Index col pandas read excel

I have a very simple table in Excel that I’m trying to read into a DataFrame

Excel data


from pandas import DataFrame, Series
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_excel('params.xlsx', header=[0,1], index_col=None)

This results in the following DataFrame:


I didn’t expect param1.key to become the index, especially after having set index_col=None. Is there a way to get the data into a DataFrame with a generated index instead of the data from the first column?

Update — here’s what happens when you try reset_index() to resolve the issue:

DataFrame after reset_index()

Version info:

  • Python 3.5.0
  • pandas (0.17.1)
  • xlrd (0.9.4)

Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Reading and Writing Files With Pandas

pandas is a powerful and flexible Python package that allows you to work with labeled and time series data. It also provides statistics methods, enables plotting, and more. One crucial feature of pandas is its ability to write and read Excel, CSV, and many other types of files. Functions like the pandas read_csv() method enable you to work with files effectively. You can use them to save the data and labels from pandas objects to a file and load them later as pandas Series or DataFrame instances.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn:

  • What the pandas IO tools API is
  • How to read and write data to and from files
  • How to work with various file formats
  • How to work with big data efficiently

Let’s start reading and writing files!

Installing pandas

The code in this tutorial is executed with CPython 3.7.4 and pandas 0.25.1. It would be beneficial to make sure you have the latest versions of Python and pandas on your machine. You might want to create a new virtual environment and install the dependencies for this tutorial.

First, you’ll need the pandas library. You may already have it installed. If you don’t, then you can install it with pip:

Once the installation process completes, you should have pandas installed and ready.

Anaconda is an excellent Python distribution that comes with Python, many useful packages like pandas, and a package and environment manager called Conda. To learn more about Anaconda, check out Setting Up Python for Machine Learning on Windows.

If you don’t have pandas in your virtual environment, then you can install it with Conda:

Conda is powerful as it manages the dependencies and their versions. To learn more about working with Conda, you can check out the official documentation.

Preparing Data

In this tutorial, you’ll use the data related to 20 countries. Here’s an overview of the data and sources you’ll be working with:

  • Country is denoted by the country name. Each country is in the top 10 list for either population, area, or gross domestic product (GDP). The row labels for the dataset are the three-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1. The column label for the dataset is COUNTRY.

  • Population is expressed in millions. The data comes from a list of countries and dependencies by population on Wikipedia. The column label for the dataset is POP.

  • Area is expressed in thousands of kilometers squared. The data comes from a list of countries and dependencies by area on Wikipedia. The column label for the dataset is AREA.

  • Gross domestic product is expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, according to the United Nations data for 2017. You can find this data in the list of countries by nominal GDP on Wikipedia. The column label for the dataset is GDP.

  • Continent is either Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, North America, or South America. You can find this information on Wikipedia as well. The column label for the dataset is CONT.

  • Independence day is a date that commemorates a nation’s independence. The data comes from the list of national independence days on Wikipedia. The dates are shown in ISO 8601 format. The first four digits represent the year, the next two numbers are the month, and the last two are for the day of the month. The column label for the dataset is IND_DAY.

This is how the data looks as a table:

CHN China 1398.72 9596.96 12234.78 Asia
IND India 1351.16 3287.26 2575.67 Asia 1947-08-15
USA US 329.74 9833.52 19485.39 N.America 1776-07-04
IDN Indonesia 268.07 1910.93 1015.54 Asia 1945-08-17
BRA Brazil 210.32 8515.77 2055.51 S.America 1822-09-07
PAK Pakistan 205.71 881.91 302.14 Asia 1947-08-14
NGA Nigeria 200.96 923.77 375.77 Africa 1960-10-01
BGD Bangladesh 167.09 147.57 245.63 Asia 1971-03-26
RUS Russia 146.79 17098.25 1530.75 1992-06-12
MEX Mexico 126.58 1964.38 1158.23 N.America 1810-09-16
JPN Japan 126.22 377.97 4872.42 Asia
DEU Germany 83.02 357.11 3693.20 Europe
FRA France 67.02 640.68 2582.49 Europe 1789-07-14
GBR UK 66.44 242.50 2631.23 Europe
ITA Italy 60.36 301.34 1943.84 Europe
ARG Argentina 44.94 2780.40 637.49 S.America 1816-07-09
DZA Algeria 43.38 2381.74 167.56 Africa 1962-07-05
CAN Canada 37.59 9984.67 1647.12 N.America 1867-07-01
AUS Australia 25.47 7692.02 1408.68 Oceania
KAZ Kazakhstan 18.53 2724.90 159.41 Asia 1991-12-16

You may notice that some of the data is missing. For example, the continent for Russia is not specified because it spreads across both Europe and Asia. There are also several missing independence days because the data source omits them.

You can organize this data in Python using a nested dictionary:

data = {
    'CHN': {'COUNTRY': 'China', 'POP': 1_398.72, 'AREA': 9_596.96,
            'GDP': 12_234.78, 'CONT': 'Asia'},
    'IND': {'COUNTRY': 'India', 'POP': 1_351.16, 'AREA': 3_287.26,
            'GDP': 2_575.67, 'CONT': 'Asia', 'IND_DAY': '1947-08-15'},
    'USA': {'COUNTRY': 'US', 'POP': 329.74, 'AREA': 9_833.52,
            'GDP': 19_485.39, 'CONT': 'N.America',
            'IND_DAY': '1776-07-04'},
    'IDN': {'COUNTRY': 'Indonesia', 'POP': 268.07, 'AREA': 1_910.93,
            'GDP': 1_015.54, 'CONT': 'Asia', 'IND_DAY': '1945-08-17'},
    'BRA': {'COUNTRY': 'Brazil', 'POP': 210.32, 'AREA': 8_515.77,
            'GDP': 2_055.51, 'CONT': 'S.America', 'IND_DAY': '1822-09-07'},
    'PAK': {'COUNTRY': 'Pakistan', 'POP': 205.71, 'AREA': 881.91,
            'GDP': 302.14, 'CONT': 'Asia', 'IND_DAY': '1947-08-14'},
    'NGA': {'COUNTRY': 'Nigeria', 'POP': 200.96, 'AREA': 923.77,
            'GDP': 375.77, 'CONT': 'Africa', 'IND_DAY': '1960-10-01'},
    'BGD': {'COUNTRY': 'Bangladesh', 'POP': 167.09, 'AREA': 147.57,
            'GDP': 245.63, 'CONT': 'Asia', 'IND_DAY': '1971-03-26'},
    'RUS': {'COUNTRY': 'Russia', 'POP': 146.79, 'AREA': 17_098.25,
            'GDP': 1_530.75, 'IND_DAY': '1992-06-12'},
    'MEX': {'COUNTRY': 'Mexico', 'POP': 126.58, 'AREA': 1_964.38,
            'GDP': 1_158.23, 'CONT': 'N.America', 'IND_DAY': '1810-09-16'},
    'JPN': {'COUNTRY': 'Japan', 'POP': 126.22, 'AREA': 377.97,
            'GDP': 4_872.42, 'CONT': 'Asia'},
    'DEU': {'COUNTRY': 'Germany', 'POP': 83.02, 'AREA': 357.11,
            'GDP': 3_693.20, 'CONT': 'Europe'},
    'FRA': {'COUNTRY': 'France', 'POP': 67.02, 'AREA': 640.68,
            'GDP': 2_582.49, 'CONT': 'Europe', 'IND_DAY': '1789-07-14'},
    'GBR': {'COUNTRY': 'UK', 'POP': 66.44, 'AREA': 242.50,
            'GDP': 2_631.23, 'CONT': 'Europe'},
    'ITA': {'COUNTRY': 'Italy', 'POP': 60.36, 'AREA': 301.34,
            'GDP': 1_943.84, 'CONT': 'Europe'},
    'ARG': {'COUNTRY': 'Argentina', 'POP': 44.94, 'AREA': 2_780.40,
            'GDP': 637.49, 'CONT': 'S.America', 'IND_DAY': '1816-07-09'},
    'DZA': {'COUNTRY': 'Algeria', 'POP': 43.38, 'AREA': 2_381.74,
            'GDP': 167.56, 'CONT': 'Africa', 'IND_DAY': '1962-07-05'},
    'CAN': {'COUNTRY': 'Canada', 'POP': 37.59, 'AREA': 9_984.67,
            'GDP': 1_647.12, 'CONT': 'N.America', 'IND_DAY': '1867-07-01'},
    'AUS': {'COUNTRY': 'Australia', 'POP': 25.47, 'AREA': 7_692.02,
            'GDP': 1_408.68, 'CONT': 'Oceania'},
    'KAZ': {'COUNTRY': 'Kazakhstan', 'POP': 18.53, 'AREA': 2_724.90,
            'GDP': 159.41, 'CONT': 'Asia', 'IND_DAY': '1991-12-16'}

columns = ('COUNTRY', 'POP', 'AREA', 'GDP', 'CONT', 'IND_DAY')

Each row of the table is written as an inner dictionary whose keys are the column names and values are the corresponding data. These dictionaries are then collected as the values in the outer data dictionary. The corresponding keys for data are the three-letter country codes.

You can use this data to create an instance of a pandas DataFrame. First, you need to import pandas:


>>> import pandas as pd

Now that you have pandas imported, you can use the DataFrame constructor and data to create a DataFrame object.

data is organized in such a way that the country codes correspond to columns. You can reverse the rows and columns of a DataFrame with the property .T:


>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data).T
>>> df
        COUNTRY      POP     AREA      GDP       CONT     IND_DAY
CHN       China  1398.72  9596.96  12234.8       Asia         NaN
IND       India  1351.16  3287.26  2575.67       Asia  1947-08-15
USA          US   329.74  9833.52  19485.4  N.America  1776-07-04
IDN   Indonesia   268.07  1910.93  1015.54       Asia  1945-08-17
BRA      Brazil   210.32  8515.77  2055.51  S.America  1822-09-07
PAK    Pakistan   205.71   881.91   302.14       Asia  1947-08-14
NGA     Nigeria   200.96   923.77   375.77     Africa  1960-10-01
BGD  Bangladesh   167.09   147.57   245.63       Asia  1971-03-26
RUS      Russia   146.79  17098.2  1530.75        NaN  1992-06-12
MEX      Mexico   126.58  1964.38  1158.23  N.America  1810-09-16
JPN       Japan   126.22   377.97  4872.42       Asia         NaN
DEU     Germany    83.02   357.11   3693.2     Europe         NaN
FRA      France    67.02   640.68  2582.49     Europe  1789-07-14
GBR          UK    66.44    242.5  2631.23     Europe         NaN
ITA       Italy    60.36   301.34  1943.84     Europe         NaN
ARG   Argentina    44.94   2780.4   637.49  S.America  1816-07-09
DZA     Algeria    43.38  2381.74   167.56     Africa  1962-07-05
CAN      Canada    37.59  9984.67  1647.12  N.America  1867-07-01
AUS   Australia    25.47  7692.02  1408.68    Oceania         NaN
KAZ  Kazakhstan    18.53   2724.9   159.41       Asia  1991-12-16

Now you have your DataFrame object populated with the data about each country.

Versions of Python older than 3.6 did not guarantee the order of keys in dictionaries. To ensure the order of columns is maintained for older versions of Python and pandas, you can specify index=columns:


>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=columns).T

Now that you’ve prepared your data, you’re ready to start working with files!

Using the pandas read_csv() and .to_csv() Functions

A comma-separated values (CSV) file is a plaintext file with a .csv extension that holds tabular data. This is one of the most popular file formats for storing large amounts of data. Each row of the CSV file represents a single table row. The values in the same row are by default separated with commas, but you could change the separator to a semicolon, tab, space, or some other character.

Write a CSV File

You can save your pandas DataFrame as a CSV file with .to_csv():


>>> df.to_csv('data.csv')

That’s it! You’ve created the file data.csv in your current working directory. You can expand the code block below to see how your CSV file should look:


This text file contains the data separated with commas. The first column contains the row labels. In some cases, you’ll find them irrelevant. If you don’t want to keep them, then you can pass the argument index=False to .to_csv().

Read a CSV File

Once your data is saved in a CSV file, you’ll likely want to load and use it from time to time. You can do that with the pandas read_csv() function:


>>> df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col=0)
>>> df
        COUNTRY      POP      AREA       GDP       CONT     IND_DAY
CHN       China  1398.72   9596.96  12234.78       Asia         NaN
IND       India  1351.16   3287.26   2575.67       Asia  1947-08-15
USA          US   329.74   9833.52  19485.39  N.America  1776-07-04
IDN   Indonesia   268.07   1910.93   1015.54       Asia  1945-08-17
BRA      Brazil   210.32   8515.77   2055.51  S.America  1822-09-07
PAK    Pakistan   205.71    881.91    302.14       Asia  1947-08-14
NGA     Nigeria   200.96    923.77    375.77     Africa  1960-10-01
BGD  Bangladesh   167.09    147.57    245.63       Asia  1971-03-26
RUS      Russia   146.79  17098.25   1530.75        NaN  1992-06-12
MEX      Mexico   126.58   1964.38   1158.23  N.America  1810-09-16
JPN       Japan   126.22    377.97   4872.42       Asia         NaN
DEU     Germany    83.02    357.11   3693.20     Europe         NaN
FRA      France    67.02    640.68   2582.49     Europe  1789-07-14
GBR          UK    66.44    242.50   2631.23     Europe         NaN
ITA       Italy    60.36    301.34   1943.84     Europe         NaN
ARG   Argentina    44.94   2780.40    637.49  S.America  1816-07-09
DZA     Algeria    43.38   2381.74    167.56     Africa  1962-07-05
CAN      Canada    37.59   9984.67   1647.12  N.America  1867-07-01
AUS   Australia    25.47   7692.02   1408.68    Oceania         NaN
KAZ  Kazakhstan    18.53   2724.90    159.41       Asia  1991-12-16

In this case, the pandas read_csv() function returns a new DataFrame with the data and labels from the file data.csv, which you specified with the first argument. This string can be any valid path, including URLs.

The parameter index_col specifies the column from the CSV file that contains the row labels. You assign a zero-based column index to this parameter. You should determine the value of index_col when the CSV file contains the row labels to avoid loading them as data.

You’ll learn more about using pandas with CSV files later on in this tutorial. You can also check out Reading and Writing CSV Files in Python to see how to handle CSV files with the built-in Python library csv as well.

Using pandas to Write and Read Excel Files

Microsoft Excel is probably the most widely-used spreadsheet software. While older versions used binary .xls files, Excel 2007 introduced the new XML-based .xlsx file. You can read and write Excel files in pandas, similar to CSV files. However, you’ll need to install the following Python packages first:

  • xlwt to write to .xls files
  • openpyxl or XlsxWriter to write to .xlsx files
  • xlrd to read Excel files

You can install them using pip with a single command:

$ pip install xlwt openpyxl xlsxwriter xlrd

You can also use Conda:

$ conda install xlwt openpyxl xlsxwriter xlrd

Please note that you don’t have to install all these packages. For example, you don’t need both openpyxl and XlsxWriter. If you’re going to work just with .xls files, then you don’t need any of them! However, if you intend to work only with .xlsx files, then you’re going to need at least one of them, but not xlwt. Take some time to decide which packages are right for your project.

Write an Excel File

Once you have those packages installed, you can save your DataFrame in an Excel file with .to_excel():


>>> df.to_excel('data.xlsx')

The argument 'data.xlsx' represents the target file and, optionally, its path. The above statement should create the file data.xlsx in your current working directory. That file should look like this:


The first column of the file contains the labels of the rows, while the other columns store data.

Read an Excel File

You can load data from Excel files with read_excel():


>>> df = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx', index_col=0)
>>> df
        COUNTRY      POP      AREA       GDP       CONT     IND_DAY
CHN       China  1398.72   9596.96  12234.78       Asia         NaN
IND       India  1351.16   3287.26   2575.67       Asia  1947-08-15
USA          US   329.74   9833.52  19485.39  N.America  1776-07-04
IDN   Indonesia   268.07   1910.93   1015.54       Asia  1945-08-17
BRA      Brazil   210.32   8515.77   2055.51  S.America  1822-09-07
PAK    Pakistan   205.71    881.91    302.14       Asia  1947-08-14
NGA     Nigeria   200.96    923.77    375.77     Africa  1960-10-01
BGD  Bangladesh   167.09    147.57    245.63       Asia  1971-03-26
RUS      Russia   146.79  17098.25   1530.75        NaN  1992-06-12
MEX      Mexico   126.58   1964.38   1158.23  N.America  1810-09-16
JPN       Japan   126.22    377.97   4872.42       Asia         NaN
DEU     Germany    83.02    357.11   3693.20     Europe         NaN
FRA      France    67.02    640.68   2582.49     Europe  1789-07-14
GBR          UK    66.44    242.50   2631.23     Europe         NaN
ITA       Italy    60.36    301.34   1943.84     Europe         NaN
ARG   Argentina    44.94   2780.40    637.49  S.America  1816-07-09
DZA     Algeria    43.38   2381.74    167.56     Africa  1962-07-05
CAN      Canada    37.59   9984.67   1647.12  N.America  1867-07-01
AUS   Australia    25.47   7692.02   1408.68    Oceania         NaN
KAZ  Kazakhstan    18.53   2724.90    159.41       Asia  1991-12-16

read_excel() returns a new DataFrame that contains the values from data.xlsx. You can also use read_excel() with OpenDocument spreadsheets, or .ods files.

You’ll learn more about working with Excel files later on in this tutorial. You can also check out Using pandas to Read Large Excel Files in Python.

Understanding the pandas IO API

pandas IO Tools is the API that allows you to save the contents of Series and DataFrame objects to the clipboard, objects, or files of various types. It also enables loading data from the clipboard, objects, or files.

Write Files

Series and DataFrame objects have methods that enable writing data and labels to the clipboard or files. They’re named with the pattern .to_<file-type>(), where <file-type> is the type of the target file.

You’ve learned about .to_csv() and .to_excel(), but there are others, including:

  • .to_json()
  • .to_html()
  • .to_sql()
  • .to_pickle()

There are still more file types that you can write to, so this list is not exhaustive.

These methods have parameters specifying the target file path where you saved the data and labels. This is mandatory in some cases and optional in others. If this option is available and you choose to omit it, then the methods return the objects (like strings or iterables) with the contents of DataFrame instances.

The optional parameter compression decides how to compress the file with the data and labels. You’ll learn more about it later on. There are a few other parameters, but they’re mostly specific to one or several methods. You won’t go into them in detail here.

Read Files

pandas functions for reading the contents of files are named using the pattern .read_<file-type>(), where <file-type> indicates the type of the file to read. You’ve already seen the pandas read_csv() and read_excel() functions. Here are a few others:

  • read_json()
  • read_html()
  • read_sql()
  • read_pickle()

These functions have a parameter that specifies the target file path. It can be any valid string that represents the path, either on a local machine or in a URL. Other objects are also acceptable depending on the file type.

The optional parameter compression determines the type of decompression to use for the compressed files. You’ll learn about it later on in this tutorial. There are other parameters, but they’re specific to one or several functions. You won’t go into them in detail here.

Working With Different File Types

The pandas library offers a wide range of possibilities for saving your data to files and loading data from files. In this section, you’ll learn more about working with CSV and Excel files. You’ll also see how to use other types of files, like JSON, web pages, databases, and Python pickle files.

CSV Files

You’ve already learned how to read and write CSV files. Now let’s dig a little deeper into the details. When you use .to_csv() to save your DataFrame, you can provide an argument for the parameter path_or_buf to specify the path, name, and extension of the target file.

path_or_buf is the first argument .to_csv() will get. It can be any string that represents a valid file path that includes the file name and its extension. You’ve seen this in a previous example. However, if you omit path_or_buf, then .to_csv() won’t create any files. Instead, it’ll return the corresponding string:


>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data).T
>>> s = df.to_csv()
>>> print(s)

Now you have the string s instead of a CSV file. You also have some missing values in your DataFrame object. For example, the continent for Russia and the independence days for several countries (China, Japan, and so on) are not available. In data science and machine learning, you must handle missing values carefully. pandas excels here! By default, pandas uses the NaN value to replace the missing values.

The continent that corresponds to Russia in df is nan:


>>> df.loc['RUS', 'CONT']

This example uses .loc[] to get data with the specified row and column names.

When you save your DataFrame to a CSV file, empty strings ('') will represent the missing data. You can see this both in your file data.csv and in the string s. If you want to change this behavior, then use the optional parameter na_rep:


>>> df.to_csv('new-data.csv', na_rep='(missing)')

This code produces the file new-data.csv where the missing values are no longer empty strings. You can expand the code block below to see how this file should look:


Now, the string '(missing)' in the file corresponds to the nan values from df.

When pandas reads files, it considers the empty string ('') and a few others as missing values by default:

  • 'nan'
  • '-nan'
  • 'NA'
  • 'N/A'
  • 'NaN'
  • 'null'

If you don’t want this behavior, then you can pass keep_default_na=False to the pandas read_csv() function. To specify other labels for missing values, use the parameter na_values:


>>> pd.read_csv('new-data.csv', index_col=0, na_values='(missing)')
        COUNTRY      POP      AREA       GDP       CONT     IND_DAY
CHN       China  1398.72   9596.96  12234.78       Asia         NaN
IND       India  1351.16   3287.26   2575.67       Asia  1947-08-15
USA          US   329.74   9833.52  19485.39  N.America  1776-07-04
IDN   Indonesia   268.07   1910.93   1015.54       Asia  1945-08-17
BRA      Brazil   210.32   8515.77   2055.51  S.America  1822-09-07
PAK    Pakistan   205.71    881.91    302.14       Asia  1947-08-14
NGA     Nigeria   200.96    923.77    375.77     Africa  1960-10-01
BGD  Bangladesh   167.09    147.57    245.63       Asia  1971-03-26
RUS      Russia   146.79  17098.25   1530.75        NaN  1992-06-12
MEX      Mexico   126.58   1964.38   1158.23  N.America  1810-09-16
JPN       Japan   126.22    377.97   4872.42       Asia         NaN
DEU     Germany    83.02    357.11   3693.20     Europe         NaN
FRA      France    67.02    640.68   2582.49     Europe  1789-07-14
GBR          UK    66.44    242.50   2631.23     Europe         NaN
ITA       Italy    60.36    301.34   1943.84     Europe         NaN
ARG   Argentina    44.94   2780.40    637.49  S.America  1816-07-09
DZA     Algeria    43.38   2381.74    167.56     Africa  1962-07-05
CAN      Canada    37.59   9984.67   1647.12  N.America  1867-07-01
AUS   Australia    25.47   7692.02   1408.68    Oceania         NaN
KAZ  Kazakhstan    18.53   2724.90    159.41       Asia  1991-12-16

Here, you’ve marked the string '(missing)' as a new missing data label, and pandas replaced it with nan when it read the file.

When you load data from a file, pandas assigns the data types to the values of each column by default. You can check these types with .dtypes:


>>> df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col=0)
>>> df.dtypes
COUNTRY     object
POP        float64
AREA       float64
GDP        float64
CONT        object
IND_DAY     object
dtype: object

The columns with strings and dates ('COUNTRY', 'CONT', and 'IND_DAY') have the data type object. Meanwhile, the numeric columns contain 64-bit floating-point numbers (float64).

You can use the parameter dtype to specify the desired data types and parse_dates to force use of datetimes:


>>> dtypes = {'POP': 'float32', 'AREA': 'float32', 'GDP': 'float32'}
>>> df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col=0, dtype=dtypes,
...                  parse_dates=['IND_DAY'])
>>> df.dtypes
COUNTRY            object
POP               float32
AREA              float32
GDP               float32
CONT               object
IND_DAY    datetime64[ns]
dtype: object
>>> df['IND_DAY']
CHN          NaT
IND   1947-08-15
USA   1776-07-04
IDN   1945-08-17
BRA   1822-09-07
PAK   1947-08-14
NGA   1960-10-01
BGD   1971-03-26
RUS   1992-06-12
MEX   1810-09-16
JPN          NaT
DEU          NaT
FRA   1789-07-14
GBR          NaT
ITA          NaT
ARG   1816-07-09
DZA   1962-07-05
CAN   1867-07-01
AUS          NaT
KAZ   1991-12-16
Name: IND_DAY, dtype: datetime64[ns]

Now, you have 32-bit floating-point numbers (float32) as specified with dtype. These differ slightly from the original 64-bit numbers because of smaller precision. The values in the last column are considered as dates and have the data type datetime64. That’s why the NaN values in this column are replaced with NaT.

Now that you have real dates, you can save them in the format you like:


>>> df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=['IND_DAY'])
>>> df.to_csv('formatted-data.csv', date_format='%B %d, %Y')

Here, you’ve specified the parameter date_format to be '%B %d, %Y'. You can expand the code block below to see the resulting file:

IND,India,1351.16,3287.26,2575.67,Asia,"August 15, 1947"
USA,US,329.74,9833.52,19485.39,N.America,"July 04, 1776"
IDN,Indonesia,268.07,1910.93,1015.54,Asia,"August 17, 1945"
BRA,Brazil,210.32,8515.77,2055.51,S.America,"September 07, 1822"
PAK,Pakistan,205.71,881.91,302.14,Asia,"August 14, 1947"
NGA,Nigeria,200.96,923.77,375.77,Africa,"October 01, 1960"
BGD,Bangladesh,167.09,147.57,245.63,Asia,"March 26, 1971"
RUS,Russia,146.79,17098.25,1530.75,,"June 12, 1992"
MEX,Mexico,126.58,1964.38,1158.23,N.America,"September 16, 1810"
FRA,France,67.02,640.68,2582.49,Europe,"July 14, 1789"
ARG,Argentina,44.94,2780.4,637.49,S.America,"July 09, 1816"
DZA,Algeria,43.38,2381.74,167.56,Africa,"July 05, 1962"
CAN,Canada,37.59,9984.67,1647.12,N.America,"July 01, 1867"
KAZ,Kazakhstan,18.53,2724.9,159.41,Asia,"December 16, 1991"

The format of the dates is different now. The format '%B %d, %Y' means the date will first display the full name of the month, then the day followed by a comma, and finally the full year.

There are several other optional parameters that you can use with .to_csv():

  • sep denotes a values separator.
  • decimal indicates a decimal separator.
  • encoding sets the file encoding.
  • header specifies whether you want to write column labels in the file.

Here’s how you would pass arguments for sep and header:


>>> s = df.to_csv(sep=';', header=False)
>>> print(s)

The data is separated with a semicolon (';') because you’ve specified sep=';'. Also, since you passed header=False, you see your data without the header row of column names.

The pandas read_csv() function has many additional options for managing missing data, working with dates and times, quoting, encoding, handling errors, and more. For instance, if you have a file with one data column and want to get a Series object instead of a DataFrame, then you can pass squeeze=True to read_csv(). You’ll learn later on about data compression and decompression, as well as how to skip rows and columns.

JSON Files

JSON stands for JavaScript object notation. JSON files are plaintext files used for data interchange, and humans can read them easily. They follow the ISO/IEC 21778:2017 and ECMA-404 standards and use the .json extension. Python and pandas work well with JSON files, as Python’s json library offers built-in support for them.

You can save the data from your DataFrame to a JSON file with .to_json(). Start by creating a DataFrame object again. Use the dictionary data that holds the data about countries and then apply .to_json():


>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data).T
>>> df.to_json('data-columns.json')

This code produces the file data-columns.json. You can expand the code block below to see how this file should look:


data-columns.json has one large dictionary with the column labels as keys and the corresponding inner dictionaries as values.

You can get a different file structure if you pass an argument for the optional parameter orient:


>>> df.to_json('data-index.json', orient='index')

The orient parameter defaults to 'columns'. Here, you’ve set it to index.

You should get a new file data-index.json. You can expand the code block below to see the changes:


data-index.json also has one large dictionary, but this time the row labels are the keys, and the inner dictionaries are the values.

There are few more options for orient. One of them is 'records':


>>> df.to_json('data-records.json', orient='records')

This code should yield the file data-records.json. You can expand the code block below to see the content:


data-records.json holds a list with one dictionary for each row. The row labels are not written.

You can get another interesting file structure with orient='split':


>>> df.to_json('data-split.json', orient='split')

The resulting file is data-split.json. You can expand the code block below to see how this file should look:


data-split.json contains one dictionary that holds the following lists:

  • The names of the columns
  • The labels of the rows
  • The inner lists (two-dimensional sequence) that hold data values

If you don’t provide the value for the optional parameter path_or_buf that defines the file path, then .to_json() will return a JSON string instead of writing the results to a file. This behavior is consistent with .to_csv().

There are other optional parameters you can use. For instance, you can set index=False to forgo saving row labels. You can manipulate precision with double_precision, and dates with date_format and date_unit. These last two parameters are particularly important when you have time series among your data:


>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data).T
>>> df['IND_DAY'] = pd.to_datetime(df['IND_DAY'])
>>> df.dtypes
COUNTRY            object
POP                object
AREA               object
GDP                object
CONT               object
IND_DAY    datetime64[ns]
dtype: object

>>> df.to_json('data-time.json')

In this example, you’ve created the DataFrame from the dictionary data and used to_datetime() to convert the values in the last column to datetime64. You can expand the code block below to see the resulting file:


In this file, you have large integers instead of dates for the independence days. That’s because the default value of the optional parameter date_format is 'epoch' whenever orient isn’t 'table'. This default behavior expresses dates as an epoch in milliseconds relative to midnight on January 1, 1970.

However, if you pass date_format='iso', then you’ll get the dates in the ISO 8601 format. In addition, date_unit decides the units of time:


>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data).T
>>> df['IND_DAY'] = pd.to_datetime(df['IND_DAY'])
>>> df.to_json('new-data-time.json', date_format='iso', date_unit='s')

This code produces the following JSON file:


The dates in the resulting file are in the ISO 8601 format.

You can load the data from a JSON file with read_json():


>>> df = pd.read_json('data-index.json', orient='index',
...                   convert_dates=['IND_DAY'])

The parameter convert_dates has a similar purpose as parse_dates when you use it to read CSV files. The optional parameter orient is very important because it specifies how pandas understands the structure of the file.

There are other optional parameters you can use as well:

  • Set the encoding with encoding.
  • Manipulate dates with convert_dates and keep_default_dates.
  • Impact precision with dtype and precise_float.
  • Decode numeric data directly to NumPy arrays with numpy=True.

Note that you might lose the order of rows and columns when using the JSON format to store your data.

HTML Files

An HTML is a plaintext file that uses hypertext markup language to help browsers render web pages. The extensions for HTML files are .html and .htm. You’ll need to install an HTML parser library like lxml or html5lib to be able to work with HTML files:

$pip install lxml html5lib

You can also use Conda to install the same packages:

$ conda install lxml html5lib

Once you have these libraries, you can save the contents of your DataFrame as an HTML file with .to_html():


df = pd.DataFrame(data=data).T

This code generates a file data.html. You can expand the code block below to see how this file should look:

<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">

This file shows the DataFrame contents nicely. However, notice that you haven’t obtained an entire web page. You’ve just output the data that corresponds to df in the HTML format.

.to_html() won’t create a file if you don’t provide the optional parameter buf, which denotes the buffer to write to. If you leave this parameter out, then your code will return a string as it did with .to_csv() and .to_json().

Here are some other optional parameters:

  • header determines whether to save the column names.
  • index determines whether to save the row labels.
  • classes assigns cascading style sheet (CSS) classes.
  • render_links specifies whether to convert URLs to HTML links.
  • table_id assigns the CSS id to the table tag.
  • escape decides whether to convert the characters <, >, and & to HTML-safe strings.

You use parameters like these to specify different aspects of the resulting files or strings.

You can create a DataFrame object from a suitable HTML file using read_html(), which will return a DataFrame instance or a list of them:


>>> df = pd.read_html('data.html', index_col=0, parse_dates=['IND_DAY'])

This is very similar to what you did when reading CSV files. You also have parameters that help you work with dates, missing values, precision, encoding, HTML parsers, and more.

Excel Files

You’ve already learned how to read and write Excel files with pandas. However, there are a few more options worth considering. For one, when you use .to_excel(), you can specify the name of the target worksheet with the optional parameter sheet_name:


>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data).T
>>> df.to_excel('data.xlsx', sheet_name='COUNTRIES')

Here, you create a file data.xlsx with a worksheet called COUNTRIES that stores the data. The string 'data.xlsx' is the argument for the parameter excel_writer that defines the name of the Excel file or its path.

The optional parameters startrow and startcol both default to 0 and indicate the upper left-most cell where the data should start being written:


>>> df.to_excel('data-shifted.xlsx', sheet_name='COUNTRIES',
...             startrow=2, startcol=4)

Here, you specify that the table should start in the third row and the fifth column. You also used zero-based indexing, so the third row is denoted by 2 and the fifth column by 4.

Now the resulting worksheet looks like this:


As you can see, the table starts in the third row 2 and the fifth column E.

.read_excel() also has the optional parameter sheet_name that specifies which worksheets to read when loading data. It can take on one of the following values:

  • The zero-based index of the worksheet
  • The name of the worksheet
  • The list of indices or names to read multiple sheets
  • The value None to read all sheets

Here’s how you would use this parameter in your code:


>>> df = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx', sheet_name=0, index_col=0,
...                    parse_dates=['IND_DAY'])
>>> df = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx', sheet_name='COUNTRIES', index_col=0,
...                    parse_dates=['IND_DAY'])

Both statements above create the same DataFrame because the sheet_name parameters have the same values. In both cases, sheet_name=0 and sheet_name='COUNTRIES' refer to the same worksheet. The argument parse_dates=['IND_DAY'] tells pandas to try to consider the values in this column as dates or times.

There are other optional parameters you can use with .read_excel() and .to_excel() to determine the Excel engine, the encoding, the way to handle missing values and infinities, the method for writing column names and row labels, and so on.

SQL Files

pandas IO tools can also read and write databases. In this next example, you’ll write your data to a database called data.db. To get started, you’ll need the SQLAlchemy package. To learn more about it, you can read the official ORM tutorial. You’ll also need the database driver. Python has a built-in driver for SQLite.

You can install SQLAlchemy with pip:

You can also install it with Conda:

$ conda install sqlalchemy

Once you have SQLAlchemy installed, import create_engine() and create a database engine:


>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> engine = create_engine('sqlite:///data.db', echo=False)

Now that you have everything set up, the next step is to create a DataFrame object. It’s convenient to specify the data types and apply .to_sql().


>>> dtypes = {'POP': 'float64', 'AREA': 'float64', 'GDP': 'float64',
...           'IND_DAY': 'datetime64'}
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data).T.astype(dtype=dtypes)
>>> df.dtypes
COUNTRY            object
POP               float64
AREA              float64
GDP               float64
CONT               object
IND_DAY    datetime64[ns]
dtype: object

.astype() is a very convenient method you can use to set multiple data types at once.

Once you’ve created your DataFrame, you can save it to the database with .to_sql():


>>> df.to_sql('data.db', con=engine, index_label='ID')

The parameter con is used to specify the database connection or engine that you want to use. The optional parameter index_label specifies how to call the database column with the row labels. You’ll often see it take on the value ID, Id, or id.

You should get the database data.db with a single table that looks like this:


The first column contains the row labels. To omit writing them into the database, pass index=False to .to_sql(). The other columns correspond to the columns of the DataFrame.

There are a few more optional parameters. For example, you can use schema to specify the database schema and dtype to determine the types of the database columns. You can also use if_exists, which says what to do if a database with the same name and path already exists:

  • if_exists='fail' raises a ValueError and is the default.
  • if_exists='replace' drops the table and inserts new values.
  • if_exists='append' inserts new values into the table.

You can load the data from the database with read_sql():


>>> df = pd.read_sql('data.db', con=engine, index_col='ID')
>>> df
        COUNTRY      POP      AREA       GDP       CONT    IND_DAY
CHN       China  1398.72   9596.96  12234.78       Asia        NaT
IND       India  1351.16   3287.26   2575.67       Asia 1947-08-15
USA          US   329.74   9833.52  19485.39  N.America 1776-07-04
IDN   Indonesia   268.07   1910.93   1015.54       Asia 1945-08-17
BRA      Brazil   210.32   8515.77   2055.51  S.America 1822-09-07
PAK    Pakistan   205.71    881.91    302.14       Asia 1947-08-14
NGA     Nigeria   200.96    923.77    375.77     Africa 1960-10-01
BGD  Bangladesh   167.09    147.57    245.63       Asia 1971-03-26
RUS      Russia   146.79  17098.25   1530.75       None 1992-06-12
MEX      Mexico   126.58   1964.38   1158.23  N.America 1810-09-16
JPN       Japan   126.22    377.97   4872.42       Asia        NaT
DEU     Germany    83.02    357.11   3693.20     Europe        NaT
FRA      France    67.02    640.68   2582.49     Europe 1789-07-14
GBR          UK    66.44    242.50   2631.23     Europe        NaT
ITA       Italy    60.36    301.34   1943.84     Europe        NaT
ARG   Argentina    44.94   2780.40    637.49  S.America 1816-07-09
DZA     Algeria    43.38   2381.74    167.56     Africa 1962-07-05
CAN      Canada    37.59   9984.67   1647.12  N.America 1867-07-01
AUS   Australia    25.47   7692.02   1408.68    Oceania        NaT
KAZ  Kazakhstan    18.53   2724.90    159.41       Asia 1991-12-16

The parameter index_col specifies the name of the column with the row labels. Note that this inserts an extra row after the header that starts with ID. You can fix this behavior with the following line of code:


>>> = None
>>> df
        COUNTRY      POP      AREA       GDP       CONT    IND_DAY
CHN       China  1398.72   9596.96  12234.78       Asia        NaT
IND       India  1351.16   3287.26   2575.67       Asia 1947-08-15
USA          US   329.74   9833.52  19485.39  N.America 1776-07-04
IDN   Indonesia   268.07   1910.93   1015.54       Asia 1945-08-17
BRA      Brazil   210.32   8515.77   2055.51  S.America 1822-09-07
PAK    Pakistan   205.71    881.91    302.14       Asia 1947-08-14
NGA     Nigeria   200.96    923.77    375.77     Africa 1960-10-01
BGD  Bangladesh   167.09    147.57    245.63       Asia 1971-03-26
RUS      Russia   146.79  17098.25   1530.75       None 1992-06-12
MEX      Mexico   126.58   1964.38   1158.23  N.America 1810-09-16
JPN       Japan   126.22    377.97   4872.42       Asia        NaT
DEU     Germany    83.02    357.11   3693.20     Europe        NaT
FRA      France    67.02    640.68   2582.49     Europe 1789-07-14
GBR          UK    66.44    242.50   2631.23     Europe        NaT
ITA       Italy    60.36    301.34   1943.84     Europe        NaT
ARG   Argentina    44.94   2780.40    637.49  S.America 1816-07-09
DZA     Algeria    43.38   2381.74    167.56     Africa 1962-07-05
CAN      Canada    37.59   9984.67   1647.12  N.America 1867-07-01
AUS   Australia    25.47   7692.02   1408.68    Oceania        NaT
KAZ  Kazakhstan    18.53   2724.90    159.41       Asia 1991-12-16

Now you have the same DataFrame object as before.

Note that the continent for Russia is now None instead of nan. If you want to fill the missing values with nan, then you can use .fillna():


>>> df.fillna(value=float('nan'), inplace=True)

.fillna() replaces all missing values with whatever you pass to value. Here, you passed float('nan'), which says to fill all missing values with nan.

Also note that you didn’t have to pass parse_dates=['IND_DAY'] to read_sql(). That’s because your database was able to detect that the last column contains dates. However, you can pass parse_dates if you’d like. You’ll get the same results.

There are other functions that you can use to read databases, like read_sql_table() and read_sql_query(). Feel free to try them out!

Pickle Files

Pickling is the act of converting Python objects into byte streams. Unpickling is the inverse process. Python pickle files are the binary files that keep the data and hierarchy of Python objects. They usually have the extension .pickle or .pkl.

You can save your DataFrame in a pickle file with .to_pickle():


>>> dtypes = {'POP': 'float64', 'AREA': 'float64', 'GDP': 'float64',
...           'IND_DAY': 'datetime64'}
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data).T.astype(dtype=dtypes)
>>> df.to_pickle('data.pickle')

Like you did with databases, it can be convenient first to specify the data types. Then, you create a file data.pickle to contain your data. You could also pass an integer value to the optional parameter protocol, which specifies the protocol of the pickler.

You can get the data from a pickle file with read_pickle():


>>> df = pd.read_pickle('data.pickle')
>>> df
        COUNTRY      POP      AREA       GDP       CONT    IND_DAY
CHN       China  1398.72   9596.96  12234.78       Asia        NaT
IND       India  1351.16   3287.26   2575.67       Asia 1947-08-15
USA          US   329.74   9833.52  19485.39  N.America 1776-07-04
IDN   Indonesia   268.07   1910.93   1015.54       Asia 1945-08-17
BRA      Brazil   210.32   8515.77   2055.51  S.America 1822-09-07
PAK    Pakistan   205.71    881.91    302.14       Asia 1947-08-14
NGA     Nigeria   200.96    923.77    375.77     Africa 1960-10-01
BGD  Bangladesh   167.09    147.57    245.63       Asia 1971-03-26
RUS      Russia   146.79  17098.25   1530.75        NaN 1992-06-12
MEX      Mexico   126.58   1964.38   1158.23  N.America 1810-09-16
JPN       Japan   126.22    377.97   4872.42       Asia        NaT
DEU     Germany    83.02    357.11   3693.20     Europe        NaT
FRA      France    67.02    640.68   2582.49     Europe 1789-07-14
GBR          UK    66.44    242.50   2631.23     Europe        NaT
ITA       Italy    60.36    301.34   1943.84     Europe        NaT
ARG   Argentina    44.94   2780.40    637.49  S.America 1816-07-09
DZA     Algeria    43.38   2381.74    167.56     Africa 1962-07-05
CAN      Canada    37.59   9984.67   1647.12  N.America 1867-07-01
AUS   Australia    25.47   7692.02   1408.68    Oceania        NaT
KAZ  Kazakhstan    18.53   2724.90    159.41       Asia 1991-12-16

read_pickle() returns the DataFrame with the stored data. You can also check the data types:


>>> df.dtypes
COUNTRY            object
POP               float64
AREA              float64
GDP               float64
CONT               object
IND_DAY    datetime64[ns]
dtype: object

These are the same ones that you specified before using .to_pickle().

As a word of caution, you should always beware of loading pickles from untrusted sources. This can be dangerous! When you unpickle an untrustworthy file, it could execute arbitrary code on your machine, gain remote access to your computer, or otherwise exploit your device in other ways.

Working With Big Data

If your files are too large for saving or processing, then there are several approaches you can take to reduce the required disk space:

  • Compress your files
  • Choose only the columns you want
  • Omit the rows you don’t need
  • Force the use of less precise data types
  • Split the data into chunks

You’ll take a look at each of these techniques in turn.

Compress and Decompress Files

You can create an archive file like you would a regular one, with the addition of a suffix that corresponds to the desired compression type:

  • '.gz'
  • '.bz2'
  • '.zip'
  • '.xz'

pandas can deduce the compression type by itself:


>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data).T
>>> df.to_csv('')

Here, you create a compressed .csv file as an archive. The size of the regular .csv file is 1048 bytes, while the compressed file only has 766 bytes.

You can open this compressed file as usual with the pandas read_csv() function:


>>> df = pd.read_csv('', index_col=0,
...                  parse_dates=['IND_DAY'])
>>> df
        COUNTRY      POP      AREA       GDP       CONT    IND_DAY
CHN       China  1398.72   9596.96  12234.78       Asia        NaT
IND       India  1351.16   3287.26   2575.67       Asia 1947-08-15
USA          US   329.74   9833.52  19485.39  N.America 1776-07-04
IDN   Indonesia   268.07   1910.93   1015.54       Asia 1945-08-17
BRA      Brazil   210.32   8515.77   2055.51  S.America 1822-09-07
PAK    Pakistan   205.71    881.91    302.14       Asia 1947-08-14
NGA     Nigeria   200.96    923.77    375.77     Africa 1960-10-01
BGD  Bangladesh   167.09    147.57    245.63       Asia 1971-03-26
RUS      Russia   146.79  17098.25   1530.75        NaN 1992-06-12
MEX      Mexico   126.58   1964.38   1158.23  N.America 1810-09-16
JPN       Japan   126.22    377.97   4872.42       Asia        NaT
DEU     Germany    83.02    357.11   3693.20     Europe        NaT
FRA      France    67.02    640.68   2582.49     Europe 1789-07-14
GBR          UK    66.44    242.50   2631.23     Europe        NaT
ITA       Italy    60.36    301.34   1943.84     Europe        NaT
ARG   Argentina    44.94   2780.40    637.49  S.America 1816-07-09
DZA     Algeria    43.38   2381.74    167.56     Africa 1962-07-05
CAN      Canada    37.59   9984.67   1647.12  N.America 1867-07-01
AUS   Australia    25.47   7692.02   1408.68    Oceania        NaT
KAZ  Kazakhstan    18.53   2724.90    159.41       Asia 1991-12-16

read_csv() decompresses the file before reading it into a DataFrame.

You can specify the type of compression with the optional parameter compression, which can take on any of the following values:

  • 'infer'
  • 'gzip'
  • 'bz2'
  • 'zip'
  • 'xz'
  • None

The default value compression='infer' indicates that pandas should deduce the compression type from the file extension.

Here’s how you would compress a pickle file:


>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=data).T
>>> df.to_pickle('data.pickle.compress', compression='gzip')

You should get the file data.pickle.compress that you can later decompress and read:


>>> df = pd.read_pickle('data.pickle.compress', compression='gzip')

df again corresponds to the DataFrame with the same data as before.

You can give the other compression methods a try, as well. If you’re using pickle files, then keep in mind that the .zip format supports reading only.

Choose Columns

The pandas read_csv() and read_excel() functions have the optional parameter usecols that you can use to specify the columns you want to load from the file. You can pass the list of column names as the corresponding argument:


>>> df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', usecols=['COUNTRY', 'AREA'])
>>> df
       COUNTRY      AREA
0        China   9596.96
1        India   3287.26
2           US   9833.52
3    Indonesia   1910.93
4       Brazil   8515.77
5     Pakistan    881.91
6      Nigeria    923.77
7   Bangladesh    147.57
8       Russia  17098.25
9       Mexico   1964.38
10       Japan    377.97
11     Germany    357.11
12      France    640.68
13          UK    242.50
14       Italy    301.34
15   Argentina   2780.40
16     Algeria   2381.74
17      Canada   9984.67
18   Australia   7692.02
19  Kazakhstan   2724.90

Now you have a DataFrame that contains less data than before. Here, there are only the names of the countries and their areas.

Instead of the column names, you can also pass their indices:


>>> df = pd.read_csv('data.csv',index_col=0, usecols=[0, 1, 3])
>>> df
        COUNTRY      AREA
CHN       China   9596.96
IND       India   3287.26
USA          US   9833.52
IDN   Indonesia   1910.93
BRA      Brazil   8515.77
PAK    Pakistan    881.91
NGA     Nigeria    923.77
BGD  Bangladesh    147.57
RUS      Russia  17098.25
MEX      Mexico   1964.38
JPN       Japan    377.97
DEU     Germany    357.11
FRA      France    640.68
GBR          UK    242.50
ITA       Italy    301.34
ARG   Argentina   2780.40
DZA     Algeria   2381.74
CAN      Canada   9984.67
AUS   Australia   7692.02
KAZ  Kazakhstan   2724.90

Expand the code block below to compare these results with the file 'data.csv':


You can see the following columns:

  • The column at index 0 contains the row labels.
  • The column at index 1 contains the country names.
  • The column at index 3 contains the areas.

Simlarly, read_sql() has the optional parameter columns that takes a list of column names to read:


>>> df = pd.read_sql('data.db', con=engine, index_col='ID',
...                  columns=['COUNTRY', 'AREA'])
>>> = None
>>> df
        COUNTRY      AREA
CHN       China   9596.96
IND       India   3287.26
USA          US   9833.52
IDN   Indonesia   1910.93
BRA      Brazil   8515.77
PAK    Pakistan    881.91
NGA     Nigeria    923.77
BGD  Bangladesh    147.57
RUS      Russia  17098.25
MEX      Mexico   1964.38
JPN       Japan    377.97
DEU     Germany    357.11
FRA      France    640.68
GBR          UK    242.50
ITA       Italy    301.34
ARG   Argentina   2780.40
DZA     Algeria   2381.74
CAN      Canada   9984.67
AUS   Australia   7692.02
KAZ  Kazakhstan   2724.90

Again, the DataFrame only contains the columns with the names of the countries and areas. If columns is None or omitted, then all of the columns will be read, as you saw before. The default behavior is columns=None.

Omit Rows

When you test an algorithm for data processing or machine learning, you often don’t need the entire dataset. It’s convenient to load only a subset of the data to speed up the process. The pandas read_csv() and read_excel() functions have some optional parameters that allow you to select which rows you want to load:

  • skiprows: either the number of rows to skip at the beginning of the file if it’s an integer, or the zero-based indices of the rows to skip if it’s a list-like object
  • skipfooter: the number of rows to skip at the end of the file
  • nrows: the number of rows to read

Here’s how you would skip rows with odd zero-based indices, keeping the even ones:


>>> df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col=0, skiprows=range(1, 20, 2))
>>> df
        COUNTRY      POP     AREA      GDP       CONT     IND_DAY
IND       India  1351.16  3287.26  2575.67       Asia  1947-08-15
IDN   Indonesia   268.07  1910.93  1015.54       Asia  1945-08-17
PAK    Pakistan   205.71   881.91   302.14       Asia  1947-08-14
BGD  Bangladesh   167.09   147.57   245.63       Asia  1971-03-26
MEX      Mexico   126.58  1964.38  1158.23  N.America  1810-09-16
DEU     Germany    83.02   357.11  3693.20     Europe         NaN
GBR          UK    66.44   242.50  2631.23     Europe         NaN
ARG   Argentina    44.94  2780.40   637.49  S.America  1816-07-09
CAN      Canada    37.59  9984.67  1647.12  N.America  1867-07-01
KAZ  Kazakhstan    18.53  2724.90   159.41       Asia  1991-12-16

In this example, skiprows is range(1, 20, 2) and corresponds to the values 1, 3, …, 19. The instances of the Python built-in class range behave like sequences. The first row of the file data.csv is the header row. It has the index 0, so pandas loads it in. The second row with index 1 corresponds to the label CHN, and pandas skips it. The third row with the index 2 and label IND is loaded, and so on.

If you want to choose rows randomly, then skiprows can be a list or NumPy array with pseudo-random numbers, obtained either with pure Python or with NumPy.

Force Less Precise Data Types

If you’re okay with less precise data types, then you can potentially save a significant amount of memory! First, get the data types with .dtypes again:


>>> df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=['IND_DAY'])
>>> df.dtypes
COUNTRY            object
POP               float64
AREA              float64
GDP               float64
CONT               object
IND_DAY    datetime64[ns]
dtype: object

The columns with the floating-point numbers are 64-bit floats. Each number of this type float64 consumes 64 bits or 8 bytes. Each column has 20 numbers and requires 160 bytes. You can verify this with .memory_usage():


>>> df.memory_usage()
Index      160
COUNTRY    160
POP        160
AREA       160
GDP        160
CONT       160
IND_DAY    160
dtype: int64

.memory_usage() returns an instance of Series with the memory usage of each column in bytes. You can conveniently combine it with .loc[] and .sum() to get the memory for a group of columns:


>>> df.loc[:, ['POP', 'AREA', 'GDP']].memory_usage(index=False).sum()

This example shows how you can combine the numeric columns 'POP', 'AREA', and 'GDP' to get their total memory requirement. The argument index=False excludes data for row labels from the resulting Series object. For these three columns, you’ll need 480 bytes.

You can also extract the data values in the form of a NumPy array with .to_numpy() or .values. Then, use the .nbytes attribute to get the total bytes consumed by the items of the array:


>>> df.loc[:, ['POP', 'AREA', 'GDP']].to_numpy().nbytes

The result is the same 480 bytes. So, how do you save memory?

In this case, you can specify that your numeric columns 'POP', 'AREA', and 'GDP' should have the type float32. Use the optional parameter dtype to do this:


>>> dtypes = {'POP': 'float32', 'AREA': 'float32', 'GDP': 'float32'}
>>> df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col=0, dtype=dtypes,
...                  parse_dates=['IND_DAY'])

The dictionary dtypes specifies the desired data types for each column. It’s passed to the pandas read_csv() function as the argument that corresponds to the parameter dtype.

Now you can verify that each numeric column needs 80 bytes, or 4 bytes per item:


>>> df.dtypes
COUNTRY            object
POP               float32
AREA              float32
GDP               float32
CONT               object
IND_DAY    datetime64[ns]
dtype: object
>>> df.memory_usage()
Index      160
COUNTRY    160
POP         80
AREA        80
GDP         80
CONT       160
IND_DAY    160
dtype: int64
>>> df.loc[:, ['POP', 'AREA', 'GDP']].memory_usage(index=False).sum()
>>> df.loc[:, ['POP', 'AREA', 'GDP']].to_numpy().nbytes

Each value is a floating-point number of 32 bits or 4 bytes. The three numeric columns contain 20 items each. In total, you’ll need 240 bytes of memory when you work with the type float32. This is half the size of the 480 bytes you’d need to work with float64.

In addition to saving memory, you can significantly reduce the time required to process data by using float32 instead of float64 in some cases.

Use Chunks to Iterate Through Files

Another way to deal with very large datasets is to split the data into smaller chunks and process one chunk at a time. If you use read_csv(), read_json() or read_sql(), then you can specify the optional parameter chunksize:


>>> data_chunk = pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col=0, chunksize=8)
>>> type(data_chunk)
<class ''>
>>> hasattr(data_chunk, '__iter__')
>>> hasattr(data_chunk, '__next__')

chunksize defaults to None and can take on an integer value that indicates the number of items in a single chunk. When chunksize is an integer, read_csv() returns an iterable that you can use in a for loop to get and process only a fragment of the dataset in each iteration:


>>> for df_chunk in pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col=0, chunksize=8):
...     print(df_chunk, end='nn')
...     print('memory:', df_chunk.memory_usage().sum(), 'bytes',
...           end='nnn')
        COUNTRY      POP     AREA       GDP       CONT     IND_DAY
CHN       China  1398.72  9596.96  12234.78       Asia         NaN
IND       India  1351.16  3287.26   2575.67       Asia  1947-08-15
USA          US   329.74  9833.52  19485.39  N.America  1776-07-04
IDN   Indonesia   268.07  1910.93   1015.54       Asia  1945-08-17
BRA      Brazil   210.32  8515.77   2055.51  S.America  1822-09-07
PAK    Pakistan   205.71   881.91    302.14       Asia  1947-08-14
NGA     Nigeria   200.96   923.77    375.77     Africa  1960-10-01
BGD  Bangladesh   167.09   147.57    245.63       Asia  1971-03-26

memory: 448 bytes

       COUNTRY     POP      AREA      GDP       CONT     IND_DAY
RUS     Russia  146.79  17098.25  1530.75        NaN  1992-06-12
MEX     Mexico  126.58   1964.38  1158.23  N.America  1810-09-16
JPN      Japan  126.22    377.97  4872.42       Asia         NaN
DEU    Germany   83.02    357.11  3693.20     Europe         NaN
FRA     France   67.02    640.68  2582.49     Europe  1789-07-14
GBR         UK   66.44    242.50  2631.23     Europe         NaN
ITA      Italy   60.36    301.34  1943.84     Europe         NaN
ARG  Argentina   44.94   2780.40   637.49  S.America  1816-07-09

memory: 448 bytes

        COUNTRY    POP     AREA      GDP       CONT     IND_DAY
DZA     Algeria  43.38  2381.74   167.56     Africa  1962-07-05
CAN      Canada  37.59  9984.67  1647.12  N.America  1867-07-01
AUS   Australia  25.47  7692.02  1408.68    Oceania         NaN
KAZ  Kazakhstan  18.53  2724.90   159.41       Asia  1991-12-16

memory: 224 bytes

In this example, the chunksize is 8. The first iteration of the for loop returns a DataFrame with the first eight rows of the dataset only. The second iteration returns another DataFrame with the next eight rows. The third and last iteration returns the remaining four rows.

In each iteration, you get and process the DataFrame with the number of rows equal to chunksize. It’s possible to have fewer rows than the value of chunksize in the last iteration. You can use this functionality to control the amount of memory required to process data and keep that amount reasonably small.


You now know how to save the data and labels from pandas DataFrame objects to different kinds of files. You also know how to load your data from files and create DataFrame objects.

You’ve used the pandas read_csv() and .to_csv() methods to read and write CSV files. You also used similar methods to read and write Excel, JSON, HTML, SQL, and pickle files. These functions are very convenient and widely used. They allow you to save or load your data in a single function or method call.

You’ve also learned how to save time, memory, and disk space when working with large data files:

  • Compress or decompress files
  • Choose the rows and columns you want to load
  • Use less precise data types
  • Split data into chunks and process them one by one

You’ve mastered a significant step in the machine learning and data science process! If you have any questions or comments, then please put them in the comments section below.

Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Reading and Writing Files With Pandas

Excel files are one of the most common ways to store data. Fortunately the pandas function read_excel() allows you to easily read in Excel files.

This tutorial explains several ways to read Excel files into Python using pandas.

Example 1: Read Excel File into a pandas DataFrame

Suppose we have the following Excel file:

The following code shows how to use the read_excel() function to import this Excel file into a pandas DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

#import Excel file
df = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx')

#view DataFrame

        playerID team	points
0	1	 Lakers	26
1	2	 Mavs	19
2	3	 Bucks	24
3	4	 Spurs	22

Example 2: Read Excel File with Index Column

Sometimes you may also have an Excel file in which one of the columns is an index column:

In this case you can use index_col to tell pandas which column to use as the index column when importing:

import pandas as pd

#import Excel file, specifying the index column
df = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx', index_col='index')

#view DataFrame

	playerID	team	points
1	1	        Lakers	26
2	2	        Mavs	19
3	3	        Bucks	24
4	4	        Spurs	22

Example 3: Read Excel File Using Sheet Name

You can also read specific sheet names from an Excel file into a pandas DataFrame. For example, consider the following Excel file:

To read a specific sheet in as a pandas DataFrame, you can use the sheet_name() argument:

import pandas as pd

#import only second sheet
df = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx', sheet_name='second sheet')

#view DataFrame

playerID	team	points
0	1	Lakers	26
1	2	Mavs	19
2	3	Bucks	24
3	4	Spurs	22

Common Error: Install xlrd

When you attempt to use the read_excel() function, you may encounter the following error:

ImportError: Install xlrd >= 1.0.0 for Excel support

In this case, you need to first install xlrd:

pip install xlrd

Once this is installed, you may proceed to use the read_excel() function.

Additional Resources

How to Read CSV Files with Pandas
How to Export a Pandas DataFrame to Excel

io : str, bytes, ExcelFile, xlrd.Book, объект пути или файловый объект

Допускается любой допустимый строковый путь. Строка может быть URL-адресом. Допустимые схемы URL включают http, ftp, s3 и file. Для файловых URL ожидается хост. Локальный файл может быть: file://localhost/path/to/table.xlsx .

Если вы хотите передать объект пути, pandas принимает любые os.PathLike .

Под файловым объектом мы обращаемся к объектам с помощью метода read() , таким как дескриптор файла (например, через встроенную функцию open ) или StringIO .

Sheet_name : str, int, list или None, по умолчанию 0

Строки используются для имен листов.Целые числа используются в позициях листов с нулевым индексом (листы диаграммы не считаются позицией листа).Списки строк/целых чисел используются для запроса нескольких листов.Укажите None,чтобы получить все рабочие листы.

Available cases:

  • По умолчанию 0 : 1-й лист какDataFrame

  • 1 : 2-й лист какDataFrame

  • "Sheet1" : загрузить лист с именем «Лист1».

  • [0, 1, "Sheet5"] : загрузка первого, второго и листа с именем «Лист5» в виде спискаDataFrame

  • Нет:Все рабочие листы.

заголовок : int, список int, по умолчанию 0

Строка (с индексом 0) для использования для меток столбцов проанализированного DataFrame. Если передан список целых чисел, эти позиции строк будут объединены в MultiIndex . Используйте None, если заголовок отсутствует.

имена : в виде массива, по умолчанию Нет

Список названий колонок.Если файл не содержит строки заголовка,то следует явно передать заголовок=None.

index_col : int, список int, по умолчанию None

Столбец (с индексом 0) для использования в качестве меток строк DataFrame. Передайте None, если такого столбца нет. Если список передан, эти столбцы будут объединены в MultiIndex . Если с помощью usecols выбрано подмножество данных , index_col основывается на подмножестве.

Отсутствующие значения будут заполнены вперед, чтобы разрешить обмен данными с to_excel для merged_cells=True . Чтобы избежать заполнения отсутствующих значений, используйте set_index после чтения данных вместо index_col .

usecols :str, похожий на список или вызываемый, по умолчанию нет
  • Если нет,тогда разберите все колонки.

  • Если str,то указывает разделенный запятыми список букв столбцов Excel и диапазонов столбцов (например,»A:E» или «A,C,E:F»).Диапазоны включают в себя обе стороны.

  • Если список int,то указывает список номеров столбцов,которые будут разобраны (с индексом 0).

  • Если список строк,то указывает список имен столбцов,которые необходимо разобрать.

  • Если вызываемый, то сравнивайте каждое имя столбца с ним и анализируйте столбец, если вызываемый возвращает True .

Возвращает подмножество столбцов в соответствии с приведенным выше поведением.

squeeze : bool, по умолчанию False

Если обработанные данные содержат только один столбец,то верните Серию.

Устарело, начиная с версии 1.4.0: добавление .squeeze("columns") к вызову read_excel для сжатия данных.

dtype : введите имя или словарь столбца -> тип, по умолчанию Нет

Тип данных для данных или столбцов.Например,{‘a’:np.float64,’b’:np.int32}.Используйтеobjectчтобы сохранить данные в том виде,в котором они хранятся в Excel,и не интерпретировать dtype.Если указаны конвертеры,они будут применены ВМЕСТО преобразования dtype.

engine : str, по умолчанию Нет

Если io не является буфером или путем,это значение должно быть установлено для идентификации io.Поддерживаемые движки:»xlrd»,»openpyxl»,»odf»,»pyxlsb».Совместимость с движками :

  • «xlrd» поддерживает файлы Excel старого стиля (.xls).

  • «openpyxl» поддерживает новые форматы файлов Excel.

  • «odf» поддерживает форматы файлов OpenDocument (.odf,.ods,.odt).

  • «pyxlsb» поддерживает бинарные файлы Excel.

Изменено в версии 1.2.0: Движок xlrd теперь поддерживает только файлы .xls старого стиля . Когда engine=None , для определения двигателя будет использоваться следующая логика:

  • Если path_or_buffer является форматом OpenDocument (.odf, .ods, .odt), то будет использоваться odf .

  • В противном случае, если path_or_buffer является форматом xls, будет использоваться xlrd .

  • В противном случае, если path_or_buffer находится в формате pyxlsb будет использоваться pyxlsb .

    Новинка в версии 1.3.0.

  • В противном случае будет использоваться openpyxl .

    Изменено в версии 1.3.0.

конвертеры : dict, по умолчанию нет

Диктат функций для преобразования значений в определенных столбцах.Ключами могут быть как целые числа,так и метки столбцов,значения-это функции,которые принимают один входной аргумент,содержимое ячейки Excel,и возвращают преобразованное содержимое.

true_values : список, по умолчанию Нет

Ценности считать Правдой.

false_values : список, по умолчанию Нет

Ценности,которые следует считать Ложными.

skiprows : в виде списка, int или вызываемый, необязательный

Номера строк, которые нужно пропустить (с индексом 0), или количество строк, которые нужно пропустить (int) в начале файла. Если вызываемая, вызываемая функция будет оцениваться по индексам строки, возвращая True, если строка должна быть пропущена, и False в противном случае. Примером допустимого вызываемого аргумента может быть lambda x: x in [0, 2] .

nrows : int, по умолчанию None

Количество строк для разбора.

na_values : scalar , str, list-like или dict, по умолчанию нет

Дополнительные строки для распознавания как NA/NaN. Если dict передан, конкретные значения NA для каждого столбца. По умолчанию следующие значения интерпретируются как NaN: », ‘#N/A’, ‘#N/AN/A’, ‘#NA’, ‘-1.#IND’, ‘-1.#QNAN’, ‘-NaN’, ‘-nan’, ‘1.#IND’, ‘1.#QNAN’, ‘<NA>’, ‘N/A’, ‘NA’, ‘NULL’, ‘NaN’, ‘n / а ‘, ‘нан’, ‘нуль’.

keep_default_na : bool, по умолчанию True

Включать или нет значения NaN по умолчанию при разборе данных.В зависимости от того.na_valuesпередается,поведение будет следующим:

  • Ifkeep_default_naистинно,иna_valuesare specified,na_valuesдобавляется к значениям NaN по умолчанию,используемым при разборе.

  • Ifkeep_default_naистинно,иna_valuesне указаны,при разборе используются только значения NaN по умолчанию.

  • Ifkeep_default_naэто Ложь,иna_valuesуказаны,только значения NaN,указанныеna_valuesиспользуются для разбора.

  • Ifkeep_default_naэто Ложь,иna_valuesне указаны,ни одна строка не будет разобрана как NaN.

Обратите внимание,что еслиna_filterпередается как False,тоkeep_default_naandna_valuesпараметры будут проигнорированы.

na_filter : bool, по умолчанию True

Обнаружение пропущенных маркеров значений (пустые строки и значение na_values).В данных без NA,передача na_filter=False может улучшить производительность чтения большого файла.

verbose : bool, по умолчанию False

Укажите количество значений АН,помещенных в нецифровые колонки.

parse_dates : bool, list-like или dict, по умолчанию False

Поведение таково:

  • булево. Если True -> попробуйте разобрать index.

  • список int или имен. например, If [1, 2, 3] -> попробуйте разобрать столбцы 1, 2, 3 каждый как отдельный столбец даты.

  • список списков. например, If [[1, 3]] -> объедините столбцы 1 и 3 и проанализируйте как один столбец даты.

  • dict, например {‘foo’ : [1, 3]} -> анализировать столбцы 1, 3 как дату и вызывать результат ‘foo’

Если столбец или индекс содержат неразборчивую дату, весь столбец или индекс будут возвращены без изменений как объектный тип данных. Если вы не хотите анализировать некоторые ячейки как дату, просто измените их тип в Excel на «Текст». Для нестандартного синтаксического анализа даты и времени используйте pd.to_datetime после pd.read_excel .

Примечание:Быстрый путь существует для дат в формате iso8601.

date_parser:function, optional

Функция, используемая для преобразования последовательности строковых столбцов в массив экземпляров datetime. По умолчанию для преобразования используется dateutil.parser.parser . Панды попробуют позвонитьdate_parserтремя различными способами,переходя к следующему,если возникает исключение:1)Передать один или несколько массивов (как определено вparse_dates) в качестве аргументов; 2) объединить (по строкам) строковые значения из столбцов, определенныхparse_datesв один массив и передать его;и 3)вызватьdate_parserодин раз для каждой строки,используя одну или несколько строк (соответствующих столбцам,определенным с помощьюparse_dates) в качестве аргументов.

тысяч : str, по умолчанию нет

Разделитель тысяч для разбора столбцов строки на числовые.Обратите внимание,что этот параметр необходим только для столбцов,хранящихся как TEXT в Excel,любые числовые столбцы будут автоматически разобраны,независимо от формата отображения.

десятичная :str, по умолчанию ‘.’

Символ,который следует распознать как десятичную точку при разборе строковых столбцов в числовые.Обратите внимание,что этот параметр необходим только для столбцов,сохраненных в Excel как TEXT,любые числовые столбцы будут автоматически разобраны,независимо от формата отображения (например,используйте ‘,’ для европейских данных).

Новинка в версии 1.4.0.

комментарий : str, по умолчанию Нет

Комментарии за кадром.Передайте символ или символы в этот аргумент для указания комментариев во входном файле.Любые данные между строкой комментария и концом текущей строки игнорируются.

skipfooter : int, по умолчанию 0

Ряды в конце,чтобы пропустить (0-индекс).

convert_float : bool, по умолчанию True

Преобразование целых чисел с плавающей запятой в целочисленные (т. е. 1,0 -> 1). Если False, все числовые данные будут считаны как числа с плавающей запятой: Excel хранит все числа как числа с плавающей запятой внутри.

Исправлено с версии 1.3.0:convert_float будет удален в будущей версии

mangle_dupe_cols : bool, по умолчанию True

Дублирующиеся столбцы будут указаны как ‘X’,’X.1′,…’X.N’,а не ‘X’…’X’.Если передать значение False,данные будут перезаписаны,если в столбцах есть дублирующиеся имена.

Исправлено с версии 1.5.0:Не реализовано,вместо него будет добавлен новый аргумент для указания шаблона для имен дублирующихся колонок

storage_options:dict, optional

Дополнительные параметры, которые имеют смысл для конкретного подключения к хранилищу, например хост, порт, имя пользователя, пароль и т. д. Для URL-адресов HTTP(S) пары ключ-значение перенаправляются в urllib.request.Request в качестве параметров заголовка. Для других URL-адресов (например, начинающихся с «s3://» и «gcs://») пары «ключ-значение» перенаправляются в . Дополнительные сведения см. fsspec и urllib , а дополнительные примеры вариантов хранения см . здесь .

Новое в версии 1.2.0.

pandas.read_excel() function is used to read excel sheet with extension xlsx into pandas DataFrame. By reading a single sheet it returns a pandas DataFrame object, but reading two sheets it returns a Dict of DataFrame.

pandas Read Excel Key Points

  • This supports to read files with extension xls, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, odf, ods and odt 
  • Can load excel files stored in a local filesystem or from an URL.
  • For URL, it supports http, ftp, s3, and file.
  • Also supports reading from a single sheet or a list of sheets.
  • When reading a two sheets, it returns a Dict of DataFrame.

Table of contents –

  • Read Excel Sheet into DataFrame
  • Read by Ignoring Column Names
  • Set Column from Excel as Index
  • Read Excel by Sheet Name
  • Read Two Sheets
  • Skip Columns From Excel
  • Skip Rows From Excel
  • Other Important Params

I have an excel file with two sheets named Technologies and Schedule, I will be using this to demonstrate how to read into pandas DataFrame.

pandas read excelpandas read excel sheet

Notice that on our excel file the top row contains the header of the table which can be used as column names on DataFrame.

1. pandas Read Excel Sheet

Use pandas.read_excel() function to read excel sheet into pandas DataFrame, by default it loads the first sheet from the excel file and parses the first row as a DataFrame column name. Excel file has an extension .xlsx. This function also supports several extensions xls, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, odf, ods and odt .

Following are some of the features supported by read_excel() with optional param.

  • Reading excel file from URL, S3, and from local file ad supports several extensions.
  • Ignoreing the column names and provides an option to set column names.
  • Setting column as Index
  • Considering multiple values as NaN
  • Decimal points to use for numbers
  • Data types for each column
  • Skipping rows and columns

I will cover how to use some of these optional params with examples, first let’s see how to read an excel sheet & create a DataFrame without any params.

import pandas as pd
# Read Excel file
df = pd.read_excel('c:/apps/courses_schedule.xlsx')

# Outputs
#   Courses    Fee  Duration  Discount
#0    Spark  25000   50 Days      2000
#1   Pandas  20000   35 Days      1000
#2     Java  15000       NaN       800
#3   Python  15000   30 Days       500
#4      PHP  18000   30 Days       800

Related: pandas Write to Excel Sheet

By default, it considers the first row from excel as a header and used it as DataFrame column names. In case you wanted to consider the first row from excel as a data record use header=None param and use names param to specify the column names. Not specifying names result in column names with numerical numbers.

# Read excel by considering first row as data
columns = ['courses','course_fee','course_duration','course_discount']
df2 = pd.read_excel('c:/apps/courses_schedule.xlsx', 
                   header=None, names = columns)

# Outputs        
#0  courses  course_fee  Duration  Discount
#1    Spark  25000   50 Days      2000
#2   Pandas  20000   35 Days      1000
#3     Java  15000       NaN       800
#4   Python  15000   30 Days       500
#5      PHP  18000   30 Days       800

3. Set Column from Excel as Index

If you notice, the DataFrame was created with the default index, if you wanted to set the column name as index use index_col param. This param takes values {int, list of int, default None}. If a list is passed with header positions, it creates a MultiIndex.

By default, it is set to None meaning not column is set as an index.

# Read excel by setting column as index
df2 = pd.read_excel('c:/apps/courses_schedule.xlsx', 

# Outputs
#           Fee Duration  Discount
#Spark    25000  50 Days      2000
#Pandas   20000  35 Days      1000
#Java     15000      NaN       800
#Python   15000  30 Days       500
#PHP      18000  30 Days       800

4. Read Excel by Sheet Name

As I said in the above section by default pandas read the first sheet from the excel file and provide a sheet_name param to read a specific sheet by name. This param takes {str, int, list, or None} as values. This is also used to load a sheet by position.

By default, it is set to 0 meaning load the first sheet.

# Read specific excel sheet
df = pd.read_excel('records.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1')

5. Read Two Sheets

sheet_name param also takes a list of sheet names as values that can be used to read two sheets into pandas DataFrame. Not that while reading two sheets it returns a Dict of DataFrame. The key in Dict is a sheet name and the value would be DataFrame.

Use None to load all sheets from excel and returns a Dict of Dictionary.

# Read Multiple sheets
dict_df = pd.read_excel('c:/apps/courses_schedule.xlsx', 

# Get DataFrame from Dict
technologies_df = dict_df .get('Technologies')
schedule_df = dict_df.get('Schedule')

# Print DataFrame's

I will leave this to you to execute and validate the output.

6. Skip Columns From Excel Sheet

Sometimes while reading an excel sheet into pandas DataFrame you may need to skip columns, you can do this by using usecols param. This takes values {int, str, list-like, or callable default None}. To specify the list of column names or positions use a list of strings or a list of int.

By default it is set to None meaning load all columns

# Read excel by skipping columns
df2 = pd.read_excel('c:/apps/courses_schedule.xlsx', 
                   usecols=['Courses', 'Duration'])
# Outputs
#  Courses Duration
#0   Spark  50 Days
#1  Pandas  35 Days
#2    Java      NaN
#3  Python  30 Days
#4     PHP  30 Days

Alternatively, you can also write it by column position.

# Skip columns with list of values
df = pd.read_excel('records.xlsx', usecols=[0,2])

Also supports a range of columns as value. For example, value ‘B:D’ means parsing B, C, and D columns.

# Skip columns by range
df2 = pd.read_excel('c:/apps/courses_schedule.xlsx', 

     Fee Duration  Discount
0  25000  50 Days      2000
1  20000  35 Days      1000
2  15000      NaN       800
3  15000  30 Days       500
4  18000  30 Days       800

7. Skip Rows from Excel Sheet

Use skiprows param to skip rows from the excel file, this param takes values {list-like, int, or callable, optional}. With this, you can skip the first few rows, selected rows, and range of rows. The below example skips the first 3 rows and considers the 4th row from excel as the header.

# Read excel file by skipping rows
df2 = pd.read_excel('c:/apps/courses_schedule.xlsx', 

   Pandas  20000  35 Days  1000
0    Java  15000      NaN   800
1  Python  15000  30 Days   500
2     PHP  18000  30 Days   800

Use header=None to consider the 4th row as data. you can also use a list of rows to skip.

# Using skiprows to skip rows
df2 = pd.read_excel('c:/apps/courses_schedule.xlsx', 

  Courses    Fee Duration  Discount
0  Pandas  20000  35 Days      1000
1  Python  15000  30 Days       500
2     PHP  18000  30 Days       800

By using a lambda expression.

# Using skiprows with lambda
df2 = pd.read_excel('c:/apps/courses_schedule.xlsx', 
                   skiprows=lambda x: x in [1,3])

8. Other Important Params

  • dtype – Dict with column name an type.
  • nrows – How many rows to parse.
  • na_values – Additional strings to recognize as NA/NaN. 
  • keep_default_na – Whether or not to include the default NaN values when parsing the data. 
  • na_filter – Filters missing values.
  • parse_dates – Specify the column index you wanted to parse as dates
  • thousands – Thousands separator for parsing string columns to numeric.
  • skipfooter – Specify how to rows you wanted to skip from the footer.
  • mangle_dupe_cols – Duplicate columns will be specified as ‘X’, ‘X.1’, …’X.N’, 

For complete params and description, refer to pandas documentation.


In this article, you have learned how to read an Excel sheet and covert it into DataFrame by ignoring header, skipping rows, skipping columns, specifying column names, and many more.

Happy Learning !!

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  • pandas ExcelWriter Usage with Examples
  • pandas write CSV file
  • Pandas Read SQL Query or Table with Examples
  • Pandas Read TSV with Examples
  • Pandas Read Text with Examples
  • Pandas read_csv() with Examples
  • Pandas Read JSON File with Examples
  • How to Read CSV from String in Pandas
  • Pandas Write to Excel with Examples



Why learn to work with Excel with Python? Excel is one of the most popular and widely-used data tools; it’s hard to find an organization that doesn’t work with it in some way. From analysts, to sales VPs, to CEOs, various professionals use Excel for both quick stats and serious data crunching.

With Excel being so pervasive, data professionals must be familiar with it. Working with data in Python or R offers serious advantages over Excel’s UI, so finding a way to work with Excel using code is critical. Thankfully, there’s a great tool already out there for using Excel with Python called pandas.

Pandas has excellent methods for reading all kinds of data from Excel files. You can also export your results from pandas back to Excel, if that’s preferred by your intended audience. Pandas is great for other routine data analysis tasks, such as:

  • quick Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
  • drawing attractive plots
  • feeding data into machine learning tools like scikit-learn
  • building machine learning models on your data
  • taking cleaned and processed data to any number of data tools

Pandas is better at automating data processing tasks than Excel, including processing Excel files.

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to work with Excel files in pandas. We will cover the following concepts.

  • setting up your computer with the necessary software
  • reading in data from Excel files into pandas
  • data exploration in pandas
  • visualizing data in pandas using the matplotlib visualization library
  • manipulating and reshaping data in pandas
  • moving data from pandas into Excel

Note that this tutorial does not provide a deep dive into pandas. To explore pandas more, check out our course.

System Prerequisites

We will use Python 3 and Jupyter Notebook to demonstrate the code in this tutorial.In addition to Python and Jupyter Notebook, you will need the following Python modules:

  • matplotlib — data visualization
  • NumPy — numerical data functionality
  • OpenPyXL — read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files
  • pandas — data import, clean-up, exploration, and analysis
  • xlrd — read Excel data
  • xlwt — write to Excel
  • XlsxWriter — write to Excel (xlsx) files

There are multiple ways to get set up with all the modules. We cover three of the most common scenarios below.

  • If you have Python installed via Anaconda package manager, you can install the required modules using the command conda install. For example, to install pandas, you would execute the command — conda install pandas.
  • If you already have a regular, non-Anaconda Python installed on the computer, you can install the required modules using pip. Open your command line program and execute command pip install <module name> to install a module. You should replace <module name> with the actual name of the module you are trying to install. For example, to install pandas, you would execute command — pip install pandas.
  • If you don’t have Python already installed, you should get it through the Anaconda package manager. Anaconda provides installers for Windows, Mac, and Linux Computers. If you choose the full installer, you will get all the modules you need, along with Python and pandas within a single package. This is the easiest and fastest way to get started.

The Data Set

In this tutorial, we will use a multi-sheet Excel file we created from Kaggle’s IMDB Scores data. You can download the file here.


Our Excel file has three sheets: ‘1900s,’ ‘2000s,’ and ‘2010s.’ Each sheet has data for movies from those years.

We will use this data set to find the ratings distribution for the movies, visualize movies with highest ratings and net earnings and calculate statistical information about the movies. We will be analyzing and exploring this data using Python and pandas, thus demonstrating pandas capabilities for working with Excel data in Python.

Read data from the Excel file

We need to first import the data from the Excel file into pandas. To do that, we start by importing the pandas module.

import pandas as pd

We then use the pandas’ read_excel method to read in data from the Excel file. The easiest way to call this method is to pass the file name. If no sheet name is specified then it will read the first sheet in the index (as shown below).

excel_file = 'movies.xls'
movies = pd.read_excel(excel_file)

Here, the read_excel method read the data from the Excel file into a pandas DataFrame object. Pandas defaults to storing data in DataFrames. We then stored this DataFrame into a variable called movies.

Pandas has a built-in DataFrame.head() method that we can use to easily display the first few rows of our DataFrame. If no argument is passed, it will display first five rows. If a number is passed, it will display the equal number of rows from the top.

Title Year Genres Language Country Content Rating Duration Aspect Ratio Budget Gross Earnings Facebook Likes — Actor 1 Facebook Likes — Actor 2 Facebook Likes — Actor 3 Facebook Likes — cast Total Facebook likes — Movie Facenumber in posters User Votes Reviews by Users Reviews by Crtiics IMDB Score
0 Intolerance: Love’s Struggle Throughout the Ages 1916 Drama|History|War NaN USA Not Rated 123 1.33 385907.0 NaN 436 22 9.0 481 691 1 10718 88 69.0 8.0
1 Over the Hill to the Poorhouse 1920 Crime|Drama NaN USA NaN 110 1.33 100000.0 3000000.0 2 2 0.0 4 0 1 5 1 1.0 4.8
2 The Big Parade 1925 Drama|Romance|War NaN USA Not Rated 151 1.33 245000.0 NaN 81 12 6.0 108 226 0 4849 45 48.0 8.3
3 Metropolis 1927 Drama|Sci-Fi German Germany Not Rated 145 1.33 6000000.0 26435.0 136 23 18.0 203 12000 1 111841 413 260.0 8.3
4 Pandora’s Box 1929 Crime|Drama|Romance German Germany Not Rated 110 1.33 NaN 9950.0 426 20 3.0 455 926 1 7431 84 71.0 8.0

5 rows × 25 columns

Excel files quite often have multiple sheets and the ability to read a specific sheet or all of them is very important. To make this easy, the pandas read_excel method takes an argument called sheetname that tells pandas which sheet to read in the data from. For this, you can either use the sheet name or the sheet number. Sheet numbers start with zero. If the sheetname argument is not given, it defaults to zero and pandas will import the first sheet.

By default, pandas will automatically assign a numeric index or row label starting with zero. You may want to leave the default index as such if your data doesn’t have a column with unique values that can serve as a better index. In case there is a column that you feel would serve as a better index, you can override the default behavior by setting index_col property to a column. It takes a numeric value for setting a single column as index or a list of numeric values for creating a multi-index.

In the below code, we are choosing the first column, ‘Title’, as index (index=0) by passing zero to the index_col argument.

movies_sheet1 = pd.read_excel(excel_file, sheetname=0, index_col=0)
Year Genres Language Country Content Rating Duration Aspect Ratio Budget Gross Earnings Director Facebook Likes — Actor 1 Facebook Likes — Actor 2 Facebook Likes — Actor 3 Facebook Likes — cast Total Facebook likes — Movie Facenumber in posters User Votes Reviews by Users Reviews by Crtiics IMDB Score
Intolerance: Love’s Struggle Throughout the Ages 1916 Drama|History|War NaN USA Not Rated 123 1.33 385907.0 NaN D.W. Griffith 436 22 9.0 481 691 1 10718 88 69.0 8.0
Over the Hill to the Poorhouse 1920 Crime|Drama NaN USA NaN 110 1.33 100000.0 3000000.0 Harry F. Millarde 2 2 0.0 4 0 1 5 1 1.0 4.8
The Big Parade 1925 Drama|Romance|War NaN USA Not Rated 151 1.33 245000.0 NaN King Vidor 81 12 6.0 108 226 0 4849 45 48.0 8.3
Metropolis 1927 Drama|Sci-Fi German Germany Not Rated 145 1.33 6000000.0 26435.0 Fritz Lang 136 23 18.0 203 12000 1 111841 413 260.0 8.3
Pandora’s Box 1929 Crime|Drama|Romance German Germany Not Rated 110 1.33 NaN 9950.0 Georg Wilhelm Pabst 426 20 3.0 455 926 1 7431 84 71.0 8.0

5 rows × 24 columns

As you noticed above, our Excel data file has three sheets. We already read the first sheet in a DataFrame above. Now, using the same syntax, we will read in rest of the two sheets too.

movies_sheet2 = pd.read_excel(excel_file, sheetname=1, index_col=0)
Year Genres Language Country Content Rating Duration Aspect Ratio Budget Gross Earnings Director Facebook Likes — Actor 1 Facebook Likes — Actor 2 Facebook Likes — Actor 3 Facebook Likes — cast Total Facebook likes — Movie Facenumber in posters User Votes Reviews by Users Reviews by Crtiics IMDB Score
102 Dalmatians 2000 Adventure|Comedy|Family English USA G 100.0 1.85 85000000.0 66941559.0 Kevin Lima 2000.0 795.0 439.0 4182 372 1 26413 77.0 84.0 4.8
28 Days 2000 Comedy|Drama English USA PG-13 103.0 1.37 43000000.0 37035515.0 Betty Thomas 12000.0 10000.0 664.0 23864 0 1 34597 194.0 116.0 6.0
3 Strikes 2000 Comedy English USA R 82.0 1.85 6000000.0 9821335.0 DJ Pooh 939.0 706.0 585.0 3354 118 1 1415 10.0 22.0 4.0
Aberdeen 2000 Drama English UK NaN 106.0 1.85 6500000.0 64148.0 Hans Petter Moland 844.0 2.0 0.0 846 260 0 2601 35.0 28.0 7.3
All the Pretty Horses 2000 Drama|Romance|Western English USA PG-13 220.0 2.35 57000000.0 15527125.0 Billy Bob Thornton 13000.0 861.0 820.0 15006 652 2 11388 183.0 85.0 5.8

5 rows × 24 columns

movies_sheet3 = pd.read_excel(excel_file, sheetname=2, index_col=0)
Year Genres Language Country Content Rating Duration Aspect Ratio Budget Gross Earnings Director Facebook Likes — Actor 1 Facebook Likes — Actor 2 Facebook Likes — Actor 3 Facebook Likes — cast Total Facebook likes — Movie Facenumber in posters User Votes Reviews by Users Reviews by Crtiics IMDB Score
127 Hours 2010.0 Adventure|Biography|Drama|Thriller English USA R 94.0 1.85 18000000.0 18329466.0 Danny Boyle 11000.0 642.0 223.0 11984 63000 0.0 279179 440.0 450.0 7.6
3 Backyards 2010.0 Drama English USA R 88.0 NaN 300000.0 NaN Eric Mendelsohn 795.0 659.0 301.0 1884 92 0.0 554 23.0 20.0 5.2
3 2010.0 Comedy|Drama|Romance German Germany Unrated 119.0 2.35 NaN 59774.0 Tom Tykwer 24.0 20.0 9.0 69 2000 0.0 4212 18.0 76.0 6.8
8: The Mormon Proposition 2010.0 Documentary English USA R 80.0 1.78 2500000.0 99851.0 Reed Cowan 191.0 12.0 5.0 210 0 0.0 1138 30.0 28.0 7.1
A Turtle’s Tale: Sammy’s Adventures 2010.0 Adventure|Animation|Family English France PG 88.0 2.35 NaN NaN Ben Stassen 783.0 749.0 602.0 3874 0 2.0 5385 22.0 56.0 6.1

5 rows × 24 columns

Since all the three sheets have similar data but for different recordsmovies, we will create a single DataFrame from all the three DataFrames we created above. We will use the pandas concat method for this and pass in the names of the three DataFrames we just created and assign the results to a new DataFrame object, movies. By keeping the DataFrame name same as before, we are over-writing the previously created DataFrame.

movies = pd.concat([movies_sheet1, movies_sheet2, movies_sheet3])

We can check if this concatenation by checking the number of rows in the combined DataFrame by calling the method shape on it that will give us the number of rows and columns.

(5042, 24)

Using the ExcelFile class to read multiple sheets

We can also use the ExcelFile class to work with multiple sheets from the same Excel file. We first wrap the Excel file using ExcelFile and then pass it to read_excel method.

xlsx = pd.ExcelFile(excel_file)
movies_sheets = []
for sheet in xlsx.sheet_names:
movies = pd.concat(movies_sheets)

If you are reading an Excel file with a lot of sheets and are creating a lot of DataFrames, ExcelFile is more convenient and efficient in comparison to read_excel. With ExcelFile, you only need to pass the Excel file once, and then you can use it to get the DataFrames. When using read_excel, you pass the Excel file every time and hence the file is loaded again for every sheet. This can be a huge performance drag if the Excel file has many sheets with a large number of rows.

Exploring the data

Now that we have read in the movies data set from our Excel file, we can start exploring it using pandas. A pandas DataFrame stores the data in a tabular format, just like the way Excel displays the data in a sheet. Pandas has a lot of built-in methods to explore the DataFrame we created from the Excel file we just read in.

We already introduced the method head in the previous section that displays few rows from the top from the DataFrame. Let’s look at few more methods that come in handy while exploring the data set.

We can use the shape method to find out the number of rows and columns for the DataFrame.

(5042, 25)

This tells us our Excel file has 5042 records and 25 columns or observations. This can be useful in reporting the number of records and columns and comparing that with the source data set.

We can use the tail method to view the bottom rows. If no parameter is passed, only the bottom five rows are returned.

Title Year Genres Language Country Content Rating Duration Aspect Ratio Budget Gross Earnings Facebook Likes — Actor 1 Facebook Likes — Actor 2 Facebook Likes — Actor 3 Facebook Likes — cast Total Facebook likes — Movie Facenumber in posters User Votes Reviews by Users Reviews by Crtiics IMDB Score
1599 War & Peace NaN Drama|History|Romance|War English UK TV-14 NaN 16.00 NaN NaN 1000.0 888.0 502.0 4528 11000 1.0 9277 44.0 10.0 8.2
1600 Wings NaN Comedy|Drama English USA NaN 30.0 1.33 NaN NaN 685.0 511.0 424.0 1884 1000 5.0 7646 56.0 19.0 7.3
1601 Wolf Creek NaN Drama|Horror|Thriller English Australia NaN NaN 2.00 NaN NaN 511.0 457.0 206.0 1617 954 0.0 726 6.0 2.0 7.1
1602 Wuthering Heights NaN Drama|Romance English UK NaN 142.0 NaN NaN NaN 27000.0 698.0 427.0 29196 0 2.0 6053 33.0 9.0 7.7
1603 Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters NaN Action|Adventure|Animation|Family|Fantasy Japanese Japan NaN 24.0 NaN NaN NaN 0.0 NaN NaN 0 124 0.0 12417 51.0 6.0 7.0

5 rows × 25 columns

In Excel, you’re able to sort a sheet based on the values in one or more columns. In pandas, you can do the same thing with the sort_values method. For example, let’s sort our movies DataFrame based on the Gross Earnings column.

sorted_by_gross = movies.sort_values(['Gross Earnings'], ascending=False)

Since we have the data sorted by values in a column, we can do few interesting things with it. For example, we can display the top 10 movies by Gross Earnings.

sorted_by_gross["Gross Earnings"].head(10)
1867 760505847.0
1027 658672302.0
1263 652177271.0
610 623279547.0
611 623279547.0
1774 533316061.0
1281 474544677.0
226 460935665.0
1183 458991599.0
618 448130642.0
Name: Gross Earnings, dtype: float64

We can also create a plot for the top 10 movies by Gross Earnings. Pandas makes it easy to visualize your data with plots and charts through matplotlib, a popular data visualization library. With a couple lines of code, you can start plotting. Moreover, matplotlib plots work well inside Jupyter Notebooks since you can displace the plots right under the code.

First, we import the matplotlib module and set matplotlib to display the plots right in the Jupyter Notebook.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt%matplotlib inline

We will draw a bar plot where each bar will represent one of the top 10 movies. We can do this by calling the plot method and setting the argument kind to barh. This tells matplotlib to draw a horizontal bar plot.

sorted_by_gross['Gross Earnings'].head(10).plot(kind="barh")


Let’s create a histogram of IMDB Scores to check the distribution of IMDB Scores across all movies. Histograms are a good way to visualize the distribution of a data set. We use the plot method on the IMDB Scores series from our movies DataFrame and pass it the argument.

movies['IMDB Score'].plot(kind="hist")


This data visualization suggests that most of the IMDB Scores fall between six and eight.

Getting statistical information about the data

Pandas has some very handy methods to look at the statistical data about our data set. For example, we can use the describe method to get a statistical summary of the data set.

Year Duration Aspect Ratio Budget Gross Earnings Facebook Likes — Director Facebook Likes — Actor 1 Facebook Likes — Actor 2 Facebook Likes — Actor 3 Facebook Likes — cast Total Facebook likes — Movie Facenumber in posters User Votes Reviews by Users Reviews by Crtiics IMDB Score
count 4935.000000 5028.000000 4714.000000 4.551000e+03 4.159000e+03 4938.000000 5035.000000 5029.000000 5020.000000 5042.000000 5042.000000 5029.000000 5.042000e+03 5022.000000 4993.000000 5042.000000
mean 2002.470517 107.201074 2.220403 3.975262e+07 4.846841e+07 686.621709 6561.323932 1652.080533 645.009761 9700.959143 7527.457160 1.371446 8.368475e+04 272.770808 140.194272 6.442007
std 12.474599 25.197441 1.385113 2.061149e+08 6.845299e+07 2813.602405 15021.977635 4042.774685 1665.041728 18165.101925 19322.070537 2.013683 1.384940e+05 377.982886 121.601675 1.125189
min 1916.000000 7.000000 1.180000 2.180000e+02 1.620000e+02 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 5.000000e+00 1.000000 1.000000 1.600000
25% 1999.000000 93.000000 1.850000 6.000000e+06 5.340988e+06 7.000000 614.500000 281.000000 133.000000 1411.250000 0.000000 0.000000 8.599250e+03 65.000000 50.000000 5.800000
50% 2005.000000 103.000000 2.350000 2.000000e+07 2.551750e+07 49.000000 988.000000 595.000000 371.500000 3091.000000 166.000000 1.000000 3.437100e+04 156.000000 110.000000 6.600000
75% 2011.000000 118.000000 2.350000 4.500000e+07 6.230944e+07 194.750000 11000.000000 918.000000 636.000000 13758.750000 3000.000000 2.000000 9.634700e+04 326.000000 195.000000 7.200000
max 2016.000000 511.000000 16.000000 1.221550e+10 7.605058e+08 23000.000000 640000.000000 137000.000000 23000.000000 656730.000000 349000.000000 43.000000 1.689764e+06 5060.000000 813.000000 9.500000

The describe method displays below information for each of the columns.

  • the count or number of values
  • mean
  • standard deviation
  • minimum, maximum
  • 25%, 50%, and 75% quantile

Please note that this information will be calculated only for the numeric values.

We can also use the corresponding method to access this information one at a time. For example, to get the mean of a particular column, you can use the mean method on that column.

movies["Gross Earnings"].mean()

Just like mean, there are methods available for each of the statistical information we want to access. You can read about these methods in our free pandas cheat sheet.

Reading files with no header and skipping records

Earlier in this tutorial, we saw some ways to read a particular kind of Excel file that had headers and no rows that needed skipping. Sometimes, the Excel sheet doesn’t have any header row. For such instances, you can tell pandas not to consider the first row as header or columns names. And If the Excel sheet’s first few rows contain data that should not be read in, you can ask the read_excel method to skip a certain number of rows, starting from the top.

For example, look at the top few rows of this Excel file.img-excel-no-header-1

This file obviously has no header and first four rows are not actual records and hence should not be read in. We can tell read_excel there is no header by setting argument header to None and we can skip first four rows by setting argument skiprows to four.

movies_skip_rows = pd.read_excel("movies-no-header-skip-rows.xls", header=None, skiprows=4)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
0 Metropolis 1927 Drama|Sci-Fi German Germany Not Rated 145 1.33 6000000.0 26435.0 136 23 18.0 203 12000 1 111841 413 260.0 8.3
1 Pandora’s Box 1929 Crime|Drama|Romance German Germany Not Rated 110 1.33 NaN 9950.0 426 20 3.0 455 926 1 7431 84 71.0 8.0
2 The Broadway Melody 1929 Musical|Romance English USA Passed 100 1.37 379000.0 2808000.0 77 28 4.0 109 167 8 4546 71 36.0 6.3
3 Hell’s Angels 1930 Drama|War English USA Passed 96 1.20 3950000.0 NaN 431 12 4.0 457 279 1 3753 53 35.0 7.8
4 A Farewell to Arms 1932 Drama|Romance|War English USA Unrated 79 1.37 800000.0 NaN 998 164 99.0 1284 213 1 3519 46 42.0 6.6

5 rows × 25 columns

We skipped four rows from the sheet and used none of the rows as the header. Also, notice that one can combine different options in a single read statement. To skip rows at the bottom of the sheet, you can use option skip_footer, which works just like skiprows, the only difference being the rows are counted from the bottom upwards.

The column names in the previous DataFrame are numeric and were allotted as default by the pandas. We can rename the column names to descriptive ones by calling the method columns on the DataFrame and passing the column names as a list.

movies_skip_rows.columns = ['Title', 'Year', 'Genres', 'Language', 'Country', 'Content Rating', 'Duration', 'Aspect Ratio', 'Budget', 'Gross Earnings', 'Director', 'Actor 1', 'Actor 2', 'Actor 3', 'Facebook Likes - Director', 'Facebook Likes - Actor 1', 'Facebook Likes - Actor 2', 'Facebook Likes - Actor 3', 'Facebook Likes - cast Total', 'Facebook likes - Movie', 'Facenumber in posters', 'User Votes', 'Reviews by Users', 'Reviews by Crtiics', 'IMDB Score']
Title Year Genres Language Country Content Rating Duration Aspect Ratio Budget Gross Earnings Facebook Likes — Actor 1 Facebook Likes — Actor 2 Facebook Likes — Actor 3 Facebook Likes — cast Total Facebook likes — Movie Facenumber in posters User Votes Reviews by Users Reviews by Crtiics IMDB Score
0 Metropolis 1927 Drama|Sci-Fi German Germany Not Rated 145 1.33 6000000.0 26435.0 136 23 18.0 203 12000 1 111841 413 260.0 8.3
1 Pandora’s Box 1929 Crime|Drama|Romance German Germany Not Rated 110 1.33 NaN 9950.0 426 20 3.0 455 926 1 7431 84 71.0 8.0
2 The Broadway Melody 1929 Musical|Romance English USA Passed 100 1.37 379000.0 2808000.0 77 28 4.0 109 167 8 4546 71 36.0 6.3
3 Hell’s Angels 1930 Drama|War English USA Passed 96 1.20 3950000.0 NaN 431 12 4.0 457 279 1 3753 53 35.0 7.8
4 A Farewell to Arms 1932 Drama|Romance|War English USA Unrated 79 1.37 800000.0 NaN 998 164 99.0 1284 213 1 3519 46 42.0 6.6

5 rows × 25 columns

Now that we have seen how to read a subset of rows from the Excel file, we can learn how to read a subset of columns.

Reading a subset of columns

Although read_excel defaults to reading and importing all columns, you can choose to import only certain columns. By passing parse_cols=6, we are telling the read_excel method to read only the first columns till index six or first seven columns (the first column being indexed zero).

movies_subset_columns = pd.read_excel(excel_file, parse_cols=6)
Title Year Genres Language Country Content Rating Duration
0 Intolerance: Love’s Struggle Throughout the Ages 1916 Drama|History|War NaN USA Not Rated 123
1 Over the Hill to the Poorhouse 1920 Crime|Drama NaN USA NaN 110
2 The Big Parade 1925 Drama|Romance|War NaN USA Not Rated 151
3 Metropolis 1927 Drama|Sci-Fi German Germany Not Rated 145
4 Pandora’s Box 1929 Crime|Drama|Romance German Germany Not Rated 110

Alternatively, you can pass in a list of numbers, which will let you import columns at particular indexes.

Applying formulas on the columns

One of the much-used features of Excel is to apply formulas to create new columns from existing column values. In our Excel file, we have Gross Earnings and Budget columns. We can get Net earnings by subtracting Budget from Gross earnings. We could then apply this formula in the Excel file to all the rows. We can do this in pandas also as shown below.

movies["Net Earnings"] = movies["Gross Earnings"] - movies["Budget"]

Above, we used pandas to create a new column called Net Earnings, and populated it with the difference of Gross Earnings and Budget. It’s worth noting the difference here in how formulas are treated in Excel versus pandas. In Excel, a formula lives in the cell and updates when the data changes — with Python, the calculations happen and the values are stored — if Gross Earnings for one movie was manually changed, Net Earnings won’t be updated.

Let’s use the sort_values method to sort the data by the new column we created and visualize the top 10 movies by Net Earnings.

sorted_movies = movies[['Net Earnings']].sort_values(['Net Earnings'], ascending=[False])sorted_movies.head(10)['Net Earnings'].plot.barh()


Pivot Table in pandas

Advanced Excel users also often use pivot tables. A pivot table summarizes the data of another table by grouping the data on an index and applying operations such as sorting, summing, or averaging. You can use this feature in pandas too.

We need to first identify the column or columns that will serve as the index, and the column(s) on which the summarizing formula will be applied. Let’s start small, by choosing Year as the index column and Gross Earnings as the summarization column and creating a separate DataFrame from this data.

movies_subset = movies[['Year', 'Gross Earnings']]
Year Gross Earnings
0 1916.0 NaN
1 1920.0 3000000.0
2 1925.0 NaN
3 1927.0 26435.0
4 1929.0 9950.0

We now call pivot_table on this subset of data. The method pivot_table takes a parameter index. As mentioned, we want to use Year as the index.

earnings_by_year = movies_subset.pivot_table(index=['Year'])
Gross Earnings
1916.0 NaN
1920.0 3000000.0
1925.0 NaN
1927.0 26435.0
1929.0 1408975.0

This gave us a pivot table with grouping on Year and summarization on the sum of Gross Earnings. Notice, we didn’t need to specify Gross Earnings column explicitly as pandas automatically identified it the values on which summarization should be applied.

We can use this pivot table to create some data visualizations. We can call the plot method on the DataFrame to create a line plot and call the show method to display the plot in the notebook.



We saw how to pivot with a single column as the index. Things will get more interesting if we can use multiple columns. Let’s create another DataFrame subset but this time we will choose the columns, Country, Language and Gross Earnings.

movies_subset = movies[['Country', 'Language', 'Gross Earnings']]
Country Language Gross Earnings
1 USA NaN 3000000.0
3 Germany German 26435.0
4 Germany German 9950.0

We will use columns Country and Language as the index for the pivot table. We will use Gross Earnings as summarization table, however, we do not need to specify this explicitly as we saw earlier.

earnings_by_co_lang = movies_subset.pivot_table(index=['Country', 'Language'])
Gross Earnings
Country Language
Afghanistan Dari 1.127331e+06
Argentina Spanish 7.230936e+06
Aruba English 1.007614e+07
Australia Aboriginal 6.165429e+06
Dzongkha 5.052950e+05

Let’s visualize this pivot table with a bar plot. Since there are still few hundred records in this pivot table, we will plot just a few of them.

earnings_by_co_lang.head(20).plot(kind='bar', figsize=(20,8))


Exporting the results to Excel

If you’re going to be working with colleagues who use Excel, saving Excel files out of pandas is important. You can export or write a pandas DataFrame to an Excel file using pandas to_excel method. Pandas uses the xlwt Python module internally for writing to Excel files. The to_excel method is called on the DataFrame we want to export.We also need to pass a filename to which this DataFrame will be written.


By default, the index is also saved to the output file. However, sometimes the index doesn’t provide any useful information. For example, the movies DataFrame has a numeric auto-increment index, that was not part of the original Excel data.

Title Year Genres Language Country Content Rating Duration Aspect Ratio Budget Gross Earnings Facebook Likes — Actor 2 Facebook Likes — Actor 3 Facebook Likes — cast Total Facebook likes — Movie Facenumber in posters User Votes Reviews by Users Reviews by Crtiics IMDB Score Net Earnings
0 Intolerance: Love’s Struggle Throughout the Ages 1916.0 Drama|History|War NaN USA Not Rated 123.0 1.33 385907.0 NaN 22.0 9.0 481 691 1.0 10718 88.0 69.0 8.0 NaN
1 Over the Hill to the Poorhouse 1920.0 Crime|Drama NaN USA NaN 110.0 1.33 100000.0 3000000.0 2.0 0.0 4 0 1.0 5 1.0 1.0 4.8 2900000.0
2 The Big Parade 1925.0 Drama|Romance|War NaN USA Not Rated 151.0 1.33 245000.0 NaN 12.0 6.0 108 226 0.0 4849 45.0 48.0 8.3 NaN
3 Metropolis 1927.0 Drama|Sci-Fi German Germany Not Rated 145.0 1.33 6000000.0 26435.0 23.0 18.0 203 12000 1.0 111841 413.0 260.0 8.3 -5973565.0
4 Pandora’s Box 1929.0 Crime|Drama|Romance German Germany Not Rated 110.0 1.33 NaN 9950.0 20.0 3.0 455 926 1.0 7431 84.0 71.0 8.0 NaN

5 rows × 26 columns

You can choose to skip the index by passing along index-False.

movies.to_excel('output.xlsx', index=False)

We need to be able to make our output files look nice before we can send it out to our co-workers. We can use pandas ExcelWriter class along with the XlsxWriter Python module to apply the formatting.

We can do use these advanced output options by creating a ExcelWriter object and use this object to write to the EXcel file.

writer = pd.ExcelWriter('output.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
movies.to_excel(writer, index=False, sheet_name='report')
workbook = writer.bookworksheet = writer.sheets['report']

We can apply customizations by calling add_format on the workbook we are writing to. Here we are setting header format as bold.

header_fmt = workbook.add_format({'bold': True})
worksheet.set_row(0, None, header_fmt)

Finally, we save the output file by calling the method save on the writer object.

As an example, we saved the data with column headers set as bold. And the saved file looks like the image below.


Like this, one can use XlsxWriter to apply various formatting to the output Excel file.


Pandas is not a replacement for Excel. Both tools have their place in the data analysis workflow and can be very great companion tools. As we demonstrated, pandas can do a lot of complex data analysis and manipulations, which depending on your need and expertise, can go beyond what you can achieve if you are just using Excel. One of the major benefits of using Python and pandas over Excel is that it helps you automate Excel file processing by writing scripts and integrating with your automated data workflow. Pandas also has excellent methods for reading all kinds of data from Excel files. You can export your results from pandas back to Excel too if that’s preferred by your intended audience.

On the other hand, Excel is a such a widely used data tool, it’s not a wise to ignore it. Acquiring expertise in both pandas and Excel and making them work together gives you skills that can help you stand out in your organization.

If you’d like to learn more about this topic, check out Dataquest’s interactive Pandas and NumPy Fundamentals course, and our Data Analyst in Python, and Data Scientist in Python paths that will help you become job-ready in around 6 months.

The read_excel() method can read Excel 2003 (.xls) and
Excel 2007+ (.xlsx) files using the xlrd Python
module. The to_excel() instance method is used for
saving a DataFrame to Excel. Generally the semantics are
similar to working with csv data. See the cookbook for some
advanced strategies

10.5.1 Reading Excel Files

In the most basic use-case, read_excel takes a path to an Excel
file, and the sheetname indicating which sheet to parse.

# Returns a DataFrame
read_excel('path_to_file.xls', sheetname='Sheet1') ExcelFile class

To facilitate working with multiple sheets from the same file, the ExcelFile
class can be used to wrap the file and can be be passed into read_excel
There will be a performance benefit for reading multiple sheets as the file is
read into memory only once.

xlsx = pd.ExcelFile('path_to_file.xls)
df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, 'Sheet1')

The ExcelFile class can also be used as a context manager.

with pd.ExcelFile('path_to_file.xls') as xls:
    df1 = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Sheet1')
    df2 = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Sheet2')

The sheet_names property will generate
a list of the sheet names in the file.

The primary use-case for an ExcelFile is parsing multiple sheets with
different parameters

data = {}
# For when Sheet1's format differs from Sheet2
with pd.ExcelFile('path_to_file.xls') as xls:
    data['Sheet1'] = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Sheet1', index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])
    data['Sheet2'] = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Sheet2', index_col=1)

Note that if the same parsing parameters are used for all sheets, a list
of sheet names can simply be passed to read_excel with no loss in performance.

# using the ExcelFile class
data = {}
with pd.ExcelFile('path_to_file.xls') as xls:
    data['Sheet1'] = read_excel(xls, 'Sheet1', index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])
    data['Sheet2'] = read_excel(xls, 'Sheet2', index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])

# equivalent using the read_excel function
data = read_excel('path_to_file.xls', ['Sheet1', 'Sheet2'], index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])

New in version 0.12.

ExcelFile has been moved to the top level namespace.

New in version 0.17.

read_excel can take an ExcelFile object as input Specifying Sheets


The second argument is sheetname, not to be confused with ExcelFile.sheet_names


An ExcelFile’s attribute sheet_names provides access to a list of sheets.

  • The arguments sheetname allows specifying the sheet or sheets to read.
  • The default value for sheetname is 0, indicating to read the first sheet
  • Pass a string to refer to the name of a particular sheet in the workbook.
  • Pass an integer to refer to the index of a sheet. Indices follow Python
    convention, beginning at 0.
  • Pass a list of either strings or integers, to return a dictionary of specified sheets.
  • Pass a None to return a dictionary of all available sheets.
# Returns a DataFrame
read_excel('path_to_file.xls', 'Sheet1', index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])

Using the sheet index:

# Returns a DataFrame
read_excel('path_to_file.xls', 0, index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])

Using all default values:

# Returns a DataFrame

Using None to get all sheets:

# Returns a dictionary of DataFrames

Using a list to get multiple sheets:

# Returns the 1st and 4th sheet, as a dictionary of DataFrames.

New in version 0.16.

read_excel can read more than one sheet, by setting sheetname to either
a list of sheet names, a list of sheet positions, or None to read all sheets.

New in version 0.13.

Sheets can be specified by sheet index or sheet name, using an integer or string,
respectively. Reading a MultiIndex

New in version 0.17.

read_excel can read a MultiIndex index, by passing a list of columns to index_col
and a MultiIndex column by passing a list of rows to header. If either the index
or columns have serialized level names those will be read in as well by specifying
the rows/columns that make up the levels.

For example, to read in a MultiIndex index without names:

In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3,4], 'b':[5,6,7,8]},
   ...:                   index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['a','b'],['c','d']]))

In [2]: df.to_excel('path_to_file.xlsx')

In [3]: df = pd.read_excel('path_to_file.xlsx', index_col=[0,1])

In [4]: df
     a  b
a c  1  5
  d  2  6
b c  3  7
  d  4  8

If the index has level names, they will parsed as well, using the same

In [5]: df.index = df.index.set_names(['lvl1', 'lvl2'])

In [6]: df.to_excel('path_to_file.xlsx')

In [7]: df = pd.read_excel('path_to_file.xlsx', index_col=[0,1])

In [8]: df
           a  b
lvl1 lvl2      
a    c     1  5
     d     2  6
b    c     3  7
     d     4  8

If the source file has both MultiIndex index and columns, lists specifying each
should be passed to index_col and header

In [9]: df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['a'],['b', 'd']], names=['c1', 'c2'])

In [10]: df.to_excel('path_to_file.xlsx')

In [11]: df = pd.read_excel('path_to_file.xlsx',
   ....:                     index_col=[0,1], header=[0,1])

In [12]: df
c1         a   
c2         b  d
lvl1 lvl2      
a    c     1  5
     d     2  6
b    c     3  7
     d     4  8


Excel files saved in version 0.16.2 or prior that had index names will still able to be read in,
but the has_index_names argument must specified to True. Parsing Specific Columns

It is often the case that users will insert columns to do temporary computations
in Excel and you may not want to read in those columns. read_excel takes
a parse_cols keyword to allow you to specify a subset of columns to parse.

If parse_cols is an integer, then it is assumed to indicate the last column
to be parsed.

read_excel('path_to_file.xls', 'Sheet1', parse_cols=2)

If parse_cols is a list of integers, then it is assumed to be the file column
indices to be parsed.

read_excel('path_to_file.xls', 'Sheet1', parse_cols=[0, 2, 3]) Cell Converters

It is possible to transform the contents of Excel cells via the converters
option. For instance, to convert a column to boolean:

read_excel('path_to_file.xls', 'Sheet1', converters={'MyBools': bool})

This options handles missing values and treats exceptions in the converters
as missing data. Transformations are applied cell by cell rather than to the
column as a whole, so the array dtype is not guaranteed. For instance, a
column of integers with missing values cannot be transformed to an array
with integer dtype, because NaN is strictly a float. You can manually mask
missing data to recover integer dtype:

cfun = lambda x: int(x) if x else -1
read_excel('path_to_file.xls', 'Sheet1', converters={'MyInts': cfun})

10.5.2 Writing Excel Files Writing Excel Files to Disk

To write a DataFrame object to a sheet of an Excel file, you can use the
to_excel instance method. The arguments are largely the same as to_csv
described above, the first argument being the name of the excel file, and the
optional second argument the name of the sheet to which the DataFrame should be
written. For example:

df.to_excel('path_to_file.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1')

Files with a .xls extension will be written using xlwt and those with a
.xlsx extension will be written using xlsxwriter (if available) or

The DataFrame will be written in a way that tries to mimic the REPL output. One
difference from 0.12.0 is that the index_label will be placed in the second
row instead of the first. You can get the previous behaviour by setting the
merge_cells option in to_excel() to False:

df.to_excel('path_to_file.xlsx', index_label='label', merge_cells=False)

The Panel class also has a to_excel instance method,
which writes each DataFrame in the Panel to a separate sheet.

In order to write separate DataFrames to separate sheets in a single Excel file,
one can pass an ExcelWriter.

with ExcelWriter('path_to_file.xlsx') as writer:
    df1.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1')
    df2.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet2')


Wringing a little more performance out of read_excel
Internally, Excel stores all numeric data as floats. Because this can
produce unexpected behavior when reading in data, pandas defaults to trying
to convert integers to floats if it doesn’t lose information (1.0 -->
). You can pass convert_float=False to disable this behavior, which
may give a slight performance improvement. Writing Excel Files to Memory

New in version 0.17.

Pandas supports writing Excel files to buffer-like objects such as StringIO or
BytesIO using ExcelWriter.

New in version 0.17.

Added support for Openpyxl >= 2.2

# Safe import for either Python 2.x or 3.x
    from io import BytesIO
except ImportError:
    from cStringIO import StringIO as BytesIO

bio = BytesIO()

# By setting the 'engine' in the ExcelWriter constructor.
writer = ExcelWriter(bio, engine='xlsxwriter')
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1')

# Save the workbook

# Seek to the beginning and read to copy the workbook to a variable in memory
workbook =


engine is optional but recommended. Setting the engine determines
the version of workbook produced. Setting engine='xlrd' will produce an
Excel 2003-format workbook (xls). Using either 'openpyxl' or
'xlsxwriter' will produce an Excel 2007-format workbook (xlsx). If
omitted, an Excel 2007-formatted workbook is produced.

10.5.3 Excel writer engines

New in version 0.13.

pandas chooses an Excel writer via two methods:

  1. the engine keyword argument
  2. the filename extension (via the default specified in config options)

By default, pandas uses the XlsxWriter for .xlsx and openpyxl
for .xlsm files and xlwt for .xls files. If you have multiple
engines installed, you can set the default engine through setting the
config options
io.excel.xlsx.writer and
io.excel.xls.writer. pandas will fall back on openpyxl for .xlsx
files if Xlsxwriter is not available.

To specify which writer you want to use, you can pass an engine keyword
argument to to_excel and to ExcelWriter. The built-in engines are:

  • openpyxl: This includes stable support for Openpyxl from 1.6.1. However,
    it is advised to use version 2.2 and higher, especially when working with
  • xlsxwriter
  • xlwt
# By setting the 'engine' in the DataFrame and Panel 'to_excel()' methods.
df.to_excel('path_to_file.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1', engine='xlsxwriter')

# By setting the 'engine' in the ExcelWriter constructor.
writer = ExcelWriter('path_to_file.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')

# Or via pandas configuration.
from pandas import options = 'xlsxwriter'

df.to_excel('path_to_file.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1')

Read and create DataFrame ( df ) then display data by using sales1.excel file.

import pandas as pd 
df = pd.read_excel('D:\my_file.xlsx')

Output is here

0  Ravi   1    30       20
1  Raju   2    40       30
2  Alex   3    50       40

This will read the first worksheet of the Excel file my_file.xlsx
Download Excel file my_file.xlsx

Reading data from Excel file and creating Pandas DataFrame using read_excel() in Python with options

Options :

Reading the worksheet

We can read any worksheet of the Excel file by using the option sheet_name. We have used one Excel file my_file.xlsx with two worksheets my_Sheet_1 and my_Sheet_2. You can create your own sample my_file.xlsx by using the code at the end of this tutorial.

In above code change the linke like this

df = pd.read_excel('D:\my_file.xlsx', sheet_name=1)

Now we can read the data of my_Sheet_2 by using above code, sheet_name=0 is for reading the data of first sheet i.e my_Sheet_1. We can also use the sheet names.

df = pd.read_excel('D:\my_file.xlsx', sheet_name='my_Sheet_1')

By default it reads the first sheet or sheet_name=0


By default value is None. This will add one index column to the DataFrame. We can specify one column to use as Index.

import pandas as pd 
df = pd.read_excel('D:\my_file.xlsx',index_col='ID')


By default the column header is 0. We can give integer values. Here is the code to start from 1st row.

df = pd.read_excel('D:\my_file.xlsx',header=1)


If our file is not having header then we must keep header=None, by using header=None we can see the index will start from 0th row. Here is the output with header=None.

df = pd.read_excel('D:\my_file.xlsx',header=None)
     0     1   2     3        4
1  0.0  Ravi   1    30       20
2  1.0  Raju   2    40       30
3  2.0  Alex   3    50       40

As the number are used as headers , we can create our own names by using a list.


We will create a list and use as our headers. We will also exclude the file header by using header=None

import pandas as pd 
df = pd.read_excel('D:\my_file.xlsx',header=None,names=my_list)

Output is here

   header1 header2 header3 header4  header5
0      NaN    NAME      ID    MATH  ENGLISH
1      0.0    Ravi       1      30       20
2      1.0    Raju       2      40       30
3      2.0    Alex       3      50       40

Unique values of a column

Download the sample student excel file. There are around 35 records. One of the column is class. Display the distinct or unique class names from this column. We will use unique() for this.

import pandas as pd 
df = pd.read_excel('D:student.xlsx')

Output is a list

['Four' 'Three' 'Five' 'Six' 'Seven' 'Nine' 'Eight']

Creating demo file with sample data my_file.xlsx

import pandas as pd 


df = pd.DataFrame(data=my_dict)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=my_dict2)

with pd.ExcelWriter('D:my_file.xlsx') as my_excel_obj: #Object created

Selecting Excel file to create DataFrame using Tkinter

Tkinter filedialog to browse and select excel file to create Pandas DataFrame using read_excel()

Tkinter is a python library used to create GUI applications. By using Tkinter filedialog we can browse and select excel file in local system. Using the selected excel file we can create a DataFrame and show the first 5 rows inside a text widget.

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog
import pandas as pd 

my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("410x300")  # Size of the window 
my_font1=('times', 18, 'bold')
l1 = tk.Label(my_w,text='Create DataFrame',width=30,font=my_font1)  
b1 = tk.Button(my_w, text='Upload Excel File', 
   width=20,command = lambda:upload_file())
t1 = tk.Text(my_w, height=7, width=45,bg='yellow') # added one text box
t1.grid(row=2,column=1,pady=10) # 

def upload_file():
  file = filedialog.askopenfilename(
    filetypes=[("Excel file", ".xlsx")])
  df=pd.read_excel(file,index_col='id') # creating DataFrame
  t1.delete('1.0',END) # Delete previous data from position 0 till end
  t1.insert(tk.END, df.head()) # adding data to text widget
my_w.mainloop()  # Keep the window open

Reading Excel file and creating table in MySQL or SQLite database

Tkinter file browser to select Excel file for Inserting data to MySQL or SQLite database table

We will connect to MySQL database or SQLite database by using SQLAlchemy.
By using Tkinter filedialog we can browse and select excel file in local system.
Once the excel file is selected, we can read the file by using read_excel() to create the DataFrame. Using the DataFrame we will create the table by using to_sql(). We used try except code block to handle error.

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog
import pandas as pd 
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
#my_conn = create_engine("sqlite:///E:\testing\sqlite\my_db4.db") # SQLite
my_conn =create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://u_id:pw@localhost/my_tutorial")

my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("400x300")  # Size of the window 

l1 = tk.Label(my_w,text='Upload File & Add to Database',width=30,font=18)  
b1 = tk.Button(my_w, text='Upload File', 
   width=20,command =  lambda :upload_file())

def upload_file():
    f_types = [('All Files', '*.*'), 
             ('Excel files', '*.xlsx'),
             ('Text Document', '*.txt'),
              ('CSV files',"*.csv")]
    path = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=f_types)
    if path:
def my_upd(file):
    df = pd.read_excel(file)
    ### Creating new table my_table or appending existing table 
        df.to_sql(con=my_conn,name='my_table',if_exists='append') #DataFrame
    except SQLAlchemyError as e:
        error = str(e.__dict__['orig'])
    else:   # No error 
        l1.config(text='Data added to table')
my_w.mainloop()  # Keep the window open

Using DataFrame column to create a list

DataFrame is created by using read_excel() function. From the DataFrame we can use one column data to create one list by using tolist().

import pandas as pd
df=pd.read_excel("D:\my_data\tk-colours.xlsx") # Create DataFrame.
my_list=df['Name'].values.tolist() # list with column data 

Record details using Tkinter

Record details on Entry of ID by user in Tkinter window
Use student.xlsx file to create a DataFrame.
Using Tkinter GUI, take input from user as Student id. Using the id to get the all details as per the excel record.
Display the record details in Tkinter window.
Use DataFrame loc to get row details.

import pandas as pd 
df = pd.read_excel('E:\data\student.xlsx',index_col='id') # Excel path
#print(df.loc[id].tolist())  # as list 
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("300x200")  # with and height of the window 
my_w.title("")  # Adding a title

l1 = tk.Label(my_w,  text='ID', width=5,font=18)  # added one Label 

e1 = tk.Entry(my_w,   width=5,bg='yellow',font=18) # added one Entry box

b1=tk.Button(my_w,text='GO', width=5,font=18,command=lambda:my_upd())

l2 = tk.Label(my_w,  text='Details', font=10)  # added one Label 

def my_upd():
    id=int(e1.get()) # read the user entered data or id 
    l2.config(text=df.loc[id]) # update the Label 

Data input and output from Pandas DataFrame
Search DataFrame by user inputs through Tkinter.


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  • Insert file pdf in word
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