In the light of one word

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Moreover, once an individual has relived his/her past lives, he/she validates this understanding in the light of the personal experiences had.

Более того, как только человек заново переживает свои прошлые жизни, он подтверждает это понимание в свете своего личного опыта.

It can be explained in the light of the theory.

Можно лишь истолковать их в свете теории.

The proposition seems patently ridiculous in the light of common sense.

Ситуация кажется абсурдной с точки зрения здравого смысла.

We do not merely say that Maslov’s programme is impracticable in the light of present political relations and conditions.

Мы говорим совсем не о том, что масловская программа неосуществима с точки зрения теперешних политических отношений и условий.

In the future, in the light of changing logistics requirements, we plan to modify and improve the services provided.

В дальнейшем, в свете изменяющихся требований к логистике, мы планируем модифицировать и улучшать предоставляемые услуги.

He suggested three solutions, none of which, in the light of current research, is not entirely satisfactory.

Он предположил три решения, из которых ни одно, в свете сегодняшних исследований, не является полностью удовлетворительным.

Some countries have opted out of nuclear power in the light of concerns about safety and other issues.

Некоторые страны отказались от ядерной энергии в свете опасений по поводу безопасности и других вопросов.

‘I can understand myself only in the light of inner happenings.

Я могу оценить себя только в свете внутренних событий.

Most of them need reconsideration and modification in the light of the new economic situation.

Большинство из них требуют пересмотра и модификации в свете новой экономической ситуации.

It is a generally accepted principle that all legal provisions must be interpreted in the light of such fundamental rights.

Общепризнанным является принцип, состоящий в том, что все правовые положения должны толковаться в свете этих основных прав.

But the locals did not attach importance to this news, considering it just a panic in the light of recent terrible events.

Но местные жители не придали этой новости значения, посчитав ее просто паникой в свете недавних страшных событий.

Resisting technological developments would be absurd and, in the light of human evolution, harmful.

Но сопротивление технологическим разработкам было бы абсурдным и в свете эволюции человека вредным.

The objectives of legal regulation are determined in the light of ensuring financial security, measures for their achievement are analyzed.

Определяются цели правового регулирования в свете обеспечения финансовой безопасности, анализируются меры их достижения.

This is particularly the case for political parties in the light of their important function in a democratic society.

Это касается в первую очередь политических партий в свете их важной функции в демократическом обществе .

This need is particularly apparent in the light of the government’s decision to prioritize digital transformation projects.

Эта необходимость особенно очевидна в свете решения правительства о приоритезации проектов цифровой трансформации.

Actions of various individuals can be considered as synchronous only in the light of the physical methods for the measurement of time.

Действия разных индивидов могут считаться синхронными лишь в свете физических методов измерения времени.

We will also consider whether it is necessary to review priorities in our country aid programs, in the light of the current crisis.

Мы также рассмотрим вопрос о необходимости пересмотра приоритетов наших страновых программ помощи в свете нынешнего кризиса.

The barriers our exporters face are not justified in the light of our very high safety standards.

Барьеры, с которыми сталкиваются наши экспортеры, не оправданы в свете наших очень высоких стандартов безопасности.

The religion can be understood better in the light of knowledge.

Религия может быть понята лучше в свете знания.

It’s time to look at all events in the light of that information.

Настало время взглянуть на все события в свете данной информации.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат in the light of

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in (the) light of (something)

Considering (something); given (something. Typically refers to a new revelation or piece of information that affects some situation. In light of this new evidence, we are reopening the investigation. In the light of the severe weather, graduation will be postponed.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

in (the) light of something

Fig. because of certain knowledge now in hand; considering something. (As if knowledge or information shed light on something.) In light of what you have told us, I think we must abandon the project. In light of the clerk’s rudeness, we didn’t return to that shop.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

in light of

Also, in the light of; in view of. In consideration of, in relationship to. For example, In light of recent developments, we’re postponing our meeting, or In the light of the weather forecast we’ve canceled the picnic, or He got a special bonus in view of all the extra work he had done. The first two of these terms date from the late 1600s, the third from about 1800.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

in (the) light of

drawing knowledge or information from; with regard to.

1990 Times Education Supplement Proposals to build problem-solving into all A-level subjects may have to be re-examined in the light of new research commissioned by the Government.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

in (the) light of

In consideration of; in relationship to.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • in (the) light of (something)
  • in the light of something
  • in a new light
  • absorb (someone or something) in(to) (something)
  • a go (at someone or something)
  • have a go
  • have a go (at someone or something)
  • have a go at
  • have a go at someone
  • left-handed monkey wrench
in the light of

1) Политика: сквозь призму

2) Деловая лексика: в свете

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «in the light of» в других словарях:

  • The light of the countenance — Light Light (l[imac]t), n. [OE. light, liht, AS. le[ o]ht; akin to OS. lioht, D. & G. licht, OHG. lioht, Goth. liuha[thorn], Icel. lj[=o]s, L. lux light, lucere to shine, Gr. leyko s white, Skr. ruc to shine. [root]122. Cf. {Lucid}, {Lunar},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • The Charge of the Light Brigade (poem) — The Charge of the Light Brigade Half a league, half a league,   Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death   Rode the six hundred. Forward, the Light Brigade! Charge for the guns he said: Into the valley of Death   Rode the six hundred …   Wikipedia

  • The Light — may refer to:In Music* The Light (Spock s Beard album), a 1995 album by Spock s Beard *The Light (producers), a trance music production duo * The Light (Common song), a single from Common s 2000 album Like Water for Chocolate * The Light (Donovan …   Wikipedia

  • The Light (Leeds) — The Light is a leisure and shopping centre in Leeds, England. It is located along The Headrow. It was built in 1930/31 and was known as Permanent House and was originally the headquarters of the Leeds Permanent Building Society prior to vacating… …   Wikipedia

  • The Light of Other Days —   …   Wikipedia

  • The Light of Day — or Light of Day may refer to:* Light of Day (1963 film), a 1963 movie starring Peter Sellers * Light of Day , a 1987 film starring Michael J. Fox and Joan Jett * Light of Day (soundtrack), the soundtrack album from the film * Light of Day (song) …   Wikipedia

  • The Light Princess — is a fairy tale by George MacDonald. It was published in 1864.The novel has became a hit. So they decided to make a movie about a princess that is so light, wind can carry her. Click on the link below to preview the movie. This Is Edited By Renz… …   Wikipedia

  • The light on the hill — is a phrase used to describe the objective of the Australian Labor Party. The phrase was coined in a 1949 conference speech by then Prime Minister Ben Chifley.The speech, delivered near the end of Chifley s term as Prime Minister, pays tribute to …   Wikipedia

  • The Light-House — is the last short story written by Edgar Allan Poe. He did not live to finish it, and had barely begun it by the time of his death.Plot summaryThe story is told as a series of diary entries, the first being New Year s Day, 1796. The setting is… …   Wikipedia

  • The Light that Failed — is a novel by Rudyard Kipling that was first published in 1890. Most of the novel is set in London, but many important events throughout the story occur in Sudan or India. The Light that Failed follows the life of Dick Heldar, a painter who goes… …   Wikipedia

  • The Light of Asia — subtitled The Great Renunciation , is a book by Edwin Arnold. The first edition of the book was published in London in July 1879.In the form of poem, the book endeavors to describe the life and time of Prince Gautama Buddha, who after attaining …   Wikipedia

I see that both phrases «in light of» and «in the light of» are used and people considering both to be correct. Look here and here. Also there is a large corpus supporting both phrases usages; you can consult here.

Question #1:

Though both seems to be correct in terms of being used in writings, which one is grammatically correct?

Question #2:

In there any difference in their meaning implications?

I am providing two examples:

  • I will be happy to look at to them and respond to you in the light of your comments.

  • Even in light of your comments, I still fail to understand what is the difference between A and B.


Community's user avatar

asked Jan 9, 2015 at 15:35

qartal's user avatar


In the light of/in light of

Both phrases convey the same sense, with the only difference that you usually say «in the light of» in BE and «in light of» in AE.

answered Jan 9, 2015 at 17:18

Khan's user avatar


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The idiom for the «given, considering» meaning is in light of — no article. However, in the light of is grammatical as well, it just doesn’t mean «considering».

In the light of the full moon, the lake looked magical, like something out of a dream.

In light of the full moon falling on Tuesday, we’ve moved our nighttime treasure hunt to Wednesday.

To explicitly answer your questions:

  1. Both in light of and in the light of can be grammatical. (The very fact that you found both in use should have told you this.)

  2. They mean different things. The version with the definite article is used literally, while the version without an article is an idiomatic phrase that means something like «taking into consideration», and is unlikely to be used literally.

Both of your examples should use in light of (no article).

(Note that this is American English. I make no claims one way or the other about British English.)

answered Jan 26, 2016 at 17:49

Martha's user avatar


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  • #1

In his view, we delibrate in the light of desire.(On Evil, introduction, by Brian Davies)

I very often saw «in light of». For instances: in light of what you said above,…
But here it seems «the» is necessary, because it has a very specifical reference. Right?

Last edited: Oct 12, 2013

    • #2

    «In light of» = «considering».

    «In the light of» = «in the context of».


    • #3

    Hello Ben pan

    I think there may, in part, be an AmE/BrE difference here.

    I remember that when I was working in Canada, I wrote «in the light of» in a paper and had it corrected to «in light of» by one of my Canadian colleagues.

    I don’t think I ever say/write «in light of»:).

    sound shift

    • #4

    I don’t think I ever say/write «in light of»:).

    That goes for me too.


    • #5

    I used to regard in light of as AE, but it is becoming so common nowadays in the UK that I no longer react to it (125 examples in the BNC).


    • #6

    I agree with Parla (post 2).

    • #7

    I agree with parla and Rmi(ss). I think «in light of» is like a well-worn idiom, not appropriate to express Acquinas’ meaning, because it will sounds too weak. «In the light of» is more austere, clearly indicating the controlling relationship between delibration and desire.

    Loob said that «in light of» is BE, «in the light of» AE, but if «in light of» is equally prevalent in AE, the ground of her point will be weak. So do Americans say «in light of» ?

    sound shift

    • #8

    Loob said that «in light of» is BE, «in the light of» AE

    Loob was saying the opposite, as I understand it.

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