In all manners of the word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

во всех видах

во всевозможные

во всевозможных

в любом виде

в любых условиях

They are bedecked in all manner of clothing and footwear.

It’s been demonstrated to improve physical performance in all manner of sports while also delaying mental fatigue.

Это было доказано с целью повышения физической работоспособности во всех видах спорта, а также замедления умственного утомления.

Many players tend to believe in all manner of myths, superstitions, old wives tales and the like.

Многие игроки склонны верить во всевозможные мифы, суеверия, и тому подобное.

He is currently involved in conceptualizing and creating the initial dungeon pieces, as well as a first true stab at user interface, and will eventually be involved in all manner of environment art and world-building.

В настоящее время он занимается концептуализацией и созданием начальных частей подземелий, а также первой настоящей попытки в пользовательском интерфейсе, и в конечном итоге будет вовлечен во всевозможные природные искусства и построение мира.

Millions of years of separate evolution has, of course, resulted in considerable divergence in all manner of traits.

Конечно, миллионы лет отдельной эволюции привели к значительному расхождению во всевозможных чертах.

Phones spend a lot of time in pockets, in bags and being used in all manner of weather and conditions.

Телефоны проводят много времени в карманах, в сумках и используются во всевозможных погодных и климатических условиях.

Its quiet recital can help in all manner of futile and debilitating struggles.

Эта тихая декламация может помочь во всех видах бесполезной и изнурительной борьбы.

He says it would have been surprising if there hadn’t been life in Lake Vostok, as organisms manage to survive in all manner of extreme environments.

По его словам, было бы странно, если бы в озере Восток не нашлось жизни: организмы выживают во всевозможных экстремальных условиях.

The historian Donald Sassoon has argued that much of the painting’s modern global iconic status rests on its widespread reproduction and use in all manner of advertising.

Историк Дональд Сассун утверждал, что значительная часть современного всемирно известного статуса картины опирается на ее широкое воспроизведение и использование во всех видах рекламы.

Luper learns to use his prison time, writing on the prisons walls, inventing projects in literature, theatre, film and painting, and engaging with his jailers in all manner of plots, schemes and adventures.

Люпер учится использовать время, проводимое в тюрьме, для того чтобы писать на тюремных стенах, изобретать проекты, связанные с литературой, театром, кино и живописью, и вовлекать своих тюремщиков во всевозможные заговоры, интриги и приключения.

Perhaps, given this information, it should come as no surprise that the best and brightest in many fields are frequently caught in all manner of transgressions.

Возможно, с учётом этих данных, нас не должно удивлять, что самые лучшие и выдающиеся во многих областях часто оказываются уличёнными во всевозможных моральных прегрешениях.

Although originally designed with a specific use in mind, Bluetooth today is used in all manner of devices, both smart and not, for sending data across short distances.

Хотя изначально Bluetooth был разработан специально для конкретного использования, сегодня Bluetooth используется во всех видах устройств, как интеллектуальных, так и нет, для отправки данных на короткие расстояния.

In fact they can be just as good as extroverts in all manner of situations and activities.

На самом деле они могут быть такими же хорошими, как экстраверты в любых ситуациях и действиях.

This phenomenon occurs in all manner of ways, from the purely verbal to the bluntly physical.

Этот феномен проявляется совершенно в разных вариациях, начиная от простых словесных высказываний до физического воздействия.

People protect themselves in all manner of ways.

There are basically two types of snakes, in all manner of sizes.

There was a time before reason… and science when my ancestors believed in all manner of nonsense.

Было время между разумом… И наукой, когда мои предки верили во всякую чепуху.

Writers, journalists, and people in all manner of professions are always looking for new and innovative ideas.

Писатели, журналисты и люди самых разных профессий всегда ищут новые и новаторские идеи.

This kind of test is becoming increasingly important as plastics continue to replace more traditional materials in all manner of applications.

Данный тип испытания становится более востребованным по мере того, как пластмассы продолжают замещать более традиционные материалы в разных отраслях применения.

It is occurring in all manner of criminal cases throughout the country.

Так и образуется целая череда уголовных дел по всей стране.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 133. Точных совпадений: 133. Затраченное время: 327 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200



all manner of — разнообразные; всевозможные
all manner of men — всякие /разные/ люди
all manner of … — всякого рода …
all manner of things — всевозможные вещи
all manner of problems — все типы задач
by all manner of means — во что бы то ни стало; любыми средствами; любым способом
all manner of men [of things] — всякие /разные/ люди [вещи]
be a bankrupt to all manner of understanding — не иметь ни капли здравого смысла
to be a bankrupt to all manner of understanding — не иметь ни капли здравого смысла
by all (manner of) means — а) любыми средствами, любым способом; б) любой ценой, во что бы то ни стало; обязательно; you must do it by all means

Автоматический перевод

все виды

Перевод по словам

all  — все, весь, целый, все, целое, все, весь, вся, совершенно, всецело
manner  — способ, манера, метод, стиль, образ действий, род, нравы, обычаи, хорошие манеры, сорт


We would discuss all manner of subjects.

Мы говорили обо всём на свете.

Lord Clarendon says that all manner of cruelty was executed.

Лорл Кларендон утверждает, что совершались всяческого рода жестокости.

The British Isles have been conquered by all manner of people.

Британские острова были завоеваны людьми с разными манерами поведения.

Rattan is such a lissome material that it can be used for all manner of furniture and baskets.

Ротанг — это настолько гибкий материал, что его можно использовать для изготовления любой мебели и корзин.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…soon all manner of people had arrived in the valley to prospect it for gold…  

…flaring neon signs advertising all manner of amusement for tourists at the beach town…  

…a store selling tents, sleeping bags, and all manner of appurtenant equipment for a week of roughing it…  

…families can be seen faring along the road to the campground while driving or towing all manner of conveyance…  

…since the invention of the cork, all manner of appliances have been invented for the extraction of these sometimes troublesome stoppers…  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Our music is a part of our past, in all manners: positive and negative,


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Наша музыка- это часть нашего прошлого во всех смыслах: в позитивном и в негативном.


All citizens who live


Cambodia have the rights before the laws to protect them from forced eviction in all manners.


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Все проживающие


Камбодже граждане имеют установленное законом право на защиту от насильственного лишения собственности в любой форме.


These business development banks contribute to strengthening the economic prospects of Nigeria and

Nigerians in all manners possible via business and trades.

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Эти банки развития бизнеса способствовать укреплению экономических перспектив Нигерии и

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Fischer does not

mention the resulting chaos


which everything is copulating in all manner of unlikely combinations.

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Фишер не упоминает

There was a time before reason… and science when my ancestors believed in all manner of nonsense.

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Было время между разумом… И наукой, когда мои предки верили во всякую чепуху.


fact, air companies need only to back the cause of the

armed groups to be permitted to engage in all manner of trafficking arms and also raw materials.


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По сути, авиационным компаниям достаточно договориться с вооруженными группами,

с тем чтобы им было разрешено осуществлять все виды торговли не только оружием, но и сырьем.


And they made their lives bitter with hard labor,


their service wherein they made them serve was with rigor.

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И дѣлали жизнь ихъ горькою отъ тяжкой работы надъ глиною и кирпичами и отъ всякой работы полевой, отъ всякой работы, къ которой принуждали ихъ съ жестокостію.

It is one of the great unexplained puzzles of Central American history that

the murderous Aztecs worshipped and honoured this benign figure in all manner of rituals, and always spoke with awe of his peaceful and life-giving ways.


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Одна из величайших загадок истории Центральной Америки заключается в том, что убийцы-

ацтеки чтили этого покровителя всего живого и поклонялись ему всевозможными способами, причем всегда с почтением говорили о его миролюбии и милосердии.



short, their favourable opinion of Long Ghost


particular rose higher and higher every day;

and they began to indulge in all manner of dreams concerning the advantages to be derived

from employing so learned a labourer.

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Коротко говоря, их высокое мнение о нас, в особенности о Долговязом Духе, росло с каждым днем,

и они стали предаваться всевозможным мечтам о тех выгодах, какие они смогут извлечь,

пользуясь услугами столь ученого работника.


this way, the situation


Syria mirrors a contradiction that has persisted


the region for decades: the United States is chastised for meddling


the region,

accused of having a hand in all manner of conspiracy; at the same time,

the United States is blamed for failing to do enough to solve the region’s problems and for showing indifference toward suffering Muslim populations.


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Таким образом, ситуация в Сирии отражает противоречие, которое сохраняется в регионе на протяжении десятилетий: Соединенные Штаты упрекают за вмешательство в регионе,

обвиняют в участии во всевозможных заговорах, и в то же время критикуют за то,

что они недостаточно делают для решения проблем региона, а также за равнодушие к страданиям мусульманского населения.


At these seminars, foreign experts promote the manners and mechanisms of achieving full equality, in all spheres of social life.


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На этих семинарах иностранные эксперты пропагандируют средства и механизмы достижения полного равенства во всех сферах социальной жизни.


He introduced standards of excellence in all these fields as well as setting new norms for elegant and noble manners.

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Он стал законодателем в каждой из этих областей, а также эталоном изысканных и благородных манер.

Fight against street manners in the army should be implemented in all military echelons,

but much more important is the participation of junior officers


this process.


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Борьба против уличных нравов в армии должна осуществляться во всех военных звеньях,

однако намного важнее участие младшего командного состава


этом процессе.


Nature studies are valuable in all


of ways.


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Занятия на природе ценны во всех отношениях.


Alm36:27 And I have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind, yea, and in all


of afflictions;

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И я был поддерживаем во всех испытаниях, да, и в страданиях всякого рода;

The Committee notes that the officers are deployed in all


of United Nations activity across the full range of Secretariat offices

and departments and not only


the economic and social arena, as envisaged


the original resolution that mandated their use.


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Комитет отмечает, что эти сотрудники заняты во всех сферах деятельности Организации Объединенных Наций по


спектру управлений и департаментов Секретариата,

а не только в экономической и социальной сфере, как предусмотрено в первоначальной резолюции, служащей правовой основой для их использования.


Desirous of contributing in all appropriate manners to the effectiveness of the Treaty.


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Protected persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons, their honour, their family rights, their religious convictions and practices, and their


and customs.


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Ii Покровительствуемые лица имеют право при любых обстоятельствах на уважение к их личности, чести, семейным правам, религиозным убеждениям и обрядам, привычкам и обычаям.




the Dimitrovgrad elementary and

high schools is carried out in all three


provided by law depending on students’ and parents’ choice.


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Обучение в димитровградских начальных и средних

школах в соответствии с законом и по усмотрению учащихся и их родителей ведется при использовании всех трех вышеупомянутых возможностей.


Cars of the company are in perfect order, and all employees have good manners.


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Автомобили компании в идеальном порядке, а все сотрудники отличаются хорошими манерами.


Maybe somewhere a little bit silly, but in general- skips familiar to all employees of the specialty familiar features or manners….

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Возможно, где-то немного глуповато, но в целом- проскакивают знакомые для всех работников данной специальности знакомые черты или манеры поведения….

We all seem to want a child and look older, adopting parents manners and imitating them in clothing.


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Все мы


детстве хотели казаться и выглядеть старше, перенимая у родителей манеры и подражая им в одежде.


All courtesan»Kievskaya» metro station have an attractive appearance and good manners are always on the»line of duty» in their apartments


anticipation of the stronger sex.


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Все роскошные индивидуалки Москвы имеют привлекательную внешность и хорошие манеры, всегда находятся на« боевом посту» в своих апартаментах


ожидании представителей сильного пола.




in all

his manners, in his speech,


his sweater and jacket and a cap,

oddly enough, discern the features of well-known Soviet spies, such as David Hotsman




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Илье и его манерах, в его речи,


его свитере, курточке и кепочке, как

ни странно, угадываются образы знаменитых советских сыщиков, того же Давида Гоцмана из« Ликвидации».


Ceramics, after


opens space for creativity- dummies in different manners painted look compared to the other, unusually, both at home,


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Керамика ведь открывает простор для творчества- чайники на разный манер расписаны, выглядят, по сравнению с другими, необычно, как.


He traveled


over Russia from end to end, learned manners province and embodied them in the genre sketches.


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Он изъездил Россию из конца


конец, узнал нравы провинции и воплотил их в жанровых зарисовках.


Communications Specialist and HQ resident Vinita Abraham tells us all about life in the brand new Bridgewater building

and explains everything from»cube manners» to»huddle rooms»!


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Специалист по коммуникациям и резидент штаб-квартиры Винита Абрахам рассказывает нам все о жизни под новым брендом в здании Bridgewater

и объясняет


от« изолированных рабочих кубов» до« переговорных комнат»!


  • 1
    all manner of

    Персональный Сократ > all manner of

  • 2
    all manner of…

    But at length the sun shone into their faces with noonday ardor and the ants walked on them, and two blue jays stood on the ground nearby, calling them all manner of sharp names. (J. Steinbeck, ‘Tortilla Flat’, ch. VI) — Но наконец им в лицо ударило жаркое полуденное солнце, по ним забегали муравьи, а две голубые сойки, находившиеся поблизости, на разные лады ругали их на своем птичьем языке.

    In here was the… ranch… planted thick with roses, violets, lilies, tulips… all manner and description of flowers, five hundred acres of them… (Fr. Norris, ‘The Octopus’, book I, ch. IV) — Там находилась… ферма… неповторимо прекрасный кусок земли в пятьсот акров, густо засаженный розами, фиалками, лилиями, тюльпанами… цветами всех видов и наименований…

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > all manner of…

  • 3
    all manner of

    1. всевозможные

    2. всевозможный

    English-Russian base dictionary > all manner of

  • 4
    all manner of

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > all manner of

  • 5
    all manner of

    1) Общая лексика: всякого рода , всевозможные

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > all manner of

  • 6
    all manner of (…)

    Общая лексика:

    всякого рода

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > all manner of (…)

  • 7
    all manner of

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > all manner of

  • 8
    all manner of

    Новый англо-русский словарь > all manner of

  • 9
    all manner of …

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > all manner of …

  • 10
    all manner of men

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > all manner of men

  • 11
    all manner of problems

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > all manner of problems

  • 12
    all manner of things

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > all manner of things

  • 13
    be a bankrupt to all manner of understanding

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be a bankrupt to all manner of understanding

  • 14
    by all (manner of) means

    Общая лексика:

    любыми средствами, обязательно

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > by all (manner of) means

  • 15
    by all manner of means

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > by all manner of means

  • 16
    do right to all manner of people

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > do right to all manner of people

  • 17
    to be a bankrupt to all manner of understanding

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > to be a bankrupt to all manner of understanding

  • 18

    1) стиль, худо́жественная мане́ра;



    (хоро́шие) мане́ры; уме́ние держа́ть себя́;

    5) спо́соб, ме́тод; о́браз де́йствий;

    all manner of… всевозмо́жные…


    in a manner до не́которой сте́пени; в не́котором смы́сле


    no manner of… никако́й…


    а) прирождённый, со́зданный (для чего-л.);

    б) привы́кший с пелёнок

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > manner

  • 19

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > manner

  • 20

    ˈmænə сущ.
    1) способ, метод;
    образ действий Do it in such manner. ≈ Сделай это таким способом. adverb of manner грам. ≈ наречие образа действия Syn: method
    2) манера, поведение arrogant, cavalier, imperious, overbearing manner ≈ высокомерность, надменная манера держать себя awkward manner ≈ неловкость, неуклюжесть, неловкая манера держать себя boorish, coarse, crude, rude, uncouth manner ≈ грубость, невоспитанность businesslike manner ≈ деловитость She was businesslike in her manner. ≈ Она была очень деловитой. casual manner, hit-or-miss ≈ несерьезное, наплевательское поведение relaxed manner ≈ расслабленность, раскованность debonair manner ≈ жизнерадостность, добродушность forthcoming manner ≈ приветливость, общительность friendly manner ≈ дружелюбие gentle manner, mild manner ≈ мягкость gracious manner ≈ снисходительность, любезность grand manner ≈ величественные манеры ingratiating manner ≈ раболепие, заискивание intriguing manner ≈ интригующее поведение lively manner ≈ живость matter-of-fact manner ≈ прозаичность offhand manner ≈ бесцеремонная манера polished manner ≈ отточенные манеры pretentious manner ≈ вычурность, самомнение prim manner ≈ чопорность servile manner ≈ подобострастие sheepish manner ≈ робость, застенчивость slipshod, sloppy manner ≈ неаккуратность, небрежность, неряшливость stern manner ≈ суровость, неумолимость suave manner ≈ учтивое, обходительное поведение unctuous manner ≈ елейное поведение They behaved in a statesmanlike manner. ≈ Они вели себя как подобает государственным деятелям. in the grand manner ≈ пышно, роскошно in an awkward manner ≈ неловко Everything was done in a well organized manner. ≈ Все было очень хорошо организовано. in proper legal manner ≈ в установленной законом форме
    3) мн. мн. а) хорошие манеры, воспитанность, умение себя вести ∙ Victorian manners ≈ викторианские нравы Syn: conduct
    1., demeanour, deportment, behavior б) нравы, обычаи Syn: tradition, custom
    4) а) стиль, художественная манера manner and matter Syn: style
    1. б) неод. манерность Syn: mannerism
    5) архаич. род, сорт all manner of problems ≈ все типы задач Syn: kind I, sort
    метод, способ;
    образ действий — in this *, in such a * таким образом — in a more methodical * более регулярно /методично/ — in the same * as… таким же образом, как… — in like * подобным образом — after the * of smb., smth. на манер /наподобие/ кого-л., чего-л. — no one would use it in that * никто не станет использовать это таким способом — he holds his fork in an awkward * он неуклюже держит вилку — do it in this * сделай это так /таким образом/ — the * of his argument то, как он аргументирует свою точку зрения — adverb of * (грамматика) наречие образа действия — * of proceeding (юридическое) вид /характер/ судопроизводства манера;
    поведение — to like smb.’s * of reading любить чью-л. манеру читать — he has a strange * of speaking у него странная манера говорить — bedside * умение обращаться с больным;
    умелый подход к больному;
    врачебный такт — modest * скромное поведение;
    скромная манера держаться — I don’t like his * мне не нравится его манера вести себя /держаться/ — she has * она держится с достоинством — he has an awkward * он держится неловко pl обычаи, нравы — strange *s странные обычаи /нравы/ — a comedy of *s (театроведение) комедия нравов — the *s of our ancestors обычаи наших предков — such were the *s of the time таковы были обычаи /нравы/ того времени — *s change with the times иные /другие/ времена, иные /другие/ нравы pl воспитанность;
    хорошие манеры — to have good *s быть воспитанным (человеком) — the child has good table *s ребенок умеет вести себя за столом — to have bad /no/ *s не уметь себя держать /вести/;
    быть невоспитанным (человеком) — have you no *? вы что, не умеете вести /держать/ себя? — it is bad *s to stare at people разглядывать людей невежливо /неприлично/ — where are your *s? как ты себя ведешь?;
    вели себя прилично! — don’t forget your *s! помни, как нужно себя вести!, веди себя хорошо! — have you forgotten your *s? вы забыли, как надо себя вести? стиль, художественный метод;
    манера исполнения и т. п. — to imitate a poet’s * подражать художественной манере какого-л. поэта — a picture in the * of Raphael картина в манере Рафаэля — a novel after the * of Dickens роман в духе Диккенса — * and matter форма и содержание — these two novels differ more in * than in matter эти два романа отличаются больше по форме, чем по содержанию манерность (устаревшее) сорт, род — what * of man is he? что он за человек? — all * of things всевозможные вещи — no * of doubt никакого сомнения > after a * как-нибудь > in a * до некоторой степени, в некотором смысле, так сказать > by all * of means любыми средствами > by no * of means никоим образом > to the * born привыкший с пеленок > he made his first speech as to the * born он произнес свою первую речь как прирожденный оратор( юридическое) похищенное имущество — to be taken /found/ in /with/ the * быть захваченным /пойманным/ с поличным
    all ~ of… всевозможные…
    by any ~ of means каким бы то ни было образом
    by no ~ of means ни в коем случае
    no ~ of… никакой…;
    to have no manner of right не иметь никакого права
    ~ pl (хорошие) манеры;
    умение держать себя;
    to have no manners не уметь себя вести;
    he has fair manners у него изящные манеры
    ~ pl (хорошие) манеры;
    умение держать себя;
    to have no manners не уметь себя вести;
    he has fair manners у него изящные манеры
    in a ~ до некоторой степени;
    в некотором смысле;
    in a manner of speaking уст. так сказать
    in a ~ до некоторой степени;
    в некотором смысле;
    in a manner of speaking уст. так сказать speaking: ~ разговор;
    plain speaking разговор начистоту;
    in a manner of speaking если можно так выразиться;
    course in public speaking курс ораторского искусства
    in a promiscuous ~ случайно, наудачу
    manner манера (говорить, действовать) ;
    in proper legal manner в установленной законом форме
    manner манера (говорить, действовать) ;
    in proper legal manner в установленной законом форме ~ pl (хорошие) манеры;
    умение держать себя;
    to have no manners не уметь себя вести;
    he has fair manners у него изящные манеры ~ pl обычаи, нравы ~ сорт, род;
    what manner of man is he? что он за человек?, какой он человек? ~ способ, метод;
    образ действий;
    manner of life (of thought) образ жизни( мыслей) ~ стиль, художественная манера;
    manner and matter форма и содержание
    ~ стиль, художественная манера;
    manner and matter форма и содержание
    ~ способ, метод;
    образ действий;
    manner of life (of thought) образ жизни (мыслей)
    no ~ of… никакой…;
    to have no manner of right не иметь никакого права
    to the ~ born привыкший с пеленок
    ~ сорт, род;
    what manner of man is he? что он за человек?, какой он человек?

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > manner

  • Like this video? Subscribe to our free daily email and get a new idiom video every day!

    all manner of (people or things)

    Many varieties or types of (people or things). You meet all manner of people when you live in a big city. It’s a huge store with all manner of dresses—I’m sure you’ll find one you like. Our memories are laced with all manner of subconscious mistakes and fabrications.

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    all manner of someone or something

    Fig. all types of people or things. We saw all manner of people there. They came from every country in the world. They were selling all manner of things in the country store.

    McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

    all ˈmanner of somebody/something

    many different types of people or things: The problem can be solved in all manner of ways.

    Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

    See also:

    • all manner of (people or things)
    • à la
    • la
    • all manner of somebody/something
    • in a manner of speaking
    • by no manner of means
    • manner
    • ape
    • ape (one’s) behavior
    • behaviour


    • #1

    Hi all,

    Here is a context:

    I hereby authorize Mr.X to act on my behalf in all manners relating to application for representative office establishment…

    Please make it clear for me.

    • #2

    It seems to be a typo and the word should be «matters».

    If it is not, I think «aspects» would be a better word here.


    • #3

    Barque: thanks

    anyway, I see this phrase a lot in legal documents^^

    • #4

    You are welcome. It is also possible that by «manners» the writer means that Mr.X can act in any manner (that he deems fit).

    1. 10-05-2014, 04:02 PM


      Junior Member

      Barney's Avatar

      New… in all manners of the word!

      I’ve long admired birds and wanted to keep one as a pet. Moved around quite alot so never seemed like the right time but will be buying a place soon so plan on that being my last move, for a year at least (joke!)

      Ive just signed up here to gain further knowledge, find out which bird is right for me (and if im right for the bird more importantly!) and basically get some of my newbie questions answered haha.
      Speaking of, is there a ‘newbie’ section for such questions or do I go directly to the general discussion?

      Thanks for having me.

    2. 10-05-2014, 04:37 PM


      Senior Member

      PlaxMacaws's Avatar

      Welcome to Precisely Parrots, Barney! Thanks so much for joining us .

      You can certainly post any questions in the General Bird Discussion section. You can also post under the species-specific categories if you like. The advanced search option is as well available. Just enter your search terms there.

      Parrots can be wonderful companions and family members. But they’re also a huge and permanent responsibility. It’s a great thing and very wise that you’re doing your research beforehand

      Please pose any questions you may have and please keep us updated as to your decisions.

      «Please adopt older birds!»

    3. 10-05-2014, 05:21 PM


      Junior Member

      Barney's Avatar

      Quote Originally Posted by PlaxMacaws
      View Post

      Welcome to Precisely Parrots, Barney! Thanks so much for joining us .

      You can certainly post any questions in the General Bird Discussion section. You can also post under the species-specific categories if you like. The advanced search option is as well available. Just enter your search terms there.

      Parrots can be wonderful companions and family members. But they’re also a huge and permanent responsibility. It’s a great thing and very wise that you’re doing your research beforehand

      Please pose any questions you may have and please keep us updated as to your decisions.

      Thanks Plax, ill make use of the search facilities. I did see that there were sub forums for specific birds but not quite sure which ‘type’ im after yet so wondered the best way to go about it. Dont think im quite ready to care for a macaw yet but really like the one in your signature and profile pic!

      At the moment im looking at Quakers and Conures, but as I look at them other species pop up and I then go into a world of looking at 20 more birds haha.

      Apart from my 9-5 job, I spend plenty of time in the evenings and weekends at home. I currently have a cat, dog and bearded dragon…the latter of which is more of a hobby than a pet given the amount of research and detail required to give them a good life, so I feel in a good position to care for a bird too.

    4. 10-05-2014, 05:41 PM


      Senior Member

      PlaxMacaws's Avatar

      Quote Originally Posted by Barney
      View Post

      Thanks Plax, ill make use of the search facilities. I did see that there were sub forums for specific birds but not quite sure which ‘type’ im after yet so wondered the best way to go about it. Dont think im quite ready to care for a macaw yet but really like the one in your signature and profile pic!

      At the moment im looking at Quakers and Conures, but as I look at them other species pop up and I then go into a world of looking at 20 more birds haha.

      Apart from my 9-5 job, I spend plenty of time in the evenings and weekends at home. I currently have a cat, dog and bearded dragon…the latter of which is more of a hobby than a pet given the amount of research and detail required to give them a good life, so I feel in a good position to care for a bird too.

      Sounds great, Barney. I’d say research/compare/learn… then research/compare/learn some more… in addition to visiting some actual birds that you can spend some time getting to know. Following a plan like that should be a good approach for you

      «Please adopt older birds!»

    5. 10-05-2014, 06:23 PM


      Junior Member

      Barney's Avatar

      Quote Originally Posted by PlaxMacaws
      View Post

      Sounds great, Barney. I’d say research/compare/learn… then research/compare/learn some more… in addition to visiting some actual birds that you can spend some time getting to know. Following a plan like that should be a good approach for you

      Thanks again, I live in a fairly remote area of the world (Highlands of Scotland) so not exactly an abundance of places I can go to interact with birds. The only petshop (which is also a gardening shop lol) near me has 1 bird. I have never seen it…but have heard it haha.

      Is there any type of bird that you suggest would be a good starting point? As an adult rather than a child (not really interested in budgies and the smaller type, if that matters!).

      Ill may be just riff off a few ‘preferences’ if thats ok so that I can possibly narrow down my options, rather than dive straight in with making numerous threads in the general section.

      Bird(s) : The reason for the (s) is that I would like the bird to have a companion if it will help them thrive. Owning a bearded dragon I know that some animals in the world are best on their own, I just added the plural as an option if it was to the benefit of the bird rather than me.

      Cage size : I can accommodate a cage size of anything from 1ft long x 1ft deep by 2ft high, all the way up to 4ft long by 2.5ft deep by 5ft high.

      Time : As I said previously, I have a 9-5 job so the bird(s) would have to have the ability to entertain themselves for a good chunk of the day. If lights are out at 9pm for them usually, I would most likely be able to interact with them for about 4 hours a day, including cleaning cage time, feedings, etc.
      On weekends, I will be able to interact with them for as long as they need for the most part I am home quite alot.

      Interacting with others : I will be the only one around the bird 99% of the time, but would like for friends and family to be able to hold/interact also. This is desirable, not essential.

      Budget : Id say not more than �800 for the bird, cage, toys and food. Of course I know that more toys, more food, supplements and vets bills are inevitable, Im just putting the �800 as initial setup although there is scope to expand this should I become obsessed with a particular bird.

      Noise/Talking : Medium to low level noise. Talking would be nice but again its a desirable and not essential.

      Bird Size : Doesnt really matter, the only reason I added this is the size of the bird would have to fit into the cage size I can provide in order to be happy with its surroundings. Id prefer something a bit more substantial than a budgie though.

      I have probably missed some things out but I am aware that they are living things and nothing is guaranteed with regards to noise, aggression and whatnot as no two birds are the same. This is just my little wishlist to get me started so if you have any suggestions on what I focus my research on i’d really appreciate it.

    6. 10-05-2014, 06:33 PM


      Nobility Member

      spiritbird's Avatar

      Welcome Barney. Are you familiar with the TV and book series Outlander? Takes place in Scotland. Have you read any of the 8 books? May I suggest you research the bird Cockatiel. They are easily trained, not very noisy and love to cuddle. The females seem to be high on the egg laying scale so a male may be preferred. Also check to see if you have any avian vets or vets that will treat birds close to you. This is important.

      I would also like to mention it is important to have a safe environment for a bird. With other pets in the home some precautions should be taken.
      The second article in the link may help you.

      There is another not so well know bird that is truly lovely. It is called a Meyers Parrot.

      Last edited by spiritbird; 10-05-2014 at 06:36 PM.

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      Animalman2046 (11-18-2014)

    8. 10-05-2014, 07:02 PM


      Junior Member

      Barney's Avatar

      Quote Originally Posted by spiritbird
      View Post

      Welcome Barney. Are you familiar with the TV and book series Outlander? Takes place in Scotland. Have you read any of the 8 books? May I suggest you research the bird Cockatiel. They are easily trained, not very noisy and love to cuddle. The females seem to be high on the egg laying scale so a male may be preferred. Also check to see if you have any avian vets or vets that will treat birds close to you. This is important.

      I would also like to mention it is important to have a safe environment for a bird. With other pets in the home some precautions should be taken.
      The second article in the link may help you.

      There is another not so well know bird that is truly lovely. It is called a Meyers Parrot.

      Thanks for the reply, and links, spiritbird. I have not seen that show but will keep my eye out for it.
      I have of course heard of a cockatiel and I will take them into consideration in getting a bird. The Meyers parrot is not something I have ever come acress, does look very appealing on looks and traits from the link you provided, thanks!

      Last edited by Barney; 10-05-2014 at 07:13 PM.

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    10. 10-05-2014, 07:13 PM


      Junior Member

      Barney's Avatar

      Oh and I forgot to mention.
      The bird will be in my room, which also has the bearded dragon on it. The wont be facing eachother as each enclosure will be against the same wall. The dog doesn’t really care about new animals in the house. Cat is inquisitive but after a while isnt bothered about new animals either, and he’s never in my room anyway, so wont be in there unsupervised at any point.

    11. 10-05-2014, 08:05 PM


      Senior Member

      PlaxMacaws's Avatar

      Barney: Concerning your multiple pet situation… a significant risk exists even when a predatory pet has shown little to no interest in an avian housemate for a long period of time — years in some cases. That’s because birds tend to startle on occasion and thus may leap into the air instinctively. All it may take to incite a fatal response is for a pet bird to launch in this manner out of fright and thus abruptly end up in a pet cat or dog’s physical space. In such a situation a cat will typically lash out with claws and teeth, and a dog may well snap at the small animal suddenly appearing before it. This type of event can easily end a bird’s life. While it’s possible to mitigate the likelihood associated with a pet bird’s inclination to engage in panic flights, we can never eliminate the reality that every bird will occasionally become startled and launch into aimless flight. And importantly, even when a pet owner is sitting or standing right beside their cat or their dog while a pet bird is near, an unexpected and sudden act of aggression on the part of said cat or dog will usually occur so quickly that there’s no time for intervention to save the bird. It’s definitely a matter worthy of concern.

      Moving on… Personally, I have always liked Meyers Parrots quite well. They are often reported to have wonderful personalities. Additionally, if you acquire more than one parrot, and especially if they are housed together, they may become bonded to one another and therefore less affectionate toward you. If that’s preferred, then maybe multiple birds is an answer for you. It’s vary hard on a single bird to remain home alone during work hours each day. It can be done, but it’s not ideal. And lastly, once you decide upon a species it will be time to determine what the minimum dimensions of your cage should be.

      «Please adopt older birds!»

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    13. 10-05-2014, 08:14 PM


      Junior Member

      Barney's Avatar

      I will take the cat/dog situation into consideration when deciding on what, where, and even IF a bird will be suitable in my current environment. I certainly hope I can.

      In your experience, would you advise ‘introducing’ the bird to the cat and dog, or give them as much distance as possible? That’s probably a difficult question to answer as all animals react differently, just looking for a general consensus on the correct thing to do.

      Meyers look great, as do cockatiels…and quakers, and conures… its getting to the point where im going to have to pick a name out of a hat to decide! haha

    Akeem Lasisi

    ([email protected]; 08163939335)

    Whenever you see all in a sentence, there is the tendency to think that the verb that will follow it should be plural. The reason is that all readily suggests many, far more than one. So, we know that instead of saying All the boys is here, we say All the boys are here.  Most of us also know that All of them visit us regularly is the correct expression – not All of them visits us regularly.

    But because language is not the same thing as Mathematics, there are contexts in which all rejects plural verbs. This usually applies when it works with mass or uncountable nouns. So, instead of All the salt have been washed away by rain, we have All the salt has been washed away by rain.  We also have Not all that glitters is gold, and not Not all that glitter are gold.

    This leads us to the question asked in the topic of this lesson: All manners of or All manner of? Understandably, a lot of people say All manners of, when they mean different types of something or people.  To them, manner should carry an s in the statement because several or more manifestations are implied. This, is however, wrong. The right expression is All manner of:

    Instead of saying ‘Sorry’, he came up with all manners of excuses. (Wrong)

    Instead of saying ‘Sorry’, he came up with all manner of excuses. (Correct)

    All manners of ideas were canvassed at the summit. (Wrong)

    All manner of ideas were canvassed at the summit. (Correct)

    On the other hand, the context manners is used may surprise some of us, as they would prefer the word without the s there.  This is when we are talking in terms of behavioural code, etiquette or things considered polite. The  correct word here is manners, not manner:

    The footballer has bad manner; I am not surprised the referee gave him a red card. (Wrong)

    The footballer has bad manners; I am not surprised the referee gave him a red card. (Correct)

    The way he spoke to the old man showed that he has no manner. (Wrong)

    The way he spoke to the old man shows that he has no manners. (Correct)

    The marketing manager cannot accommodate the woman’s manner. (Wrong)

    The marketing manager cannot accommodate the woman’s manners.

    The fact that we cannot separate s from manner in the above brings to memory other words that many treat as singular elements but which must always carry s. They include whereabouts, crossroads, outskirts and loggerheads:

    The police say they don’t know the whereabout of the criminal. (Wrong)

    The police say the don’t know the whereabouts of the criminal.

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    Towards every election, Nigeria is usually at the crossroad. (Wrong)

    Towards every election, Nigeria is usually at the crossroads. (Correct)

    Chief Kiigbe lives on the outskirt  of the town. (Wrong)

    Chief Kiigbe lives on the outskirts of the town. (Correct)

    On mannerism

     Linked to manner and manners is mannerism, which refers to the habitual way or gesture of speaking or behaving.  It entails what a person says or does repeatedly whenever speaking, but which they may not realise they do. Note that mannerism is different from a slogan or pay-off line. The latter is often for emphasis and advertorial purposes but mannerism is usually a minus for a person.

    Virtually everyone has their own mannerism, though it is only people engaged in public speaking that are exposed and are easily nailed for it. These include political leaders, clerics and teachers. Indeed, students are fond of playing up their teachers’ mannerisms to mock them:

    Prof. Dende’s mannerism includes saying ‘By the way’.

    My brother always repeatedly readjusts his glasses whenever he is addressing a gathering.

    Answers to last week’s assignment

    1. The manager had not submitted the list as of the time, …

         (a) still yet (b) even (c) THOUGH (d) although

    1. You can’t enter. The store is out of BOUNDS to visitors.

         (a) bounds (b) bound (c) bondage (d) boundary

    1. The boy as well as the little girls WANTS to recite a poem.

         (a) is wanting (b) are wanting (c) want (d) wants

    Those who got all the answers right

    A.T Perepou, Olutomilola O.O, Ifeayinchukwu Ibekwe, Rasheedat Zakariyau, Oladipupo Muhammed, Omirin Ayomipo, Oladimeji Sunday, Blessing Aghojare, Bukola Gaji, Halimat Awonuga, Akin Gandonu, Gani Oladipo, Tope Erijiyan, Charles Ekereke, Abdwakil Ashafa, Adegoke Tiwalola, Peter Inyang, Mikairu G.Y, Yakubu Suleman, Fasooto Ademola, Foluke Ogunsanya, Bolarinwa Nurudeen, Asan Kafilat, Oladipo Isaac Wole Ogunsade, A. B. Adejumo, Gift Uturu, Olugbenga Adu, Tunde Egbedokun, Olawale Ayodeji, Idongesit Ekpamfon, Ihekwoaba Ndidi, Rotimi Adeleye, Kolapo Barakat, Bernad Danldi, Ajayi Christopher,  Patrick Olus,  Adegbite Wasiu, Akinola Ilesanmi, Ofonime Etim, Abraham Akpoesienwa, Abosede Da-Silva, Olayinka Akomolede, Josiah Abu, Alonge Seun, Alonge Moses and Akbar Bello.

    Those who also did well

    Awonowo Adekunle, Afolabi Olalekan, Adeosun Taiwo, Arigbabu Olawale, Emmanuel Odiete, Adetokunboh Alonge, Ibrahim Abd’majid, Olahore Folahan, Ibukun Emmanuel, Olawale Lawal, Akinola Arowojolu, Ishola Oluwatoyin, Akande Akeem, Folashade Israel, Abraham Okwe, Kunbi Aina, Ephraim Odeiga, Bayo Adekoya, SFasai Sunmonu, S. Ajayi, Fasasi Kehinde, Nnamdi Chiegbo, Shola, M, David Osita, Effiong ArAdebayo Abdumajeed,  Ndeyarka Mercy, chibong, M. S. Adelugba, Sulaiman Baleeqs, Roland Olisa, Gabriel Okioghenete, Tony Unogu, Adewunmi Maria, Hunye Abel, Oludare Olufade, Tope Ajayi, Chukwudi Iheanacho, Ustadh Faisol, Goodluck Henry, Rotimi Jaiyeoba, Yekeen Mutiu, Emmanuel Oni, Nseobong Brown, Ven Falodun, Anyaka Augusta, Ayanlola Oluseyi, Steve O.A, Egberongbe Niyi, Seyi Adewuyi, Abiodun Elesin, Olaoye Folashade, Kolawole Kareem, Olatunde Adeleke, Godwin Akpoghome, Hussainat Dawuda, Muoka Johnny, Nath Garnvwa, Adeleke Taiwo, Daramola Oloniruha, Louis Obodiwe, Adediran Abass, Judepaul Chibueze, Muogho Kingsley, Chima Nkemakolam, Akomolafe Damilola, Adelowo Adetunji, Abiodun Oyeyemi, Sunday Oyesiji, Olayinka Adesina, Toyin Oyewoga, Ogunlade Kayode, Akinyemi Taiwo, Moshood Afolabi, Famuyide Funke, Aransiola Oluwole, Oyedare Segun, Olorunmateda Adenaike, Dickson Ogala, Aremu Afolabi, Raheem Jimoh, Saleh B.G, Babatunde Akinwale, Peter Anaman, Olunye Olayinka, Chinasa Nnesi, Enyidiya Ekelemi, Okesanya Omoadoni, Titi Ajayi, Alabi Mustapha, Omatayo Sunday, Okoghene Henry, Leziga Mitee, Tomi Joseph and Tunde Anibaba.


    1. I don’t like the — in which he spoke.

        (a) mannerism (b) manner (c) manners (d)mannerlessness

    1. “You have … to thank God,” the pastor told the woman.

           (a) cost (b) cause (c) course (d) coarse

    1. My concern is on the … of the programme.

         (a) sustainance (b) sustaning (c) sustenance (d) sustained

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    All rights reserved. This material, and other digital content on this website, may not be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from PUNCH.

    Contact: [email protected]

    manner — перевод на русский


    He’s got good manners and he can be nice when he wants to.

    У него хорошие манеры и он может быть милым, когда захочет.

    You got good manners for cops. Heh-heh.

    Для копа у него хорошие манеры.

    Berlin manners.

    Берлинские манеры.

    What a pity her manners don’t match her looks, Your Highness.

    Какая жалость, ее манеры не соответствуют ее виду, Ваше Высочество.

    By and by, we’ll have a cosy nest And some kids, two or three is best His manners aren’t so fine No kisses on my hand

    font color-«#e1e1e1″Со временем мы совьем уютное гнездо font color-«#e1e1e1″с несколькими детьми, двумя, а лучше тремя font color-«#e1e1e1″Его манеры не так хороши.

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    -You keep telling me to mend my manners.

    А вы продолжаете учить меня хорошим манерам.

    You want to teach me manners?

    А ты меня будешь хорошим манерам учить?

    Has nobody taught you any manners?

    Никто не научил вас хорошим манерам?

    So I’ve come to teach you manners.

    Я пришел научить вас хорошим манерам.

    They are warriors, unschooled in manners.

    Они привыкли сражаться и не обучены хорошим манерам.

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    The same poison used in the same manner would suggest the same poisoner.

    Тот же яд, использованный тем же образом — это позволяет предположить, что и отравитель был тот же.

    The police arrested him and confiscated all the stolen goods, but he managed to escape in an inexplainable manner.

    Полиция арестовала его и изъяла все украденные предметы, но ему удалось бежать необъяснимым образом.

    Señor, if I understand you correctly, and I do, even so, you will have to register in the proper manner.

    Сеньор, если я вас правильно понял, а это так, в таком случае вы должны зарегистрироваться соответствующим образом.

    «You do solemnly swear that you will «diligently inquire on behalf of this state «when and in what manner and by what means

    «Торжественно клянитесь, что вы тщательным образом исследуете, в соответствии с буквой закона, когда, при каких обстоятельствах и по какой причине этот человек умер.

    Alma’s spoiling me in the most moving manner.

    Алма потакает мне самым невероятным образом.

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    It is the judgement of this court that you be taken to the state prison and be there put to death in the manner prescribed by law.

    По приговору суда вы будете отправлены в тюрьму штата и там преданы смерти способом, предписанным законом.

    I meant to say that Gråvik haunts in an unconventional manner.

    Я хотел сказать, что Гровик является необычным способом.

    — All manner of things.

    — Любым способом.

    Our ship’s chronometers registered a matter of only a few seconds. Therefore we were displaced through space in some manner which I am unable to fathom.

    Хронометры нашего судна зарегистрировали, что за секунды мы были перемещены сквозь пространство, способом, который я не могу постичь.

    An accident occurred which took him out of the Service in a rather singular manner.

    Произошло событие избавившее его от этой службы весьма особенным способом.

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    Let me offer you a cold drink otherwise you will tell your readers that Arindam Mukherjee has no manners.

    Погодите, позвольте вас угостить чем-нибудь, а то расскажите свои читателям, что Ариндам Мухержи не умеет себя вести.

    For being a bastard with no manners.

    Потому что ты засранец, не умеющий себя вести.

    I wonder why you don’t know good table manners.

    Интересно, почему вы не знаете, как себя вести за столом?

    These men will teach you manners.

    Слуги расскажут тебе, как надо себя вести.

    Yes, Munro said you had no manners.

    Да, Манро сказал, вы не умеете себя вести.

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    That will be 20 demerits for bad stable manners.

    Двадцать штрафных баллов за плохое поведение в конюшне.

    — I didn’t like her manner.

    — Мне не понравилось ее поведение.

    I must ask you to forgive their somewhat lackadaisical manners, but I have conditioned them, or brainwashed them, which I understand is the new American word, to believe that they are waiting out a storm in the lobby of a small hotel in New Jersey

    Прошу простить их несколько заторможенное поведение, поскольку предварительно мне пришлось их обработать или «промыть им мозги» — так, кажется, теперь это принято называть в Америке, и внушить им, что они пережидают грозу в вестибюле небольшой гостиницы где-то в Нью-Джерси

    His ordinary manner had vanished.

    Всё его поведение стало иным.

    I’m sorry, where are my manners?

    Извините, что плачу. Простите моё поведение.

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    Well mannered…

    Хорошо воспитана…

    Don’t send me away because I’m a woman with little strength or gentle manners.

    Не отказывай мне потому, что я слабая женщина, или потому, что я хорошо воспитана.

    What poor manners you have.

    Ты плохо воспитана.

    At least she knows her manners.

    По крайней мере, она воспитана.

    She was especially well mannered lady

    Она была очень хорошо воспитана.

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    Well, yes, in a manner of speaking.

    Да, можно и так сказать.


    Ну, можно и так сказать.

    — In a manner of speaking.

    Можно и так сказать. — Нет.

    Um… in a manner of speaking, yes.

    Гм… можно и так сказать, да.

    — Yes, in a manner of speaking.

    Можно и так сказать.

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    It’s better manners.

    Это было бы более вежливо.

    If you have any accusations to make, make them in the proper manner.

    Если ко мне претензии, выражайте их вежливо.

    If he asks you for money please refuse, in a friendly manner.

    Если он попросит одолжить ему денег, пожалуйста, откажите ему вежливо.

    — It’s good manners, right?

    — Ведь это вежливо, нет?

    How kind of you to phrase it in that very respectful manner.

    Как мило с твоей стороны так вежливо попросить об этом.

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    Nothing has been safe from attack by the bird, cattle, horses, fields, homes, trains, all manner of transportation.

    Ничто не устояло перед нападением птицы: домашний скот, посевы, дома, поезда, все виды средств передвижения.

    Our inmates, properly supervised will be put to work outside these walls performing all manner of public service.

    наши заключенные, контролируемые должным образом… будут проделывать работу за пределами этих стен… выполняя все виды общественных работ.

    All manner of merchandise.

    Все виды товаров.

    It’s got all the features that a modern woman wants, including all manner of makeup mirrors.

    У неё есть все опции, которые нужны современной женщине включая все виды зеркал для макияжа.

    «No player shall at any time make contact with the umpire in any manner.

    «Ни один игрок не должен контактировать с ампайром в любом виде.

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