In the street 1 match each word

На улицах города

Features of a town/city
Особенности городка/города

Упражнение 1, с. 8

1 a) Match the words (1-10) to the items in the pictures (A-J) Listen and check. — Сопоставьте слова (1-10) с элементами на картинках (A-J) Послушайте и проверьте.

1 С traffic lights светофор
2 B zebra crossing пешеходный переход
3 G bridge мост
4 J tunnel тоннель
5 F bus lane автобусная полоса

6 I level crossing железнодорожный переезд
7 H cycle lane велосипедная полоса
8 E bus stop автобусная остановка
9 A pavement тротуар
10 D road sign дорожный знак

b) Which of these are there in your local area? — Какие из них есть в вашем районе?

In my local area there are traffic lights, but there isn’t a zebra crossing. There isn’t a bus lane, but there is a level crossing. There isn’t a cycle lane, but there are traffic lights. There is a bus stop, pavements and road sign.

В моём районе есть светофоры, но нет пешеходного перехода. Там нет автобусной полосы, но есть перекрёсток. Там нет велосипедной дорожки, но есть светофоры. Есть автобусная остановка, тротуары и дорожный знак.

Listening & Reading

Упражнение 2, с. 8

2. Read the title of the text and look at the pictures. What do you think is happening? Listen and read to find out. — Прочтите название текста и посмотрите на картинки. Как вы думаете, что происходит? Послушайте и прочитайте, чтобы узнать это.

Ответ: The text about a real-life TV series that shows videos of the police and how they catch criminals on the road.

Текст о реальном телесериале, который показывает видео о полиции и о том, как они ловят преступников на дороге.

Упражнение 3, с. 8

3. Read the text and mark the statements (1-6) as T (true) or F (false). Correct the false statements. — Прочитайте текст и отметьте утверждения (1-6) как T (верно) или F (не верно). Исправьте ложные утверждения.

1 The programme features real police officers. T (I. 1-2)
В программе участвуют настоящие полицейские.

2 All the video footage is shot from helicopters. F (The video footage is from cameras in police cars, helicopters, and sometimes from hand-held cameras, too.)
Все видеоматериалы сняты с вертолётов. (Видеозапись ведётся с камер в полицейских машинах, вертолётах, а иногда и с ручных камер.)

3 Police. Camera, Action! shows lots of different crimes. F (It shows road crime and bad driving.)
Полиция. Камера, Мотор! показывает много разных преступлений. (Шоу показывает дорожную преступность и плохое вождение.)

4 The suspect doesn’t injure any pedestrians. T (I. 13-15)
Подозреваемый не причинил вреда ни одному пешеходу.

5 The suspect goes under a bridge. T (I. 20)
Подозреваемый уходит под мост.

6 The police car follows the suspect through a tunnel. F (The police car go over the level crossing to cut him off at the end of the tunnel.)
Полицейская машина следует за подозреваемым по туннелю. (Полицейская машина проезжает через ровный переход, чтобы отрезать его в конце туннеля.)

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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 6 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 6 класс. Workbook.

Английский язык. 6 класс

Lead in

1.Have you ever travelled abroad? Where did you go? What did you see there?

I have travelled abroad two time. I went to the Shanhai and Beiging. I saw lots of sightseeing. There were many nice design building every very so wonderfull and  city’s organization is so great. Shanhai’s one building very nice which name is TV Tower  very originally …..

Beijing’s Creat wall was very wonderful which wall famous for in the world . There was very long ans so excited. I’ m really like travelling… ^_^

3. Match two ting from the list to each place. Now listen to the tape and check your answers.

1.San Francisco- a. cable car           f. a famous bridge

2. Los Angeles — d. Disneyland people’s houses

3. San Diego-      c. zoo                      h. watersports

4. Hawaii —          e. golden beaches  b. traditional dances


4. You are going to read an article  about a tour of west coast of USA. For questions 1 to 8, choose from the places mentioned in the tour ( A-D). The places maybe chosen more the once. There is an example at the beginning(0).

                          Pacific Paradise Tour

A.  San Francisco                                          C.  San Diego

B.  Los Angeles                                             D. Hawaii 

The city is built on hills.                           A 

There is famous theme park.                  B

It ir very close to another country.        D

The local food is delicious.                        C   D

Entertainers perform as you eat.           A   B

You can see the homes of famous people.B

You can see interesting creatures under the sea.D

Vocabulary Practice

5. Look at the words in bold in EX4 and try to explain them, then choose any three and make sentences.

west coast west way land next to the sea

Pacific Ocean— very big ocean in the world

San Francisco— that city on the west coast of USA’s 

northern— this is north site of the USA 

cable car— which car active with electricity

street actor— who act some show in the street 

shake hands— to take someone’s right hand in your own

short drive— which way isn’t far

palm trees— some hot country’ tree

snorkeling— under the ocean trip

My aunt has very big fishing boat.

I have lot of dream one of them is I have see golden beaches

My friend saw snorkeling last holiday 

6.Match each word from column A with its opposite from column B.

A.                                                                       B

1. Beautiful                                                   a. dull 4

2. delicious                                                   b. ugly 1

3. fresh                                                         c. southern 6

4. exciting                                                    d. tasteless 2

5. dry                                                            e. wet        

6. northern                                                  f. stale 3

7. Fill in the correct word from the list below. Use the words only once.

    (cable, palm,steep,short, fishing, traditional, golden)

1. fishing boats

2. palm trees

3. traditional dances

4. cable cars

5. golden beaches

6. a short drive

7. steep roads

8. street actors

8. Replace the words in bold with others from the list.( clourful, perfect, delicious, gorgeous, tiny, delightful, huge, fantastic)

Last winter I went on skiing holiday to the Alps. We stayed in a tiny (small)  chalet which had a huge ( big) fireplace in every room. The weather was fantastic (good) so we were able to go skiing everyday. In the evenings we had dinner at delight ( nice) restaurants in the village. The food was really delicious (good) . There were some gorgeous (nice) shops so I bought a colourful ( nice) jumper. We stayed there for a week. We had a perfect ( good) time  

                  Words often Confused

9. Fill in the gaps with one of these words.( look-watch-see-take-bring)

1. Can you look that girl? She’s hiding behind the tree.

2. I always watch my favourite TV programme on Saturday afternoons

3. See at the statue! It’s gorgeous.

4. Can you bring me a glass of water, please? 

5. Take the books back to the library, please?

10. Fill in the correct particle(s)

                   Phrasal Verbs

1.A car almost ran over my dog.

2. The ball rolled down the hill and the children ran after.

3. While we were driving to Paris, the car ran out of petrol.

4. Guess what! I ran into Bill Garring yesterday.


11. Fill in the correct prepositions, then choose any three and make sentences.

1. in the west coast of the United States  2. in the Pacific Ocean 

3. famous for sth    4. on the tour  5. shake hands with sb

6. sit on golden beaches   7. get in a plane

1)She is very nice woman who sit on golden beaches 

2)Most best city New York in the east coast of the US

3)Asashiroyu famous for sumo wrestling who is champion all bashiyo

Помогите пожалуйста сделать английский язык. Сам не смог разобратся, из-за это сдесь…

Помогите пожалуйста сделать английский язык. Сам не смог разобратся, из-за это сдесь разместил. Спасибо кто поможет

The Telephone

1. Match each verb on the left with the correct phrase on the right.

(a) dial

(b) dial direct

(c)look up

(d) hold on



(2) ring a phone number

(3) phone a number yourself without using the operator

(4) phone, call

(5) find information in a book

2.Match each word or phrase on the left below with the correct phrase on

the right.

(a) wrong number

(b) directory

(c) directory enquiries

(d) off-peak

(e) interference


(g) long-distance

(h) call- box




(1) busy (when someone is using the line you want)

(2) public phone box

(3) person who helps you make a phone cal

(4) phone number you get by mistake

(5) service you phone if you want to find a phone number

(6) book of phone numbers

(7) very far, opposite of local

(8) not so busy time (when phone calls are cheaper)

(9) bad sound which makes it difficult to hear

(10) prices, charges

(11) part of the phone you speak into and listen to.

3.Put each of the words on the left in exercise 2 above in the correct space

in the conversation below.

Bill: Is that Jane?

Nell: This is 377 0211. There’s no one called Joan here.

Bill: Sorry, must have the (a)_____.Oh, just a moment, I want Jane, not Joan.

Nell: Oh sorry, yes. She’s here. Hold on a moment.

Jane: Hello, this is Jane.

Bill: Hi, this is Bill. I tried to ring before, but the line was (b)_____.

Jane: Yes, I was talking to my mother in Australia.

Bill: Oh, a (c)_____call. Was it expensive? The (d)_____are very high, aren’t they?

Jane: Only if you go through the (e)_____.It’s quite cheap if you dial direct, especially if you phone during the (f)_____period.

Bill: Was it a good line? Was it easy to hear?

Jane: It usually is, but today there was a lot of (g)_____.

Bill: I need some help, Jane. I tried to look up Amy’s number in the (h)_____but. I couldn’t find it.

Jane: I’m afraid I haven» got it. Why don’t you call (i)_____?

Bill: I’m in the street, in a (j)_____,and I’ve got no more money.

Jane: But it’s free. You just pick up the (k)_____, then you dial 142.

Bill: Oh yes, how stupid!


28 Май, 18


(12 баллов)

в категории Английский язык

1 Ответ


28 Май, 18


(1.0k баллов)

1.A-2 ,B-3, C-5, D-1, E-4

2.A-4,B-6 ,C-5 , D-8, E-9, F-1,G-7, H-2, I-3, J-11, F-10

3.A-wrong number










K-directory enquiries

1 b   2 b   3 a   4 c



Woman   Hello.

Man   Hi.

W   I’m collecting for emergency relief. Can you spare a few coins?

M   Actually, I’m in a bit of a hurry. I need to get to the supermarket before it closes.

W   Which supermarket? The one in the shopping centre?

M   Yes …

W   Oh, you’re fine. That’s just round the corner. And it doesn’t close until 8 o’clock. You’ve got ages!

M   Right … OK. So, what’s this charity?

W   We’re collecting money for food packages to send to Somalia. The situation there is terrible: more than a million people have got nothing to eat. These photos show what’s happening there and how food packages are helping. Maybe if you can spare a minute …

M   Yes, yes. It looks terrible. I’ve got some money in my pocket … hold on.

W   Anything you can spare …

M   Here.

W   Thank you!


I was in Japan when it happened, but not near that part of the coast. In fact, I was in Tokyo. I was working there for a few days. While we were having a meeting, somebody heard the news or saw it online. And then everyone was talking about it – in Japanese, of course. I didn’t know what was happening because my Japanese isn’t very good. I had lessons for a while but I found it really difficult! Anyway, I knew something was wrong. I could tell that from their faces and from their voices when they talked. After a few minutes, somebody explained to me in English what was happening. Later I saw it all on TV, how that enormous wave came in and destroyed everything on the coast. It was shocking.


I took a gap year at the end of my university course. I studied medicine, but I didn’t want to be a doctor – my interest was in research. I wanted to be a scientist. Anyway, for my gap year, I went to Cameroon in Central Africa. I got a job helping a medical charity and stayed for the whole year. Basically, I worked as a doctor’s assistant in one of their medical centres. We were really busy because that year, there were a lot of cases of Yellow Fever. It was spreading fast, and people were coming to the medical centre every day with the disease. It took ten months to get it under control. After that, I changed my plan – I didn’t want to be a scientist after all. So I went back to the UK and finished my training to become a hospital doctor. That took two years. Now I’m looking for a job – and I’d love to go back to Africa.


Woman   Look out of the window. What a great view!

Man   Yes, it is. Amazing. Look at those trees – and that mountain in the background.

 It’s a volcano, I think.

 Is it? Yes, maybe. I’m not sure.

 We can ask.

Bell boy   Here are your suitcases, madam.

M   Thanks very much! Can I ask you a question?

BB   Yes, of course.

W   Is that a volcano or just a mountain?

BB   It’s a volcano: Mount Bagana. But don’t worry – the last time we all had to leave the hotel was five years ago.

 Only five years? So, it’s an active volcano?

BB   Yes, active. But it’s quiet now.

 For the moment …

BB   Yes, for the moment.

Module 3 6th form TEST 1. Match the words. 1) traffic        A lanes        6) seat        F crossing 2) parking        B limit        7) bike        G warden 3) yellow        C sign        8) speed        H car driver 4) zebra        D lines        9) traffic        I helmet 5) racing        E zone        10) bicycle        J belt 2. Fill in the correct word. watch                road            plane            boat        bike         car         lights         left        handgrips            kerb 1. This man is a pilot. He can fly a ___. 2. Use the ____ when there are no free seats on the bus. 3. My little sister can’t ride a ___ yet. 4. His brother is very young. He can’t drive a ___. 5. Don’t run from the pavement onto the ___. 6. Can your father sail a ____. 7. Always stop at the traffic ____ when it’s red. 8. Turn ___ into Apple street. 9. There’s a car coming. ____ out! 10. Stand on the pavement near the ____. 3. Complete the Road Safety Instructions with the correct verb. 1. When on the street, ____ both ways before crossing the road. 2. When on the bus, don’t ____ to the driver. 3. When going to school, ____ on the pavement. 4. When you ride a bike, ____ a bicycle helmet. 5. When in the car, don’t ____ out of the window. 4. Choose the correct preposition (on, by, in, from, at) 1. Be careful when you cross the street __ foot. 2. When you travel __ a bus, don’t annoy others. 3. Always wear a seat belt when you travel __ a car. 4. It’s safe to travel __ train. 5. It’s expensive to travel __ plane. 5. Find the correct response to each sentence. 1. Is there a cinema near here?            A Yes, it’s next to the chemist’s. 2. Is it far?                        B Don’t mention it. 3. Do you know where the bank is?        C Not really. 4. Do I turn right at the traffic lights?        D Yes. There is a nice one on High Street. 5. Thank you very much.                E No, you turn left. Look at the sign. 6. Read the text and answer the questions. Hi! My name is Fran and I’m ten years old. My best friend is Susan and she is twelve. Susan is very smart and can do a lot of things. She can play the guitar and the piano. Susan is also very good at sports. She can swim and sail a boat, too. I can’t swim very well and I can’t sail a boat. Susan cooks lunch for herself and her little brother every day. I can’t cook because my mum says I’m too young. There is one thing that Susan and I can’t do. We can’t drive a car! 1) How old is Fran’s best friend? 2) What can Susan play? 3) What sport can’t Fran do? 4) How old is Fran? 5) What can’t the girls do? 7. Describe the traffic signs using the modal verb CAN/CAN’T​

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