Impact meaning of the word


No one could have survived such an impact.

These warnings have been heard so often that they have lost their impact.

The book had a huge impact when it first came out.

We need to be concerned about the environmental impacts of all this construction.

She expects to make an immediate impact at work.


No one is sure how these changes will impact our relations with other countries.

Both events negatively impacted her life.

The tax increase will impact low-income families the most.

The poor economy is impacting on small businesses.

A crater was formed at the point where the meteor impacted the planet’s surface.

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Recent Examples on the Web

Gusty winds and hail storms had no impact on the sound quality or appearance of the chimes despite their location hanging in a tall tree.

Kate Mcgregor, Better Homes & Gardens, 24 Mar. 2023

Dear Sam: What impact does an absence on LinkedIn have on employment?

Dear Sam | Expert Resume, oregonlive, 24 Mar. 2023

Events like getting married or having a child can change your tax situation, while other issues can also have an impact, like getting a raise or earning gig income.

Aimee Picchi, CBS News, 24 Mar. 2023

What would the impact be on Trump, who has already weathered several scandals?

Alexandra Hutzler, ABC News, 24 Mar. 2023

One of the most tangible and terrible symbols of Vietnam’s enduring impact is Agent Orange, the lethal chemical used by American forces to destroy the jungles that hid Viet Cong forces and ravage the fields that fed them.

Steven V. Roberts, Washington Post, 23 Mar. 2023

Is economic news such as the Silicon Valley Bank failure having an impact on the Huntsville area housing market?

Scott Turner |, al, 23 Mar. 2023

While the full economic impact of the week-long event won’t be available for some time, Siegel said the tournament coverage drew 5,558 media mentions, with an overall audience reach of 6.4 billion people.

Matt Murschel, Orlando Sentinel, 23 Mar. 2023

But the biggest political impact may be in creating a tightrope that Trump’s would-be challengers, and other Republicans interested in charting a post-Trump future, will need to walk.

Patrick T. Brown, CNN, 23 Mar. 2023

That said, many things out of your control can impact your environment.

Michael De Medeiros, Health, 26 Mar. 2023

Absences in the 51-49 Senate, which has a Democratic majority, can impact the timing and outcome of votes in the chamber.

Ella Lee, USA TODAY, 25 Mar. 2023

But specific kinds impact brain chemistry in a way that gives you a more immediate and, most important, sustainable boost.

Caitlin Carlson, Women’s Health, 24 Mar. 2023

At the same time, another study said IF didn’t greatly impact weight loss.

Charmaine Patterson, Peoplemag, 23 Mar. 2023

This year’s initiative will impact students enrolled throughout the summer 2022, fall 2022 and spring 2023 semesters.

Jianna Cousin, ABC News, 23 Mar. 2023

If signed into law, Idaho’s bill could impact the state’s eight current death row inmates and possibly the future of student stabbings suspect Bryan Kohberger.

Michael Ruiz, Fox News, 23 Mar. 2023

This could impact rate-sensitive sectors such as the automotive industry.

Trefis Team, Forbes, 23 Mar. 2023

Play reviews are not enough for NBA referees to make accurate violation calls, which can impact a teams’ chances at winning or losing games.

Dana Scott, The Arizona Republic, 23 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘impact.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Impact is a relatively common word. We use it all the time, but this word has a few different definitions. That means you might be using it slightly incorrectly without even realizing it. It’s just one of those words that has more to it than meets the eye. 

So, today’s word of the day is impact. It might not be the most complex word on your word lists, but it’s an important word to understand. With that in mind here is a complete guide to impact, complete with definitions, history, synonyms, and more.

What Is the Definition of Impact?

Impact, pronounced ɪmˈpækt, has a few different meanings. It can be used both as a noun and as a verb. Here’s the breakdown of each definition of impact according to the dictionary and how they vary. 

As a noun, impact is when something strikes another thing. It can also mean forceful contact or a significant effect.

As a verb, this word means to have a direct effect on something, to strike something forcefully, or to press together.

As you can see, there are a lot of different ways that this word can be applied. In general, the meanings are fairly similar, but understanding the nuances between them can help you convey what you mean even more effectively. 

The Etymology and History of the Word Impact

The word impact — like so many words in the English language — finds its roots in Latin. Specifically, it comes from the Latin impactus, which is the past participle of impingere. This Latin word means “to push against.” 

The word first appeared in English in approximately 1601 CE. It was only used in the transitive verb form, which meant to press together. If you impact two things together, you push them together so firmly that they become fused or packed together so tightly that they won’t move. 

The noun form of the word didn’t come about until much later, in 1781 CE. At this point, it gained the definition of “a forceful contact.” Now, it can be used as the subject of a sentence. 

The ideological sense of the word did not appear until even later in history. But now, impact can describe the significant effect one action or idea has had on another. This usage is perhaps the most common now because, in western culture, people tend to talk a lot about the social impact their actions have and the legacy they leave behind. 

Examples of Impact in Action

Now that you have an idea of the different definitions of impact, let’s look at some examples of impact in a sentence. 

The huge impact of the meteor left a massive crater in the desert that can still be seen to this day.

Jared was in a car accident, but the impact did not give him any injuries.

The tremendous impact that the invention of the printing press had on the progression of humankind simply cannot be understated.

The toxic waste from the factory had an extremely harmful environmental impact.

My high school English teacher, who encouraged me to pursue my dreams, had such a positive impact on me.

The pandemic will impact our lives in more ways than we understand. 

Climate change will directly impact all of our lives if we don’t do something about it.

The baseball left a huge dent as it impacted the hood of his dad’s car.

In general, there are two meanings for this word, whether it is used in its noun form or its verb form. The first refers to the physical strong contact of one object against another, and the second refers to the metaphorical powerful effect an event, person, or action had. 

What Are Synonyms for Impact?

The word has different synonyms depending on the definition being used. Here’s a list of the synonyms you would find in a thesaurus for the word impact. 

As a noun:

  • Collision
  • Crash
  • Jolt
  • Strike
  • Impingement
  • Wallop

As a verb:

  • Affect 
  • Influence 
  • Strike 
  • Sway 

What Are the Grammatical Forms of the Word Impact?

As a verb, impact can be used in many different tenses. Impacted, impacting, impacts, will impact, has impacted — the list goes on and on. 

Impact has also been placed in many different collocations, which are the common pairings of two words. “Big impact,” “major impact,” “negative impact,” “immediate impact,” and more are all commonly used because of how important this word is to our language.

Impact in Popular Culture

In recent years, the word impact has become somewhat of a buzzword. Politicians, CEOs, and other leaders are always concerned with how their actions will impact the world. 

In corporate culture, the word has been used quite a bit in recent decades. Companies make large efforts to help boost the morale of workers by reminding them of the impact that they have on the world, their colleagues, and the daily lives of people. 

Impact is a powerful thing. The fact that our actions can positively or negatively affect somebody else is incredibly significant, and we should use our impact for the good of other people, rather than the opposite. 

The Word Impact

Now you’re familiar with all of the specific definitions of the word impact. By understanding its history and its various meanings, you can now use it in your writing and speech and be confident that you’re using it correctly. If you need a refresher on the word, feel free to come back to this guide to the word impact. 


  1. Affect/effect/impact | The Mayfield Handbook of Technical & Scientific Writing
  2. Impact Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary 
  3. Social Impact: Definition and Why is Social Impact Important? | Duke University 

воздействие, влияние, удар, столкновение, ударять, ударяться, сталкиваться


- удар, толчок, импульс

impact of waves on /against/ rocks — удар волн о скалы

- коллизия, столкновение
- влияние, воздействие; последствия

this would have a significant impact on our relations — это существенно сказалось бы на наших отношениях
environmental impact — воздействие на окружающую среду, последствия для окружающей среды

- физ. ударная сила
- воен. попадание; поражение цели

point of impact — точка падения ракеты
impact area — район падения ракеты

- спорт. момент удара по мячу


- плотно сжимать, уплотнять
- плотно вгонять, прочно укреплять
- ударять (особ. спорт.)
- ударяться
- (on) оказывать воздействие

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Both events negatively impacted her life.

Оба события негативно повлияли на её жизнь.

The poor economy is impacting on small businesses.

Плохое состояние экономики влияет на малый бизнес.

The plane’s wing was damaged on impact.

При ударе крыло самолёта было повреждено.

The bullet explodes on impact.

При ударе пуля разрывается.

We need to assess the impact on climate change.

Нам необходимо оценить влияние на климатические изменения.

The force of the impact knocked the breath out of her.

Сила удара сбила её дыхание.

The mother’s behaviour has a profound impact on the developing child.

Поведение матери оказывает сильное воздействие на развитие ребенка.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

impacted  — уплотненный
impactful  — имеющий ударную силу, эффективный
impaction  — сжатие, сжатость, закрепление, закрепленность, столкновение, удар
impactive  — вызванный столкновением, ударный, потрясающий
impactor  — молотковая дробилка, импактор, ударный копер

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: impact
he/she/it: impacts
ing ф. (present participle): impacting
2-я ф. (past tense): impacted
3-я ф. (past participle): impacted

ед. ч.(singular): impact
мн. ч.(plural): impacts

A number of studies on the social impact of the Tangaye project were undertaken by Roberts. 3 These studies examined the “impact of mechanising arduous, time-consuming village tasks on the life of women, with the power source viewed as a black-box”. 4 They were studies of the effects of pumped water supply and a power-operated grain mill in a remote village. ❋ Unknown (1984)

Mr. Roberts said the company can better absorb the margin impact from the deal now that costs are lowered. ❋ Paul Ziobro (2010)

I define and use the term impact indicators as those issues that directly affect positively or negatively food security such as population, water, land, and economic growth/development. ❋ Amb. Robin Renee Sanders (2011)

You guys are delusional … Flora brings together excellent quotes, and the main impact is … (as she puts in her piece), “the war will only be lost at home”. ❋ Unknown (2006)

But the impact is always short term because after an electoral swing (or even not) the next Congress may legislate completely the other way or a third way. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The opportunity to hyper personalize communication and accurately track our members and their impact is here. ❋ George Weiner (2010)

Half say the government has a big effect on their daily lives — up significantly from 10 years ago — but most of those say the impact is a negative one. ❋ Jon Cohen (2010)

One route to impact is to have success in American Industry. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I get a reminder of what the impact is at each distance as well as some practice in the fundamentals. ❋ Unknown (2009)

«There’s still a lot of wariness of what that long-term impact is going to be.» ❋ AP (2010)

The longer-term impact is on how we view them in terms of reliability. ❋ Vladimir Guevarra (2010)

But their impact is usually as decaying, moisture-laden tropical storms (wind speeds under 74 miles per hour) or their remnants, rather than hurricanes. ❋ Don Lipman (2010)

I am sure, of course, the same happens elsewhere, but in our little islands, the impact is always so much closer to our daily lives. ❋ Unknown (2009)

How does this term impact methodologies/ambitions of past/current work? ❋ Carla Leitao (2012)

The lack of [frogs] in [the forest] has a major AFFECT on the [ecosystem]?
The lack of frogs in the forest has a major EFFECT on the ecosystem?

The lack of frogs in the forest has a major impact on the ecosystem. ❋ Just_a_guy_making_an_impact (2019)

[What is that] [knight’s] impact? ❋ Anonymous (2004)

When the man tried to [mug] [Molly], she used the techniques she had learned in impact classes to [defend] herself and save her life. ❋ Iwillremainanonymous (2007)

1. Pass me [Impact], I’m off to the [bog]!
2. That Impact is a [soiled] rag!
3. Man that’s shit — have you been reading Impact again? ❋ Uncle Yusuf (2004)

My impaction was so bad I had to see a [doctor] to [have it] [removed]. ❋ Resedo (2009)

[The bad] [news] of the day had a large impaction on my [state of mind]. ❋ Beneski (2007)

«The board was convinced that my new ad campaign for [arsenic] and semen flavored [lollipops] for [tots] will be incredibly impactful and will generate heaps of sales.» ❋ J. Spaghetti (2007)

Dude 1: «[Why do] you watch so much [wrestling]?»
Dude 2: «Because it’s [full of] impaction!» ❋ Rebel_shadow973 (2018)

Wow, that [campaign] is really impactful [yeah, you] understand what [i mean] yeah, yeah? ❋ Tired Creative (2005)

-Most [lolcat] pictures have Impact text
-I want to photoshop [Luigi’s] face onto [Charlie Sheen’s] head. How much Impact would that have, you figure? ❋ Rohandrius (2011)

  • 1

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > impact

  • 2

    IMPACT, implementation planning and control technique


    IMPACT, improved administrative capability test

    проверка усовершенствованных методов и средств административного обеспечения

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > IMPACT

  • 3


    1) уда́р, толчо́к; и́мпульс

    2) столкнове́ние, колли́зия

    3) влия́ние, возде́йствие

    1) пло́тно сжима́ть

    2) про́чно укрепля́ть

    3) ударя́ть(ся); ста́лкиваться

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > impact

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > impact

  • 5

    English-Russian dictionary of modern abbreviations > IMPACT

  • 6

    impact 1. удар, толчок, импульс; 2. влияние, воздействие

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > impact

  • 7

    Англо-русский технический словарь > impact

  • 8

    1. n удар, толчок, импульс

    2. n коллизия, столкновение

    3. n влияние, воздействие; последствия

    4. n физ. ударная сила

    5. n воен. попадание; поражение цели

    6. n спорт. момент удара по мячу

    7. v плотно сжимать, уплотнять

    8. v плотно вгонять, прочно укреплять

    9. v ударять

    10. v ударяться

    11. v оказывать воздействие

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. appulse (noun) appulse; blow; bump; clash; collision; concussion; contact; crash; force; impingement; impression; jar; jolt; jounce; percussion; shock; smash; violent contact; wallop

    3. effect (noun) bearing; effect; imprint; influence; mark; repercussion

    5. influence (verb) affect; impress; influence; move; sway; touch

    English-Russian base dictionary > impact

  • 9

    1. удар

    2. напряжение от удара

    3. ударная нагрузка

    4. ударная сила

    5. влияние, воздействие

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > impact

  • 10

    1) соударение; столкновение

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > impact

  • 11

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > impact

  • 12

    1. удар
    2. точечно-матричный
    3. прочно укреплять
    4. программа управления имеющимися ядерными материалами (на АЭС) и методы их контроля
    5. программа управления запасами и методы их контроля
    6. плотно сжимать
    7. отрицательно воздействовать
    8. оказывать воздействие
    9. механический удар
    10. международное многостороннее партнерство против кибертерроризма
    11. воздействие (на систему, объект)
    12. воздействие (в менеджменте)
    13. воздействие
    14. влияние

    (ITIL Service Operation) (ITIL Service Transition) Мера воздействия инцидента, проблемы или изменения на бизнес-процесс. Влияние часто основано том, как будут затронуты уровни услуги. влияние и срочность используются для определения приоритета.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    (ITIL Service Operation) (ITIL Service Transition) A measure of the effect of an incident, problem or change on business processes. Impact is often based on how service levels will be affected. Impact and urgency are used to assign priority.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    • информационные технологии в целом


    • impact

    воздействие (на систему, объект)
    Действие, направленное на систему (или иной объект) и определяющее ее переход от одного состояния к другому, изменяющее ее качество в том или ином направлении; может быть двух видов: целенаправленное (управляющее, см. Управление экономической системой) и возмущающее (см. Возмущение). И то, и другое может быть, в свою очередь, регулярное (систематическое) и случайное (вероятностное).


    • экономика


    • impact

    международное многостороннее партнерство против кибертерроризма

    Решение о создании Глобального центра по мониторингу угроз на безграничном пространстве Интернета принято в апреле 2008 года на первом Международном саммите по проблемам информационной безопасности. Система IMPACT будет в постоянном режиме следить за интернет-угрозами и периодически составлять экспертные отчеты. В случае возникновения чрезвычайных ситуаций, связанных с IT-системами, все страны, входящие в Международное многостороннее партнерство против кибертерроризма (IMPACT), «будут оперативно обмениваться всеми доступными ресурсами и сведениями». Помимо предотвращения IT-атак, IMPACT ведет пропаганду концепции «безопасного Интернета».


    • защита информации


    • IMPACT


    • international multilateral partnership against cyber-terrorism
    • IMPACT

    механический удар
    Кратковременное механическое воздействие твердых тел при их столкновении между собой и сопутствующие этому процессу явления
    Механический удар может быть однократного и многократного действия.
    Разновидностью механического удара является баллистический удар.
    Баллистический удар — удар тела при его встрече с преградой в процессе баллистического полета.
    Баллистический полет — полет тела, происходящий при отсутствии аэродинамической подъемной силы.
    [ ГОСТ 26883-86]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    The aluminum housing is a mix of aluminium and silicon called Silumin, which gives an excellent protection against corrosion while being robust and tough against impact and sun light.

    Алюминиевый корпус выполнен из силумина — сплава алюминия и кремния, обладающего отличной коррозионной стойкостью, а также стойкостью к воздействию механических ударов и солнечной радиации.
    [Перевод Интент]


    • внешние воздействующие факторы

    Обобщающие термины

    • механический ВВФ


    • impact
    • impulse
    • mechanical shock
    • physical shock

    Совокупность явлений, возникающих при столкновении движущихся твёрдых тел, а также при некоторых видах взаимодействия твёрдого тела с жидкостью или газом
    [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]


    • науки технические другие


    • impact
    • shock


    • StojŞ


    • choc
    • impact

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > impact

  • 13

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > impact

  • 14

    1. удар; соударение

    2. влияние; воздействие

    controlled impact

    crash impact

    design impact

    elastic impact

    forehead impact

    fuselage impact

    ground impact

    head-stick impact

    helmet-canopy impact

    land impact

    landing impact

    left wing impact

    low-energy impact

    low-speed impact

    noise impact

    nose impact

    nose-on impact

    occupant-stick impact

    principal impact

    touchdown impact

    turbulence impact

    water impact

    Авиасловарь > impact

  • 15

    Politics english-russian dictionary > impact

  • 16

    удар, толчок; столкновение, соударение; см. тж. shock; падение ; воздействие, влияние

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > impact

  • 17

    [̘. ̈n.ˈɪmpækt]

    bookkeeping impact воздействие на бухгалтерский учет cash flow impact влияние движения денежной наличности cash flow impact влияние движения ликвидности cross impact вчт. перекрестное влияние economic impact экономическое влияние impact влияние impact воздействие impact импульс impact коллизия impact контактный impact побуждение impact столкновение impact удар, столкновение impact удар impact on liquidity of central government finance влияние государственного финансирования на ликвидность price-dampening impact воздействие демпинговых цен

    English-Russian short dictionary > impact

  • 18

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > impact

  • 19

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > impact

  • 20

    acoustic impact

    звуковой удар

    aircraft impact

    столкновение воздушного судна

    aircraft impact angle

    угол удара воздушного судна

    attitude at impact

    пространственное положение в момент удара

    extreme impact damage

    полное разрушение при ударе

    impact load

    ударная нагрузка

    impact stroke

    прямой ход

    (амортстойки шасси)
    impact test

    испытание на ударную нагрузку

    on impact

    при прямом ходе

    shock strut impact travel

    прямой ход амортизатора

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > impact


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • impact — [ ɛ̃pakt ] n. m. • 1824; lat. impactum, supin de impingere « heurter » 1 ♦ Collision, heurt. Sous l impact d un projectile. POINT D IMPACT : endroit où le projectile vient frapper, et par ext. trace qu il laisse. 2 ♦ (v. 1965) Effet d une action… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • IMPACT — (engl. „Stoß“, „Einschlag“, „Wirkung“) steht für: den Einschlag eines Himmelskörpers, siehe Impakt die wahrgenommene Differenz an Informationsgehalt vor und nach der Übermittlung einer Information, siehe Impact (Kommunikationswissenschaft) eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Impact — (engl. „Stoß“, „Einschlag“, „Wirkung“ bzw. lat. impactus, PPP von impingere = einschlagen) steht für: den Einschlag eines Himmelskörpers, siehe Impakt die wahrgenommene Differenz an Informationsgehalt vor und nach der Übermittlung einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • impact — n Impact, impingement, collision, clash, shock, concussion, percussion, jar, jolt mean a forcible or enforced contact between two or more things, especially a contact so violent as to affect seriously one or the other or all of the persons or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • impact — IMPÁCT, impacturi, s.n. 1. (livr.) Ciocnire a două sau mai multor corpuri. 2. Influenţă, înrâurire a unei idei, a unei lucrări etc. asupra unei persoane, asupra evenimentelor etc. 3. Şoc; surpriză. – Din fr. impact, lat. impactus. Trimis de gall …   Dicționar Român

  • Impact — Categoría Sans serif Diseñador(es) Geoffrey Lee Empresa Stephenso …   Wikipedia Español

  • impact — The literal meaning of the noun is ‘the action of one body coming forcibly into contact with another’, and refers to physical collision. The figurative meaning ‘strong effect or influence’ is justifiable when there is a corresponding figurative… …   Modern English usage

  • Impact FM — est une radio lyonnaise diffusant ses programmes uniquement sur Lyon et sa région. Elle diffuse les plus grands succès des années 1960, 1970 et 1980. Voir aussi Les Indépendants Lien externe Site de la radio Ce document provient de « Impact FM » …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Impact — Impact, TX U.S. town in Texas Population (2000): 39 Housing Units (2000): 16 Land area (2000): 0.086631 sq. miles (0.224374 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.086631 sq. miles (0.224374 sq. km)… …   StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Impact, TX — U.S. town in Texas Population (2000): 39 Housing Units (2000): 16 Land area (2000): 0.086631 sq. miles (0.224374 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.086631 sq. miles (0.224374 sq. km) FIPS code:… …   StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • impact — [n1] collision, force appulse, bang, blow, bounce, brunt, buffet, bump, clash, concussion, contact, crash, crunch, crush, encounter, hit, impingement, jar, jolt, jounce, kick, knock, meeting, percussion, pound, punch, quake, quiver, ram, rap,… …   New thesaurus

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