In pairs discuss these questions what is a word

  • 2.1.1 Open this video
  • 2.1.2 Go over learning object 2 to get familiar with 10 tips to improve reading skills, and create a diagram based on the video and the learning object to remember them. Now put them into practice! 
  • 2.1.3 Develop exercises A to F on pages 40 and 41 of your Market Leader book
  • A What Kind of hotel do you like to stay in
    when you are on holiday or on business

    I would like to remain best hotel in the
    country you visit to help me get to relax and forget my routines my holiday

    B Tick
    (     ) the facilities you expect to find
    in a business hotel

    Beauty station                                  gift
    Business centre ( )                     

    Health club     ( )                                Childcare
    service                   Tennis courts ( )

    Concierge desk                              Restaurants                             coffee Shop  ( )

    C Take turn to ask and answer questions
    about Hilton Tokyo.


    Check your e-mail in your room?

    A:Can you check
    your e-mail in your room?

    B:Yes,you can


    Swim outside at the hotel?

    A:Can you swim
    outside at the hotel?

    B:No,You can’t


    Play tennis at the hotel?

    A:Can you Play  tennis at the hotel?

    B:Yes,you can


    Eat chinese food in the Musashino?

    A:Can you eat
    chinese food in the Musashino

    B:No,you can’t


    Host a dinner for 1,500 people?

    A:Can you Host a
    dinner for 1,500 people?

    B:No,you can’t


    Use the health club at night?

    A:Can you use
    the health club at night?

    B:Yes,you can’t


    Get from Narita Airport direct to the hotel?

    A:Can you from
    Narita Airport direct hotel?

    B:Yes.You can

    E Answer these questions

    1 How far is the hotel from the Shinjuku
    Shopping area?

    Rta: Shinjuku is 10 minutes from the hotel

    2 How long is the business centre open?

    Rta: This business center
    available 24 hours

    3How long does it take to travel from
    Narita Airport to the hotel?

    Rta: Two hours

    F Match the words on the left (1-6) to the
    words on the right (a-f) to make word partnerships from the text

  • the text

    1 business                         (C)                          a) views

    2 Indoor                            (D)                          b) rooms

    3 Sightseeing                    (E)                          c) district

    4 City                                (A)                         d)

    5 Internet                          ( F)                         e) tours

    6 meeting                          (B)                           f) access

    2.1.4 Read article India likes fast-food chains on page 46
    of yourMarket Leader book and develop exercises A to D. 

    A Discuss these questions in pairs

    1.How often do you eat in fast  food chains?

    Rta: not eat from time to time in fast
    food restaurants

    2 How Popular are they in your country?
    Who is a typical customer?

    Rta: in our country is the food,
    I like to go to the corral

    B Do
    international Fast-Food companies need to change their menus to be successful
    in  India? Read This article to find out

    C Match
    the words (1-5) to their meanings (a-e)

  • 1 Salaries             (C)                      a) With  a strong and hot flavor

    2 demand             (B)                      b) The kind of things
    that someone likes

    3 adapt                 (E)                  c) The money people earn for
    their jobs

    4 Tastes                (D)                  d) The need  people have for a service

    5 Spicy                  (A)                  e) change something

    D Read
    article again and answer these questions

    1 What
    type  of customer goes to the phoenix
    Mills McDonald’s at luchtime?

    Rta: college students , mothers and office

    How many times a week does akshaya Batta
    go to McDonald’s?

    Rta: he goes once a week to

    3 How
    much does sahal Amlani typically spend in McDonald’s at weekends?

    Rta: usually spend every weekend

    4 How do these fast-food companies adapt
    heir menus for indian customers ?

    Complete these sentences:

    A McDonald’s offers  mutton and
    chicken Maharaja Mac.Kentucky fried CHICKEN (KFC)

    B In its chicken dishes ,KFC  adapts it’s 
    for local tastes with the use of Indian spices and cooking techniques

    C Pizza Hut has menu  a mix of indian and international dishes

    5 Why is it necessary to make these

    Rta: Because people are eating a
    lot of fast food

    2.1.5 Open your Market Leader book on page 54, read
    article Uniqlo:a global success story, and develop exercises A to
    F. Send these exercises in the Word file corresponding to Study Guide 2. DO NOT
    take photos of the pages and paste them on the Word file; you have to type
    these exercises (including the instructions).

    A Before your read the article below the article below
    ,discuss these questions .


    What global fashion companies do you know?


    Gap,C&R,Esprit,La coste


    Which are the most successful in your country?


    Arturo Calle,Gap,Totto,Zara,Studio F

    3 What do you Know about uniglo ,the global fashion

    Uniglo not anything until I hear it now

    B Match these words (1-6)to their meanings (a-f)

  • 1 expansion              (B)                   a) employ someone to do a

    2 Strategy                (E)                    b) When something gets bigger in size

    3 relaunch                (D)                    c) clothes produced by a
    designer for the season

    4 Flagship store       
    (F)                    d) introduce something new again

    5 hire                        (A)                    e) a detailed plan for achieving something

    6 collection               (C)                   f)
    a company’s main store, often big and in an important 

                                                                shopping area 

    C Read the article quickly and underline the e numbers
    and dates. Then say what they refer to.

    1 1984          2  2003       
    2005     4 November
        5 April 2009     

    1984     started with 1 single store in Hiroshima

    2 2003       hill most of the shops

    3 2005     yani change strategy and opened stores in
    major countries of the world

    4November 2006     with the opening of a flagship in new york

    5 April 2009       Her role was to design a collection went
    on sale company

    D  Decide whether
    these statements are True (T) or false (F) .correct the false ones

    1In the 1990s, japan was uniglo is main market T

    2 Uniglo had a lot of success when it entered the UK
    market in 2001 F

    Yani is new global strategy was to open big stores in important cities T

    4 At
    the end of 2008, uniglo had 92 international stores F

    Yani hired jil sander to design all uniglo is clothes T

    uniglo opened 64 stores in Asia between 2007 and 2010 T

    E Look trought the article and find the missing


    Uniglo grew
     quickly in japan during the 1990s


    Over the next two years ,the numbers of international  stores 
     went  up                         from 54 to 92


    The number (of stores)       increased        to 64  
    at the end of 2010

    What do the verbs have in common?

    in common are the conjugations of the verb in past but regular and irregular

    F What makes a business successful? Put these
    points in order for you .Add other points to the list .

    bility to learn from mistakes                                   —  money


    Hard Work                                                   
    -personal contacts


    — Having clear strategy and plan


    Having clear strategy and plan


    ability to learn from mistake


    choose the deal you like


    a work plan strategically designed


    expectation for customers

    2.2 Listening


    2.2.1 Open your Market Leader book on page 38 and develop
    exercises A to C on listening.

    A  Listen to the
    first part of an interview with Liz crede and answer these questions


    Why does she travel to a) Amsterdam? b)Singapore and Chicago?

    Liz Crede travels
    to Amsterdam to work with customers, and travels to Singapore and Chicago to
    visit their colleagues


    How often does she travel to A) Amsterdam? b) Singapore and Chicago?

     Liz Crede
    travels to Amsterdam almost every month, and travels to Chicago to Singapore and
    with colleagues twice a year


    What is Liz is favorite business location, and why?

    Favorite place is
    Singapore Liz crede that is based in the old town of Singapore, and has many
    features and it is great to experience life in Singapore

    B Liz Says she likes flying business class and she
    likes staying in the same hotel .In pairs, predict why she likes doing those
    two things.

    Manuel: what is your favorite way to travel?

    Diana : my favorite way is the first time that a country
    well known either by business meeting or vacation, I can know the costumes, the
    food, people and language skills in business and so I relax a little day by day
    touching me

    Diana: what is your favorite way to travel?

    My favorite destination is
    Paris because there can learn a little more of the country than ever and analog
    know to well know the Eiffel Tower, with the customs, the history of France,
    the infrastructure, the people, the food first, that is what most I love
    business and I love to visit Europe

    C Listen to the second part of the interview and check your
    answers to Exercise B


    Go to page 47 of your Market Leader book and develop
    exercises A, B and D on listening.

    A Jeremy Kelley is a
    specialist in change leadership .Listen to the first part of an interview with
    him .He is talking about how he entertains business contacts and his favorite
    entertainment. Complete these notes


    I like to get to       know    my contacts


    I give them a chance to  tell       me about themselves


    I take them a places that we can talk
    – perhaps a coffe


    We walked across a     park       together


    While we walked ,we walked.


    We spent the time talking about what was really important.

    B Listen to the
    second part of the interview and decide whether these statements are true (T)
    or False (F).Correct the false ones


    In restaurants, you should consider noise levels F

    In restaurants , you careful about noise level


    Sometimes you need to take out clients you don’t like F

    Don’t take a client to a restaurant where they can’t
    eat the food


    Do not take vegetarians to steak restaurants T


    You should spend a lot of money entertaining clients F

    don’t make it too expensive ,that might embarrass them

    D Listen to the Third part of the interview .compare your answer in Exercise
    C to what Jeremy Says

  • 2.2.3 Develop exercises A to C on page 56 of your Market Leader book.
  • A In pairs, discuss
    these questions


    What advice would you give to new sales staff?

    I would give a new
    sales staff first good presentation, a good character, be yourself when
    selling, listen, do not be nervous to ask you to put something, very talkative,
    very respectful when they diriga customer.


    What mistakes do salespeople often make?

    The salespeople
    wrong when selling the product to the customer that they get nervous, do not
    understand them, do not know the prices of the products.

    B Listen to Ros Pomeroy, a management consultant,
    answering. The questions in exercise a complete each gap with a word


    Take time to build relationships


    Make sure you fully understand  the
    product or service you are selling


    Do not try to sell something to a customers that they
    do not actually   need   or   want


    Take time
      to understand what the customer


    Customers like to be 
    listened    to not
    to be talked at

    C Listen to Ros
    talking about what being a successful buyer involves. Number her points in the
    order in which she mentions them 

  • order in which she mentions them


    Asking for a written quotation                                                                   (4)


    Being prepared to walk away from the purchase if you
    are not happy      (5)


    Working out the maximum price you are prepared to pay                         (2)


    Looking at ways of getting additional extras or
    discounts                        (6)


    Contacting several different suppliers                                                        (3)


    Doing a lot of preparation                                                                       

    2.2.4 Check your answers by reading the audio scripts on pages 161, 162 and

1. In pairs, discuss these questions.

  1. Have you got
    a computer at home, school or work? What kind is it?

  2. How often do
    you use it? What do you use it for?

  3. What are the
    main components and features of your computer system?

2. In pairs, label the elements of this computer system.

Read the text and label the diagram with the correct terms.

Computer Hardware

A computer is an electronic machine which can accept data in a
certain form, process the data, and give the results of the
processing in a specified format as information.

First, data is fed into the computer’s memory. Then, when the program
is run, the computer performs a set of instructions and processes the
data. Finally, we can see the results (the output) on the screen or
in printed form.

A computer system consists of two parts: hardware and software.
is any electronic or mechanical part you can see or
touch. Softwareis a set of instructions, called a program,
which tells the computer what to do. There are three basic hardware
sections: the central processing unit (CPU), main memoryand

Perhaps the most influential component is the central processing
unit. Its function is to execute program instructions and coordinate
the activities of all the other units. In a way, it is the ‘brain’ of
the computer. The main memory (a collection of RAM chips) holds the
instructions and data which are being processed by the CPU.
Peripherals are the physical units attached to the computer. They
include storage devices and input/ output devices.

Storage devices(hard drives, DVD drives or flash drives)
provide a permanent storage of both data and programs.Disk drivesare used to read and write data on disks. Input devices enable data
to go into the computer’s memory. The most common input devices are
the mouse and the keyboardOutput devicesenable us to extract
the finished product from the system. For example, the computer shows
the output on the monitor or prints the results onto paper by means
of a printer.

On the rear panel of the computer there are several portsinto
which we can plug a wide range of peripherals — a modem, a digital
camera, a scanner, etc. They allow communication between the computer
and the devices. Modern desktop PCs haveUSB portsandmemory
card readers
on the front panel.

4. Match these words from the text (1-9) with the correct meanings (a-I).

  1. software

  2. peripherals

  3. main memory

  4. hard drive (also known as
    hard disk)

  5. hardware

  6. input

  7. ports

  8. output

  9. central processing unit (CPU)

athe brain
of the computer

parts that make up a computer system

which can be used on a particular

computer system

information which is presented to the computer

produced by a computer

devices attached to the CPU

that holds programs and data while they are

executed or

device used to store information

isockets into which an external device
may be connected

5. Using the diagram in Ex. 3 speak about computer hardware.

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 Обсудите следующие вопросы в паре или группе.

 1)     I go to school at eight, because I don’t want to come to school later
than other pupils.
2)     I meet my friends there. I talk to them at the playground. I don’t play
on the playground.
3)     I like to sit near the teacher’s table, because then I can hear the teacher
very well.
4)     My favourite lesson is English, because we speak about interesting
things there. I want to speak English well.
5)     I usually watch TV when I get home from school. Sometimes I help
my mother about the house.

ваш ответ

похожие темы

похожие вопросы 5

Страница 15

2. In pairs, answer the questions. – В парах отвечайте на вопросы.

1. What is the Russian for ‘hobby’? – Что по-русски означает «hobby»?
The Russian for “hobby” is «хобби, увлечение». – По-русски “hobby” означает «хобби, увлечение».

2. What is the Russian for ‘puzzle’? – Что по-русски означает «puzzle»? 
The Russian for “puzzle” is «пазл». − По-русски «puzzle» − это «пазл».

3. Look at picture 1. − Посмотрите на рисунок 1.

What does the word ‘saw’ mean in Russian? – Что означает слово «saw» в русском языке?
The word ‘saw’ means «пила» in Russian.  – Слово «saw» по-русски означает «пила».

Can you explain in Russian why a ‘jigsaw puzzle’ is called so in English? – Вы можете объяснить по-русски, почему «jigsaw puzzle» так называется по−английски?
Потому что края элементов пазла похожи на зубчики пилы.

4. What do we call a ‘jigsaw puzzle’ (picture 2) in Russian? – Что мы называем «jigsaw puzzle» (рисунок 2) в русском языке?
We call a ‘jigsaw puzzle’ «пазл» in Russian.Мы называем «jigsaw puzzle» по-русски «пазл».

3. Read text 2 again and answer the questions. – Прочтите текст 2 еще раз и ответьте на вопросы.

1. Which expression means ‘a hobby for rich people’, ‘kings often have this hobby’? – Какое выражение означает «хобби для богатых», «короли часто имеют это хобби»?

The hobby of kings.Хобби королей.

2. Which expression means ‘a very important and exciting hobby’, ‘the best hobby’? – Какое выражение означает «очень важное и захватывающее хобби», «лучшее хобби»?

The king of hobbies.Король хобби.

4. Discuss in pairs. – Обсудите в парах.

1. What is your hobby? – Какое у тебя хобби?

  • My hobby is reading. – Мое хобби — чтение.
  • Мy hobby is collecting stamps. – Мое хобби — коллекционирование марок.
  • My hobby is drawing and painting. – Мое хобби — рисование.
  • My hobby is dancing. – Мое хобби — танцы.
  • My hobby is singing. – Мое хобби — пение.

2. Would you like to collect coins? Why? – Хотели бы вы коллекционировать монеты? Почему?

  • Yes, I would. I think it’s very interesting. – Да. Я думаю, это очень интересно.
  • No, I wouldn’t. I think it’s boring. – Нет, я бы не стал. Я думаю, это скучно.

3. What is your favourite kind of jigsaw puzzle? – Какой ваш любимый пазл?

  • My favourite kind of jigsaw puzzle is a big puzzle with a picture of nature. – Мой любимый вид пазлов — это большие пазлы с изображением природы.

5. Read texts 1-3 again and tell the class about these interesting facts in Russian. – Прочитайте тексты 1-3 еще раз и расскажите классу об этих интересных фактах на русском языке.

1. Мы все знаем, что такое хобби. Это то, чем мы с удовольствием занимаемся в свободное время.
Слово происходит от названия детской игрушки − «Лошадь на палочке» (hobby horse). Это деревянная палка с лошадиной головой. Дети играют с лошадкой, они притворяются, что катаются на лошади. Итак, то, что мы делаем для удовольствия, а не за деньги, называется хобби.

2. Коллекционирование монет — одно из старейших увлечений в мире. Никто на самом деле не мог сказать, когда это началось. Известно, что в Древнем Риме были коллекционеры монет.
Коллекционирование монет известно как «хобби королей». Первый римский император Цезарь Август был одним из самых известных коллекционеров монет. Ему нравилось коллекционировать старинные и иностранные монеты. Он также любил дарить их своим друзьям.

3. Пазл сейчас одно из самых популярных увлечений. Первую головоломку составил Джон Спилсбери, учитель географии английского языка. Он использовал головоломку, чтобы научить своих учеников географии. Он нарисовал на дереве карту Европы и вырезал ее по границам европейских стран.
Первой головоломкой была карта Англии и Уэльса, где каждое графство составляло отдельный кусок. Сейчас самый большой пазл имеет длину почти 7 метров, состоит из 32 256 деталей и весит 17 кг.

6. Listen and read. – Послушай и прочитай.

  • What is called the ‘hobby of kings’? – Что называется ‘хобби королей’?
  • Coin collecting is called the ‘hobby of kings’. – Коллекционирование монет называют ‘хобби королей’.
  • When was the first jigsaw puzzle made? – Когда был сделан первый пазл-головоломка?
  • The first jigsaw puzzle was made in 1767. – Первый пазл был сделан в 1767 году.

7. Complete the sentences with is called or was made. – Завершите предложения с помощью is called или was made.

1. Something we do for pleasure is called a hobby. – То, что мы делаем для удовольствия, называется хобби.

2. The first jigsaw puzzle was made of wood. – Первый пазл был сделан из дерева.

3. Coin collecting is called the ‘king of hobbies’. – Коллекционирование монет называют ‘королем хобби’.

4. The first jigsaw puzzle was made by John Spilsbury. – Первый пазл был сделан Джоном Спилсбери.

16 Работайте в парах. Обсудите эти вопросы в парах. Обоснуйте ваши ответы.

• Существуют ли какие-либо заводы или промышленные районы там, где вы живете?

• Есть ли там сильное загрязнение?

• Какие музеи, галереи или театры близки к вашему дому?

• Как часто вы ходите в музей, галерею или театр?

• Есть ли известный памятник архитектуры рядом с вашим домом?

• Что вы обычно делаете, когда вы встречаетесь с друзьями?

• Существуют ли какие-либо известные исторические места, близкие к вашему дому?

• Какова численность населения мегаполиса или города, в котором вы живете?

• Как вы думаете, он переполнен? Почему?

• Есть ли сильная преступность в вашем районе? Почему?

• Было ли у вас что-то украдено, или являлись ли вы жертвой преступления?

• Вы любите поесть? Почему?/Почему нет?

• Есть ли у вас родственники, которые живут в деревне? Как часто вы посещаете их?

• Вы когда-нибудь посещали деревню?

•Много ли ферм вблизи вашего дома?

• Что люди выращивают в деревне?

• Какую работу выполняют люди в деревне/в городе?

• Вам нравится природа? Если да, то, что вам нравится больше всего в ней?

• Считаете ли вы, что деревня менее напряжена, нежели город?

• Как вы любите отдыхать?

Словарь для диалога:

Я думаю так.

Я не думаю так.

Лично я думаю, что…

Мне кажется, что…

С моей точки зрения…

По моему мнению…

1. There are a lot of different factories and industrial areas in Moscow. The most common plants in the place where I live are canneries, machine-building, furniture, sewing and confectionery factories (Есть много различных фабрик и промышленных зон в Москве. Наиболее распространенные заводы в месте, где я живу, — консервные заводы, машиностроительные, мебельные, швейные и кондитерские фабрики).

2. There is a lot of pollution that has been detected in the air, soil, drinking water (due to acid rain), and cows’ milk (Есть сильное загрязнение, которое было обнаружено в воздухе, почве, питьевой воде (из-за кислотного дождя), и коровьем молоке).

3. I live in the center of Moscow. The State Historical Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery, the famous Bolshoi Theatre and the Maly Theatre are situated close to my house (Я живу в центре Москвы. Государственный Исторический Музей, Третьяковская Галерея, знаменитые Большой театр и Малый театр расположены близко к моему дому).

4. I visit these tourist attractions as often as possible because I enjoy watching performances and going on the exciting excursions (Я посещаю эти достопримечательности максимально часто, потому что я люблю смотреть представления и ходить на захватывающие экскурсии).

5. The most famous architecture near my house is the Moscow Kremlin (Самая известная архитектурная достопримечательность около моего дома — Московский Кремль).

6. When I meet my friends we usually go to the theatre, cinema or museum. Also we like hanging out in cafes and just walking in the streets (Когда я встречаю своих друзей, мы обычно идем в театр, кино или музей. Также нам нравится тусоваться в кафе и просто прогуливаться по улицам).

7. The most famous historical sites close to my house are the Red Square and) Lobnoye Mesto which is a platform of white stone more than 400 years old (Самые известные исторические места близко к моему дому — Красная площадь и Лобное место — платформа из белого камня, которой больше чем 400 лет).

8. The population of Moscow is 12.2 million residents within the city limits and 16.8 million within the urban area (Население Москвы — 12.2 миллионов жителей в пределах города и 16.8 миллионов в городском районе).

9. I think it is overcrowded because Moscow is a capital of Russia, the inflow of people is constant, and construction goes on everywhere (Я думаю, что он переполнен, потому что Москва — столица России, приток людей постоянный, и строительство продолжается везде).

10. There is a lot of crime in my area since the city center is overpopulated and there are many criminals (Высока преступность в моем районе, так как центр города перенаселен и здесь много преступников).

11. Fortunately, I have never had anything stolen from me or been a victim of a crime (К счастью, у меня ничего никогда не крали или я не был жертвой преступления).

12. I like to eat out in cafes, pizzerias or fast food restaurants because there I can select food for taste and just have fun with my friends (Мне нравится идти куда-нибудь поесть в кафе, пиццериях или ресторанах быстрого питания, потому что там я могу выбрать еду по вкусу и просто весело провести время с моими друзьями).

13. I have some relatives who live in the country. They are my aunt, cousin and two little nephews. I visit them every 6 months (У меня есть несколько родственников, которые живут в стране. Это моя тетя, двоюродный брат и два маленьких племянника. Я посещаю их каждые 6 месяцев).

14. I have visited the country many times (Я много раз посещал деревню).

15. There are no farms near my house but there three big farms in the village where my relatives live (Нет никаких ферм около моего дома, но есть три крупных фермы в деревне, где мои родственники живут).

16. People in the country grow fruit, vegetables, wheat and rye (Люди в деревне выращивают фрукты, овощи, пшеницу и рожь).

17. In the country people do farming. Also they work in the little businesses along main street and in the post office and police office (Деревенские жители занимаются сельским хозяйством. Также они работают в небольших заведениях вдоль главной улицы и в офисе почтового отделения и полиции).

18. I enjoy nature because it helps me to relax, have fun outdoors and stay healthy. I love taking pictures of magnificent landscapes and unusual animals (Я наслаждаюсь природой, потому что она помогает мне расслабиться, весело провести время на открытом воздухе и остаться здоровым. Я люблю фотографировать великолепные пейзажи и необычных животных).

19. From my point of view, the country is less stressful than the city as life there is slower, people tend to be more friendly and there is much less traffic there (С моей точки зрения страна менее напряжена, чем город, так как жизнь, там медленнее, люди склонны быть более дружелюбными и там намного меньше машин на дорогах).

20. Playing the piano, singing and walking in the evenings are very relaxing activities for me (Игра на фортепиано, пение и прогулки по вечерам — очень расслабляющие занятия для меня).

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