If you don t know the meaning of a word you can in a dictionary

1 вопрос

Maria ___ Brazilian.

Варианты ответов:

  • c) is
  • a) are
  • b) am
  • d) be

2 вопрос

Paul’s studying medicine because he wants to be a ______.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) lawyer
  • b) teacher
  • d) builder
  • c) doctor

3 вопрос

Jim ___ got a car.

Варианты ответов:

  • b) hasn’t
  • a) doesn’t
  • d) haven’t
  • c) isn’t

4 вопрос

John ___ is brother.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) Peter his
  • c) of Peter
  • b) Peter
  • a) Peter’s

5 вопрос

What’s your ___ sport?

Варианты ответов:

  • a) important
  • b) favourite
  • c) beautiful
  • d) nice

6 вопрос

Excuse me. _____ time please?

Варианты ответов:

  • b) What is
  • c) Have you got the
  • a) You have the
  • d) What

7 вопрос

What time ____ get up in the morning?

Варианты ответов:

  • b) do you
  • c) are you
  • a) you
  • d) you do

8 вопрос

I usually ____ at the supermarket on Saturday mornings.

Варианты ответов:

  • b) eat out
  • a) go for a drink
  • c) do sport
  • d) go shopping

9 вопрос

What ____ Mary for her birthday?

Варианты ответов:

  • d) let’s
  • b) shall we buy
  • a) about buying buy
  • c) to buy

10 вопрос

My brother ___ in London.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) live
  • d) living
  • b) lives
  • c) is lived

11 вопрос

____ there a restaurant near here?

Варианты ответов:

  • c) Do
  • d) Is
  • a) Are
  • b) Have

12 вопрос

Do you prefer to have a ____ or a bath in your bathroom?

Варианты ответов:

  • a) shower
  • d) fridge
  • b) cooker
  • c) washing machine

13 вопрос

How __ is the cheese sandwich please?

Варианты ответов:

  • a) price
  • b) much
  • d) money
  • c) cost

14 вопрос

____ the food like at that Indian restaurant you went to last night?

Варианты ответов:

  • a) Did you
  • b) Was
  • d) How did
  • c) What was

15 вопрос

I like _____ because I like to laugh.

Варианты ответов:

  • c) action films
  • b) comedies
  • a) love stories
  • d) science fiction films

16 вопрос

London is more ____ than Paris.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) noisier
  • a) dangerous
  • c) cleaner
  • b) bigger

17 вопрос

___ to go for a pizza this evening?

Варианты ответов:

  • d) Would you like
  • b) What do you want
  • c) Would you rather
  • a) Do you like

18 вопрос

Look! It ____.

Варианты ответов:

  • c) does rain
  • a) rains
  • b) raining
  • d) is raining

19 вопрос

Hello, ___ I speak to Jane please?

Варианты ответов:

  • b) will
  • d) am
  • a) can
  • c) do

20 вопрос

Peter loves giving presents, he’s very ___.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) selfish
  • c) lazy
  • d) generous
  • b) shy

21 вопрос

What’s ____? You look upset.

Варианты ответов:

  • b) happen
  • a) bad
  • d) wrong
  • c) matter

22 вопрос

If you do more exercise you will ____.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) lose weight
  • b) stop to smoke
  • d) have a holiday
  • c) work less

23 вопрос

To get to the Post Office, ____ at the end of this road.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) go along
  • c) turn right
  • d) go past
  • b) go over

24 вопрос

Bye bye, George! ____ a nice weekend!

Варианты ответов:

  • d) Pass
  • b) Have
  • a) Make
  • c) Do

25 вопрос

BILL: I really love football. JIM: _____ .

Варианты ответов:

  • b) So am I
  • d) Oh, I do
  • c) So do I
  • a) Neither do I

26 вопрос

I ___ 18 years old when I started my first job.

Варианты ответов:

  • c) was
  • d) did
  • b) had
  • a) were

27 вопрос

I didn’t ___ TV last night.

Варианты ответов:

  • b) watching
  • c) watch
  • d) not watched
  • a) watched

28 вопрос

My grandfather was born eighty years _____.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) before
  • b) last
  • a) since
  • c) ago

29 вопрос

It was nice to meet you. See you ___, I hope.

Варианты ответов:

  • b) more
  • a) later
  • d) longer
  • c) always

30 вопрос

Many people prefer jobs with flexible ___.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) working hours
  • b) office
  • d) holiday pay
  • c) salary

31 вопрос

I’m ___ sorry, but I can’t come to your party tonight.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) much
  • c) really
  • b) awful
  • d) such

32 вопрос

John ___ his wife in 2004.

Варианты ответов:

  • b) met
  • d) was met
  • c) did he meet
  • a) has met

33 вопрос

I’m sure ___ a great time at the party next Saturday.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) we go to have
  • c) we have
  • b) we’re having
  • a) we’ll have

34 вопрос

How much time do you ___ doing your English homework?

Варианты ответов:

  • d) spend
  • a) work
  • c) make
  • b) give

35 вопрос

Are you going shopping? ____ with you if you like.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) I’ll come
  • c) I’m coming
  • d) I can be coming
  • b) I come

36 вопрос

Jane is the ___ girl in her class.

Варианты ответов:

  • c) worse
  • d) happiest
  • b) more popular
  • a) richer

37 вопрос

Excuse me, I ___ if you could show me the way to the train station?

Варианты ответов:

  • d) hope
  • a) would like
  • b) wonder
  • c) may ask

38 вопрос

You shouldn’t ___ a lady how old she is.

Варианты ответов:

  • b) ask
  • a) asked
  • c) asking
  • d) to ask

39 вопрос

In England people usually ___ hands when they first meet.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) put
  • b) shake
  • a) kiss
  • c) take

40 вопрос

Hurry up or we’ll ___ our train!

Варианты ответов:

  • a) lose
  • d) miss
  • c) catch
  • b) fail

41 вопрос

I was so ____ yesterday because I fell asleep in class!

Варианты ответов:

  • b) nervous
  • d) embarrassed
  • c) guilty
  • a) calm

42 вопрос

______ anything next Friday?

Варианты ответов:

  • c) Would you do
  • d) Are you doing
  • b) Do you do
  • a) Do you

43 вопрос

Many types of watches ____ in Switzerland.

Варианты ответов:

  • c) are making
  • a) are made
  • b) made
  • d) is made

44 вопрос

I like these trousers but they don’t ____ me. They’re much too small!

Варианты ответов:

  • a) suit
  • b) size
  • c) fit
  • d) match

45 вопрос

I _____ my driving test last week, so now I’ll have to take it again.

Варианты ответов:

  • b) lost
  • d) got
  • a) passed
  • c) failed

46 вопрос

SUSAN: I’ve got four sisters. RUTH: ____ you?

Варианты ответов:

  • b) Got
  • c) Are
  • a) Do
  • d) Have

47 вопрос

What would you ___ do if you a million pounds?

Варианты ответов:

  • d) winning
  • b) would win
  • a) win
  • c) won

48 вопрос

I’m trying to ___ money to buy a new car.

Варианты ответов:

  • b) waste
  • c) spend
  • d) lend
  • a) save

49 вопрос

You’re from Liverpool, ____?

Варианты ответов:

  • b) isn’t it
  • c) don’t you
  • d) you are
  • a) aren’t you

50 вопрос

You _____ to study hard if you want to pass your exams.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) supposed
  • b) should
  • c) have
  • a) must

51 вопрос

I’m usually too ____ after work to go out.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) furious
  • b) exhausted
  • d) angry
  • c) fascinated

52 вопрос

My parents ____ married since 1985.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) got
  • b) are
  • c) were
  • a) have been

53 вопрос

If you go to London, the Tate Modern is really worth ______.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) see
  • c) to be seen
  • a) to see
  • b) seeing

54 вопрос

I ___ home yesterday when it started raining.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) have been walking
  • a) walked
  • b) was walking
  • c) have walked

55 вопрос

John wants to be president of his company – he’s very ______!

Варианты ответов:

  • c) ambitious
  • b) responsible
  • a) stubborn
  • d) independent

56 вопрос

People say English people tend _____ rather reserved.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) be
  • c) to be
  • a) being
  • b) be

57 вопрос

I try to ____ my desk every day after work.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) tidy up
  • c) put away
  • a) go through
  • b) clear out

58 вопрос

The thing you open bottles with is _____ a bottle opener in English.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) said
  • c) named
  • b) spoken
  • d) called

59 вопрос

Take your umbrella _____ it rains.

Варианты ответов:

  • c) as
  • d) in case
  • b) because
  • a) unless

60 вопрос

Could you ___ me a favour please?

Варианты ответов:

  • d) help
  • b) make
  • c) give
  • a) do

61 вопрос

In order to log on to a computer you sometimes need to enter a ____.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) password
  • b) software
  • a) link
  • c) web site

62 вопрос

Many new houses _____ in the town where I live.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) build
  • b) have been building
  • c) are being built
  • d) are building

63 вопрос

_____ to post that card to Pete – it’s his birthday tomorrow.

Варианты ответов:

  • c) Don’t forget
  • d) You’d better
  • b) You should
  • a) If I were you, I’d

64 вопрос

I don’t know many people ______ still smoke nowadays.

Варианты ответов:

  • b) what
  • d) who
  • a) they
  • c) which

65 вопрос

Mary went to the party ____ of her headache.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) despite
  • b) in spite
  • c) even though
  • a) although

66 вопрос

I think I’ve got a cold. I can’t stop _____.

Варианты ответов:

  • c) sneeze
  • a) to sneeze
  • b) sneezing
  • d) the sneezing

67 вопрос

If you don’t know the meaning of a word you can ___ in a dictionary.

Варианты ответов:

  • b) point it out
  • d) come up with it
  • a) get it out
  • c) look it up

68 вопрос

____ I opened the window?

Варианты ответов:

  • c) Could
  • b) Would you mind if
  • a) May
  • d) Do you mind

69 вопрос

My doctor __ me I should eat less meat.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) told
  • b) spoke to
  • c) said
  • d) told to

70 вопрос

Peter ___ me to go to the theatre with him next week.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) suggested
  • a) offered
  • b) invited
  • c) promised

71 вопрос

Sorry, I didn’t quite ____ what you said.

Варианты ответов:

  • c) take
  • a) catch
  • b) listen
  • d) know

72 вопрос

I wish I ____ get up early every morning!

Варианты ответов:

  • d) wouldn’t have to
  • c) hadn’t
  • a) didn’t have to
  • b) mustn’t

73 вопрос

Jane ____ from Cambridge University with a degree in Law.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) graduated
  • d) qualified
  • c) studied
  • b) passed

74 вопрос

Hi Jenny. How’s it ____?

Варианты ответов:

  • b) getting
  • a) making
  • c) going
  • d) doing

75 вопрос

I don’t smoke now, but I ____ smoke 20 a day!

Варианты ответов:

  • a) am used to
  • c) use to
  • b) used to
  • d) was used to

76 вопрос

Paris is ___ the Eiffel Tower.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) excited about
  • c) fascinated by
  • a) famous for
  • b) impressed by

77 вопрос

If I ____ earlier, I wouldn’t have been late for work.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) have left
  • a) left
  • b) was leaving
  • c) had left

78 вопрос

JACK: Would you like me to help you? SUE: No it’s OK, but thanks ____.

Варианты ответов:

  • c) you offer
  • a) to offer
  • d) for offering
  • b) the offer

79 вопрос

The film sounded interesting, but it ___ to be really boring

Варианты ответов:

  • b) took off
  • d) turned out
  • a) worked out
  • c) came round

80 вопрос

PETER: I’ve just won a million pounds! BILL: You must ____!

Варианты ответов:

  • d) joking
  • a) joke
  • b) be joking
  • c) make a joke

81 вопрос

This time next week I ____ on the beach on holiday!

Варианты ответов:

  • d) will be sitting
  • b) am sitting
  • c) will sit
  • a) will go to sit

82 вопрос

One argument ____ not smoking is that you save a lot of money!

Варианты ответов:

  • c) it’d be better if
  • d) to make you
  • b) to agree with
  • a) in favour of

83 вопрос

I have never ____ to Scotland.

Варианты ответов:

  • c) been
  • d) going
  • b) went
  • a) been going

84 вопрос

___ my advice!

Варианты ответов:

  • d) Do
  • a) Listen
  • c) Take
  • b) Hear

85 вопрос

It’s usually cheaper to call a ___ than a mobile phone.

Варианты ответов:

  • b) ring tone
  • c) landline
  • d) network
  • a) voicemail

86 вопрос

Sorry to bother you, but ____ I could have a word with you?

Варианты ответов:

  • d) I was wondering if
  • b) it is possible
  • c) I would like
  • a) I wonder

87 вопрос

I’m going to ask my bank for a ___ to redecorate the kitchen.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) credit
  • c) savings
  • b) loan
  • d) debt

88 вопрос

ANDREW: I’m sorry I’m late. DAVID: It _____ !

Варианты ответов:

  • a) doesn’t matter
  • d) alright
  • c) never mind
  • b) matters

89 вопрос

I was ___ tired last night that I fell asleep on the sofa.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) such
  • c) so
  • a) very
  • b) too

90 вопрос

Do you fancy ____ away for the weekend?

Варианты ответов:

  • d) we go
  • c) going
  • b) go
  • a) to go

91 вопрос

How often do you have ___?

Варианты ответов:

  • c) got your hair cut
  • b) cut your hair
  • a) your hair cut
  • d) hair cut

92 вопрос

My husband is useless at home – he can’t even ___ a light-bulb!

Варианты ответов:

  • a) change
  • d) dry-clean
  • b) put up
  • c) fix

93 вопрос

What ___ me about Steve is that he’s always late!

Варианты ответов:

  • b) annoys
  • d) dislikes
  • c) hates
  • a) bores

94 вопрос

By 2020 I believe we will ____ a settlement on Mars.

Варианты ответов:

  • a) have built
  • c) be built
  • b) have been building
  • d) been built

95 вопрос

It’s difficult to ____ a living with a part-time job.

Варианты ответов:

  • d) do
  • c) work
  • a) get
  • b) make

96 вопрос

I haven’t got my keys. I ____ them at home.

Варианты ответов:

  • c) couldn’t leave
  • a) should have left
  • b) must leave
  • d) must have left


Updated on

15 Aug 2018

  • Italian
  • English (US)

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Question about English (US)

If you don't know the meaning of a word, you can........... in a dictionary
What's the right phrasal verb that can fill the gap?
-Get it out
-Point it out
-Come up woth it
-Look ot up

  • up- is up, down- is down. but if you add a word, for example, calm down and calm up, it will not …


    First, calm up is not a word.
    Second, it isn’t relating to height specifically, but it’s relating to a level of sorts. Do you know how when …

  • somebody can explain to me how do you use the verb ‘rock’ because I’ve heard that as a verb but I…


    You can say «You rock!» This means «You are great/awesome/cool» :) Other examples are «This rocks!» «The food rocks!»

  • Can I ask you a question ? Like some phrase for example : test it out. Try it out. When the ve…


    With those sentences, the speaker is encouraging the listener to do something.

    “Try it out” means the speaker wants the listener to try som…

  • give me a phrasal verb with its meaning!


    call out-to challenge

  • Could you mention all ways that the adverb can come before the verb?


    @Amr_Imam I have is one of them..

    You usually use the adverb after the have…

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    You would use it as if you were serious
    Ex: She literally read 50 books

  • *the word or verb is about some issues that people already knew what it was but hesitate to bring…


    The elephant in the room? haha

  • What’s the use of the word ‘on’ in the verb phrase ‘give up on you’? Can I just say ‘give up you’?


    It isn’t meant to be taken literally. It just means to stop believing in someone. As a native speaker, «give up you» sounds weird; don’t use …

  • What does When you check sth you say ‘go over’, Is Preposition ‘Over’ at this phrasal verb meanin…


    in this phrase yes

  • How would you use “boketto” in english conversation?

    It doesn’t officially have any definition …


    This could possibly be translated to «emptying your mind» or «empty mind»

  • Could you please explain the meaning of “every stone in its testimonial“ in the following sentenc…
  • What’s the meaning of » teacher tape class» ??? I wanna know the meaning of take as well
  • What’s the meaning of » with hindsight»? Could you tell me with example?
  • “What do you call an interracial relationship?”


    What’s the catch here??

  • what is correct?
    Where are you study?
    Where do you study?

    Thank you.

  • How to respond to «I hope you are doing well»?
  • Choose the correct answer :
    Despite a reputation for——output, he had the —-to take credit f…
  • If you are not the correct person, please direct me the correct one.
    Does this sentence sound nat…
  • Which of these sound natural?
    1. This type of job is easy to find.
    2. This type of job is easy to…
  • Why is this not correct?

    It’s very large for me to wear.

    My textbook says it should be «It’…

  • I don’t need gas anymore.

    Please see cashier.


  • Can I use “be better able to do something” if I compare my own skills of doing two different thin…
  • Do Americans often use a phrase «hit the hay»?
  • I’m sorry to ask you at the last minute.

    ▶️ Is it correct to say?

  • «I’m pushed for time.»
  • Does this sound natural?

    You need to stop at some point now.

  • ‎Does this sound natural?

    My son is going to get pictures taken in a photo studio. I suddenly ha…

  • A: I’ve left my phone at home again.

    B: Typical!

    What does“typical” mean

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  • How do you say this in English (US)? caderno
  • How do you say this in Spanish (Spain)? je fais des études viticoles. le marché du vin est floris…

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Have you written down ______ names?

They decided to go on a hike ______ the rain.
despite of
despite in
in spite
in spite of

If you don’t know the meaning of this word, _____ in the dictionary.
chase it up
search it out
look it up
find it out 

Did you fix these shelves ______? 
all on yourself
all at yourself
all with yourself
all by yourself

My grandma makes me ______ carrots, but I prefer ice-cream.
to eat
to eating

You were rude ______ him for no reason.

When I was a student I ______ to discos every Friday night.
used to go 
was used to go 
use to went
used to going

We ______ the project by the end of the month.
shall finish
are finishing
will have finished
will be finishing

I am here to say that we ______ next week. Everything is ready.
will leave
are leaving
will be leaving
will have left

This time tomorrow our family ______ on the beach of the Mediterranean sea.
will lie
is lying
will be lying
will have lain

I have found only one book. Where is ______?
the others 
the other

She didn’t know that he ______ her.
would betray
will betray
is going to betray

______ three years had passed before we met again.
The other

The happy man went to see his mother-in-law ______.

I ______ him since we ______school.
haven’t seen / left
didn’t see / left
didn’t see / have left
haven’t seen / have left

If the child ______ no better, we shall have to take him to hospital.

The boy almost never walks his dog in the morning, ______?
is he
doesn’t he
does he
isn’t he

I play football with friends every weekend. — ______.
So I play
So I do
So am I 
So do I

I ______ home when somebody ______ my name.
went / was calling
was going / called
went / called

______ tourists are staying here.
only few 
only little 
only a few
only a little 

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Вопрос № 3645

Soon we will be able to afford a new flat. The prices are …

getting back

falling down

going up

coming down

Вопрос № 3646

The International decimal system of _______ and measures is based on the metre and kilogram





  • #1

I have to use this sentence in a spanish project but I am not sure how to say it…



Senior Member

Sbaeneg/Castellano (Venezuela)

  • #2

Si no sabes el significado de una palabra prueba a buscarla en el diccionario.

I think it sounds more natural. :)

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  • If you don t know a word you can look in your dictionary
  • If you could put in a good word for me
  • If you could only say one word what would it be
  • If you could describe yourself in one word
  • If you continue in my word