In each group there is a word which does not go with others

School Theatre

работаю в обычной школе, но в классах с
углублённым изучением английского языка.
Главным в своей работе считаю развитие и
поддержание интереса к своему предмету. Я
стараюсь использовать различные приёмы, формы,
методы, с помощью которых изучение английского
языка становится интересным и увлекательным.

Проведение праздников, конкурсов,
вызывают огромный интерес у школьников. В данной
статье я хочу рассказать об одном из таких

Участниками праздника-конкурса
являются как отдельные учащиеся, так и команды от

Перед праздником дети и родители готовили
сувениры, подарки, открытки, читали о празднике в
газетах, журналах, книгах; знакомились с
традициями проведения этого праздника в Англии и
США; учили стихи, песни, украшали кабинет. Ученики
3 “Б” класса подготовили сценку о Санта Клаусе и
эльфах. На праздник пригласили родителей, гостей
из Америки и Канады, которые также организовали
игры-конкурсы. Участники праздника получали
фанты за каждый конкурс, а победители получили
сладкие медали и рождественские сувениры. У нас
остался видеофильм об этом весёлом Рождестве.
Вести праздник помогали ученики 11 класса.



Dear children and guests! On the 25th of December people celebrate Christmas – a
beautiful holiday, which is loved by children and adults; when everything is decorated
with lights and toys; when we see Christmas trees everywhere; when people buy presents and
cook special food, send cards and have parties! And we’ll celebrate this holiday now!

I want to introduce our guests: meet Andrew – he is from USA – and
Heather – she is from Canada. Your parents have also come to us. Elena Ivanovna – a
teacher of English, will help me, and the girls from the 11th form will help me too.

Today we’ll have an English contest – all the tasks will be
connected with Christmas. We’ll play games, sing songs, recite poems – so I hope that
we’ll enjoy this holiday, and have a good time.

So I wish you good luck! Everyone will get a forfeit for the best
result in each competition, and at the end we’ll see who is the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
places, which group is better, and of course you’ll get presents.

Let’s start!

We’ve learnt a song about Christmas. Let’s sing it!

Children sing a song “Merry Christmas, everyone!” by Shaken
Steavens from the album “Enjoy listening and learning”.

Teacher: Christmas
begins with cards. Some of you also have prepared Christmas cards. All of you, who drew
them, got forfeits. We decided to give additional forfeits for the best cards.

The children prepared Christmas cards beforehand, they were displayed
in the classroom on the walls and everybody saw them.

Contest 1:

I’ll show you groups of words. In each group there is a word which
does not go with others. Find this word, please!

1. Turkey, goose, pudding, nuts, oranges, pears, eggs.

2. Sleigh, Santa Claus, snow-flake, winter, Christmas tree, butterfly.

3. Christmas, pudding, turkey, cracker, tinsel, sleigh, wreath, Easter.

4. Tinsel, bulb, stocking, mistletoe, gift, sleigh, holly, jelly,

Game 1:

“Pin the Tail on the Donkey.” Let’s play a little. Here is a
Donkey, but it has no tail.

Everybody has a chance to pin the tail on the Donkey. It’s not so
easy, because you cannot see – you have a scarf over your eyes. The person who puts the
tail to the right place is the winner.

Game 2:

“The Field of Wonders.” I’ll give you one
verb – I’ll write it on the blackboard. You must make up sentences with this verb in
the right tense form – insert it in the empty squares.

Here are the squares on the blackboard and each of you will get a piece
of paper with such a field. Who wants to play this game – take a “field” (a piece of
paper), please!

Game 3:

“Pass the Parcel”: here is something wrapped
in a lot of the papers. You’ll stand in a circle and pass the parcel to the person next
to you. There is music playing. When the music stops, you take off one of the papers. Then
music starts again. The person who takes the last piece off wins the prize.

Children play the game “Pass the Parcel”.

Contest 2:

Now I’ll give you one word. You must in a
minute’s time write as many words as possible with the letters of this word. Take pieces
of paper! Take pens, pencils. Be ready. Look at this word – “Poinsettia”! Start,

Game 4:

You know that children get presents from the
socks or stockings. You must guess what presents are in them. If you are right then
you’ll take the presents, who wants to play?

We have presents – apples, pears, candies, nuts etc. – in three
socks hanging over the “fire-place”.

There are a lot of poems about Christmas. I know that some of you have learnt them. If you
want to recite it – do, please!

Children recite poems about Christmas.

You know that Christmas is connected with presents. The pupils of the
3rd form prepared you a present too – the play about Santa Claus. Please, my dears, act!

Contest 3:

It is a tradition with English children to have
the following contest. That is why I’ll give you one word – “Christmas”, and you
are to speak for a minute about it without a break. If you stop, you’ll loose this
contest. Who wants to begin?

Children speak about Christmas one after another for one minute only.

Game 5:

Here are apples and water. You must catch the
apple without using hands in a bowl of water.

Contest 4:

Now you’ll listen to the descriptions of some
holidays recorded on the tape. I’ll give you pieces of paper and the names of the
holidays. You can see the squares near them. While listening write the number of each
text. (The text is from the book In Britain.)

Contest 5:

Let’s guess the riddles about Christmas!


1. It is a holiday which is celebrated on the
25th of December. (Christmas)

2. It is an old man who comes from the North Pole on his sledge and
brings presents to everybody at Christmas. (Santa Claus)

3. It is decorated with lights, and toys, and tinsel, and it is in all
the houses and in squares. (Green tree)

4. It is a thing which is very dear to children at Christmas, as they
find presents in it in the morning. (Stocking)

5. It is a traditional meal which people cook for Christmas party. They
think that if they all take part in mixing it, they will be happy. (Pudding)

6. It is a thing which people hang on the door of the house or a flat.

So it’s time to finish our party! I want to tell you the results of our contest. (All
the winners get presents – sweets, chocolate medals.)

Let me thank our guests. Merry Christmas, dears! I wish you good
health, good luck! Here are small presents for everybody! Thank you!

Every participant gets a present – a cracker with chocolate.

Макарова Л.Б.
г. Орёл, школа №18


1 Общая информация об уроке. Тема:

1.1 Тип: обобщающий
урок по теме «Рождество» (проводится после изучения темы по страноведению
«Праздники в англоязычных странах»).

1.2 Форма организации учебной деятельности: групповая, индивидуальная.

1.3 Цели


Формирование коммуникативной культуры школьников.

Развитие речевого умения (монологическая и диалогическая форма речи).

Развитие навыков аудирования.

Показать межпредметную связь на примере презентации «Празднование Рождества в Англии,
Австралии, России, Германии».


Формирование кросс-культурной грамотности.

Пополнение знаний по страноведению.

Обучение навыкам: планирования деятельности, работы в оптимальном темпе,
подведения итогов.

Формирование чувства ответственности, коллективизма, сотворчества,


Развитие познавательного интереса через вовлечение учащихся в творческую

Развитие способностей к сравнению и сопоставлению, к логическому изложению, к
формулированию выводов из услышанного.

Развитие умения находить нужную информацию, выполнять и оформлять
исследовательскую работу.

1.4 Оборудование

Компьютер, экран, проектор, презентация, аудиофайлы песен, иллюстрации, открытки,
изготовленные учащимися, снежинки, вырезанные из бумаги.

1. Организовать повторение лексического и страноведческого материала по данной
2. Учить учащихся правильно строить предложения на английском языке по теме,
организовать практику устной речи на английском языке.
3. Познакомить учащихся с некоторыми традициями и обычаями празднования
Рождества в других странах.

 4. Способствовать формированию у учащихся навыков социолингвистической
и лингвострановедческой, коммуникативной компетенций.

2 Ход урока:

2.1 the
organizational moment.

 Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls.
Glad to see you again! We start our lesson, which is connected with a beautiful
holiday, the most popular holiday in Great Britain. This holiday is the
favourite holiday of all English children and grown-up persons. We will speak
and read about this holiday, have a competition, present your cards, and sing a
song. For each answer you will get one snowflake. At the end of the lesson I
will count your snowflakes and put you marks. Are you ready for the lesson?

 2.2 Tongue-twisters

 I hope you’ll enjoy
our English lesson and be friendly to each other. I wish you good luck! Let’s
But first of all, I want you to listen to our short tongue-twisters and repeat
after me and guess what holiday we are going to speak about (Слайд 2)

2.3 the most famous

Let’s sing the most famous
song (Silent night) (Слайд 3)

2.4 Traditional
Christmas tree

Teacher: Look at these pictures on the
экране изображение рождественской елки) (Слайд 4 ).
This is а traditional “Christmas
tree”. There are а lot of symbols, things and words, which are connected with
this holiday. What are they? (
Ученики называют некоторые символы Рождества: рождественские открытки, подарки и т.д. Ответы сопровождаются появлением опор: Santa Clause, Christmas tree, Merry
Christmas, Christmas cards, presents, stocking.) (
Слайды 5- 19)

What do you know about Christmas?(
Слайд 20)
Предполагаемые ответы учащихся:
P1: We know that Christmas is a favourite holiday for English people,
especially for children.
P2: Christmas is a religious holiday. They celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
P3: I think Christmas is a family holiday. Families gather for traditional
Christmas dinner. They exchange presents and congratulate each other.
P4: People decorate Christmas tree and their houses; send Christmas cards to
their relatives and friends.

The next question is
«What traditional Christmas meals do you know?»(
Слайд 21); «What can you say about
colours of Christmas?» (
Слайд 22-25)

2.5 Christmas symbols
and traditions

Teacher: Guess these
Christmas symbols and traditions: (Слайды 26-27)

2.6 Odd one out

Teacher: And now listen to the groups of
words. In each group there is a word, which does not go with others. Find
this word, please! Name the odd word. Orally. (Учащиеся выбирают «лишнее» слово и
получают одно украшение для елки за каждый правильный ответ.) (Слайд 28)
Turkey, pudding,
pumpkin pie, vegetables.
Santa Clause, holiday, Christmas tree, birch tree.
Christmas pudding, Easter, ring, horseshoe.
Trousers, stockings, presents, socks.
Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas.

23rd December, 24th
December, 25th December, 26th December.

 2.7 The rebuses

Teacher: Solve the rebuses. If you do it you
will know what presents Santa Claus brings for children. Write
the words. (Группы получают ребусы и
разгадывают их. За каждое правильно разгаданное слово получают снежинку).
(Слайд 29 )

2.8 The celebration
of Christmas in different countries

Teacher: Go to the next question. How do people
celebrate Christmas in Russia, Germany, Australia? Let’s divide into three
groups and discuss these traditions, using illustrations on the screen. (
Слайды 31- 40)

For-example, Group 1: In Australia December comes during the summer. Many
people celebrate Christmas by going on a picnic or going to the beach.
Schoolchildren have a six-week summer holiday at Christmastime.

2.9 Релаксация:

Teacher: I know that you have prepared your own
Christmas cards for your friends. Let
s organize our card «parade«. (Дети выставляют свои
открытки на специальном месте и зачитывают поздравления).

Teacher: Your cards are very nice. You may
give them to your parents or friends.

2.10 Christmas quiz

Teacher: Do this
wonderful Christmas quiz (Слайд 41-43).

2.11 Teacher’s

Teacher: The next task is to answer my
questions. For example, tell us how you celebrate Christmas in your family. (
Слайд 44)

Pupil 1: In our family we gather together аt the holiday supper. Our
mother prepares many tasty things.

2.12 The second
famous song

Teacher: I want you, dear children, to sing
the next song «Jingle Bells». (
Слайд 45)

3 Заключение

3.1 Заключительный
этап урока:

So, its time to finish our lesson. You have learnt some interesting
facts about Christmas. (
Слайд 46)

T: Christmas means the spirit of giving
peace and joy to you,

The goodness of loving,

The gladness of living;

These are Christmas too.

So, keep Christmas with you

All through the year,

When Christmas is over,

Save some Christmas cheer,

These precious moments,

Hold them very dear

And keep Christmas with you

All through the year.

 You had some fun: you
have solved the rebuses, sung the song. And what do you think about our lesson?
(Рефлексия. Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение.)

Teacher: Thank you for your work. I will
count your snowflakes and put good marks. The lesson is over. Good luck and
Merry Christmas!

Тема: Рождество

Цель: создание условий для воспитания уважительного отношения к культуре другой страны через ознакомление с её традициями, поэзией, музыкой; формирования способности участвовать в межкультурном диалоге путем сравнения традиций различных стран.

— формирование словарного запаса учащихся по теме «Рождество» и составление высказываний с помощью опор;
— формирование способности и готовности использовать иноязычную речь в иноязычном общении (в контексте данного празднования);


— развитие речемыслительной деятельности, умения переноса знаний в новую ситуацию;
— развитие языковой догадки;
— развитие умения вести диалог по теме;
— расширение кругозора, творческих способностей учащихся , развивать творческий потенциал учащихся, приобщая их к национальной культуре страны изучаемого языка;


— показать значимость умения решать коммуникативные задачи через диалог;
— воспитание коммуникативной компетенции учащихся

Оборудование: ПК, мультимедийный проектор, аудиозапись “Jingle Bells”, презентация на тему «Рождество», рождественские украшения (елка, рождественские чулки, открытки, календари, подарки), карточки с заданиями и упражнениями для проверки понимания материала.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент (приветствие, тема, задачи урока); 2 мин.

Teacher (T- учитель): Good morning, our guests and children!

Students (S- ученики): Good morning, teacher!

T: I’m glad to see you.

S: I’m glad to see you too.

T: How are you?

S: I am fine, thank you. How are you?

T: I’m fine, thank you. Sit down, please. Today is the 19th of December. The classroom is decorated nicely. T: OK, now I offer you to listen to one song and guess what holiday is this song about? (Звучит песня «We wish you a Merry Christmas!»).

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

And a Happy New Year!

P1: This song is about Christmas.

T: Of course! What are we going to speak about?

P2: About Christmas.

T: What do you know about Christmas?

P1: I know that Christmas is a favourite holiday for English people, especially for children.

P2: Christmas is a religious holiday.

P3: I think Christmas is a family holiday. Families gather for Christmas dinner. They give presents to each other.

P4: Every Englishman sends many Christmas cards.

P5: People decorate Christmas tree with beautiful balls and toys.

— Of course, New Year and Christmas, but do you know how people in Britain celebrate these holidays?

(- Конечно Новый год и Рождество, но знаете ли вы, как люди отмечают эти праздники в Британии?)

S: We are going to talk about Christmas.

T: Why are we going to talk about Christmas now?

S: We are going to talk about Christmas now because it’s coming soon in Great Britain, on the 24th of December.

What are the tasks of our lesson:1)to lean new words,traditions and customs of Great Britain. задачами урока

1) learn new words

2) sing a new song

3) make up dialogues

4) read and listen to a story

5) create rhymes and cards

6) test on-line

7) play games

What do you know about Christmas?

-Christmas is a religious holiday.

T: That’s right. In Russia we celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. That holiday is different in two countries. Let’s look closer and learn what these differences are. To learn this we’re going to watch video, write Christmas cards, give presents and sing songs. Oh! Can you hear that? (Song )звучит песня и дети поют вместе.

Видио»We wish you are …»(sing the song)

  1. Фонетическая разминка 4 мин.

Santa Claus bell turkey wreath

sleign carol candle stocking

Christmas tree reindeer pudding ornaments

Christmas card present garland candy cane

  1. First of all let’s speak a little bit about history of this holiday.

What symbols are connected with Christmas?

Santa Claus Christmas tree Pudding Rabbit

Valentine card Pumpkin Reindeer Mickey Mouse

Stockings Mistletoe Candles Cake Fireworks

  1. Знакомство с историей празднования Рождества.

T.: But before my story let’s learn new words. (новые слова на доске на ватмане,

Went to Bethlehem учитель проговаривает,

Dangerous – ученики хором повторяют)

Dark –

To appear

Sky –

Suddenly –

Saw –

A cave –

Sleep –

Husband –

Gave a birth to her child –

A lot of people –

Brought –

Was born –

The brightest –

Showed —

T.: Now attention, please! In England people begin to celebrate Christmas on 24th of December. You

know it is a religious holiday.

Mary and Joseph were Christ’s parents. They went to Bethlehem. Their way was dangerous and very long. It was getting darker and darker. They didn’t know where to go. A lot of bright stars appeared in the sky. Suddenly Mary saw a cave. “Let’s have a sleep in this place,” she said to her husband. At last they found a place where Mary gave a birth to her child. He was a boy. A lot of people came to see him. They brought many presents for him. Many bright stars appeared

in the sky when Christ was born. But among them was the biggest and the brightest star that showed the way to his place of birth.

Is the text clear for you? It’s time to check what you know about


T: now answer my question, please! How do the English people celebrate Christmas holiday? What do they usually do this day?

P11: People buy Christmas trees, presents, cards. Children decorate the Christmas tree with toys, tinsels and lights. People send Christmas cards to relatives and friends.

P12: On Christmas Eve people usually go to a special church service. They sing Christmas carols. They put their presents under the Christmas tree.

P13: People usually spend time with their families. In the morning they usually go to church and then they have Christmas dinner. There are a lot of fun and jokes on that day. Children like this holiday very much. They go from house to house, sing songs and congratulate people.

P1: The traditional Christmas food is roast turkey with potatoes and Christmas pudding.

P7: Parents and children give presents to each other this holiday.

Учитель просит учащихся рассказать, как англичане празднуют рождество.

P8: The English people like to celebrate Christmas holiday. They buy Christmas trees, presents, cards. They put their presents under the Christmas tree. Children decorate the Christmas tree with toys, tinsels and lights. People send Christmas cards to relatives and friends. On Christmas Eve or in the morning people usually go to a special church service. They sing Christmas carols. Then they have Christmas dinner. The traditional Christmas food is roast turkey with potatoes and Christmas pudding. There are a lot of fun and jokes on that day. Children like this holiday very much. They go from house to house, sing songs and congratulate people. Parents and children give presents to each other this holiday.

T.: Children, what did you understand?

Р.: …….

Santa Claus goes into your house through the … (chimney)

  • How does Santa Claus go from house to house … (on a sleigh)

  • His sleigh is pulled by … (reindeer)

  • Where does he put children presents? (in the stockings/under the tree)

  • What children decorate Christmas Tree with? (baubles, ornaments, lights, tinsels, crackers, bells)

  • Santa’s helpers are … (elves

  • What are favourite children treats for Christmas? (gingerbread man, candy cane)

P:Christmas, December 25, is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.

other decorations do you know … (wreath, holly, mistletoe, candles, cards)


T: Now we are going to divide in to two teams. Give your team a name and make up a slogan for it.

a) T: Give associations to the word “Christmas” (Команды по очереди называют слова-ассоциации. Выигрывает команда, назвавшая слово последней). The tem gave an answer would get a snowball. The team that will get more snowballs at the end will be a winner.

(Предполагаемые ответы: snow, winter, Father Frost, Santa Claus, presents, sweets, stockings, frost, Christmas –tree, holiday, snowman, December, sleigh, deer и другие).

    1. T: You are to guess the meaning of the word and give a translation to it. I’m going to read a sentence to each team in rotation. The word you are to translate is on the blackboard. Three words for each team.

  1. Father Christmas traditionally enters a house through its chimney.

  2. Christmas Eve is the evening or day before Christmas Day, the widely celebrated annual holiday

  3. People in Britain decorate their houses with holly to fill them with Christmas spirit (Па́дуб, илиостроли́ст)

  4. Mistletoe is also always used for decoration for christmas. (омела белая)

  5. Santa delivers presents on his sleigh with reindeers.

  6. People use tinsel to decorate Christmas trees. (мишура)

    1. T: Each team will get a card with a long sentence on. You are to divide it into words.(Задание на карточке-приложение-2.Чья команда быстрее и правильно напишет предложения, та и выигрывает)

  1. Our lesson is a kind of a competition so the group will be divided into 2 teams. The captains of the teams “Snowmen” and “Santa Claus” are chosen.

  2. (Наше мероприятие проходит в форме соревнования, поэтому группа будет делиться на две команды. Выбираются капитаны команд “Снеговик” и ”Дед Мороз”).

Card 1


Card 2


    1. team that will finish first will get a snowball.

  1. The 24th December is called…….

  2. The 25th December is called……

  3. The 26th December is called……

  4. Many families decorate their house with…….

  5. Children believe that …….. brings them presents.

Questions for the first team:

  1. We dream about them all night before Christmas. (presents)

  2. We usually put them on but once a year we hang them for the presents. (stockings)

  3. The unusual entrance through which Santa usually comes in. (chimney)

  4. The time when we are not at school and we are happy. Sometimes we get presents on this time. ( holiday)

  5. A magical person who has a cherry nose, a cap on head, a suit that’s red. ( Santa Claus )

  6. Santa has it, it’s long and white. ( beard)

  7. The place where the English children hang their stockings at night waiting for their presents. ( fireplace )

Questions for the second team:

  1. How does Santa Claus travel? ( on deer or on a sleigh )

  2. What is the traditional Christmas food? ( roast turkey )

  3. What are the traditional Christmas colors? ( red and green)

  4. What is the traditional Christmas dessert? ( Christmas pudding)

  5. What is the most popular Christmas song in the world? ( Jingle Bells)

  6. A very busy man at Christmas ? ( postman)

  7. It burns brightly without the electricity . (candle)

  1. And now look at the groups of words. In each group there is a word, which does not go with others. Find this word, please! Name the odd word. Orally.

  1. Turkey, pudding, pumpkin pie, vegetables.

  2. Santa Clause, holiday, Christmas tree, birch tree.

  3. Christmas pudding, Easter, ring, horseshoe.

  4. Trousers, stockings, presents, socks.

  5. 23rd December, 24th December, 25th December, 26th December.

  6. Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas.

  7. Учитель подготовил командам вопросы. Представители команд подходят и получают маршрутные листы с вопросами, возвращаются обратно к командам и за отведенное время должны дать ответ.

  8. When do people celebrate Christmas Day? (December 25th)

  9. Why do we celebrate Christmas? (Jesus was born)

  10. Where does Santa live? (Lapland, North Pole)

  11. What animal pulls Santa’s sleigh? (reindeer)

  12. Santa carries presents in this. (the bag)

  13. You can find your presents under this. (Christmas tree)

  14. Children sing them in the streets and at home. (carols)

  15. Santa put his presents for children in this. (stockings)

  16. Father Christmas rides in this. (sledge)

  17. Traditional food for Christmas dinner. (turkey, pudding, apples)

  18. Christmas decorations for Christmas tree. (coloured balls, toys, sweets, candles, lights)

  19. Физкультминутка

Сегодня наша зарядка тоже посвящена рождественской теме.

Listen and do with me.

Ring your bells and turn around} 3 times

Christmas time has come.

Ring your bells and stamp your feet} 3 times

Christmas time has come.

Ring your bells and say OK} 3 times

Christmas time has come.

  1. Tests

1) Which is the most popular holiday in Great Britain?

A – New Year

B – X-mas (+)

C – Halloween

D – Boxing Day

2) Christmas is celebrated in Great Britain:

A – On the 1st of April

B – On the 31st of December

C – On the 25th of December (+)

D – On the 7th of January

3) What do British people eat during this holiday?

A – Christmas pudding (+)

B – Spaghetti

C- Pizza

D – Fish and chips

4) What song do the British sing on the New Year’s day?

A – Jingle Bells

B – Auld Lang Syne (+)

C – Yesterday

D – I’ll Meet you at Midnight

5) What do the British do during Guy Fawkes Day?

A – Burn a dummy (+)

B – Give presents to each other

C – Stay at home

D – Let off fireworks (+)

6) What would you expect to find in a Christmas stocking?

A – Old shoes

B – Money

C – Small presents (+)

D – Granny’s hat

T. – The winner of the competition is…

VII. Christmas Riddles

(Рождественские загадки)

T. – Let’s guess the riddles. If the team is ready, raise your hands, captains.

Do you like riddles? I hope, you do, because I have nice riddles for you to guess!

Вам нравятся загадки? Надеюсь, что да, потому что у меня есть для вас несколько прекрасных загадок!

    1. -The rules of the game are the following: each member of your teams takes a рaрer with the riddle from this box and guesses it. If you don’t know the answer you may ask for help of your team. If nobody knows it you put it back in the box and sit down. Is the task clear for you? He’s old, fat and likes to wear red clothes. He brings children their presents on Christmas Day. (Santa Claus)

    2. It’s cold and white and falls from the sky. (Snow)

    3. What is Santa Claus’s favourite colour? (Red)

    4. It’s green and brown. People put presents under it and open them on Christmas Day. (A fir-tree)

    5. This is something you make with snow. It looks like a man. (A snowman)

    6. How does Santa Claus enter a house? He comes down a what? (A chimney)

    7. People get these on Christmas Day. (Presents)

    8. Who helps Santa Claus with his work? (A snowmaiden, reindeer, snowmen)

    9. Many people eat this tasty food on Christmas Day. (Turkey, pudding)

    10. You can see this at night high in the sky. (A star)

    11. What is the name of the day before Christmas Day? (Christmas Eve)

    12. On January the 1st we say “Happy…” (New Year)

1. What is white and made out of snow? (A snowman)

2. What is the end of Christmas? (The letter S)

3. Is it better to write a letter to Santa on the table or on the desk? (On the paper)

4. We dream about them all night before Xmas? (Presents)

5. What king is the children’s favourite at Christmas time?( A stocKING)

6. A special Xmas song which is sung during Christmas time. (carol)

7. The unusual entrance through which Santa usually comes in (chimney)

8. Russian Santa Clause. (Father Frost)

9. Traditional Christmas dish. (pudding)

10. The place where the English children hang their stockings at night waiting for their presents (fireplace)

11. We decorate…with toys, glass balls, sweets, bells. (Christmas tree)

12.It’s time when is snowing, when all children do skating, skiing, make snowmen and play snowballs. (Winter)

13.We celebrate it on the first of January. (New Year)

14. What do snowmen have for breakfast?( Snowflakes)

15. How many sides does a snowflake have? (6)

16. Who helps Santa to make toys (elves)

17. Santa’s means of transport (sleigh)

18. Churches ring these to tell you that the mass is going to start (bells)

19. This symbol of Xmas has wings and often wears white (angel)

20. What is the name of the plant that people usually kiss under (mistletoe)

21. What was traditionally put into the Christmas pudding in the UK to bring good luck (coin)

22. These decorated cookies are made in the shape of little people. What are they? (gingerbread)

Your task is to decide if the following sentences are true or false. Don’t forget to correct the false sentences.

Р: Выполняют задание на карточках (соглашаются или не соглашаются с утверждениями) (True/False)

Decide if the following sentences True or False?

  1. The British people celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January.

  2. The houses are decorated with Christmas lights (огни).

  3. There is a lot of music during this holiday.

  4. Shopping is not popular in December.

  5. People put their gifts under the tables.

On Christmas Day families exchange gifts

T: Now we have spoken about Christmas holiday and now … let’s congratulate each other with this best holiday! Say me, please! How do the English people congratulate each other? You have prepared greetings cards, haven’t you? Show me please! (Учащиеся показывают учителю поздравительные открытки.) Oh what beautiful greetings cards! Well! Let’s write congratulations and best wishes to each other! (Учащиеся пишут поздравления на открытках.)

5. Минидиалоги.

Т: Now congratulate each other with Christmas! (Учащиеся поздравляют друг друга с Рождеством.)

P1: Dear Andrew! Merry Christmas! I wish you good luck!

P2: Thank you! The same to you! И т. д.

Your home task:

1) Find facts about Christmas in Russia to tell us about it. And don’t forget to give cards to your family, please! :-)

  1. Today we’ve learnt a lot about Chriztmas and New Year traditions in English speaking countries . What tradition did you like best? Why?

And what about Russia?

Which of these holidays is more important in our country?

It’s New Year.

When do Russian people celebrate it?

On the 31 st of December.

What do people usually do on New Year Eve?

People buy New Year tree, decorate it with bright coloured ornaments, lights.

What about food?

We cook tasty salads, meat, pies, cakes.

Do we cook roast turkey and pudding?

No, we don’t.

And what about Santa Claus in Russia?

We call him Ded Moroz.

Does he bring presents to children?

Yes, he does.

Well done

Well, I hope you’ve got much pleasure of our today’s event. What have you learnt, children? I also wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

(- Итак, я надеюсь вам понравилось сегодняшнее мероприятие. Дети, что нового вы сегодня узнали? Я тоже желаю вам счастливого Рождества и веселого Нового года!) London, The UK
18th December
Dear Santa!

How …you? My name … Betty. I … very glad about presents. Thanks a lot. I … good at studying .My parents … proud of my success. I would like you to give me a small puppy as a present! What …your favourite music?.

Lots of love.


Task 1

Read the text and answer the questions.

The most popular holiday in Great Britain is Christmas. They celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It’s a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Most families decorate their houses with a Christmas tree; buy presents for the family and friends, write Christmas cards. In England almost every family receives more than 60 Christmas cards.


1.Who gives the city of London a Christmas tree every year?
2. Where does the Christmas tree stand?
3. What do English people do before Christmas?

Task 2

Read the text and answer the questions.

The traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey with vegetables and Christmas pudding. In England people make Christmas pudding before Christmas. Everyone in family stirs the pudding and makes a wish. It’s a traditional meal, which people cook for Christmas party. When the pudding is hot they put 5-penny pieces in it, and sometimes a little silver horseshoe, a button and a ring. If you find a button in your piece of pudding you will be rich, a horseshoe means happiness and good luck, a ring — marriage.


  1. What is the traditional Christmas dinner?

  2. What do people put into the pudding?

  3. What does it mean if you find a button (a horseshoe, a ring) in your piece of pudding?

Task № 3

Read the text and answer the questions.

The fun starts the night before, on the 24th of December, Christmas Eve. Traditionally this is the day when people decorate their trees. Children hang stockings at the end of their beds hopping that Farther Christmas will fill them with toys and sweets. Christmas is family holiday. Relatives usually meet for the big Christmas dinner. The 26th December – Boxing Day is an extra holiday after Christmas. This day people usually give and receive presents. This is time to visit friends and relatives or to sit at home and watch football.


  1. When does the celebration of Christmas start?

  2. What do children do on the Christmas Eve?

  3. What is Boxing Day? What do people usually do on that day?

Task 4

And now listen to the groups of words. In each group there is a word, which does not go with others. Find this word, please! Name the odd word. Orally.

  1. Turkey, pudding, pumpkin pie, vegetables.

  2. Santa Clause, holiday, Christmas tree, birch tree.

  3. Christmas pudding, Easter, ring, horseshoe.

  4. Trousers, stockings, presents, socks.

  5. 23rd December, 24th December, 25th December, 26th December.

  6. Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas.


From the Aerodynamics of Reindeer to the Thermodynamics of Turkey.

By Roger Highfield

Each year the science journalist Roger Highfield searches for stories with a Christmas angle – the evolution of gift giving, the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem, how reindeer fly, cloned Christmas trees and anything else that might add flavor to his column in The Daily Telegraph of London. He has now gathered them in a delightful compendium of seasonal science, “The Physics of Christmas.’’

Many might feel that scientific analysis of festive phenomena would destroy the spirit of Christmas. Indeed, this is possible, as demonstrated by the British scientist Richard Dawkins. In his book “Unweaving the Rainbow,’’ he explains that Santa would have to travel faster than the speed of sound to visit all the children in the world in a single night. Hence, as he accelerates to and from each house, his sleigh would break the sound barrier, thereby generating a tremendous shock wave and a sonic boom. Because we never hear this sonic boom, Dawkins claims that Santa does not exist. In fact, he proudly admits to using this argument to disprove the existence of Santa to a 6-year-old.

However, Highfield’s approach to the science of Christmas is quite the opposite. Relying on the research of a list of scholars from around the world, he endeavors to enrich our understanding of everything associated with the holiday, providing genuine insights as well as fanciful speculation. For example, the reason we do not hear deafening sonic booms on Christmas Eve is that Santa’s sleigh is fitted with an antinoise mechanism. Sound can be thought of as a series of peaks and troughs. The sleigh emits a noise to accompany the sonic boom, such that a peak in the boom is matched by a trough in the emitted noise, and vice versa. The result is that the sonic boom is canceled, and we are left with a silent night.

Despite its title, the book covers a range of scientific topics, including a detailed analysis of the hangover, the explanation behind the strange taste of brussels sprouts and the hunt for the perfect Christmas tree (a straight trunk that slips easily into the stand, limbs angling upward at 45 degrees, a uniform conical shape tapering downward at 40 degrees and good needle retention). There are also chapters covering the sociological and psychological aspects of Christmas.

In 1944 the psychologist Richard Sterba drew some extraordinary parallels between Christmas celebrations and the customs surrounding childbirth: the preparatory excitement, secret anticipation, the last-minute activity and delivery of a gift, whether it is a baby or a pair of socks.

One hypothesis with slightly more evidence to back it up is the theory that Christmas has a death-defying effect. It appears that people on the verge of dying can strike a deal with God (or exercise willpower) in order to live for a few extra days and experience a final family gathering. The best evidence for this theory comes from a study of Jewish men who died in the weeks on either side of the Passover festival. The advantage of studying Passover rather than Christmas is that its date is not fixed, and so the effect of the festival can be distinguished from the impact of seasonal factors. The results showed that deaths increased by 25 percent in the week after Passover. The effect rose to 61 percent when Passover fell on a weekend, presumably because family gatherings are larger and the desire to survive even greater. It is interesting to note that John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on July 4, 1826, summoning up the extra strength required to witness the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

In addition to the science, Highfield also examines the history of the festival, from Christmas cards to the origin of Santa. The inspiration for Santa seems to be the generous St. Nicholas, born around AD 245 in the town of Patara in what is now Turkey. The story of most relevance tells how Nicholas secretly deposited three bags of gold in a house, so that a father could pay for the marriages of his three daughters. Interestingly, legend says that he sneaked the third bag into the house by dropping it down the chimney, which may have given rise to the modern interpretation of Santa’s preferred method of delivering presents.

If St. Nicholas is the original Santa, and his home is in Turkey rather than Lapland, then Highfield suggests that perhaps sunburn is the explanation for Rudolph’s red nose. Alternatively, if Rudolph does reside in the Arctic, then parasites may be the cause of his inflamed proboscis. Reindeer noses contain an elaborate concentration of folded membranes, which act as heat exchangers. Inhaled cold air is rapidly warmed as it enters the body, and exhaled air is cooled before leaving. This helps the animal to retain heat, and also reduces moisture loss but moist respiratory system provides a comfortable home to many parasites, including 20 that are unique to reindeer. Hence Rudolph’s celebrated discoloration is the result of parasitic infection.

Inevitably, Highfield includes a few stories that will be familiar to many, such as the mystery of Santa’s incredible annual present-giving escapade, but even this chestnut is spiced up with the latest research. In 1994 I worked on a television program that revealed that Santa’s exploits were achieved by quantum teleportation. Scientists had only just completed some very tentative experiments, but it seemed that Santa’s Arctic laboratory had mastered the technology. Highfield describes this and other similar theories, involving warp-drive sleighs, wormholes and surfing on the crest of the space-time wave, and he adds another, more believable theory.

The mathematician Ian Stewart of Warwick University in England says that “reindeer have a curious arrangement of gadgetry on top of their heads which we call antlers and naively assume exist for the males to do battle to win females. This is absolute nonsense. The antlers are actually fractal vortex-shedding devices. We are talking not aerodynamics here, but antlaerodynamics.’’ This phenomenon arises on the wingtips of a Concorde, but it is only apparent on antlers at very high speed. However, in order to deliver all the presents, the reindeer are forced to fly at speeds of 6,000 times the speed of sound, far in excess of the speed required for antlers to generate lift.

It is worth noting that the American edition of “The Physics of Christmas’’ omits two chapters included in the British edition. One relates to a peculiarly British delicacy (Christmas pudding), and its omission is understandable. The other concerns the Virgin Birth. Presumably the editors wanted to steer clear of controversy, and therefore took the safe option. The result is that they have lost a thought-provoking chapter, one that would only have contributed further to an already enchanting scientific celebration of Christmas.

By Simon Singh


sonic boom

an explosive sound that results when the cone-shaped shock wave caused by an object, as an airplane, traveling at supersonic speed touches the ground


имя оленя


Colloq. a very familiar story, piece of music, etc. that is too often repeated


the theoretical transportation of matter through space by converting it into energy and then reconverting it at the terminal point


Geom. an extremely irregular line or surface formed of an infinite number of similarly irregular sections: fractals have fractional dimension between one and two, or between two and three, dimensions

The Christmas Tree

 How did it all begin? No one really knows, though the custom of having Christmas trees certainly comes from Germany. At one time ‘Adam and Eve Day’ was celebrated on 24 December. They decorated a tree, known as the Paradise Tree, with apples and fruit. And they acted the story of the Garden of Eden and how, in the beginning, the world was spoilt.

A legend links the Christmas tree with St Boniface of Crediton, who left England to bring the good news about Jesus to the tribes of Germany. One dark night he and his monks came upon a group of villagers preparing to sacrifice a boy to their god Odin. They had tied him to an oak tree. Boniface set the boy free and chopped the oak tree down. He pointed instead to an evergreen fir and his followers stepped forward and put their candles on its branches. By its light, the people listened as Boniface told them of the loving God who had brought life and light to the world through his Son.

Some say it was Martin Luther, the great sixteenth-century reformer, who first brought the lighted Christmas tree indoors. As he walked through the forest one night he looked up to see the stars shining through the branches. It was so beautiful he went home to tell his children how the lighted tree was like a picture of Jesus, who left the starry heaven to bring light to earth.

 Decorating the Tree

At first, Christmas trees were decorated with things to eat – edible angels, gingerbread men and apples. German glass-blowers may have been the first to make glass ornaments which were not so heavy. At first a little model of baby Jesus was put at the top of the tree. This changed to an angel with gold wings; then to the fairy we see on so many Christmas trees today!

Candles were used to light the tree at first, and there were many bad accidents from fire. In 1895 an American telephone worker, Ralph Morris, thought how good the tiny light bulbs on the switchboard would look on his tree! His inspiration led to the many shapes and colours of electric Christmas tree lights manufactured today.

 Special Christmas Trees

Many towns have their own Christmas tree, set up in the square or high street. One of the best-known stands in Trafalgar Square in London.

Every December a magnificent fir tree is shipped over from Oslo in Norway as a present from the people of Norway, in gratitude for the help given to them by Britain in the Second World War.

Since the 1920s there has been a large Christmas tree on the White House lawn in Washington. The President himself switches on the lights.

In New Zealand the Christmas tree is alive and growing. Its Maori name is Pohutakawa, but early settlers called it the Christmas tree because its beautiful red flowers bloom in December. The huge trees grow mostly by lake and sea side and holiday-makers can tread a carpet of its red stamens down to the water’s edge.

 The Royal Christmas Tree

It was Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s German husband, who made the Christmas tree popular in Britain. In 1841 he wrote to his father:

‘Today I have two children of my own . . . who . . . are full of happy wonder at the German Christmas tree and its radiant candles.’

In 1848 The Illustrated London News described the royal tree as, ‘About eight feet tall . . . On each branch are arranged a dozen wax tapers . . . Fancy cakes, gilt gingerbread and eggs filled with sweetmeats, are also suspended by variously-coloured ribbons from the branches . . . The tree . . . is, supported at the root by piles of sweets of a larger kind, and by toys and dolls of all descriptions, suited to the . . . ages of . . . Royalty for whose gratification they are displayed.’


The wreaths were created in the same way the Christmas trees were created. For some it symbolizes the strength of life overcoming the forces of winter. Back in ancient Rome, people used decorative wreaths as a sign of victory. Some believe that this is where the hanging of wreaths on doors came from. Since these times, many wreaths have been made. Some are made for crafts, others for purely decoration, and yet others have more deeper meanings. Below are a couple examples.

Types of Wreaths

Advent Wreaths

The origins of the Advent wreath are found in the folk practices of the pre-Christian Germanic peoples who, during the cold December darkness of Eastern Europe, gathered wreaths of evergreen and lighted fires as signs of hope in a coming spring and renewed light. Christians kept these popular traditions alive, and by the 16th century Catholics and Protestants throughout Germany used these symbols to celebrate their Advent hope in Christ, the everlasting Light. From Germany the use of the Advent wreath spread to other parts of the Christian world. Traditionally, the wreath is made of four candles in a circle of evergreens with the fifth candle in the middle. Three candles are violet and the fourth is rose, but four white candles or four violet candles can also be used. Each day at home, the candles are lighted, perhaps before the evening meal – one candle the first week, and then another each succeeding week until December 25th. A short prayer may accompany the lighting of each candle. The last candle is the middle candle. The lighting of this candle takes place on Christmas Eve. It represents Jesus Christ being born.

Decoratory/Craft Wreaths

Wreaths that are made for crafts and decoration have a different purpose than other types of wreaths. Usually they are made for just decoration, like in the same way Christmas lights are used. They usually give a house the finishing look or the finishing touch. They give the house the extra little Christmas feeling. They are usually made out of evergreen leaves which again symbolize life throughout the tough winters.

Santa Claus and Gifts

The tradition of exchanging gifts at Christmas not only springs from the gifts given to the Christ Child by the Three Wise Men but has its roots in many of the winter solstice festivals. Saturnalia, the Roman festival was marked by the exchange of gifts, but in Scandinavian countries it was believed that the god Odin visited earth to reward good and punish evil. As Christianity spread Odin was replaced by St Nicholas who would bring gifts to good children. St Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor, he was one of the first bishops of the early Christian church and was imprisoned by the Romans because of his faith. He is remembered for his kindness to children and is thus the patron saint of children.

In Holland St Nicholas or Sinterklaas as he is known there, is believed to live in Spain, where he keeps a large red book in which he notes all the good and bad deeds of every child. Each year on December 6 he arrives in Amsterdam by steamship and rides ashore on a great white horse. He is accompanied by servants (or as some versions have it a devil named “Black Peter”), who check whether children have been good before leaving presents for them. That night Sinterklaas rides across Holland and children leave out a pair of shoes filled with food for the horse. In exchange Sinterklaas leaves them gifts or if they have been naughty, a birch rod!

It is from the Dutch Sinterklaas that we take our modern Santa Claus or Father Christmas. In fact it was theologian, Clement Clarke Moore in his poem “Twas the Night Before Christmas” who gave Santa Claus a sleigh and team of reindeer named, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen (Rudolph joined the team later!). Clement Clarke Moore draws on a Norwegian legend by describing St Nick as a “right jolly elf”, which would explain how he could easily get down chimneys. And it was as recent as the 1860’s that American artists created the image of the modern Santa Claus, into a robust, red-robed, white-bearded figure carrying a sack full of toys.

In Germany it is believed that it is the Christkindl, who brings the children their gifts. Christkindl means Christ Child. On Christmas Eve children in Germany are not allowed in the room where the Christmas tree stands. When at last they are allowed in, of course, they are always too late to catch the Christkindl leaving their gifts.

Italian children receive gifts on January 6 from an old woman named Befana. Legend has it that Befana was an old grandmother who lived in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’s birth. When told by the shepherds about the newborn Christ child the old woman delayed going to visit him and when she finally went to the stable she was too late. Since then every year at Christmas time Befana wanders over the world searching every home for the baby Jesus, and leaves behind gifts in every home in case he is there.

Оқушыларды тосын мәтінді оқып, сұраққа жауап беруге үйрету.
Ойлау қабілетін, аударма жасау, сауатты жазу қабілетін арттыру.
Шығармашылық ой-өрісін дамыту, өзге елдердің мәдениетін меңгеру.
Елін сүюге, салт-дәстүрін дәріптеуге тәрбиелеу.

Тақтада әр мерекеге байланысты суреттер, үстел үстінде әр елдің жалауы және ел аты.

Музыка әуенінде интерактивті тақтада презентация жүріп жатыр…Сабақтың тақырыбы: «Holidays, traditions and customs in England»

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушыларды тосын мәтінді оқып, сұраққа жауап беруге үйрету.
Ойлау қабілетін, аударма жасау, сауатты жазу қабілетін арттыру.
Шығармашылық ой-өрісін дамыту, өзге елдердің мәдениетін меңгеру.
Елін сүюге, салт-дәстүрін дәріптеуге тәрбиелеу.

Тақтада әр мерекеге байланысты суреттер, үстел үстінде әр елдің жалауы және ел аты.

Музыка әуенінде интерактивті тақтада презентация жүріп жатыр…

Teacher: Good morning6 dear children and guests! Glad to see you! Today we are going to speak about holidays and traditions in Great Britain. I hope you you’ll enjoy our English lesson. Please, be active and friendly to each other.

Task1. Every nation and every country has its own traditions and holidays. In Great Britain, traditions play very important role in the life of people.

We know some of the English traditions and holidays. We hope you remember St. Valentines Day, Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day.
First let’s remember our songs “Seasons” and 1,2,3,4,5 and play them.

(Оқушылар фонетикалық жаттығу мақсатында әнді орындайды). Seasons.1,2,3,4,5.

Spring is green.
Summer is bright.
Autumn is yellow.
Winter is bright.
1,2,3,4,5. Once I caught a fish alive.
6,7,8,9,10. Then I let it go again.
Why did I let it go?
Because it bit my finger do.
What finger did it bit?
This little finger on the right.

Teacher: And now let’s read about holidays in Great Britain then you’ll answer my questions and do some tasks.

P1: Halloween is one of the best holidays for children. Nowadays Halloween is much more popular in the USA than in Britain. Group of children dressed as witches, black cats, ghosts and wizards, knock on their neighbors doors and yell “trick or treat!” The neighbors normally exclaim over the masks and give each child a candy. People collect money, buy food and medicine for orphanages, hospitals and homeless people. We also decorate our houses and schools in he traditional Halloween colours: orange and black. Popular decorations are witches, ghosts, skeletons, black cats and jack-o-lanterns. Jack-o-lanterns are pumpkins we carve to look. Like faces. Everyone tries to look scary on Halloween. People celebrate this holiday on the 31st of October.

P2: The most popular holiday is Christmas Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It is a big Christmas tree and it stands is Trafalgar Square. Christmas holy day is help on December 25th in honor pf the birth of Christ. It is a family holiday. Relatives usually meet for the big Christmas dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding, and everyone gives and receives presents. There is a tradition that children should put stockings at the end of their beds, hoping than Santa Clause will come down the chimney during the night and fill them with toys and sweets.

P3: The first holiday of the year is New Year’s Day. People see the new year in at midnight on the 31st of December. There are lots of New Year traditional in Russia. In every home there is a New Year tree glittering with coloured lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father frost at come and give them presents. I like New Year’s Eve, the night before New Year’s Day, because my parents allow me to stay up all night! We blow horns and whistles at midnight to announce the beginning of a new year. Some people shake hand, sing and shout “Happy New Year!”

P4: Easter is celebrated on a Sunday in April or May. The week before Easter colour eggs and cook Easter cakes. On Easter Sunday children wake up to find that Easter bunny has left them a basket of candy.

P5: People in Kazakhstan have their own special traditions. One of them is Nauryz-the holiday witch lasts for a week. People celebrate it at the 22nd of March. During this holiday people from smaller villages come to bigger cities. Families get together to help one another on constructing a “kiyiz ui” which is the traditional Kazakh home. Of you enter a yurt on Nauryz you will see that it is decorated with beautiful Kazakh ornaments, rugs and blankets.
On that day you will eat such Kazakh dishes as “karta”, “bauirsak”, “beshbarmak”. Beshbarmak is a disk with consists of noodles, of noodles, onions and meat. This meat is traditionally served with sheep’s head. On Nauryz people wear the traditional costumes, sing songs, play dombyras, kobyz. You may see many ancient Kazakh games.

P6: I want to tell about St.Valentine’s Day. Some countries People celebrate this holiday on the 14th of February. It is a day of love and friendship. They send greeting cards to their sweethearts and friend and ask them to “Be My Valentine”. This means “be his or friend of love”. They also decorate their classrooms with big red hearts and give roses and chocolate to their sweethearts, friend and family.

T: Look at the interactive board. Let’s watch how people celebrated Nauryz in our region.

Task 2. T: And now answer my questions and when you’ll answer the questions martch the pictures with dates and their names.
What holiday is it? When it is celebrated?
When do people celebrate Christmas?

Task 3 T: The next task is: we can see tree and there is a nice red star on it.

Task4: Yesterday I received a letter from America. The American boy Jacky described New Year’s Day but he made some mistakes and left out the verb to be. Please, read the letter and correct the mistakes:

“Today _____ New Year’s Day and my family and I _____ at home. It_____ New Year’sEve yesterday and we ____ in our city shopping for present. It____ not cold yesterday but it ____ snowing outside. We___ not cold because there____ warm in the living room when we came home yesterday. I like this holiday and I _____ very happy today!”

(Keys: is, are, was, were, was, was, were, was, am)

T: And now you see groups of words. In each group there is a word which does not go with others. Find this words, please!
Apples, candy, fruit, oranges, eggs.
Santa Clause, snow, snowflakes, winter, Christmas Tree, butterfly.
Russia, America, France, Monday, England.
Do hometask, celebrate, decorate, go shopping.

(Keys: 1.eggs 2. butterfly 3. Monday 4. do hometask)


T: Guess what people usually wish to each other in holidays. Make a wish, please.

I swhi uyo a ayd papyh!

(Key: I wish you a happy day!)


T: Translate this words from Russian into English and write them down on the blackboard.
Көңілді, тамаша, әдемі, қызық, мерекелеу, безендіру, дүкенге бару, үлкен, торт, сыйлықтар, қатысу, ұнату.

(Funny, wonderful, nice, interesting, celebrate, decorate, go shopping, big cake, presents, visit, like)

T: My dear children it’s time finish our lesson. You’ve learned a lot about holidays and traditions in America, Russia and Great Britain. Please, express your opinion about our lesson and draw a picture of our lesson in 3-4 minutes.

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