In each question one word is in the wrong place correct it are married you

Choose the letter of the term that correctly identifies each underlined section.

«Rogue waves» are a terrifying hazard‾(1)overset{text{(1)}}{{underline{text{hazard}}}} at sea. They spring up out of nowhere and destroy everything in their path‾(2)overset{text{(2)}}{{underline{text{They spring up out of nowhere and destroy everything in their path}}}}. These massive waves‾(3)overset{text{(3)}}{{underline{text{waves}}}} can tower over 100100 feet high. People often don’t know that a wave is coming‾(4)overset{text{(4)}}{{underline{text{often don’t know that a wave is coming}}}}. If they are lucky, another ship may radio them‾(5)overset{text{(5)}}{{underline{text{them}}}} a warning.

A rogue wave can flip‾(6)overset{text{(6)}}{{underline{text{can flip}}}} a boat‾(7)overset{text{(7)}}{{underline{text{boat}}}} end over end. Small ships and huge tankers‾(8)overset{text{(8)}}{{underline{text{Small ships and huge tankers}}}} are equally helpless in the face of these monsters. Don’t think these waves can be outrun‾(9)overset{text{(9)}}{{underline{text{Don’t think these waves can be outrun}}}}. Some travel hundreds of miles an hour.

If you’re ever hit by a rogue wave, you’re in for a terrifying ride!‾(10)overset{text{(10)}}{{underline{text{If you’re ever hit by a rogue wave, you’re in for a terrifying ride!}}}}

A. exclamatory sentence

B. declarative sentence

C. interrogative sentence

D. imperative sentence

There is one wrong word in each sentence. Correct it.
1. Goldilocks says, “I need a chair.”
2. The bed is nice and big.
3. Think of your porridge with lots of milk.
4. Sleep with a smile.

Английский язык 4 класс (часть 2) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Быкова. Activities Module 5. Номер №2


Перевод задания
В каждом предложении есть одно неправильное слово. Исправь его.
1. Златовласка говорит: «Мне нужен стул».
2. Кровать красивая и большая.
3. Подумайте о своей каше с большим количеством молока.
4. Спи с улыбкой.

1. Goldilocks says, “I need a bed.
2. The bed is nice and small.
3. Think of your porridge with lots of cream.
4. Wake with a smile.

Перевод ответа
1. Златовласка говорит: «Мне нужна кровать».
2. Кровать красивая и маленькая.
3. Подумай о своей каше с большим количеством сливок.
4. Просыпайся с улыбкой.

A. If the word in bold in each sentence is correct, put a tick. If it is wrong, write the correct word.

1.We first visited China on 2006. – in

2. My birthday is at the second of July. – on

3. Let’s meet on five o’clock, shall we? – at

4. School starts again in September. – correct

5. There’s a party at Emily’s at Saturday. – on

6. What do you want to do on the morning? – in

7. Let’s go and see Grandma on Easter. – at

8. Where do you usually go in Christmas Day? – on

B. Complete using on, in or at.

1.There are lots of people at the restaurant.

2. The people who live at number 44 are away on holiday.

3. You should go to the Louvre when you’re in Paris.

4. Gorillas live in forests in Africa and eat fruit.

5. What does that sign on the wall say?

6. What did Ethan say in his letter?

7. Have you heard of the strange statues on Easter Island?

8. Do you really want to spend the whole day on the beach?

C. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

1.This photo was taken in winter.

2. We’re at a concert.

3. She’s in the sea.

4. It’s on page 62.

5. It’s in the middle.

6. He’s on an island.

7. It’s on the mountain.

8. They’re at a wedding.

D. Complete using the words in the box.

at . in . on . to

1.My aunt and uncle have decided to move to New Zeland.

2. Do you want to go to the theatre tomorrow?

3. We stayed at a great hotel in Dubai.

4. Wait at the end of the street and I’ll come and meet you.

5. You can come to my house for dinner, if you like.

6. Connor was walking to the corner shop when he realised he’d lost his wallet.

7. We drove all night and finally arived in Lisbon at eight o’clock.

8. Did you leave your book on the teacher’s desk, so she can see it?

9. Look at those sheep in that field over there.

10. It takes about six hours to fly to Asia from here.

E. Circle the correct word.

1.I’m meeting Andy at / on the cinema in an hour.

2. Have you seen the new building at / in front of school?

3. My new job starts in / on the first day of August.

4. We’re going to Martin’s to see their new baby in / on Wednesday evening.

5. See if there are any tomatoes at / in the fridge, will you?

6. We’ll all have computers connected to our brains at / in the future.

7. I don’t feel like playing chess at / on the moment.

8. I think there’s someone at / in the door. I’ll go and check.

F. Write one word in each gap.


When you travel to the other side of the world, jetlag is a real problem. You find yourself awake in the middle of the night and you feel like going to bed in the morning, just when everyone around you is getting up. Jetlag happens when you go to a country where the time is very different. For example, you might leave London at midday and fly to Los Angeles. The flight takes about eleven hours, so when you arrive at Los Angeles airport, your body thinks you’re there at 11 pm. But Los Angeles is eight hours behind London, so you actually get there at 3 pm local time. So, at midnight Los Angeles time, your body (which still thinks it’s in London) says it’s 8 pm. It takes a few days for your body clock to change.

A. The words and phrases in bold in each sentence are wrong. Write the correct word or phrase.
1. Every year, several prizes are given to the best students.
2. When the pizza was delivered, it was cold.
3. You will be told when you can come in.
4. That song isn’t played on the radio very often, is it?
B. Complete using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1. When people are arrested, they are taken to the police station.
2. Milk is usually kept in the fridge.
3. Will we be told what’s in next week’s test?
4. How did people communicate over long distances before the phone was invented?
5. Will you be allowed to come to the party next Saturday? / Were you allowed to come to the party next Saturday?
6. You will be given your exam results next Monday.
7. Was Aidan’s bike found yesterday?
C. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the correct passive form of the verbs in the box. Add any other words you need.
  1. At ten o’clock yesterday morning, the local bank in the high street was attacked by robbers.
  2. At one minute past ten, the police called.
  3. A few minutes later, the police arrived at the bank. The crime scene investigation was conducted.
  4. At twenty past ten, the robbers fingerprints sent.
  5. At half past ten, the robbers found.
  6. Next week, they were caught.
D. Answer the questions using your own ideas.
1.Where are cars usually fixed?
They are usually fixed in the parking places.
2.Where will the next Olympic Games be held?
They will be held in Korea.
3.Who are Oscars usually awarded to?
They are awared to movie stars.
4.What are you not allowed to do at school?
I am not allowed to wear jeans at school
5.What were you given for your birthday last year?
I was given a phone for my bithday last year

New English File Upper Intermediate – pages 4, 5

1. Complete the following questions with one or two question words or an auxiliary verb.

1. How much do you earn?
2. Are you married?
3. How long have you been learning English?
4. Which do you prefer, small towns or big cities?
5. How many times do you go to the theater a year?
6. How tall are you?
7. What religion are you?
8. Do you want to have children?
9. What kind of music do you listen to?
10. What advice do you listen to most?
11. Have you ever said “I love you” and not meant it?
12. Who did you vote for in the last election?

2. Read the interviews again and write N (Norah) or L (Lionel).

1. never has enough time for what he / she wants to do – L
2. has happy childhood memories – N
3. avoids answering one of the questions – N
4. feels guilty about something – L
5. is probably a fan of the Rolling Stones – N
6. is very proud of something – L
7. says he / she is an insecure person – L
8. needs help in his / her daily life – N

504 Absolutely Essential Words – pages 2, 3

1. Place one of the new words in each of the blanks below.

1. As I looked at all the data the salesman showed me, I knew that I was getting more and more mixed up.
2. I used tact when I told my fat uncle that his extra weight made him look better.
3. When the guard saw that the cot was vacant, he realized that the prisoner had left the jail.
4. Although he took an oath on the Bible, Sal lied to the jury.
5. My aunt was so jealous of our new couch that she bought one just like it.
6. I enjoyed reading the story of the gallant man who put his cloak over a mud puddle so that the queen would not dirty her feet.
7. The loss of Claudia’s eyesight was a hardship which she learned to live with.
8. The driver was forced to abandon his car when two of the tires became flat.
9. Betty could not qualify for the Miss Teenage America Contest because she was twenty years old.
10. The blade was so keen that I cut myself in four places while shaving.
11. Unaccustomed to being kept waiting, the angry woman marched out of the store.
12. Because he was a bachelor, the movie actor was invited to many parties.

2. From the list of 12 new words that follows, choose the one that corresponds to each definition below.

1. a promise that something is true – oath
2. sharp; eager; intense – keen
3. to desert; to leave without planning to come back – abandon
4. something that is hard to bear – hardship
5. to become fit – qualify
6. wanting what someone else has – jealous
7. brave; showing respect for women – gallant
8. a man who has not married – bachelor
9. facts; information – data
10. the ability to say the right thing – tact
11. empty; not filled – vacant
12. not used to something – unaccustomed

Destination B1 – page 8

D. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. I am working at the local library for the summer.
2. We don’t go to the theater very often.
3. Stacy is getting ready for school, so she can’t come to the phone.
4. Does Gary ever talk about his expedition to the Amazon Jungle?
5. In squash, you hit a ball against a wall.
6. I read a newspaper at least once a week.
7. Are you practicing the piano for two hours every day?
8. Nadine and Claire are doing quite well at school at the moment.
9. A good friend knows when you’re upset about something.
10. How do you spell your name?

E. Complete using the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. You may have to use some negative forms.

1. In Monopoly, you move around the board, buying houses and hotels.
2. Are you watching this program or can I turn the TV off?
3. Regular exercise helps you to stay healthy.
4. I am using my brother’s guitar until I get a new one.
5. Does Simon always do the washing-up after lunch?
6. Do you have any sweaters in a larger size?
7. You aren’t using the kite right. Let me show you.
8. Dad belongs to the local astronomy club.

F. Underline ten verbs in the wrong tense and rewrite them correctly.

1. I am loving – I love
2. are throwing – throw
3. is seeming – seems
4. are needing – need
5. are taking – take
6. are winning – win
7. are preferring – prefer
8. am not understand – don’t understand
9. wait – am waiting
10. does – is doing

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