These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
In 2001 and 2003 was injured and left professional sports.
В 2001 и 2003 годах получает травмы и уходит из профессионального спорта.
In 2001 she married Irish designer Cuan Hanly.
В 2001 она вышла замуж за ирландского дизайнера Cuan Hanley.
In 2001 I purchased a leasehold property.
В 2001 году я приобрела в общую долевую собственность квартиру.
In 2001 regarding 8 million individuals played online genuine cash.
В 2001 году в онлайн-казино сыграло восемь миллионов человек (имеется в виду игра на реальные деньги).
In 2001, he quit politics to focus on research.
В 2002 году он отказался от политической деятельности и сконцентрировался на научных изысканиях.
In 2001 the museum installed a local computer network with 32 workstations.
В 2001 году в музее была создана внутренняя компьютерная сеть с 32 рабочими станциями.
In 2001 he got his first sponsorship.
В 2001 году он выиграл своё первое любительское шоу.
In 2001 he received nine additional months for bribery of witnesses.
В 2001 году к этому сроку добавили еще девять месяцев за попытку подкупа свидетелей.
In 2001 aliens filed two complaints.
В 2001 году иностранцами было подано две жалобы.
In 2001 there were no maternal deaths.
В 2001 году не было зарегистрировано ни одного случая материнской смертности.
In 2001 only information on households and dwellings was collected from census forms.
В 2001 году из формуляров переписи была взята только информация о домашних хозяйствах и жилищном фонде.
In 2001, there were only 600 prisoners nationwide.
В 2001 году численность заключенных составляла по всей стране лишь 600 человек.
Membership: In 2001, there were approximately 200 members.
Ассоциация растет: в 2001 году в нее входило чуть более 200 членов.
In 2001, the company privatized after 37 years as an intergovernmental organization.
Компания была приватизирована в 2001 году, до этого на протяжении 37 лет она была межправительственным учреждением.
In 2001, there were 15 security intelligence agencies.
По вопросам безопасности в 2009 г. обучено 15 специалистов учреждений культуры.
In 2001 I won my first gold club member.
В 1949 г. я получил свою первую золотую медаль чемпиона страны.
In 2001 it was time for yet another expansion.
Теперь, в 2020 году, пришло время для еще одного расширения.
In 2001, the pyramid’s entrance and interior underwent restoration.
В 2001 году была проведена реставрация входа в пирамиду и ее внутренних помещений.
In 2001, the electricity industry was deregulated.
В 2001 г. был сделан новый шаг в дерегулировании рынка электроэнергии.
In 2001 introduction of new international accounting of credit institutions was started.
В 2000 г. началась работа по внедрению нового международного плана счетов бухгалтерского учета кредитных учреждений.
Results: 97296. Exact: 28538. Elapsed time: 844 ms.
Corporate solutions
Grammar Check
Help & about
Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
The DH introduced the Adolescent Health Programme in 2001 as part of the Student Health Service.
В 2001 года ДЗ внедрил Программу здоровья подростков
рамках медицинского обслуживания учащихся.
In 2001, another relaunch occurred.
The latest registration exercise was performed in 2001.
Последняя кампания по регистрации была проведена в 2001 года.
Initial mandate ADOPTED by the SECOND review Conference in 2001.
ПЕРВОНАЧАЛЬНЫЙ мандат, ПРИНЯТЫЙ вторОЙ обзорнОЙ КонференциЕЙ В 2001 ГОДУ.
Seminar or workshop in 2001 or 2003.
Семинар или рабочее совещание в 2000 или 2003 году.
The project was initiated in 2001 with a view to supporting innovative enterprises.
Проект стартовал в 2001 г. с мыслью о поддержке предприятий, реализующих инновационные проекты.
In 2001, was invited to join the Fomenko Workshop Theater.
С 2001 г. приглашен в московский театр« Мастерская П.
Arsk, Tatarstan. In 2001 graduated from Kazan State Pedagogical University and.
Арск ТАССР. В 2001 г. окончил Казанский государственный педагогический университет.
Calendar of Executive Board meetings in 2001— 2002.
Расписание совещаний Исполнительного совета на 2001— 2002 годы.
The opening balance of the operational reserve in 2001 amounted to $10.6 million.
На начало 2001 года в оперативном резерве оставалось 10, 6 млн. долл. США.
National natural-gas yield in 2001— billion m3 and BTU.
Национальная добыча природного газа в 2001 г млрд. м3 и
единицах теплотворной способности- БТЕ.
In 2001, IberCompany expanded its business area-
the real estate segment.
С 2001года» Иберкомпани» расширила диапазон своей деятельность-
начала инвестировать в сферу недвижимости.
The label was founded
San Jose in 2001.
Бренд был основан
2001 в Сан- Хосе.
In 2001, his album»Houseworks 1″ won him his first gold award.
В 2000 году альбом« Houseworks 1» выигрывает первую золотую награду.
In 2001, she was the voice for Seeiah Owens
the video
game SSX Tricky.
В 2002 году она озвучила Зиэйх Оуэн
видеоигре« SSX Tricky».
In 2001, he met the Crown Princess when he became her personal trainer.
Познакомился с Кронпринцессой Викторией в 2002 году, когда был ее личным тренером.
Also took part
preparation of the same program in 2001, 2004 and 2014.
Также принимал участие в подготовке к вечерам 2001, 2004 и 2014 гг.
British Asia Airways ceased operations in 2001 after BA suspended flights to Taipei.
British Asia Airways прекратили существование в 2001 г., когда рейсы были прекращены из-за их низкой доходности.
In 2001 the Leopold Museum was opened.
Before amalgamating in 2001, Gloucester had a population of 110,264.
В 2001 г., к моменту слияния с Оттавой, население Глостера составляло 110264 человек.
In 2001 Pad produced Mardia’s»Knock Knock Knocking.
Delta retired its TriStars in 2001 to replace them with the Boeing 767-400ER.
Delta Air Lines эксплуатировала флот TriStar до 2001, заменив его впоследствии на Boeing 767- 400ER.
In 2001, Adonyev sold his shares
the company.
В 2000 г. Сергей Адоньев продал свою долю
In 2001, he opened the first Giant Robot store
Los Angeles.
Год— открытие первого концептуального магазина в Лос-Анджелесе.
In 2001, they changed their name to Key to Arson, and they broke up
В году он поменял название на« Арбуз» и выходил до 1999- го.
It was created in 2001 as a replacement for Warwick.
Был создан
Yahoo в 2002 году в качестве замены сервису MapQuest.
In 2001, the town of Oostknollendam had 308 inhabitants.
В 1928 году население деревни Ялгино составляло 308 человек.
Население по переписи 2001 года составляло 758 человек.
In 2001, he earned a PhD
English from Florida State University.
В 2000 году получил степень доктора философии по английскому языку
Университете штата Флорида.
Results: 18870,
Time: 0.1058
Should I use ‘and’ when saying in two thousand (and) one? how about in the year two thousand (and) one?
Thanks in advance.
«Two thousand one» is proper, but native speakers often include the «and.» If the situation isn’t formal, either is acceptable.
Please have a look at previous threads. The first one is a good one to start with:
Saying years — how to speak, pronounce, year numbers … years such as 1003
Saying years — how to speak, pronounce, year numbers … 2020, 2090
Saying years — how to speak, pronounce, year numbers … years and decades past, present and future; the 2000s (noughties?), 2010, 2012 …
Saying years — how to speak, pronounce, year numbers such as 1600, 1700, …
Saying years — how to speak, pronounce, year numbers such as thousands/ohs
Pronunciation: years and decades past, present and future; the 2000s (noughties?), 2012 …
Предложения со словом «2001»
Fast-forward to 2001, when the Taliban blew up the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan. |
Перенесёмся в 2001 год, когда Талибан взорвал Бамиянских Будд в Афганистане. |
And in fact, this is exactly the plot of 2001: [A Space Odyssey] HAL has an objective, a mission, which is not aligned with the objectives of the humans, and that leads to this conflict. |
На самом деле, в этом заключается сюжет фильма 2001: [Космическая Одиссея]: у HAL есть цель, миссия, которая не совпадает с целью людей, что и приводит к конфликту. |
Around that same time, Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey came to the theaters, and my life was forever changed. |
Как раз в то время вышел фильм Стенли Кубрика Космическая одиссея 2001 года, он кардинально изменил мою жизнь. |
In the summer of 2001, we connected with Cathy Woolard, who was soon elected city council president. |
Летом 2001 года мы связались с Кэти Вулард, будущим президентом городского совета. |
I started this hobby in the summer of 2001. |
Я увлекся этим летом 2001 года. |
On Sept. 9th 2001, the full Afghanistan invasion plans were on President Bush’s Desk |
9 сентября 2001 — ого на столе президента Буша уже лежал готовый план вторжения в Афганистан. |
The Special Rapporteur visited Rumonge prison on 7 December 2001 and was able to discover for herself the unacceptable legal status of some of those awaiting trial. |
Специальный докладчик 7 декабря 2001 года посетила тюрьму в Румонге и смогла сама убедиться в неприемлемости с юридической точки зрения положения некоторых подследственных. |
X. Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that one P-2 post was vacant and that the other was likely to be vacant before the end of 2001. |
В ответ на его запрос Консультативный комитет был информирован о том, что одна должность класса С2 является вакантной, а другая должность класса С2, вероятно, будет объявлена вакантной до конца 2001 года. |
The remaining review reports are expected to become available in September 2001. |
Как ожидается, подготовка оставшихся докладов о рассмотрении будет завершена в сентябре 2001 года. |
Results of this research project are expected to become available in early 2001. |
Ожидается, что с результатами этого исследования можно будет ознакомиться в начале 2001 года. |
It is expected to become available in 2001. |
Предполагается, что эта база данных будет готова в 2001 году. |
The Thai Government has declared war against narcotic drugs since taking office in February 2001. |
Тайское правительство с момента своего вступления в должность в феврале 2001 года объявило наркотикам войну. |
The power and mandate of the House is also further elaborated under Proclamation 251/2001. |
Полномочия и мандат Совета Федерации дополнительно уточняется в Декрете 251/2001. |
However, on 22 January 2001, the House of Representatives was abolished, leaving legislative power in the sole hands of the National Assembly. |
После этого Палата представителей была ликвидирована и осуществление законодательной власти было возложено только на Национальную ассамблею. |
The current policy, which took effect in 2001, stipulates that in most cases there will be a work permit term of six years, with the first term ending in 2007.6. |
Нынешняя политика, которая начала осуществляться в 2001 году, предусматривает, что в большинстве случаев разрешение на работу дается на шесть лет, и срок действия первых таких разрешений должен истечь в 2007 году6. |
Board members hoped that sufficient funds would be raised in 2001 for INSTRAW to cover its own budget. |
Члены Совета попечителей выразили надежду на то, что в 2001 году МУНИУЖ удастся собрать достаточные средства для покрытия расходов по своему бюджету. |
This rate of increase is expected to climb further in 2000-2001 because of the increased programme budget and resulting expenditures. |
Темпы роста, как ожидается, возрастут еще больше в 2000 — 2001 годах в связи с увеличением бюджета по программам и соответствующих расходов. |
Only by pursuing a comprehensive long-term strategy can we consolidate the fragile advances we have made and the institutions we have built since 2001. |
Нам удастся закрепить достигнутые нами хрупкие достижения и созданные нами с 2001 года институты только путем проведения всеобъемлющей долгосрочной стратегии. |
In 2001, cash for food was not issued during the first quarterly distribution owing to late arrival of funds, but was made up in the second quarterly distribution. |
В 2001 году из — за задержки с получением средств в первом квартале денежное довольствие на закупку продуктов питания не распределялось, хотя оно и было затем выдано вместе с денежным довольствием на второй квартал. |
Panama continued to display its customarily low rate of inflation, and Bolivia and Peru had virtually zero inflation in 2001. |
В целом в Панаме инфляция была традиционно не на низком уровне, а в Боливии и Перу в 2001 году инфляция оставалась практически на нуле. |
By the end of 2001, measures had been taken or were under consideration in every part of the world to enhance the environment for voluntary action. |
К концу 2001 года во всех уголках мира были приняты или же рассматривались меры по созданию благоприятных условий для добровольческой деятельности. |
Print and broadcast media coverage of voluntary action has grown steadily in a number of countries since 2001. |
В период с 2001 года во многих странах неуклонно расширялось освещение деятельности добровольцев в печатных и электронных средствах массовой информации. |
After a slowdown in 2001, economic activity improved in the Cayman Islands in 2002, with consumer spending driving industrial production and international trade. |
В 2002 году после происшедшего в 2001 году спада экономическая деятельность на Каймановых островах активизировалась, при этом основными факторами, стимулировавшими промышленное производство и международную торговлю, являлись потребительские расходы. |
After hitting rock bottom in 2001, the rate of growth in industrial production has rebounded steadily. |
После своего падения в 2001 году до самого низкого уровня темпы роста в сфере промышленного производства неуклонно набирают обороты. |
Now data collection is in progress and should be finished autumn 2001. |
Сбор данных уже начат и должен быть завершен осенью 2001 года. |
This situation explained the different treatment afforded to similar cases by the Superior Court in 1996 and 2001 without the law having changed. |
Этим объясняется тот факт, что Высокий суд по — разному подошел к рассмотрению одних и тех же дел в 1996 и 2001 годах, несмотря на то, что сам закон не менялся. |
In July 2001, the Standing Committee of the Pension Board requested a study, which was arranged for only at the end of 2002. |
В июле 2001 года Постоянный комитет Правления Пенсионного фонда предложил провести исследование, которое было организовано лишь в конце 2002 года. |
During 2001, UNIFEM continued to enter into new multi-year co-financing arrangements with various donors. |
В течение 2001 года ЮНИФЕМ продолжал заключать новые многолетние соглашения о совместном финансировании с различными донорами. |
No additional resources are required to undertake this work, which should be completed by the end of January 2001. |
Для проведения этой работы не требуются никакие дополнительные ресурсы, и она должна быть завершена к концу января 2001 года. |
In 2001, Azerbaijan was granted the status of a permanent observer at that organization. |
В 2001 году Азербайджану был предоставлен статус постоянного наблюдателя в этой организации. |
A formal system would be required by 2001 for reporting fine particle emissions. |
В 2001 году потребуется разработать формальную систему для представления данных о выбросах тонкодисперсных частиц. |
The previous record was held by the Tevatron, the large particle accelerator U.S. since 2001. |
Предыдущий рекорд был проведен тэватроне, большой ускоритель элементарных частиц в США с 2001 года. |
The whole of humankind witnessed with disbelief and horror the terrorist attack carried out in the city of New York on 11 September 2001. |
Все человечество наблюдало, не веря своим глазам и испытывая ужас, за террористическим нападением на Нью — Йорк, совершенным 11 сентября. |
The fall of high-technology share prices in 2001 has also hit the venture capital industry, as figure 1 illustrates. |
Как видно из диаграммы 1, падение в 2001 году курсов акций высоких технологий отразилось также на секторе венчурного капитала. |
On this basis a new ten-year development plan has been drawn up for 2001-2010. |
На ее основе разработан новый 10 — летний план развития на 2001 — 2010 годы. |
In October 2001, OIOS requested a second post. |
В октябре 2001 года УСВН обратилось с просьбой о финансировании второй должности. |
A harmonised EU survey on long distance mobility will start in 2001 within the EU transport research programme. |
Осуществление согласованного обследования поездок на большие расстояния ЕС начнется в 2001 году в рамках исследовательской программы в области транспорта ЕС. |
Despite explanations and lobbying, parliamentarians rejected the proposed law in 2001. |
Несмотря на разъяснения и лоббирование, в 2001 году члены парламента отклонили предложенный закон. |
The first publications resulting from the project are scheduled to appear at the end of 2001. |
Первые материалы, полученные в ходе осуществления этого проекта, планируется опубликовать в конце 2001 года. |
The Act concerning social modernization of 17 January 2002 extends the scope of the Act of 16 November 2001 to cover access to rented accommodation. |
Кроме того, Закон о социальной модернизации от 17 января 2002 года развивает положения Закона от 16 ноября 2001 года в том, что касается доступа к аренде жилья. |
Lower oil prices explain the better performance of the non-oil economies in 2001. |
Улучшение показателей экономической деятельности стран, не являющихся экспортерами нефти, в 2001 году объясняется снижением цен на нефть. |
However, as a result of financial constraints, there was a shortage of basic food supplies at the end of 2001. |
Тем не менее из — за финансовых трудностей в конце 2001 года наблюдалась нехватка основных продовольственных товаров. |
Pakistan reported that heroin retail prices had increased sharply in 2001, following the opiate price increase in Afghanistan. |
Пакистан сообщил, что розничные цены на героин в 2001 году резко возросли вслед за ростом цен на опиаты в Афганистане. |
In 2001, the number of pending cases was 1000 and defendants were sentenced in 640 cases. |
В 2001 году было рассмотрено 1000 дел, при этом приговоры были вынесены по 640 делам. |
During 2001, special efforts were made to expand and consolidate the INSTRAW-GAINS platform of networks. |
В 2001 году особые усилия прилагались для расширения и укрепления сетевой платформы МУНИУЖ — ГАИНС. |
It is expected that the remainder of these missions will be implemented by the end of the first quarter of 2001. |
Ожидается, что в остальных миссиях система будет развернута к концу первого квартала 2001 года. |
After nationwide devolution in 2001 education up to grade 12 is a district subject. |
После передачи властных полномочий в масштабах всей страны в 2001 году образование до 12 класса относится к сфере компетенции районов. |
This report estimates the accrued liability for these benefits to be $38.9 million as at 31 December 2001. |
По оценкам этого доклада, накопившиеся обязательства по этим пособиям по состоянию на 31 декабря 2001 года составили 38,9 млн. долл. США. |
This amount is made up of $28 million for the accrued liability as of 1 January 2001 and $26 million for 2002. |
Данная сумма состоит из 28 млн. долл. США в виде накопленных обязательств по состоянию на 1 января 2001 года и 26 млн. долл. США за 2002 год. |
The aim is to present MSITS to the UN Statistical Commission in 2001. |
Цель заключается в представлении руководства Статистической комиссии в 2001 году. |
He expects to present his regular, comprehensive report to the Commission at its fifty-seventh session, in 2001. |
Он рассчитывает представить свой очередной всеобъемлющий доклад Комиссии на ее пятьдесят седьмой сессии в 2001 году. |
As noted below, this increase disguises somewhat the good performance of the MFIs in 2001. |
Как отмечается ниже, это увеличение в определенной мере смазывает картину эффективности работы МФУ в 2001 году. |
The remodelling of the newly acquired space to create additional cells is included in the plan of activities for 2001. |
Работа по освоению вновь приобретенной территории с целью строительства дополнительных тюремных помещений включена в план деятельности на 2001 год. |
In February 2001, field missions were asked to constitute review committees to recommend revised salary levels in deserving cases based on established guidelines. |
В феврале 2001 года полевым миссиям было предложено создать комитет по обзору для вынесения рекомендаций в отношении изменения уровня окладов в соответствующих случаях на основании установленных руководящих принципов. |
It may also wish to recommend a scale of voluntary contributions for Parties to meet the 2001 budget. |
Он, возможно, пожелает также рекомендовать шкалу добровольных взносов Сторон с целью формирования бюджета на 2001 год. |
The Committee on Contributions should also be requested to recommend, in 2000, an improved scale for the period 2001-2003. |
Комитету по взносам следует предложить также рекомендовать в 2000 году улучшенную шкалу на период 2001 — 2003 годов. |
An advanced level training course on legislative drafting is scheduled to start in July 2001. |
К проведению продвинутого курса обучения по вопросам разработки законодательства планируется приступить в июле 2001 года. |
A new CD-ROM of the geographical names database of Austria was issued in March 2001 and is a new edition of the Gazetteer of Austria. |
В марте 2001 года вышел новый КД — ПЗУ с базой данных о географических названиях Австрии, который представляет собой новое издание австрийского газеттира. |
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, illustrated the critical yet fragile nature of the international transport system. |
Террористические акты 11 сентября 2001 года продемонстрировали жизненную важность и в то же время уязвимость международной транспортной системы. |
From 2001 to 2005 she played the role of Hoshi Sato in the science fiction television series Enterprise. |
С 2001 по 2005 годы она играла роль Хоши Сато в телевизионной научной деятельности серий фантастики. |
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Word | |
Studio album by
The Word |
Released | July 31, 2001 |
Genre | Instrumental rock, Sacred steel, gospel blues, jam rock, blues rock, jazz fusion, Southern rock |
Length | 44:08 |
Label | Ropeadope Records |
Producer | Scotty Hard, John Medeski |
The debut self-titled album by an instrumental jam band supergroup The Word. The musicians: Robert Randolph (pedal steel guitar), John Medeski (keyboards), and the three members of North Mississippi Allstars — Luther Dickinson (electric guitar), Cody Dickinson (drums, washboard), and Chris Chew (bass guitar).
Review scores | |
Source | Rating |
Allmusic |
Track listing[edit]
- «Joyful Sounds» – 3:45
- «Call Him by His Name» – 4:11
- «Blood on that Rock» – 3:22
- «Without God» – 6:51
- «Waiting on My Wings» – 8:19
- «At the Cross» – 2:40
- «I’ll Fly Away» – 7:19
- «I Shall Not Be Moved» – 2:37
- «Keep Your Lamp Trimmed and Burning» – 2:02
- «Untitled» – 6:08
- «Joyful Sounds Reprise» — 0:49 (This track is hidden, or unlisted, on the original CD release.)
Contributing Artists[edit]
John Medeski, Robert Randolph, North Mississippi Allstars
- Use the word 2001 in a sentences
Sentence Examples
The restoration took place in 2001 in collaboration with the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin, the Fondazione Cineteca Italiana, Milan… and the Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation, Wiesbaden.
He won’t live to be 2001 unless he follows directions on the label.
English subtitles (C) DECCA 2001 Kenneth Chalmers
In a time when men land on the moon… and are shown films like «2001«…
I’m not sure I’ll do 2001 tonight.
You know that 2001 Odyssey has a dance contest now?
Right, and you probably live with your family, hang out with your buddies, and Saturday nights you blow it all at 2001.
The high I get at 2001 is just dancing. It’s not being a bastard or anything.
Maybe go to 2001 with a crowd.
Like the Pope or the computer in 2001.
This film, which uses animation cells from the 1950s to 1980, has undergone photochemical and digital restoration between January 2001 and July 2003
To the stars by the hardways. New version 2001 Dedicayded to my parents —
Or corn that could grow in the good old U.S. of A., say in the year 2001, when there’ll be 6 1/2 billion people on this planet. All of them hungry.
The directive is NSC 3-4-2/2-3, Top Secret, January 30, 2001.
And then this Cynthia girl comes along. Dream girl, 2001.
A brand-new white Mercedes 2001
And it’s rather odd to see it floating like this, in odyssey, while it’s playing… the theme from 2001.
[Roosa] It’s 2001 type stuff.
By the year 2001… there won’t be a person on this planet… who isn’t hooked into it and hooked into me.
Arthur C Clarke.. The noted author of 2001 and dozens of other books. Was recently nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
That, uh, was supposed to be the theme to 2001… in honor of our command module Odyssey… but there seems to have been a change in the program.
Subtitles: VICOMEDIA 04/2001
We’re actively spreading enlightenment and education about the glorious harmonic convergence that will dawn at the stroke of midnight in the year 2001.
That’s interesting, because as everyone knows since there was no year 0 the millennium doesn’t begin until the year 2001 which would make your party one year late and thus quite lame.
The six victims from the first case in 2001 up to 2011.
So he set off on one last drive, over to Tiny’s Liquors which specialized in fine wines and bought a bottle of 2001 Azalea Springs Merlot which set him back almost $ 7 0.
So the new millennium really starts in 2001.
But, oh, no, they had to listen to all those hucksters who told them the real millennium was 2001.
And besides, 2001 is actually the start of the new millennium.
And it’s the 23rd of March… 2000… 2001.
And it’s 23rd of March. 2000… 2001.
Because the border is not drawn, there isn’t any bright line to cross where January 1, 2001 is to come.
» Dear Miss McPhee, Harvard College is pleased to inform you that we’ve accepted your application for Early Action for the fall of 2001 …
At 1 0:30 yesterday your son was in Harry’s Hardware store purchasing a can of white paint identical to the kind that was used to scrawl the words «Class of 2001 » on the sail of my boat.
CBS news has partnered with NURV Information Systems in a cable news network due to launch Fall of 2001.
On the morning of 17 Jan 2001 packets of heroin and cocaine were located from Arun Verma’s residence.
That’s what time is. It’s no more 50 A.D. Than it’s 2001.
Until September 1 1th 2001 …
You should do the boxing book for 2001 and the ghetto book for 2002
2001 I remember very well.
I remember Pauline Kael’s review of 2001. They were not good reviews.
We expected a lot from him, quite honestly, and in 2001 we got it.
Stanley Kubrick now began work on a film which would establish him as one of the great film directors. With 2001:
The restoration took place in 2001 in collaboration with the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin, the Fondazione Cineteca Italiana, Milan… and the Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation, Wiesbaden.
He won’t live to be 2001 unless he follows directions on the label.
English subtitles (C) DECCA 2001 Kenneth Chalmers
In a time when men land on the moon… and are shown films like «2001«…
I’m not sure I’ll do 2001 tonight.
You know that 2001 Odyssey has a dance contest now?
Right, and you probably live with your family, hang out with your buddies, and Saturday nights you blow it all at 2001.
The high I get at 2001 is just dancing. It’s not being a bastard or anything.
Maybe go to 2001 with a crowd.
Like the Pope or the computer in 2001.
This film, which uses animation cells from the 1950s to 1980, has undergone photochemical and digital restoration between January 2001 and July 2003
To the stars by the hardways. New version 2001 Dedicayded to my parents —
Or corn that could grow in the good old U.S. of A., say in the year 2001, when there’ll be 6 1/2 billion people on this planet. All of them hungry.
The directive is NSC 3-4-2/2-3, Top Secret, January 30, 2001.
And then this Cynthia girl comes along. Dream girl, 2001.
A brand-new white Mercedes 2001
And it’s rather odd to see it floating like this, in odyssey, while it’s playing… the theme from 2001.
[Roosa] It’s 2001 type stuff.
By the year 2001… there won’t be a person on this planet… who isn’t hooked into it and hooked into me.
Arthur C Clarke.. The noted author of 2001 and dozens of other books. Was recently nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
That, uh, was supposed to be the theme to 2001… in honor of our command module Odyssey… but there seems to have been a change in the program.
Subtitles: VICOMEDIA 04/2001
We’re actively spreading enlightenment and education about the glorious harmonic convergence that will dawn at the stroke of midnight in the year 2001.
That’s interesting, because as everyone knows since there was no year 0 the millennium doesn’t begin until the year 2001 which would make your party one year late and thus quite lame.
The six victims from the first case in 2001 up to 2011.
So he set off on one last drive, over to Tiny’s Liquors which specialized in fine wines and bought a bottle of 2001 Azalea Springs Merlot which set him back almost $ 7 0.
So the new millennium really starts in 2001.
But, oh, no, they had to listen to all those hucksters who told them the real millennium was 2001.
And besides, 2001 is actually the start of the new millennium.
And it’s the 23rd of March… 2000… 2001.
And it’s 23rd of March. 2000… 2001.
Because the border is not drawn, there isn’t any bright line to cross where January 1, 2001 is to come.
» Dear Miss McPhee, Harvard College is pleased to inform you that we’ve accepted your application for Early Action for the fall of 2001 …
At 1 0:30 yesterday your son was in Harry’s Hardware store purchasing a can of white paint identical to the kind that was used to scrawl the words «Class of 2001 » on the sail of my boat.
CBS news has partnered with NURV Information Systems in a cable news network due to launch Fall of 2001.
On the morning of 17 Jan 2001 packets of heroin and cocaine were located from Arun Verma’s residence.
That’s what time is. It’s no more 50 A.D. Than it’s 2001.
Until September 1 1th 2001 …
You should do the boxing book for 2001 and the ghetto book for 2002
2001 I remember very well.
I remember Pauline Kael’s review of 2001. They were not good reviews.
We expected a lot from him, quite honestly, and in 2001 we got it.
Stanley Kubrick now began work on a film which would establish him as one of the great film directors. With 2001:
Write out (convert, spell out) the year 2001 in words, in (US) American and (UK) British English
Letter case 1 of 8
the year 2001 written out in: lowercase
all lowercase letters:
Both American and British English:
the year twenty oh one
~ or ~
American English:
the year two thousand one
British English:
the year two thousand and one
Letter case 2 of 8
Both American and British English:
~ or ~
American English:
British English:
Letter case 3 of 8
The Year 2001 Converted to: Title Case
Capital Letters at the Beginning of Words:
Both American and British English:
The Year Twenty Oh One
~ or ~
American English:
The Year Two Thousand One
British English:
The Year Two Thousand and One
Letter case 4 of 8
The year 2001: Sentence case
Capital letter to start the sentence:
Both American and British English:
The year Twenty oh one
~ or ~
American English:
The year Two thousand one
British English:
The year Two thousand and one
Letter case 5 of 8
The Year 2001: Start Case
Capital Letters At The Beginning Of All Words:
Both American and British English:
The Year Twenty Oh One
~ or ~
American English:
The Year Two Thousand One
British English:
The Year Two Thousand And One
Letter case 6 of 8
theYear 2001: camelCase
Spaces and punctuation removed,
first letter lower case,
subsequent words first letters uppercase:
Both American and British English:
theYear twentyOhOne
~ or ~
American English:
theYear twoThousandOne
British English:
theYear twoThousandAndOne
Letter case 7 of 8
the-year 2001: hyphen-case
punctuation — removed
spaces — replaced — by — hyphens:
Both American and British English:
the-year twenty-oh-one
~ or ~
American English:
the-year two-thousand-one
British English:
the-year two-thousand-and-one
Letter case 8 of 8
the_year 2001: snake_case
punctuation _ removed
spaces _ replaced _ by _ underscores:
Both American and British English:
the_year twenty_oh_one
~ or ~
American English:
the_year two_thousand_one
British English:
the_year two_thousand_and_one
The year 2001 written out in: ‘lowercase’, ‘UPPERCASE’, ‘Title Case’, ‘Sentence case’, ‘Start Case’, ‘camelCase’, ‘hyphen-case’ and ‘snake_case’.
Notes on Letter Cases used to write out in words the number above:
1: Lowercase: only lowercase letters are used. Example: ‘seventy-six and two tenths’.
2: Uppercase: only uppercase letters are used. Example: ‘SEVENTY-SIX AND TWO TENTHS’.
3. Title Case: first letter of each word is capitalized, except for certain short words, such as articles, conjunctions and short prepositions, ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’, ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘for’, ‘at’, ‘by’, ‘to’, ‘or’, ‘in’, etc. Example: ‘Seventy-Six and Two Tenths’.
4. Sentence case: only the first letter of the first word is capitalized. Example: ‘Seventy-six and two tenths’.
5. Start Case: first letter of each word is capitalized without exception. Example: ‘Seventy-Six And Two Tenths’.
6. Camel Case: text has no spaces nor punctuation and first letter of each word is capitalized except for the very first letter in the series. Example: ‘seventySixAndTwoTenths’.
Pascal Case: See the Camel Case above, but the first letter is also capitalized. Example: ‘SeventySixAndTwoTenths’.
7. Hyphen Case: text has no spaces nor punctuation and the words are delimited by hyphen. Example: ‘seventy-six-and-two-tenths’. Hyphen Case can be lowercase or uppercase.
8. Snake Case: text has no spaces nor punctuation and the words are delimited by underscore. Example: ‘seventy_six_and_two_tenths’. Snake Case can be lowercase or uppercase.
Notes on Writing Out Numbers and Years:
1: It’s correct to hyphenate all compound numbers from ‘twenty-one’ (21) through ‘ninety-nine’ (99). The hyphen is the minus sign, as in ‘thirty-four’ (34).
2: In American English, unlike British English, when writing out years of three or more digits, the word ‘and’ is not used after ‘hundred’ or ‘thousand’; i.e. 963 is written out as ‘nine sixty-three’ (American English) and not as ‘nine hundred and sixty-three’ (British English); 2025 is ‘two thousand twenty-five’ (American English) and not ‘two thousand and twenty-five’ (British English).
3. Up to 1999 the years are spoken as hundreds, but for shortening, the words ‘hundred and’ are omitted: i. e. 1999 = ‘nineteen (hundred and) ninety-nine’ = ‘nineteen ninety-nine’.
4. After the year 2000 the years are spoken as normal numbers, but for shortening, in colloquial language, the years are pronounced in groups of two: i. e. 2000 = ‘two thousand’; 2001 = ‘two thousand (and) one’, but also ‘twenty oh one’.
5. Do not use commas when writing out in words numbers above 999; i.e. 1234 is «twelve thirty-four» and not «twelve, thirty-four».
6. Do not use commas when writing in digits years above 999; i.e. it is 1234; 1973, 2021, and not 1,234; 1,973, 2,021.
More operations of this kind:
Write out the year 2000 in words
Write out the year 2002 in words
Converter: Write Out Years in Words in American and British English
Years are converted from numbers to words in (US) American English & (UK) British English using different letter cases: (1) lowercase (2) UPPERCASE (3) Title Case (4) Sentence Case (5) Start Case (6) Hyphen Case.
The last 13 years written out in words (converted to, spelled out) in American and British English
Write out the year 2001 in words (convert, spell out) in American and British English | Apr 14 07:21 UTC (GMT) |
Write out the year 5313 in words (convert, spell out) in American and British English | Apr 14 07:20 UTC (GMT) |
Write out the year 2023 in words (convert, spell out) in American and British English | Apr 14 07:19 UTC (GMT) |
Write out the year 1543 in words (convert, spell out) in American and British English | Apr 14 07:19 UTC (GMT) |
Write out the year 5010 in words (convert, spell out) in American and British English | Apr 14 07:19 UTC (GMT) |
Write out the year 1894 in words (convert, spell out) in American and British English | Apr 14 07:18 UTC (GMT) |
Write out the year 448 in words (convert, spell out) in American and British English | Apr 14 07:15 UTC (GMT) |
Write out the year 1390 in words (convert, spell out) in American and British English | Apr 14 07:15 UTC (GMT) |
Write out the year 4180 in words (convert, spell out) in American and British English | Apr 14 07:13 UTC (GMT) |
Write out the year 1527 in words (convert, spell out) in American and British English | Apr 14 07:12 UTC (GMT) |
Write out the year 1526 in words (convert, spell out) in American and British English | Apr 14 07:10 UTC (GMT) |
Write out the year 2542 in words (convert, spell out) in American and British English | Apr 14 07:08 UTC (GMT) |
Write out the year 1045 in words (convert, spell out) in American and British English | Apr 14 07:04 UTC (GMT) |
All the years that were converted to words in American and British English |
How to say and write out years in words in American and British English
1. How to convert years to words in American and British English, how to write them out?
1.1. For years ending with three zeros:
- 1000 = the year one thousand, in both American and British English;
- 2000 = the year two thousand, in both American and British English;
- 3000 = the year three thousand, in both American and British English;
1.2. For years ending with two zeros:
- 1700 = the year seventeen hundred, in both American and British English;
- 1800 = the year eighteen hundred, in both American and British English;
- 1900 = the year nineteen hundred, in both American and British English;
1.3. If only the second digit is zero, there are three ways of writing out the year:
- 1059 = the year ten fifty-nine, in both American and British English;
- 1059 = the year one thousand fifty-nine, in American English;
- 1059 = the year one thousand and fifty-nine, in British English;
- 2018 = the year twenty eighteen, in both American and British English;
- 2018 = the year two thousand eighteen, in American English;
- 2018 = the year two thousand and eighteen, in British English;
1.4. If only the third digit is zero, there are two ways of writing out the year:
- 1609 = the year sixteen oh nine, in American English;
- 1609 = the year sixteen hundred and nine, in British English;
- 1902 = the year nineteen oh two, in American English;
- 1902 = the year nineteen hundred and two, in British English;
- 2108 = the year twenty-one oh eight, in American English;
- 2108 = the year twenty-one hundred and eight, in British English;
1.5. In general, when the first three digits of the year are different of zero, we write the first two and the second two digits as if they were single numbers:
- 1870 = the year eighteen seventy, in both American and British English;
- 1878 = the year eighteen seventy-eight, in both American and British English;
- 1970 = the year nineteen seventy, in both American and British English;
- 1973 = the year nineteen seventy-three, in both American and British English;
- 2110 = the year twenty-one ten, in both American and British English;
- 2115 = the year twenty-one fifteen, in both American and British English;
1.6. For years before 1000, we often say the first digit separately, then the last two as a single number, taking into account all the rules that were listed above:
- 474 = the year four seventy-four, in both American and British English;
- 474 = the year four hundred and seventy-four, in British English;
- 906 = the year nine oh six, in both American and British English;
- 906 = the year nine hundred and six, in British English;
- 43 = the year forty-three, in both American and British English;
- 17 = the year seventeen, in both American and British English;