In both senses of the word

  • #1

What does «in both senses of the word» mean in «she, like Howson, turned to a different media, in both senses of the word«? By the way, in the preceding paragraph the author describes that Howson starts to depict unreal war scenes instead of real eye-witnessed scenes. So, I do not think it can be known a media change. Am I right?

The brutality of war, but more sensitively addressed, also informs the work of American Jenny Holzer. Her earlier pieces were textual in the tradition of Heartfield and Rosler, discussed in Chapter 6 – for example, a T-shirt bearing the words ‘Abuse of power comes as no surprise’. In the face of the brutality that characterized the conflict in the former Yugoslavia she, like Howson, turned to a different media, in both senses of the word. In Lustmord (1993–1994), a mixed-media installation, she comments on the rape of women in wartime from three different perspectives (the Observer, the Perpetrator and the Victim) (Art and War by Laura Brandon).

Предложения с «in both senses of the word»

So my decision to run ultimately came down to the fact that I felt that I had to do my bit, even if I had no political experience, to step up and try to be part of creating the world that will make sense and be sustainable for our kids, and a world where we truly allow both our boys and girls to be all they can be.

Поэтому моё решение баллотироваться в конечном итоге привело к тому, что я почувствовала, что должна это сделать, даже если у меня нет никакого опыта в политике, я должна действовать и участвовать в создании разумного и устойчивого мира для наших детей, мира, в котором мальчики и девочки смогут по — настоящему проявить себя.

We, I guess in a sense, we’re more about, Marcus, Marcus is a person that’s very respectful of ingredients and basically treats, you know, will treat a carrot the same way as a piece of foie gras in the sense they’re both great things that need to be looked after and treated in the right way to get the maximum kind of favour out of them and I guess we’re more about making a carrot taste like a carrot as opposed to making a carrot taste like a beetroot, which, in a sense, I think some people get a little carried away with.

Мы, я думаю, в некотором смысле , мы больше от Маркуса, Маркус — это человек, который очень уважительно относится к ингредиентам и в основном обращается, знаете, будет относиться к моркови точно так же, как кусочку фуа — гра, в смысле , они оба важные вещи, к которым нужно относиться и обращаться правильным способом, чтобы получить максимальный вкус из них, и я считаю, мы больше стремимся сделать морковь со вкусом моркови, а не морковь со вкусом свеклы, чем, в некотором смысле , я думаю, что некоторые люди немного увлеклись.

Both reason and faith assume the human condition makes some kind of sense.

И вера и разум призваны придать человеческому существованию некое подобие смысла .

She had to find that single-minded sense of both purpose and acceptance that had so long eluded her.

Надо было обрести искреннее чувство цели и принятия ее, которое так долго ее избегало.

I sensed both as you ferried my coffin across the bridge into this city.

Я почувствовал их, когда ты перевозил мой гроб через мост в этот город.

Those with talent and those with the ability to expand on that talent which requires maturity which requires a sense of responsibility which requires the ability to come both prepared and on time.

зрелость, чувство ответственности, способность прийти и подготовиться вовремя.

I want you to bury him, in both senses.

Похорони его, в прямом и переносном смысле .

The majority of families in the Netherlands provide a healthy child-raising environment, both in the material and the non-material sense.

Большинство семей обеспечивают здоровую как в материальном, так и в нравственном отношении среду для воспитания детей.

In both cases, the Kinshasa delegation left the meeting room for reasons that do not make sense.

В обоих случаях делегация Киншасы покинула зал заседаний, не представив убедительных объяснений.

Fairness relates to a sense that justice has been both accomplished and appeared to be accomplished.

Справедливость означает как то, что правый суд свершился, так и то, что этот факт представляется таковым.

Sin City 2 is chaotic both on a dramatic and philosophical level: it is chaotic in the idiotic sense of the word on both accounts.

Город грехов — 2 хаотичен и на драматургическом, и на философском уровне: оба раза он хаотичен в дурном смысле слова .

A better choice is to connect ID from the Supplier table to Supplier ID in the Purchase Orders table — the records returned will make sense because both fields identify the supplier.

Лучше всего соединить поле Код из таблицы Поставщики с полем Код поставщика из таблицы Накладные. В этом случае будут возвращены правильные записи, поскольку оба поля относятся к поставщикам.

As saiga scientists, we had mixed feelings; both a sense of personal devastation for the species which we care about, and curiosity to solve a fascinating scientific puzzle.

Мы, как исследователи сайгаков, страдали от раздвоенности чувств. С одной стороны, у нас возникло отчаяние из — за гибели животных, которых мы изучали и о которых заботились. А с другой стороны, у нас появилось любопытство и стремление разгадать эту поразительную научную загадку.

It is an increasing sense that the aim should be to be both universal and Asian, not one or the other.

Это растущее чувство того, что цель должна быть выбрана такая, которая будет служить и всему миру, и Азии, а не одному из двух.

It makes little sense for Athens to fight a war on two fronts, both in the eurozone and with those member states that take a hawkish line on Moscow.

Афинам не имеет смысла вести войну на два фронта, в еврозоне и с теми странами, которые занимают воинственную позицию в отношении Москвы.

There is no need to stumble backward into a new Cold War, but avoiding it will require restraint, common sense, and diplomacy, especially on the parts of both Moscow and Washington.

Нам нет необходимости начинать новую холодную войну, но чтобы не допустить ее, нужны сдержанность, здравомыслие и дипломатические усилия, особенно со стороны Москвы и Вашингтона.

You both have the same fashion sense.

У вас обоих одинаковое чувство стиля.

It is useless to explain the sense of this frightfully transparent remark, which signifies both to kill, to assassinate, and to plunder.

Не стоит объяснять смысл этого слова , до ужаса ясного, обозначавшегоубивать, мучить и грабить.

‘Have you both gone crazy?’ Major Danby protested, his bulging eyes straining in their sockets with tortured awe and exasperation. ‘Have you both taken leave of your senses?

Вы, кажется, оба лишились рассудка!

Sophie sensed a rising air of academic anticipation now in both of her male companions.

Софи почти физически ощутила, как нарастают у ее собеседников нетерпение и азарт, свойственные лишь истинным ученым.

Perhaps later, much later, the new movement would arise-with new flags, a new spirit knowing of both: of economic fatality and the oceanic sense.

Может быть, позже, гораздо позже, подымется новая волна Движения с новым знаменем и новой верой — в экономические законы и океаническое чувство.

I implore both of you, come back to your senses.

Я прошу вас обоих вернуться к рассудительности.

We’ve always both been really into the occult, so it makes sense that we both got them.

Мы всегда тяготели к оккультизму, так что логично, что мы обе получили Беду такого рода.

Both in the sense of something won and also in its armorial sense.

И в смысле успеха, и в смысле доблести.

When I got up, on the surgeon’s coming to her with other aid, I was astonished to see that both my hands were burnt; for, I had no knowledge of it through the sense of feeling.

Только когда к ней подошел доктор со своими помощниками, я поднялся и с удивлением увидел, что обе руки у меня обожжены: я и не заметил, когда это случилось.

They both have narcissistic traits, such as a grandiose sense of self-importance, deceptiveness, lack of remorse.

И те, и другие имеют нарциссические черты, такие как огромное чувство собственной значимости, обманчивость, не испытывают угрызений совести.

An acute sense of touch gave me both strength and balance until the city itself became my playground.

Мощное чувство осязания давало мне силу и баланс пока город не стал моей тренировочной площадкой.

Our grandmother instilled in both of us a sense of civic duty.

Наша бабушка воспитала в нас обоих чувство общественного долга.

With my sense of humor and your inspirational backstory, there’s no way it wouldn’t be great for both our brands.

С моим чувством юмора и твоей вдохновляющей историей, это будет круто для обоих наших брендов.

In the pitch-black, both predator and prey are effectively blind, but the scorpion has one advantage… he can sense the approach of the bat through vibrations in the sand.

В полной темноте и хищник, и жертва практически слепы, но у скорпиона есть одно преимущество… он может чувствовать приближение мыши с помощью вибрацией в песке.

Which makes it a key, like, both in the literal and metaphorical sense.

Значит, это ключ и в буквальном, и в переносном смысле !

Nora, you sensed both his vulnerabilities and areas of personal interest.

Нора. Ты почувствовала его слабые места и поняла, чем он интересуется.

Theresa capodiamonte has reinvigorated me with a sense of both freedom and purpose.

Тереза Каподиаманти воодушевила во мне чувства свободы и предназначения.

Both were evidently over-awed by a sense of deep inexpressible wonder, by the touch of an inscrutable mystery.’

Оба были, видимо, подавлены чувством глубокого удивления перед неисповедимой тайной.

Alright, look, I understand that you have to make this make sense to you economically, I get that, but maybe there’s a way to do both.

Послушай, понимаю, ты оправдываешь свой поступок экономическими причинами, но возможно, есть взаимовыгодное решение.

The provincial architect had designed both buildings according to the instructions of the late Odintsov, who could not endure — as he expressed it — senseless and arbitrary innovations.

Губернский архитектор воздвигнул оба здания с одобрения покойного Одинцова, не терпевшего никаких пустых и самопроизвольных, как он выражался, нововведений.

That’s both common sense to them, and their pride.

Так им велит и здравый смысл , и гордость.

It came both from a determination to make something concentrated and fast and new and from a sense of freedom — great spontaneity and freedom.

Это ощущение пришло одновременно с решением сделать что — то сконцентрированное на главном, и вместе с тем быстрое и новое, а также от охватившего чувства свободы, спонтанного и безотчётного.

They quarreled still further over this matter, and, though they eventually made up, both sensed the drift toward an ultimately unsatisfactory conclusion.

Они еще долго ссорились, и хотя в конце концов помирились, но оба чувствовали, что дело идет к разрыву.

Both you and I have a strong sense of aesthetics.

И у тебя, и у меня есть сильное эстетическое чувство.

We both know common sense was never really my strong suit.

Мы оба знаем, что здравый смысл никогда не был моим коньком.

On the other hand, both political science and common sense teach us that in matters of state, and especially in the matter of war, private citizens must forego their personal individual will.

С другой стороны, и по науке и по здравому смыслу , в государственных делах, в особенности в деле войны, граждане отрекаются от своей личной воли.

Makes sense, after everything Adalind’s done to the both of you.

Имеет смысл , после того, что Адалинда сделала с вами.

Robbie sees it, storms over, he grabs both kids by the hair, hurls them into a snow bank, knocks them senseless.

Робби увидел это, налетел, схватил тех ребят за волосы, закрутился с ними в клубок… вырубил их полностью.

Oh, Mr. Davies, both your sense of community and your vocabulary… leave much to be desired.

О — о, мистер Дэвис, …как и ваше чувство причастности к обществу, …ваш словарный запас оставляет желать много лучшего!

Both Spock and McCoy are doubtful of this, and I sense they also doubt my decision to stay and fight the thing.

Но Спок и МакКой сомневаются и, кажется, недовольны моим решением остаться и сражаться.

At first, yeah, your father was a touch sensitive, but then he figured out that Joe could work for both of us, so now he’s our third, you know, in a sort of polyamorous-triad sense.

Сначала твой отец обиделся, но потом узнал, что Джо может работать по обе стороны, и теперь он наш третий. Мы как шведская семья.

So my mother lovingly frowned on us both and hoped one day I would meet my match and come to my senses.

Таким образом моя мать хмурилась на нас обоих и надеялась , что однажды, что я встречу мое призвание и приду в себя.

Varenka felt both sore and ashamed; at the same time she had a sense of relief.

Вареньке было и больно и стыдно, но вместе с тем она испытывала и чувство облегчения.

I could always give him a pass for what he did to Frances and me, since we both had the bad sense to choose him, but betraying his only son?

Я могу спустить ему всё то, что он сделал Фрэнсис и мне, потому что мы сами по глупости с ним свазались, но как можно предать своего собственного сына?

Both senses of gauntlet had the variant spelling gantlet.

Оба чувства перчаточника имели вариант написания gantlet.

Banine makes several references to the ethnic clashes between Armenians and Azerbaijanis, senseless victims of both nations.

Банин делает несколько ссылок на этнические столкновения между армянами и азербайджанцами, бессмысленные жертвы обоих народов.

In this sense, fecundity may include both birth rates and survival of young to that time step.

В этом смысле плодовитость может включать в себя как рождаемость, так и выживаемость молодняка на этом временном этапе.

Since the differential sense amplifiers require identical capacitance and bitline lengths from both segments, dummy bitline segments are provided.

Так как дифференциальные усилители требуют одинаковой емкости и длины битовых линий от обоих сегментов, предусмотрены фиктивные сегменты битовых линий.

RNA2-RNA4 use an ambisense coding strategy, meaning those RNA segments contain both negative sense and positive sense sections, in order to code for two proteins.

RNA2 — RNA4 используют стратегию кодирования ambisense, то есть эти сегменты РНК содержат как отрицательные, так и положительные смысловые участки, чтобы кодировать два белка.

An individual’s gender identity, a personal sense of one’s own gender, may be described as androgynous if they feel that they have both masculine and feminine aspects.

Гендерная идентичность индивида, его личное ощущение собственного пола, может быть охарактеризована как андрогинная, если он чувствует, что у него есть как мужские, так и женские аспекты.

Despite hailing from Chicago, West expressed a preference for New York artists, tailoring both his lyricism and fashion sense after rappers such as Raekwon and Nas.

Несмотря на то, что Уэст был родом из Чикаго, он отдавал предпочтение Нью — Йоркским художникам, приспосабливая свой лиризм и чувство моды к рэперам, таким как Raekwon и Nas.

In both cases, the lower limit seems to be defined by the amount of charge needed to trigger the sense amplifiers.

В обоих случаях нижний предел, по — видимому, определяется количеством заряда, необходимого для запуска усилителей чувств.

Both of these senses, however, respond to a number of different cues in different situations.

Однако оба эти чувства реагируют на множество различных сигналов в различных ситуациях.

In some sense, both did create jobs, and their investment entailed risk.

В каком — то смысле и те, и другие создавали рабочие места, и их инвестиции влекли за собой риск.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

в обоих смыслах

в обоих значениях

в двух смыслах

во всех смыслах

в обоих смысла

This new spirit was liberal in both senses of the word.

Новая атмосфера была либеральной в обоих смыслах этого слова.

This tattoo is fresh in both senses of the word.

Новая атмосфера была либеральной в обоих смыслах этого слова.

Here it is used in both senses.

This article uses the term in both senses.

She is poor in both senses of the word.

Should we forgive in both senses?

And they are partial in both senses.

He used the same word in both senses.

Frankly, I hope all of you hear it in both senses.

Брайан: Я всем сердцем надеюсь, что люди будут интерпретировать его в обоих смыслах.

These two notions are not mutually exclusive as scientific models can be representations in both senses at the same time.

Данные термины не являются взаимоисключающими, поскольку научные модели могут выступать репрезентациями в обоих смыслах одновременно.

The individual is ‘freed’ of them, in both senses.

Much of the classic literature about globalization was apocalyptic in both senses of the term.

Многие классические исследования, посвященные глобализации, были апокалиптическими в обоих смыслах этого слова.

This was a demonstration of vision in both senses of the word.

And no doubt about it, these people burned, in both senses of the word.

That is to say, when a person incorporates the knowledge of care into his life, he can become one in both senses.

То есть, когда человек включает знания о заботе в свою жизнь, он может стать единым в обоих смыслах.

IMO it’s inappropriate in both senses.

She gets Downtown, in both senses.

In Hiphil it is used in both senses.

You don’t need to be rich or smart or talented or funny; you just have to be there, in both senses of the phrase.

Вы не должны быть богатым или умным, или одаренным, или веселым; вы просто должны быть здесь, в обоих смыслах этого слова.

In its omniscience, the market constitutes the only legitimate form of knowledge, next to which all other modes of reflection are partial, in both senses of the word: they comprehend only a fragment of a whole and they plead on behalf of a special interest.

В своем всеведении рынок представляет собой единственную законную форму знания, рядом с которой все остальные способы рефлексии являются частичными, в обоих смыслах слова: они охватывают лишь фрагмент целого и они выступают от имени особого интереса.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 58. Точных совпадений: 58. Затраченное время: 128 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Похожие слова: in both senses of the word

  • you come to your senses — вы опомнитесь
  • world of senses — Мир чувств
  • treat for the senses — лакомство для чувств
  • you have come to your senses — вы опомнитесь
  • feast for the senses — праздник для чувств
  • when i came to my senses — когда я пришел в себя
  • in all senses of the word — во всех смыслах этого слова
  • nobody in their senses — никто в здравом / своем уме
  • bring them to their senses — привести их в чувство
  • with all your senses — со всеми своими чувствами
  • in several senses — в нескольких смыслах
  • used in different senses — используется в различных смыслах
  • leave of your senses — оставить свои чувства
  • six senses — шесть чувств
  • in both senses of the word — в обоих смыслах этого слова
  • Синонимы & Антонимы: не найдено

    Примеры предложений: in both senses of the word

    Toothed whales have well — developed senses – their eyesight and hearing are adapted for both air and water, and they have advanced sonar capabilities using their melon.

    Зубастые киты обладают хорошо развитыми органами чувств-их зрение и слух приспособлены как к воздуху, так и к воде, и они обладают передовыми гидроакустическими возможностями, используя свою дыню.

    In contrast, in Britain and many other Commonwealth nations, the term timber is used for both senses .

    В отличие от этого, в Великобритании и многих других странах Содружества термин «древесина» используется в обоих смыслах.

    You is now the standard English second — person pronoun and encompasses both the singular and plural senses .

    You теперь является стандартным английским местоимением второго лица и охватывает как единственное, так и множественное число.

    As the gustatory system senses both harmful and beneficial things, all basic taste modalities are classified as either aversive or appetitive, depending upon the effect the things they sense have on our bodies.

    Поскольку вкусовая система воспринимает как вредные, так и полезные вещества, все основные вкусовые модальности классифицируются как вызывающие отвращение или вызывающие аппетит, в зависимости от того, какое влияние они оказывают на наш организм.

    Back in the land of the senses , and guided by the old man, Lily is able to bring the prince back to life — albeit in a dream state — by touching both the snake and the prince.

    Вернувшись в страну чувств и руководствуясь стариком, Лили может вернуть принца к жизни, хотя и в состоянии сна, прикоснувшись и к змее, и к принцу.

    Neutral elements… weaving and binding together with decisive intensity… evolving together towards an agreement both calm and disturbed.

    Нейтральные элементы… сплетающиеся и связывающиеся вместе с решительной интенсивностью… эволюционирующие вместе к соглашению как спокойному, так и нарушенному.

    I found out both Tom and Mary like romance novels.

    Я узнал, что и Том, и Мэри любят любовные романы.

    For both bugs, the outcome of this dispute will be life — changing.

    Для обоих Жуков исход этого спора будет судьбоносным.

    Did you and Howard discuss how much you both wanted?

    Вы с Говардом обсуждали, сколько вы оба хотите?

    Something can be both the beginning and the end.

    Что-то может быть и началом, и концом.

    They contain only the smallest amount of alcohol, but it is enough to dull their usually sharp senses .

    Они содержат лишь малое количество алкоголя, но этого достаточно, чтобы притупить их обычно острые чувства.

    But then a splendid new feature of the eye evolved, a lens that provided both brightness and sharp focus.

    Но затем появилась великолепная новая функция глаза-хрусталик, который обеспечивал и яркость, и четкость фокусировки.

    Considerate, loving, able to provide for both of you.

    Внимательный, любящий, способный обеспечить вас обоих.

    These two bills are essential in rooting out our enemies, both external and internal.

    Эти два законопроекта необходимы для искоренения наших врагов, как внешних, так и внутренних.

    The Sun, that shining star of our solar system is capable of both astonishing beauty and ferocious violence.

    Солнце, эта сияющая звезда нашей Солнечной системы, способна как на удивительную красоту, так и на свирепое насилие.

    The initial report — drafted by a Dutch member of the parliament, Arie Oostlander — drew strong criticism both from Turkey and from some European countries.

    Первоначальный доклад, подготовленный голландским членом парламента Арье Остландером, вызвал резкую критику как со стороны Турции, так и со стороны некоторых европейских стран.

    The Koreans, very assiduously, did test both.

    Корейцы очень усердно проверили и то, и другое.

    I take care of both of you.

    Я забочусь о вас обоих.

    Great work, both of you.

    Отличная работа, вы оба.

    Do we arrest them both?

    Мы их обоих арестуем?

    Look, I think you should both go off to work.

    Послушайте, я думаю, вам обоим пора на работу.

    I found out he was in a different place where they both had been held.

    Я узнал, что он был в другом месте, где их обоих держали.

    The owner of the field said: “Let both grow together until the harvest.” —Matthew 13:25, 29, 30.

    Хозяин поля сказал: “пусть оба растут вместе до жатвы” (Матфея 13:25, 29, 30).

    Infertility on both sides.

    Бесплодие с обеих сторон.

    Ed was married to both of you?

    Эд был женат на вас обоих?

    Both of us have lost a brother.

    Мы оба потеряли брата.

    Studies concerning bilingual students language use in science class have mainly been conducted in settings where both the teacher and the students speak the same minority language.

    Исследования, касающиеся использования языка двуязычными учащимися на уроках естествознания, в основном проводились в условиях, когда и учитель, и учащиеся говорят на одном и том же языке меньшинства.

    You will both be punished accordingly.

    Вы оба будете наказаны соответственно.

    Or has this place completely befouled your senses ?

    Или это место полностью запутало ваши чувства?

    Actors not searched with two fingers but with both feet.

    Актеров искали не двумя пальцами, а обеими ногами.

    Are both of your sisters as beautiful as you are?

    Обе твои сестры такие же красивые, как ты?

    Tom and his wife both have to work to make ends meet.

    Тому и его жене приходится работать, чтобы сводить концы с концами.

    If you deny me I cannot return alone; you shall triumph in the death of us both.

    Если ты откажешь мне, я не смогу вернуться один; ты победишь в смерти нас обоих.

    We both start with a couple of racks.

    Мы оба начинаем с пары стоек.

    There I realized that the great champions have just that much more, that something special that enables them to endure both scorching heat and freezing cold.

    Там я понял, что у великих чемпионов есть нечто гораздо большее, что-то особенное, что позволяет им переносить как палящую жару, так и ледяной холод.

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    Medvedev remains a more effective and tolerable figure for those in the West who would like to do business (in both senses of the word) with Russia, but Medvedev is just a prettier face on a very nasty regime.
    Медведев остается более эффективной и терпимой фигурой для тех на Западе, кто хотел бы вести дела и делать бизнес (в обоих смыслах слова) с Россией, но Медведев — лишь просто более приятное лицо отвратительного режима.

    They will make their new countries richer, in all senses of the word.
    Они сделают ваши страны богаче во всех смыслах этого слова.

    Not in the traditional sense of the word.
    Нет, в привычном смысле слова.

    And I mean that in its fullest sense of the word.
    И я говорю это в самом полном значении этого слова.

    It was hot in every sense of the word.
    Было жарко во всех смыслах слова.

    Sin City 2 is chaotic both on a dramatic and philosophical level: it is chaotic in the idiotic sense of the word on both accounts.
    «Город грехов-2» хаотичен и на драматургическом, и на философском уровне: оба раза он хаотичен в дурном смысле слова.

    In fact, the German political landscape needs nothing more than a truly liberal party, in the US sense of the word «liberal» — a champion of the cause of individual freedom.
    По сути, немецкому политическому ландшафту нужна настоящая либеральная партия, в американском смысле слова «либеральный» — поборник за дело индивидуальной свободы.

    He was, in the true sense of the word, a self-made man, whose pluck, ambition, drive and inner belief in his destiny carried him to the pinnacle of his achievements.
    Он был человеком, в полном смысле слова сделавшим себя самого, и его смелость, честолюбие, напористость и внутренняя вера в свое предназначение вознесли его на вершину его деяний.

    He says that what is happening in the North Caucasus is not «really terrorism in the proper sense of the word.» It is, rather, a struggle between «clans» for the «redistribution of property.»
    По его словам, то, что происходит на Северном Кавказе – не терроризм «в прямом смысле слова, а борьба между кланами за «передел собственности».

    But it should also be obvious that Japan will never be able to generate a primary fiscal surplus large enough to repay its government debt in the normal sense of the word “repay.”
    Но также должно быть очевидно, что Япония никогда не сможет дойти до такого уровня первичного профицита бюджета, которого будет достаточно для погашения ее государственного долга в истинном смысле слова «погасить».

    Putin «is our leader, in all senses of the word, our chief ideologue and the person who enjoys the highest rating in the country and the love and respect of the people,» said Babich, a member of United Russia.
    «Путин – наш лидер во всех смыслах этого слова, наш главный идеолог, человек, который не только обладает самым высоким рейтингом в стране, но и пользуется любовью и уважением народа», — заявил Бабич, также состоящий в «Единой России».

    To those who figure this out, a green fortune awaits – in both senses of the word.
    Тех, кто осознает это, ожидает чистое и богатое будущее.

    So I’m currently working on a book, which plays with both senses of the word, as I explore some of my own ideas and inquiries in a visual display of rather peacock-like grandeur.
    Сейчас я работаю над книгой, в которой обыгрываются оба смысла, по мере того, как я погружаюсь в свои идеи и в изучение. Это представлено в яркой форме, наподобие величия павлина.

    Will you please explain to me the exact meaning of the word?
    Вы мне объясните точное значение этого слова?

    The teacher explained the meaning of the word to us.
    Учитель объяснил нам значение слова.

    They asked him to respond, but he could only get out part of the word “emergency.”
    Они попросили его отозваться, но сумели разобрать лишь часть слова «авария».

    In other words, the company would not be marginal in the true sense of the word, since the real reason for buying is that efficiency or new products developed within the company have taken it out of the marginal category.
    Другими словами, компания перестает быть маргинальной в собственном смысле слова: режим экономии или разработка нового продукта уже вывели ее из этой категории.

    Listening to what other FOMC officials have said, I think she could choose to downgrade the importance of the word “patient” as a warning to the markets that the language may be changed in the March statement.
    Прислушиваясь к тому, что сказали остальные представители ФРС, я думаю она может понизить важность слова «терпение» как предупреждение рынкам, что настой может быть изменен во время мартовского выступления!

    Perhaps the market is efficient in this narrow sense of the word.
    Возможно, что в таком узком понимании рынок эффективен.

    But the mostly dovish statement overshadowed the removal of the word as it stated specifically that an increase in the range for the Fed funds rate remains unlikely at the April FOMC meeting.
    Но в основном Голубиные заявлении затмили удаление слова, как это оговорено, что увеличение ставки по федеральным фондам ФРС остается маловероятным на совещании FOMC в апреле.

    Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

    “I can’t next weekend.”

    Motoya doesn’t hear this often from Kiyoomi, and especially not over the phone, or after 8pm, which Kiyoomi typically reserves as wind down time. He even more rarely declines Motoya’s invitations to family dinners, despite what his prickly reputation might suggest.

    After a moment’s surprise, Motoya regains his usual cheer. “That’s too bad, Kiyoomi, I guess we’ll be missing you. Mom’s gonna be upset, but what can you do,” he singsongs.

    Kiyoomi doesn’t respond, but he doesn’t hang up either.

    Motoya, master of Kiyoomi’s secret language, realizes his cousin is waiting for him to ask why he isn’t available to come, and so he does. Kiyoomi’s tiny sigh, barely audible through his phone’s speakerphone, confirms his suspicion.

    But then, Kiyoomi says something unpredictable.

    “I’m going out with Miya Atsumu.”

    If Motoya thought he was surprised before, that was nothing compared to the utter shock this sentence gave him.

    “You’re what?”


    “I mean,” Motoya cleared his throat a little, “Congratulations! Not sure what that has to do with being busy next weekend but okay!”

    “What do you m—“ Kiyoomi begins, but he doesn’t get to finish because Motoya hangs up. Vexed, he redials his cousin’s phone number.

    He picks up after three rings.

    “Sorry, Kiyoomi, I just needed to recuperate for a few seconds. I’m good now. We all saw it coming anyways. I was just surprised, that’s all. So what were you saying?”

    “I was just about to ask,” Kiyoomi says with a bit of sauce, since Motoya obnoxiously hung up on him in the middle of a sentence, “what do you mean, congratulations?”

    “You’re going out with Miya Atsumu.”

    “Yes…? We’re grabbing dinner that night.”


    Oh God, so that’s what he meant, Motoya thinks, on the other side of the phone, resisting the urge to facepalm, Please work on how you say things.

    “Well…” Motoya drifts off a little, unsure of how to word his sentence without offending his cousin. “You told me, quote unquote, ‘I’m going out with Miya Atsumu’.” And let the silence between them fill in the blanks. He can practically hear the gears in Kiyoomi’s head moving.

    “I’m going out w—“ and this time it isn’t Motoya who hangs up on Kiyoomi, but rather it’s himself, just then realizing the peculiar wording of his statement.

    Kill me now, he thinks. His face is internally burning and he hopes it doesn’t show on the outside, even though nobody is around to see anyways.

    Then he takes a few seconds to recuperate, and picks up Motoya’s call on the third ring once he’s settled.

    “Sorry, I was recuperating.”

    And they say we’re nothing alike, Motoya amusedly thinks.

    “You’re good, man.”

    After a few seconds of awkward silence pass, Motoya decides to pick up the conversation, “So, you and Atsumu are grabbing dinner together, huh.”

    “That’s right.”

    You see, Kiyoomi and Atsumu made plans just earlier that night to grab dinner together the next week. It wasn’t really a surprising occurrence, Kiyoomi assures. They each pay visits to the other’s apartment every once in a while, like most teammates-slash-friends do, and they often go along with the team to outings, so it was natural that one day the two would go somewhere together, just the two of them. Like good friends and teammates do.

    Right? Right.

    “I guess you don’t need my social-interaction-intervention after all.”

    “Please don’t tell me you were actually planning to do that.”

    Motoya cackles, “Heheh. Maybe.”


    Motoya keeps laughing evilly.

    “I’m going to hang up now. Bye.”

    Back on topic, Kiyoomi’s going to have dinner with somebody whom he has grown to respect.

    There are a certain number of people who have undeniably piqued the attention of Kiyoomi numerous times in the past. They gained his approval, sometimes at first sight and sometimes later down the road, for those little things that Kiyoomi pays attention to and deems important. Things like cleanliness and hygiene and having no tolerance for sloppiness. It was like Santa’s list of Good Children, but much shorter and having more peculiar guidelines to get onto it.

    He understands that Atsumu became one of those people.

    It wasn’t hard to notice Atsumu’s softer edges nowadays. He always held the door open for Kiyoomi, always had hand sanitizer he was willing to share, or a spare mask he didn’t mind giving away.

    And it wasn’t just for Kiyoomi, he noted. Atsumu stepped in to lend a coin whenever someone on the team was just short of change. He was reliable, in general, and cared about the health of his teammates. Hell, he even dropped by to bring Bokuto a hot thermos of homemade soup when he was sick, one time.

    Back in high school, Kiyoomi knows that Atsumu would probably be the last person he’d ever consider to be on his so-called Good Children List. But now, Kiyoomi reflects, Atsumu was practically The List itself.

    Then, as Kiyoomi’s mind wanders back to his unfortunate verbal mishap with Motoya on the phone, his thoughts swerve in an entirely different direction:

    Now that I think about it, he’d made a good partner. In life.


    Should I also have a list for romantic candidates?


    That’s ridiculous, Kiyoomi (Yes he is talking to himself), your other list doesn’t even exist in the first place.

    Then, finally:

    But Atsumu, hypothetically, would make a good candidate.

    A warm feeling settles in his soul when he thinks of Atsumu. In his mind’s eye, he sees themselves going out for dinner, laughing at Atsumu’s terrible (wonderful) jokes, doing the dishes side-by-side (all things they’ve done at some point or the other, Kiyoomi realizes, albeit without the context of being romantic partners).

    So, maybe Kiyoomi likes him.

    Maybe he’d let those two lists collide.

    And maybe, a little voice that sounds suspiciously like Motoya begins, you want to date him.

    “Maybe I do,” Kiyoomi utters, talking to a bare wall.

    (Here, he visualizes how just the other day Atsumu’s cheeks were dusted red and Kiyoomi was letting his laughter fill the room, because it was just the two of them, and admittedly, Atsumu is hilarious, and he could spend forever basking in his presence.)

    Then, full realization dawns on him: “Oh, hell. I really like him.”


    On the night of their dinner, Kiyoomi dresses nicely.

    The restaurant they agreed to go to isn’t a fancy one, so nice clothes weren’t obligatory. Kiyoomi just knows that Atsumu will dress himself up well, and if he’s going to be all dressed up, then Kiyoomi should try to match that energy.

    And if Kiyoomi should, then he will, goddammit!

    Which brings the story back to Kiyoomi’s dark grey slacks and black button-down, with its sleeves rolled up to the elbow and a few buttons undone to be comfortable.

    Atsumu makes a show of looking him up and down when they meet at the outside of their apartment building. Kiyoomi rolls his eyes when he whistles.

    “Lookin’ good, Omi-kun.”

    (Atsumu is going to be the death of him one day.)

    Kiyoomi uses that chance to properly scrutinize Atsumu’s outfit.

    “Not so bad yourself,” he honestly reports.

    Atsumu dressed up way more than what was necessary. Good. Then Kiyoomi made the right decision.

    “Ya flatter me,” Atsumu jokes, pleased to have successfully Dressed To Impress™.

    Walking down the road, the two men fall into step with each other.

    Kiyoomi is glad to see Atsumu in high spirits, gesticulating wildly while he recounts a story about the time he ran into his old English teacher at the grocery store, didn’t understand a word of what was being said to him in English except for the word “pie” (“I was hungry, Omi-Omi, and if ya think my stomach speaks anything but Japanese, yer dead wrong!”), and the moment he realized he’d just spent half an hour at the store but forgot his wallet at home.

    He isn’t even sure how they got to this topic, but Kiyoomi still listens intently, nodding every once in a while or huffing a laugh. Sometimes he makes little off-hand points about the story that Atsumu finds hilarious, laughing hard enough to walk off-balance. At these moments, Kiyoomi just barely keeps his hand from having a mind of its own and steadying Atsumu by the arm.

    He imagines feeling the warmth through his sleeve, the muscle underneath, and the smile Atsumu would give him as he’s breathless from laughter. He feels his face get a few degrees warmer just from the mere thought. He restrains himself.

    He isn’t, however, capable of keeping the subtlest little smile from spreading across his face.

    Atsumu takes notice, visibly brightening up, and starts weaving yet another ridiculous story from when he was a child.

    Kiyoomi thinks he could spend a whole day listening to his voice.

    “I kid ya not, Omi-kun, it really did happen!”


    “Callin’ me a liar, are you?”

    “I’m just saying,” Kiyoomi shrugs, unable to keep the mirth out of his voice, “such an impressive feat can’t possibly be true.”

    “Oh? So yer implying that I’m impressive,” Atsumu says.

    “No, quite the opposite,” he declares petulantly.

    “That’s not what I heard,” Atsumu accuses, pointing a petulant finger at his companion. Then he adds, in a faux-Sakusa Kiyoomi voice, “You were like, yadda yadda…impressive feat, Atsumu, you’re incredible, please continue to regale me with your tales.”

    Kiyoomi isn’t able to restrain his laughter at Atsumu’s antics this time, and opts for smacking Atsumu’s hand away in an attempt to distract him. It, however, doesn’t work.

    “Ha! I saw that!” Atsumu spouts.

    “No, you didn’t.” Kiyoomi warily looks at the hand he just smacked away, threatening to point at his chest again.

    “Aw, c’mon, you have a nice laugh,” Atsumu breezily responds, and Kiyoomi has to pretend like that didn’t just make his whole body feel lighter or that the full-blown smile threatening to creep onto his face was getting extremely hard to repress.

    “No I don’t,” he states, because he can’t think of anything else, and then he spots their chosen restaurant. Hesitantly, he hovers his hand next to Atsumu’s, almost asking for permission. Atsumu’s mouth forms a little ‘O’ in recognition, takes hold of Kiyoomi’s hand, and lets himself be guided to the hostess of the restaurant.

    Kiyoomi’s not sure what made him want to do that. All he knows is that he likes the weight and warmth of Atsumu’s hand in his.

    He thinks about it all through the dinner.

    And he comes to a nice conclusion.


    Back at the lobby again later in the night, stomachs full, and the mood bright, Atsumu suggests they do this again.

    “Let’s,” Kiyoomi agrees. He thinks he’s starting to see a frame of golden light around Atsumu’s face, and wonders if he should ask his optometrist about that. He has a feeling that it just has to do with his lovestruck biased state towards Atsumu.

    Then he sees said guy saunter towards the elevator with a light smile on his lips, and something snaps in Kiyoomi’s brain.

    “Actually, I have a question for you.”

    Atsumu pivots around, motioning for Kiyoomi to continue.

    “Go out with me.”

    Shellshocked, Atsumu automatically responds, “That, uh, wasn’t a question.”

    So Kiyoomi hums, dies inside a little bit, and rewords his phrase: “Then, would do you like to have lunch with me? Say, next Thursday? As in, on a…?” He doesn’t finish his sentence, too absorbed in Atsumu’s expression, half adoration and half surprise, as he walks back into Kiyoomi’s vicinity.

    “On a date,” he finishes for him.

    “On a date,” Kiyoomi repeats.

    Then Atsumu leans conspiratorially.

    “Hell yeah I would.”

    And Kiyoomi breathes out a laugh at Atsumu’s inclination for dramatics.

    “It’s a date then,” and he can’t help when his eyes crinkle into a fond smile.

    “It’s a date!” Atsumu half-shouts, mindful of the people that might be sleeping. “I’ll text ya, Omi-Omi. I’m gonna, like, shower, and brush my teeth, and hit the hay as soon as I get back to the apartment.”

    “You do that,” Kiyoomi voices, probably about to do just the same.

    Kiyoomi sleeps all through the night.

    (In the morning, he receives a couple phone notifications. He types his response with a slight smile and a warmth settling in his chest.)


    “Now that I think about it, you never told me how that first date of yours went with Atsumu.”

    “The going-out or the first actual date?”

    “The actual date,” Motoya says. “How’d it go?”

    “It was bad.” Motoya’s eyebrows shoot up. He didn’t expect to hear that. “But it was a good-bad,” Kiyoomi clarifies.

    “Good-bad? How so?”

    “Well, we went for an early lunch to, you know, avoid the crowds.” He pauses for effect. “But it turns out there was some sort of festival going on, so it was crowded anyways. Which was bad.”

    “Oh,” Motoya internally laughs at Kiyoomi’s need to clarify his words. “Then what’s the good part?”

    “We found a little hole-in-the-wall cafe. That was good. It was nice.” Kiyoomi decides not to go into detail, but he doesn’t need to. Motoya hears the adoration in his voice and doesn’t feel a need to press for info.

    “I’m glad, Kiyoomi. You deserve it.”

    “Thanks,” and Kiyoomi truly is thankful.

    Right before he’s about to hang up, Motoya hears a clattering of some sort from Kiyoomi’s side of the phone.

    “Omi-kun!” he hears, “Where’s yer sesame oil?”

    Then Kiyoomi shuffles a bit, and Motoya can hear his muffled voice pointing his guest to the right cabinet.

    “Sorry. Atsumu’s making something,” Kiyoomi explains. He doesn’t seem to realize the surprise it would be for Motoya that he’s allowing somebody to cook in his kitchen, unsupervised. Motoya knew that the couple had spent time together in either one’s apartment before, but damn, this was getting domestic.

    “I didn’t know he could cook.”

    “He’s cooked for me a few times already. This is the first time since we started,” and he pauses here, somewhat embarrassed, “dating, though.”

    Motoya gasps. “And you didn’t tell me? I thought we told each other everything!”

    “Not about my dating life,” Kiyoomi grumbles.

    “Especially about your dating life,” Motoya gleefully corrects.

    Before he can get a response, Motoya hears another shout from Kiyoomi’s end of the line. There seems to be a light back-and-forth between the two voices. He hears Kiyoomi sigh, fondly.

    “Motoya, I’ll have to call you back.”

    “Sorry Motoya-kun!” he hears Atsumu shout in the background.

    He laughs, assuring them it’s alright.

    “Bye, Kiyoomi. Atsumu.”


    “Okay, I’m hanging up now,” is the last thing Motoya hears Kiyoomi say before the call ends.


    (His cousin sends pictures of their meal later on. Motoya was very jealous.

    Happy for him, but jealous.

    That food looked hella good.)


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