In each line choose one word which does not usually go

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3 (Module 3)


1. In each line choose
one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

tentacle, tail, extinct;

head, giant, horrifying;

ape, squid, hedgehog;

4)       humped back, short
neck, snake-like head, survive.

2. Complete the sentences.

horrifying, extinct, illusion, sightings

1)    Two fisherman
reported  of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake yesterday.

2)    Did the magician
really make the man disappear or was it just an optical ?

3)    We’ve all heard
well-known stories about mythical .

4)    The Kraken is a
deep-sea monster.

5)    People thought the
coelacanth was a(n) species of fish, until a fisherman caught one in

3. Choose the correct answer.

1)    This time last
week we were lying / lied on
a beach.

2)    After Bill had mown / had been mowing the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

3)    The research team found
/ was founding
an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.

4)    Sandra had been
painting / had painted
for three years before she sold her first painting.

5)    Claire was
driving / drove
along a country road when a huge creature came out of
nowhere and fell onto her car.

6)    Jim hadn’t finished / had been finishing all his homework by the time he went to bed.

7)    Benjamin
gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

Choose the correct words in the sentences.

Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m
not sure.

The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may
/ must
be laying tricks on us!

It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that
I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because
the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years
and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

5. Choose the correct words in the

1)    In the
past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings,
but now she loves them.

2)    When I
was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story
every week.

3)    James used
to believe / use to believe
in ghosts when he was a child.

4)    Eleanor’s
parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when
she was a child.

5)    Sally would
to visit / would visit
her grandparents quite often when she still lived in

6. Choose the correct preposition.

Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods
at night.

They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    Eve came
up / came
across with a great idea for a story.

2)    Dave came
across / came over
a secret passage in the castle.

3)    Lee
feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

4)    A
strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

5)    I
can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

3 (Module 3)


1. In each line choose
one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

ape, squid, hedgehog;

back, short neck, snake-like head, survive;

tentacle, tail, extinct;

8)        sharp, head,
giant, horrifying

2. Complete the sentences.

fantasy, humped, illusion, sightings

6)    Nessie has a long
neck and a back.

7)    of strange
creature have been reported by people all over the world.

8)     We’ve all heard
well-known stories about mythical .

9)    Garry really lives
in a(n) world !He believes that he will be   the one who will take
pictures of Bigfoot first!

who see one picture inside another are experiencing an optical .

3. Choose the correct answer.

8)     We were walking / walked for an hour
when it started to rain.

9)    I
didn’t sleep well last night because I was warring / worried about
my exam.

Paul didn’t watch / wasn’t watching a DVD yesterday.

Wendy had been cooking / had cooked dinner for over two
hours before the guests arrived.

While Lisa was reading / read a book, her brother was listening
to music.

It was the first time that Elizabeth had ever seen / had ever
been seeing
pictures of Bigfoot.

Alex didn’t go to the photographic exhibition because he had
not finished / had hot been finishing
his homework.

Choose the correct words in the sentences.

The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because
the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for
years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m
not sure.

The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may
/ must
be laying tricks on us!

It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that
I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

5. Choose the correct words in the

6)    Eleanor’s
parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when
she was a child.

7)    Sally would
to visit / would visit
her grandparents quite often when she still lived in

8)     In the
past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings,
but now she loves them.

9)    When I
was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story
every week.

James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he
was a child.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods
at night.

They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    A
strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

2)    I
can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

3)    Eve came
up / came
across with a great idea for a story.

4)    Dave came
across / came over
a secret passage in the castle.

5)    Lee
feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

3 (Module 3)


1. In each line choose
one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

tentacle, tail, extinct;

back, short neck, snake-like head, survive;

head, giant, horrifying;

12)  mythical, ape,
squid, hedgehog.

2. Complete the sentences.

mind, mysterious, violent, imagination

vivid is what makes him able to write spine-chilling (
страшный, ужасный) ghost stories.

В зависимости) to Norwegian
legend, the Kraken was a(n)  monster that lived in the sea.

has a brilliant ; he’s sure to become a famous scientist one day.

old castle had a dark, corridor leading to the dungeons(
темницы) below.

Kraken would create a whirlpool to pull ships down to the bottom of
the sea.

3. Choose the correct answer.

was bored because she hadn’t gone out /
hadn’t been going out all weekend.

was washing / washed the car when it started to rain.

Benjamin gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the
ghostly figure.

felt ill last night because he  had eaten /
had been eating
the lawn, he collected the
grass cuttings for compost.

research team found / was founding an unusual fossil and took it back to
the lab to examine it.

had been painting / had painted for three years before she sold her
first painting.

was driving / drove along a country road when a huge creature came out
of nowhere and fell onto her car.

Choose the correct words in the sentences.

Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m
not sure.

The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may
/ must
be laying tricks on us!

Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for
years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that
I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because
the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

5. Choose the correct words in the

In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of
Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite
often when she still lived in London.

When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a
new ghost story every week.

James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he
was a child.

Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her
books about monsters when she was a child.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods
at night.

Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    Eve came
up / came
across with a great idea for a story.

2)    A
strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

3)    I
can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

4)    Dave came
across / came over
a secret passage in the castle.

5)    Lee
feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

3 (Module 3)


1. In each line choose
one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

back, short neck, snake-like head, survive;

tentacle, tail, extinct;

head, giant, horrifying;

16)  mythical, ape,
squid, hedgehog.

2. Complete the sentences.

survived, horrifying, illusion, sights

the magician really make the man disappear or was it just an optical ?

nightmare was absolutely ; he dreamt that a three-headed monster was
approaching him, but he couldn’t move.

castle are very popular in Britain.

you imagine what would happen if a dinosaur someone and was still
alive today?

culture has stories of creatures.

3. Choose the correct answer.

While Lisa was reading / read a book, her brother was
listening to music.

It was the first time that Elizabeth had ever seen / had ever
been seeing
pictures of Bigfoot.

Benjamin gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the
ghostly figure.

time last week we were lying / lied on
a beach.

Bill had mown / had been mowing the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

research team found / was founding an unusual fossil and took it back to
the lab to examine it.

had been painting / had painted for three years before she sold her
first painting.

Choose the correct words in the sentences.

Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for
years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m
not sure.

The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may
/ must
be laying tricks on us!

It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that
I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because
the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

5. Choose the correct words in the

Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her
books about monsters when she was a child.

Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite
often when she still lived in London.

In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of
Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a
new ghost story every week.

James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he
was a child.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods
at night.

They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    A
strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

2)    I
can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

3)    Eve came
up / came
across with a great idea for a story.

4)    Dave came
across / came over
a secret passage in the castle.

5)    Lee
feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

3 (Module 3)


1. In each line choose
one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

ape, squid, hedgehog;

tentacle, tail, extinct;

head, giant, horrifying;

20)  humped back, short
neck, snake-like head, survive.

2. Complete the sentences.

violent, glaring, staring, existed

many people say they have seen Bigfoot, there are no fossil remains that prove
the creature ever .

Richard and Ian heard the angry shouts they around the room to see
where they were coming from.

night I dreamt that a whirlpool was pulling me to the bottom of the

are you at Stewart so angrily? Has he done something wrong?

couldn’t stop at the beautiful reendow, as it was the first time she
had ever seen one.

3. Choose the correct answer.

felt ill last night because he  had eaten /
had been eating
the lawn, he collected the
grass cuttings for compost.

Bill had mown / had been mowing the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

was bored because she hadn’t gone out /
hadn’t been going out all weekend.

was washing / washed the car when it started to rain.

was driving / drove along a country road when a huge creature came out
of nowhere and fell onto her car.

hadn’t finished / had been finishing all his homework by the time he went to bed.

Benjamin gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the
ghostly figure.

Choose the correct words in the sentences.

It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that
I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because
the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m
not sure.

The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may
/ must
be laying tricks on us!

Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for
years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

5. Choose the correct words in the

James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he
was a child.

Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her
books about monsters when she was a child.

In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of
Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a
new ghost story every week.

Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite
often when she still lived in London.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods
at night.

They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    Dave came
across / came over
a secret passage in the castle.

2)    Lee
feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

3)    Eve came
up / came
across with a great idea for a story.

4)    A
strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

5)    I
can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.




























1) sightings

2) illusion

3) giants

4) horrifying

5) extinct

1) humped

2) sightings

3) giants

4) fantasy

5) illusion

1) imagination

2) giant

3) mind

4) mysterious

5) violent

1) illusion

2) horrifying

3) sights

4) survived

5) mythical

1) existed

2) glanced

3) violent

4) glaring

5) staring


1) were lying 

2) had mown 

3) found

4) had been painting

5) was driving

6) hadn’t finished 

7) gasped

1) were walking 

2) was worrying 

3) didn’t watch 

4) had been cooking 

5) was reading

6) had ever seen

7) had not finished

1) hadn’t gone out 

2) was washing 

3) gasped

4) had been eating 

5) found

6) had been painting

7) was driving

1) was reading

2) had ever seen

3) gasped

4) were lying 

5) had mown 

6) found

7) had been painting

1) were lying 

2) had been eating 

3) had mown 

4) was washing 

5) was driving

6) had not finished

7) gasped


1) may

2) must

3) may

4) must

5) can’t

6) can’t

1) must

2) can’t

3) can’t

4) may

5) must

6) may

1) may

2) must

3) can’t

4) can’t

5) may

6) must

1) can’t

2) can’t

3) may

4) must

5) may

6) must

1) may

2) must

3) may

4) must

5) can’t

6) can’t


1) used to make

2) would read

3) used to believe

4) used to buy

5) would to visit

1) used to buy

2) would to visit

3) used to make

4) would read

5) used to believe

1) used to make

2) would to visit

3) would read

4) used to believe

5) used to buy

1) used to buy

2) would to visit

3) used to make

4) would read

5) used to believe

1) used to believe

2) used to buy

3) used to make

4) would read

5) would to visit


1) of

2) from

3) in

4) about

5) of

1) about

2) of

3) of

4) from

5) in

1) of

2) from

3) of

4) in

5) about

1) about

2) of

3) of

4) from

5) in

1) from

2) in

3) of

4) about

5) of


1) came up

2) came across

3) coming down

4) came over

5) come out

1) came over

2) come out

3) came up

4) came across

5) coming down

1) came up

2) came over

3) come out

4) came across

5) coming down

1) came over

2) come out

3) came up

4) came across

5) coming down

1) came across

2) coming down

3) came up

4) came over

5) come out

«5» 35— 37 points

«5» 32— 37 points

«4» 28-34 points

«4» 2431 points

«3» 1927 points

«3» 1523 points

8 > … points

4 > … points

TEST 3 (Module 3)

V- 1

1. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

1)       hook, tentacle, tail, extinct;

2)       sharp, head, giant, horrifying;

3)       mythical, ape, squid, hedgehog;

4)       humped back, short neck, snake-like head, survive.

2. Complete the sentences.

giants, horrifying, extinct, illusion, sightings

1)    Two fisherman reported …  of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake yesterday.

2)    Did the magician really make the man disappear or was it just an optical ?

3)    We’ve all heard well-known stories about mythical … .

4)    The Kraken is a … deep-sea monster.

5)    People thought the coelacanth was a(n) … species of fish, until a fisherman caught one in 1938.

3. Choose the correct answer.

1)    This time last week we were lying / lied on a beach.

2)    After Bill had mown / had been mowing the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

3)    The research team found / was founding an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.

4)    Sandra had been painting / had painted for three years before she sold her first painting.

5)    Claire was driving / drove along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

6)    Jim hadn’t finished / had been finishing all his homework by the time he went to bed.

7)    Benjamin gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

4. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)          Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

2)          The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may / must be laying tricks on us!

3)          It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

4)          The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

5)          Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

6)          You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

5. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

2)    When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story every week.

3)    James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he was a child.

4)    Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

5)    Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

1)          Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

2)          Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods at night.

3)          They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

4)          Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

5)          Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

7. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    Eve came up / came across with a great idea for a story.

2)    Dave came across / came over a secret passage in the castle.

3)    Lee feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

4)    A strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

5)    I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

TEST 3 (Module 3)

V- 1

1. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

1)       hook, tentacle, tail, extinct;

2)       sharp, head, giant, horrifying;

3)       mythical, ape, squid, hedgehog;

4)       humped back, short neck, snake-like head, survive.

2. Complete the sentences.

giants, horrifying, extinct, illusion, sightings

1)    Two fisherman reported …  of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake yesterday.

2)    Did the magician really make the man disappear or was it just an optical ?

3)    We’ve all heard well-known stories about mythical … .

4)    The Kraken is a … deep-sea monster.

5)    People thought the coelacanth was a(n) … species of fish, until a fisherman caught one in 1938.

3. Choose the correct answer.

1)    This time last week we were lying / lied on a beach.

2)    After Bill had mown / had been mowing the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

3)    The research team found / was founding an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.

4)    Sandra had been painting / had painted for three years before she sold her first painting.

5)    Claire was driving / drove along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

6)    Jim hadn’t finished / had been finishing all his homework by the time he went to bed.

7)    Benjamin gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

4. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)          Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

2)          The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may / must be laying tricks on us!

3)          It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

4)          The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

5)          Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

6)          You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

5. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

2)    When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story every week.

3)    James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he was a child.

4)    Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

5)    Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

1)          Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

2)          Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods at night.

3)          They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

4)          Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

5)          Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

7. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    Eve came up / came across with a great idea for a story.

2)    Dave came across / came over a secret passage in the castle.

3)    Lee feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

4)    A strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

5)    I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

TEST 3 (Module 3)

V- 2

1. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

5)       mythical, ape, squid, hedgehog;

6)       humped back, short neck, snake-like head, survive;

7)       hook, tentacle, tail, extinct;

8)        sharp, head, giant, horrifying.

2. Complete the sentences.

giants, fantasy, humped, illusion, sightings

6)    Nessie has a long neck and a … back.

7)    … of strange creature have been reported by people all over the world.

8)     We’ve all heard well-known stories about mythical … .

9)    Garry really lives in a(n) … world !He believes that he will be   the one who will take pictures of Bigfoot first!

10)           People who see one picture inside another are experiencing an optical … .

3. Choose the correct answer.

8)     We were walking / walked for an hour when it started to rain.

9)    I didn’t sleep well last night because I was warring / worried about my exam.

10)           Paul didn’t watch / wasn’t watching a DVD yesterday.

11)           Wendy had been cooking / had cooked dinner for over two hours before the guests arrived.

12)           While Lisa was reading / read a book, her brother was listening to music.

13)           It was the first time that Elizabeth had ever seen / had ever been seeing pictures of Bigfoot.

14)           Alex didn’t go to the photographic exhibition because he had not finished / had hot been finishing his homework.

4. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

7)          The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

8)           Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

9)          You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

10)      Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

11)      The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may / must be laying tricks on us!

12)      It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

5. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

6)    Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

7)    Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London.

8)     In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

9)    When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story every week.

10)           James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he was a child.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

6)          Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

7)          Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

8)           Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

9)          Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods at night.

10)      They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

7. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    A strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

2)    I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

3)    Eve came up / came across with a great idea for a story.

4)    Dave came across / came over a secret passage in the castle.

5)    Lee feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

TEST 3 (Module 3)

V- 3

1. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

9)       hook, tentacle, tail, extinct;

10)  humped back, short neck, snake-like head, survive;

11)  sharp, head, giant, horrifying;

12)  mythical, ape, squid, hedgehog.

2. Complete the sentences.

giant, mind, mysterious, violent, imagination

11)           Jonathan’s vivid  is what makes him able to write spine-chilling (страшный, ужасный) ghost stories.

12)           According (В зависимости) to Norwegian legend, the Kraken was a(n)  monster that lived in the sea.

13)           Eric has a brilliant ; he’s sure to become a famous scientist one day.

14)           The old castle had a dark, … corridor leading to the dungeons(темницы) below.

15)           The Kraken would create a … whirlpool to pull ships down to the bottom of the sea.

3. Choose the correct answer.

15)           Kate was bored because she hadn’t gone out / hadn’t been going out all weekend.

16)           John was washing / washed the car when it started to rain.

17)           Benjamin gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

18)           Daniel felt ill last night because he  had eaten / had been eating the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

19)           The research team found / was founding an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.

20)           Sandra had been painting / had painted for three years before she sold her first painting.

21)           Claire was driving / drove along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

4. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

13)      Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

14)      The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may / must be laying tricks on us!

15)      Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

16)      You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

17)      It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

18)      The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

5. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

11)           In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

12)           Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London.

13)           When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story every week.

14)           James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he was a child.

15)           Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

11)      Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

12)      Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods at night.

13)      Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

14)      They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

15)      Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

7. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    Eve came up / came across with a great idea for a story.

2)    A strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

3)    I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

4)    Dave came across / came over a secret passage in the castle.

5)    Lee feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

TEST 3 (Module 3)

V- 4

1. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

13)  humped back, short neck, snake-like head, survive;

14)  hook, tentacle, tail, extinct;

15)  sharp, head, giant, horrifying;

16)  mythical, ape, squid, hedgehog.

2. Complete the sentences.

mythical, survived, horrifying, illusion, sights

16)           Did the magician really make the man disappear or was it just an optical … ?

17)           Andrew’s nightmare was absolutely ; he dreamt that a three-headed monster was approaching him, but he couldn’t move.

18)           Old castle are very popular … in Britain.

19)           Can you imagine what would happen if a dinosaur someone … and was still alive today?

20)           Every culture has stories of … creatures.

3. Choose the correct answer.

22)           While Lisa was reading / read a book, her brother was listening to music.

23)           It was the first time that Elizabeth had ever seen / had ever been seeing pictures of Bigfoot.

24)           Benjamin gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

25)           This time last week we were lying / lied on a beach.

26)           After Bill had mown / had been mowing the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

27)           The research team found / was founding an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.

28)           Sandra had been painting / had painted for three years before she sold her first painting.

4. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

19)      Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

20)      You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

21)      Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

22)      The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may / must be laying tricks on us!

23)      It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

24)      The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

5. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

16)           Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

17)           Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London.

18)           In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

19)           When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story every week.

20)           James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he was a child.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

16)      Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

17)      Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

18)      Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

19)      Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods at night.

20)      They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

7. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    A strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

2)    I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

3)    Eve came up / came across with a great idea for a story.

4)    Dave came across / came over a secret passage in the castle.

5)    Lee feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

TEST 3 (Module 3)

V- 5

1. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

17)  mythical, ape, squid, hedgehog;

18)  hook, tentacle, tail, extinct;

19)  sharp, head, giant, horrifying;

20)  humped back, short neck, snake-like head, survive.

2. Complete the sentences.

glanced, violent, glaring, staring, existed

21)           Although many people say they have seen Bigfoot, there are no fossil remains that prove the creature ever … .

22)           When Richard and Ian heard the angry shouts they  around the room to see where they were coming from.

23)           Last night I dreamt that a … whirlpool was pulling me to the bottom of the ocean.

24)           Why are you … at Stewart so angrily? Has he done something wrong?

25)           Rosie couldn’t stop … at the beautiful reendow, as it was the first time she had ever seen one.

3. Choose the correct answer.

29)           Daniel felt ill last night because he  had eaten / had been eating the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

30)           After Bill had mown / had been mowing the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

31)           Kate was bored because she hadn’t gone out / hadn’t been going out all weekend.

32)           John was washing / washed the car when it started to rain.

33)           Claire was driving / drove along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

34)           Jim hadn’t finished / had been finishing all his homework by the time he went to bed.

35)           Benjamin gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

4. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

25)      It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

26)      The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

27)      Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

28)      The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may / must be laying tricks on us!

29)      Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

30)      You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

5. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

21)           James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he was a child.

22)           Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

23)           In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

24)           When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story every week.

25)           Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

21)      Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods at night.

22)      They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

23)      Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

24)      Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

25)      Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

7. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    Dave came across / came over a secret passage in the castle.

2)    Lee feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

3)    Eve came up / came across with a great idea for a story.

4)    A strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

5)    I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.







21)    extinct;

22)    head;

23)    mythical;

24)    survive.

1)        mythical;

2)        survive;

3)        extinct;

4)        head.

1)        extinct;

2)        survive;

3)        head;

4)        mythical.

1)        survive.

2)        extinct;

3)        head;

4)        mythical.

1)        mythical;

2)        extinct;

3)        head;

4)        survive.


1) sightings

2) illusion

3) giants

4) horrifying

5) extinct

1) humped

2) sightings

3) giants

4) fantasy

5) illusion

1) imagination

2) giant

3) mind

4) mysterious

5) violent

1) illusion

2) horrifying

3) sights

4) survived

5) mythical

1) existed

2) glanced

3) violent

4) glaring

5) staring


1) were lying 

2) had mown 

3) found

4) had been painting

5) was driving

6) hadn’t finished 

7) gasped

1) were walking 

2) was worrying 

3) didn’t watch 

4) had been cooking 

5) was reading

6) had ever seen

7) had not finished

1) hadn’t gone out 

2) was washing 

3) gasped

4) had been eating 

5) found

6) had been painting

7) was driving

1) was reading

2) had ever seen

3) gasped

4) were lying 

5) had mown 

6) found

7) had been painting

1) were lying 

2) had been eating 

3) had mown 

4) was washing 

5) was driving

6) had not finished

7) gasped


1) may

2) must

3) may

4) must

5) can’t

6) can’t

1) must

2) can’t

3) can’t

4) may

5) must

6) may

1) may

2) must

3) can’t

4) can’t

5) may

6) must

1) can’t

2) can’t

3) may

4) must

5) may

6) must

1) may

2) must

3) may

4) must

5) can’t

6) can’t


1) used to make

2) would read

3) used to believe

4) used to buy

5) would to visit

1) used to buy

2) would to visit

3) used to make

4) would read

5) used to believe

1) used to make

2) would to visit

3) would read

4) used to believe

5) used to buy

1) used to buy

2) would to visit

3) used to make

4) would read

5) used to believe

1) used to believe

2) used to buy

3) used to make

4) would read

5) would to visit


1) of

2) from

3) in

4) about

5) of

1) about

2) of

3) of

4) from

5) in

1) of

2) from

3) of

4) in

5) about

1) about

2) of

3) of

4) from

5) in

1) from

2) in

3) of

4) about

5) of


1) came up

2) came across

3) coming down

4) came over

5) come out

1) came over

2) come out

3) came up

4) came across

5) coming down

1) came up

2) came over

3) come out

4) came across

5) coming down

1) came over

2) come out

3) came up

4) came across

5) coming down

1) came across

2) coming down

3) came up

4) came over

5) come out

«5» 35- 37 points

«5» 32- 37 points

«4» 28-34 points

«4» 24-31 points

«3» 19-27 points

«3» 15-23 points

«2» 18  … points

«2» 14  … points

МБОУ «Школа №9»


регистрации и контроля

ультрафиолетовой и бактерицидной


Кабинет: 44

Ответственный: Хныкина О.Г.

Проверочная работа по уроку 3
Express the following in English. xpress the following in English.
1) Я думаю, пришло время мне ответить на твои вопросы. Говоря о последнем
предмете одежды, который я купил, я могу сказать, что это полосатая шёлковая
рубашка. Я купил её без примерки, так как она была на распродаже. К сожалению, она мне не подходит по размеру — немного мала. Я хотел вернуть её в
магазин, но было слишком поздно.
2) Что касается твоего второго вопроса, то я предпочитаю ходить по магазинам с
друзьями, а не с родителями. Во-первых, мои друзья следят за модой, поэтому
они могут дать ценные советы и помочь подобрать стильный наряд. Во-вторых,
в отличие от шоппинга с родителями, с друзьями не надо спешить, и мы проводим много времени, рассматривая витрины.
3) Отвечая на твой последний вопрос, я бы хотел сказать, что я могу порекомендовать торговый центр «Европейский» — там предлагается огромный выбор элегантных нарядов по разумным ценам. Что касается самого популярного магазина
среди туристов, я думаю, это магазин на Красной площади под названием ГУМ,
но предупреждаю тебя — там продаются дизайнерские вещи по космическим
ценам. На твоём месте я бы погулял по магазинам и выбрал бы себе нарядную
одежду по привлекательной цене.
Write as many collocations with the words in the box as you can rite as many collocations with the words in the box as you can
clothes, price, fashion, trousers, bargain, shop, skirt
Choose the right option to complete the sentences. hoose the right option to complete the sentences.
1. Did you hear about Patrick? The police say he ______ an upmarket boutique in
High street and stole €20  000 worth of designer clothes. He says it was meant to
be a birthday present for his wife Lucy.
1) was on 2) came across 3) broke into 4) gave up
2. This up-and-coming fashion designer has _______ some bold and luxurious outfi ts
for the autumn collection. Do you fancy going to the fashion show?
1) come up with 2) been on 3) broken into 4) brought back
3. I was just about to wash your jeans and decided to check the pockets — and you
know what I ______? I was so embarrassed!
1) brought back 2) came across 3) gave up 4) was on
4. I bought it because I was hoping to lose a couple of kilos so that it would fi t me,
but it never happened. I had to _____ hoping in the end.
1) give up 2) break into 3) come up with 4) bring back
5. I’m going to relax and take it easy tonight. I think I’ll put on my pajamas and
binge on a new series which _____ on Netfl ix.
1) comes across 2) breaks into 3) is on 4) gives up 

6. Why do you keep these old jeans in your wardrobe?!? They look like a potato
sack!  — You don’t understand. They ______ happy memories of those summer
days I spent on the farm.
1) come across 2) are on 3) come up with 4) bring back 
Write as many collocations with the words in the box as you can.
break into, bring back, give up, come across, come up with, be on

Тренировочные задания в формате ЕГЭ
к разделу «Письменная речь»
Вариант 1
You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend ou have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Billy:
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: School outings
…Guess what? Next weekend we are going on a school fi eld trip with our teacher. I’m so excited
that I just can’t wait. And we are going to have a picnic there! The problem is, I don’t know what
to wear. What do you usually wear when you go on school outings? Do you like these outdoor
activities? How often does your school organize such events?
By the way, I attended a public lecture at a museum last Monday…
Write an email to Billy.
In your message:
– answer his questions;
– ask 3 questions about the public lecture he attended.
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.
Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий и выполните согласно данному плану. ыберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий и выполните согласно данному плану.
В ответе на данное задание числительные пишите цифрами. ответе на данное задание числительные пишите цифрами.
1) Imagine that you are doing a project on where teenagers prefer to buy clothes.
You have collected some data on the subject — the results of opinion polls (see
the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject
of the project.
Places to buy clothes The number of teenagers who go shopping
for clothes to these places
Mass market shops 81.7
Instagram clothes shops 46.4
Street markets 42.2
Second-hand shops 21.1
Designer boutiques 5.4
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise when buying clothes and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the importance of choosing a right
place to shop for clothes.

2) Imagine that you are doing a project on a school dress code. You have collected
some data on the subject (see the diagram below).
Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject
of the project.
School dress code
Nose, lip, tongue
or eyebrow rings
Short skirts  / shorts
Clothes that dispose
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Baggy clothes
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise when following a school dress code and suggest
a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the importance of a school dress
Percentage of public schools that ban
students from wearing these things
as part of the school dress code

Вариант 2
You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend ou have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Susan:
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: What to wear
…Next summer we are going on holiday to Greece. My parents have already booked the
accommodation and bought the tickets. I’m at a loss and only you can help me out. I remember
you went to Athens last June. What is the weather like there in summer? What do you and your
friends wear when you are on holiday? Is there anything special I should take with me?
By the way, I went to a fancy dress party last weekend…
Write an email to Susan.
In your message:
– answer her questions
– ask 3 questions about the fancy dress party.
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.
Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий и выполните согласно данному плану. ыберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий и выполните согласно данному плану.
В ответе на данное задание числительные пишите цифрами. ответе на данное задание числительные пишите цифрами.
1) Imagine that you are doing a project on a school dress code for distance learning.
You have collected some data on the subject — the results of opinion polls (see
the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject
of the project.
Outfi ts The number of high school students
who wear these outfi ts to live video classes
School-appropriate top and casual pants 84
Casual or athletic wear 63
Pajamas 40
Blanket 21
School uniform 3
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise when studying online and suggest a  way of
solving it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the role a proper outfi t plays in
students’ academic performance.

2) Imagine that you are doing a project on reasons why teenagers take clothes back
to a shop. You have collected some data on the subject (see the diagram below).
Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject
of the project.
Why adolescents take clothes back to a shop
Bought the item on impulse
Only wanted to wear
the item once
Realized the item doesn’t
match their other clothes
Realized the item doesn’t
fi t them
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
Found a manufacturer’s fault
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise when shopping for clothes and suggest a way
of solving it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the role of proper clothes in our life.
The proportion of young people aged
13–19 who return clothes for these

Тренировочные задания в формате ЕГЭ
к разделу «Устная часть»
Вариант 1
Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting
material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes
to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than
1.5 minutes to read it.
Jeans are pants made from denim or dungaree cloth. They were invented in 1873
and are worn still but in a different context. Jeans are named after a city in Italy, a
place where cotton corduroy, called either jean, was manufactured. The inventor came
from Germany to New York in 1851 to join his older brother who had a dry goods
store. In 1853 he heard about Gold Rush in the West so he moved to San Francisco
to establish Western Branch of the family dry goods business. There he sold, among
other things, cotton cloth. One day, his customer ordered a pair of sturdy pants that
could withstand hard work. He made them from denim and made them stronger by
placing copper rivets at the places pants rip the most: pockets and fl ies. That is how
jeans were born.
Task 2. You are considering visiting a fashion show and now you’d like to get more information.
In 1.5 minutes you are going to ask four direct questions to fi nd out about the following:
1) best time to visit
2) possibility to buy clothes
3) necessity to book seats
4) if taking pictures is allowed

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer fi ve questions. Give full answers to
the questions (2–3 sentences).
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Tapescript for Task 3
Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today
is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss the clothes teenagers
wear. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer
fi ve questions. So, let’s get started.
Interviewer: What are your favourite clothes?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: What was the last item of clothes you bought?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Do you ever buy designer brands?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Do you think people will buy clothes only online in the future?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Have you ever taken something back to the shop and why?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.
Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Shopping with parents” together with your friend. You
have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your
friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:
• give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of the
project in each photo minimum);
• say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the subject
of the project in each photo minimum);
• mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of shopping for clothes with one’s
• explain how these photos illustrate the project “Shopping with parents”;
• express your opinion on the subject of the project — whether you think that moms
are better at choosing clothes for their kids than dads, and why / why not.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of the plan,
12–15 sentences in total). You have to talk continuously.
Photo 1 Photo 2

Вариант 2
Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting
material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes
to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than
1.5 minutes to read it.
Canadian national clothing was formed under the infl uence of Native Indians (who
lived on these lands for centuries) and colonizers from Europe (who came to Canada
in the 17–18th centuries).  One of the most important things for the Native Indians
in Canada was to keep the tradition in everything. Every tribe had its traditional
garment, jewelry and style of face painting. Tribes lived far from each other and
didn’t contact often. So, every tribe managed to keep its own dress untouched and
unchanged for centuries. But after colonizers came to Canada Native Indian tribes lost
some of their territories. They were forced to live closer to each other. So, they began
to borrow each other’s tribal dress. Mostly the Natives wore trousers with a kind
of skirt onto them. It was the most popular clothing of Native Indians: rectangular
piece of cloth or leather which was belted and worn with leather leggings (or without
them). Some tribes wore kilts and fur trousers. New settlers from Europe brought
new fashion to Canadian lands. And this fact changed the whole clothing tradition
in this country forever.
Task 2. You are considering placing an order in an online shop and now you’d like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are going to ask four direct questions to fi nd out about the
1) delivery terms
2) if you can pay in cash
3) guarantee
4) refund possibilities

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer fi ve questions. Give full answers to
the questions (2–3 sentences).
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Tapescript for Task 3
Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today
is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss teenagers’ shopping
habits. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please
answer fi ve questions. So, let’s get started.
Interviewer: Do you like buying clothes?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: What is your favorite clothes shop and why?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Do teenagers in Russia prefer shopping for clothes with their friends or on
their own?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: What clothes did you hate wearing when you were a child?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Is there any item of clothes you would like to buy at the moment but you
cannot afford?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.
Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Tips for shopping for clothes” together with your friend.
You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your
friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:
• give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of the
project in each photo minimum);
• say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the subject
of the project in each photo minimum);
• mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two ways of shopping for
• explain how these photos illustrate the project “Tips for shopping for clothes”;
• express your opinion on the subject of the project — whether you think shopping
for clothes with friends is a good idea, and why / why not.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of the plan,
12–15 sentences in total). You have to talk continuously.
Photo 1 Photo 2

Вариант 3
Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting
material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes
to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than
1.5 minutes to read it.
Uniforms are a common part of the  schools in China. Almost all secondary schools
as well as some elementary schools require students to wear uniforms. Uniforms in
mainland China usually consist of fi ve sets: 2 formal sets and 3 everyday sets. A formal
set is worn on Mondays or special occasions (school anniversaries, school ceremonies,
etc.) They consist of a white collared shirt with a sweater on top and a skirt for
girls or a suit for boys. There is one formal set for summer and one set for winter.
Everyday uniforms for boys in the winter usually consist of a zippered  sweater  and
trousers and a collared shirt (usually white). Thinner materials are worn in the spring
and fall and short or long trousers may be worn in the summer. The everyday uniforms
for girls are very similar to the boys’ uniform. It is relatively common for there to
be some kind of sponsored advertisement on some non-formal school uniform shirts,
though this trend has fl uctuated in recent years.
Task 2. You are considering going to a tailor and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes
you are going to ask four direct questions to fi nd out about the following:
1) range of models manufactured
2) price for a long-sleeved dress
3) if material is included
4) duration of production period

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer fi ve questions. Give full answers to
the questions (2–3 sentences).
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Tapescript for Task 3
Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today
is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss fashion. We’d like to
know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer fi ve questions.
So, let’s get started.
Interviewer: How important are clothes and fashion to you?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: What is important for you when you buy clothes?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Do your parents ever buy clothes for you? Why / why not?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: How do you think people will dress in the future?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Did you have to wear a uniform when you were at primary school?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.
Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Good clothes open all doors” together with your friend.
You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your
friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:
• give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of the
project in each photo minimum);
• say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the subject
of the project in each photo minimum);
• mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two ways of buying clothes;
• explain how these photos illustrate the project “Good clothes open all doors”;
• express your opinion on the subject of the project — whether you would like to
have your clothes tailor-made, and why / why not.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of the plan,
12–15 sentences in total). You have to talk continuously.
Photo 1 Photo 2

Вариант 4
Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting
material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes
to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than
1.5 minutes to read it.
A  kilt  is a type of knee-length  skirt  with  pleats  at the back, originating in the
traditional dress of  men and boys in the  Scottish Highlands. It is fi rst recorded in
the 16th century as the  great kilt, a full-length garment whose upper half could be
worn as a cloak. The small kilt or  modern  kilt emerged in the 18th century, and is
essentially the bottom half of the great kilt. Since the 19th century, it has become
associated with the  wider culture  of  Scotland, and more broadly with  Celtic  heritage.
It is most often made of  woolen  cloth in a  tartan  pattern. Although the kilt is most
often worn on formal occasions and at  Highland games  and sports events, it has
also been adapted as an item of informal male clothing in recent years, returning
to its roots as an everyday garment. Particularly in North America, kilts are now
made for casual wear in a variety of materials.  Although  ready-to-wear  kilts can be
obtained in standard sizes, a custom kilt is tailored to the individual proportions
of the wearer.
Task 2. You are considering buying a bath robe for your mum as a present and now you’d like to get
more information. In 1.5 minutes you are going to ask four direct questions to fi nd out about
the following:
1) range of colours
2) availability of sizes
3) gift wrapping
4) pay by card

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer fi ve questions. Give full answers to
the questions (2–3 sentences).
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Tapescript for Task 3
Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today
is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss fashion and clothes.
We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer fi ve
questions. So, let’s get started.
Interviewer: Where do you prefer to buy clothes?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: What kind of clothes do people in your country usually wear to work?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: How different are the clothes you wear now from those you wore 10 years
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: What do you think the clothes we wear say about us?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: What outfi t will you wear to your prom?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.
Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Online shopping” together with your friend. You have
found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend.
In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:
• give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of the
project in each photo minimum);
• say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the subject
of the project in each photo minimum);
• mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two ways of shopping;
• explain how these photos illustrate the project “Online shopping”;
• express your opinion on the subject of the project — whether you prefer to buy
clothes online, and why / why not.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of the plan,
12–15 sentences in total). You have to talk continuously.
Photo 1 Photo 2

Check you understand the words below and complete in the chart. heck you understand the words below and complete in the chart.
Noun Adjective Noun Adjective
fog sunny
rainy ice
humid wind
heat showery
Check you understand the words below and put them in the chart: heck you understand the words below and put them in the chart:
good / nice / hot / lovely / glorious / fi ne / wet / rainy / sunny / fair / dry /
beautiful / windy / stormy / perfect / bad / awful / dreadful / terrible
Opinion Fact
We often say “the weather” at the beginning of a sentence before a verb:
The weather was absolutely gorgeous that day!
• After a verb or a preposition we also often use “weather” with an adjective such
as “good” or “bad”:
We had good weather all month.
Flights are often cancelled because of bad weather.
• Don’t use “weather” with ‘a’. Don’t say: We had a good weather.
Decide if these sentences look logical to you. Change those which don’t. ecide if these sentences look logical to you. Change those which don’t.
1) Talking about my plans for the weekend, I think we’ll go out if the weather is
2) I took this photo last weekend  — it was lovely weather, so we decided to go for
a picnic.
3) I took this photo in the airport  — several fl ights were cancelled due to fair
weather and we had to wait.
4) To be honest, I’m so sick of this glorious weather  — and of having to carry my
umbrella around all day! 
5) In your letter you asked me what to do in rainy weather. Well, the most
important thing is to drink lots of water  to prevent dehydration. Also,
remember to water pot plants daily during spells of dry weather. 
Say what weather you prefer if you want to: ay what weather you prefer if you want to:
1) spend a whole day on the beach;
2) stay in and take it easy;
3) go sailing;

4) go on a hiking trip to the mountains;
5) run a marathon;
6) go sightseeing.
Explain why. xplain why.
Match the columns to get the sentences. atch the columns to get the sentences.
As you can see, my brother Anton is wearing a winter
jacket, a woolen hat and a thick bright
as it is a boiling hot
Look, my friend Julia is wearing sunglasses,
a nice cotton striped long-sleeved dress
and a straw hat 
as the day is quite cool
and rainy
As you may have
my sister is wearing a bright pink
raincoat, a thick woolen sweater and
black leather trousers
because it is absolutely
freezing. The ground is
covered with snow as it
has been snowing all day
If you look carefully
at the photo, you’ll
see that
my niece Alexandra is wearing a shortsleeved top and a polka dot cotton skirt
since it is quite warm
Look at some photos in this unit. Say what the people are wearing and what is the weather like. ook at some photos in this unit. Say what the people are wearing and what is the weather like.
Match the word with the defi atch the word with the definitions. nitions.
1) pebble
2) coast
3) rough sea
4) horizon
5) harbour
6) shore
7) a steep cliff
8) bay
A) the land along the edge of the sea or a lake
B) a small stone you fi nd on a beach
C) an area of the coast where the land goes in to form a curve
D) a hill that goes up quickly from a low place to a high one
E) the area of land that is close to or next to the sea or an
F) an imaginary line between the land or the sea and the sky
G) the sea has big waves 
H) a place where ships or boats are tied up and protected from
the sea
Complete the sentences with a suitable word from Ex. 6. omplete the sentences with a suitable word from Ex. 6.
1) When it’s stormy, the sea gets very ________________.
2) The _______________ protects the little boats in bad weather.
3) You can’t climb the cliff; it’s too __________________.
4) At one end of the beach there are rocks and _____________________, but the
other end is quite sandy.
5) I can see a boat on the __________________________. 

Do the pairs of expressions below have similar meaning? o the pairs of expressions below have similar meaning?
1) endangered species / species which are on the brink of extinction 
2)  die out / become extinct 
3) the environment / natural habitat 
4) to destroy the environment / to conserve the environment
5) to harm the environment / to damage the environment
6) to pollute the environment / to protect the environment 
7) environmental protection / conservation of the environment 
8) to pump out exhaust fumes / to dump chemical waste 
9) to have a negative impact / to have a devastating effect
10) to negatively impact the environment / to affect the environment negatively
Look at the collocations of the word “environment” above for 1 minute. Cover them and try ook at the collocations of the word “environment” above for 1 minute. Cover them and try
to write down as many as you can in two minutes. o write down as many as you can in two minutes.
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the fi omplete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the fi rst sentence, using rst sentence, using
the word given. Don’t change the word given. You must use between two and fi he word given. Don’t change the word given. You must use between two and fi ve words, ve words,
including the word given. ncluding the word given.
1) It is common knowledge that a lot of chemicals used in industry harm the
It is common knowledge that industrial chemicals  ___________________ to the
2) It cannot be denied that humanity has a negative effect on the environment.
It is hard to deny that humans __________________ the environment. 
3) There are many organizations dedicated to conservation of the environment.
There are many organizations whose aim is ______________ the environment.
4) Over the past 100 years, because of global warming, the sea level has
dramatically risen.
Over the past 100 years, _________ global warming, the sea level has
dramatically risen.
5) Small particles of plastic in the sea become a hazard for marine wildlife.
Small particles of plastic in the sea _____________ wildlife.
6) Their family decided to join the city waste sorting program.
Their family ___________ to join the city waste sorting program.
7) It is believed that traditional tourism has only negative impact on natural
It is believed that traditional tourism _____________ natural environment.

Check you understand the words below and fi heck you understand the words below and fill in the chart. ll in the chart.
Verb Noun Noun Adjective Adverb
harm * harmless
damage  * *
* environmentalist environmentally
consumption  *
* natural
conserve  *
pollution *
* recyclable *
Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the word. omplete the sentences with a suitable form of the word.
1) In my opinion, we need to pay more attention to __________ (CONSERVE) of our
natural resources not only because they are the main source of our daily needs but
also because they are limited.
2) To help save the environment, one should try decreasing energy and water
_________ (CONSUME) as well as changing their eating and transportation habits 
3) Three Rs (reducing, reusing, and _______ (RECYCLE) help us  to be more
_________________ (ENVIRONMENT) friendly. 
4) It is a well-known fact that emissions from cars are _________ (HARM) to the
5) One of the ways of protecting wildlife is ensuring that plastic is _____ (RECYCLE)
to avoid _________ (POLLUTE) of the environment.
6) I am absolutely convinced that we need to fi nd ways of producing energy without
____________ (DAMAGE) the environment.
Cross out words which do not normally go together with the word in bold. ross out words which do not normally go together with the word in bold.
1) DISPOSABLE bags / coffee cups / books / nappies / lamps / gloves
2) environmental / dramatic / negative / disastrous / effective / damaging IMPACT
3) protect / save / reduce / care about / damage / limit THE ENVIRONMENT
4) WASTE water / classes / time / money / energy / electricity / natural resources
Fill in the gaps. There are two words which you do not need. ill in the gaps. There are two words which you do not need.
I. decreasing, impact, resources, educate, disposable, save, consumption, friendly
In your letter you asked me about what can be done to help (1)  _______ the
environment. I think that it is a good idea to try (2) ________ energy and water
(3) __________. You can also change your eating and transportation habits to conserve
natural (4) _________. Talking about the most important steps one can take to be
more environmentally (5) __________, I can say that they are reducing, reusing, and
recycling. You can also engage in activism to help (6) _________ others.

II. landfi lls impact decompose reusable harm mistake save reusable disposable
You asked me about the dangers of (1) ____________ grocery bags. As you probably
know, plastic bags end up in (2) ______ or in other parts of the environment. They
can (3)  ______________ animals who get stuck in them or may (4)  ______________
them for food. Also, it takes hundreds of years for the bags to (5)  ______________
which results in soil pollution. Talking about what my family does to help the
environment, I can say that whether we are shopping for food, clothes or books, we
use (6) ______________ bags. 
III. detrimental care reduce appliances positive energy-effi cient protect turn off 
You asked me about what steps our school takes to (1)  __________ the environment.
Unfortunately, some teachers make us print all our home assignments as if they don’t
understand that using so much paper has a (2) __________ effect on the environment.
Personally, I decided to print on both sides of the page to (3)  __________ the
amount of paper used. Talking about my family, we try to save electricity  — we
use (4) __________ light bulbs instead of regular bulbs. Also, we make sure we
(5) __________ lights, the TV, and other (6) __________ when we are not using them.
IV. limit environmental habits tackle shortage protect waste pollution 
Now let me answer your questions. You asked me about the biggest (1) ______________
concern in my country. Well, I believe that it’s the (2) ______________ of drinking
water. Unfortunately, a lot of people (3) ______________ water without realizing it.
As for what an individual can do to (4) ______________ this problem, I can say that
we must turn off the faucet as we’re brushing our teeth and (5)  ______________ our
water usage as we wash dishes. Changing old (6)  ______________ will be good for
both the environment and your wallet!
V. effi cient landfi lls impact exhaust fumes shortage options harmful 
Back to your questions. You asked me about (1) _________ ways of lowering your
environmental (2) _________. Well, it’s a diffi cult question. I believe that cars are
(3) _________ to the environment as they pump out (4) _________. So, taking public
transportation, walking, or riding a bike to class are better (5) _________ that help
the environment and your budget. 
Decide if these sentences look logical to you. Change those which don’t and fi ecide if these sentences look logical to you. Change those which don’t and finish them up. nish them up.
1) In order to ignore the problem of water contamination governments should offer
support to companies and organizations involved in manufacturing and agriculture
to fi nd environment-friendly approaches. These could be…
2) At the same time the infl uence of individuals over the environment should not
be ignored. We have to contribute to the preservation of nature every day. For
example, always remember to…
3) Despite knowing about biodiversity’s little importance for a long time, humanity
has been causing massive extinction of…

4) When humans artifi cially transform the environment, they conserve vegetation and
animals’ natural habitat. For instance, to build new roads people plant trees which
leads to… Because of that a lot of species are appearing. 
5) Moreover, the next step in fi ghting biodiversity loss is informing the general
population about the advantages of this problem by running public campaigns.
This way, people will be more unaware of the environment and will not…
6) It is a well-known fact that people’s activities that change the environment have
a positive impact on the world’s ecosystem. However, we can signifi cantly reduce
the extinction of species by protecting natural areas and…
7) It is hard to deny that one of the major reasons for the pollution of the environment
is the uncontrolled use of automobiles. If individuals made a conscious effort
to change their lifestyle by increasing the use of private cars and using public
transport, it would substantially increase the burning of fossil fuels. In other
words, a serious attempt could be made by individuals to travel to work…
Express the following in English. xpress the following in English.
1) Я сделал эту фотографию прошлой зимой, когда мы были в отпуске в Ставрополе.
Мы отлично провели время. Позволь мне рассказать тебе побольше об этой фотографии. На переднем плане ты видишь мою сестру Катю.  На ней надета модная
чёрная кожаная куртка, джинсы в обтяжку и красные кеды. Она держит зонт. На
заднем плане мы видим улицу. Шёл сильный дождь, поэтому везде лужи. Если
ты посмотришь повнимательнее, ты увидишь на заднем плане высокие горы.
Небо затянуто облаками, потому что собирается дождь.
2) К сожалению, на заднем плане особо ничего не видно, потому что спустился
туман. Как ты видишь, Катя выглядит недовольной, так как мы долго гуляли и
она уставшая. Она не может открыть зонт, потому что дует очень сильный ветер.
3) Я убеждена, что плохая погода не может портить людям их планы на отпуск.
Во-первых, информация о погоде на ближайшее время является общедоступной
каждому человеку. Поэтому можно спланировать свой отпуск, изучив прогноз
погоды перед тем, как ехать. Для этого можно использовать соответствующие
сайты в интернете. Таким образом, погода не помешает вам насладиться своим
долгожданным отпуском.
4) Тем не менее существует противоположное мнение. Часто утверждают, что невозможно хорошо провести время на каникулах, если погода испортится. Если человек планировал пляжный отпуск, то природные катаклизмы, такие как ураган,
цунами или извержение вулкана, могут значительно повлиять на качество досуга.
5) По моему мнению, действительно слишком много финансов тратится на защиту
дикой природы. Во-первых, на сегодняшний день существует масса других насущных проблем в жизни общества, на которые стоит тратить деньги в первую
очередь. Например, система здравоохранения во многих развивающихся странах
находится в крайне плохом состоянии. Таким образом, правительствам стоит
инвестировать деньги в строительство учреждений здравоохранения, чтобы улучшить качество жизни населения.
6) Однако есть люди, которые уверены, что защита дикой природы является приоритетом. Они говорят, что многие виды находятся под угрозой вымирания
и что сохранение экосистемы крайне важно для будущего нашей планеты.
Следовательно, защита дикой природы должна осуществляться любой ценой.

Фразовые глаголы
Check you understand the words below and match the expressions with their Russian heck you understand the words below and match the expressions with their Russian
equivalents. quivalents.
go ahead with my project / with the plans /
and do it myself
хвастаться своими знаниями / новой машиной
show off his knowledge / his new car оказаться смешным / оказалось, что он меня
give off a strange smell / dangerous fumes /
вызывать серьёзные проблемы со здоровьем /
огромный ущерб / значительные изменения
turn out to be funny / it turned out that he
told me a lie
издавать / испускать странный запах / свет /
опасные газы
bring about serious health problems /
a huge damage / great changes
взяться и сделать мой проект / мои планы /
всё самому 
carry on texting / talking about his
plans / playing computer games 
продолжать переписываться / играть в компьютерные игры / говорить о своих планах
Complete the sentences with the suitable form of the phrasal verbs from Ex.1.
1) They say the government is going to introduce a complete ban on dropping litter
in forests. The new law is going to _____ great changes all over the country.
2) — Lucy said you looked a bit bored when you were talking to your sister. 
— I asked her several times to change the subject but she just ______ talking
about her baby. Madness! 
3) — Do you know that Patrick has proposed to Lucy?
— Old news, bro. The fi rst thing she did this morning was _____ her ring _____.
4) — Lucy! Where are the cheeses I brought from Liverpool? 
— Sorry, Patrick, but I had to get rid of them. They kept _____ a strange smell,
you know, like someone died. I had to bury them in the garden. 
5) — Patrick, hi! How’s the baby? What did you call her? 
— Lucy couldn’t make up her mind about what to call her so I _____ and chose
the name myself. So, come over next week and meet Patricia. 
6) — Do you know that information about Lucy’s wedding _______ to be false?
— Yeah, I think it’s a very silly joke.

Проверочная работа по уроку 4
Express the following in English. xpress the following in English.
1) В своём письме ты спросил меня о погоде в моём родном городе. Ну, я могу сказать, что осенью у нас обычно дождливая погода, небо затянуто облаками и часто
дует сильный холодный ветер. Что касается влияния погоды на мои планы, я
должен сказать, что зачастую погода может испортить все планы. Например, на
прошлой неделе все рейсы из Москвы были отменены из-за грозы.
2) Позволь мне ответить на твои вопросы о защите окружающей среды в моей
стране. К сожалению, у нас не сортируют и не перерабатывают мусор, что ведёт
к загрязнению почвы. Что касается моей семьи, мы стараемся защищать природу, экономя воду и электричество, а также мы сокращаем потребление во всех
сферах. Например, мы используем льняные салфетки вместо бумажных, так как
их можно постирать и использовать снова.
3) Теперь мне пора ответить на твои вопросы. Ты спрашиваешь меня об экологических проблемах в моём районе. Ну, во-первых, многие редкие виды уже находятся на грани вымирания, потому что человечество разрушает их природную
среду обитания.
4) Сейчас я бы хотел ответить на твои вопросы. Что касается защиты окружающей
среды в моей школе, я могу сказать, что у нас проводятся уроки и мастер-классы для школьников, чтобы повысить уровень осведомлённости об экологических
проблемах. На этих уроках нас учат, как пластик загрязняет почву и как каждый человек может изменить ситуацию к лучшему. Например, нужно пользоваться общественным транспортом вместо машин, чтобы сократить количество
выхлопных газов в воздухе.
Write as many collocations with the words in the box as you can rite as many collocations with the words in the box as you can
weather, the environment, species, natural habitat, impact, to pollute, to waste, to reduce 
Choose the right option to complete the sentences. hoose the right option to complete the sentences.
1. It is a well-known fact that exhaust fumes _____ health problems such as respiratory
diseases like asthma. 
1) give off 2) go ahead 3) bring about 4) carry on
2. Urban dwellers often complain about traffi c congestion in cities but most of them
______ using private cars instead of public transport.
1)  show off 2) turn out 3) give off 4) carry on
3. The way forward is for the government to ______ with the long-awaited project
and introduce a complete ban on private cars in the city center. 
1) go ahead 2) bring about 3) show off 4) turn out
4. Lots of famous people often __________ their new outfi ts
1) carry on 2) go ahead 3) show off 4) give off

5. His birthday party __________ to be a disappointment because some of his friends
didn’t turn up.
1) brought about 2) showed off 3) went ahead 4) turned out
6. For all we know, mobile phones can ______ radiation that turns us into brain-dead
1) show off 2) go ahead 3) give off 4) bring about
Write as many collocations with the words in the box as you can. rite as many collocations with the words in the box as you can.


Тренировочные задания в формате ЕГЭ
к разделу «Письменная речь»
Вариант 1
You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend ou have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Leo:
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Natural disasters
…I’m a bit behind the class in my Geography lesson and in order to catch up the teacher told me
to get ready with the project. Could you help me with it? I remember you did pretty the same last
term. What are the main natural disasters? Where can I fi nd all the necessary information? What is
the most dangerous natural disaster in your opinion?
By the way, my uncle and I went to Kenia in winter…
Write an email to Leo.
In your message:
– answer his questions;
– ask 3 questions about the weather conditions during the trip.
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.
Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий и выполните согласно данному плану. ыберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий и выполните согласно данному плану.
В ответе на данное задание числительные пишите цифрами. ответе на данное задание числительные пишите цифрами.
1) Imagine that you are doing a project on what can be done to protect the
environment. You have collected some data on the subject — the results of opinion
polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject
of the project.
Ways to help save the planet The percentage of teenagers who believe these
ways are effective (%)
Use energy-effi cient light bulbs 74.7
Use paper more wisely 37.4
Reduce air travel 28.2
Sort rubbish 26.1
Go vegan 2.4
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise when conserving the environment and suggest
a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the importance of protecting the

2) Imagine that you are doing a project on climate change. You have collected some
data on the subject (see the diagram below).
Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject
of the project.
Causes of climate change
Volcanic activity
Cutting down forests
Farming live stock
Burning fossil fuels
0% 10% 20% 30% 50% 40% 70% 60% 80%
Ocean currents
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise with climate change and suggest a way of
solving  it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the role of human activity in climate

Вариант 2
You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend ou have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Mendy:
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Weather
…Last week I went to an environmental workshop in our school. I was really surprised at how
much infl uence a single person can make on the environment. Do you have such workshops
in your school? What does your family do to help the environment? Do you sort litter in your
By the way, I went to the south of England last weekend and the weather was awful…
Write an email to Mendy.
In your message:
– answer her questions
– ask 3 questions about the weather in the south of England.
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.
Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий и выполните согласно данному плану. ыберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий и выполните согласно данному плану.
В ответе на данное задание числительные пишите цифрами. ответе на данное задание числительные пишите цифрами.
1) Imagine that you are doing a project on natural disasters in Russia. You have
collected some data on the subject — the results of opinion polls (see the table
Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject
of the project.
Natural disasters Russia, 2018–2021
Forest fi res 89
Floods 83
Heat waves 44
Freezing rains 29
Volcanic eruptions 13
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise when a natural disaster occurs and suggest
a  way of solving it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the impact of natural disasters on
our life.

2) Imagine that you are doing a project on environmental problems in your country.
You have collected some data on the subject (see the diagram below).
Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject
of the project.
Environmental problems in Russia
Soil erosion
Oil spills
Air pollution
0% 10% 30% 50% 70% 20% 40% 60% 80% 90% 100%
Water pollution
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise with the environment and suggest a way of
solving it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the role of environmental protection.

Тренировочные задания в формате ЕГЭ
к разделу «Устная часть»
Вариант 1
Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting
material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes
to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than
1.5 minutes to read it.
To put simply fl ooding is water where it is not wanted. Floods can have both
positive and negative impacts. They can bring welcome relief for people and ecosystems
suffering from drought, but also are estimated to be the most costly natural disaster
in Australia. Flooding occurs most commonly from heavy rainfall when natural
watercourses do not have the capacity to carry excess water. However, fl oods are not
always caused by heavy rainfall. In coastal areas, they can be caused by a storm surge
as a result of a tropical cyclone, a tsunami or a high tide coinciding with higher
than normal river levels. If a dam fails, triggered for example by an earthquake, the
downstream area will fl ood, even in dry weather conditions.
Flash fl ooding, otherwise known as overland fl ooding, can occur almost anywhere
there is a relatively short, intense burst of rainfall such as during a thunderstorm.
Although fl ash fl oods are generally localised, they pose a signifi cant threat because
of their unpredictability and normally short duration.
Task 2. You are considering membership in a green party and now you’d like to get more information.
In 1.5 minutes you are going to ask four direct questions to fi nd out about the following:
1) how to become a member
2) membership fee
3) how often the meetings are
4) special clothes

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer fi ve questions. Give full answers to
the questions (2–3 sentences).
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Tapescript for Task 3
Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is
a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss the weather in Russia.
We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer fi ve
questions. So, let’s get started.
Interviewer: What weather do you like best?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: What was the weather like last summer?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: What do you like doing in rainy weather?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Do you think the climate in your country will change much in the future?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: How can bad weather ruin your holiday plans?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.
Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Weather in spring” together with your friend. You have
found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend.
In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:
• give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of the
project in each photo minimum);
• say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the subject
of the project in each photo minimum);
• mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two types of weather;
• explain how these photos illustrate the project “Weather in spring”;
• express your opinion on the subject of the project — which kind of weather you
prefer in spring.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of the plan,
12–15 sentences in total). You have to talk continuously.
Photo 1 Photo 2

Вариант 2
Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting
material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes
to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than
1.5 minutes to read it.
Scientists attribute the  global warming  trend observed since the mid-20th  century
to the human expansion of the “greenhouse effect”  — warming that results when
the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space. On Earth, human
activities are changing the natural greenhouse. Over the last century the burning of
fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon
dioxide. This happens because the coal or oil burning process combines carbon with
oxygen in the air to make CO2. To a lesser extent, the clearing of land for agriculture,
industry, and other human activities has increased concentrations of greenhouse gases.
The consequences of changing the natural atmospheric greenhouse are diffi cult to
predict. On average, Earth will become warmer. Some regions may welcome warmer
temperatures, but others may not. Warmer conditions will probably lead to more
evaporation and precipitation overall, but individual regions will vary, some becoming
wetter and others dryer.
Task 2. You are considering taking a pet from a shelter and now you’d like to get more information.
In 1.5 minutes you are going to ask four direct questions to fi nd out about the following:
1) if there are any expenses
2) available pets
3) age of the pet
4) colour of the pet

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer fi ve questions. Give full answers to
the questions (2–3 sentences).
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Tapescript for Task 3
Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today
is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss environmental issues.
We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer fi ve
questions. So, let’s get started.
Interviewer: What are some of the most serious environmental concerns in your country now?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: What does your family do to protect the environment?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Do many people in your country sort rubbish, and why / why not?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Are there many endangered species in your country?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Do you think that more people will take care about the environment in the
future? Why / why not?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.
Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Saving the planet” together with your friend. You have
found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend.
In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:
• give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of the
project in each photo minimum);
• say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the subject
of the project in each photo minimum);
• mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two ways of protecting the
• explain how these photos illustrate the project “Saving the planet”;
• express your opinion on the subject of the project — whether you think these ways
of saving the environment are effective, and why / why not.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of the plan,
12–15 sentences in total). You have to talk continuously.
Photo 1 Photo 2

Вариант 3
Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting
material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes
to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than
1.5 minutes to read it.
Saving nature is at the very heart of what we do as World Wildlife Fund. For
more nearly 60 years, we have made it our mission to fi nd solutions that save the
marvelous array of life on our planet by applying the best science available and
working closely with local communities. But our work is far from done. Humans
are behind the current rate of species extinction, which is at least 100–1.000 times
higher than nature intended. We’ve seen an astonishing  60% decline in the size
of populations of mammals, birds, fi sh, and reptiles in just over 40 years. And
the impacts will reach far beyond the potential cultural loss of iconic species like
tigers, rhinos and whales. The good news is we’ve also seen what’s working. WWF
has been part of successful wildlife recovery stories ranging from southern Africa’s
black rhino to black bucks in the Himalayas.
Task 2. You are considering going on holiday to Australia and now you’d like to get more information
from the travel agency. In 1.5 minutes you are going to ask four direct questions to fi nd out
about the following:
1) duration of fl ight
2) weather conditions in Sydney
3) temperature difference between day and night
4) level of humidity

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer fi ve questions. Give full answers to
the questions (2–3 sentences).
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Tapescript for Task 3
Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is
a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss the dangers of rubbish.
We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer fi ve
questions. So, let’s get started.
Interviewer: What kinds of things can be recycled?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Do people in Russia use many plastic bags?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: How can the problem be solved?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Why is plastic so dangerous?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Did you recycle much when you were a kid?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.
Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Beaches around the world” together with your friend.
You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your
friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:
• give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of the
project in each photo minimum);
• say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the subject
of the project in each photo minimum);
• mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two kinds of beaches;
• explain how these photos illustrate the project “Beaches around the world”;
• express your opinion on the subject of the project — whether you prefer pebbly
beaches, and why / why not.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of the plan,
12–15 sentences in total). You have to talk continuously.
Photo 1 Photo 2

Вариант 4
Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting
material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes
to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than
1.5 minutes to read it.
The defi nition of recycling is to pass a substance through a system that enables
that substance to be reused. Waste recycling involves the collection of  waste  materials
and the separation and clean-up of those materials. Recycling waste means that
fewer new products and consumables need to be produced, saving raw materials and
reducing  energy  consumption. In the UK, the household and commercial sectors have
relatively low recycling rates. Some of the materials that can be recycled include
paper, plastics, metals and tyres. The paper industry generates vast quantities of
waste in the form of paper off-cuttings and damaged paper rolls. This paper can be
put back into the pulping process and recycled. Paper recycling in the UK became
popular during the 1990s. Nearly a million tonnes of paper from household waste is
now recycled each year.
Task 2. You are considering starting waste sorting at home and now you’d like to get more information.
In 1.5 minutes you are going to ask four direct questions to fi nd out about the following:
1) conditions for entering the program
2) price per month
3) necessary equipment to be installed
4) weight limitations

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer fi ve questions. Give full answers to
the questions (2–3 sentences).
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Tapescript for Task 3
Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today
is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss endangered species.
We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer fi ve
questions. So, let’s get started.
Interviewer: Do you like watching TV programs about wild animals? Why / why not?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: What animals can you see in the wild in Russia?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: What species are on the brink of extinction in Russia?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: What do you think can be done to protect endangered species?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Do you think many species will die out in the future? Why / why not?
Student: _____________________
Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.
Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Seasons” together with your friend. You have found some
illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes
be ready to tell the friend about the photos:
• give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of the
project in each photo minimum);
• say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the subject
of the project in each photo minimum);
• mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two seasons;
• explain how these photos illustrate the project “Seasons”;
• express your opinion on the subject of the project — whether you prefer summer
to winter, and why / why not.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of the plan, 12–15
sentences in total). You have to talk continuously.
Photo 1 Photo 2

Check you understand the words in bold and match the columns to get the sentences. heck you understand the words in bold and match the columns to get the sentences.
1) I passed all my  exams with fl ying
2) I barely scraped through my Biology
3) I wish I hadn’t played truant from
my English classes!
4) My friends say I am a real bookworm.
5) I have been swotting for my English
exam for weeks.
6) I need to pull an all nighter and
cram for my Literature test.
7) They caught me cheating in the
exam because I accidentally dropped
my cheat sheets on the fl oor.
A) I have just learnt that I have to take
it tomorrow.
B) I just can’t imagine my life without
C) I am pretty sure I will get a place at
any university of my choice.
D) I was disqualifi ed from the exam.
E) Now not only the teacher is really
angry with me, but I also fi nd it hard
to catch up with my classmates.
F) The minimum point required for
passing was 30 and I got 31.
G) I am absolutely sure that I have learnt
everything and will sail through the
Fill in the chart with the words: ill in the chart with the words:
Mathematics, French, Biology, how to drive, languages, Physics, to dance, Arabic
Add 3 more words to each category:
Fill in the chart with the words: ill in the chart with the words:
research, a suggestion, homework, a task, a mistake, an experiment, a decision,
a  test, an exam
Add 3 more words to each category.
Do the pairs of expressions below have similar meaning? o the pairs of expressions below have similar meaning?
1) profound knowledge / deep knowledge
2) to gain knowledge  / to acquire knowledge
3) to give more attention / to pay more attention
4) subjects / disciplines
5) online learning / distance learning
6) face-to-face classes / individual classes
7) tuition fees / scholarship
8) examiner / invigilator
9) seminar / lecture

10) undergraduate students / postgraduate students
11) homework / home assignment
12) school curriculum / extra-curricular activities
13) determined students / ambitious students
14) undergraduates / university students
15) to enter the university / to get a place at university
16) to get a degree / to graduate from a university
17) a teacher / a professor
18) teachers / educators
19) compulsory subjects / optional subjects
20) marks / grades
21) head teacher / principal
22) a classroom / a cabinet
23) a course / a year
Answer the questions (2–3 sentences for each question, make sure you speak for about nswer the questions (2–3 sentences for each question, make sure you speak for about
40 seconds for one question). Then write your answers down as if you were doing task 39 0 seconds for one question). Then write your answers down as if you were doing task 39
(an email to a friend). an email to a friend).
1) How do students cheat in their exams? Do you know anyone who was caught
cheating? What happened?
2) Why can someone fail an exam? What might happen if one fails an exam? What
problems might people face while learning a foreign language?
3) In your experience, what are the best revising strategies? Which do you prefer:
to swot for an exam or to cram for an exam? Why? What can help a student to
pull an all-nighter if they need to cram for an exam? 
4) What does one need to do to sail through their exams? What could you say to
a friend who has passed their exams with fl ying colours? How can parents and
teachers prevent  children from playing truant from classes?
5) What’s the most diffi cult part of your study? What do you like most about your
school? What is your favourite subject and why?
6) What are your future study plans? Are you friends with many other students in
your class? What makes a good teacher?
7) What languages can you speak? How often do you use English? What do you do
to practise your language skills outside the classroom?
8) Which exams do you usually fi nd diffi cult? How do you prepare for your exams?
Do you prefer to take an oral or a written test?
9) Why are you learning English? Do you think you could become a foreign language
teacher in the future? Why / why not? Do you think learning languages is
important for people in your country? Why / why not?
10) Do you think a foreigner should learn your country’s language when they arrive
there? Is English diffi cult to learn? Do you think that all children should learn
foreign languages at school?
11) What qualities should a language teacher have? Why are some people better at
studying languages than others? Do you think that all children should learn
foreign languages at school?

Ask questions and write your answers as if you were doing task 39. sk questions and write your answers as if you were doing task 39.
1) I have just had a History class with a new History teacher. (Ask 3 questions about
her new teacher.)
2) We have moved house recently and now I’m going to go to a new school. (Ask
3  questions about her new school.)
3) I fi nally fulfi lled my life-long ambition and joined a drama club last week — I am
on cloud nine! I really enjoy the classes. (Ask 3 questions about her drama classes.)
4) I have to say I have always struggled with Chemistry but now I need to master it
to enter the university of my dream. (Ask 3 questions about the university.)
5) My sister has decided to take a gap year before entering the university and now
I’m thinking of doing the same. (Ask 3 questions about his plans for the gap year.)
6) I have just learnt that we’re going to do a Maths test tomorrow and now I have
to pull an all-nighter to cram for it. I hate revising! (Ask 3 questions about his
revision strategies.)
Choose one word in each line that does NOT usually collocate with the word IN CAPITAL hoose one word in each line that does NOT usually collocate with the word IN CAPITAL
1) excellent, fi rst-class, poor, weak, compulsory, higher, pre-school, primary,
secondary, university, health, public, private EDUCATION 
2) have, receive, provide (sb with), continue, complete, end, fi nish EDUCATION
3) competent, good, inspired, diffi cult, skilled, bad, experienced, sympathetic, head,
female, school, secondary (school), language, art, maths TEACHER
4) diffi cult, compulsory, core, main, additional, head, optional, arts, science, academic
5) take, offer, give, fail (in), pass A SUBJECT
6) diffi cult, easy, entrance, trial, end of term / year, fi nal, school, chemistry, French,
mock, oral, practical, written EXAM
7) prepare for, revise for, study for, do, sit, take, resit, retake, redo, do well in, pass,
scrape through, do badly in, fail, fl unk, cheat in, invigilate, mark, sail through
8) attend, go to, start, fi nish, leave, graduate from, skip, play truant from, be /
stay off SCHOOL 
9) attend, go to, study at, apply to, apply for a place at, enter, learn at, graduate
from, leave, drop out of UNIVERSITY
10) brilliant, ambitious, fi ve, weak, straight A, school, university, full-time, fi rstyear, freshman, sophomore, senior, postgraduate, overseas, history, law, medical
11) do, sit (for), take, pass, fail, write, give, mark A TEST
12) possess, lack, need, require, train, acquire, develop, learn, demonstrate, practise, apply,
broaden, hone, improve, increase, master, sharpen, upgrade, refresh, update SKILLS
Some of the words in bold are in wrong places. Rewrite the letters correctly. Guess what ome of the words in bold are in wrong places. Rewrite the letters correctly. Guess what
questions the letters below answer to. Write your replies to the given letters. uestions the letters below answer to. Write your replies to the given letters.
I. Back to your questions. In my country school education is entrance — every child
has to apply school. Most schools are public, but some well-off parents want to
provide their offspring with compulsory education and send them to fi nal schools.
If you decide to continue your education after you fi nish school, you can attend

to a university and get higher education — but then you’ll need to take a few
private exams at school and then fi rst-class exams at university. Or you can just
get a job and forget about books and exams! 
II. Now I’d like to answer your questions. Well, my sister is a academic at Moscow
State University, she studies History and hopes to sail really well in all her exams.
Christina is extremely sympathetic — she was a patient student at school and even
won some skilled competitions. As for my favourite teacher, well, it’s hard to pick
just one, because there have been so many, but I think it’s my English teacher Natalia
Mikhailovna, not only because she’s a great professional — she’s really straight A
and competent — but also because she has a great personality: she’s freshman and
ambitious. She teaches German and English and all her students do through the exams.
III. In your letter you asked me some questions and now I’d like to answer them. Well,
when I revise for a test or an exam, I always drink a lot of coffee and burn the
midnight oil. We do a lot of tests at school every week — I retake for hours on end
but still I have to say I sometimes revise. As for your second question, in my school
all optional subjects are compulsory so you have to attend them all, but they also
offer an disqualifi ed Chinese class on Saturday. Finally, if you cheat in the exam and
get caught by an invigilator, you will be core and will have to fail it. 
Choose the correct option. hoose the correct option.
1) a school director / a head teacher
2) to write a test / to do a test
3) a control work / a test
4) high education / higher education
5) a hardly-working student / a hard-working student
6) to learn at school / to go to school
7) to study how to cook / to learn how to cook
8) to visit classes / to attend classes
9) grades / balls
10) school subjects / school objects
11) in my fi rst year / in my fi rst course
12) in the 11th class / in the 11th grade
Choose the right option to complete the letters. hoose the right option to complete the letters.
I. Let me answer your questions about my exams. Well, in June I’m going to 1) _____
four exams — Russian, Advanced Maths, English and Social Studies. I am really
struggling with Maths so I have been cramming 2) ______ the exam since last year
and I hope to pass it with fl ying 3) _____. As for Social Studies, I just need to
4) ______ through — the minimum point required is 60, and I hope to get 65. As
for the university, I’m going to 5) _____ to Higher School of Economics as they
provide 6) _____ education. Talking about teenagers in my country, I think they
don’t often 7) _____ truant from school as we have this state-of-the-art system
which immediately notifi es parents if a student has 8) _____ a class. What a pain!
1) take / pass / write / attend
2) at / for / with / to
3) fl ags / shades / grades / colours

4) scrape / pass / go / crawl
5) visit / study / attend / apply
6) fi rst-class / fi rst-grade / fi rst-level / high-level
7) go / do / play / walk
8) missed / lost / wasted / forgotten
II. Now it’s time for me to answer your questions. In my school we have plenty of
1)  _____ activities but this year I’m not going to have time to 2) ____ part in
any of them. This is because I need to get high 3) _____ in all my exams to get
a 4) _____ — my parents can’t afford high 5) _____ fees. As for your second
question, I think that distance learning isn’t very effective because of technical
problems pupils often face. Also, it can be hard to 6) _____ attention to what’s
going on the screen when there are so many distractions at home. Finally, I can
say that I always prepare cheat 7) _____ but I never use them because you can be
8) _____ from the exam if you get caught. … Sorry, I have to go now as we are
9) _____ research on teenagers’ eating habits and I need to do a survey. 
1) compulsory / individual / extracurricular /optional 
2) take / have / give / play
3) points / balls / results / grades
4) scholarship / tuition / fees / discount
5) studying /education / learning / tuition
6) take / buy / pay / put
7) sheets / pages / notes / tests
8) thrown / left / disqualifi ed / unqualifi ed
9) making / taking / working / doing
III. In your letter you asked me a few questions and I’d like to answer them. Well,
I  had to 1) ______ my Maths exam fi ve times before I fi nally managed to
2)  ______ it. As for my future plans, after I 3) _____from the university, I’m
thinking of travelling round the world. Talking about my plans, I would like to
4) ______ Medicine as I’m planning to become a doctor. As for my parents, they
disapprove of my choice because they want me to follow in my Dad’s footsteps and
5) _______ French at university. Personally, I think that I can 6) ________ myself
to speak the language. … Sorry, I’d better fi nish now as I have to 7)  _______
for my history test tomorrow.
1) take / pass / make / go to
2) pass / win / succeed / take
3) leave / graduate / fi nish / end 
4) study / learn / teach / take
5) study / do / teach / educate
6) study / learn / teach / educate
7) learn / revise / remember / repeat
Which do you prefer and why? hich do you prefer and why?
1) studying at home or in a school library?
2) revising on your own or with a friend?
3) using electronic books or paper textbooks?
4) having an online class or a face-to-face class?

5) having individual or group lessons?
6) listening to a lecture or discussing things with a teacher?
7) watching fi lms or reading books in English?
8) practising your speaking skills or doing grammar exercises?
9) having an online class with the camera on or off?
10) doing your homework in advance or burning the midnight oil?
11) starting revising in advance or putting it off till the last moment?
12) studying in the morning or in the evening?
13) studying yourself or with a private tutor?
Decide if these sentences look logical to you. Change those which don’t and fi ecide if these sentences look logical to you. Change those which don’t and finish them up. nish them up.
1) It is apparent that while many colleges and universities set extremely low tuition
fees, some families cannot fully afford the higher education for their children.
Consequently, these students have to…
2) Also, if undergraduates get a job while still at university, they miss a golden
opportunity to get some valuable working experience. This improves…
3) However, it is often claimed the problem of students working during their studies
results in lower quality of education and leads to better academic performance.
This happens because students working full time often…
4) Studying abroad can have a positive effect on forming one’s weak character and
deprive them of the ability to live independently. The main reason for this is the
fact that when they study overseas, students have to…
5) Besides, studying in another country, students must learn how to get accustomed
to their new environment and how to get along with the teachers and classmates
which also helps them…
6) It is thought that art education at school is a waste of time. Some people claim
that there are less important subjects that would benefi t children in the future.
Science, technology and mathematics, for example, are of minor signifi cance since
these subjects…
7) On the other hand, studying arts does not lead to a successful career. It is hard
to deny that these days most artists are struggling to make a living selling their
works of art. Thus, spending valuable school time studying arts can be regarded
8) Physical Education is often viewed as a marginal subject within the curriculum
and many secondary schools actively increase PE time to make way for…
9) It is a well-known fact that there has been increased pressure on schools to produce
exam results. Consequently, much of the time pupils usually spend in PE lessons
should now be spent…
10) However, it is hard to underestimate the potential of PE to promote health and
discourage lifelong physical activity. This is an important issue given that…
11) Moreover, PE is also praised for its contribution to improved psychological health
and for helping to nurture social and moral development. It is hard to deny
that playing sports in PE classes helps to develop the ability to work well with
others  and children will bring it with them throughout their entire lives. It will
benefi t them when they get older and prove to be benefi cial when…

Express the following in English. xpress the following in English.
1) Позволь мне рассказать тебе немного об этой фотографии. На переднем плане
ты видишь моего брата Алексея. Он стоит со своими одноклассниками у главного входа в школу. Как ты видишь, на нём надеты строгие однотонные синие
брюки и белая льняная рубашка в полоску. Алексей выглядит очень довольным, так как он только что легко и успешно сдал экзамен по французскому.
2) Я сделал эту фотографию в комнате моего двоюродного брата. Посмотри, на
переднем плане ты видишь моего двоюродного брата Сергея и его репетитора по
английскому Галину Юрьевну. Слева находится книжный шкаф, а на заднем
плане мы видим кровать и плакат на стене. Если ты посмотришь повнимательнее, то ты увидишь, что Сергей выглядит очень сфокусированным, так как он
в данный момент переписывает текст из учебника. 
3) Что касается Галины Юрьевны, она проверяет тест. Как ты, возможно, заметил, на ней надета шёлковая блузка в цветочек и юбка в клетку. Она выглядит
недовольной, потому что Сергей сделал много ошибок в тесте. 
4) Что касается меня, то я предпочитаю очные занятия с учителем. На это есть
ряд причин, главная из которых заключается в том, что на таких уроках студенты более вовлечены в процесс и поэтому достигают лучших результатов. 
5) Я знаю, что это может показаться немного странным, но когда я был ребёнком,
я предпочитал делать домашнее задание в библиотеке, а не дома, потому что
у меня был маленький брат, который постоянно плакал. Что касается библиотеки, там всегда тихо и комфортно. Кроме того, это бесплатно.
6) Это может показаться очевидным, но я предпочитаю занятия в маленькой группе, потому что это не так напряжённо, как индивидуальные занятия. В то же
время ты получаешь много возможностей для того, чтобы приобрести новые
знания и улучшить свои навыки. 
7) Я полагаю, что домашнее обучения является действительно оптимальным вариантом для тех учащихся, которые заинтересованы в достижении высоких результатов. Во-первых, при такой форме обучения ученик может уделять больше
внимания тем дисциплинам, которые его интересуют больше других. Таким
образом, это позволяет школьнику приобрести основательные знания в тех
предметах, которые ему потребуются на последующих ступенях образования. 
8) В то же время некоторые люди считают, что домашнее обучение не может быть
лучшим вариантом для целеустремлённых учеников. Эти люди полагают, что для
максимальной реализации своего образовательного потенциала каждому ученику
необходима здоровая конкуренция среди сверстников. Поэтому только традиционная система образования позволяет ученикам получить достойное образование.
9) Я абсолютно уверена в том, что носители языка не могут быть лучшими учителями иностранного языка. На это есть ряд причин, основная из которых заключается в том, что носители без специального образования не имеют глубоких
знаний о методике преподавания иностранного языка. Таким образом, они не
знают, с какими трудностями могут столкнуться иностранцы, изучающие их
язык, и не могут объяснить особенности своего родного языка учащимся. 
10) Однако существует и противоположное мнение. Есть люди, которые заявляют,
что нет лучше преподавателя, чем носитель языка. Утверждается, что носители
владеют языком на высоком уровне и поэтому их уроки максимально эффективны для студентов. 

Фразовые глаголы
Check you understand the words below and match the expressions with their Russian heck you understand the words below and match the expressions with their Russian
equivalents. quivalents.
get on with my classmates / with my parents /
very well
ностальгировать по школьным годам /
по карьере / по событиям
get behind with my work / with my studies /
with my report
догнать / наверстать программу / учёбу /
своих одноклассников
come up with a brilliant idea / a suggestion /
a plan
отставать по работе / по учебе / с докладом
look back on my school years / my career /
the events
ладить с одноклассниками / родителями /
очень хорошо
catch up with the programme / my studies /
my classmates
избавиться от старых книг / сломанного
велосипеда / этого запаха
get rid of my old books / the broken bike /
this smell
придумать и предложить блестящую идею /
предложение / план
Complete the sentences with the suitable form of the phrasal verbs from Ex.1. omplete the sentences with the suitable form of the phrasal verbs from Ex.1.
1) At fi rst we didn’t know what to do — we were in the middle of nowhere, penniless,
all soaked to the bone. Luckily, Patrick ______ this brilliant idea. 
2) I am planning to spend the weekend with my relatives in their bungalow on the
coast. The only problem is I don’t really _______ with my uncle Patrick — he’s
really narrow-minded and keeps asking me when I am going to get rid of my tattoos. 
3) — How’s the course in teaching teenagers going?
— Oh, terrible! So much workload! I even had to cancel my trip to Mexico because
I __________ with my studies. 
4) My parents learnt that I have been playing truant from classes for 2 weeks. Now
I am grounded for a month and I also have to somehow ______ with the school
5) — I heard congratulations are in order! Are you happy with your new car?
— No, not really. I think they have been smoking in it! I have tried everything,
but I just can’t ______ this stale tobacco smell.
6) — I’ve just run into Miss Whiskers, she was our Maths teacher in primary school,
— Yeah, I always _______ our Maths lessons with fondness. She used to bring
cookies or chocolate on cold winter days. 

Проверочная работа по уроку 5
Express the following in English. xpress the following in English.
1) В своём письме ты задал мне несколько вопросов про учёбу. Во-первых, если ты
хочешь блестяще сдать все экзамены, нужно повторить свои записи, но начинай
заранее, иначе придётся заниматься ночью. Я бы не стала приносить шпаргалки
на экзамен, так как однажды наблюдающий их заметил и меня выгнали. Теперь
я пойду пересдавать. Во-вторых, высшее образование в моей стране абсолютно
необходимо, так как невозможно получить работу, если у тебя нет диплома. Если
у тебя хорошие оценки, можно получить стипендию и родителям не придётся
платить высокую плату за обучение. Что касается меня, я собираюсь подать
документы в три университета, а когда я закончу университет, то я собираюсь
продолжить своё обучение.
2) Теперь к твоим вопросам. Мою любимую учительницу зовут Кристина Сергеевна,
она учила нас в средней школе. Она очень хороший человек — терпеливая и
понимающая, а ещё она очень квалифицированная и опытная. Она делает все
для того, чтобы мы улучшили наши навыки и получили глубокие знания, поэтому её ученики редко делают ошибки в тестах и отлично сдают все экзамены.
Говоря об онлайн-обучении, я считаю, что это идеальный вариант для амбициозных и ответственных учеников, которые не списывают на занятиях и делают
все задания. Наконец, в моей школе все основные предметы обязательные, ты
не можешь выбирать, какие предметы посещать.
3) В своём письме ты задал мне несколько вопросов про учёбу. Вчера мы писали
тест и я еле сдал его, хотя я и готовился к нему две недели. Я получил низкую
оценку, но все же не завалил его. Моя мама сказала, что если я не поступлю
в университет, то она будет очень опечалена, так что я пообещал ей готовиться
к следующим экзаменам лучше. Что касается студенческих грантов, то я могу
сказать, что их очень сложно получить, так что большинству родителей приходится оплачивать высшее образование своих детей. Мой брат сейчас на втором
курсе в МГУ, и он отличник, так что он получает стипендию. 
Write as many collocations with the words in the box as you can rite as many collocations with the words in the box as you can
student, education, teacher, subject, exam, test, university, school
Choose the right option to complete the sentences. hoose the right option to complete the sentences.
1. School reunions give people a brilliant opportunity to meet their former classmates
and ______ their school days. 
1) get rid of 2) look back on 3) catch up with 4) get on
2. The teacher asked us to _______ a few examples to illustrate the rule. Unfortunately,
at that moment my mind went blank and I couldn’t think of anything interesting.
1) come up with 2) look back on 3) get behind with 4) get rid of
3. In order to avoid _______ workload at college one should do their best to attend
all the lectures and seminars and make sure they revise all their notes properly.
1) getting behind with 2) looking back on 3) catching up with 4) getting on

4. When I graduated from uni, the fi rst thing I did was to _______ all my books
and notebooks. Actually, I sold them to a freshman and earned some extra cash.
1) get rid of 2) look back on 3) catch up with 4) get behind with
5. Some students fi nd it hard to ______ their new classmates when they change
schools. They often become outcasts which makes things even more diffi cult. As a
result, it can have a negative effect on their motivation and academic performance.
1) get rid of 2) come up with 3) get on with 4) get behind with
6. ________ one’s studies can be quite hard if you missed a lot of classes. The
solution might be for a student to watch video lectures and take a course on time
1) getting on with 2) catching up with 3) looking back on 4) getting rid of
Write as many collocations with the words in the box as you can. rite as many collocations with the words in the box as you can.
come up with, look back on, get behind with, catch up with, get on, get rid of

Тренировочные задания в формате ЕГЭ
к разделу «Письменная речь»
Вариант 1
You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend ou have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Beth:
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Clothes
…You know, three days ago there was that party at my cousin’s place and it was awful. I had
bought an expensive pink silk evening gown from Macy’s and long gloves to match and I looked
gorgeous. But when I came to the party I saw my classmate Grace wearing just the same outfi t.
The night was ruined. Have you or your friends ever met someone wearing the same clothes as
you? How did you react? Where do you buy clothes for going out?
By the way, I went to Cyprus last month and brought some souvenirs…
Write an email to Beth.
In your message:
– answer his questions;
– ask 3 questions about the souvenirs.
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.
Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий и выполните согласно данному плану. ыберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий и выполните согласно данному плану.
В ответе на данное задание числительные пишите цифрами. ответе на данное задание числительные пишите цифрами.
1) Imagine that you are doing a project on learning environments. You have collected
some data on the subject — the results of opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject
of the project.
What is important for students The percentage of undergraduates who think
these places are of utmost importance (%)
Libraries 65.7
Laboratories with modern equipment 62.4
Indoor common spaces 33.2
Gymnasium / sports hall 16.1
Courtyard 10.4
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise when designing a learning environment and
suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the importance of a good learning

2) Imagine that you are doing a project on revising for exams. You have collected
some data on the subject (see the diagram below).
Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject
of the project.
Effective revision srategies
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%
Doing practice tests
Making cheat sheets
Spreading out your revision
Revising for an exam with a friend
Putting the phone away during revision
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise when preparing for an exam and suggest a way
of solving it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the role of revision for exams.

Вариант 2
You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend ou have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Hugh:
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Language camp
…Next summer I’m going to a language camp for the fi rst time. It’s located in the south of
France. The thing is it’s my fi rst time of going away somewhere on my own. Have you ever
been to a language camp? What educational activities do they usually offer? Shall I bring any
stationary with me?
By the way, I went to this new exhibition at the Science Museum…
Write an email to Hugh.
In your message:
– answer her questions
– ask 3 questions about the exhibition.
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.
Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий и выполните согласно данному плану. ыберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных заданий и выполните согласно данному плану.
В ответе на данное задание числительные пишите цифрами. ответе на данное задание числительные пишите цифрами.
1) Imagine that you are doing a project on using gadgets while learning English.
You have collected some data on the subject — the results of opinion polls (see
the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject
of the project.
Reasons for using gadgets
The number of teenagers (13–17)
who regularly use their phones and tablets
for learning English
Looking up a word in an electronic dictionary 91
Listening to podcasts 54
Watching fi lms / series in the original 51
Typing essays 45
Reading books in English 11
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise when using a gadget for studying a foreign
language and suggest a  way of solving it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the importance of gadgets in our life.

2) Imagine that you are doing a project on learning English. You have collected some
data on the subject (see the diagram below).
Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject
of the project.
Why young people learn English
Want to talk to English-speaking people
Need English for travelling
Plan to enter a university abroad
Need to take an exam
0% 10% 30% 50% 70% 20% 40% 60% 80% 90% 100%
Plan to work abroad in the future
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise when learning English and suggest a way of
solving it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the importance of learning a foreign

Тренировочные задания в формате ЕГЭ
к разделу «Устная часть»
Вариант 1
Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting
material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes
to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than
1.5 minutes to read it.
With a long history of pioneering higher education, Europe is home to many of
the world’s oldest and most prestigious universities  — and many of the most exciting
and attractive student cities.
European countries, and their universities, are of course all very different  — in
terms of language, lifestyle and living costs. However, under the Bologna Process,
European universities are working to standardize degree systems. For EU students,
choosing to study in Europe outside their home country should be relatively
straightforward, with tuition fees charged at local rates and no visa requirements.
First, compare top universities around the world by studying their profi les. After
you’ve done the research, you’ve talked it over with your nearest and dearest, you’re
pretty confi dent that you’re going to get the grades you need and you’ve chosen your
ideal university or  grad school, there’s just one small obstacle standing in your way:
to actually get into the university  of your choice.
Task 2. You are considering taking an online language course and now you’d like to get more information.
In 1.5 minutes you are going to ask four direct questions to fi nd out about the following:
1) range of languages
2) price per hour
3) discounts for students
4) qualifi cations of tutors

2. I’m
trying to connect you. Could you hold _________

3. When are
you going _________

4. I’m
calling _________the
order I placed last week.

5. Could
you pass _________
a message for me?

6. I’ll
write to you _________
two weeks’ time.

7. Tom is
paternity leave.

  1. Choose
    an appropriate response.

1. What’s
the time in New York? a Sure, what’s your number?

2. When
will Eleanor be back? b Speaking.

3. Is that
Tariq Meltam? c Yes, of course. Let me just find a pen.

4 .Is Mr
Rotund there? d Nine a.m.

5. Have a
good weekend. e Yes, it’s right here.

6. Did you
get my email? f Yes, it’s 09.

7. Could
you call me back? g Yes, he has just come into the office.

8. Can you
take a message for me? h In ten days’time.

9. Do you
know the code for Helsinki? i Thanks. You too.

  1. Complete the sentences
    with one of the alternatives.

1. Press
the __________ key. hash/button/door

2. Replace
the __________. reception/handset/operator

3. Make a
__________ call. toll-free/star/line

__________ Anne’s voice mail. Here is/This is/Hello to

5. I
couldn’t __________ hold of John. get/take/make

6. Please
don’t __________ up. hang/hold/take

7. Don’t
forget to________your mobile phone. turn off/close/drop

8. Did you
dial the__________code first? area/secret/town

  1. Put
    the dialogue in the right order.

a Speaking,

b Hi Tarmo.

c Thanks, Tarmo

d I’ll do it now.

e Of course,

f Did you get my message?

g You’d like me to send
directions to the office,

h Can I speak to Tarmo Star

i Yes
that’s right,

j Could you send them today?

k Yes I did.

i See you soon.

  1. Match the two parts of the

Press the star key a on hold for a minute.

Could you leave a message b a conference call for next week.

I’ll call you с
take the call at the moment.

Please wait. I’ll just put you d the wrong number.

I’m sorry, I must have dialed e to return to the main menu.

We need to set up f

directory enquiries.

I need to check the number g for me on my voicemail?

I’m sorry but I can’t h when I get back to my office.

  1. Complete
    the statements.

Hello! May I _______

Could you _______

I’m sorry, but the manager _______

Would you like to leave a message or _______

Thank you. You’ve been ______

I’d rather ________

Can you put me _______

I’m sorry to ________

What number _______

  1. Be ready to speak on the

Unit 10 Topic: Corporate Etiquette.

  1. Text A. Good and bad
    manners at a workplace.

is the name we give to the rules being polite in a social group.
Business etiquette is important for people who often have to make new
contacts and build relationships in their work. Politeness can also
help to improve the working environment for people in the same
office. Some cultures and situations are formal, which means that we
have to follow rules; other cultures and situations are mоге

Most office
workers say they are rude or bad-mannered at work. Two out of three
workers regularly arrive late for meetings, most ignore emails and
three out of four use bad language. In a survey of 1,000 workers,
two-thirds say that pressure of work is the reason for their bad

common examples of bad office etiquette include ignoring colleagues
and answering mobile phone calls during meetings. Using mobile phones
in meetings is impolite and distracts others. If you respond to a
call when speaking to somebody
during a meeting, it means that the phone call is more important than
the person or a meeting.

It is easy for people to
forget their manners in the working environment, which is often very
informal and very busy. Workers can forget proper etiquette such as
introducing people at meetings, and this is often bad for working

Dr Colin Gill believes that people are not as polite as they were
twenty years ago. He said: ‘Courtesy is no longer something that is
so much respected in our society.’ People think it is ‘stuffy to
be polite or formal.’

Now some organisations are
actually investing money in training their junior managers to be
polite. They encourage people to arrive on time for meetings, turn
off mobile phones and avoid bad language. Avoiding bad manners at
work is such a simple thing to do, and it can have a dramatic impact
on improving your working environment and your relationships with

  1. Text
    B: How to be polite?

In the
business world, it is people that influence your success or failure.
If you feel comfortable around someone and vice versa, better
communication and mutual trust will develop. Business etiquette helps
you to present yourself effectively.

There are
different opinions about what is polite or impolite. Different
cultures express politeness in different ways. Even in the same
country, there may be different views about what are good manners or
bad manners. But the same rules apply everywhere. Politeness is about
showing respect for others. It means thinking about other people’s

In formal
situations, we follow standard rules for politeness. In business, we
are usually polite when we make new contacts, meet customers or
people from other companies. Politeness is often linked to status. We
are usually more polite to people above us in the organizational
hierarchy. In today’s working environment, most managers show
respect for their workers. They might say, ‘We really need to send
the report as soon as possible. Could you please do it today?’ If
you consider other people’s feelings, they are usually more willing
to work hard, to help and to cooperate.

There are
some key rules upon which good business etiquette is built.

manners and attitude will speak about you. Your relationship is
unlikely to prosper with selfish and undisciplined people.
Appropriate business etiquette promotes positive traits.

reputation and honesty are of great importance. Your character refers
to what you as an individual bring to the business table. Proper
business etiquette allows you to use your positive qualities. For
example, knowing when to be passionate and not emotional or
self-confident without being arrogant. Be diplomatic! Business
etiquette encourages the careful thought of the interests of others
and choosing acceptable forms of expression.

is one of the most important things. Dressing
appropriately, standing and sitting in the right place at the right
time, looking presentable are all elements in making a good
impression. Business etiquette teaches you how to suitably present
yourself and what to avoid.

For the international business
person business, etiquette acts as a key. It locks the doors of poor
communication and misunderstandings and opens doors to successful
business relationships.

  1. Answer the following

  1. What is etiquette?

  2. What reason do office workers
    give for their bad manners?

  3. What can help to improve the
    working environment for people in the same office?

  4. What do
    common examples of bad office etiquette include?

  5. Is it easy
    for people to forget their manners in the working environment?

  6. Are people today more polite
    than they were 20 years ago?

  7. What
    influences your success or failure?

  8. How does politeness mean?

  9. What are
    some key rules upon which good business etiquette is built?

  10. What does etiquette open in

  11. Are business people in your
    country easy-going or more formal? What do they usually wear to

  12. Do most business people in
    your country have a long lunch at a restaurant or do they eat a
    quick sandwich?

  1. Read and memorize the
    following words and word-combinations.






















анкетування, опитування




включати, охоплювати


збивати з пантелику








чемність, люб’язність


нецікавий, відсталий

invest money













неуспіх, провал














з проханням, просити




















підвищувати в чині або званні; сприяти


риса; особливість


















презентабельний, солідний



  1. Complete the following
    sentences with the words from the box.

improve, respond, investing, etiquette, courtesy, respect,
hierarchy, rules, status

  1. _________
    is the name we give to the rules being polite in a social group.

  2. Politeness
    can also help to _________ the working environment for people in the
    same office.

  3. It is
    impolite to ________ to a call when speaking to somebody or during a

  4. Politeness
    is showing _________ for others.

  5. It means speaking about other
    people’s ________.

  6. In formal situations, it is a
    good idea to follow standard ________ when making new contracts.

  7. Politeness is often linked to
    _______ .

  8. We are more polite to people
    who are above us in the organizational ________ .

  9. Now some organisations are
    ________ money in training their junior managers to be polite.

  10. _________
    is no longer something that is so much respected in our society

  1. Complete the text with the
    words from the box.

avoid, ignore, introduce, invest, improve, respond

A recruitment firm gives this
advice to new workers:

It is important to _______
time in your relationships with others at work. Get to know the
people who work near you: _______ yourself to them and tell them
something about yourself. If people ask for your help, always _______
positively. Don’t _______ emails or phone calls just because you
are busy. If you make a mistake, it is better to _______ it and then
apologize. When things go wrong, stay calm and _______ shouting and
using bad language. Remember, good manners help to _______ your
working environment, and you will find you can enjoy your work more.

  1. Look at the following
    groups of words. Which word does not belong in each group?

1) rude, stuffy, bad-mannered,

2) courtesy, politeness,
etiquette, impact

3) communicate, answer, reply,

4) regularly, commonly,
rarely, often

  1. Add the following prefixes
    to the adjectives below to make words with the opposite meaning.

in- dis- im-

1 formal 5 practical 9

2 satisfied 6
considerate 10 respectful

3 honest 7 friendly 11

4 polite 8 efficient 12

  1. Use words from the
    exercise above to complete the definitions.

Someone who is bad-mannered is

Someone who …

  1. … doesn’t tell the truth
    is ________ .

  2. … wants
    to do things in a hurry and finish quickly is ________ .

  3. … doesn’t like other
    people and doesn’t want to talk is ________ .

  4. … works slowly and doesn’t
    do their job well is ________ .

  5. … doesn’t think about
    other people’s needs or wishes is ________ .

  6. … isn’t happy with the
    way things happened is ________ .

  1. Business
    etiquette in other countries. Read the following information about
    business etiquette in such cities as Sydney, London and New York.


We in
Sydney are very easy-going and relaxed about rules. But we work hard.
We start work pretty early in the morning. Breakfast meetings are
common, starting at 8am. And we like to start meetings on time – so
it’s important not to be late! We’re generally very informal. Men
often wear a jacket and tie during office hours. But we prefer
informal clothes when the weather’s hot. For lunch, we usually go
out for a sandwich. What do we talk about? Well – it isn’t
difficult to talk to Australians – we’re very friendly people.
But it helps a lot if you can talk about sport.


Most people
that I know don’t like to start work early. We hate breakfast
meetings! People are always in a hurry – so being on time for
meetings is important. People think the British are very formal. But
things are changing. I think we’re quite informal nowadays. Some
men still wear formal business suits – but a lot of people come to
work in casual clothes. Lunch is often a quick sandwich and a coffee.
After work, we like to go to the pub with colleagues. At the pub you
can talk about anything you like!

New York

Life in New
York is fast and dynamic. Some people say that we’re rude. I don’t
mean to be rude – I just don’t have much time for being polite!
Work starts early in the morning – breakfast meetings start at 7am
– don’t be late! Most people dress in suits for business – it’s
important to look smart. A lot of people eat at their desk at
lunchtime. But if we go to a restaurant, we talk business right
through lunch. We don’t talk about the food. People are very
competitive and work always comes first!

  1. Complete
    the table according to the text above





– 8am





do people talk about outside work?


  1. Can you communicate
    successfully across cultures? Match the statements (a-к) with the
    parameters (1-11) which help us to understand other national and
    corporate cultures.
































of communication


a) If a meeting is supposed to
start at o’clock, then I think II should start at 9 o’clock.

b) Managers and unions? It’s
them and us. You’ll never get the if two sides to really work

Everyone calls each other by their first names and I can walk into
the office of anyone in the company.

d) If I told a joke at the
start of a presentation, people would think I was not serious about
my job.

e) I don’t like people I don’t
know to stand too close to me.

f) Just because someone has a
doctorate, they don’t have to insist that everyone calls them Doctor.

g) I think it’s right for the
boss to have another pay rise. After all, he takes the risks and the
difficult decisions.

h) I like to say exactly what
I think and I expect other people to do the same.

i) I tried to help one of the
girls in the office into her coat and she got really angry!

j) I tried to call this guy in
Norway at 3 o’clock on Friday afternoon and everyone in the office
had gone home!

I like to do one thing at a time. I can’t stand people who start
taking phone calls in the middle of meetings.

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  • Impossibility is a word
  • In each line choose one word that
  • In each line choose one word hook tentacle
  • In each group there is a word which does not go with others
  • In each group of words on the left one word