Imperishable night last word

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Spell Card 206

Screenshot No. 206: 「季節外れのバタフライストーム」

«Unseasonal Butterfly Storm»

Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: リグルは少々頭が弱い感じがする。というか、今回の主人公達相手じゃ


I think Wriggle is a bit slow in the head. It’s a pity, since she has to face player characters in this title. Cirno might be better for her to play with.

To unlock: Beat main game through Final B with more than 2 teams, difficulty doesn’t matter.

Spell Card 207

Screenshot No. 207: 「ブラインドナイトバード」

«Blind Nightbird»

Owner: Mystia Lorelei
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: ローレライ。どうも私はローラレイとよく言い間違う。んん~ローラ。


Lorelei. I often misspell her name as «Lorarei». Ahh, Lora.

It looks as though she has only 3 fingers from these pictures, but she actually has 5 fingers.

To unlock: Beat main game through Final B with more than 3 teams, difficulty doesn’t matter.

Spell Card 208

Screenshot No. 208: 「日出ずる国の天子」

«Emperor of the East»

Owner: Keine Kamishirasawa
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: ああ、そのお姿は神々し過ぎて見えません。それにしても、慧音はなん


Aah, your shape is too bright to be visible.

So, why does she wear that weird skirt anyways? Same for her hat.

To unlock: Capture more than 50 spell cards in Spell Card Practice, all characters combined.

Spell Card 209

Screenshot No. 209: 「幻朧月睨(ルナティックレッドアイズ)」

«Lunatic Red Eyes»

Owner: Reisen Udongein Inaba
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: 変なあだ名で呼ばれまくりの宇宙兎。その腹いせにスペルカードは


The space rabbit with many stupid nicknames. To vent her anger, she named her spellcards with weird captions. She likes these card names, though.

To unlock: Beat Final B with all 4 teams, difficulty doesn’t matter.

Spell Card 210

Screenshot No. 210: 「天網蜘網捕蝶の法」

«Heaven Spider’s Butterfly-Capturing Web»

Owner: Eirin Yagokoro
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: 如何なる者も逃さない天にも地にも張り巡らされた光の蜘蛛の巣。


Spider’s web that reaches from the ground to the sky, not allowing anything to escape.

It’s impossible to avoid this. In addition she monitors ACoMPCE too.

(ACoMPCE: Administration Commission of Motion Picture Code of Ethics. In Japan it’s called 映倫 (Eirin) for short… poor joke.)

To unlock: Capture No.138 (Apollo 13 -Hard-).

Spell Card 211

Screenshot No. 211: 「蓬莱の樹海」

«Tree-Ocean of Hourai»

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: 方位磁石が狂うのは、実は回転罠の所為だったと専らの評判の樹海。こ


The ocean of trees that is famous for its turning trap, making compasses inoperative. If you’re thinking of going there after you’re done with this game, think twice.

(This refers to the forest around Mt. Fuji. It is famous for its broad expanse of dense woodland and… many suicides.)

To unlock: Capture more than 15 different Last Spells in Spell Card Practice, all characters combined.

Spell Card 212

Screenshot No. 212: 「フェニックス再誕」

«Phoenix Rebirth»

Owner: Fujiwara no Mokou
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: 妹で紅、って誰かを彷彿させる名前だが、本当は、自分”も紅”色に


妹 (little sister) and 紅 (scarlet) (together: Mokou) may remind you of someone else’s name, but actually, it can mean «paint me red» as well. If it was any more red, though, it’d just be a fireball.

To unlock: Capture No.146 and No.196, face No.205 at least once (no need to capture No.205).

Spell Card 213

Screenshot No. 213: 「エンシェントデューパー」

«Ancient Duper»

Owner: Tewi Inaba
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: 根っからの詐欺師。人を騙す度に報復を受けるが、全く懲りてない。


Natural born duper. She always gets paid back for her dupe, but she never learns.

White ears and black hair… It’s hard to tell if she’s really a white rabbit.

To unlock: Face No.209, No.210 and No.211 at least once (no need to capture them).

Spell Card 214

Screenshot No. 214: 「無何有浄化」

«Total Purification»

Owner: Keine Kamishirasawa
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: 世界再生。人間が自然保護とか言っているのがちゃんちゃらおかしい。


World reconstruction. It’s really stupid for humans to say something like nature conservation.

They’re being conserved by nature after all, but they speak like if they’re above nature…

To unlock: Face No.206, No.207, No.208 and No.212 at least once (no need to capture them).

Spell Card 215

Screenshot No. 215: 「夢想天生」

«Fantasy Heaven»

(Sounds the same as Kenshiro’s Musou Tensei of Fist of the North Star fame. Once activated, Kenshiro is able to evade all sorts of attacks from his enemies. Likewise, Reimu is invincible in this spell card.)

Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: 色々と究極奥義。霊夢はありとあらゆるものから宙に浮き無敵となる。


Supreme Master-Arts by any means. With Reimu’s ability to float, she floats from everything in reality and becomes invincible.

If it wasn’t just for play (with time limit), no one could beat her with any method.

To unlock: Capture all spell cards of Normal difficulty in Spell Card Practice with Marisa Solo.

Spell Card 216

Screenshot No. 216: 「ブレイジングスター」

«Blazing Star»

Owner: Marisa Kirisame
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: 自らが彗星となる究極の体当たり芸。かなり直球。彼女らしい。


Her ultimate charging attack where she turns herself into a comet. Plain straight, very her-ish.

It’s no longer a danmaku, but it’s Marisa anyway, so no one really minds.

To unlock: Beat Hard or Lunatic main game with Reimu Solo, you need to choose Final B.

Spell Card 217

Screenshot No. 217: 「デフレーションワールド」

«Deflation World»

Owner: Sakuya Izayoi
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: 時空を縮小させる咲夜の変化球。小さくなった時間は、短期間の過去と


One of her secrets that compresses the flow of time. Compressed time allows the past and future to exist in the present at the same time. You have to deal with all of them, so it’s quite a tough move.

To unlock: Capture more than 120 spell cards in Spell Card Practice, all characters combined.

Spell Card 218

Screenshot No. 218: 「待宵反射衛星斬」

«Paschal Moon-Reflecting Satellite Slash»

Owner: Youmu Konpaku
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: 月の力を借りて斬る。この一振りだけで物凄く広いといわれる西行寺


Slash that borrows the power of the Moon. One slash can cover the whole garden of Saigyouji, which is very huge. Power of the Moon calls more power, making its width infinite.

To unlock: Beat main game through Final B with more than 6 teams, difficulty doesn’t matter.

Spell Card 219

Screenshot No. 219: 「グランギニョル座の怪人」

«The Phantom of the Grand Guignol»

(Grand Guignol: either any dramatic entertainment that deals with the macabre and features overly graphic violence, or the French theater that specialized in that entertainment.)

Owner: Alice Margatroid
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: この人形は奇怪な人形だけで構成されていて気分が悪い。普段は封印


This doll only consist of bizarre dolls and is really weird, so she seals it most of times.
This doll can self-indulgently drop tear, its hair grows, and even more.

To unlock: Beat Extra with 3 or more different teams and/or characters.

Spell Card 220

Screenshot No. 220: 「スカーレットディスティニー」

«Scarlet Destiny»

Owner: Remilia Scarlet
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: 高速の紅。小細工無しの直球で力を見せ付ける。レミリアは実は魔法


High speed scarlet. Showing her power straightly without any cheap tricks. In fact she’s more of the physical type than magic type, dominating everyone with her superior physical strength. Melee > Danmaku.

(Later Immaterial and Missing Power showed that it’s really true…)

To unlock: Capture 30 or more separate Last Spells in Spell Card Practice, all characters combined.

Spell Card 221

Screenshot No. 221: 「西行寺無余涅槃」

«Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana»

Owner: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: 幽々子の最大奥義、彼女の死。ゲーム中では彼女の能力を見せる機会って殆どないのが困ったものだ。あんなのにぽんぽん殺されてもねぇ。

Yuyuko’s ultimate move, her «death». It’s really shame that there’s not many chance to
reveal her true ability. It doesn’t look cool that brat’s killing anything and such. This is similar to her last spell in Perfect Cherry Blossom.

To unlock: Beat main game with Lunatic difficulty. Continue/Character doesn’t matter.

Spell Card 222

Screenshot No. 222: 「深弾幕結界 -夢幻泡影-」

«Profound Danmaku Bounded Field -Phantasm, Foam and Shadow-»

(夢幻泡影: Originally a phrase from buddhist sutras, this phrase states that everything is as hollow and transient as phantasms, foam and shadows.)

Owner: Yukari Yakumo
Last Word — Last Word
Comment: 弾幕結界は無限に続くSTGの万華鏡。紫のさじ加減一つで生きる


Danmaku Bounded Field is the kaleidoscope of everlasting shooting games, Yukari’s tip of finger decides its life and death. How frail humans… and shooting games are.

To unlock: Face every other Last Word at least once, no need to capture them all.

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v  d  e

Imperishable Night


Main Scenario

Prologue — Boundary Team part 1 / 2 · Magic Team part 1 / 2 ·
Scarlet Team part 1 / 2 · Netherworld Team part 1 / 2


Boundary Team (Bad · Good A / B) · Magic Team (Bad · Good A / B) ·
Scarlet Team (Bad · Good A / B) · Ghost Team (Bad · Good A / B)

Extra Scenario

Boundary Team · Magic Team · Scarlet Team · Ghost Team


Reimu Hakurei · Marisa Kirisame · Sakuya Izayoi · Youmu Konpaku · Yukari Yakumo (Ran Yakumo) · Alice Margatroid · Remilia Scarlet · Yuyuko Saigyouji · Wriggle Nightbug · Mystia Lorelei · Keine Kamishirasawa · Tewi Inaba · Reisen Udongein Inaba · Eirin Yagokoro · Kaguya Houraisan · Fujiwara no Mokou


Fairy · Kedama · Yin-Yang Orb


Youkai Trail · Human Village · Bamboo Forest of the Lost · Eientei · Moon · (Hakurei Shrine)


Hourai Elixir · Immortal


Strategy (Replays) · High Scores

Spell Cards

Stage 1 · Stage 2 · Stage 3 · Stage 4A · Stage 4B · Stage 5 · Stage 6A · Stage 6B · Extra · Last Word


Afterword · Music Comments · Miscellaneous

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Imperishable Night
A CD-ROM cover titled "Imperishable Night" that depicts a silhouette of the character Kaguya Houraisan, with a blue moon present inside her silhouette.

Original CD-ROM cover, featuring the silhouettes of Kaguya Houraisan (in the center) and Fujiwara no Mokou (in the moon in the bottom left).

Developer(s) Team Shanghai Alice
Publisher(s) Team Shanghai Alice
Composer(s) Team Shanghai Alice
Series Touhou Project
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows
  • JP: 15 August 2004[a]
Genre(s) Bullet hell (danmaku)
Mode(s) Single-player

Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night. (Japanese: 東方永夜抄 〜 Imperishable Night., lit. «Eternal Night Vignette from the East») is a 2004 vertical bullet hell scrolling shoot ’em up developed by Team Shanghai Alice. It is the eighth game in the Touhou Project series, and the third main Touhou game to be released specifically for the Windows operating system.

Imperishable Night introduces the ‘partner’ system, allowing the player a choice between four teams of two characters to switch between, each with their own shot type, in real-time.

The story centers around Gensokyo’s moon being replaced by a fake during the Harvest Moon Festival, with the chosen team warping time to try and find the culprit before the end of the night and festival. It was first released at the 66th Comiket on August 15, 2004.


Imperishable Night is a vertically scrolling danmaku game, in which the player character is always facing towards the top of the screen, attacking enemies, dodging their attacks, and having to face a boss at the end of each stage.

Unique to Imperishable Night is the Last Spell system. Some of the bosses’ last spell cards are called Last Spells, some of which are regular spell cards that require the player to deplete the boss of their life, whereas others simply require the player to survive until the time runs out. When a Last Spell is active, the player cannot activate their own Spell Cards, and will fail if they are hit, regardless of how many lives they have. The player also has access to Spell Cards referred to as Last Spells, which are secondary Spell Cards, which last longer and do more damage, but cost twice as much to use.

Another unique part of Imperishable Night is the bosses. Depending on the player’s character, the player will either battle Marisa Kirisame or Reimu Hakurei during the 4th stage of the game. there are also two final bosses, Eirin Yagakoro and Kaguya Houraisan. If the player has not used any continues by stage the end of stage 5, the player will fight Kaguya, and if they have, they will fight Eirin. It is required to fight both, however, before unlocking the extra stage.

Time counter[edit]

Imperishable Night utilizes a ‘time’ counter, which requires the player to collect a certain amount of «time points», which are acquired in the same manner as regular points – collecting point items, grazing enemy bullets, or killing enemies. The game begins at 11:00 PM, and with each stage, thirty minutes passes, or an hour if they fail to gather enough time points. The player will receive a bad ending if the clock reaches 5:00 AM. Time will also advance by half an hour if the player uses a continue, or fails any of the Last Spells of Kaguya Houraisan, the game’s final boss, who is also the only character to have multiple Last Spells. Because of this system, Imperishable Night is the only Touhou game in which the player can use a continue, and still get the good ending.

Human-yōkai pairs[edit]

Imperishable Night features a total of eight playable characters, in pre-set pairs, and, upon completing the game with all teams, the game allows the player to select these characters individually. Each pair consist of one human, and yōkai, with the human being the player’s unfocused shot, and the yokai as the focused shot.

A gauge on the lower left corner of the screen keeps track of how human or yōkai the player is, and affects the player’s score accordingly. The gauge, ranging from -100% (human) to 100% (yōkai), is determined by which mode the player uses more. When the player reaches 80%, they can collect time orbs by hitting enemies (as a human) or by grazing against bosses and killing enemies (as a yōkai). Because Youmu Konpaku of the Netherworld Dwellers team is a half-ghost, their gauges are adjusted accordingly (-50% to 50% solo, -50% to 100% as the team), and the minimum values for time orb collection are reduced.

Some enemies use familiars that change their vulnerabilities depending on whether the player is playing as a human or a yōkai at the moment. These familiars are completely invulnerable when the player switches to a yōkai, but at the same time these familiars cannot collide with the yōkai player and do not shoot bullets when the player is on top of them. The enemies’ alternating vulnerabilities in this game have been compared to Ikaruga.[1] Bosses may also change their standard attacks depending on the orientation of the player, usually firing slower bullets and/or homing bullets when the player is a yōkai.

Spell Practice Mode[edit]

Eirin Yagokoro’s «Last Word» in Spell Practice Mode

The Spell Practice Mode is unlocked by beating the game with the normal ending (i.e. before the game time reaches 5:00 am). This feature allows a character/team to practice any of the game’s spell cards, so long as they have encountered them. In this mode, players have only one life and cannot use their spell cards. Clearing spell cards here will show the creator’s own comments on the spell cards or the characters associated with them. The stage practice, allowing the player to practice an entire stage, provided they have completed it already, is also present in Imperishable Night.

Only available in the Spell Practice Mode are Last Words, which are typically the hardest spell cards in the game. These spells are earned by accomplishing certain feats such as beating the game using certain characters, or capturing a large enough number of spell cards.


On the eve of Gensokyo’s Harvest Moon Festival, the moon has been replaced by a fake moon that can never become full. In order to find the real moon before sunrise, the protagonists search for the person that stole the moon, so they can return it, and prevent the possibility of an imperishable night.

After multiple battles, including one with Reimu or Marisa (depending on who the player character is), who was also searching for the answer, the protagonists reaches Eientei, the mansion of the perpetrator. Once inside, they find that the mansion is guarded by the moon rabbit Reisen Udongein Inaba. From here, the team may either choose the path that leads to the fake moon conjured by Eirin Yagokoro, or the real moon, where the exiled moon princess Kaguya Houraisan is hiding. People from the moon wanted Kaguya to return Reisen to their home planet, and so, she created the fake moon in order to sever the link between the earth and the moon, meaning they would not be able to find either Kaguya or Reisen. The team then accepts Kaguya’s «Five Impossible Requests» and fight until daybreak.

Having completed the Five Impossible Requests, the team is given another challenge by Kaguya in the Extra Mode: defeat her rival, Fujiwara no Mokou. Afterwards, the moon is restored, and Kaguya, Reisen, and Eirin continue to live in Gensokyo peacefully.


Imperishable Night was created by Team Shanghai Alice, which consists of a single member, who goes by the pseudonym of ZUN. ZUN had interest in making a danmaku game in which the player can switch between two characters easily during the game, as he believed there weren’t many games that incorporated such a system. The idea for Imperishable Night started with this desire, and the plot was written later to justify this system. ZUN had considered the idea for Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, but he felt that having playable characters that had not previously introduced would be unnatural. Thus he decided to make the system in Team Shanghai Alice’s third game, Imperishable Night, so he could introduce new characters in the first and second game.[2]

ZUN found it particularly difficult to find a youkai character to pair Reimu and Marisa with. In the end, ZUN picked Alice from the pre-Windows games to be Marisa’s partner since he thought Alice was a «Youkai version of Marisa», and thus reintroduced her in Perfect Cherry Blossom. Yukari was selected to be Reimu’s partner because their personalities were similar, making them a natural fit.[2]


Writing for Gamasutra, Michael Molinari singled out an aspect of Imperishable Night’s stage design for analysis: the stage two boss had a gimmick that limits the player’s field of view and «bring[s] the most tension, excitement, exhilaration, etc., despite it simplifying the game and bringing me to the most primitive of mechanics (the process of movement)». He then goes on to say that the presentation and the mechanics of the bullet patterns not only make it possible for this to happen, but also make the gimmick «worthwhile and memorable».[3]


Touhou Bōgetsushō (東方儚月抄) is an extension of the story in Imperishable Night, split into three parts, each carried by a different Ichijinsha magazine. The main component, Silent Sinner in Blue, is a manga serialized in the monthly Comic Rex; it is through Silent Sinner in Blue that the main plot progresses. Cage in Lunatic Runagate is a novel being serialized in the quarterly Chara Mel; it centers on the viewpoints of the characters around the story. Finally, The Inaba of the Moon and the Inaba of the Earth (月のイナバと地上の因幡, Tsuki no Inaba to Chijō no Inaba) is a lighthearted yonkoma focusing on Reisen and Tewi Inaba. The plot of Touhou Bōgetsushō overall revolves around the disturbances on the lunar capital, Yukari’s plans to invade the moon, and Remilia’s rocket trip to the moon.

Ichijinsha sought ZUN for this venture before he started to work on Mountain of Faith, and ZUN once had thoughts to make the manga about the upcoming game. However, as development of Mountain of Faith progressed, ZUN decided that he should base the story on something that Touhou fans were already familiar with.[citation needed] He turned to Imperishable Night because he felt the game did not provide much room for character development despite having such a rich cast. With the three-part media blitz, ZUN hoped to expand on the characters’ inner thoughts.[4]


  1. ^ Imperishable Night was sold on the final day of Comiket 66.


  1. ^ Sasayama, Yukikuni. 少女弾幕奇譚 東方妖々夢 ~Perfect Cherry Blossom.体験版. 2004. Retrieved 2009-05-01.
  2. ^ a b ZUN, «Shanghai Alice Correspondence Vol.3 (duplicated)». Imperishable Night Demo Afterword. 2004-4-18.
  3. ^
    Molinari, Michael. «Imperishable Night: Easier challenge means more adrenaline?». Gamasutra. 2009-06-03.
  4. ^ 「東方儚月抄」3誌合同連載へのいきごみ 原作ZUN氏インタビュー, Comic Rex, Ichijinsha, July 2007 issue.

External links[edit]

  • Official website (in Japanese)
  • Imperishable Night on Touhou Wiki

Title Screen

Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night

Developer: Team Shanghai Alice
Publisher: Team Shanghai Alice
Released in JP: August 15, 2004

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Imperishable Night is the 8th game in the main series of Touhou Project. The moon’s been replaced by a fake one, and the youkai don’t like that, so it’s up to the protagonists to get to the bottom of it. The main gameplay gimmick is that each of the three human (and one part-human) playable characters is paired up with a non-human character whom they can shift to by focusing. It also has an unofficial English patch that makes the characters cuss like sailors.

«Now, bitch, get out of the way!»


  • 1 Full Unlock Code
  • 2 Unused Graphics
    • 2.1 Phantasm Stage Unlock Screen
    • 2.2 Unused Grades
    • 2.3 Oumagatoki
  • 3 Music Oddities

Full Unlock Code

Imperishable Night follows up the previous two games with yet another full unlock code.

On the Score Ranking menu, hold either Shift or Ctrl and press Right five times, Left one time, D two times, and Q three times. If done correctly, you’ll hear the 1up sound, and the Extra Stage, all solo characters, and all practice stages and spell cards (including Last Word spell cards) will be unlocked for all characters and difficulty levels.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Graphics

Phantasm Stage Unlock Screen

Touhou8 Phantasm.png

The unlock screen for Perfect Cherry Blossom’s Phantasm Stage is left over from the previous game.

Unused Grades

Touhou8 Rank.png

Upon clearing a stage, you are given a grade depending on how well you did, and the higher the grade, the less time is added. ランク申 (Rank A) and ランク乙 (Rank B) are used and advance the clock by 30 minutes and 1 hour respectively, but the following two are completely unused:

  • ランク丙 (Rank C): The clock advances by 1:30 hours. Was used in the trial version, but removed in the full version.
  • ランク丁 (Rank D): The clock advances by 2 hours. Not mentioned in the manual at all. If it was used in-game at any point, then only in the earliest trial version, which is lost to time.


Touhou8 Oumagatoki.png

This graphic (逢魔が時, commonly translated as «twilight» or «witching hour») bears a striking resemblance to Perfect Cherry Blossom’s 森羅結界 text graphic, which appears when a Supernatural Border is activated. A similar mechanic may have been planned for this game, too, but seeing as not even the manual makes mention of it, it was likely scrapped very early on.

Music Oddities

Extracting the game’s MIDI soundtrack reveals several oddities:

  • The first track in the soundtrack, track 00, is not the menu music but rather the Stage 1 theme, «Illusionary Night ~ Ghostly Eyes». It’s possible that because the song originally appeared on ZUN’s album Ghostly Field Club, the song’s MIDI was simply copypasted into the game’s soundtrack before the rest of it was written. The menu music, «Eternal Night Vignette ~ Eastern Night», is track 01.
  • The numbering on the soundtrack skips over track 02, likely because the song that would normally go there, the Stage 1 theme, is track 00.
  • th08_16.mid (Ending theme) has some notes after the loop, though they seem to be a copy of a main part.
  • The MIDI files from Trial Version 0.02 are malformed, and don’t play correctly outside of the game.

v · t · e

The Touhou Project series

PC-98 The Highly Responsive to Prayers • Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream • Lotus Land Story (Prototype) • Mystic Square
Windows the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil • Perfect Cherry Blossom (Prototype) • Imperishable Night • Phantasmagoria of Flower View • Mountain of Faith • Subterranean Animism • Undefined Fantastic Object • Ten Desires • Double Dealing Character • Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom • Hidden Star in Four Seasons • Wily Beast and Weakest Creature • Unconnected Marketeers
Windows Shoot the Bullet • Double Spoiler • Yousei Daisensou • Impossible Spell Card • Scarlet Weather Rhapsody • Antinomy of Common Flowers • Violet Detector • 100th Black Market

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night No 209 Clear

1.21 MB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night Spell 209 Clear Lunatic Red Eyes

1.18 MB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night No 210 Clear

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Touhou 8 Imperishable Night Spell Card 209 Last Word

1.01 MB

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night Spell 209 Last Word

1.18 MB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night Spell Card 209

1.34 MB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night No 92 Clear

808.59 KB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night No 217 Clear

1.10 MB

Touhou Imperishable Night Spell Card 209

1.25 MB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night No 214 Clear

965.82 KB

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night Spell Card 209 Lunatic Red Eyes Timeout

2.63 MB

Imperishable Night Spell 209

853.52 KB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night No 213 Clear

898.44 KB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night No 206 Clear

673.83 KB

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night Spell Card No 84 Hard

808.59 KB

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night Spell 108

808.59 KB

Imperishable Night 209 Lunatic Red Eyes

786.13 KB

Touhou 8 Spellcard 209

965.82 KB

Imperishable Night Extra Stage Clear 1 67 Billion

13.40 MB

Imperishable Night Last Word Reisen 209

1.21 MB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night Reisen S Last Word Bottom Dodging

1.01 MB

Touhou Imperishable Night Extra Clear Scarlet Devil Team

13.64 MB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night Spell Card 206 Clear Unseasonable Butterfly Storm

718.75 KB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night Card No 210

965.82 KB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night Spell 211 Clear Tree Ocean Of Hourai

786.13 KB

Touhou Imperishable Night Spell Card 209 Last Word

965.82 KB

Imperishable Night Spell Card 209

763.67 KB

Imperishable Night Spell Card No 208

1.73 MB

Touhou Eiyashou Imperishable Night Spell Card 209 Lunatic Red Eyes

1.73 MB

Touhou 8 Last Word 209 Lunatic Red Eyes

1.23 MB

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night Last Word Deflation World

1.07 MB

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night Spell 147 No Focus

2.87 MB

Imperishable Night Spell 206

1.14 MB

Imperishable Night 213 Ancient Duper

741.21 KB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night Spell Card 213

1.18 MB

Last Word Lunatic Red Eyes Scarlet Team

1.25 MB

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night Spell Card 112 Lunatic

988.28 KB

Imperishable Night Spell No 206 Clear

1.16 MB

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night Spell Card 119 Lunatic Last Spell

471.68 KB

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night Spell 187

583.98 KB

Imperishable Night Last Words All Touhou 8

18.53 MB

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night Spell Card 131 Lunatic

606.45 KB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night Spell Card 205

2.46 MB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night Spellcard 167 Timeout

1.73 MB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night Spell Card 217

1.10 MB

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night Spell Card 127 Lunatic

583.98 KB

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night Spell Card 220 Last Word

898.44 KB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night Spell Card No 2 Comet On Earth Timeout

853.52 KB

Imperishable Night Spell 218

1.16 MB

Touhou 08 Imperishable Night Spell Card 222

3.38 MB

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  • Impacting not a word
  • Impacted is not a word
  • Impact meaning of the word
  • Immediately follows the word if
  • Immediate constituents analysis of word