In the moment another word

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Their kindness only extends to protecting your feelings in the moment.

Их доброта распространяется только на то, чтобы пощадить ваши чувства в данный момент.

Enjoy where you are in the moment.

I think he means, in the moment that it steals your attention.

Мне кажется, в тот момент он своим высказыванием привлекал к себе внимание.

Usually the symptoms of flat feet in children appear in the moment when toddlers begin to walk.

Обычно симптомы эквино-плоско-вальгусной деформации стопы у детей появляются в тот момент, когда малыши начинают ходить…

I paint what inspires me in the moment.

Give yourself permission to just be in the moment.

Имея в виду, что вы даете себе разрешение просто быть на данный момент.

I’m always influenced by what excites me in the moment.

Я всегда нахожусь под сильным влиянием вещей, которые интересуют меня в данный момент.

Emotions are spontaneous physiological responses to what’s happening in the moment.

Ведь эмоции являются психо-физиологической реакцией на то, что с нами в данный момент происходит.

Working in the moment is key for me.

Это направление работы в данный момент является для меня ключевым.

Love whatever you do in the moment.

He always knows what she needs in the moment.

Do what is most important in the moment.

Eat something that brings pleasure in the moment.

Найдите что-то, что приносит вам удовольствие в данный момент.

Is customized to your needs in the moment.

Теперь нужно настроить её в соответствии с вашими потребностями в данный момент.

Ignore manifesting more negativity in the moment.

Pick ones that are appropriate for you in the moment.

Выберите те из них, который будут полезны вам в данный момент.

You observe everything taking place in the moment from a neutral perspective.

Вы воспринимаете все, что происходит в данный момент с новой, внутренней точки зрения.

I do what’s interesting in the moment.

I just like to remain in the moment.

«Мне просто нравится находиться здесь и сейчас в данный момент.

But in the moment, this idea is unsettling.

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Предложения с «in the moment»

Many psychologists define happiness as a state of comfort and ease, feeling good in the moment.

Многие психологи определяют счастье как состояние комфорта и лёгкости, хорошего самоощущения здесь и сейчас.

Then I thought, I want to uplift the stories of these people I was watching being courageous in the moment.

Затем у меня появилось желание возвысить истории этих людей, в которых я увидел в тот момент смелость.

Maybe we weren’t equipped with the tools to respond in the moment.

Возможно, мы не были готовы высказаться в конкретный момент.

When spousal privilege is invoked in the moment, prosecution has the right to challenge the validity of the marriage.

При внезапном появлении супружеской привилегии обвинение может оспорить законность брака.

My understanding is it was a judgment call made in the moment.

Моё согласие было субъективным решением, сделанным в тот момент.

In the moment of contact he realized the folly of his action, but it was already too late.

В самый момент контакта он осознал всю глупость своих действий, но было уже поздно.

In the moment you left me after the air raid, I knew I must find you again quickly.

С того момента, когда мы расстались впервые я понял, что должен быстро найти тебя.

The field will exist, and in the moment it comes to exist, the generator will lose all power and the field will cease to exist.

Поле будет существовать, но в какой — то момент генератор перестанет функционировать, и оно прекратит свое существование.

My perception of the reality has radically changed in the moment of my death.

Моё восприятие реальности радикально изменилось в момент моей смерти.

Look, being an artist is about expressing your true feelings, in the moment, no matter what the consequences.

Слушай, быть артистом — это значит выражать свои истинные чувства именно в тот момент, независимо от того, какие будут последствия.

To become more aware of when he’s getting angry, and how better he can deal with it, in the moment.

Чтобы выяснить, почему он злится и как ему лучше с этим справляться на данном этапе.

In the moment that she confronts these wife-beaters, she is acting out her own uncontrollable rage.

Когда она встречается с избивателями жён, она выплескивает свой собственный гнев.

He felt sorry for her, both on account of the unnecessary unkindness of his words and the fear that showed in her eyes in the moment of her standing up to him.

Ему было жаль ее и из — за излишней грубости его слов, и из — за страха, который появился в ее взгляде, когда она дала ему отпор.

As we grow up, most of us seem to lose this ability to be wholly in the moment.

С возрастом большинство из нас теряют способность растворяться в моменте.

Well, in the moment, I may have gotten a little flustered.

На тот момент, я был немного возбуждён.

I added this saving clause, in the moment of rejecting four richly caparisoned coursers which I had had wild thoughts of harnessing.

Эту спасительную оговорку я добавил после того, как мысленно отменил четверку коней в богатой сбруе, которых чуть было сгоряча не запряг в карету.

I little knew, and less I cared, for I lived always in the moment and let others forecast, forfend, and travail their anxiety.

Я мало над чем задумывался и еще менее заботился, ибо жил всегда минутой, а думы и беспокойство предоставлял другим.

It’ll help put you in the moment.

Это поможет вам вернуться в тот момент времени.

Well, sure, life is full of pain and drudgery, but the trick is to enjoy the few perfect experiences we’re given in the moment.

Да, конечно жизнь полна боли и тяжелой работы но фокус в том, что наслаждаться несколькими идеальными событиями которые происходят в данный момент

I kind of got swept up in the moment.

Я будто взлетел на мгновение

I just got swept up in the moment.

Я просто поддался моменту.

We all get a little… swept up in the moment every now and then.

Мы все… увлекаемся каким — то моментом время от времени.

But in the moment it took her to shift her gaze Kostoglotov saw how alienated it had become.

Однако и за этот короткий перевод глаз Костоглотов мог увидеть, как они отчуждены.

‘Sometimes, there’s a brightness ‘and a richness in the moment.

Иногда есть особая яркость и сочность момента.

He shrank from saying that he had rejected Bulstrode’s money, in the moment when he was learning that it was Lydgate’s misfortune to have accepted it.

Мог ли он рассказать, как отверг деньги, предложенные ему Булстродом, в тот момент, когда узнал, что Лидгейту пришлось стать его должником?

Do you calculate in advance how to make me look a fool, or does inspiration strike you in the moment?

Ты заранее подсчитал, как заставить меня выглядеть глупо, или тебе к этому подтолкнуло вдохновение?

Feelings are rarely understood in the moment.

Чувства редко осознаются в момент ощущения.

A childish association revived with wonderful force in the moment of the slight action, and I fancied that I saw Miss Havisham hanging to the beam.

При этом движении одно детское воспоминание вспыхнуло во мне с поразительной силой: мне снова почудилось, будто я вижу мисс Хэвишем висящей на перекладине.

In the moment, it seems like it’s never ending.

Тот миг кажется бесконечным.

So I think maybe we want to put aside what sounds good in the moment and be adaptable with our policy in terms of reality.

На мой взгляд, нам следует отказаться от красивых слов и подходить к нашей политике с точки зрения реальности.

I’m in the moment, on the edge, over the top, but under the radar… A high-concept, low profile, medium-range ballistic missionary…

я сиюминутный, на острие, выше крыши, но ниже радара… онцептуальный, низкопрофильный, средней дальности баллистический миссионер..

I like your method, so I added my own, mostly just inspirational things so I stay confident in the moment.

Мне нравится твой метод, я добавила собственный, в основном просто воодушевляющие штучки, чтобы в нужный момент быть уверенной.

I don’t want to be scrutinizing another man’s work when I’m… in the moment.

Я не хочу изучать работу другого мужчины, когда я… в таких моментах.

I know what the plan was, Saul, but he had a legitimate problem with it, and I… I made a call in the moment.

Я знаю, какой был план, Сол, но у него была обоснованная причина, и я приняла решение сиюминутно.

When she crashed last night, you saw all the permutations and you made all the right calls in the moment.

Когда ей стало плохо вчера, ты полностью представлял ситуацию и вовремя предпринял необходимые меры.

I didn’t think much of it in the moment, but in retrospect, I’m quite certain that I saw a second cell phone on him.

Я тогда не придала этому значения, но сейчас почти уверена, что видела при нем второй мобильный.

She forgot the fear and pain. She closed her eyes, weightless in the moment.

Забыв боль и страх, Виттория стояла, прижавшись к нему, и на какой — то миг ей показалось, что она стала невесомой.

In the moment at which he had put her away from him she hadn’t wanted to go, could even have flown at him like a savage.

В тот миг, когда Люк отодвинул ее от себя, ей вовсе не хотелось отодвигаться, она готова была снова неистово к нему прильнуть.

But in the moment he looked at Lip-lip his hair rose on end all along his back.

Но стоило ему только увидеть Лип — Липа, как шерсть у него на спине встала дыбом.

People living in the moment, being raw, not performing.

Люди, живущие моментом, честные, без притворства.

And if it is true? he said to himself. If it is true that in the moment of agony and nearness to death she is genuinely penitent, and I, taking it for a trick, refuse to go?

А если это правда? — сказал он себе. — Если правда, что в минуту страданий и близости смерти она искренно раскаива — ется, и я, приняв это за обман, откажусь приехать?

But maybe I pushed too hard in the moment.

Но, может быть, я надавил слишком сильно в тот момент.

I think you did what you felt was right in the moment.

Думаю, ты сделал то, что считал правильным в ту минуту.

I just did what felt right in the moment.

Я просто делала, то, что чувствовала правильным.

The East Africans live very much in the moment, so it’s not a guarantee of smooth sailing forever.

На востоке Африки люди живут практически одним днём, так что это не гарантия вечного беззаботного плавания.

The whole messy punk rocker live-in-the-moment thing.

Вся эта панк — рокерская жизнь здесь и сейчас.

In the moment when he had seen her fall on the bandaged arm, it had been as though he felt the pain in his own body.

В тот миг, когда она упала на перевязанную руку, он сам как будто почувствовал боль.

You told me that a measure of a man is in the moment when he is confronted by himself.

Вы сказали, что мера человека проявляется в моменте, когда он сталкивается сам с собой.

So it was a decision made in the moment?

Значит, это было решение, принятое в тот момент?

Between seizing what life offers in the moment and forging ahead, no matter the weather…

Между попытками схватить то, что жизнь предлагает тебе в данный момент и движением вперед, не зависимо от погоды…

To become more aware of when he’s getting angry, and how better he can deal with it, in the moment.

Чтобы выяснить, почему он злится и как ему лучше с этим справляться на данном этапе.

He was caught up in the moment — a chase after suspected insurgents.

Его подловили в тот момент, когда он гонялся за подозреваемыми повстанцами.

All I want is to not look forward or back. I just wanna be… in the moment I’m in.

Я хочу не смотреть ни вперед, ни назад, а просто быть там когда я есть.

In the moment of danger, Rastignac, it is clear, would have been delighted to provide the vehicle that should convey Jacques Collin to the scaffold.

В минуту опасности Растиньяк, конечно, с величайшим удовольствием доставил бы повозку, чтобы отправить Обмани — Смерть на эшафот.

I just think that in the moment, when you’re with that person, you just feel like you want to remember being with them for forever, and then, everything will just fall into place.

Я считаю, что когда ты остаешься с тем самым человеком, ты понимаешь, что хочешь запомнить этот момент навсегда, и тогда все просто встает на свои места.

It was foreign to me in the moment, but…

Тогда мне было это незнакомо, но…

Here, in the moment of truth…

Вот он, момент истины.

But even in the moment of my death I dream, that I’ll meet that woman of my life.

Но даже в минуту смерти я мечтаю, что еще встречу женщину своей жизни.

We both did things we didn’t know were wrong in the moment.

Мы оба делали вещи, которые могли быть неверными в тот момент.

And in the moment I needed to trust you the most, you made me doubt you.

и в тот момент, когда мне больше всего нужно было твое доверие, ты заставил меня сомневаться в тебе.

What is another word for in moment?

49 synonyms found


[ ɪn mˈə͡ʊmənt], [ ɪn mˈə‍ʊmənt], [ ɪ_n m_ˈəʊ_m_ə_n_t]

Related words: in the moment advertising, in-the-moment advertising, in-the-moment ads, adwords in the moment, what does in the moment advertising mean, in the moment ads, that’s in the moment

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  • What is in-the-moment advertising?
  • What is in-the-moment advertising meaning?
  • Table of Contents

    • adv.

      in a moment (adverb)

      • momently,
      • in a trice,
      • very soon,
      • in an instance,
      • right away,
      • at once,
      • momentarily,
      • in a wink.

      now (adverb)

      • presently,
      • pronto,
      • first off,
      • nowadays,
      • straightaway,
      • at this time,
      • on the double,
      • today,
      • these days,
      • immediately,
      • forthwith,
      • right now,
      • in a moment,
      • this day,
      • instantly,
      • PDQ,
      • just now,
      • at the moment,
      • soon,
      • here and now,
      • in nothing flat,
      • any more,
      • at this moment,
      • Instanter,
      • in a minute,
      • directly,
      • like now,
      • promptly,
      • away.

      presently (adverb)

      • by and by,
      • shortly,
      • without delay,
      • before you know it,
      • ANON,
      • now,
      • down the road,
      • pretty soon,
      • down the line,
      • down the pike,
      • before long,
      • in a short time.

    How to use «In moment» in context?

    In moments, we feel a deep connection to something or someone. We feel a sense of awe or wonder, and we are fully present in the moment. Moments can be fleeting or they can last indefinitely, but they are always unique and special. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of being in moments:

    1. Moments are always filled with emotion. Whether you’re feeling joy, love, or happiness, every moment is unique and special.

    2. Moments allow you to connect with others. When we’re in moments, we’re more likely to connect with others.

    Word of the Day

    narrowed down

    calm down,
    cut down,

    Nearby words

    • in mix
    • in mixed
    • in mixes
    • in mixing
    • in moderation
    • In moment
    • (is that) understood?
    • (it’s) all right for someone
    • (it’s) my pleasure
    • -in suspense; panse
    • i


    • IN MOMENT synonyms at
    • IN MOMENT synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
      — IN MOMENT synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of IN MOMENT
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for IN MOMENT

    icon forward

    context icon

    Yes, but there’s something to be said About living in the moment.

    context icon

    Да, но что обычно говорят о том, чтобы жить настоящим.

    context icon

    context icon

    Очень прискорбно, что остальные погибли в минуту своей славы.

    context icon

    context icon

    Что происходит? Мысль ускользает, а я пытаюсь жить настоящим.

    context icon

    Yeah, but

    buying a place kinda makes it hard to live in the moment.

    context icon

    Да, но покупка квартиры усложняет жизнь настоящим.

    context icon


    figure of


    Duke of Richelieu is depicted in the moment of



    context icon

    Фигура герцога Ришелье изображена в моменте шествующем…».

    context icon

    Я думал, ты сказала, что хочешь жить настоящим.

    context icon


    context icon

    Просадка составляет не более 20- 25% по депозиту в моменте.


    And in the moment he depicted-


    dance and


    dancer were merged.


    context icon

    И в миге том, что он изображал, слились и танец, и танцор.


    My best selling

    photographs all have an element of being in the moment.


    context icon

    У всех моих самых популярных фотографий есть элемент пойманного мгновения.


    context icon

    It is typical for a nation to rally around its leader in the moment of danger.».

    context icon

    Нации свойственно сплотиться вокруг лидера в минуты опасности».

    You said you were just living in the moment and that


    kiss meant nothing.

    context icon

    Ты сказала, что живешь моментом и что этот поцелуй ничего не означает.

    Caught up in the moment of trying to kill you,- he let his guard down.

    context icon

    context icon

    Они звучат разумно сейчас, но они… всегда.

    context icon

    В тот момент, когда она нуждалась


    том, чтобы я пошел против матери.

    context icon

    Я хочу чтобы ты сейчас, глубоко вошел в меня.

    In the moment, I made a split-second decision to save


    man’s life and.

    context icon

    Просто настал такой момент, и все вышло вот так неправильно.

    context icon

    Results: 316,
    Time: 0.0646





    • #1

    I feel confused about how to use «at the moment» and «in the moment» in a sentence.

    Here is my contexts:
    — Hopes that she would be more moderate than her abrasive husband were quickly dashed right in the moment she talked to me.
    — Hopes that she would be more moderate than her abrasive husband were quickly dashed right at the moment she started to talk to me.

    Could you guys tell me whether I do it right or not, and explain to me why.

    Thanks for your visiting and reading it.

  • PaulQ

    • #2

    — Hopes that she would be more moderate were quickly dashed right in the moment [in which] she talked to me. = she spoke to you only for a moment but it was within that moment that your hopes were dashed.
    — Hopes that she would be more moderate were quickly dashed right at the moment she started to talk to me. = as soon as [upon the moment] she started to speak, your hopes were dashed.

    • #3

    Let me back away from your example for a moment, as it has several issues.
    Here are a couple of other examples with in a moment or at the moment.

    I’m sorry. At the moment I’m rather busy.

    (Means I’m busy right now.)
    I live in the moment. (I take advantage of each minute of my life and enjoy it to its fullest.)

    As for your original example, it’s problematic because a moment is a very brief period of time, and «she talked to me» suggests a longer period that seems inconsistent with such a brief instant. If you change the sentence a bit, you can use moment. A preposition isn’t necessary at all:

    My hopes that she would be more moderate than her abrasive husband were dashed the moment she opened her mouth.

    • #4

    So let me describe what I get when I read your explanation:
    in the moment : is to describe a period of time (short one but still a period of time). And in this period of time, she talked to me, my hopes were dashed.
    at the moment : is to describe a point of time. My hopes were dashed for the first second she talked to me.

    Did I get it right?

    What if I write it this way:
    Hopes that she would be more moderate were quickly dashed right in the moment she started to talk to me. (it’s wrong, right ?)

    • #5

    With no reference to support me, I see these two phrases as completely different. «In the moment» describes an emotional/mental state of being of a person, while at the moment describes a point in time.

    A person may be in the moment — completely absorbed by what is going on around, at one with the circumstance of the present moment. In fact one may be in the moment at the moment of some occurrence.

    I have recently seen «in the moment» used in terms of the currently trending pop psychology flavor of «mindfulneess».

    I would not use «in the moment» as shown in the example of the OP.

    • #6

    To me, «in the moment» is more about experiencing the moment—about my being emotionally in it. When he told me I loved me, I was completely in the moment and didn’t notice it had started raining.

    «At the moment»
    is more about localizing the action in time. At the very moment he proposed to me, it started raining.Your sentence still sounds a bit foreign. First, quickly is redundant, as you are already saying the hopes were dashed at the very moment she started to talk to you. In the moment also just sounds to me like a foreigner speaking English. You could say at the moment but in AE it is more natural, at least to me, to leave off the preposition entirely. I would say «Hopes that she would be more moderate were dashed the moment she started to talk to me.»


    • #7

    So let me describe what I get when I read your explanation:
    in the moment : is to describe a period of time (short one but still a period of time). And in this period of time, she talked to me, my hopes were dashed.
    at the moment : is to describe a point of time. My hopes were dashed at the first second she talked to me.

    Did I get it right?

    Yes. That is the idea.

    What if I write it this way:
    Hopes that she would be more moderate were quickly dashed right in the moment she started to talk to me. (it’s wrong, right ?)

    Yes, I think it is wrong. I like Embonpoint’s «My hopes that she would be more moderate than her abrasive husband were dashed the moment she opened her mouth.»

    But, and even easier, you can omit both right in and right at, and it sounds idiomatic: Hopes that she would be more moderate were quickly dashed

    right in/at

    the moment she started to talk to me.

    • #8

    To add a bit, I think what we’re dealing with here is not grammar but simply the idiomatic way we typically express the concept you are expressing here. The idea «at the very moment» is often expressed as «the moment.»

    The two sentences below are the same, but the first would be more common.

    The moment I arrived, she started yelling at me for not having called her.
    At the very moment I arrived, she started yelling at me for not having called her.

    • #9

    Base on your sentence (I live in the moment.)
    I used in the moment for the first of mine :
    — Hopes that she would be more moderate than her abrasive husband were quickly dashed right in the moment she talked to me.
    to describe the context that when she talked to me, I took time to hear what she said, and then my hopes were dashed.
    and in the moment is the one I can think of. Could you make it right for me? And could you explain me more about the meaning of in the moment. I think I still unclearly understand it :(

    • #10

    In the moment is often used to mean your brain is in a particular moment—that you are completely absorbed by what is happening. The movement of «living in the moment,» which many people talk about, means that you appreciate each moment of your life fully. So I may have cancer, I may be losing my job tomorrow, but right now I am on the beach with my lover and it’s a beautiful day. I’m living in the moment. It means I am appreciating the particular brief space of time fully.

    It makes no sense in your sentence. I can’t say it’s completely wrong gramatically. But it sounds like you are a foreign speaker. Does that make sense?

    • #11

    Everything is clear now. Idiom make grammar become confusing ! :(
    I will note this for the next time I use this phrase, thank you all :D

    • #12

    But it sounds like you are a foreign speaker. Does that make sense?

    Yes I am, I’m trying to widen my English knowledge more deeply. :)

    If I have any wrong grammar when discussing in the forum, please help me to fix it. I appreciate it. :D

    • #13

    I know you are a foreign speaker. What I was trying to say is the sentence you wrote, while I can’t say it’s grammatically wrong, makes you sound foreign. We tend to be precise here at WR. If something is grammatically wrong, we say so. Other sentences may just be foreign-sounding or awkward, while not actually wrong.

    Your goal (I’m guessing) is to sound as native as possible!

    There is probably too much to fix in everything you wrote, but I’ll make one suggestion, since it could come up a lot:

    If I make any grammatical errors in the forum, please correct me.

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