In the modern world word combination land use planning has a much wider meaning

Цели практической работы: совершенствование устной и письменной речи, способствовать развитию общения на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы, пополнение словарного запаса.
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Documentation of Land Use Planning

Land use planning is carried out according to decisions of government bodies, local self-management; administrative areas and cities; under the petition of the interested proprietors and land users as well as citizens and legal persons applying for reception of a land site.

The use of lands strictly to their assignment, the organization of territory of landed properties and land uses, measures for maintenance of steady landscapes and protection of lands are obligatory for all proprie­tors and land users as well as for bodies of government.

Land use planning is carried out and financed with participation of the parties concerned or their authorized representatives. In land use planning may participate:

— citizens, enterprises, establishments, organizations, other legal persons being customers of land use planning documentation;

— developers of land use planning documentation;

— proprietors and users of land in which territory land use planning is carried out;

— government bodies, appropriate committees of the Russian Fee oration and the institutions of local government participating in land use planning activity according to the competence;

— proprietors and land users whose land sites adjoin to arranged ter­ritory or are inside it;

— citizens, public and other persons not owning the sites, whose interests are touched by land use planning actions.

The customers of land use planning work may be the government bodies, institutions of local government, citizens, state and public en­terprises, organizations, establishments and other legal persons.

According to the Russian Federation legislation the state guarantees to all participants of land use planning activity irrespective of ownership forms on land and citizenship maintenance of equal rights and interests protected by the law, and the right of the appeal in juridical order of any illegal actions.

Цели практической работы: совершенствование устной и письменной речи, способствовать развитию общения на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы, пополнение словарного запаса.
1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Border, elimination, soil, protection, waste, establishment, research­ing, connect, pollution, certificate, restoration, boundary, site, sub­stances, conduction, estimation, carry out, researchers.

2. Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Technical registration, wind erosion, waste products, tilled soils, ra­dioactive substances, projects for reclaiming the soils, country bounda­ries, elimination of inconveniences, arrangement of land, irrationally used, publicly discussed, interfarm land use planning, number of inter­connected elements, land property.

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Land Use Planning Activity

The basic directions of land use planning in Russia include:

— development of federal and regional forecasts, programmes of use .and protection of land resources, a scheme of land use planning in view of town-planning, ecological, economic and other features of the territory;

— survey with establishment (restoration) on land the borders of administrative-territorial formations, the borders of land sites under gen­eral state system and their technical registration;

— drawing up new land use planning projects, existing landed prop­erties and land uses ordering with elimination of inconveniences in the arrangement of land;

— delimitation of the land areas, establishment of borders and allotment of land sites in districts, registration of plans (drawings) of borders, preparation for the certificate of rights to the land sites;

— development of the projects for reclaiming the tilled soils, soil protection from water and wind erosion, mudflow, landslides, flooding, bogging, pollution by waste products of manufacture, chemical and radioactive substances, for improvement of agricultural lands, for devel­opment of new areas, preservation and increase of soil fertility;

— substantiation of borders accommodation and establishment of especially protected territories;

— fixing and change on district of city, country and rural settlements boundaries;

conducting topographical and geodetic, cartographical, soil, agrochemical, geobotanical, historical, cultural and other researching work;

— development of land use planning documents connected with es­timation of resources, use and protection of land, preservation and development of historically used economic activities of small peoples and ethnic groups;

— drawing up maps and atlases of land resources conditions and use;

— land inventory, regular revealing unused, irrationally used, areas used not on a special-purpose designation.

Land use planning activity is carried out in all areas irrespective of their special-purpose designation and forms of ownership according to scientifically proved, publicly discussed and in accordance with estab­lished order authorized by land use planning documentation (including forecasts, programmes, schemes and projects, materials of inspections and researches).

4. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Activity, regulation, particular, demarcation, work, special, order, define, arrangement, organizing, delimitation, determine.

5. Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

Misunderstanding, natural, irregular, legal, understanding, unnatural, regular, respective, illegal, irrespective.

6. Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Защита почвы от эрозии, установление границ, материалы проверок и исследований, целевое назначение, улучшение с/х земель, этнические группы, публично обсужденные проблемы, опись (инвентаризация) земли, основные средства, земельные площади, в соответствии с, равные права, компьютерная наука, детальные топографические исследования.

7. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. В России существуют основные направления землеустроительных работ. 2. Разработка землеустроительных документов связана с оценкой земли. 3. Этнические группы используют и сохраняют свою землю. 4. Землеустройство — это правильная организация земельных ресурсов. 5. Компьютеры широко используются в землеустройстве. 6. Землеустроители решают топографические и картографические вопросы каждый день. 7. Законодательные и правовые акты определяют правильное использование земель. 8. Пользователи земли и собственники участвуют в землеустроительной работе.

8. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова:

Arrangement, proprietor, management, worker, specialist, user, government, legislation, administration, citizenship, designation.

9. Образуйте имена существительные от следующих глаголов:

Depend, improve, operate, direct, measure, consider, compose, arrange, participate, manage.

10. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова: estimation, used, administrative, conducts, responsible:

1. Land use planning is financed by … bodies. 2. A land use planner … topographical and geodetic works. 3. Maps and atlases are … by spe­cialists. 4. A land use planner is … for revealing unused lands. 5. … of resources is the main task of a land use planner.

11. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. Bodies of the government are the customers of land use planning work. 2. The state guarantees equal rights and protection for citizens. 3. Maintenance of steady landscapes is obligatory for all proprietors. 4. Local land use planning allows to receive operation designs. 5. A land use planner estimates development of a site.

12. Образуйте З формы следующих глаголов:

То be, to have, to go, to begin, to increase, to direct, to provide, to change, to own, to till, to depend, to define, to arrange.

13. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. How many kinds of land use planning do you know? 2. What are they? 3. What is the purpose of land use planning? 4. Are there the basic directions of land use planning activity? 5. Land use planning activity is carried out in all areas, is not it? 6. What tasks does local land use planning solve? 7. What laws does land use planning study? 8. Who ran participate in land use planning work?

Цели практической работы: совершенствование устной и письменной речи, способствовать развитию общения на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы, пополнение словарного запаса.
1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Institutions, characteristics, title, multipurpose, register, assume, jurisdiction, cause, faulty, public, private, experience, financial, computerization, originally, weakness, flexible, cheap.

2. Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Vast amount, particular purposes, accurate information, a sustainable basis, modern society, long traditions, faulty registration, public and private sectors, negative effect, civil law system, property registration, low degree of coverage, further indications, legal support.

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Basic Elements of Cadastral System

A Land Cadastre as a Tax Tool and a Land Registry has long traditions. The legal base of modern era of these institutions was created long ago.

The following four basic aspects give an overview of the existing cadastral systems: legal and organizational characteristics, levels planning and control, aspects of multipurpose cadastres, and responsibilities of the public and private sectors.

The basic elements of the cadastral systems are different in different countries. Cadastral systems can be based on titles, deeds, or both. Some countries have indicated that their cadastral system is based on titles. The parcel is the basic unit in the others. A civil law system is the legal basis in the most of them. Registration of property rights is also compulsory. In the average cadastral system, legal protection of the registered rights seems to be very good. The legal force of a property registration, however, has at the same time both a positive and negative effect. The positive effect — registered rights — are assumed to be correct and the negative effect — unregistered rights — are assumed to be non-existent.

Furthermore, the state is in the most cases liable for any damage that was caused by faulty registration. In most jurisdictions, the cadastral systems include land registration and cadastral mapping. In many countries cadastral maps are part of the register, but not, for example, in most of the Australian states, and in Hong Kong, Greece, and Latvia. Land registration includes such interests in land as the rights, but which are also restrictions and responsibilities.

In most cases, the cadastre covers the complete territory of the country. The exceptions are low priority areas which may not always be covered. The cadastres are mainly of a complete character which means that parcels are introduced into the systems in a systematic way.

There are two components of strategic planning — land registration and cadastral mapping. Strategic planning, management, and operational control for both components of the cadastral system are done within the same organization which is, in all cases, from the public sector. But sometimes tasks of strategic planning and management control are separated among different organizations, some of which are even in the private sector. However, the strategic responsibility for the cadastral systems, i.e. strategic planning, is always kept in the hands of the public sector.

Cadastral systems were mainly established to serve a legal and/or a fiscal purpose. Historically, land records have been established to serve two main purposes. First, as «fiscal» records, primarily for the public sector, they have served as the basis for the full and accurate taxation of land. Second, as «legal» records for the private sector, they have served as registers of ownership and other land rights. The data of the cadastral systems are used for facilities management, base mapping, value assessment, land use planning, and environmental impact assessment. A legal basis, however, does not exist everywhere for all of these other purposes.

4. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Steady, equipment, legal, official, basic, tool, huge, main, state, persistent, nation, cumbersome.

5. Образуйте от данных слов антонимы при помощи отрицательных префиксов и переведите их:

Dis-: regard, advantage, courage, appear, appoint, count, symmetrical, pleasure.

Non-: agricultural, currency, human, durable, effective, persistent, content, communicable, plowable, judicial.

6. Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Основные аспекты, во всех случаях, правовые и фискальные цели, частный сектор, влияние окружающей среды, эра нового государственного управления, финансовая часть земельной регистрации, административные недостатки, сильные и слабые стороны, быстрое обслуживание пользователей, точность карт, очень дорогой, часто указывает, низкий уровень (степень) охвата.

7. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на ан­глийский:

1. Ограниченная компьютеризация — слабая сторона системы. 2. Государство постоянно регистрирует земли. 3. В прошлом году в агентстве имели место финансовые и административные недостатки. 4. Землеустроитель проводит сейчас кадастровую съемку. 5. Кадастровые карты есть почти во всех странах. 6. Информация о земле очень полезна для землеустроителей. 7. Кадастровая система защищает права владельцев земли. 8. Землеустроители несут ответственность за оценку земли.

8. Образуйте однокоренные слова от данных глаголов:

Tо manage, to arrange, to organize, to work, to survey, to describe, to use, to express, to locate, to consider, to assess, to execute, to change, to improve, to plow.

9. Заполните пропуски, используя слова access, increase, costs, undertakes, sciences, offers.

1.. A land use planner … different role in different countries. 2. Land use planning is concerned with a lot of different… 3. Modern technology …new possibilities. 4. It’s important to … the speed and lower the … for cadastral reforms. 5. Computer technology provides better … to information.

10. Заполните пропуски предлогами и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. … this text we discuss the basic determination … the cadastral system. 2. … the modern world word combination «land use planning” has a much wider meaning. 3. The public and private sectors are responsible … all tasks. 4. The strengths … existing cadastral systems include land registration. 5. Both cadastres and land mapping should be kept simple, and concentrate only … the data … their particular purposes.

11. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. The financial part of land registration is constantly carrying out by the private sector. 2. The weaknesses of the system are gradually decreasing. 3. It’s difficult to achieve a high level of integration. 4. An integrated system is developing now. 5. Land use planners are working today on the problem of automating land records.

12. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. The, basic, now, is, system, of, determination, cadastral, discussing. 2. The, holds, state, all, on, registration, land, responsibilities. 3. Are, some strengths, there, in, system, cadastral, weaknesses, and, the existing. 4. Maps, cadastral, the, part, of, register, are, the. 5. Low, funds, are, budget, of, systems, cadastral, existing, weaknesses.

13. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Is a land cadastre a tax tool? 2. Does it have long traditions? 3. When was the legal base of a land cadastre and a land registry created? 4. What are the basic elements of cadastral systems? 5. Does the cadastral system implement legal protection of landowners’ rights? 6. Is the state liable for any damage caused by faulty registration? 7. Does the cadastre cover the complete territory of most countries? 8. Are fiscal and legal records the main purposes of cadastral systems?


ships. In both cases it is essential that such reforms are only started after careful investigations of the need for and the consequences of the reform.

Land registration is the official recording of legally recognized interests in land and is usually a part of a cadastral system. From a legal perspective a distinction can be made between deeds registration, where the documents filed in the registry are the evidence of title, and registration of title, in which the register itself serves as the primary evidence. Title registration is usually considered as more advanced registration system, which requires more investment for introduction, but provides in principle greater security of tenure and more reliable information. Title registration usually results in lower transaction costs than deed registration systems thereby promoting a more efficient land market.

Land registration (land titling) can be undertaken sporadically at the time of each legal transaction or systematically, area by area. While the sporadic approach gives more immediate benefits to individual land holders, the systematic approach provides a wider range of benefits more quickly, especially if the land registry is a part of a more comprehensive land information system.

The basic unit in a Cadastre is known as the parcel. A parcel can be an area of land with a particular type of land use, or an area exclusively controlled by an individual or a group. A property may consist of several parcels. The flexibility of the definition of a parcel makes it possible to adapt the cadastral system to various circumstances, for instance to include large parcels to represent the interests of land use in traditional tenure systems.

17. Прочтите, переведите текст 5С и раскройте содержание рассматриваемых в нем проблем:

Text 5C

Role of the Government in Land Cadastre

The Cadastre is a public land information system and should therefore be managed or supervised by the Government. In some countries,


new organizational arrangements for the implementation of systems are being investigated, such as joint ventures or partnership between government and the private sector, or contracting out specific activities to the private sector. In other countries, the cadastral organization has become more independent in terms of management and financing from government budgets. In both cases a more direct financing of cadastral operations is sought through cost recovery or even to generate government revenue. However this can replace basic governmental investments in spatial infrastructure such as a national coordinate system.

The Cadastre is a land information system, usually managed by one or more government agencies. Since information about land parcels is often needed by many different users, a unified Cadastre helps to avoid duplication and assists in the efficient exchange of information.

A Cadastre must be demand driven; that means fulfil the demands of its clients and that it needs to be coordinated with other land information system.

The Cadastre supports the public administration of land. The information in the Cadastre can be used for the formulation, implementation and monitoring of land policies, such as those concerning land redistribution, land consolidation, land acquisition and allocation, and land markets.

Cadastral data should be accessible to the general public. However the cadastral system must include measures to protect individual and private interests from misuse of the information provided. A successful Cadastre should provide security of tenure, be simple and clear, be easily accessible, and provide current and reliable information at low cost.

3. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

18. Прочтите и письменно переведите на русский язык текст 5Д:

Text 5D

Problem of automating land records


Practically all European countries are today working on the problem of automating relevant land records – first and foremost cadastres and land register. The main reason is not to achieve integration, but rather to make very important by-product. No country has yet achieved the complete automation of its cadastral/land registration systems. But this is merely a question of time. Sweden is probably the country which has come further in constructing an automated , on-line, integrated system of cadastral, land registry, land taxation and population records. Most European countries are definitely on their way in the same direction.

Another clear trend is the conversion of land-related information into spatial systems. The information must be precisely located in order to be of greatest use. One method is made by geocoding. If the land unit is assigned coordinates in the natural grid, all land-related information can be spatially defined. The system used by Sweden, for example, introduces the co-ordinate of the central point of the land unit as well as the co-ordinate of the principle building – graphically determined – into the cadastral records. If in future all boundary points were determined graphically or numerically by coordinated, and the coordinates were inserted into the cadastral database, this would, of course, make possible a similar spatial determination of information.

This is what is now happening in the most European countries. Starting with the most highly urbanized areas, the cadastral maps are increasingly being digitized. This is motivated mainly by the great opportunities it creates for using the same database for producing maps in different scales in a flexible way. At the same time the manual production methods can be automated. This is a natural step in the age of automatic data processing.

Digitization also renders a solution to the need, common to all European countries, of integrating cadastral data with data on utilities. Utilities such as water, sewerage, electricity and telecommunication are becoming increasingly complex; demands for efficient maintenance and management are increasing; and there is always danger that utilities will be damaged during different kinds of excavation. For these reasons, there is an obvious need for a total approach to the surveying and recording of utilities. Utilities will be a natural element in the system of digitized, automated land information.



1. Прочтите следующие слова:

Institutions, characteristics, title, multipurpose, register, assume, jurisdiction, cause, faulty, public, private, experience, financial, computerization, originally, weakness, flexible, cheap.

2. Прочтите и переведите следующие группы слов:

Vast amount, particular purposes, accurate information, a sustainable basis, modern society, long traditions, faulty registration, public and private sectors, negative effect, civil law system, property registration, low degree of coverage, further indications, legal support.


3. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

although (adv.) – хотя, несмотря на assume (v.) – допускать, предполагать

bear (bore, borne) (v.) – нести, (зд.) — назначать civil (adj.) – гражданский

contain (v.) – содержать damage (n.) – ущерб, вред deed (n.) – дело, документ deficiency (n.) – недостаток

e.g. (exampla gracia) – for example — например

entity (n.) – суть, сущность, нечто реально существующее everywhere (adv.) – всюду, везде

express (v.) – выражать

facilities (pl.) – 1. благоприятные условия, 2. оборудование, приспособление, аппаратура, 3.средства обслуживания, удобства facilities management – благоприятные условия менеджмента, организации (кадастровой съёмки)

facility (n.) – 1. легкость, отсутствие препятствий и помех 2. податливость, уступчивость

flexibility (n.) – гибкость

furthermore (adv.) – к тому же, кроме того handle (v.) – регулировать, управлять insert (v.) – вставлять, вклинивать

legal force – официальная (законная) сила, власть liable for – ответственный за

link (v.) – связывать manually (adv.) – вручную

meagre (adj.) – ограниченный, скудный persistent (adj.) – стойкий

property rights – права на имущество, собственность records (n.) – записи

registration (n.) – регистрация registry (n.) – реестр, журнал записи

relevant land information – имеющаяся в наличии, доступная информация о земле

source of information – источник информации spatial (adj.) – пространственный, космический


strength (n.) – сила

task (n.) – проблема, задача, задание, вопрос title (n.) – учет, регистрация

trend (n.) – направление, тенденция uniquely (adv.) – уникально weakness (n.) – слабость

4. Прочтите и переведите следующий текст:

Text 6A

Basic elements of cadastral system

A Land Cadastre as a Tax Tool and a Land Registry has long traditions. The legal base of modern era of these institutions was created long ago.

The following four basic aspects give an overview of the existing cadastral systems: legal and organizational characteristics, levels of planning and control, aspects of multipurpose cadastres, and responsibilities of the public and the private sectors.

The basic elements of the cadastral systems are different in different countries. Cadastral systems can be based on titles, deeds, or both. Some countries have indicated that their cadastral system is based on titles. The parcel is the basic unit in the others. A civil law system is the legal basis in the most of them. Registration of property rights is also compulsory. In the average cadastral system, legal protection of the registered rights seems to be very good. The legal force of a property registration, however, has at the same time both a positive (registered rights are assumed to be correct) and a negative effect (unregistered rights are assumed to be non-existent).

Furthermore, the state is in the most cases liable for any damage that was caused by faulty registration. In most jurisdictions, the cadastral systems include land registration and cadastral mapping. In many countries cadastral maps are part of the register, but not, for example, in most of the Australian states, and in Hong Kong, Greece, and Latvia. Land registration includes interests in land that are rights, but which are also restrictions and responsibilities.


In most cases, the cadastre covers the complete territory of the country. The exceptions are low priority areas which may not always be covered. The cadastres are mainly of a complete character which means that parcels are introduced into the systems in a systematic way.

Strategic planning, management, and operational control for both components of the cadastral system – land registration and cadastral mapping – are done within the same organization which is, in all cases, from the public sector. But sometimes tasks of strategic planning and management control are separated among different organizations, some of which are even in the private sector. However, the strategic responsibility for the cadastral systems, i.e., strategic planning, is always kept in the hands of the public sector.

Cadastral systems were mainly established to serve a legal and/or a fiscal purpose. Historically, land records have been established to serve two main purposes. First, as «fiscal» records, primarily for the public sector, they have served as the basis for the full and accurate taxation of land. Second, as «legal» records for the private sector, they have served as registers of ownership and other land rights. The data of the cadastral systems are used for facilities management, base mapping, value assessment, land use planning, and environmental impact assessment. A legal basis, however, does not exist everywhere for all of these other purposes.

5. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Steady, equipment, legal, official, basic, tool, main, state, persistent, nation.

6. Образуйте от данных слов антонимы при помощи отрицательных префиксов и переведите их:

Dis-: regard, advantage, courage, appear, appoint, count, symmetrical, pleasure.


Non-: agricultural, currency, human, durable, effective, persistent, content, communicable, plowable, judicial.

7. Переведите следующие сочетания слов с русского на английский язык:

Основные аспекты; во всех случаях; правовые и фискальные цели; частный сектор; влияние окружающей среды; эра нового государственного управления; финансовая часть земельной регистрации; административные недостатки; сильные и слабые стороны; быстрое обслуживание пользователей; точность карт; очень дорогой; часто указывает; низкий уровень (степень) охвата.

8. Переведите следующие предложения с русского на английский язык:

1.Ограниченная компьютеризация — слабая сторона системы.

2.Государство постоянно регистрирует земли. 3. В прошлом году в агентстве имели место финансовые и административные недостатки. 4. Землеустроитель проводит сейчас кадастровую съёмку.

5.Кадастровые карты есть почти во всех странах. 6. Информация о земле очень полезна для землеустроителей. 7. Кадастровая система защищает права владельцев земли. 8. Землеустроители несут ответственность за оценку земли.

9.Образуйте однокоренные слова от данных глаголов:

Manage, arrange, organize, work, survey, describe, use, express, locate, consider, assess, execute, change, improve, plow.


10. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова: access, increase, costs, undertakes, sciences, offers.

1. A land use planner … different role in different countries. 2. Land use planning is concerned with a lot of different … 3. Modern technology … new possibilities. 4. It’s important to … the speed and lower the … for cadastral reforms. 5. Computer technology provides better … to information.

11. Заполните пропуски предлогами и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. … this text we discuss the basic determination … the cadastral system. 2. … the modern world word combination «land use planning» has a much wider meaning. 3. The public and private sectors are responsible … all tasks. 4. The strengths … existing cadastral systems include land registration. 5. Both cadastres and land mapping should be kept simple, and concentrate only … the data … their particular purposes.

12.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1.The financial part of land registration is constantly carrying out by the private sector. 2. The weaknesses of the system are gradually decreasing. 3. It’s difficult to achieve a high level of integration. 4. An integrated system is developing now. 5. Land use planners are working today on the problem of automating land records.

13.Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. The, basic, now, is, system, of, determination, cadastral, discussing. 2. The, holds, state, all, on, registration, land, responsibilities. 3.


Are, some strengths, there, in, system, cadastral, weaknesses, and, the existing. 4. Maps, cadastral, the, part, of, register, are, the. 5. Low, funds, are, budget, of, systems, cadastral, existing, weaknesses.

14. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1.Is a land cadastre a tax tool? 2. Does it have long traditions?

3.When was the legal base of a land cadastre and a land registry created? 4. What are the basic elements of cadastral systems? 5. Does the cadastral system implement legal protection of landowners’ rights? 6.

Is the state liable for any damage caused by faulty registration?


Does the cadastre cover the complete territory of most countries? 8. Are fiscal and legal records the main purposes of cadastral systems?

15.Перескажите текст 6А «Basic elements of cadastral sys-


16.Прочтите, переведите текст 6В и сформулируйте основную мысль каждого абзаца:

Text 6B

Purposes served by the cadastre

The Cadastre serves the following purposes: legal, fiscal, facilities management, base mapping, value assessment, land use planning, environmental impact assessment and others. As for responsibilities of public and private sectors it is necessary to distinguish them. In the era of New Public Management, it’s important to look at the separation of the responsibilities between the public and the private sectors. Originally the cadastral systems were very much in the hands of the state which held all the responsibilities and which carried out all the tasks that were involved.

The experience showed that this is still the case today, although there have been developments going on in recent years which has led


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Подборка по базе: анализ урока русского языка.doc, Английский язык тест 6.docx, Иностарнный язык.docx, УСТАВ на русском языке.docx, 2 Задание по теме Стилевые черты и языковые особенности ОДС.docx, Тесты русский язык.docx, Место ОДС в структуре национального языка.pdf, Инструкция для организаторов по проведению всероссийских проверо, КИМ. Русский язык. 8 класс..docx, Английский язык.docx


  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Institutions, characteristics, title, multipurpose, register, assume, ju­risdiction, cause, faulty, public, private, experience, financial, compu­terization, originally, weakness, flexible, cheap.

  1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Vast amount, particular purposes, accurate information, a sustainable basis, modern society, long traditions, faulty registration, public and private sectors, negative effect, civil law system, property registration, low degree of coverage, further indications, legal support.

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст 6А:

Text 6А

Basic Elements of Cadastral System

A Land Cadastre as a Tax Tool and a Land Registry has long tradi­tions. The legal base of modern era of these institutions was created long ago.

The following four basic aspects give an overview of the existing cadastral systems: legal and organizational characteristics, levels of planning and control, aspects of multipurpose cadastres, and responsi­bilities of the public and private sectors.

The basic elements of the cadastral systems are different in different countries. Cadastral systems can be based on titles, deeds, or both. Some countries have indicated that their cadastral system is based on titles. The parcel is the basic unit in the others. A civil law system is the legal basis in the most of them. Registration of property rights is also compulsory. In the average cadastral system, legal protection of the registered rights seems to be very good. The legal force of a property registration, however, has at the same time both a positive and negative effect. The positive effect — registered rights — are assumed to be cor­rect and the negative effect — unregistered rights — are assumed to be non-existent.

Furthermore, the state is in the most cases liable for any damage that was caused by faulty registration. In most jurisdictions, the cadas­tral systems include land registration and cadastral mapping. In many countries cadastral maps are part of the register, but not, for example, in most of the Australian states, and in Hong Kong, Greece, and Latvia. Land registration includes such interests in land as the rights, but which are also restrictions and responsibilities.

In most cases, the cadastre covers the complete territory of the country. The exceptions are low priority areas which may not always be covered. The cadastres are mainly of a complete character which means that parcels are introduced into the systems in a systematic way.

There are two components of strategic plannings — land registration and cadastral mapping. Strategic planning, management, and opera­tional control for both components of the cadastral system are done within the same organization which is, in all cases, from the public sec­tor. But sometimes tasks of strategic planning and management control are separated among different organizations, some of which are even in the private sector. However, the strategic responsibility for the cadastral systems, i.e. strategic planning, is always kept in the hands of the public sector

.Cadastral systems were mainly established to serve a legal and/or a fiscal purpose. Historically, land records have been established to serve

two main purposes. First, as «fiscal» records, primarily for the public sector, they have served as the basis for the full and accurate taxation of land. Second, as «legal» records for the private sector, they have served as registers of ownership and other land rights. The data of the cadastral systems are used for facilities management, base mapping, value assessment, land use planning, and environmental impact assess­ment. A legal basis, however, does not exist everywhere for all of these other purposes.

    1. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Steady, equipment, legal, official, basic, tool, huge, main, state, persistent, nation, cumbersome.

    1. Образуйте от данных слов антонимы при помощи отрицатель­ных префиксов и переведите их:

Dis-: regard, advantage, courage, appear, appoint, count, symmetri­cal, pleasure.

Non-: agricultural, currency, human, durable, effective, persistent, content, communicable, plowable, judicial.

    1. Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Основные аспекты, во всех случаях, правовые и фискальные цели, частный сектор, влияние окружающей среды, эра нового государственного управления, финансовая часть земельной ре­гистрации, административные недостатки, сильные и слабые сто­роны, быстрое обслуживание пользователей, точность карт, очень дорогой, часто указывает, низкий уровень (степень) охвата.

    1. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на ан­глийский:

1. Ограниченная компьютеризация — слабая сторона системы. 2. Государство постоянно регистрирует земли. 3. В прошлом году в агентстве имели место финансовые и административные недо­статки. 4. Землеустроитель проводит сейчас кадастровую съемку. 5. Кадастровые карты есть почти во всех странах. 6. Информация о земле очень полезна для землеустроителей. 7. Кадастровая си­стема защищает права владельцев земли. 8. Землеустроители не­сут ответственность за оценку земли.

    1. Образуйте однокоренные слова от данных глаголов:

То manage, to arrange, to organize, to work, to survey, to describe, to use, to express, to locate, to consider, to assess, to execute, to change, to improve, to plow.

    1. Заполните пропуски, используя слова access, increase, costs, undertakes, sciences, offers.

1. A land use planner … different role in different countries. 2. Land use planning is concerned with a lot of different … 3. Modern technol­ogy … new possibilities. 4. It’s important to … the speed and lower the … for cadastral reforms. 5. Computer technology provides better … to information.

2 Весс.ювская

    1. Заполните пропуски предлогами и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. … this text we discuss the basic determination … the cadastral system. 2. … the modern world word combination «land use planning» has a much wider meaning. 3. The public and private sectors are re­sponsible … all tasks. 4. The strengths … existing cadastral systems in­clude land registration. 5. Both cadastres and land mapping should be kept simple, and concentrate only … the data … their particular pur­poses.

    1. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. The financial part of land registration is constantly carrying out by the private sector. 2. The weaknesses of the system are gradually decreas­ing. 3. It’s difficult to achieve a high level of integration. 4. An inte­grated system is developing now. 5. Land use planners are working to­day on the problem of automating land records.

    1. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. The, basic, now, is, system, of, determination, cadastral, discus­sing. 2. The, holds, state, all, on, registration, land, responsibilities. 3. Are, some strengths, there, in, system, cadastral, weaknesses, and, the existing. 4. Maps, cadastral, the, part, of, register, are, the. 5. Low, funds, are, budget, of, systems, cadastral, existing, weaknesses.

    1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Is a land cadastre a tax tool? 2. Does it have long traditions? 3. When was the legal base of a land cadastre and a land registry cre­ated? 4. What are the basic elements of cadastral systems? 5. Does the cadastral system implement legal protection of landowners’ rights? 6. Is the state liable for any damage caused by faulty registration? 7. Does the cadastre cover the complete territory of most countries? 8. Are fiscal and legal records the main purposes of cadastral systems?

    1. Перескажите текст 6A.
    2. Прочитайте, переведите текст 6В и сформулируйте основ­ную мысль каждого абзаца:

Text 6В

Purposes Served by the Cadastre

The Cadastre serves the following purposes: legal, fiscal, facilities management, base mapping, value assessment, land use planning, envi­ronmental impact assessment and others. As for responsibilities of pub­lic and private sectors it is necessary to distinguish them. In the era of New Public Management, it’s important to look at the separation of the responsibilities between the public and the private sectors. Originally the cadastral systems were very much in the hands of the state which held all the responsibilities and which carried out all the tasks that were involved.

The experience showed that this is still the case today, although there have been developments going on in recent years which has led to some tasks being taken over by the private sector. In particular, the fi­nancing part of land registration and cadastral surveying has to be car­ried out also by the private sector.

There are some strengths and weaknesses in the existing cadastral system. The strengths of existing cadastral systems include state guar­antee of title, legal security; fast service for users; complete coverage, comprehensive, liable, secure system. System is computerized and au­tomated, digital data; system serves other purposes (i.e. as basis for land information system — LIS); integration of different systems, land registration and cadastral mapping in one organization; legal support, legal basis; good base mapping; meeting local needs, flexibility in mar­ket’adaptation; decentralized, structures/private sectors involvement; cheap system to handle, involvement in economy, centralized manage­ment.

The most important strengths include the state guarantee of title and the legal security of the system as well as a fast user service, and the complete data coverage.

Weaknesses of existing cadastral systems involve limited computeri­zation; link land registration — cadastral mapping is not efficient enough or inappropriate. In some cases national consistency could be greater, administrative control over land by different organizations is necessary. One of the disadvantages are low budget funds and incomplete legal framework, little accuracy of maps and slow updating, slow customer service. Financing mode is unsuitable or very expensive. The system has low degree of coverage and high investment cost. Rigid structure, little flexibility, low level of integration are also disadvantages of the existing cadastral system.

16. Прочитайте текст 6C и раскройте содержание рассматрива­емых в нем проблем:

Text 6С

General Trends

Today’s European cadastral/land registration systems are all strong­ly influenced by the land information concept. In short, the main trends can be expressed in the following terms: multiple uses, automation, geocodes and digitization.

The cadastre and the land registers were each originally designed for one purpose: taxation and security in rights. But almost from the very start, the information provided and the maps produced were found to be very useful for other purposes as well. Only during recent decades, however, this point has been stressed in the technical design of cadast­res and land register.

Modern society has developed into an information society, which both requires, and has the ability to produce accurate information. However, if the information is to be convenient to handle, it must be linked to identifiable spatial units. The cadastral land unit is one such unit which is a suitable basis for much information — not only con­cerning the land itself, but also the people living on the land and many of their activities.

This does not, however, mean that cadastre/land register themselves should contain the necessary land information. On the contrary, all experience shows that both cadastres and land registers should be kept simple, and concentrated only on the data required for their particular purposes. The essential thing is the uniquely defined land unit, which can be used as a key for integrating many different records, thus making available a vast amount of relevant land information.

It is, however, difficult to achieve such a high level of integration when all records are kept manually. Two records such as a cadastre and a land register could certainly be made to influence each other consid­erably, and to function as one source of information. But in order to advance from here to an efficient, fully integrated system consisting of several different sub-systems, automation is essential.

17. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст 6D.

Text 6D

Entity of Land Records

The land unit tends to become a legal entity protected by law. The increasing importance of this moment can be demonstrated. In the past, cadastral and other records were usually arranged according to the names of the current owners. The records in many countries are still indexed in this way, which makes searches difficult as owners are often changed.

A cadastre/land register must cover an entire geographical area in order to provide essential benefits from a public point of view. Seen from the viewpoint of the private owner, even a sporadic register can be useful, as it can provide protection for his interests.

To fulfill the public goal of establishing complete land records with­in the area in question, the inclusion of every land unit must be com­pulsory. Experiences show that voluntary registration is insufficient for establishing comprehensive land records, even in the long term. To satisfy the public goal, the establishment of the records must generally be undertaken systematically, area by area. In practice this means that the costs of establishing the records should be initiated mainly by the government. This is quite logical as comprehensive records are prima­rily a public interest, at least in the short term. This also applies to mapping. The preparation of comprehensive, registration index maps cannot be financed by private landowners.

In developing countries, the resources available for establishing dif­ferent kinds of land information systems are usually meager. This was also true in many European countries during the nineteenth century. Therefore we have many examples of how cadastres/land registers were started in a very simple way, and then were developed progressively into smoothly operating systems. Sweden and Finland provide two such examples. The German adaptation of a system of titles instead of a system of deeds at the end of the nineteenth century is another ex­ample.

Every land information system must be able to adapt to new devel­opments and new aims in the future. It must, therefore, be possible to add new types of data, and to make changes. This applies to the techni­cal details as well. For example the numbering system of the land units must be constructed so as not to become too cumbersome to use even after long chains of subdivisions. This is unfortunately not always taken into consideration at the start and may be difficult to change later on.

One of the most important factor is that the registration of all trans­actions in land must be compulsory. For transactions involving a change in boundaries, there should be simple, but mandatory procedures to ensure that all changes are surveyed and mapped before registration takes place.


  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Epoch, sense, appreciate, well-known, magnificent, justify, cruel, compare, obligation, estate, century, peasant, wealthy, waterway, staff, medieval, similarity, archival, tremendous.

  1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Few geographical surveys of cadastral character, late descriptions, introspective Moscow State, Great Reformer, pre-Petrine Russian cul­ture, imperial ideology, the changes in the nature of a cadastre, feudal tax cadastre, low density, abundance of agricultural resources, unsuc­cessful attempts, hunting estates of tsars, vassal obligations, poll tax.

  1. Прочитайте и переведите текст 7А:

Text 7А

Review of the Russian Medieval Cadastre

The Russian medieval cadastres had been a kind of routine regular survey. Land descriptions of the whole state or separate provinces were Planned and fulfilled by the staff of the Estate Administration (Pomest- nyi Prikaz). Each expedition sent by an administrative unit to collect land use data included at least two senior officials (usually an experi­enced chancery official and a wealthy aristocrat) and few junior officials for whom it was a kind of practice. All the expeditions received special written orders from the tsar and had the right to check land property documents, to solve land disputes of local landlords, in some cases even to confiscate estate. These decisions could be changed only by the spe­cial tsar orders. A record in the cadastral book had usually been the best proof of property rights. The cadastral officials used to compare con­temporary land use with the documents of the previous survey. That is why it is often possible to find brief data of a previous survey in the books of the next one.

From the end of the XVth century the Estate Administration un­dertook regular surveys of the lands of Moscow State. During these surveys there were created descriptions of the whole state and its sepa­rate provinces. These descriptions (pistsovye knigi) included a number of peasants in each village of the estate, quantity of arable and mead- owlands, approximate data on forests. Being improved from one survey to another, late descriptions of the XVIIth century demonstrate distin­guished and complicated feudal tax cadastre.

They evaluated land estates in two-steps way taking into considera­tion quantity of productive arable lands measured in a very accurate way. Next step was the evaluation of arable soil quality: good, medium or poor. After that the data on quality had been recalculated in exact proportion into special units of agricultural productivity of the estate.

Land taxes and vassal obligations served as the basement of admin­istrative, financial and military life of the Moscow State in the XVI — XVI Ith centuries. These duties were determined in accordance with the quantity and feudal status of land holding and its agricultural value. The state itself did not carry out any important economic projects. Stability of central administration, power and wealth of Moscow State depended on prosperity of peasantry paying taxes and landlords serving for the state with their vassal. Surveyors took into consideration feudal status of the land holding they described. The data on agricultural productiv­ity of estates had been recalculated once more into special tax units (sokha) in order to reflect status of the landlords.

Land cadastre of that period had been the tax cadastre — evaluation of settled and exploited lands. It dealt with arable and hayfield lands, sometimes with fisheries, apiaries, hunting estates of tsars. Virgin for­ests, empty lands and marches attracted no attention of estate survey­ors. This situation reflected abundance of agricultural resources and low density of peasant population. This shows the level of geographical knowledge of that period: despite the fact that major waterways and roads had been described and well-known, contemporaries of Ivan the Terrible or Boris Godunov seemed to be unaware of endless Russian forests as foreign ambassadors and merchants had been on their way to the capital of Moscovy. Contemporary documents showed that even wealthy native aristocracy could go astray while travelling in the forests of the Central Russia.

Besides numerous surveys carried out by the Estate Administration, many wealthy landlords compiled cadastral descriptions of their lands: sovereign Great Princes, Archbishops, monasteries.

The system of a land cadastre of the XVI —XVI Ith centuries used the old-fashioned methods of direct land measuring in area units when contemporary European countries began to use land charts and maps. But there existed a couple of archival documents showing the use of charts and plans in medieval cadastres. The general level of mapmaking could be seen from the published translations of books on geometry and land measuring, allowed at least to presume the technical possibility of the brief land mapping of Central Russia. All this proves the similarity of medieval Russian land cadastres and continental cadastral system.

Land use planning or land surveying is a process of managing the use a перевод - Land use planning or land surveying is a process of managing the use a русский как сказать

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Land use planning or land surveying is a process of managing the use and development of land resources in a sustainable way. It is essentially a study of the methods in which land use planners apply their knowledge, skills and efforts to the gifts of nature in order to satisfy their needs and wants.
Effective land use planning is impossible without land information. Such information includes land resource capacity, land tenure, land ownership and land use.
Even in the prosperous, economically advanced countries there is an aspect of survival. Land helps people to survive. That’s why lands are very important resources for men.
Some people have the abilities to sustain life without outside assistance. But a large percentage of the human race of the third world still lives in very small self-sufficient peasant communities. These people experience great poverty, but they provide on an individual basis, for their own survival. They have a degree of economic independence.
The inhabitants of cities are totally incapable of providing for themselves, directly, the means of survival. Here we can observe the opposite situation – a high level of living together with an extreme economic dependence. Such people depend upon the efforts and cooperation of many thousands of specialist workers, among them land use planners. Land use planning is concerned with soil sciences, law, geodesy, geography, and computer. To solve these problems land use planners must be not only qualified but profoundly educated specialists.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Производить съемку планирования или земельного использования земли является процесс управления использования и освоения земельных ресурсов на устойчивой основе. Это по существу исследование методов, в которых земля использование планировщики применяют свои знания, умения и усилия дары природы для того, чтобы удовлетворить их потребности и хочет.Планирование эффективного землепользования невозможно без земельной информации. Такая информация включает земельных ресурсов, землевладения, землепользования собственности и землепользования.Даже в процветающих экономически развитых странах, существует аспект выживания. Земля помогает людям, чтобы выжить. Вот почему земли являются очень важными ресурсами для мужчин.Некоторые люди имеют способности поддерживать жизнь без посторонней помощи. Но большой процент человеческой расы третьего мира все еще живет в очень малых самодостаточной крестьянских общин. Эти люди испытывают большую нищету, но они обеспечивают на индивидуальной основе, для их собственного выживания. Они имеют степень экономической независимости.Жители городов совершенно не способны обеспечить для себя, непосредственно, средства выживания. Здесь мы можем наблюдать противоположная ситуация – высокий уровень жизни вместе с крайней экономической зависимостью. Такие люди зависят от усилий и сотрудничества многих тысяч специалистов, работников, среди них земли используют планировщики. Планирование землепользования касается почвенных наук, права, геодезия, география и компьютер. Для решения этих проблем планирования использования земли должны быть не только квалифицированные, но и глубоко образованных специалистов.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Планирование землепользования или землемерное является процесс управления использования и развития земельных ресурсов на устойчивой основе. По существу , это исследование методов , в которых планировщики землепользования применяют свои знания, навыки и усилия для даров природы для того , чтобы удовлетворить свои потребности и желания.
Эффективное планирование землепользования невозможно без информации о земле. Такая информация включает в себя потенциал использования земельных ресурсов, землепользования, право собственности на землю и землепользования.
Даже в благополучных, экономически развитых странах существует аспект выживания. Земля помогает людям выжить. Вот почему земли очень важные ресурсы для мужчин.
Некоторые люди имеют способности поддерживать жизнь без посторонней помощи. Но большой процент человеческой расы третьего мира до сих пор живет в очень небольших самодостаточных крестьянских общин. Эти люди испытывают большую бедность, но они обеспечивают на индивидуальной основе, для их собственного выживания. Они имеют степень экономической независимости.
Жители городов совершенно не в состоянии обеспечить для себя, напрямую, средства выживания. Здесь мы можем наблюдать противоположную ситуацию — высокий уровень жизни вместе с крайней экономической зависимости. Такие люди зависят от усилий и сотрудничества многих тысяч специалистов рабочих, в том числе по планированию землепользования. Планирование землепользования связана с почвенными науки, право, геодезии, географии и компьютера. Для решения этих проблем планированием землепользования , должны быть не только квалификацию , но глубоко образованных специалистов.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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