In the united states the word school

Текст 1D:

School in the USA

In the United States, the word «school» describes any place where people learn.
You can call a college a «school». You can even call a university a «school». You can use the word «school» for any English language institute, graduate program, or secondary («high») school.
College or university follows after high school (or secondary) school. A college in the U.S.A. is not a high school or secondary school. College and university programs begin in the thirteenth year of school, when a student is 17 or 18 years old or older. A two-year «junior» college offers an Associate Degree. A four-year college or university offers a Bachelor’s Degree. Programs that offer these degrees are called «undergraduate» schools.
A «university» is a group of schools for studies after secondary school. At least one of these schools is a college where students receive a Bachelor’s Degree. The other schools in a university are «graduate» (also known as «postgraduate») schools where students receive advanced degrees. Therefore, a university offers both the Bachelor’s Degree and graduate degrees such as the Master’s (M. A.) and Ph.D. (doctorate). A university usually offers graduate programs both in professional fields such as engineering and in academic subjects such as English literature.
You can earn a Bachelor’s Degree at either a college or a university. However, students in the USA prefer to use the word «college» rather than the word «university» when they talk about the four-year undergraduate program and the Bachelor’s Degree. They say «going to college» and «a college degree» when they talk about undergraduate programs at either a college or a university.
Most «colleges» are separate schools. They are not located in a university. Some colleges are part of a university and are located on the university campus. (The «campus» is the school buildings and surrounding area.) A few colleges offer graduate programs in selected subjects. Usually, however, it is universities that offer graduate programs. So, Americans use the word «university» and not «college» when they talk about graduate study.

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Школа в США

В Соединенных Штатах слово «школа» описывает любое место, где люди учатся.
Вы можете назвать колледж «школой». Вы можете даже назвать университет «школой». Вы можете использовать слово «школа» для любого английского языкового института, программы специализации, или вторичный («высоко») школа.
Колледж или университет следуют после средней школы (или вторичный) школа. Колледж в США не средняя или средняя школа. Колледж и университетские программы начинают на тринадцатом году школы, когда студенту — 17 или 18 лет или старший. Двухлетний «младший» колледж предлагает Объединённую Степень. Четырехлетний колледж или университет предлагают Степень бакалавра. Программы, которые предлагают эти степени, называют «студенческими» школами.
«Университет» — группа школ для исследований после средней школы. По крайней мере одна из этих школ — колледж, где студенты получают Степень бакалавра. Другие школы в университете — «дипломированный специалист» (также известный как «аспирант») школы, где студенты получают ученые степени. Поэтому, университет предлагает обоим Степень бакалавра и степени дипломированного специалиста, такие как Владелец (М. A.) и доктор философии (докторантура). Университет обычно предлагает программы специализации и в профессиональных областях, таких как разработка и по академическим предметам, таким как английская литература.
Вы можете заработать Степень бакалавра или в колледже или в университете. Однако, студенты в США предпочитают использовать слово «колледж», а не слово «университет», когда они говорят о четырехлетней студенческой программе и Степени бакалавра. Они говорят «поступление в институт» и «степень бакалавра», когда они говорят о студенческих программах или в колледже или в университете.
Большинство «колледжей» — отдельные школы. Они не расположены в университете. Некоторые колледжи — часть университета и расположены в университетском университетском городке. («Университетский городок» — школьные здания и окружающая область). Несколько колледжей предлагают программы специализации по отобранным предметам. Обычно, однако, это — университеты те программы специализации предложения. Так, американцы используют слово «университет» и не «колледж», когда они говорят об исследовании дипломированного специалиста.

19.06.2010 15:27

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School in the USA.

In the United States, the word «school» describes any place where people learn.

You can use the word «school»  for any English language institute, graduate program, or secondary school.

College or university follows after high school, or secondary school. A two-year «junior» college offers an Associate Degree. A four-year college or university offers a Bachelor’s Degree. One of these schools is a college where students receive a Bachelor’s Degree. In other school students receive advanced degrees. A university usually offers graduate programs both in professional fields such as engineering and in academic subjects such as English literature.

Most «colleges»  are separate schools. They are not located in a university

Students in the USA prefer to use the word «college» rather than the word «university» when they talk about the four-year undergraduate program and the Bachelor’s Degree.

So, Americans use the word “university” and not «college» when they talk about graduate study.


Education in the United States comprises three levels: elementary, secondary and higher education. There are two types of educational institutions — private and state. Kids start school by going to kindergartens at the age of 6, which is often a part of grade schools First six years are elementary school, then come junior high (grades 7 -8) and high school (grades 9-12).

Most pupils follow a course that includes basic subjects-English, science and mathematics, social sciences and physical education. Students usually receive grades A (excellent) to F (failing) in each course they take on the basis of performance in tests given throughout the year.

Sometime during school students are given an 1Q test. It is not a test of their knowledge, but of their ability to think.

The results (scores) from these tests are Known only by the teachers.

If you have a high IQ score the teachers expect more of you, and give you more interesting work to do. Though there is no separate educational system for the wealthy, there have always been private schools at all levels which are not supported primarily by public funds and charge fees. Private schools are usually smaller, some are open to all classes and some are not. Many private schools are boarding schools where kids often stay at school and don’t go home after classes. Some schools are single-sex, whereas most public schools are co-educational (coed). Most young Americans graduate from school with a high school diploma upon satisfactory completion. Each student is given a high school transcript. Over half of the students enter institutions of higher education, others may get further education at special colleges. 

Учеба в США.

В Соединенных Штатах слово «школа» описывает любое место, где люди учатся.

Вы можете использовать слово «школа» для любого английского языкового института, программы специализации или средней школы.

Колледж или университет следуют после средней школы или средней школы. Двухлетний «младший» колледж предлагает Степень младшего специалиста. Четырехлетний колледж или университет предлагают Степень бакалавра. Одна из этих школ — колледж, где студенты получают Степень бакалавра. В других учениках школы получают ученые степени. Университет обычно предлагает программы специализации и в профессиональных областях, таких как разработка и в учебных дисциплинах, таких как английская литература.

Большинство «колледжей» — отдельные школы. Они не расположены в университете

Студенты в США предпочитают использовать слово «колледж», а не слово «университет», когда они говорят о четырехлетней студенческой программе и Степени бакалавра.

Так, американцы используют слово “университет” и не «колледж», когда они говорят об аспирантуре.

Образование в Соединенных Штатах включает три уровня: элементарное, вторичное и высшее образование. Есть два типа учебных заведений — частные и государство. Дети начинают школу, идя в детские сады в возрасте 6 лет, который часто является частью начальных школ Сначала, шесть лет — начальная школа, затем приезжайте средняя школа (сорта 7 — 8) и средняя школа (сорта 9-12).

Большинство учеников следует за курсом, который включает основной английский язык предметов, науку и математику, общественные науки и физкультуру. Студенты обычно получают оценки (превосходные) к F (терпящему неудачу) в каждом курсе, который они берут на основе работы в тестах, данных в течение года.

Когда-то во время учеников школы даны 1Q тест. Это не тест на их знание, но на их способность думать.

Результаты (очки) от этих тестов Известны только учителями.

Если у Вас будет высокий счет IQ, то учителя ожидают больше из Вас и дают Вам более интересную работу, чтобы сделать. Хотя нет никакой отдельной образовательной системы для богатых, всегда были частные школы на всех уровнях, которые не поддержаны прежде всего государственными фондами и взимают сборы. Частные школы обычно меньше, некоторые открыты для всех классов, и некоторые не. Много частных школ — школы-интернаты, где дети часто остаются в школе и не идут домой после классов. Некоторые школы однополые, тогда как большинство государственных школ относящееся к совместному обучению (студентка). Самые молодые американцы заканчивают школу со свидетельством об окончании средней школы после удовлетворительного завершения. Каждому студенту дают расшифровку стенограммы средней школы. Более чем половина студентов входит в учреждения высшего образования, другие могут получить дальнейшее образование в специальных колледжах.

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Обновлено 28.03.2015 18:52

What is the difference between a College and a University? This confuses me because the words seem to mean very different things in my home country.


In the United States, the word «school» describes any place where people learn. You can call a college a «school.» You can even call a university a «school.» You can use the word «school» for any English language institute, undergraduate or graduate program, or secondary («high») school.

U.S. university or college follows after high school or secondary school. A college in the U.S.A. is not a high school or secondary school. College and university programs begin in the thirteenth year of school when a student is 17 or 18 years old or older. A two-year college offers an associate’s degree, as well as certificates. A four-year college or university offers a bachelor’s degree. Programs that offer these degrees are called «undergraduate» schools.


A «university» is a group of schools for studies after secondary school. At least one of these schools is a college where students receive a bachelor’s degree. The other schools in a university are»graduate» (also known as «postgraduate») schools where students receive advanced degrees. Therefore, a university offers both a bachelor’s degree and graduate degrees, such as a master’s (M.A.) and a doctorate (Ph.D.).

Here are other articles you may find helpful:

  • Choosing a College or a University in the USA
  • Trying to Figure Out Which U.S. School Is Right for You?
  • School, College and University?

You can earn a bachelor’s degree at either a college or a university. However, students in the U.S.A. prefer to use the word «college» rather than the word «university» when they talk about four-year undergraduate programs and bachelor’s degrees. They use phrases like,» going to college» and «a college degree,» when they talk about undergraduate programs at either a college or a university.


Most «colleges» are separate schools. They are not located in a university. Some colleges are part of a university and are located on the university campus. (The «campus» is the school buildings and surrounding area). A few colleges offer graduate programs in selected subjects. However, it is usually universities that offer graduate programs. So, Americans use the word» university» and not «college» when they talk about graduate study.

For more tips, see other related articles below:

  • Going To School As An International Student
  • What are the Best Parts About Studying Abroad, According to International High School Students?
  • Completing High School While Working Towards Your Bachelor’s Degree

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A school is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is sometimes compulsory.[2] In these systems, students progress through a series of schools. The names for these schools vary by country (discussed in the Regional terms section below) but generally include primary school for young children and secondary school for teenagers who have completed primary education. An institution where higher education is taught is commonly called a university college or university.

In addition to these core schools, students in a given country may also attend schools before and after primary (elementary in the U.S.) and secondary (middle school in the U.S.) education.[3] Kindergarten or preschool provide some schooling to very young children (typically ages 3–5). University, vocational school, college or seminary may be available after secondary school. A school may be dedicated to one particular field, such as a school of economics or dance. Alternative schools may provide nontraditional curriculum and methods.

Non-government schools, also known as private schools,[4] may be required when the government does not supply adequate or specific educational needs. Other private schools can also be religious, such as Christian schools, gurukula (Hindu schools), madrasa (Arabic schools), hawzas (Shi’i Muslim schools), yeshivas (Jewish schools), and others; or schools that have a higher standard of education or seek to foster other personal achievements. Schools for adults include institutions of corporate training, military education and training and business schools.

Critics of school often accuse the school system of failing to adequately prepare students for their future lives,[5] of encouraging certain temperaments while inhibiting others,[6] of prescribing students exactly what to do, how, when, where and with whom, which would suppress creativity,[7] and of using extrinsic measures such as grades and homework, which would inhibit children’s natural curiosity and desire to learn.[8]

In homeschooling and distance education, teaching and learning take place independent from the institution of school or in a virtual school outside a traditional school building, respectively. Schools are organized in several different organizational models, including departmental, small learning communities, academies, integrated, and schools-within-a-school.


The word school derives from Greek σχολή (scholē), originally meaning «leisure» and also «that in which leisure is employed», but later «a group to whom lectures were given, school».[9][10][11]

History and development

The concept of grouping students together in a centralized location for learning has existed since Classical antiquity. Formal schools have existed at least since ancient Greece (see Academy), ancient Rome (see Education in Ancient Rome) ancient India (see Gurukul), and ancient China (see History of education in China). The Byzantine Empire had an established schooling system beginning at the primary level. According to Traditions and Encounters, the founding of the primary education system began in 425 AD and «… military personnel usually had at least a primary education …». The sometimes efficient and often large government of the Empire meant that educated citizens were a must. Although Byzantium lost much of the grandeur of Roman culture and extravagance in the process of surviving, the Empire emphasized efficiency in its war manuals. The Byzantine education system continued until the empire’s collapse in 1453 AD.[12]

In Western Europe, a considerable number of cathedral schools were founded during the Early Middle Ages in order to teach future clergy and administrators, with the oldest still existing, and continuously operated, cathedral schools being The King’s School, Canterbury (established 597 CE), King’s School, Rochester (established 604 CE), St Peter’s School, York (established 627 CE) and Thetford Grammar School (established 631 CE). Beginning in the 5th century CE, monastic schools were also established throughout Western Europe, teaching religious and secular subjects.

In Europe, universities emerged during the 12th century; here, scholasticism was an important tool, and the academicians were called schoolmen. During the Middle Ages and much of the Early Modern period, the main purpose of schools (as opposed to universities) was to teach the Latin language. This led to the term grammar school, which in the United States informally refers to a primary school, but in the United Kingdom means a school that selects entrants based on ability or aptitude. The school curriculum has gradually broadened to include literacy in the vernacular language and technical, artistic, scientific, and practical subjects.

Obligatory school attendance became common in parts of Europe during the 18th century. In Denmark-Norway, this was introduced as early as in 1739–1741, the primary end being to increase the literacy of the almue, i.e., the «regular people».[13] Many of the earlier public schools in the United States and elsewhere were one-room schools where a single teacher taught seven grades of boys and girls in the same classroom. Beginning in the 1920s, one-room schools were consolidated into multiple classroom facilities with transportation increasingly provided by kid hacks and school buses.

Islam was another culture that developed a school system in the modern sense of the word. Emphasis was put on knowledge, which required a systematic way of teaching and spreading knowledge and purpose-built structures. At first, mosques combined religious performance and learning activities. However, by the 9th century, the madrassa was introduced, a school that was built independently from the mosque, such as al-Qarawiyyin, founded in 859 CE. They were also the first to make the Madrassa system a public domain under Caliph’s control.

Under the Ottomans, the towns of Bursa and Edirne became the main centers of learning. The Ottoman system of Külliye, a building complex containing a mosque, a hospital, madrassa, and public kitchen and dining areas, revolutionized the education system, making learning accessible to a broader public through its free meals, health care, and sometimes free accommodation.

Regional terms

The term school varies by country, as do the names of the various levels of education within the country.

United Kingdom and Commonwealth of Nations

In the United Kingdom, the term school refers primarily to pre-university institutions, and these can, for the most part, be divided into pre-schools or nursery schools, primary schools (sometimes further divided into infant school and junior school), and secondary schools. Various types of secondary schools in England and Wales include grammar schools, comprehensives, secondary moderns, and city academies. While they may have different names in Scotland, there is only one type of secondary school. However, they may be funded either by the state or independently funded. Scotland’s school performance is monitored by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education. Ofsted reports on performance in England and Estyn reports on performance in Wales.

In the United Kingdom, most schools are publicly funded and known as state schools or maintained schools in which tuition is provided for free. There are also private schools or private schools that charge fees. Some of the most selective and expensive private schools are known as public schools, a usage that can be confusing to speakers of North American English. In North American usage, a public school is publicly funded or run.

In much of the Commonwealth of Nations, including Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Kenya, and Tanzania, the term school refers primarily to pre-university institutions.


In ancient India, schools were in the form of Gurukuls. Gurukuls were traditional Hindu residential learning schools, typically the teacher’s house or a monastery. Schools today are commonly known by the Sanskrit terms Vidyashram, Vidyalayam, Vidya Mandir, Vidya Bhavan in India.[14][15] In southern languages, it is known as Pallikoodam or PaadaSaalai. During the Mughal rule, Madrasahs were introduced in India to educate the children of Muslim parents. British records show that indigenous education was widespread in the 18th century, with a school for every temple, mosque, or village in most regions. The subjects taught included Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Theology, Law, Astronomy, Metaphysics, Ethics, Medical Science, and Religion.

A school building in Kannur, India

Under British rule, Christian missionaries from England, the United States, and other countries established missionary and boarding schools in India. Later as these schools gained popularity, more were started, and some gained prestige. These schools marked the beginning of modern schooling in India. The syllabus and calendar they followed became the benchmark for schools in modern India. Today most schools follow the missionary school model for tutoring, subject/syllabus, and governance, with minor changes.

Schools in India range from large campuses with thousands of students and hefty fees to schools where children are taught under a tree with a small / no campus and are free of cost. There are various boards of schools in India, namely Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE), Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), Madrasa Boards of various states, Matriculation Boards of various states, State Boards of various boards, Anglo Indian Board, among others. Today’s typical syllabus includes Language(s), Mathematics, Science – Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History, General Knowledge, and Information Technology/Computer Science. Extracurricular activities include physical education/sports and cultural activities like music, choreography, painting, and theatre/drama.


In much of continental Europe, the term school usually applies to primary education, with primary schools that last between four and nine years, depending on the country. It also applies to secondary education, with secondary schools often divided between Gymnasiums and vocational schools, which again, depending on country and type of school, educate students for between three and six years. In Germany, students graduating from Grundschule are not allowed to progress into a vocational school directly. Instead, they are supposed to proceed to one of Germany’s general education schools such as Gesamtschule, Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium. When they leave that school, which usually happens at age 15–19, they may proceed to a vocational school. The term school is rarely used for tertiary education, except for some upper or high schools (German: Hochschule), which describe colleges and universities.

In Eastern Europe modern schools (after World War II), of both primary and secondary educations, often are combined. In contrast, secondary education might be split into accomplished or not. The schools are classified as middle schools of general education. For the technical purposes, they include «degrees» of the education they provide out of three available: the first – primary, the second – unaccomplished secondary, and the third – accomplished secondary. Usually, the first two degrees of education (eight years) are always included. In contrast, the last one (two years) permits the students to pursue vocational or specialized educations.

North America and the United States

In North America, the term school can refer to any educational institution at any level and covers all of the following: preschool (for toddlers), kindergarten, elementary school, middle school (also called intermediate school or junior high school, depending on specific age groups and geographic region), high school (or in some cases senior high school), college, university, and graduate school.

In the United States, school performance through high school is monitored by each state’s department of education. Charter schools are publicly funded elementary or secondary schools that have been freed from some of the rules, regulations, and statutes that apply to other public schools. The terms grammar school and grade school are sometimes[why?] used to refer to a primary school. In addition, there are tax-funded magnet schools which offer different programs and instruction not available in traditional schools.


In West Africa, «school» can also refer to «bush» schools, Quranic schools, or apprenticeships. These schools include formal and informal learning.

Bush schools are training camps that pass down cultural skills, traditions, and knowledge to their students. Bush schools are semi-similar to traditional western schools because they are separated from the larger community. These schools are located in forests outside of the towns and villages, and the space used is solely for these schools. Once the students have arrived in the forest, they cannot leave until their training is complete. Visitors are prohibited from these areas.[16]

Instead of being separated by age, Bush schools are separated by gender. Women and girls cannot enter the boys’ bush school territory and vice versa. Boys receive training in cultural crafts, fighting, hunting, and community laws among other subjects.[17] Girls are trained in their own version of the boys’ bush school. They practice domestic affairs such as cooking, childcare, and being a good wife. Their training is focused on how to be a proper woman by societal standards.

Qur’anic schools are the principal way of teaching the Quran and knowledge of the Islamic faith. These schools also fostered literacy and writing during the time of colonization. Today, the emphasis is on the different levels of reading, memorizing, and reciting the Quran. Attending a Qur’anic school is how children become recognized members of the Islamic faith. Children often attend state schools and a Qur’anic school.

In Mozambique, specifically, there are two kinds of Qur’anic schools. They are the tariqa based and the Wahhabi-based schools. What makes these schools different is who controls them. Tariqa schools are controlled at the local level. In contrast, the Wahhabi are controlled by the Islamic Council.[18] Within the Qur’anic school system, there are levels of education. They range from a basic level of understanding, called chuo and kioni in local languages, to the most advanced, which is called ilimu.[19]

In Nigeria, the term school broadly covers daycares, nursery schools, primary schools, secondary schools and tertiary institutions. Primary and secondary schools are either privately funded by religious institutions and corporate organisations or government-funded. Government-funded schools are commonly referred to as public schools. Students spend six years in primary school, three years in junior secondary school, and three years in senior secondary school. The first nine years of formal schooling is compulsory under the Universal Basic Education Program (UBEC).[20] Tertiary institutions include public and private universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education. Universities can be funded by the federal government, state governments, religious institutions, or individuals and organisations.

Ownership and operation

Many schools are owned or funded by states. Private schools operate independently from the government. Private schools usually rely on fees from families whose children attend the school for funding; however, sometimes such schools also receive government support (for example, through School vouchers). Many private schools are affiliated with a particular religion; these are known as parochial schools.

Components of most schools

A school entrance building in Australia

Schools are organized spaces purposed for teaching and learning. The classrooms where teachers teach and students learn are of central importance. Classrooms may be specialized for certain subjects, such as laboratory classrooms for science education and workshops for industrial arts education.

Typical schools have many other rooms and areas, which may include:

  • Cafeteria (Commons), dining hall or canteen where students eat lunch and often breakfast and snacks.
  • Athletic field, playground, gym, or track place where students participating in sports or physical education practice
  • Schoolyards, all-purpose playfields typically in elementary schools, often made of concrete.
  • Auditorium or hall where student theatrical and musical productions can be staged and where all-school events such as assemblies are held
  • Office where the administrative work of the school is done
  • Library where students ask librarians reference questions, check out books and magazines, and often use computers
  • Computer labs where computer-based work is done and the internet accessed
  • Cultural activities where the students uphold their cultural practice through activities like games, dance, and music

Education facilities in low-income countries

In low-income countries, only 32% of primary, 43% of lower secondary and 52% of upper secondary schools have access to electricity.[21] This affects access to the internet, which is just 37% in upper secondary schools in low-income countries, as compared to 59% in those in middle-income countries and 93% in those in high-income countries.[21]

Access to basic water, sanitation and hygiene is also far from universal. Among upper secondary schools, only 53% in low-income countries and 84% in middle-income countries have access to basic drinking water. Access to water and sanitation is universal in high-income countries.[21]


The safety of staff and students is increasingly becoming an issue for school communities, an issue most schools are addressing through improved security. Some have also taken measures such as installing metal detectors or video surveillance. Others have even taken measures such as having the children swipe identification cards as they board the school bus. These plans have included door numbering to aid public safety response for some schools.[clarification needed]

Other security concerns faced by schools include bomb threats, gangs, and vandalism.[22] In recognition of these threats, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 advocates for upgrading education facilities to provide a safe, non-violent learning environment.[23]

Health services

School health services are services from medical, teaching and other professionals applied in or out of school to improve the health and well-being of children and, in some cases, whole families. These services have been developed in different ways around the globe. However, the fundamentals are constant: the early detection, correction, prevention, or amelioration of disease, disability, and abuse from which school-aged children can suffer.

Online schools and classes

Some schools offer remote access to their classes over the internet. Online schools also can provide support to traditional schools, as in the case of the School Net Namibia. Some online classes also provide experience in a class. When people take them, they have already been introduced to the subject and know what to expect. Classes provide high school/college credit, allowing students to take the classes at their own pace. Many online classes cost money to take, but some are offered free.

Internet-based distance learning programs are offered widely through many universities. Instructors teach through online activities and assignments. Online classes are taught the same as in-person, with the same curriculum. The instructor offers the syllabus with their fixed requirements like any other class. Students can virtually turn their assignments in to their instructors according to deadlines. This being through via email or on the course webpage. This allows students to work at their own pace yet meet the correct deadlines. Students taking an online class have more flexibility in their schedules to take their classes at a time that works best.

Conflicts with taking an online class may include not being face to face with the instructor when learning or being in an environment with other students. Online classes can also make understanding the content challenging, especially when unable to get in quick contact with the instructor. Online students have the advantage of using other online sources with assignments or exams for that specific class. Online classes also have the advantage of students not needing to leave their house for a morning class or worrying about their attendance for that class. Students can work at their own pace to learn and achieve within that curriculum.[24]

The convenience of learning at home has been an attraction point for enrolling online. Students can attend class anywhere a computer can go – at home, in a library, or while traveling internationally. Online school classes are designed to fit a student’s needs while allowing students to continue working and tending to their other obligations.[25] Online school education is divided into three subcategories: Online Elementary School, Online Middle School, Online High school.


As a profession, teaching has levels of work-related stress (WRS)[26] that are among the highest of any profession in some countries, such as the United Kingdom and the United States.[27] The degree of this problem is becoming increasingly recognized and support systems are being put into place.[28][29]

Stress sometimes affects students more severely than teachers, up to the point where the students are prescribed stress medication. This stress is claimed to be related to standardized testing, and the pressure on students to score above average.[30][31]

According to a 2008 mental health study by the Associated Press and mtvU,[32] eight in 10 U.S. college students said they had sometimes or frequently experienced stress in their daily lives. This was an increase of 20% from a survey five years previously. Thirty-four percent had felt depressed at some point in the past three months, 13 percent had been diagnosed with a mental health condition such as an anxiety disorder or depression, and 9 percent had seriously considered suicide.[32]

Discipline towards students

The activity of carrying out the flag ceremony at Indonesian schools every Monday morning, With the aim of educating discipline and a sense of national spirit

Schools and their teachers have always been under pressure – for instance, pressure to cover the curriculum, perform well compared to other schools, and avoid the stigma of being «soft» or «spoiling» toward students. Forms of discipline, such as control over when students may speak, and normalized behaviour, such as raising a hand to speak, are imposed in the name of greater efficiency. Practitioners of critical pedagogy maintain that such disciplinary measures have no positive effect on student learning. Indeed, some argue that disciplinary practices detract from learning, saying that they undermine students’ dignity and sense of self-worth – the latter occupying a more primary role in students’ hierarchy of needs.

See also

  • Bullying in teaching
  • Criticism of schooling
  • Educational technology
  • Free education
  • List of colleges and universities by country
  • List of schools by country
  • List of songs about school
  • List of television series about school
  • Mobile phone use in schools
  • Music school
  • Secular education
  • School and university in literature
  • School bullying
  • School meal
  • School story
  • School uniform
  • School-to-prison pipeline
  • Student transport
  • Teaching for social justice
  • University-preparatory school
  • Year-round school


  1. ^ Research handbook on innovation governance for emerging economies : towards better models. Kuhlmann, Stefan. Cheltehnham, UK. 27 January 2017. ISBN 978-1-78347-191-1. OCLC 971520924.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  2. ^ Roser, Max; Ortiz-Ospina, Esteban (2019). «Primary and Secondary Education». Our World in Data. Retrieved 24 October 2019.
  3. ^ «Understanding the American Education System». Retrieved 9 November 2022.
  4. ^ [1], Ganesh Harpavat, International Schools, on Perseus
  5. ^ «Schools don’t prepare children for life. Here’s the education they really need | Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett». The Guardian. 12 June 2017. Retrieved 4 August 2021.
  6. ^ Keogh, Barbara (9 September 2009). «Why it’s important to understand your child’s temperament». Retrieved 4 August 2021.
  7. ^ Robinson, Sir Ken (27 June 2006), Do schools kill creativity?, retrieved 4 August 2021
  8. ^ «‘Schools are killing curiosity’: why we need to stop telling children to shut up and learn». The Guardian. 28 January 2020. Retrieved 4 August 2021.
  9. ^ Online Etymology Dictionary; H.G. Liddell & R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon
  10. ^ School[dead link], on Oxford Dictionaries
  11. ^ σχολή, Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, on Perseus
  12. ^ Bentley, Jerry H. (2006). Traditions & Encounters a Global Perspective on the Past. New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 331.
  13. ^ «Leseferdighet og skolevesen 1740–1830» (PDF). Open Digital Archive. Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 April 2016. Retrieved 15 May 2014.
  14. ^ «School Meaning Sanskrit Arth Translate Kya Matlab». Retrieved 20 February 2022.
  15. ^ (13 January 2019). «Vidyalaya, Vidyālaya, Vidya-alaya: 7 definitions». Retrieved 20 February 2022.
  16. ^ Watkins Hanna, Mark (May 1943). «The West African «Bush» School». American Journal of Sociology. 48 (6): 666–675. doi:10.1086/219263. S2CID 144208852.
  17. ^ Watkins Hanna, Mark (May 1943). «The West African «Bush» Schools». American Journal of Sociology. 48 (6): 666–675. doi:10.1086/219263. S2CID 144208852.
  18. ^ Bonate, Liazat (2016). Islamic Education in Africa. Indiana University Press.
  19. ^ Bonate, Lizzat (2016). Islamic Education in Africa. Indiana University Press.[ISBN missing]
  20. ^ «Universal Basic Education Commission | Home». Retrieved 17 December 2019.
  21. ^ a b c #CommitToEducation. UNESCO. 2019. ISBN 978-92-3-100336-3.
  22. ^ «School Vandalism Takes Its Toll». Archived from the original on 6 December 2009. Retrieved 3 October 2009.
  23. ^ «SDG4’s 10 targets». Global Campaign For Education. Retrieved 22 September 2020.
  24. ^ Laird, Ellen. «I’m Your Teacher, Not Your Internet-Service Provider.» Chronicle of Higher Education n.d.: n.p. Print
  25. ^ «Online Education Offers Access and Affordability». Retrieved 17 May 2015.
  26. ^ «Work-Related Stress in teaching». Retrieved 3 October 2009.
  27. ^ Ross, Genesis R. (2010). Teacher Stress, Burnout and NCLB: The U.S. Educational Ecosystem and the Adaptation of Teachers (MS thesis). Miami University. Retrieved 18 December 2012.
  28. ^ «Teacher Support for England & Wales». Retrieved 3 October 2009.
  29. ^ «Teacher Support for Scotland». Retrieved 3 October 2009.
  30. ^ «Survey confirms student stress, but next step is unclear (May 06, 2005)». 6 May 2005. Retrieved 3 October 2009.
  31. ^ «Children & School Anxiety, Stress Management». Retrieved 28 March 2010.
  32. ^ a b «mtvU and Associated Press poll shows how stress, war, the economy and other factors are affecting college students’ mental health» (PDF). Half Of Us. 19 March 2008. Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 February 2013.

Further reading

  • Dodge, B. (1962). Muslim Education in the Medieval Times, The Middle East Institute, Washington D.C.
  • Education as Enforcement: The Militarization and Corporatization of Schools, edited by Kenneth J. Saltman and David A. Gabbard, RoutledgeFalmer 2003. Review.
  • Makdisi, G. (1980). On the origin and development of the college in Islam and the West, in Islam and the Medieval West, ed. Khalil I. Semaan, State University of New York Press.
  • Nakosteen, M. (1964). History of Islamic origins of Western Education AD 800–1350, University of Colorado Press, Boulder.
  • Ribera, J. (1928). Disertaciones Y Opusculos, 2 vols., Madrid.
  • Spielhofer, Thomas, Tom Benton, Sandie Schagen. «A study of the effects of school size and single-sex education in English schools.» Research Papers in Education, June 2004:133 159, 27.
  • Toppo, Greg. «High-tech school security is on the rise.» USA Today, 9 October 2006.
  • Traditions and Encounters, by Jerry H. Bentley and Herb F. Ziegler.


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External links

Education in the United States is free and compulsory for 10 years, beginning at age 6 and culminating at age 16.  Educational programs are guided by standards set at both the national and state level, and implemented at the local level.  Schools are organized according to geographic location into school districts, which are headed by school superintendents, who in turn answer to a board of directors for that particular district.  Schools are led by an administration team that typically includes a principal and one or more vice principals—professionals who specialize in a given area within the school (curriculum, activities, discipline, etc)—as well as guidance counselors, teachers and teachers’ assistants.

School Term in the United States

For primary and secondary school students, an educational term in the United States is approximately 10 months in duration. Under the traditional model, school-age children begin their education in early September and break for the summer recess in late June.  In some areas of the country, however, school overcrowding has forced districts to adopt a year-round school format.  Under this format, students (and teachers) are assigned to a specific educational block within their school.  Each of these blocks attends school for approximately three months in succession, followed by a two week break.  In addition, all students receive a common winter break of approximately 2 weeks, and a spring break of one week.  This year-round system of education allows schools to reduce the on-campus student population by one-fourth.

Structure of the U.S. Education System

The education system in the United States follows a pattern that is very similar to that of other systems in the western world.  Early childhood education, or preschool, is followed by primary education (called elementary school in the United States), middle or junior high school, secondary school (called high school in the United States), and then postsecondary (tertiary) education. Postsecondary education includes non-degree programs that lead to certificates and diplomas plus a number of degree levels, including associate, bachelor, master, and doctorate degrees. The U.S. system does not offer a second or higher doctorate, but does offer post-doctorate research programs. Adult and continuing education, plus special education, cut across all educational levels.

Early Childhood Education/Preschool

Early childhood education, or preschool, is provided throughout the United States.  Although this is an optional, non-obligatory stage of education, the majority of U.S. children now begin their educations prior to entering elementary school at age six, and most states now require enrollment in pre-school programs and provide such programs for the children in their state. There are also thousands of non-public preschools scattered throughout the United States, operated by churches and other private entities.  These programs generally require parents to pay tuition in exchange for the education they provide.

Pre-school programs usually occur in the year preceding school entry and sometimes the previous year as well, or around ages 3-5. The first year of pre-school education is often called pre-kindergarten or nursery school, while the second year is often called kindergarten or preschool.  Just fewer than one million children currently enroll in the first year of pre-school education each year, and some 3.4 million enroll in the second year.

During the initial year of preschool education, children typically attend school for two to three days a week, usually for a period of 3-4 hours.  In the second year, or in kindergarten, the instruction is a bit more rigorous and the time commitment is longer, with children attending school five days a week for 4-5 hours a day.

The 3-5 age range is considered a professional and research specialization for educators in the United States.  Thus, U.S. instructors of early childhood education are generally very well-educated and highly trained, typically possessing a Bachelor degree or higher and a teaching certificate issued by the state in which they live and work.  While the exact curriculum taught at preschools may vary from one state to the next, the goals of those curricula are typically very similar.  Preschools aim to provide a developmental approach to learning, one emphasizing language and literacy, as well as physical, emotional and social development.  Students are also introduced to basic concepts in the areas of math, science, social studies, music, movement and art.  As a whole, these literacy-focused and problem solving programs provide teachers with all the tools they need to offer effective instruction—instruction built around the concept of cooperative learning within a carefully designed and supportive structure.  To ensure the effectiveness of these programs, extensive training and support for teachers is not only offered, but integral to ongoing curriculum implementation.

Compulsory Education in the U.S. (Elementary School and Secondary School)

Elementary Education

Texas school children

Elementary or primary education in the United States typically begins at age six and represents the beginning of a student’s compulsory education.  This stage of education lasts six years, beginning with grade one and culminating with grade 6 (age 12).  The length of the school day for elementary-age children is 6-7 hours depending on the grade level and district, beginning at 7:30-8:30 AM and culminating at 2:00 to 3:00 PM. 

Elementary education is offered free of charge at American public schools, although parents may be required to purchase certain school supplies and books.  Parents not comfortable with the public school setting can instead opt to send their children to one of the thousands of private schools across the country, albeit for an expensive annual fee.  These schools, which are mainly operated by churches and private companies, can usually offer smaller classroom sizes and are bound by the same academic standards that govern the public schools

Elementary schools in the United States provide instruction in the fundamental skills of reading, writing and mathematics, with each grade building on the year before.  Students are also introduced to several other subjects throughout this six-year stage of education, including history and geography (taught together as social studies), crafts, music, science, art and physical education.  Foreign languages, which formerly were taught solely at high schools, are now being introduced during the last few years of elementary school in some areas, although in the majority of cities, schools still do not offer any foreign language instruction.  All schools, however, now have specialized programs for those students whose first language is something other than English.  These programs, which stress English learning as part of the curriculum, prevent students from falling back on their studies due to barriers in language.

Instruction in elementary schools is guided by a national curriculum, set forth by the United States Secretary of Education, which prepares students for studies at the secondary school level.  In addition to the regular curriculum, all U.S. elementary schools are also compelled to offer Special Education programs.  These programs are designed for students with learning delays and other disabilities that affect their ability to learn at the same pace as other students.  In addition, many elementary schools offer Gifted Education programs.  These programs are designed to address the needs of students for whom the regular curriculum in one or more subjects is not challenging enough.

In elementary school, the instruction is led by one teacher and the classroom sizes range from 20-30 students.  Regular elementary school teachers must, at minimum, possess a four-year Bachelor degree and a one-year, “multiple-subject” teaching credential. Special Education classrooms are generally led by a teacher and a teacher’s aide. The optimal class size for these programs is 15 or fewer students, with a maximum of 20 students.  Special education teachers must have a Bachelor’s degree and a Special Education credential from an accredited university.

Secondary Education

Secondary education in the U.S. is also offered by both public and private schools.  This stage of education is broken down into two distinct levels:  middle or junior high school and high school.  Middle school education generally spans two years (grades 7 and 8) and serves students who are 12-14 years of age.  High school programs span four years (grades 9-12) for students ages 14-18.  While only the initial two years of high school (or whenever a student reaches 16 years of age) are compulsory, most students in the United States complete the entire secondary school program and ultimately graduate from their high school. ThePensters custom writing service from the United States are the best place to get your high-school essays done.

The typical classroom size at American secondary schools is 25-35 students, and each classroom is led by a single teacher.  Like primary schools, middle schools and high schools in the United States also offer Special Education classes (with a teacher and an adult assistant), as well as programs designed for gifted students.  These courses, with names such as “Advanced Placement” or “Honors” classes, tend to have a much lower student to teacher ratio, typically topping out between 15 and 20 students per class.  Exceptionally bright students can also take college-level courses during their final two years of high school.

The initial year of secondary school represents the first time in which students have multiple teachers for various subjects.  National standards dictate that secondary school students must take and complete certain core courses for a prescribed number of years or terms as determined by each state.  These core courses generally include English, mathematics, general science, health, physical education, foreign languages and social studies or social sciences, an area which may include American history, World History, Government, Geography, and Sociology or Social Problems. 

Once students complete the middle school requirements, they are promoted to high school, where they enter as 9 graders.  Public American high schools tend to be much larger than secondary schools in other countries, with campuses serving anywhere from between 1,500 to 4,000 students. 

After the first two years of high school, students with no interest in pursuing an academic education at the college or university level can begin taking vocational classes in addition to the academic requirements mentioned above.  These courses range from auto body and woodworking classes to computer-aided drafting and restaurant management.  Collectively, these classes are designed to give students a head start by providing them with an opportunity to learn a marketable skill or trade.

Students who successfully complete their six-year secondary school requirements receive a high school diploma and are honored at a graduation ceremony.  This diploma is the minimum requirement for pursuing a college or university education.

Tertiary Education in the United States

Troy University

Following secondary school, students who wish to earn a degree, vocational diploma or trade certificate are afforded many options through which they can continue their education.  Some of the institutions that provide these programs include junior or community colleges; private vocational institutes; and public and private colleges and universities.

Junior Colleges (Community Colleges) and Private Vocational Institutions

Junior or community colleges offer an array of programs designed to help a wide variety of students meet their educational and career goals. Students who ultimately intend to pursue an academic degree at the college or university level can tackle the initial two years of that degree, also called the “general education requirements,” at a junior college and earn an Associate’s Degree in the process.  Junior colleges allow underclassmen to take specific lower-level subject requirements and transfer the credits they earn to the college or university of their choice.  Not only do these institutions represent an affordable option to a high-cost university, they allow students (with a less-than-stellar high school resume) to take and pass courses that will ultimately help them qualify for university admittance.

Although junior colleges are primarily known as academic institutions, they also offer scores of vocational pathways for students and an opportunity to earn a diploma or certification in a specific career field or trade.  Like private vocational institutions, the programs they offer are designed for students seeking a much more rapid track through which to earn the credentials they need for their chosen career.  Some of the specialized programs offered at junior colleges and private vocational institutions include:

  • Auto Mechanics and Body Repair
  • Iron and Metal Workers
  • Construction
  • Real Estate
  • HVAC (heating and air conditioning)
  • Cosmetology
  • Dental and Medical Assisting
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Electrician
  • Medical billing and Coding, and
  • Many, many more

The vocational programs at junior colleges and private vocational institutes typically span between 1 and 2 years.  Upon completion, graduates receive a diploma or certificate making them eligible to pursue a career position in their chosen field, and in many cases, the college or institute will also offer job placement assistance as part of the program.

The Widener library of Harvard University, SourceColleges and Universities

Eligibility Requirements

Students who wish to earn a Bachelor, Master or Doctorate degree in the United States must first apply for admittance into one of the thousands of colleges and universities in the country, both public and private.  Each institution sets its own policy for admission, but the minimum requirement at all U.S. institutions is a high school diploma.  Other criterion that colleges and universities will look at prior to admittance includes:

  • Grade point average (GPA)
  • The difficulty (or lack thereof) of the course load
  • SAT and ACT scores (college entrance exams taken in a student’s final year of high school)
  • School involvement (clubs, sports teams, student government, etc.)
  • Community service
  • Student essay


Naturally, the eligibility requirements of the larger public colleges are not nearly as rigid as some of the more prestigious private universities, such as Harvard, Yale and Stanford, where only the brightest of students across the country are admitted each year.

Degree Structure

The degree structure at America’s colleges and universities is very similar to that of other North American and many European countries.  It includes:

  • Bachelor Degree.  A Bachelor Degree program, whether you’re pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree or a Bachelor of Arts degree, will typically span four years in duration, assuming you attend school full-time and have access to all the classes you need.  The exact time to complete the program will, of course, depend on the institution and the subject area in which you are focusing your studies.
  • Master’s Degree.  The time required to complete a Master of Science or Master of Arts degree ranges from two to three years for full-time students (after earning a Bachelor degree).  Like with the Bachelor degree, the exact time to complete the degree will depend on the aforementioned factors.
  • Doctorate Degree.  The highest academic degree available in the United States, a doctorate degree has no specific timeframe for completion.  Doctorate candidates work closely with an academic/professional advisor, and together they develop a comprehensive study plan for the student, one which usually culminates in a doctoral dissertation or project.  In most cases, the time to complete this degree varies between 3 to 6 years.

In addition to the degrees mentioned above, U.S. students also have the opportunity to pursue advanced degrees that lead to positions in specific professional careers, including the areas of medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacology, psychiatry and the law.

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