Insert picture into picture word

Как наложить картинку на картинку в Ворде

Иногда во время работы с MS Word возникает необходимость не просто добавить картинку или несколько картинок в документ, но еще и наложить одну на другую. К большому сожалению, средства работы с изображениями в этой программе реализованы не так хорошо, как хотелось бы. Конечно, Ворд — это в первую очередь текстовый, а не графический редактор, но все же было бы не плохо совмещать две картинки путем простого перетягивания.

Урок: Как в Word наложить текст на картинку

Для того, чтобы наложить рисунок на рисунок в Ворде нужно проделать ряд несложных манипуляций, о которых мы и расскажем ниже.

1. Если вы еще не добавили в документ изображения, которые хотите наложить друг на друга, сделайте это, воспользовавшись нашей инструкцией.

Две картинки в документе Word

Урок: Как в Word вставить изображение

2. Кликните дважды по картинке, которая должна находиться на переднем плане (в нашем примере это будет меньшая картинка, логотип сайта Lumpics).

3. В открывшейся вкладке “Формат” нажмите на кнопку “Обтекание текстом”.

Кнопка обтекание текстом в Word

4. В развернувшемся меню выберите параметр “Перед текстом”.

Картинка перед текстом в Word

5. Переместите эту картинку на ту, которая должна находится за ней. Для этого просто кликните левой кнопкой мышки по изображению и переместите его в нужное место.

Картинки совмещены в Word

Для большего удобства рекомендуем проделать со второй картинкой (расположенной на заднем плане) манипуляции, описанные выше в пунктах 2 и 3, вот только из меню кнопки “Обтекание текстом” необходимо выбрать параметр “За текстом”.

Картинка за текстом в Word

Если вы хотите, чтобы две картинки, которые вы наложили друг на друга, были совмещены не только визуально, но и физически, их необходимо сгруппировать. После этого они станут единым целым, то есть, все операции, которые вы в дальнейшем будете выполнять над картинками (например, перемещение, изменение размера), будут выполняется сразу для двоих изображений, сгруппированных в одно. О том, как сгруппировать объекты, вы можете прочесть в нашей статье.

Урок: Как в Ворде сгруппировать объекты

Вот и все, из этой небольшой статьи вы узнали о том, как можно быстро и удобно наложить одну картинку поверх другой в программе Microsoft Word.

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Step-by-step guide to inserting pictures in Word

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Whether you’re working on a hefty research project or a friendly holiday greeting card, adding images to your Word document can really add value to your project. Whether you want to insert a picture from your computer or find one online, it’s easy to add photos in Word. This wikiHow teaches you how to insert an image into a Microsoft Word document using Windows, a Mac, and the free web version of Word.

Things You Should Know

  • Use the Insert tab on Windows, Mac, and the web app to add a picture.
  • Select Pictures > This Device to use an image on your computer.
  • Click the image to resize and reformat it.
  1. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 1


    Click the place in your document where you want to insert the picture. Word’s insertion cursor, a vertical blinking bar, will appear at this point. When you insert the image, its bottom-left corner will be at this point.

    • This method works for all modern versions of Word beginning with Word 2016. You can also use it as a guide for earlier versions of Windows, although there will be fewer tools and features.
    • Changing the background is done through a different method, using the Design tab.
  2. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 2


    Click the Insert tab. It’s near the top of Word between «Home» and «Draw» (or «Home» and «Design» in some versions).


  3. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 3


    Click the Pictures tool. It’s in the «Illustrations» section of the toolbar running along the top of Word. Some location options will appear. If you’re using Word 2019 or later, a menu will expand. If you’re using Word 2016 or earlier, your file browser will appear.

  4. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 4


    Select the type of image you want to insert. You can choose an image on your computer, a stock image from Microsoft, or an image from the internet.

    • Word 2019 or later:
      • Click This Device if the picture is on your computer.
      • Click Stock Images to select a free stock image from Microsoft’s collection.
      • Click Online Pictures to use Bing’s image search to find photos on the web.
      • If the photo is on your OneDrive, select Online Pictures and click OneDrive at the bottom-left corner.
    • Word 2016:
      • If the picture is on your computer, simply navigate to it in the file browser.
      • If you want to search for a photo online or insert one from Facebook, Flickr, or your OneDrive, close the file browser and click the Online Pictures icon next to the «Pictures» in the toolbar. You can then select an image from Bing image search, Flickr, or Facebook.
      • If the picture is on your OneDrive, click Online Pictures instead of Pictures and click Browse next to «OneDrive.»
  5. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 5


    Select the image you want to insert. When you find the picture, click it once to select it.

    • If you’re selecting from stock images or online images, you can click multiple pictures to add more than one.
    • If you’re choosing files from your computer and want to add more than one picture, hold the Ctrl button down as you click each image.
  6. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 6


    Click Insert. It’ll be near the bottom-right corner of the window no matter where you’ve selected your image(s). You’re done! Continue to the next steps for formatting information, or print the document when you’re ready.

  7. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 7


    Resize the picture. If you want to change the picture’s size, click it once to select it, and then drag any of the corner circles in or out.[1]

    • You can also specify the size if you want. Double-click the picture to open the Picture Format tab at the top, and then set your desired measurements next to «Height» and «Width.»
  8. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 8


    Use the curved arrow at the top of the picture to rotate it. It’s above the dot at the top-center part of the picture. To rotate, place the mouse cursor over the curved arrow, and then click and drag the cursor left or right until you’re satisfied.

  9. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 9


    Double-click the picture to access more editing tools. This opens the «Picture Format» (2019 and later) or «Format» (2016) tab at the top of Word. On this tab, you can:

    • In the «Arrange» panel in the top-right area, click Wrap Text to choose how to situate the picture in blocks of text. You can also set alignment preferences here. Wrapping the text is a good way to get your document formatted exactly the way you want.
    • To crop the picture, click the Crop tool in the «Size» panel at the top-right corner.
    • The «Adjust» panel near the top-left corner has additional tools for background removal, color effects, and corrections.
    • To add a border or effect around the picture, select one of the «Picture Styles» at the center of the Format bar, or choose any of the other options in the section to have more control over the style.
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  1. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 10


    Click the place in your document where you’d like to insert a picture. This places the cursor at that location.

  2. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 11


    Click the Insert tab. It’s at the top of Word between the «Home» and «Design» or «Home» and «Draw» tabs.

  3. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 12


    Click the Pictures icon. It’s on the toolbar that runs along the top of Word. Look for an icon of a green mountain with a yellow sun between «Tables» and «Shapes.»

  4. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 13


    Click Photo Browser or Picture from File. If you want to browse images in your Mac’s Photos app, use Photo Browser. To select an image file using Finder, choose Picture from File.

  5. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 14


    Insert the picture into the document. If you’re using the Photo Browser option, simply drag the photo into your document. If you’re using Picture from File, select the image and click Insert.

  6. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 15


    Resize the picture. If you want to increase or reduce the picture’s size, click the image to select it, and then do one of the following:

    • To maintain the picture’s proportions so it doesn’t stretch or warp, hold down the Shift key as you drag any of the sizing handles (the circles) inward or outward.[2]
    • To keep the image’s center in place as you resize, hold down the Option key as you drag the handles.
    • You can also specify a size. Double-click the Picture to open the Picture Format tab, then enter your desired measurements next to «Height» and «Width.»
  7. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 16


    Drag the curved arrow at the top of the picture to rotate it. It’s above the dot at the top-center edge of the picture. Just place the mouse cursor over the curved arrow, and then click and drag it left or right until it’s correct.

  8. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 17


    Double-click the picture to access more editing tools. This opens the «Picture Format» tab at the top of Word, which has a bunch of editing features, including the ability to remove the background and add styles.

    • Click Corrections near the top-left corner to correct lighting and color problems.
    • Click Artistic Effects to play around with filters, and Transparency to make the picture more see-through.
    • To crop the picture, click the Crop tool next to the height and width controls.
    • Click Wrap Text to choose how to situate the picture in blocks of text, and use Align and Position to ensure correct placement.
    • Click Quick Styles to choose pre-styled borders, shadows, and other options.
  9. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 18


    Click the place in your document where you’d like to insert a picture. This places the cursor at that location.

    • If it’s your first time using Office Online on the web, go to, sign in with your Microsoft account, and select Word to get started.
  2. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 19


    Click Insert. This opens the Insert tab.

  3. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 20


    Click Pictures. This opens a drop down options menu.

  4. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 21


    Select a picture type. There are four options to choose from:

    • This Device — choose a picture on your computer
    • OneDrive — choose an image from your OneDrive
    • Stock Images — insert a stock image or sticker
    • Bing Pictures — search Bing for an image
  5. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 22


    Select an image. If you choose the This Device option, you’ll be prompted to select an image from your computer. Click it to select it.

  6. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 23


    Click Open. This is in the bottom right corner of the image selection window. This will confirm your selected image and insert it into the document.

  7. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 24


    Resize the picture. If you want to change the picture’s size, click it once to select it, and then drag any of the corner circles in or out.

    • You can also specify the size if you want. Double-click the picture to open the Picture tab at the top, and then set your desired measurements next to «Height» and «Width.»
  8. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 25


    Use the curved arrow at the top of the picture to rotate it. It’s above the dot at the top-center part of the picture. To rotate, place the mouse cursor over the curved arrow, and then click and drag the cursor left or right until you’re satisfied.

  9. Image titled Add Images to a Microsoft Word Document Step 26


    Double-click the picture to access more editing tools. This opens the «Picture» tab at the top of the Word web app. On this tab, you can:

    • In the «Arrange» panel in the top-right area, click Wrap Text to choose how to situate the picture in blocks of text. You can also set alignment preferences here.
    • To crop the picture, click the Crop tool in the «Image Size» panel at the top-right corner.
    • To add a border or effect around the picture, select one of the «Picture Styles» at the center of the bar, or choose any of the other options in the section to have more control over the style.
  10. Advertisement

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  • Question

    How do I take screenshots?

    Community Answer

    On a Mac, shift command 3 to screenshot the whole screen. If you want to take a screenshot of a certain area on the screen, press shift command 4. On a Windows PC, press control and print screen at the same time, then you can paste the image into Paint or Microsoft Word.

  • Question

    When I insert several photos on an age in a Word document, the photos often won’t stay in place. How do I stop the photos from bumping each other around?

    Community Answer

    You can right-click the image, hold the cursor over the «Wrap Text» menu option, and select an option from the list that is NOT «In Line with Text» (usually selected by default), such as «Tight» or «Behind/In Front of Text.» Then you should be able to move the image freely around the page.

  • Question

    How do I format images in a Word document?

    Community Answer

    Try double-tapping the photo. A photo format menu should come up on the right side.

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  • Adding photos to your Word document increases its size.

  • Other photo modification features available in newer versions of Microsoft Word include the ability to add borders, cutout styles, shadows, beveled edges, glows, and drop shadows.

  • When you crop a picture, the actual cropped part of the picture is hidden, not removed; unless you check the «Delete Cropped Areas of Pictures» box in the «Compression Settings» dialog box. Any compressed pictures with their cropped areas deleted cannot be restored to their original appearance.

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Article SummaryX

1. Click the place you want to insert the image.
2. Click the Insert tab.
3. Click Pictures.
4. Choose a location.
5. Select the image and click Insert.
6. Double-click the picture to open editing and format tools.

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Insert pictures

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  1. Do one of the following:

    • Select Insert > Pictures > This Device for a picture on your PC.

    • Select Insert > Pictures > Stock Images for high quality images or backgrounds.

    • Select Insert > PicturesOnline Pictures for a picture on the web.

    Tip: For a picture from your OneDrive, go to the drop-down list at the top left, and switch from Bing to OneDrive.
    Insert an online picture

  2. Select the picture you want, and then select Insert.

Resize or move pictures

  • To resize a picture, select the picture and drag a corner handle.

  • To wrap text around a picture, select the picture, and then select a wrapping option.

    Text wrapping menu next to a selected square shape

    Tip: Pick something other than In Line with Text, and you can move the picture around the page: select the picture and drag it.

What about EPS?

EPS files can no longer be inserted into Office documents. For details, see Support for EPS images has been turned off in Microsoft 365.

What do you want to do?

  1. Click the location in your document where you want to insert a picture.

  2. On the Insert tab, click Pictures.

    On the Insert tab, Picture from File is highlighted.

  3. Select the option you want to use for inserting pictures.

    The Photo Browser option helps you browse through existing photo sets on your computer, such as photos in iPhoto or Photo Booth. Picture from File lets you browse through your computer’s file structure to look for photos.

  4. When you find the picture you want, drag it from the Photo Browser into your document, or click Insert in the file browser.

    Tip: The picture is embedded in your document. If your picture has a large file size and makes your document too large, you can reduce the size of your document by linking to the picture instead of embedding it. In the Choose a Picture dialog box, select the Link to File box.

You can insert a picture or photo into the body of an email message, instead of attaching the file. Inserting a picture requires that your message uses HTML formatting. To set HTML formatting, select Options > HTML.

  1. In the body of your message, click where you want to add a picture.

  2. On the Message tab, click Pictures.

    The Pictures option is highlighted on the Message tab.

  3. Select the option you want to use for inserting pictures.

    The Photo Browser option helps you browse through existing photo sets on your computer, such as photos in iPhoto or Photo Booth. Picture from File lets you browse through your computer’s file structure to look for photos.

  4. When you find the picture you want, drag it from the Photo Browser into your document, or click Open in the file browser.

    Resize the picture, if necessary, by clicking one of the handles that surround the picture and dragging it. Click the handle at the top of the picture to rotate it.

    Image with resize handles highlighted

  1. Hold down CONTROL and click the picture, and then click Change Picture.

  2. Locate a new picture on your computer, and then click Insert.

See also

Crop a picture

Move, rotate, or group a picture, text box, or other object in Office for Mac

Change the size of a picture, shape, WordArt, or other object in Word 2016 for Mac

Control text wrapping around objects in Word 2016 for Mac

Pictures make documents more engaging and easier to understand.

Tip: To add pictures in Word for the web, first switch to Editing View by clicking Edit Document > Edit in Word for the web.

Edit in Word Online

Insert a picture

Do one of the following:

  • Insert a picture from my computer: On the Insert tab, click Picture, browse to, and select the picture you want, and click Open.

  • Insert a picture from the web: On the Insert tab, click Online Pictures, and in the Search Bing box, type a word that describes the picture you’re looking for, such as ‘cat’.

    Enter a description of the picture you're looking for.

Tip: You can also insert a picture by copying it (Ctrl + C) and pasting it (Ctrl + V) where you want.

Add style and formatting to a picture

When you insert a picture, Word for the web places the picture in your document and displays the Picture Tools ribbon with the Format tab.

On the Picture Tools Format tab

Tip: To open the Picture Tools ribbon anytime you’re in Editing View, select the picture.

  • To change the picture’s size, style, or to add alt text, on the Format tab choose the style options that you want to apply to the picture.

    Image of the Format options on the Picture Tools ribbon

Note: If you have Word 2013 or 2016 for Windows, you can do much more to fine-tune a picture: compress it, crop it, remove the background, apply artistic effects, control its position on the page, put it in front of or behind the text, trim it to a specific size, and control how text wraps around it. Click Open in Word to get started.

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This tutorial shows how to insert images in Microsoft Word. We will also look at how to resize images, align images with the text, and add a border.

Quick Links:

  • How to Insert an Image
  • How to Resize an Image
  • How to Align an Image with the Text
  • How to Add a Border to an Image

Do you want to insert shapes instead of images? Please see “How to Insert and Modify Shapes in Microsoft Word (PC & Mac).”

This tutorial is also available as a YouTube video showing all the steps in real time.

Watch more than 200 other writing-related software tutorials on my YouTube channel.

The images below are from Word for Microsoft 365. These steps also apply to Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016, and Word 2013. However, the stock image options will be limited in those older versions of the software.

  1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the image. (This is an approximate placement. You can change the alignment with the text after inserting the images, as shown in the section below.)
  2. Select the Insert tab in the ribbon.

Insert tab in Word 365

Figure 1. Insert tab
  1. Select the Pictures button in the Illustrations group.

Pictures button in Word 365

Figure 2. Pictures button
  1. Select the location of the image from the Insert Picture From menu:
    • This Device lets you choose an image stored on your computer or network server.
    • Stock Images lets you choose stock images, icons, cutout people, stickers, and illustrations. The full stock image library is only available to users signed into Word for Microsoft 365.
    • Online Pictures lets you search for images through Bing, Microsoft’s search engine. This option also provides a link to OneDrive.

Insert Picture From menu in Word 365

Figure 3. Insert Picture From menu

For this tutorial, we will insert an image stored on the device.

  1. (For “This Device” option only) Locate the image in the Insert Picture dialog box.

Insert Picture dialog box in Word 365

Figure 4. Insert Picture dialog box
  1. Select the Insert button.

Insert Picture dialog box Insert button in Word 365

Figure 5. Insert button

Your image should now appear in your Word document.

How to Resize an Image in Microsoft Word

  1. Select the image. A border with resizing handles will appear when the image is selected.
  2. Select one of the resizing handles and then drag the image to a new size.

Pro Tip: Choose a corner handle to maintain the image’s current shape.

Image with resizing handles in Word 365

Figure 6. Image with resizing handles

Optional Steps: How to Rotate an Image in Microsoft Word

  1. Select the image.
  2. Select the rotation handle at the top of the border.
  3. Rotate the image to the left or right.

Image rotation handle in Word 365

Figure 7. Image rotation handle

How to Align an Image with the Text in Microsoft Word

  1. Select the image.
  2. Select the Layout Options button.

Layout Options button in Word 365

Figure 8. Layout Options button
  1. Select an option from the layout menu:
    1. In Line with Text
    2. Square
    3. Tight
    4. Through
    5. Top and Bottom
    6. Behind Text
    7. In Front of Text

The visual effectiveness of each option will depend on the size of your image and the density of your text. So, you may need to experiment with several options to find the one most suited to your content.

Layout Options menu in Word 365

Figure 9. Layout Options menu

Pro Tip: If you select an option other than In Line with Text, you can select and “grab” the image, and then move it almost anywhere in the document.

How to Add a Border to an Image in Microsoft Word

  1. Select the image.
  2. Select the Picture Format tab in the ribbon. (This tab only appears when an image is selected.)

Picture Format tab in Word 365

Figure 10. Picture Format tab

From here, you can add a built-in border or edge effect or manually create a border.

How to Add a Built-In Border or Edge Effect to an Image

  1. Select the bottom menu arrow in the Picture Styles group.

Picture Styles menu arrow in Word 365

Figure 11. Picture Styles menu arrow
  1. Select a frame or other edge effect from the Picture Styles menu.

Picture Styles menu in Word 365

Figure 12. Picture Styles menu

Your new border or edge effect should appear immediately.

Image with built-in border in Word 365

Figure 13. Image with built-in border

How to Add a Manual Border to an Image

  1. Select Picture Border in the Picture Styles group.

Picture Border button in Word 365

Figure 14. Picture Border button
  1. Select a color from the drop-down menu.

Picture border colors in Word 365

Figure 15. Picture border colors
  1. Reselect Picture Border, select Weight, and then choose a line thickness.

Border weight menu in Word 365

Figure 16. Weight menu
  1. Reselect Picture Border, select Dashes, and then choose a line style.

Border Dashes menu in Word 365

Figure 17. Dashes menu

Your new manual border should appear immediately.

Image with manual border in Word 365

Figure 18. Image with manual border

Documents with a lot of images can negatively affect Word’s performance. If you notice Word reacting slowing, please see “How to Make Microsoft Word Faster by Hiding Images.”

Related Resources

How to Write Figure Captions for Graphs, Charts, Photos, Drawings, and Maps

How to Insert Figure Captions and Table Titles in Microsoft Word

How to Change the Style of Table Titles and Figure Captions in Microsoft Word

How to Update Table and Figure Numbers in Microsoft Word

How to Save Tables and Figures as Images in Microsoft Word (PC & Mac)

Updated February 20, 2023

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