In rung sentence word

Definition of Rung

struck a bell or an object with a bell

Examples of Rung in a sentence

The schoolmaster rung the bell to let everyone know the class was ready to start.


I have rung doorbell several times, but no one heard the chime.


The troops had rung the bell as a signal, but no one seemed to know what the sign meant.




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  • Use the word RUNG in a sentences

Sentence Examples

You see, I played a part in the thing, the part of a juryman. And it was not until the curtain was rung down on the death sentence, that I said to myself…

Yeah, I know, I’m sorry that I haven’t rung.

I haven’t rung the bell yet.

«No, sir, I rung the bell!

Our closing bell has rung.

Sire, a ladder’s no stronger than its weakest rung.

I didn’t ring for anyone. If you hadn’t rung, I wouldn’t be here.

Crooked politics rung me out. You see…


That’s the first time that doorbell’s rung since Halloween.

Shut up, Madame. ! What I want to know is who rung that curtain down.

I believe I can manage you right up to the top rung.

You’d be climbing the first rung of the ladder.

That guy rung a cold deck in on me.

I rung for you an hour ago.

One day he saw a girl he liked on a tram, so he got on the same tram and her. She got off, went into a building and he followed her, rung the doorbell presented himself and asked for the girl’s hand in marriage…

One and three and six have rung again.

At 5:00 p.m. A bell is rung for the end of visitors’ hours.

Marriott could have lost his nerve and rung in a private dick.

She knew I had a telephone, so she rung me up from the hospital.

I’ve just rung Miss Perdri├¿res’ bell. No one is answering.

You’d think a bell would’ve rung, some instinct of warning.

He hung his coat at the last rung..

ere the bat hath flown his cloister’d flight, ere to black Hecate’s summons the shard-borne beetle with his drowsy hums hath rung night’s yawning peal, there shall be done a deed of dreadful note.

Supposed to be for cow horses, but at the end he’s rung in racehorses.

If you’d rung me up and asked me were you fair or dark… or had a mustache, I wouldn’t have known.

The words had rung in my ears but left my mind empty.

They’ve rung in some good shows.

Among the latter are some whom, I must confess, I had regarded as permanent fixtures on the bottom rung.

Watch that top rung. It’s murder.

well, it hasn’t rung, has it, Joe?

If we haven’t rung up at least two rabbits, we deserve to go home empty-handed.

She should be rung every hour as a warning to all decent young people.

A bell rung every evening.»

He must have rung for it, because I heard it come up to this floor, pick him up and go back.

And no one has rung since?

The bell has rung upon his great career.

I’d rung the bell, but I didn’t want to be turned away again.

I have a rung of the ladder Jacob saw in his dreams and a phial containing wind, which was blowing in the Bethlehem stable

He’d rung off, I suppose.

Just keep your eyes level… and go on up one rung at a time.

At least you could have rung up about Bert.

Synonym: round, rundle, spoke, stave. Similar words: wrung, sprung, strung, grunge, hamstrung, high-strung, bung, sung. Meaning: [rʌŋ]  n. 1. a crosspiece between the legs of a chair 2. one of the crosspieces that form the steps of a ladder. 

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1. She’d rung up to discuss the divorce.

2. The bell has rung for a long time.

3. She really wishes her clock had rung.

4. Hold the ladder tightly and move up a rung at a time.

5. The church bell used to be rung to signify disaster.

6. He is still on the bottom rung of the political ladder.

7. We had rung in by the time the manager arrived.

8. I couldn’t get back to sleep after he’d rung.

9. She has rung me once since she left.

10. Sue has rung in sick.

11. I’m sorry, I’ve rung up the wrong amount.

12. Have you rung up your mother recently?

13. Some interfering busybody had rung the police.

14. The bell has rung — stop writing now.

15. Jane’s rung in to say she’ll be late.

16. She has rung home just once.

17. I’ve just rung him but there was no answer.

18. The curtain has been rung down; the theatrical company are leaving here tomorrow.

19. He put his foot on the bottom rung to keep the ladder steady.

19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

20. Most of the workers had already rung in by the time I arrived.

21. Humans are on the highest rung of the evolutionary ladder.

22. She had rung off before he could press her for an answer.

23. The curtain was rung up on a new epoch in world history.

24. He was standing on the top rung of a ladder.

25. I started my life on the bottom rung of the ladder in this company.

26. I think these items have been rung up wrongly on the till.

27. Cecil wasn’t there, having rung in to say he was taking the day off.

28. I swung myself onto the ladder and felt for the next rung.

29. To be safe you should go up a ladder one rung at a time.

30. I first worked with him in 1971 when we were both on the lowest rung of our careers.

More similar words: wrung, sprung, strung, grunge, hamstrung, high-strung, bung, sung, lung, tung, young, fungi, flung, swung, lunge, stung, clung, unsung, bungle, jungle, hungry, hunger, lounge, hung up, lunged, plunge, dungeon, far-flung, plunger, pungent. 

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∙ 12y ago

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noun: rung of a ladder

verb: past tense of ring

Don’t stand on the top rung of a ladder or it could tip

He rung the bell to get our attention.

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∙ 12y ago

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These will be the spots you will nail in your rungs.


Losing two rungs on the ballot ladder doesn’t seem to be enough for them… instead, McKay gets to singlehandedly sell out the party line to a partisan crony.


His brand of humour in Thor: Ragnarok is especially getting a lot of praise for revivifying and mainstreaming the Thor franchise that had previously been considered to be on the lower rungs of Marvel Cinematic Universe.


ChABC gene therapy also led to the recovery of hind limb function in the animals, allowing them to navigate the rungs of a horizontal ladder.


It won’t happen without leadership, but it also won’t happen without broader public recognition of the merits of moving beyond the coal and oil rungs on the «heat ladder» of progress.


On the surface, RNA and DNA molecules look similar, with DNA forming a ladder-like structure (with nucleobase pairs as the rungs and sugar molecule backbones as the sides) and RNA forming what looks like just one side of a ladder.


I probably would have been trying to rig some kind of board to go across the rungs so I wouldn’t fall through by mistake LOL


They are new Americans, climbing the lower rungs of the economic ladder.


Try to avoid the wire wheels that have open ladder rungs.


You are considered an expert in your career path, and your resume needs expert handling and guidance to demonstrate your skill while climbing to the upper rungs.


(All depending what you’re hanging from this ladder, you might want to use screws to help add extra strength to the rungs.


It’s not hard to find innovation in bike parking — lots of funky and functional designs are constantly being created for parking fixtures — the staples, rungs, and poles that help cyclists secure their bikes to something in hopes of avoiding theft.


Best of all, the running surface of the Comfort Wheel is made of one continuous solid surface so you eliminate the risk of your pet’s feet getting stuck into the rungs of metal wheels.


But these aren’t just any tacos, these are mini taco shells made of guilt free Flatout Foldit Ancient Grains Flatbread that get brushed with the seasoned juices from your slow cooker then hung on the oven rungs and baked to golden crispy taco perfection (see video of technique HERE, and start dreaming of the seasoned taco shell possibilities!


Padia said more schools met their accountability targets this year by lifting the very lowest performing students out of the bottom achievement rungs.


Your Ed School experience is now part of your lifelong scaffolding — rungs that will serve you well in the years ahead.


You’ll need a pair that have rungs at matching heights.


The labour issues certainly do exist and a good number of employees, if you talk to them, do complain about long hours and sometimes tedious work if they’re on the lower rungs of the company.


One way to illustrate the concepts of this debate is to imagine two ladders with five rungs each side by side.


She had no escape: the ladders leaning against bedroom, sitting room and bathroom had rungs made of large butcher knives.


Healing is a ladder full of rungs; it’s not an express elevator.


On the floor, I love the look of layered rungs, like the Newport Area Rug mixed with a natural Cowhide Rug.


The campaign for a $ 15 an hour minimum wage in New York is being fought on emotional grounds — as a tool to fight poverty, to fix income inequality and to ensure a «living wage» for people on the lowest rungs of the economic ladder.


They are not, however, on the highest rungs of the occupational ladder, and that creates some tension for them, because they feel they have made it, but are still not in positions of power.


You can make obstacles and create an «agility» course with things found around most homes: broomstick on the rungs of 2 chairs to create a jump, weave in and out of dowels stuck in the ground (about 18 ″ apart) or ski poles, pause «box» with an old rug, jump through an old tire (the original agility tire jump!)


Most ladders come with their own fold-down shelf, which you can also cover with sisal, jute or hemp, and you can easily add more shelves by attaching pieces of plywood or other sturdy material to the rungs from beneath the center of the ladder.


The key thing is there are different tasks that are appropriate for different rungs of the ladder, and an understanding of the lower tasks is often essential before students can understand the higher tasks.


As a general rule, the more rungs on the ladder that separate you and an employee, the less likely that employee will be to disagree with you.


Your biggest problem is that TIPS have not been around long enough for all rungs to be available.


These intervals are the «rungs» of the ladder, which are designed to help create a consistent stream of income over time.


Lay out your wood and figure out the spacing of your ladder rungs.


wenger is more management consultant than football manager… he has been ok at former in terms of delivering a tidy income stream to a greedy board but 10 yrs and one cup puts him on lower rungs of football management….


Connect the sled runners with 1 x 2 rungs.


But how do those who live on the lower rungs of the global economic ladder cope?


Conversely, climbing several rungs on the income ladder takes ingenuity, grit, resilience, opportunity, and a heaping tablespoon of luck.


Nicodim Gallery is pleased to present BioPerversity, an exploration of humanity’s darker and lighter perversions as told through the personification of the rest of the animal kingdom, creatures who exist a few rungs beneath us on the evolutionary ladder.


More women are reaching the top rungs of the brokerage ladder but why aren’t there more?


Grab some chalk and draw a ladder on the driveway and time yourselves doing fast feet or single leg jumps along the rungs.


One day I was cleaning up the kitchen and she came up and peeked at me through the rungs on the back of a chair and said, «Ah see Oo!»


This is someone performing at a very high level, someone who has reached one of the top rungs of his profession, and he’s been told he needs to go away.


The pairs link together like rungs in a ladder:


Monkeys shifted to the bottom rungs of the social order were more likely to express high levels of genes associated with inflammation.


Also should I throw away my rungs from my house?


The 8MP rear-facing camera on the Sony Xperia SP is understandably a few rungs below the Sony Xperia Z or the HTC One, but still manages to be an excellent substitute for an everyday compact camera.


They probably worked their way up the rungs of the ladder, one at a time.


Firmer than the M4 Competition Package and softer than the GTS, the CS delivers the same Comfort, Sport and Sport + steps as the standard car, but its feet land on different rungs when you push the button.


The official «product development structure» that was put in place around this time by Dallas Snell demanded an executive producer, a producer, an assistant producer, a director, an assistant director, and a lead writer for every game; of all the positions on the upper rungs of the chart, only that of lead artist and lead programmer wouldn’t have been listed in the credits of a typical Hollywood film.


To reach the lodge, you’ll climb up rungs that are drilled into the side of the mountain, or take a series of ziplines to your destination.


I think when the time comes, it will be bloody, the press are not known for their gentleness, especially if they (on the lower rungs — those not actually in the trough but kept under control) feel they have been manipulated.


An incoming photon will then knock an electron from the top to bottom energy rungs, kicking out two identical photons in the process and causing amplification of light.


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