In pairs complete the questions with one word


In pairs, complete the questions with one word in
each gap. The first letters are given. Then ask and
answer the questions.
1 W
do you use the Internet for?
2 Do you uses
media? Why? Why not?
3 What i
do you find the most useful?
4 What were you doing y
at 8 p.m.?​

1. In a cinema. Ask the ticket seller about the finishing time of the film you want to see. — I wonder if you could tell me what time the film finishes. — В кинотеатре. Спросите продавца билетов о времени окончания фильма, который вы хотите увидеть. — Интересно, можете ли вы рассказать мне, в какое время фильм заканчивается.
2. In a restaurant. Ask the waiter for some salt. — Do you think you could bring me some salt? — В ресторане. Спросите у официанта соль. — Как вы думаете, вы могли бы принести мне немного соли?
3. In an art gallery. Ask an attendant for directions to the Renaissance section. — Could you tell me where the Renaissance section is? — В художественной галерее. Спросите помощника о дороге в раздел «Возрождение». — Не могли бы вы рассказать мне, где находится раздел «Возрождение»?
4. At home. The film has already started. Ask about the action so far. — Would you mind telling me what action has happened? — Дома. Фильм уже начался. Спросите о действии, что происходили до сих пор. — Не могли бы вы сказать мне, что произошло?
5. In an English class. Ask if anyone knows Shakespeare’s birthplace. — Can anyone tell me where Shakespeare was born? – На уроке английского. Спросите, знает ли кто-нибудь место рождения Шекспира. — Может ли кто-нибудь сказать мне, где родился Шекспир?

Вопрос по английскому языку:

Помогите пожалуйсто Work in pairs.Complete the questions with the words.Then ask your classmate to answer them. Use: What where why

1 …did alice decide to go to

the park that day?
2…were the children doing in the park?

3… did alice decide to sit down?

4… did she find a nice bench?

5… was there between alice and the old man?

6…was alice surpriset?

7…did she find in her bag when she came home?
вот текст One Sunday morning it was fine and warm so Alice decided to spend the day outdoors.She went out of the houses,bought a paket of crisps, turned to the

right,psseed a newly painted houses and went into the park. Alice walked slowly and looked at the playing children and their smiling mothers, at the flying kites and the colourful balls.The chatting teenagers were very noisy.And Alice turned to the left.There was nothing there but singing birds and running squirrels in the trees.Soon she was tired and decided to sit on a bench and read her book in peace. She found a bench under a big green tree.An old man was sitting there.He was reading a newspaper.Alice sat dowb on the chosen dench, took out her book and began to read.There was a packet of crisps on the bench between her and the old man.Alice tooc some of theb from the opened packet and the old man took some too.Alice was surprised.She looked at the strange man but he was calm.Alice didn’t say anything and started reading again. Every time Alice took some crisps from the packet,the old man took some crisps too.Soon there were only a few crisps leftvin the packet.The girl looked at the strange old man.Ne took the last two uneaten crisps and gave one to Alice. The girl was surprised.She put the unfinished book into ger bag and left as fast as possible.She came home and took the book out of her bag.And suddenly she saw her unopened packet of crisps in the bag.поможите даю 50 баллов

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Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

a wolf have?
3……animal is the ship of the desert?
4……do Caspian seals live?
5…….much does a spider weigh?
6…….looks after sheep?
7……..heavy is a bear?​

Ответ №1


1) What is your favourite animal?

Answer: My favourite animal is parrot.

2) How many legs does a wolf has? (Там has должно быть, потому что волк это it, по правилу he, she, it (has)

Answer: The wolf has four legs.

3) Which animal is the ship of the desert?

Answer: It is camel, because camels, can travel for long distances where there is no water, actually then also can travel through wind and dust, which are frequent in the deserts.

4) Where do Caspian seals live?

Answer: Caspian seals live in the Caspian sea.

5) How much does a spider weigh?

Answer: A spider weights about 20 to 50 pound.

6) Who looks after a sheep?

Answer: Farmer.

7) How heavy is a bear?

Answer: It is about 400 to 600 pounds total.


Вопрос от пользователя

In pairs, complete the indirect questions with the words in brackets. — В парах напишите косвенные вопросы со словами в скобках.
1. In a cinema. Ask the ticket seller about the finishing time of the film you want to see

Ответ от эксперта

1. In a cinema. Ask the ticket seller about the finishing time of the film you want to see. — I wonder if you could tell me what time the film finishes. — В кинотеатре. Спросите продавца билетов о времени окончания фильма, который вы хотите увидеть. — Интересно, можете ли вы рассказать мне, в какое время фильм заканчивается.
2. In a restaurant. Ask the waiter for some salt. — Do you think you could bring me some salt? — В ресторане. Спросите у официанта соль. — Как вы думаете, вы могли бы принести мне немного соли?
3. In an art gallery. Ask an attendant for directions to the Renaissance section. — Could you tell me where the Renaissance section is? — В художественной галерее. Спросите помощника о дороге в раздел «Возрождение». — Не могли бы вы рассказать мне, где находится раздел «Возрождение»?
4. At home. The film has already started. Ask about the action so far. — Would you mind telling me what action has happened? — Дома. Фильм уже начался. Спросите о действии, что происходили до сих пор. — Не могли бы вы сказать мне, что произошло?
5. In an English class. Ask if anyone knows Shakespeare’s birthplace. — Can anyone tell me where Shakespeare was born? – На уроке английского. Спросите, знает ли кто-нибудь место рождения Шекспира. — Может ли кто-нибудь сказать мне, где родился Шекспир?

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