In search of a better word

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

в поисках лучших

в поисках лучшей

в поисках более

в поисках лучшего

в поиске лучших

на поиски лучших

в поиске лучшей


There are clear indications that many have entered the country in search of better economic prospects.

Существуют ясные признаки того, что многие из них прибыли в страну в поисках лучших экономических перспектив.

An additional 225 million are migrants who have left their countries in search of better opportunities or simply for survival.

Еще 225 миллионов — это мигранты, которые покинули родину в поисках лучших возможностей или просто чтобы выжить.

Especially today, when people from small towns move massively to megacities in search of better work.

Особенно сегодня, когда из маленьких городов жители массово переезжает в мегаполисы в поисках лучшей работы.

The results of various social surveys suggest that people are leaving the country in search of better infrastructure.

Итоги разных социальных опросов говорят о том, что люди уезжают за пределы страны в поисках лучшей инфраструктуры.

A certain number of teachers left schools in search of better paid jobs.

Определенное число педагогов ушли из школ в поисках более высокооплачиваемой работы.

Some have migrated in search of better opportunities.

Only in this way can we ensure that whole peoples will not try to leave in search of better economic opportunities.

Только таким путем мы можем добиться того, чтобы целые нации не пытались уезжать в поисках лучших экономических возможностей.

Throughout history, people have crossed over borders more or less freely and have moved from place to place in search of better opportunities.

Испокон веков люди пересекали границы более или менее свободно и перемещались с места на место в поисках лучших возможностей.

With this understanding, displaced persons are absolutely free to move to anywhere in search of better conditions of living.

С учетом такого понимания перемещенные лица обладают абсолютной свободой передвижения в поисках лучших условий жизни.

Kona production attracted immigrants in search of better economic opportunities in the early 1900s.

Производство кофе привлекало иммигрантов в поисках лучших возможностей в начале 20го века.

People moved to urban environments in search of better jobs and social amenities.

Люди переезжали в городскую среду в поисках лучших рабочих мест и социальных удобств.

The family moved frequently in search of better job opportunities for the struggling single mother.

Семья часто переезжала в поисках лучших возможностей для трудоустройства матери-одиночки.

Such specialists migrate in search of better conditions for employment and career growth.

Подобные специалисты мигрируют в поисках лучших условий для трудоустройства и карьерного роста.

People cross their nation’s boundaries in search of better opportunities in education and career.

Люди переходят границы своей страны в поисках лучших возможностей в сфере образования и карьеры.

Graduates often move to other countries in search of better conditions and dream jobs.

Молодые люди часто переезжают в другие страны в поисках лучших условий и работы мечты.

More than 175 million human beings have been forced to leave their homeland in search of better days.

Свыше 175 миллионов человек были вынуждены покинуть свою родину в поисках лучшей жизни.

Migrants may leave voluntarily in search of better lives or may be forcibly evacuated during disasters.

Мигранты могут уезжать добровольно в поисках лучшей жизни, либо их могут насильственно эвакуировать во время стихийных бедствий.

An additional 20 million fled their homes in search of better lives.

They are leaving the country in search of better economic opportunities and greater recognition.

Они покидают страну в поисках лучшей доли, более благоприятных возможностей.

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Много талантливых людей из Бихара эмигрируют за границу в поисках лучших возможностей.

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Андерсон покинул Эдинбург навсегда


1904 году в поисках лучших условий наблюдения.

About 500,000 young people left Serbia between 1991 and


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период с 1991 года по 2001 год более 500


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Родители Аргуэльо переехали


Манагуа из Гранады до рождения Алексиса в поисках лучшей жизни.

Migrants may leave voluntarily in search of better lives or may be forcibly evacuated during disasters.


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Мигранты могут уезжать добровольно в поисках лучшей жизни, либо их могут насильственно эвакуировать во время стихийных бедствий.


Foreign housewives, often young, have immigrated to the department in search of better living conditions.


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Матери- иностранки, зачастую молодого возраста, приезжают в Гвиану в поисках лучшей жизни.


Refugees are therefore being driven out and spilling into the towns in search of better living conditions.


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Поэтому беженцы» выдавливаются» из лагерей и устремляются в города в поисках лучшей жизни.


More than 175 million human beings


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Свыше 175 миллионов

человек были вынуждены покинуть свою родину в поисках лучшей жизни.


As with international migrants,

internal migrants commonly move in search of better pay, education, and health services.


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Как и международные мигранты,

внутренние мигранты обычно переезжают в поисках лучшей оплаты труда, с целью получения образования или медицинского обслуживания.


Bhutan’s relative socio-economic development

success made it an attractive destination for people in search of better livelihoods.


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Относительный успех, достигнутый Бутаном


социально-экономическом развитии,

сделал его привлекательной страной направления для лиц в поисках лучших условий жизни.


The pastoralists regularly cross borders in search of better pasture and water sources, depending on the season.


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Скотоводы регулярно пересекают границы в поисках более зеленых пастбищ и источников воды


зависимости от времени года.


However, many were in search of better economic prospects and did not fall into the asylum-seeker category.


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Вместе с тем многие такие лица покидают родные места в поиске более благоприятных экономических перспектив и не попадают


категорию просителей убежища.


Refugees are therefore being driven out


these camps and spilling into towns in search of better living conditions.


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Поэтому беженцы вынуждены покидать эти лагеря и перебираться


города в поисках лучшей жизни.




these highly educated people

therefore end up migrating to industrialized countries in search of better job prospects.13.


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Поэтому многие из этих высокообразованных специалистов



концов мигрируют


промышленно развитые страны в поиске лучших профессиональных возможностей13.


With this understanding,

displaced persons are absolutely free to move to anywhere in search of better conditions




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С учетом такого понимания перемещенные лица обладают абсолютной свободой передвижения в поисках лучших условий жизни.




those highly educated workers, therefore,

end up migrating to industrialized countries in search of better job prospects.


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Поэтому многие из этих высокообразованных работников



счете уезжают


промышленно развитые страны в поисках лучших возможностей для трудоустройства.


leave to meet pressing family needs and responsibilities.


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Как и мужчины, женщины уезжают в поисках лучших возможностей, но


то же время они уезжают,

чтобы удовлетворить насущные потребности своих семей, за которые они несут ответственность.




this way can we ensure that whole


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Только таким путем мы можем добиться того,

чтобы целые нации не пытались уезжать в поисках лучших экономических возможностей.


In the case


Malawi, for every three doctors trained,


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В случае Малави из каждых трех подготовленных врачей,

двое могут эмигрировать в поисках более перспективных условий.


At the beginning


transition internal migration involved mainly young men,


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начале переходного периода во внутренней миграции участвовали главным образом молодые мужчины в возрасте 25-




turn, compels women to leave their homes in search of better opportunities, resulting


the feminization




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свою очередь, вынуждает женщин покидать свои дома в поисках новых возможностей и лучшей жизни, что приводит к феминизации миграции.


A major factor


population distribution was the migration




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Одним из основных факторов распределения населения является процесс миграции, прежде всего трудоспособных граждан,

меняющих место жительства в поисках лучших экономических условий.


After the breakup


the Soviet Union,

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После распада СССР ряд евреев покинули Монголию в поисках лучших экономических возможностей.

Educational and work opportunities are still lacking, and


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Как и раньше, отсутствуют возможности получения образования и работы,

а также продолжается уход молодых дееспособных жителей в поисках лучших возможностей


других районах.


Women and girls migrated to cities primarily in search of better, more prestigious jobs, which they were not likely to find.


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Женщины и

девушки мигрируют


большие города главным образом в поисках хорошо оплачиваемой и более престижной работы, найти которую им редко удается.


International flows


people have also increased,

including both economic migrants in search of better opportunities and refugees fleeing from violent conflicts.


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Кроме того, расширились международные потоки людей, в том числе экономических мигрантов,

занятых поисками лучших условий, и беженцев, пытающихся избежать последствий жестоких конфликтов.


I recall having a similar conversation with Jenni about this a while back, and IIRC we didn’t come up with a satisfactory solution. Zip’s right, we need a word with the same emotional impact that also has the same full range of grammatical usage as sacrifice, ie in noun-form, verb-form, and adjectival-form. We need a single word that adequately describes the active willingness to endure or bring upon oneself great costs in order for there to be a chance of receiving even greater value as a consequence of that act, and which does NOT have packaged into it the bearing of great costs in disregard for benefits. If we had that in place, derivative uses such as application to work of the men and women who let us sleep soundly in our beds at night would follow logically.

The fact that we don’t have a separate word for it (AFAIK), that ‘sacrifice’ is used by the common man for that purpose, is a major part of why many people still view sacrifice as a positive — for instance, look at the first meanings both as a noun and a verb that the Encarta Dictionary in MS Word gives when you click on «All Reference Books» after a Shift-F7. As far as most people understand it, sacrifice is a positive, and do so because at root what they have in mind is the particular sentiment Objectivism is happy to promote — ie an interpretation that is pro-life. It is only on that basis that intellectuals of many stripes are able to smuggle in the actual meaning of the word sacrifice (see the second pair of meanings in the same place) and then belittle those who have no truck with it. This package needs to be torn asunder. Any takers?



post mod (English Only / Latin)

  • #3

The idiom I am familiar with is «for lack of a better word«, meaning that because I don’t have a better word, I’ll use this one.

«In a manner of speaking» means that my words do not precisely describe the situation or idea or whatever, that I am talking about, but they give you a general idea of what I mean, or they express the idea from a limited point of view.

In what context would you find them similar?

sound shift

  • #4

I have never heard «in lack of a better word». The idiom I am familiar with is «for want of a better word»: because I don’t have a better word, I’ll use this one.

Top reviews from the United States

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Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on February 2, 2010

In this rather optimistic book, Karl Popper explains his own credo, his vision on Kant, the Frankfurt School and Darwinism as well as the `new’ task for the intellectuals.

His credo, his task
`I am a rationalist. I believe in truth and in human reason. I have in mind the hope that inspired Pestalozzi that knowledge may make us free.’ But, `I have in mind a serious obligation of never to pose as a prophet.’

Karl Popper is rightly extremely harsh for those who should be at the forefront of human progress: `Intellectuals have done the most terrible harm for thousands of years. Mass murder in the name of an idea, a doctrine, a theory, a religion — that is all our doing, our invention.’
`If only we would stop setting man against man, much would be gained.’
IMHO: all these `theories’ are a veil for the interests of those in power, who with any means (war, terrorism, censure, indoctrination, lies, corruption) (try to) defend their power base.

Kant has shown that every man is free, not because he is born free, but because he is born with the burden of responsibility for free decision.

Frankfurt School
Popper’s verdict is extremely hard: `What have the neo-Dialecticians learnt? The basic thesis of Adorno and Habermas is the claim that factual knowledge and value judgments in sociology are inextricably linked.’ (!)

Popper had terrible difficulties to accept Darwinism as a scientific theory, because one couldn’t test it. He found a solution which he explained in `Unended Quest’.
Here, he develops his vision on Darwinism a little more.
The great American biologist G.C. Williams wrote that `natural selection, albeit stupid, is a story of unending arms races, slaughter and suffering. It is a law of nature and its immorality has to be accepted and, at least, to be thought about.’
Popper adopts a more Leibnizian view of `a world that has become more and more agreeable and more and more favourable to life, thanks to the activities of life and its search for a better world.’ His view is idyllic: `the first cell is till living after billions of years and transformed out atmosphere with green plants. And it created our eyes and opened them to the blue sky and the stars.’
IMHO: This vision is extremely naïve and false. Evolution was only favourable for life of mankind, not for all other species on our planet. His optimistic viewpoint of `active selection for a better environment, active organisms constantly solving problems that improve life’ should be replaced by selection through extermination and mutations by pure chance.
Mankind should give more attention to G.C. Williams’s more pessimistic, but all too realistic, interpretation of the way of the world.

This book is a must read for all intellectuals and for all critical Popper fans.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on March 12, 2016

I always learn something worth remembering when I read Popper.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on February 9, 2003

The burden of being a philosopher that says something both new and counter-intuitive is that throughout one’s career, you end up repeating yourself, re-clarifying your arguments to the endless number of critcs that misunderstand you. In Popper’s case, the views advanced were that all knowldedge must be held as tentative and that real intellectual progress comes not from verifying true theories (which can never be ‘for sure) but in falsifying and eliminating old ones (which you only need to do once). The critics misinterpreted and Popper did repeat himself time and time again.
This is one of the very few bad things about the book. Honestly, if you’ve read Popper before (Conjectures and Refutations, Objective Knowledge, Logic of Scientific Discovery) this book will have little, if any, to add. If you’ve not, this is a great introduction.
There are 3 sections: On Knowledge, On History and a section for miscellaneous essays. The first section touches on Popper’s views on how we recieve, criticize, falsify and act on knowledge. The second is an expansion of the first. Here, Popper focuses on historical events hee deems important: Immanuel Kant’s phiosophical formulation, the invention of the book. He also gets a tad bit into politics, where a liberal democracy is preferred.
It is the third section, though, that is the payoff. Essays ranging in diversity from «How I See Philosophy» to «What Does The West Believe In». The best essay in the book, «Toleration and Intellectual Responsibility», is a critical rationalist’s look at the role of intellectuals (Popper carefully avoids snobbery here) role in perpetuating a tolerant, non-violent society. As crucial now in ’03 as when he gave the lecture in ’82.
To conclude, if you are new to Popper, this is a good intro (but Conjectures and Refutations or Popper Selections might still be better. If you’ve read those or much other Popper before, you will probably find yourself able to guess what Popper says in each essay without much problem. You can safely skip this one.

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Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on May 27, 2018

Required reading for every one in this troubled, fake news, rea

1.0 out of 5 stars


Reviewed in Japan 🇯🇵 on March 19, 2014


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