Table Grid

To insert a table using Insert Table and select columns and rows in the Table Grid:

  1. Click in the Word document where you want to insert a table.
  2. Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click Table in the Tables group. A drop-down menu appears with a Table Grid.
  4. Hover over the grid until the number of columns and rows you want is selected.
  5. Click in the highlighted area of the grid to insert a table.

To insert a table, select cells in the Table Grid as follows:

Create a table in Word using the table grid.

Create a table using the Insert Table dialog box

To insert a table using the Insert Table dialog box:

  1. Click in the Word document where you want to insert a table.
  2. Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click Table in the Tables group. A drop-down menu appears.
  4. Select Insert Table. A dialog box appears.
  5. Enter the number of columns and rows you want to create.
  6. Select the desired options below AutoFit behavior (typically Fixed column width: Auto).
  7. Click OK.

The Insert Table dialog box appears with options to select the number of columns and rows:

Create a table in Word using the Insert Table dialog box and enter number of columns and rows.

Create a table using Quick Tables

To insert a table using Quick Tables:

  1. Click in the Word document where you want to insert a table.
  2. Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click Table in the Tables group. A drop-down menu appears.
  4. Select Quick Tables. A gallery appears.
  5. Click the table you want to insert.

Quick Tables appear in the Table drop-down menu:

Create a table in Word using Quick Tables.

Create a table by converting text to a table

If you have used tabs or other delimiters in paragraphs, you can convert the data into a table (if the delimiters are entered consistently). Wherever you have pressed Enter or Return to create a new paragraph, Word will create a new table row. You can use various delimiters to separate data but the most common are tabs, spaces or commas.

To convert delimited data to a table:

  1. Select the text that you want to convert.
  2. Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click Table in the Tables group. A drop-down menu appears.
  4. Select Convert Text to Table. A dialog box appears.
  5. Enter the number of columns if necessary and ensure a delimiter is selected in the Separate text at area.
  6. Under AutoFit behavior, choose how you want your table to appear. Word chooses a width for the table columns by default. If you want a different column width, choose AutoFit to contents or AutoFit to window.
  7. Click OK.

In the Convert Text to Table dialog box, enter the number of columns as well as the delimiter:

Create a table in Word by using Convert Text to Table dialog box.

Show table gridlines

Gridlines show the cell boundaries of a table on screen if table borders are not applied. Gridlines appear only on the screen and are not printed.

Gridlines are not visible when you view a document in a Web browser or in Print Preview.

To show table gridlines in a Word document:

  1. Click in a table.
  2. Click the Table Layout or Table Tools Layout tab in the Ribbon.
  3. In the Table group, check View Gridlines.

View Gridlines appears on the Table Tools Layout or Table Layout tab in the Ribbon:

View gridlines command in the Table Layout tab in the Ribbon.

Move around in a table

You can use the following keys to move from one cell to another in a table:

  • Tab to move to the next cell to the right.
  • Shift-Tab to move to the cell to left.
  • Ctrl-Tab to tab within a cell.

Add a row or a column

To add a row in a table:

  1. Click in a cell that is located above or below where you want to add a row.
  2. Click the Table Layout or Table Tools Layout tab in the Ribbon.
  3. To add a row above the cell you clicked in, click Insert Above in the Rows and Columns group. To add a row below the cell you clicked in, in the Rows and Columns group, click Insert Below.

The commands to insert rows or columns appear on the Table Tools Layout or Table Layout tab in the Ribbon:

Insert rows or columns commands in Ribbon in Word.

You can also right-click in a row and choose Insert from the drop-down menu and insert options from the sub-menu.

If you click in the last cell in a table and press Tab, Word will automatically add a row.

To add a column in a table:

  1. Click in a cell that is located to the right or left of where you want to add a column.
  2. Click the Table Layout or Table Tools Layout tab in the Ribbon.
  3. To add a column to the left of the cell you clicked in, click Insert Left in the Rows and Columns group. To add a column to the right of the cell you clicked in, in the Rows and Columns group, click Insert Right.

You can also right-click in a row and choose Insert from the drop-down menu and insert options from the sub-menu.

Delete a column or row

To delete a row or column:

  1. Select the row or column (drag over the cells or click to the left of a row or above a column when the arrow appears).
  2. Click the Table Layout or Table Tools Layout tab in the Ribbon.
  3. In the Rows & Columns group, click Delete. A drop-down menu applears.
  4. Click Delete Rows or Delete Columns as appropriate.

You can also right-click in a row or column and choose Delete from the drop-down menu and delete options from the sub-menu.

Change column width

To change column width:

  1. Select the column or columns you want to change.
  2. Click the Table Layout or Table Tools Layout tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click Properties in the Table group. You can also right-click and choose Properties from the drop-down menu. A dialog box appears.
  4. Click the Column tab.
  5. Check Preferred Width.
  6. Type the new measurement for the column width. For example, typer 1.0″ or click the up and down arrows.
  7. Click OK.

The Table Properties dialog box appears as follows with the Column tab selected:

Table Properties dialog box in Word with Column tab selected to change column width.

You can also drag the right line of a column to resize it.

Change row height

To change row height:

  1. Select the row or rows you want to change.
  2. Click the Table Layout or Table Tools Layout tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click Properties in the Table group. You can also right-click and choose Properties from the drop-down menu. A dialog box appears.
  4. Click the Row tab.
  5. Check Specify Height.
  6. Type the new measurement for the row height. For example, type 1.0″ or click the up and down arrows.
  7. Specify row height as At Least or Exactly.
  8. Click OK.

The Table Properties dialog box appears as follows with the Row tab selected:

Table Properties dialog box in Word with Row tab selected to change row height.

You can also drag the bottom line of a row to resize it.

Distribute rows and columns evenly

To distribute rows and columns evenly:

  1. Select the entire table by clicking the four-arrows that appear on the top left of the table.
  2. Click the Table Layout or Table Tools Layout tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click Distribute Rows and / or Distribute Columns in the Cell Size group.

Apply a table style

To apply a table style:

  1. Click in the table.
  2. Click the Table Design or Table Tools Design tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click a table style or click the More arrow to display the Table Styles gallery and click a style.

Table Styles gallery appears on the Table Tools Design or Table Design tab in the Ribbon:

Table Styles gallery in Word document to apply a table style.

To learn more about working with table styles, check out the article How to Format Microsoft Word Tables Using Table Styles (Ultimate Guide).

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More resources

4 Ways to Delete a Table in Word

How to Make Columns in Word (Newspaper-style)

How to Insert Formulas and Functions in Word Tables

How to Keep a Microsoft Word Table Together on One Page

How to Delete a Page in Word (Remove Blank or Extra Pages)

Related courses

Microsoft Word: Intermediate / Advanced

Microsoft Excel: Intermediate / Advanced

Microsoft PowerPoint: Intermediate / Advanced

Microsoft Word: Long Documents Master Class

Microsoft Word: Styles, Templates and Tables of Contents

Microsoft Word: Designing Dynamic Word Documents Using Fields


Our instructor-led courses are delivered in virtual classroom format or at our downtown Toronto location at 18 King Street East, Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (some in-person classroom courses may also be delivered at an alternate downtown Toronto location). Contact us at if you’d like to arrange custom instructor-led virtual classroom or onsite training on a date that’s convenient for you.

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Microsoft, the Microsoft logo, Microsoft Office and related Microsoft applications and logos are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in Canada, US and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of the registered owners.

Avantix Learning |18 King Street East, Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C 1C4 | Contact us at

A man using his computer at his desk at home.

With a few easy steps, you’ll be able to make a table on Microsoft Word, to keep your information organized. Maskot / Getty Images

Tables help you present information in a clear and organized way. There are three ways to add tables to your documents in Microsoft Word, each taking only a few easy steps. These instructions are based on Microsoft Word 2003, but the process is very similar in other versions of Word.

Here’s how to make a table from the Tables and Borders toolbar:

  1. Place the cursor where you want to place the table.
  2. Click the Insert Table icon on the Tables and Borders toolbar at the top of the window. [Microsoft]
  3. Drag the corner of the table until you have the desired number of columns and rows.
  4. Click the mouse to insert the table.

Here’s how to make a table from the Insert Table dialogue box:

  1. Click on Table from the menu bar. Select Insert, and then Table… A dialogue box will open.
  2. Enter the desired number of rows and columns.
  3. Choose AutoFit behavior if you want the table’s cells to automatically expand to fit the text inside them. Choose AutoFormat if you’d rather select a table with a specific format.
  4. Click OK to insert your table.

Here’s how to draw a table:

  1. Select Table from the menu bar.
  2. Select Draw Table.
  3. Drag the pencil diagonally across the page to make a rectangle where you want to place your table.
  4. Draw lines vertically and horizontally to create the columns and rows you need.

You can modify your table as follows:

  1. Select your table, or a portion of it.
  2. Right click your mouse. Choose Table Properties. You can also choose Table Properties from the Table menu in the menu bar. [Home & Learn]
  3. Adjust the alignment, as well as the row and column settings. You can also make use of the text wrapping feature. Click OK when you’ve made the desired changes.

Adjust your table’s colors and lines, as follows.

  1. Click the Table tab.
  2. Choose Table Properties.
  3. Click on the Borders and Shading… button. Make the desired selections and click OK, and then click OK again.

Originally Published: Apr 14, 2011

Make Table In Microsoft Word FAQ

How do you create a table in Word?

Follow these steps to make a table: (1) Put the cursor where you want to position the table, (2) On the Tables and Borders toolbar, click on the Insert Table icon, (3) Drag the table’s corner until you have the desired number of rows and column and (4) Insert the table by clicking the mouse.

How do I make a quick table in Word?

To make a table quickly, add one of the most used tables from the Quick Tables gallery.

How do I format multiple tables in Word?

Choose the table with the formatting you want to apply to other tables. Then, under the Table Tools, go to the Design tab. Click on the arrow mark under the group Table Styles and choose New Table Style. In the Properties group, set a name for the style, apply the format changes and then create new tables using the preset.

Can you do conditional formatting in a Word table?

You can use VBA to specify conditional formatting of colors in a word table. Choose Macros from the View tab > View macros. Set the name, create, replace all the content with the following code and hit Save.

How many ways are there to create a table in MS Word?

Microsoft offers five ways to create tables: draw table, insert table, the graphic grid, insert an existing or new spreadsheet table, quick tables and an option for converting existing text into a table.

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