Increase and decrease in one word

Is there a word in English which would encompass both the action of increasing or decreasing [the value of] something?

I am looking at a word similar to modify, change or alter. But the first two do not denote the fact that the current value would be slightly changed and I feel the the last one is a bit general.

RegDwigнt's user avatar


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asked Jan 20, 2012 at 11:17

obaqueiro's user avatar


One such word (and one commonly used by scientists) is vary.

Like increase and decrease, it is not explicit whether vary is an action performed on the variable, or something that the variable «just does».

You should vary the input voltage and observe the result.

answered Jan 20, 2012 at 11:25

slim's user avatar


10.1k1 gold badge35 silver badges53 bronze badges


Typically in technical usage, variation represents change: variations in voltage, current, so on. Moreover, while variation can mean drastic changes, it is typically associated with small differences in state, discrete or continuous.

answered Jan 20, 2012 at 11:25

Kris's user avatar


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If you specifically want to imply that the changes are small, vary is not entirely apt. I’d go with tweak «a fine adjustment to a mechanism or system» instead. Not to be confused with twerk, of course.

answered Jan 2, 2016 at 20:50

WhatRoughBeast's user avatar


I arrived here because I had the same question. I was looking for a concise word to describe a behavior of incrementing or decrementing the value of a numeric control (I was writing code), because I was making this behavior into a class for reuse.

Because I wanted a word that also conveys the fact that the behavior moves the value from its original value a relatively small amount and it does so without discontinuities, I was coming up with words like modify, or change. Value also seems pretty good.

Ultimately I ended up deciding on ‘Adjust’, and because I didn’t see adjust suggested yet, and I thought someone else might find it helpful, I decided to add it as an answer.

answered Nov 8, 2021 at 0:45

Adam White's user avatar

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  • #1

Dear English speakers,
could you help me decide whether I must use ‘by’ to specify how much times one number increased / decreased in relation to another number, as in the example below.
To me, it looks like there is substantial difference in the meaning.
The company’s revenue increased two times in 2018 = the revenue doubled (eg from USD 1,000,000 in 2017 to USD 2,000,000 in 2018)
The company’s revenue increased by two times in 2018 = the 2018 revenue increased BY an amount exceeding the 2017 level twice (i.e. USD 1,000,000 + USD 2,000,000 = USD 3,000,000).
Is this understanding correct or not? Thanks in advance to those who comment.

  • owlman5

    • #2

    «By» is normal after «increase» and «decrease». «By two times» isn’t normal. Here is a normal use of «by»: Sales increased by 17 percent last year.:thumbsup:

    The company’s revenue increased twice/two times last year.:thumbsup: This is an unusual thing to say, but the words and grammar are normal.

    The company’s revenue increased by two times last year:confused:

    Uncle Jack

    • #3

    Is this understanding correct or not? Thanks in advance to those who comment.

    Your understanding appears to be fine, inasmuch as the second sentence means anything. I strongly suggest only using «by» with percentages or fractions («increased by 25%» or «increased by a quarter» for instance), and even then being a little cautious with percentages bigger than about 150%.

    Even «increase n times» can be a little problematical in English.

    We almost invariably use «doubled» in your situation, and «trebled» and «quadrupled» where it increased three-fold and four-fold respectively. In general I would say we use terms like «increased five-fold» rather than «increased five times», because «five times» could mean on five separate occasions, rather than five being a multiplier. However, «fold» sounds odd with non-integers, so we use «times» instead, where something like «increased one and a half times» cannot possibly be mistaken for a number of occasions.

    • #4

    Both replies are quite helpful — thanks a lot!

    • #5

    The math in your second example does NOT follow the language; 1M + 2M = 3M might be expressed this way: Revenue growth in 2018 amounted to twice the revenue of 2017. 2018 revenue was equal to three times the 2017 revenue.

    For me, without a math term such as “equals”, “two times” clearly means two occasions: I have watched this movie five times. I have visited New York ten times.

    We also hear “increased by a factor of x” which means the new amount equals the old amount multiplied by x.
    Such remarkable growth might be expressed like this: Revenue increased by a factor of 2.5 from 2017 to 2018.

    • #6

    Today I meet the same problem as the poster mentioned.

    e.g. Output of coal increased fourfold last year.

    If the output of coal was 1,000 tons the year before last, How much was the output of coal last year? 4,000 tons or 5000 tons?

    The same problems also happen with these words «increase, decrease, raise, add, reduce».

    e.g. Output of coal decreased fourfold last year.

    If the output of coal was 1,000 tons the year before last, How much was the output of coal last year? 333 tons or 250 tons?

    Last edited: May 13, 2019

    Uncle Jack

    • #7

    Today I meet the same problem as the poster mentioned.

    e.g. Output of coal increased fourfold last year.

    If the output of coal was 1,000 tons the year before last, How much was the output of coal last year? 4,000 tons or 5000 tons?

    In ordinary English, «increased fourfold» means it is four times what it was, so 4,000 tons in this case. However as you are well aware this does not stand up to logical scrutiny, and the writer would have done far better to write «quadrupled», or use a different expression that did not involve «increased», such as «was four times as high last year», but here you need to add «as the year before», as without «increased» it is not clear what is being compared — it could be four times as high as this year.

    The same problems also happen with these words «increase, decrease, raise, add, reduce».

    e.g. Output of coal decreased fourfold last year.

    If the output of coal was 1,000 tons the year before last, How much was the output of coal last year? 333 tons or 250 tons?

    Using «increased» is understandable, even if it may not be technically correct. Using «decreased» with anything other than a numerical value or a proportion less than one is meaningless.

    It could be 200 tons, of course: Starting with 200 tons and treating «increased fourfold» as additive would give 1,000 tons, so «decreased fourfold» could mean the same calculation in reverse. How did you get 333 tons as an option?

    • #8

    In ordinary English, «increased fourfold» means it is four times what it was, so 4,000 tons in this case. However as you are well aware this does not stand up to logical scrutiny, and the writer would have done far better to write «quadrupled», or use a different expression that did not involve «increased», such as «was four times as high last year», but here you need to add «as the year before», as without «increased» it is not clear what is being compared — it could be four times as high as this year.

    Using «increased» is understandable, even if it may not be technically correct. Using «decreased» with anything other than a numerical value or a proportion less than one is meaningless.

    It could be 200 tons, of course: Starting with 200 tons and treating «increased fourfold» as additive would give 1,000 tons, so «decreased fourfold» could mean the same calculation in reverse. How did you get 333 tons as an option?

    For the first example, I understand your explanation. I mean that «Four times/fold» means the real changed part was 3,000. the result of 1,000 adds 3,000 was the output of coal last year. In order to avoid using «increase» we had better write like this,»Output of coal was fourfold as high as the year before last.» It means if the output was 1,000 the year before last, the output of last year was 4,000.

    • #9

    In ordinary English, «increased fourfold» means it is four times what it was, so 4,000 tons in this case. However as you are well aware this does not stand up to logical scrutiny, and the writer would have done far better to write «quadrupled», or use a different expression that did not involve «increased», such as «was four times as high last year», but here you need to add «as the year before», as without «increased» it is not clear what is being compared — it could be four times as high as this year.

    Using «increased» is understandable, even if it may not be technically correct. Using «decreased» with anything other than a numerical value or a proportion less than one is meaningless.

    It could be 200 tons, of course: Starting with 200 tons and treating «increased fourfold» as additive would give 1,000 tons, so «decreased fourfold» could mean the same calculation in reverse. How did you get 333 tons as an option?

    For the second example, Thank you for showing me the usage of «decrease». Now I know this word can only be used with a numerical value or a proportion less than one. But how should I express the reduction of output from 1000 tons to 250 tons with «xxx times/fold»? I mean that the output from 200 to 1000 means five times/fold, not four times or quadrupled. So I think 200 tons is wrong for «four times/fold».

    My opinion is,»The output of last year is 4 times less than that of the year before last. What I want to tell the readers is «output of last year was 250, output of the year before last was 1,000».

    Uncle Jack

    • #10

    But how should I express the reduction of output from 1000 tons to 250 tons with «xxx times/fold»? I mean that the output from 200 to 1000 means five times/fold, not four times or quadrupled. So I think 200 tons is wrong for «four times/fold».

    The output last year was 0.25 times the output of the year before.​

    The output last year was a quarter of the output of the year before.​

    The output last year was 25% of the output of the year before.​

    «Fold» isn’t used for fractions (not fractions less than one, at any rate).

    You can use words like «rise» and «fall» or «increase» or «decrease» to make it clear in words which way the change was, but you need to use «to», not «by»:

    The output last year fell to 0.25 times the output of the year before.​

    The output last year decreased to 25% of the output of the year before.​

    You can use «fell by» or «decreased by» (with «from» rather than «of») if you quantify the difference between the two values:

    The output last year fell by 75% from the output of the year before.​

    The output last year decreased by three-quarters from the output of the year before.​

    Last edited: May 14, 2019

    decrease | increase | Antonyms |

    Increase is a antonym of decrease.

    In transitive terms the difference between decrease and increase

    is that decrease is to make (a quantity) smaller while increase is to make (a quantity) larger.

    In knitting terms the difference between decrease and increase

    is that decrease is a reduction in the number of stitches, usually accomplished by suspending the stitch to be decreased from another existing stitch or by knitting it together with another stitch. See Decrease (knitting) while increase is the creation of one or more new stitches; see Increase (knitting).

    As verbs the difference between decrease and increase

    is that decrease is of a quantity, to become smaller while increase is to become larger.

    As nouns the difference between decrease and increase

    is that decrease is an amount by which a quantity is decreased while increase is an amount by which a quantity is increased.

    Other Comparisons: What’s the difference?





  • Of a quantity, to become smaller.
  • To make (a quantity) smaller.
  • Synonyms

    * (become smaller) drop, fall, go down, plummet (rapidly), plunge (rapidly), reduce, shrink, sink
    * (make smaller) abate, cut, decrement, lower, reduce


    * (become larger) go up, grow, increase, rise, soar (rapidly), shoot up (rapidly)
    * (make larger) increase, increment, raise, up (informal)


    (en noun)

  • An amount by which a quantity is decreased.
  • (knitting) A reduction in the number of stitches, usually accomplished by suspending the stitch to be decreased from another existing stitch or by knitting it together with another stitch. See .
  • Synonyms

    * (amount by which a quantity is decreased) cut, decrement, drop, fall, loss, lowering, reduction, shrinkage


    * (amount by which a quantity is decreased) gain, increase, increment, raise , rise



    Alternative forms

    * encrease



  • (of a quantity) To become larger.
  • * Bible, Genesis vii. 17
    The waters increased and bare up the ark.
  • * Shakespeare
    The heavens forbid / But that our loves and comforts should increase , / Even as our days do grow!
  • To make (a quantity) larger.
  • * {{quote-magazine, year=2013, month=July-August, author= Fenella Saunders, magazine=(American Scientist), title= Tiny Lenses See the Big Picture
    , passage=The single-imaging optic of the mammalian eye offers some distinct visual advantages. Such lenses can take in photons from a wide range of angles, increasing light sensitivity. They also have high spatial resolution, resolving incoming images in minute detail.}}
  • To multiply by the production of young; to be fertile, fruitful, or prolific.
  • * Sir M. Hale
    Fishes are more numerous of increasing than beasts or birds, as appears by their numerous spawn.
  • (astronomy) To become more nearly full; to show more of the surface; to wax.
    The Moon increases .
  • Synonyms

    * (become larger) go up, grow, rise, soar (rapidly), shoot up (rapidly)
    * (make larger) increment, raise, (informal) up


    * (become larger) decrease, drop, fall, go down, plummet (rapidly), plunge (rapidly), reduce, shrink, sink
    * (make larger) cut, decrease, decrement, lower, reduce

    Derived terms

    * increasable


    (en noun)

  • An amount by which a quantity is increased.
  • * {{quote-magazine, year=2013, month=July-August, author= Philip J. Bushnell, magazine=(American Scientist), title= Solvents, Ethanol, Car Crashes & Tolerance
    , passage=Surprisingly, this analysis revealed that acute exposure to solvent vapors at concentrations below those associated with long-term effects appears to increase the risk of a fatal automobile accident. Furthermore, this increase in risk is comparable to the risk of death from leukemia after long-term exposure to benzene, another solvent, which has the well-known property of causing this type of cancer.}}
  • For a quantity, the act or process of becoming larger
  • (knitting) The creation of one or more new stitches; see .
  • Synonyms

    * (amount by which a quantity is increased) gain, increment, raise, rise


    * (amount by which a quantity is increased) cut, decrease, decrement, drop, fall, loss, lowering, reduction, shrinkage


    Decrease noun — The amount by which something is lessened.

    Usage example: the average decrease in the price of milk was five cents per gallon


    Increase noun — Something added (as by growth).

    Usage example: shortly after he turned 12, he had a sudden height increase

    Similar words of decrease

    Similar words of increase

    How words are described

    steady steady decrease steady increase
    corresponding corresponding decrease corresponding increase
    net net decrease net increase
    considerable considerable decrease considerable increase
    Other adjectives: sharp, small, actual, massive, large, slight, gradual, permanent, major, dramatic, general, minor, temporary, significant, marked, radical, maximum, rapid, drastic, sudden, resulting, overall.

    Common collocations

    skill decrease skill increase skill
    power decrease power increase power
    strength decrease strength increase strength
    attack decrease attack increase attack
    Other words: value, amount, mass, chance, number, odds, time, speed, level, size, health, difficulty, resistance, effectiveness, meter, population, damage, defense, numbers, points, chances, abilities, stat, stats.

    Both words in one sentence

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    Antonyms for decrease

    Antonyms for increase

    Google Ngram Viewer shows how «decrease» and «increase» have occurred on timeline

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    Is there a word in English which would encompass both the action of increasing or decreasing [the value of] something?

    I am looking at a word similar to modify, change or alter. But the first two do not denote the fact that the current value would be slightly changed and I feel the the last one is a bit general.


    One such word (and one commonly used by scientists) is vary.

    Like increase and decrease, it is not explicit whether vary is an action performed on the variable, or something that the variable “just does”.

    You should vary the input voltage and observe the result.

    Source : Link , Question Author : obaqueiro , Answer Author : slim

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    APA Classic Thesaurus. (-0001). Synonyms for Increase and decrease. Retrieved April 14, 2023, from
    Chicago Classic Thesaurus. -0001. «Synonyms for Increase and decrease» (accessed April 14, 2023).
    Harvard Classic Thesaurus -0001, Synonyms for Increase and decrease, Classic Thesaurus, viewed 14 April, 2023, <>.
    MLA Classic Thesaurus. «Synonyms for Increase and decrease» 30 November -0001. Web. 14 April 2023. <>

    Предложения с «increase and decrease»

    Thus, CFD allows earning on increase and decrease of contract basic instruments’ prices.

    Таким образом, CFD позволяет зарабатывать как на росте, так и на падении инструментов, лежащих в основе контракта.

    Thus, in the above example, after an increase and decrease of x = 10 percent, the final amount, $198, was 10% of 10%, or 1%, less than the initial amount of $200.

    Таким образом, в приведенном выше примере, после увеличения и уменьшения x = 10 процентов, конечная сумма, $198, была на 10% из 10%, или на 1%, меньше первоначальной суммы в $200.

    The increase and decrease of barium glasses, and Han purple and Han blue, follow similar patterns.

    Увеличение и уменьшение Бариевых стекол, а также Хань пурпурного и Хань синего, следуют схожим закономерностям.

    Note also that increase and decrease can have different durations.

    Заметьте также, что увеличение и уменьшение могут иметь различную продолжительность.

    This increase and decrease in production is partially caused by the count of milk-producing cells in the udder.

    Это увеличение и уменьшение продукции частично вызвано количеством молочных клеток в вымени.

    The size of the breasts can also increase and decrease in response to weight fluctuations.

    Размер груди также может увеличиваться и уменьшаться в ответ на колебания веса.

    These earmuffs incorporate a volume control to increase and decrease the attenuation.

    Эти наушники включают в себя регулятор громкости, чтобы увеличить и уменьшить затухание.

    One of the big concerns is as ocean acidity increases , the concentration of carbonate ions in seawater decrease .

    Одной из главных проблем по мере роста кислотности океана является уменьшение концентрации карбонат — ионов в морской воде.

    As ocean acidity increases and the concentration of carbonate ions decrease , these species first find it more difficult to make their shells.

    Кислотность океана увеличивается , концентрация карбонат — ионов снижается, и этим организмам становится сложнее строить свои раковины.

    This decrease in sea ice is sometimes referred to as an increase in the open water season.

    Таяние полярных льдов иногда относится к удлинению сезона открытых вод.

    Some of these genes will increase our risk and some will decrease it.

    Некоторые из них способны увеличить или уменьшить риски заболевания.

    So we treated these animals with drugs that either increase DNA methylation, which was the epigenetic marker to look at, or decrease epigenetic markings.

    Мы давали крысам препараты, которые либо повышают уровень метилирования ДНК, либо понижают его, и наблюдали за эпигенетическими маркерами.

    We could increase the odds and decrease the workload by concentrating on a dozen or so units.

    Мы могли бы увеличить шансы и снизить нагрузку, если бы сконцентрировались примерно на дюжине объектов.

    Accordingly, there was a decrease in exports, imports and industrial production, and an increase in the foreign trade deficit and unemployment.

    Соответственно, сократился объем экспорта, импорта и промышленного производства, и возрос дефицит внешнеторгового баланса и уровень безработицы.

    Nevertheless, some actions have led to a decrease in mortality rates and to an increase in life expectancy rates.

    Однако некоторые меры привели к снижению уровня смертности и к росту ожидаемой продолжительности жизни.

    It will decrease microgravity forces inside the furnace and thus significantly increase the quality of space experiments.

    Эта система позволит снизить действие микрогравитационных сил внутри печи и таким образом значительно повысить качество экспериментов в космосе.

    The distribution of resources, in addition to the absolute increase or decrease in prosperity, was a key factor in the rise of discontent.

    Помимо абсолютного повышения или снижения уровня благосостояния, одним из основных факторов усиления недовольства является распределение ресурсов.

    The average age of humanity increases … those of the doctors decrease .

    Продолжительность человеческой жизни увеличивается … а жизни врачей сокращается.

    Yet this increase in demand is nearly offset by the decrease stemming from the narrowing fiscal deficit and other factors.

    Однако это увеличение спроса почти полностью компенсируется его сокращением, объясняющимся уменьшением бюджетного дефицита и другими факторами.

    The minimal adjustments are the net decrease of four posts at headquarters and the increase of four posts in the field.

    Минимальные корректировки предусматривают чистое сокращение четырех должностей в штаб — квартире и увеличение на четыре должности в отделениях на местах.

    You can use logarithmic scaling to make the grid lines of the axis equidistant but have values that may increase or decrease .

    Логарифмическое масштабирование применяется для создания равноудаленных линий сетки оси, значения которых могут уменьшаться или возрастать.

    You can customize your Preferences to increase or decrease the amount, using the Environment page of the Preferences dialog.

    Вы можете изменить ваши настройки для увеличения или уменьшения количества используемой памяти с помощью страницы Окружение в диалоге настроек.

    Tap Saturation to increase or decrease the color intensity of the image (ex: adjust up to make the red redder).

    Коснитесь Насыщенность, чтобы повысить или снизить интенсивность цвета изображения (например, выполнить коррекцию, чтобы сделать красный цвет более красным).

    The preliminary cost estimates are considered the midpoint of a cost range that could reasonably increase or decrease ;

    предварительная смета расходов считается средней величиной в диапазоне расходов, которая может быть уменьшена или увеличена в разумных пределах;

    Increase or decrease the letter of guarantee value [AX 2012]

    Повышение или понижение стоимости гарантийного письма [AX 2012]

    Use the left stick to increase or decrease the time range, and then select Continue.

    Настройте временной диапазон с помощью левого мини — джойстика и выберите Продолжить.

    You can increase or decrease your boosted post’s budget on the post itself.

    Вы можете увеличить или сократить бюджет поднимаемой публикации в самой публикации.

    The value of CFDs may increase or decrease depending on market conditions.

    —тоимость CFD может увеличиватьс ¤ или уменьшатьс ¤ в зависимости от состо¤ни¤ рынка.

    ETF structure can include strategies related to the underlying asset value decrease or increase .

    В структуру ETF могут включаться стратегии как на повышение, так и на понижение цены базового актива.

    Exercise 1: Will the volatility increase or decrease ?

    Пример 1: Повысится или понизится ли волатильность?

    From August 2009 to August 2011, a Barclays trader lied about prices in an effort to increase or decrease the CME/EMTA rate and benefit trading positions, regulators said.

    С августа 2009 года до августа 2011 года один из трейдеров Barclays предоставлял ложную информацию о ценах в попытке повысить или понизить ставку CME/EMTA, как пояснил регулятор.

    It should also be noted that when you purchase, for example, CFDs on shares you are merely speculating on the shareТs value to either increase or decrease .

    —ледует также учитывать, что если вы, к примеру, покупаете CFD на акции, вы играете только на подъеме или падении стоимости акции.

    Enter a value in the Contract amendment field only when there is an increase or decrease in the original contract value.

    Значение в поле Поправка к контракту вводится, только если предполагается увеличение или уменьшение исходной суммы контракта.

    Select Home > Increase Indent or Decrease Indent.

    На вкладке Главная нажмите кнопку Увеличить отступ или Уменьшить отступ.

    Should you increase , maintain or decrease the number of fluids?

    Вы должны увеличить , поддерживать, или уменьшить количество жидкости?

    The volatility of an asset can increase or decrease

    Волатильность актива может увеличиваться или уменьшаться

    It can help you decide whether the volatility of the price is likely to increase or decrease .

    Этот индикатор может помочь вам выяснить, будет ли повышаться или понижаться волатильность цены.

    The fixed compensation action is mandatory information if you change the fixed compensation setup for an employee to increase or decrease the employee’s base pay.

    Действие фиксированной компенсации представляет собой обязательную информацию, если меняется настройка фиксированной компенсации сотруднику с целью увеличения или уменьшения тарифной ставки сотрудника.

    Effectively, you can hedge against price increase , decrease , or both.

    По сути, Вы можете застраховать цену товара как от понижения, так и от повышения её в будущем.

    6. The increase or decrease in the capitalization of stock markets;

    6. Рост/снижение капитализации фондовых рынков.

    To indent your paragraphs, select the Increase Indent button or select the Decrease Indent button to move it back.

    Чтобы добавить отступ к абзацам, нажмите кнопку Увеличить отступ. Если нужно убрать его, нажмите Уменьшить отступ.

    This topic provides an overview of which types of transactions increase or decrease inventory quantities.

    В этом разделе содержится обзор того, какие типы проводок увеличивают , а какие уменьшают количество запасов.

    The percentage increase or decrease that occurred in each stock over this period of almost five years was noted.

    Рассчитывалось повышение (или снижение) цены акций за этот промежуток времени длиной почти в пять лет, выраженное в процентах.

    the driver can at any moment increase or decrease the braking force by acting on the control;

    водитель может в любой момент увеличить или уменьшить силу торможения путем воздействия на орган управления.

    Maintain, decrease , or increase the estimates for the next period.

    Сохраните, уменьшите или увеличьте оценки для следующего периода.

    Manually increase or decrease a customer’s reward points balance when the incorrect number of points was applied to the customer’s loyalty card.

    Можно вручную увеличить или уменьшить сальдо поощрения клиента, если к карточке постоянного клиента было применено неверное количество баллов.

    When override permissions are assigned, the maximum amount by which an override can increase or decrease costs is determined.

    После назначения разрешений переопределения определяется максимальная сумма, на которую может увеличиться или уменьшиться сумма накладных расходов.

    Exercise 2: Will the volatility increase or decrease ?

    Пример 2: Снизится или повысится ли волатильность? Показать пример

    For example, the cost change may reflect an expected increase or decrease in the costs of critical purchased materials.

    Например, изменение затрат может отражать ожидаемое увеличение или уменьшение затрат по критически важным приобретаемым материалам.

    The most efficient way to decrease the budget deficit is — to increase tax revenue, through, um…

    Самое эффективное действие для уменьшения дефицита бюджета это увеличение налоговых поступлений, через, хм…

    The Fed is expanding the money supply, so I would… move to decrease our cash position, increase stock equity.

    Федеральный резервный банк расширяет денежную массу, так что я бы… сократил наши денежные активы, а акционерный капитал увеличил .

    When you exercise, you drink four-to-one carbohydrate-to-protein solution- decrease muscle damage, increase endurance.

    Перед тренировкой жахаешь углеродно — протеиновый коктейль в пропорции 4 к 1. Мышцы устают меньше, повышается выносливость.

    With the latest in Earth Republic extraction processing tech, we’ve manage increase productivity by 20%, decrease the impurity in the final product to the parts per million level.

    – С новейшим в Земной Республике оборудованием добычи и переработки, нам удалось увеличить производительность на 20%, уменьшить примеси в конечном продукте до уровня миллионных долей.

    The volume would decrease , the density would increase , and then probably approach another Big Bang.

    Объем начнет уменьшаться , плотность — увеличиваться , и, возможно, настанет время для еще одного Большого Взрыва.

    In such times comsumption and credits increase , but savings decrease .

    В такие времена растут потребление и кредиты, но уменьшаются сбережения.

    Uh, might be to increase the pH of purified water by one full pH unit… or to decrease the pH by one full pH unit.

    Например, увеличить водородный показатель дистиллированной воды на целую единицу, или уменьшить этот показатель на единицу.

    Despite being understaffed, the surgical service has been able to average over 40 surgeries per week with no increase in complications and an 18% decrease in mortality.

    Несмотря на нехватку персонала, хирургическое отделение проводит сейчас более сорока операций в неделю, снизив показатели осложнений, и на восемнадцать процентов — смертности.

    I would never just make one muscle increase or decrease . Because everything fits together now.

    Я никогда просто так не увеличу и не уменьшу одну конкретную мышцу, потому как сейчас, все они идеально сбалансированы.

    Increases the overhead, but the decrease in visibility means the return on investment is even higher on a per-intern basis.

    Повысить расходы, но видимый убыток значит возврат инвестиций, которые еще больше, за счет каждого стажера.

    And when you do that, it calls on something in human nature that makes his hatred for you decrease and his respect increase .

    И если, ты делаешь так, это взывает к чему — то такому в человеческой природе что растопит его ненависть к тебе и усилит его уважение.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    Увеличение) сокращение

    Увеличение) уменьшение объема


    (Increase) decrease other accounts receivable

    (Increase) decrease in receivables 297.2 (421.9)

    (Increase) decrease in special capitalized asset

    (Increase) decrease in long-term investments

    (Increase) decrease in loans to Governments

    (Increase) decrease other assets

    (Increase) decrease in other assets

    (Increase) Decrease in inventories

    (Increase) decrease in accounts payable

    (Increase) decrease in land and buildings

    (Increase) decrease in prepaid benefits (550232) (834809)

    (Increase) decrease in investments receivable 7464609 (11291719)

    (Increase) decrease in payments or contributions

    (Increase) decrease in construction in progress

    (Increase) decrease other long-term assets

    (Increase) decrease in tax reimbursements due

    (Increase) decrease in investments

    (Increase) decrease in other

    (Increase) decrease in advances to implementing partners

    (Increase) decrease finished goods inventory

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат Increase) decrease

    Результатов: 12953. Точных совпадений: 25. Затраченное время: 336 мс

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