In a word movie review

«In a World…»

«In a World…» contemplates both the power of the male voice and the empowering of its female counterpart. Writer-director-star Lake Bell uses the world of voiceover to slyly explore how society has shaped our ears to accept stereotypical gender roles. She accomplishes this not by preaching, but by observing the personal relationships she has created for her actors. This is not just the story of a daughter challenging her father on the voiceover turf that made him a legend, it’s also about how the use of conversation and voice craft our identities. The speaker has the floor, and whether you listen has a lot to do with what you are conditioned to hear. This is a very good movie and perfect summer counterprogramming.

Voiceover is an integral part of the sale when it comes to commercials, movie trailers and television show announcements, and the more memorable the better. But did you ever notice that most of these announcements are made by men? «In A World…» evokes this notion with its title, a phrase made famous by the late, great voiceover artist Don LaFontaine. His is a voice you don’t forget, employed effectively over trailers for movies great and terrible. When I think of memorable voiceover announcers, my brain always retrieves LaFontaine, Don Cornelius, Ernie Anderson, and Adolph Caesar. Cornelius was the host of Soul Train. Caesar, the fine actor who played Old Mr. in «The Color Purple» and Sgt. Waters in «A Soldier’s Story,» was the Blaxploitation trailer’s Don LaFontaine. And Anderson was the voice of the ABC of my childhood. I can still hear him imploring me to watch «The LUUUUUUUV Boat.»

The question «In a World…» wants to consider is: Why didn’t I immediately think of any women?

Bell presents the voiceover universe as a man’s world. Sam Sotto (Fred Malamed) is this year’s recipient of the lifetime achievement awards at the Golden Trailers. Under Sotto’s wing is Gustav (Ken Marino), a rising voiceover talent to whom Sotto is passing the torch. Sotto sees Gustav as the son he never had, trading conquest stories as if this were a parody of «Mad Men.» Bell’s camera ogles both men in several steamroom scenes, making it abundantly clear that the elder is getting women based on the power of his voice. Sotto’s latest trophy girlfriend Jamie (Alexandria Holden) is closer in age to his daughters Carol (Bell) and Dani (Michaela Watkins).

While Dani opts for the less cutthroat world of being a concierge, the underachieving Carol longs to follow in Dad’s footsteps. As a dialogue coach specializing in accents, Carol has some voice talent, but Sotto constantly dissuades her. «Stick with the accents,» he tells her, «voiceover is a man’s world.» Dani supports Carol with sisterly comfort, occasionally ignoring when Carol not-so-secretly follows the hotel’s foreign clientele around while recording their accents. Neither of them has a good relationship with their famous dad. Sotto ignores anything his daughters say, talking over them whenever possible. When he does listen, his responses are condescending. To him, the male voice is always right, whether in conversation or to advertise the latest blockbuster.

So when the producers of a «Hunger Games»–like quadrilogy want to bring back LaFontaine’s retired «In a world…» phrasing, Sotto grooms Gustav for the part. When his daughter, through hard work of her own, becomes the frontrunner for the gig, Sotto is so offended that he betrays his protégé and guns for the job himself. We’ve seen plenty of movies where fathers and sons compete; a father-daughter competition is a refreshing change of pace.

«In A World…» is too good a film to merely focus on this one plot element, or to present its male characters as one-note villains. These are complex people, funny one moment and infuriating the next. Carol is no better than her father at listening to those with something important to say. She’s so used to being drowned out that her desire to be heard trumps all others. Her sound booth man Louis (Demetri Martin) is clearly infatuated, becoming tongue-tied whenever he talks to her. Carol bulldozes him in conversation, to the point where, in a wonderfully lensed back-and-forth, Louis unleashes a ridiculous bout of physicality to get her to pay attention to his words. This leads to a very sweet, quirky understated workplace romance between the two. Martin is very good here, embracing Louis’ idiosyncrasies and polishing them to an irresistible character actor’s glow.

Playing out in parallel to Carol’s relationship and competition is a subplot involving Dani’s marriage to Moe (Rob Corddry). Their relationship hits a snag when Dani proves what film advertisers believe: a sexy, forceful man’s voice can be very convincing and persuasive. «In a World…» is most impressive when it weaves this thread into its fabric. It seems extraneous, but ultimately makes a major point about the power of words. Watkins gives a show-stopping, emotional speech that Bell gently elevates from both sides of the camera.

Bell is wise to temper her upbeat ending with a harsh note of reality provided by Geena Davis in a cameo role. She also benefits from casting the former voice of The NFL Today as her dad. Malamed has a great voice and the acting chops required to play Sotto with both swagger and repentance. As the lead, Bell has a warm, funny presence that carries us through the story. Despite accusing Jamie of being suckered in by her father’s voice and reputation, Carol makes the same mistake with Gustav. After one of the most awkward seductions ever filmed, Bell acknowledges Carol’s hypocrisy by having her say to Dani «guess who’s a slutty whore?!!»

«In A World…» reminded me how unusual it is in Hollywood to have a woman perform triple threat duty on a film, which leads me back to my question of why no female announcers crossed my mind when I thought of voiceover work. Is this film, and marketing in general, correct about the perceived importance of a male voice? If so, why? Are both sexes conditioned to hear authority in male tones? Is it the deeper sound? If so, would someone like the brilliant contralto Cassandra Wilson be as effective over a trailer? 

As I thought about this, I remembered the two places it was common to hear a female voiceover: Female products ads and political attack ads. The former makes sense—would you want James Earl Jones telling you about your period? The latter is far more sinister, with the nasty, snide, stereotypical cattiness of the voiceover overshadowing every spoken syllable. I wonder what Carol’s voiceover could have done with Peyton Place Political ads. I smell a sequel.

Odie Henderson

Odie Henderson

Odie «Odienator» Henderson has spent over 33 years working in Information Technology. He runs the blogs Big Media Vandalism and Tales of Odienary Madness. Read his answers to our Movie Love Questionnaire here.

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In a World... movie poster

In a World… (2013)

Rated R

93 minutes

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What to know

A funny, well-written screwball satire for film buffs, In a World… proves an auspicious beginning for writer, director, and star Lake Bell.
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In a World …


Movie Info

A vocal coach (Lake Bell) competes with her own father and his main rival for a prestigious gig doing the voice-over on a trailer for a big-budget movie.

  • Rating:
    R (Sexual References|Language)

  • Genre:


  • Original Language:

  • Director:

    Lake Bell

  • Producer:

    Eddie Vaisman,

    Jett Steiger,

    Lake Bell,

    Mark Roberts

  • Writer:

    Lake Bell

  • Release Date (Theaters):

    Aug 9, 2013

  • Release Date (Streaming):

    Jan 21, 2014

  • Box Office (Gross USA):

  • Runtime:

    1h 33m

  • Distributor:

    Roadside Attractions

  • Production Co:

    Team G,

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Audience Reviews for In a World …

  • Mar 20, 2018

    I’ve been on a kick of watching these smaller, less conventional, and heartfelt romantic-comedy-drama films. ‘In a World…’ provides the endlessly likable Lake Bell a platform to flex her comedic talent with a bit of unique drama mixed in. Making a film about the trailer voice over guys? Not only is that a fascinating story to tell, but it’s one that hasn’t really been touched upon before, and is mostly a forgotten element of filmmaking.

    I’m now in my mid 20’s and only sort of remember a time when every trailer used a deep voice over guy to provide narration and intrigue for each movie — no matter the genre — coming soon to theaters. When I really started to get into watching movies and scoping the webs for trailers, the voiceover was all but removed from the process. It’s crazy to think that these extremely talented humans were all of a sudden jobless. Although this film doesn’t take an overly serious approach, it’s hard not to feel the weight of the situation when some of these people realize their job is about to change.

    Lake Bell plays the daughter of one of the most famous voiceover figuresin the business and she somehow-someway stumbles her way into the business herself. The best part about it is that Bell actually steps up to the plate and does well when the task is hers to provide epic narration. I’m not saying I want this element to ever return to trailers, but I’m never opposed to hearing Bell’s witty commentary on any particular subject. I was thinking about this as I watched, but Bell is very much like Greta Gerwig in that she has a knack for displaying goofy and heartfelt into a well-rounded character effortlessly. Seriously, give me them two in any genre of film and I’m there opening night.

    As a whole, ‘In a World’ does feel a little short and not as clean cut as I would have liked it to be. I was honestly left feeling like I could have used another 15-20 minutes of screen time for some of the smaller arcs to hit home the way I hoped. However, it’s a re-watchable film about a fascinating subject matter with a charismatic lead. That was enough for me.


    Super Reviewer

  • Apr 27, 2015

    Awesome. This was such a funny, interesting little movie. It’s so crazy that there’s no movies out there focusing on Hollywood voiceovers, considering that voiceovers are such an integral part of the film industry.

  • Nov 01, 2014

    Funny, witty, and rewarding for cinephiles, In A World is a indie movie that packs a hilarious punch. Written, directed, and staring newcomer Lake Bell, In A World looks at the world of voice acting, and the highly competitive world of movie trailer voiceovers. Hoping to break in to the world of her legendary father Sam, Carol (Lake Bell) finds herself struggling to establish herself, with no help from her self-absorbed father. Soon, her big break comes, but how will those around her react?

    The film’s unique mix of film references, quirky sensibilities, and dry wit never fails.
    The performances are exceedingly endearing, with the chemistry between the entire cast being pitch perfect. Director Bell keeps the film moving at a good pace, featuring some heartfelt drama, yet never sacrificing its’ lighthearted nature. She strikes a balance that too often eludes comedies today, giving us a story that both entertains, and resonates with us. The family dynamics feel very well realized, and the overall message of the film is delivered to great effect.

    A not to be overlooked indie gem.

    4/5 Stars

    Super Reviewer

  • Aug 12, 2014

    Speak up and let your voice be heard.

    Good Comedic Film! This modest comedy takes place in the mini-world of people who do voice overs. Apparently this world exists. And, like all such worlds, it has stars, former stars, people who want to be stars and will make it, and people who want to be stars and won’t make it. Bell is a good director and a good actor. She keeps her excellent ensemble cast moving along. The story line starts with boy meets girl, so you know how it will end, but there are enough unexpected twists and turns to hold your interest. It will work well on the small screen. My advice is to seek it out and see it. Just don’t expect a movie that’s so powerful that it will change your life forever.

    An underachieving vocal coach is motivated by her father, the king of movie-trailer voice-overs, to pursue her aspirations of becoming a voiceover star. Amidst pride, sexism and family dysfunction, she sets out to change the voice of a generation.

    Super Reviewer

Carol (Lake Bell) is a struggling voiceover artist with some sharp observations in “In a World . . .” Bell also wrote and directed the movie. (Roadside Attractions)

Lake Bell is one smart cookie. The tall, gorgeous actress is best known for sexy-funny supporting roles in comedies like “What Happens in Vegas” and “It’s Complicated.” But she has much more on the ball than even those spirited turns suggest. And she’s finally given herself the ideal canvas to prove it in “In a World . . . , ” her smart, enjoyable writing-directing debut in which she finally, deservedly stars.

Bell plays Carol, a struggling voiceover artist whose career is stymied by a rigid old-boys’ network in the studio and at home by her own overbearing father, Sam (Fred Melamed), a famous movie-trailer narrator and contemporary of the late, great Don LaFontaine in his booming, baritone timbre. The real-life voiceover legend LaFontaine, who died in 2008, is the one who made the phrase “In a world” his own; in Bell’s nervy, fizzily paced story, a studio decides to dust off those three little words for its upcoming “quadrilogy” of “Hunger Games”-like action dramas about a tribe of heroic Amazonian women vanquishing mutant male savages.

Carol unwittingly becomes part of the race for that coveted gig, competing with her dad and the reigning king of plummy tones, a wealthy, arrogant cock of the walk named Gustav — played by the reliably amusing Ken Marino, who joins an all-star comedic ensemble including Rob Corddry, Demetri Martin, Michaela Watkins and Nick Offerman.

With talent like that, it’s no surprise that “In a World . . .” is funny. Bell displays an impressive knack for capturing the goofy voiceover subculture (her character disparages industry parties, which usually consist of “the voice of Cialis hitting on the Virgin Airlines message-on-hold girl”).

Christopher Guest-like anthro-comedy would be entertaining enough, but Bell also expertly skewers sexism, Hollywood shallowness, anti-Hollywood snobbiness and that thing that so many young women are doing now where they talk like Minnie Mouse on helium and end every sentence with a question mark?

“We’re better than that,” Carol tells one such baby-doll-in-heels. She’s right, just as she’s right that the fact that the voice we assume as omniscient carries political baggage.

In another sharply observed scene, an ambiguous encounter with a female senior executive aptly captures the ambiguous inter-generational tension so many young women experience with their pioneering older sisters.

“In a World . . .” is a lot of fun, reflecting Bell’s own obvious love of piquant paradox and the music of the spoken word. But it also has a sharply observant streak that makes it as nourishing as it is endearingly nutty.


R. At area theaters. Contains profanity, including sexual references. 93 minutes.

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Ann Hornaday Ann Hornaday is The Washington Post’s chief film critic. She is the author of «Talking Pictures: How to Watch Movies.» She joined The Post in 2002. Follow

In a World...


Speak up and let your voice be heard

An underachieving vocal coach is motivated by her father, the king of movie-trailer voice-overs, to pursue her aspirations of becoming a voice-over star. Amidst pride, sexism and family dysfunction, she sets out to change the voice of a generation.

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Alternative Titles

In a World — Die Macht der Stimme, In a world — Ascolta la mia voce, Ascolta la mia voce



Relationship comedy Crude humor and satire
chemistry, hilarious, romantic comedy, sweet or humorous romance, charming, comedy, witty or delightful musical, songs, singing, comedy or funny funny, comedy, humor, jokes or hilarious comedy, relationships, funny, quirky or humor
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  • aleph beth null

    love to break it to you, lake, but ‘babydolls who end everything in a question’ (it’s called high rising terminal and it’s a totally legit linguistic thing, trust me, aussie linguistics minor here) are also women (where applicable) and your vocal snobbery’s in eerie alignment with patriarchal disregard for traditionally ~feminine traits. take women seriously however they talk.

  • Matt Singer

    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    The last scene is a big misstep; it not only announces the movie’s major theme, it actually has the lead character say the phrase «Let’s make a statement.» It’s not only clunky, it’s totally unnecessary; even without it, it’s perfectly clear what the film is about. This female voiceover artist (writer/director Lake Bell) who can’t get work in a male-dominated industry is a stand-in for gender inequality in *all* of Hollywood. For a while, her voice is literally silenced. To Bell’s credit, the message comes through without the exclamation point. I just wished she had trusted us to get it a little more.

    Otherwise, I thought this was a very charming and successful debut. Some big laughs, a strong cast, and even a few emotional moments. («Sandwich bar!» choked me up. What can I say?) Bell is a very good writer and an appealingly unusual presence onscreen. I look forward to whatever she does next.

  • Dragonknight

    ”In a world…”

    Lake Bell’s writing/directing debut doesn’t look too promising, it has a super-cliched story line with a lonely odd young girl who is trying to somehow find her path in life and it is filled with useless and insipid characters. In a World… is supposed to be funny but except for a couple of scenes it’s not comical, or at least I didn’t find it funny when people were joking about their sexual experiences. The unfortunate thing is that Bell’s film is predictable and its dialogues are not funny at all, after a couple of minutes we can guess where this disordered train is heading to and it’s like the script is suffering from mania, it is moving…

  • UltimateMovieRankings

    In a World is written, directed and starring Lake Bell (What Happens In Vegas). In the movie she is competing against her arrogant father and his protégé in the movie trailer voice-over profession. An interesting behind the scenes look at a part of the movie industry. DVD cover makes it seem like it is a comedy….but I think it is more of a drama. Bell was able to get Geena Davis, Jeff Garlin and Cameron Diaz in cameo roles. A pleasant but far from great movie.

  • danlikesmovies

    In a World… is a comedy film about a vocal coach who competes with her own father and his main rival for a prestigious gig doing the voice-over on a trailer for a big-budget movie.

    Lake Bell’s directorial and writing debut isn’t quite as good as I wanted it to be, especially after being impressed by how good the trailer was. It’s basically your typical, bland, run-of-the-mill rom/com with some decent performances and tons of hit or miss jokes—mostly miss. 

    Good thing I only paid $1.50 for this Blu-ray.

  • sydney

    i do have some big issues with this (too many white people, some undermining of women which lends to the sort of «only non-feminine white chicks allowed» attitude in feminism that has gone on way too long, and what the hell geena davis scene?) but i do think this is an important movie, and at least a small step in the right direction. i’d be lying if i said it didn’t sting to see so many dudes shrug it off as inconsequential or dismiss it for being imperfect, when i see so many worse male-driven movies get a pass for their flaws. it was important to me, and it touched me, it was funny and quirky in a way that felt natural. i will watch it again, and i will laugh and cry again, and i will wish it was a little bit better but accept it for what it is.

  • Esteban Gonzalez

    «This Wednesday, one woman will teach another woman to sound a little less retarded.»

    Lake Bell starred, directed, and wrote the screenplay for this quirky romantic comedy which doesn’t follow the normal standards of a genre film and at times feels like it’s all over the place, but the awkward and goofy humor really worked for me. The kind of humor in In a World isn’t for everyone, but I had a blast because I have a similar weird sense of humor like this. Bell was great in this film and I really liked her goofy character, she was charming. I had a lot of fun with this story and enjoyed all the quirky characters, but despite all the goofiness…

  • Kevin Chan

    Back in college, voice over was a penchant of mine and still is despite another career. My slightly more naive self ordered this film on blu-ray about six years ago on my phone on Amazon in a classroom/studio in the student Animation department. It wasn’t until now that my hands unwrapped the protective plastic. Thought this movie would be worth it. Was it?? Well, if we can just shave off some parts and really hone in on the drama, then yes. But as with shaving, it’s annoying when one accidentally cuts himself doing so. On the other hand, it’s devastating when playing “Shave the Balloon” — why? Because you’re not supposed to shave a balloon. Contrarily, it wouldn’t be devastating…

  • Keith

    In a word…fantastic. Doesn’t have monumental ambitions, but is very witty, there is a sweet indie-movie courtship, some dramatic moments have real pathos, and has a couple of really funny set-up and callback jokes.

  • Caty Alexandre

    In a World… is a cute little indie film but I was hoping for so much more. I really got excited about it when I first saw the trailer months ago and now that I finally found it I am disappointed. I thought that it would be different. It’s not bad but not great also.

    Carol is a voice coach, suddenly the opportunity of doing a voice-over for the trailer of a quadrilogy blockbuster from big studio came up and to do that she has to compete with her father, a well known voice-over star and a pretty arrogant man. The story is interesting at some points but it’s not engaging enough.

    I love awkward characters and Carol is one…

  • davidehrlich

    a minor tonal disaster that Bell’s direction is powerless to navigate, the film gets by on the strength of its comically outsized egos and basic dramatic conflicts («sandwich bar!»). fun to explore a niche like this, but… was it just me, or was Bell’s character so deeply confused in every scene, by the simplest human interactions, that the entire movie around her began to feel like it was somehow just getting by, like the fact that the next scene came to the relief of the current one was always a surprise. good will goes far. great cameos in the final act, and a surprisingly blunt commentary on the hunger games generation.

  • megan

    i don’t want to be in lake bells world, that’s for sure

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Running list of one-word movie reviews 2020 – 2022

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The Adam Project one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Mediocre 3*

What was the filming location for The Adam Project? Vancouver. What was the setting for the movie The Adam Project? Rainier, Wash.

Amadeus one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration (1985 Oscar best picture winner)

kmf: Genius 4*
Where did the movie Amadeus take place? Vienna, Austria

Belfast one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Heartfelt 5*

Where did the movie Belfast take place / Where was Belfast filmed? Belfast, Ireland and England

The Best Years of our Lives one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration (1947 Oscar Best Picture winner)

kmf: PTSD 5*
Where did the movie The Best Years of our Lives take place? Cincinnati, Ohio

The Big Year one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Passion 4*

Where was the movie The Big Year filmed and/or take place? The planet earth! Tofino, British Columbia, Canada; Vancouver, the Yukon, Alaska, California, Maine, George, and more

Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey (II) one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Bogus 0* Did not finish watching.
Where did Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey (II) take place? San Dimas, California and back in time

Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (I) one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Classic 5*
Where did the movie Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (I) take place? San Dimas, California and back in time

Bill & Ted’s Face the Music (III) one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Campy 3*
Where did the movie Bill & Ted’s Face the Music (III) take place? San Dimas, California and back in time

Blood Simple one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Intense 5*
Where did the movie Blood Simple take place? Small-town Texas (filmed in and near Austin, Texas)

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: One-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Tawdry 3*
Where did the movie Borat Subsequent Moviefilm take place? Kazakhstan, Romania, Georgia, Texas, Maryland, Oregon, New York City

The Buddy Holly Story one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Touching 5*

Where did the movie The Buddy Holly Story take place? Texas, California, Georgia, New York City, Iowa

Braveheart one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration (1996 Oscar best picture winner)

kmf: Freedom 5*
Where did the movie Braveheart take place? Scotland

Captain Fantastic one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Thought-provoking 4*

Where was the movie Captain Fantastic filmed and/or take place? The Pacific Northwest

Casablanca one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration (1944 Oscar Best Picture winner – my favorite movie of all time)

kmf: Classic 5*
Where did the movie Casablanca take place? Casablanca, Morocco and Paris, France

The Chef one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Heartwarming 4*

Where did the movie The Chef take place? Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, Austin

A Christmas Carol one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Hopeful 5*

Where was the movie A Christmas Carol filmed and/or take place? London

Coda one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration (2022 Oscar best picture winner)

kmf: Heartwarming 5*

Where was the movie Coda filmed and/or take place? Gloucester, Mass.

Don’t look up one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Underwhelming

Where was the movie Don’t look up filmed? Boston

Downhill one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Average 3*

Where did the movie Downhill take place? Austria

Drive My Car one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Listless 2*

Where was the movie Drive My Car filmed and/or take place? Hiroshima and Tokyo, Japan

Dune one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Intense 5*

Where was the movie Dune filmed and/or take place? Wadi Rum (Valley of the Moon), Jordan; Abu Dhabi, UAE; Norway; Budapest

Elf one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Heartwarming 5*

Where was the movie Elf filmed and/or take place? The North Pole and NYC

End of Watch one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Gripping 3.5*
Where did the movie End of Watch take place? Los Angeles, California

The Father one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Heartrending 5*

Where did the movie The Father take place? England

Ford v Ferrari one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Passion 3.5*
slf: Vroom 3.5*
ssf: Ego 3.5*
Where did the movie Ford v Ferrari take place? Loire Valley, France; Dearborn, Michigan; Maranello, Italy (fun fact: all filming took place in southern California)

The Forgotten Battle one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Intense 5*

Where was the movie The Forgotten Battle filmed and/or take place? Lithuania, the Netherlands, Belgium

Frosty one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Nostalgic 5*

Where did the Frosty animated film take place? The North Pole

Frozen one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Family 4*
Where did the movie Frozen take place? Norway

Frozen 2 one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Empowerment 5*
Where did the movie Frozen 2 take place? Iceland

Good Time one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Spiral 4.5*
Where did the movie Good Time take place? Rikers Island, New York City, New York

Hamilton one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Must-watch! 5*
Where did the play and film Hamilton take place? New York City, New York; Morristown and Weehawken, New Jersey; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Harriet one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Courage 5*
Where did the movie Harriet take place? Maryland; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Auburn, New York

Hillbilly Elegy one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Heavy 5*

Where did the book and movie Hillbilly Elegy take place? Kentucky, Ohio, Connecticut

The Holiday one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Rom-com 5*

Where was the movie The Holiday filmed and/or take place? Los Angeles and Cotswolds, England

Honey Boy one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Healing 3*
slf: Hope 4*
ssf: Honest 4*
Where did the movie Honey Boy take place? Los Angeles, California

House of Gucci one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Dramatic

Where did the movie House of Gucci filmed / take place? Italy and NYC

I Love You Man one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Bromantic 3*

Where did the movie I Love You Many take place: Venice Beach, California

The Irishman one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Long 3*
slf: Curious 3½*
ssf: Innovative 3½*
Where did the movie The Irishman take place? Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

It Happened One Night one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration (1934 Oscar Best Picture winner)

kmf: Rom-com 4*
Where did the movie It Happened One Night take place? The East Coast on a bus and car from Florida to New York (filmed in California)

It’s a Wonderful Life one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Classic 5*

Where was the movie It’s a Wonderful Life filmed and/or take place? Seneca Falls, New York

Jojo Rabbit one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Innocence 5*
slf: Witness 5*
ssf: Unique 5*
Where did the movie Jojo Rabbit take place? Germany

Joker one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Societal 5*
slf: Society 4½*
ssf: Anger 4½*
Where did the movie Joker take place? Gotham, New York and New Jersey

Judas and the Black Messiah

kmf: Gripping 5*

Where did the movie Judas and the Black Messiah take place? Chicago (filmed in Cleveland, Ohio)

Judy one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Tragic 5* 
slf: Waste 4½* 
ssf: Tragic 4* 
Where did the movie Judy take place? London, England

Jurassic Park

kmf: Classic 5*

Where did the movie Jurassic Park take place? Hawaii – primarily Kauai (We went on a filming location tour in Kauai – and is one of my son’s favorite family vacations; stood where the gates of Jurassic Park were in the film.)

The King of Staten Island one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Dramedy 3*
Where did the movie The King of Staten Island take place? Staten Island, New York

King Richard

kmf: Inspirational 5*

Where did the movie King Richard take place? Where was the movie filmed? California

Licorice Pizza

kmf: Skip 2*

Where did the movie Licorice Pizza take place? Where was the movie filmed? San Fernando Valley, California

Lighthouse one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Disturbing 3*
slf: Dark 3½*
ssf: Eerie 3* 
Where did the movie Lighthouse take place? New England island

The Little Things: One-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Suspenseful 4*

Where was the movie The Little Things filmed and/or take place? Los Angeles and Santa Clarita, California

Little Women one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Love 4*
slf: Family 3½*  
ssf: Inspiring 4*
Where did the movie Little Women take place? Concord, Massachusetts

The Lost Daughter one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Unsettling 5*

Where was the movie The Lost Daughter filmed and/or take place? Attica, Greece (Greek island)

Love Actually one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Love 5*

Where was the movie Love Actually filmed and/or take place? London; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Marseille, France; Portugal

Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom: One-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Short 4*

Where did the movie Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom take place? Set in Chicago and filmed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Mank: One-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Disappointing 3*

Where did the movie Mank take place? Hollywood (also filmed in Kemper Campbell Ranch in California)

Marriage Story: One-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Poignant 4*
slf: Sad 4*
ssf: Heart-wrenching 4*
Where did the movie Marriage Story take place? New York City, New York and Los Angeles, California

Minari: One-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Endearing 5*

Where did the movie Minari take place? Arkansas (filmed in Oklahoma)

News of the World: One-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Touching 4*
Where did the movie News of the World take place? Filmed in Sante Fe, New Mexico and set in Texas

Nightmare Alley: One-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Meandering

Where was the movie Nightmare Alley filmed / set? Toronto and Buffalo, NY

1917 one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Courageous 5*
slf: Loss 4½*
ssf: Immersive 5*
Where did the movie 1917 take place? Northern France

Nomadland: One-word movie review and travel destination

kmf: Moving 5*

Where did the movie Nomadland take place: Nevada, South Dakota, Nebraska, Arizona, California

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Brilliant 5*
slf: Cool 5*
ssf: Fantastic 5*
Where did the movie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood take place? Hollywood, California and Barker Ranch, California (inside Death Valley National Park).

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration (1976 Oscar best picture winner)

kmf: Dignity 5*
Where did the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Next take place? Salem, Oregon

One Night in Miami one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Introspective 3*

Where did One Night in Miami take place? Miami (filmed in New Orleans, Louisiana)

Onward one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Tender 5*

Where did the animated film Onward take place? Suburban fantasy world

Our Friend one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Profound 5*

Where was the movie Elf filmed and/or take place? Alabama, Grand Canyon National Park, Moab National Park in Utah

Outlaw King one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Honor 4.5*
Where did the movie Outlaw King take place? Scotland

The Outside Story one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Tender 4*

Where did the move The Outside Story take place? Brooklyn, New York

Parasite one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration (2020 Oscar best picture winner)

kmf: Affecting 5*
slf: Shocking 4*
ssf: Speechless 5*
Where did the movie Parasite take place? Seoul, South Korea

The Patriot one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Rebellion 4*
Where did the movie The Patriot take place? South Carolina

Pieces of a Woman one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Heartbreaking 4*

Where did the movie Pieces of a Woman take place? Boston (filmed in Montreal)

Planes, Trains and Automobiles one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Hilarious 5*
Where did the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles take place? New York City, Wichita, Kansas, St. Louis, Missouri, and Chicago, Illinois (and several places in between)

Power of the Dog one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Intriguing 4*

Where was the movie Power of the Dog filmed and/or take place? Montana and New Zealand

Promising Young Woman one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Suspenseful 3*

Where did Promising Young Woman take place? Ohio (filmed in Los Angeles, California)

A Quiet Place Part II one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Suspenseful 5*

Where did the movie A Quiet Place II take place? Western New York

Ratatouille one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Passion 5*
Where did the movie Ratatouille take place? Paris, France

Richard Jewell one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: 5* Truth
Where did the movie Richard Jewell take place? Atlanta, Georgia

The Roommate one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Predictable 3*
Where did the movie The Roommate take place? Los Angeles, California

The Skeleton Twins one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

Poignant 5*
Where did the film The Skeleton Twins take place. Primarily Upstate New York

Soul: One-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Purpose 5*
Where did the animated film Soul take place? New York City and Heaven (and somewhere in between)

Sound of Metal: One-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Affecting 5*

Where did the movie Sound of Metal take place? Missouri (filmed in Massachusetts)

Sound of Music one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration (1966 Oscar best picture winner)

kmf: Timeless 5*
Where did the movie Sound of Music take place? Austria

Stillwater one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Suspenseful 4*

Where was the movie Stillwater filmed and/or take place? Oklahoma and Marseille, France

This is Where I Leave You one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Complicated 3*
Where did the movie This is Where I Leave You take place? Munsey Park, New York (suburb of New York City)

Tick, Tick…Boom! one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Brilliant 5*

Where did the movie Tick Tick Boom take place? New York City

The Trial of the Chicago 7 one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Engrossing 5*

Where did the movie The Trial of the Chicago 7 take place? Chicago (also filmed in New Jersey)

21 one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Greed 3*
Where did the movie 21 take place? Cambridge, Massachusetts and Las Vegas, Nevada

Uncut Gems one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Frenetic 3*
slf: Ride 3* 
ssf: Exhausting 4* 
Where did the movie Uncut Gems take place? New York City, New York

The United States vs. Billie Holiday one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Revealing 5*

Where did the movie The United States vs. Billie Holiday take place? New York City (filmed in Montreal)

Waiting for the Barbarians one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Colonialism 3*
Where did the movie Waiting for the Barbarians take place? Central Asia

West Side Story one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Classic 3*

Where was the movie West Side Story filmed and/or take place? Manhattan, New York

When Harry Met Sally one-word movie review and travel destination inspiration

kmf: Heartwarming 5*
Where did the movie When Harry Met Sally take place? Chicago, Illinois and New York City, New York

Watch for future one-word movie reviews. Any good movies we’ve missed? Any streaming series you recommend? Let us know in the comments as well as your reviews and ratings (no spoilers, please).

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One word movie reviews, director's chair, movie star chairs, red background

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Content of this article

  1. Movie review writing guide
  2. Forrest Gump analysis (example)
  3. Review structure
    • Intro
    • Body
    • Recommendation
    • Conclusion
  4. Polishing
  5. More examples
    • Martian (Movie Review Sample)
    • The Shawshank Redemption (Movie Review Sample)
    • Star Trek (Movie Review Sample)
    • Man of Steel (Movie Review Sample)
  6. Movie related essay samples

1. Movie Review Writing

A lot of people like movies and films. These things add thrill and imaginations to our lives. This, therefore, makes us come to the conclusion that a movie is worth a review if it has been watched. Everyone has a different opinion on the movies they watch – the ratings can range from being great to good or even bad. Thought there are an increasing number of movie sites available on the Internet (some of which are authoritative, others less so (more below)), movie reviews and reviewers are still very much in demand for their own unique takes on a movie. The different types of reviewers can offer different types of writing, which is something that is good in a market which is rapidly becoming over-saturated. Everyone can review a movie, but there are still some differences between the reviewing done by experts, and reviewing done by amateurs – the amateurs are not usually focused on the minutiae of the film in the same way, and are instead focused more on the general ideas presented.

The primary purpose of movie review writing is to give the reader a rough idea of what the movie is about. The movie review greatly determines if an individual wants to watch the movie or not. This type of writing should, therefore, be detailed enough to assist the reader in making an honest decision. As much as the review is based on elaborating the movie review outline, it should not give away the plot of the movie or the surprises that make the movie enjoyable. Opinions on a movie need to be stated clearly, good or bad. If the review is to be brief, stars and scores can also be used to express the reviewer’s thoughts. A good writer should, therefore, have the basic knowledge of how to write a movie review.

Examples include:

  • Great movie: Almost Christmas is a movie that has balanced all its features to make a great movie. All the characters fit their roles and make the plot come to life. The costumes and the soundtracks are a plus as they enhance the emotions and feelings of every story line. Almost Christmas is, therefore, a movie worth watching.
  • Good movieLondon has Fallen is an okay movie. The graphics were on point as well as the sound effects. The cast, however, I felt weren’t up to the task, and did not bring out the feel of the movie. The actors, therefore, led to what was otherwise quite a good time-killing movie (if not a good movie overall) being let down. Additionally, the plot was difficult to comprehend.
  • Bad movieNo matter how much you watch Central Intelligence, you can’t get a hold of the movie. The stunts are overrated, and the storyline is off, making the movie boring. The movie is a definite no, and not even worth spending time watching when there is nothing else to watch on TV. Definitely a flop.

forrest gump movie review

2. Complete analysis (Forrest Gump)

  • Plot analysis: the movie falls in the genre of modern fiction (modern history is generally considered to stretch from the fifteenth century up, although this category is further divided into early modern (1500s to 1700s) and late modern (1700s to present), with Tom Hanks playing the role of Forrest Gump. His character moves through history and survives all the hardships with decency and honesty.
  • Soundtrack analysis: the soundtrack reflects the mood that was popular at the time, which, in turn, creates urgency. The songs are great hits and are appropriate for children to listen to as well. The soundtrack helps to illustrate the transitions of the film’s locations – from warm and safe territory to a more hostile borders. For instance, the song by Fleetwood (Go Your Way) is used to illustrate how Forrest is joined by his friends in his journey. The soundtrack is an integral part of the movie experience, as it brings an emotional centre-point to the move by helping people to better understand just how high the stakes are in certain scenes. The soundtrack is also to convey the terrifying nature of the war scenes, thus helping the movie to pack even more of an emotional punch.
  • Atmosphere: later on in the movie, the atmosphere changes – the troops go out on patrol and are far away from their bases which are safe. The atmosphere becomes tense, and at the same time captivating. Having the atmosphere change throughout a movie emphasises that what is happening is actually serious and will have consequences, and the movie Forrest Gump is no different. If the atmosphere is incorrect, then, the movie will not feel so real to the people who are watching it. the movie starts with the atmosphere of the beach party. Music is playing in the background, and people are enjoying barbecue and playing cards. The troops are not left behind as they are seen loading crates of beers in their trucks.
  • The main idea of the film: The main idea portrayed in Forrest Gump is that life is filled with unknown surprises. This is substantially illustrated by Forrest Gump himself, who is just a country boy with learning difficulties. Forrest, however, does not let this obstacle define him, and goes to great lengths to be a relevant person in history. The film, while containing some darkness and violence due to the war and its aftermath, is therefore an uplifting and invigorating film, as it shows how people can prevail against all odds, and even thrive. A film needs to have one (or possibly two, though more is of course harder to maintain) main idea if it is to remain coherent throughout.
  • Actors play analysis: Tom Hanks fits the role perfectly as he manages to express the love for the country. He portrays the feelings of sadness and comedy at the same time. Forrest, therefore, makes the movie interesting. Tom Hanks is a strong actor, and it is mainly due to his efforts as the lead which make the film as powerful and memorable as it is.

3. Review structure

The structure of a movie review follows the basic steps of the introduction, the body (analysis), the recommendation and the movie review conclusion. A movie review writing guide gives the writer instructions on how to write a movie review. The movie review structure is as follows.

3.1 The introduction

A movie review should open up with an introduction. The introduction is the most appealing way of how to start a movie review, and contains the summary of the movie and opinion that will be stated. Movie review writing hooks give the readers a general feel of what will be illustrated in the review. The introduction for a movie review has to be appealing, so that the reader can get the feel of wanting to read more.

Give a brief illustration of what will be discussed in the review and then proceed to the thesis. Ensure that the thesis is original and at the same time based on the analysis. The thesis for a movie review should be compelling and reflect on a contemporary issue, while the argument should go beyond the plot and straight to the film criticism. Illustrate both the message of the movie and how the film connects to an individual.  The thesis paragraph can be followed up with a short summary plot. The section will also give an overview of what will be contained in the body.

3.2 Body paragraphs (analysis)

The analysis covers the fails and accomplishments within the movie, and also gives the writer a chance to express their feelings towards it. The cinematography, acting, the setting, and soundtrack can also be discussed in this section. Ensure that the writing is smooth and easy to comprehend. For the review to seem realistic and professional, present facts and opinions in the same page, and try to use examples that are descriptive in order to bring the plot to life. Dialogue snippets can and should be quoted to give the review snappiness. You can add a few movie review tips such as giving the language used some personality, in order to create a style which will reflect a unique perspective to entertain the reader.

3.3 Recommendation

A movie review structure can also have a recommendation. The recommendation gives the writers a chance to commend the film and decide if it’s worth the money.

3.4 Conclusion

The conclusion for a movie review should be in a position to be tied up with the thesis. The conclusion should also offer guidance of whether to watch the film or not. There are a number of ways of how to end a movie review. However, the most effective style is to make it compelling and at the same time entertaining.

4. Polishing the review

The review is polished through editing. The final content should go hand in hand with the movie review draft. Fine tune the review to ensure it is in line with the thesis. Ensure that the content has enough examples to back up the claims. You should also proofread the review to eliminate any spelling mistakes and errors that can be avoided – movie review writing needs to be precise and free of errors. Finally, share the review with friends and family and see if it has an impact on their opinions of the movie.

5. More examples

5.1 Martian review

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5.2 The Shawshank Redemption review

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5.3 Star Trek review

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5.4 Man of Steel review

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  • My favorite movie: Titanic
  • “Forrest Gump” Movie Review Sample
  • “I Robot” Moive Review
  • Book vs Movie
  • Life is a beautiful movie
  • “The Hobbit” Movie Review

Вы уже умеете писать рецензию на книгу на английском языке и сегодня мы будем учиться писать рецензию на фильм на английском языке, что является довольно сложным заданием и вполне может встретиться вам на разных олимпиадах по английскому языку.

How to Write a Film Review Example

Рецензия на книгу и рецензия на фильм примерно одинаковы по сути, но немного отличаются в деталях (лексике). Вы можете использовать полезные выражения из этих двух заданий самостоятельно.

Итак, начнем.

Рецензия на фильм на английском языке

I. Структура (план)

  1. Введение (режиссер, название фильма, положительное или отрицательное мнение в общих чертах)
  2. Основная часть (краткое содержание, акцент на отдельных деталях)
  3. Заключение (суммирование вышеизложенного, рекомендации)

II. Фразы и выражения. Useful Vocabulary for a Film Review

  1. the producer — режиссер
  2. The film ranks with … — Этот фильм стоит в одном ряду с
  3. The action of the film is set in…. — Действие фильма разворачивается в …
  4. The film starts with a scene — Фильм начинается со сцены…
  5. fast-moving / slow-moving plot — стремительный / затянутый сюжет
  6. be starring — играть в главной роли
  7. the brilliant acting of … —  блестящая игра
  8. What impressed me most is … — Самое большое впечатление на меня произвело
  9. enhance [ɪn’hɑːn(t)s] the impression — усиливать впечатление
  10. make an impression  — создавать впечатление
  11. There is another storyline — В фильме есть еще одна сюжетная линия

Рецензия на фильм на английском языке

The Review on the Film «Avatar» by James Cameron (образец)

The main film of the year 2009 is «Avatar» by James Cameron, the producer of such films as «Terminator», «Titanic», «The Strangers». This film ranks with above-mentioned world-famous films and probably belongs to the science-fiction genre.

The action of the film is set on the planet Pandora in the year of 3000. The plot is rather simple: the super hero Avatar is to save the alien planet and to fulfill this mission he struggles with a lot of difficulties.

The main character, Jack Sally, is a disabled navy who has just come back from the war. The film starts with the scene when he is invited to take part in a secret expedition to the planet, inhabited by weird creatures. Thus, he becomes the part of the programme called Avatar. Being turned into a a three-metre giant with blue skin, he is sent to the planet with the help of special «drivers» that link his mind to the mind of Avatar.

What impressed me most is the spectacular world of aliens that we, the audience, see through the eyes of the main character. The special effects and 3D technologies enhance the impression of the bright and colourful world in contrast to the human one, which is grey and dying. The plot of the film is fast-moving with some amusing episodes.

For those who are indifferent to the computer graphics, there is another storyline that is love of «the dream worker» to a beautiful female alien, who, being hostile and suspicious at first, falls in love with him. Such love is forbidden and as a result the pair is chased by the aliens. Happily, they managed to escape in the end. To my mind, the brillant acting of Sam Worthingdon, who is starring in the film, is above all expectations.

To sum up, I can say that the film «Avatar» is that kind of film that takes us to a special world beyond imagination. More than that,  it is the film that you want to watch over and over again. Definitely, the new film by Cameron couldn’t be missed.

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